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stop giving women attention
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This bitch killed my exs neighbor
Fuck that guy

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I like the girl mimicking him. and the song is nice
for real tho, bitches aint shit. this ones for the boys amirite? little kisses in between gaming sessions and tuggies after the gym, real ones know what im talking about. we having platonic relations tonite!!
thank u all for promoting heterosexuality. straightness is the only way forward in this world.
this is actually just a normal day for nils
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t. Ranners
what album do i listen to while doing dishes?
why do you feel that way?
what about the shit eating?
>stop giving women attention
where do you think we are right now ?
And so another day begins.
it was implied
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feck i was tryna molchat post

jannies r stinky and smelly
Hello stu.
Dogshit OP, dogshit thread, why not make a new one? Where's that one lady when you need her.
i need to know what you think about nikocado avocados weight loss
you try sitting at a computer all day banning passoids and ignoring 100s of annoying people constantly reporting deranged trolls and see if you have time for a bath. they are doing the best they can ok
angry that the op called you out?
jannies are based for banning attentionwhores like you
i'm just kidding but i do believe in straight pride bcuz straight people are just too oppressed
Is this your only response retard? You already used this one.
NTA but "CGTOW" with a qott and nice pic instead of a mass murderer would've been fun but their goal is to not have fun so
chasers are treated like the n words of this board
Chill out.
It ruined my desire to post his asshole for a few weeks. I also watched the 7 hour video about him the day before he revealed he was 2 steps ahead and I feel like it was wasted time now.
we don't need any of that
>for a few weeks
anon i dont want to be mean but any time spent thinking about nikocado avocado is wasted time
Why does jade miss you?
7 hours about nikocado are you serious
Then where's the girl with a collar and whip for me?
Like it fucking matters. Thread's already fucked.
So? Thread's not important, being chill is important. How was your day?
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this is nice
I'm pissed off now. Telling people to chill out when they're already mad doesn't make it better, makes it worse. I'm gonna go do anything else.
Yeah it was like 2 weeks until I was passionate about posting his asshole again.

I really like him. He's a fun spectacle.

I can link you the video if it's still up if you want.
Seethe harder.
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Who tryna play hardcore wow fr
Who tryna play with my balls fr
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>Ava tweeted that she got SRS last week
a moment of silence please
This is good actually
Took her long enough
Proud of her if real.
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Shd we all chip in to send her a flowers and a box of tampons
New trip? Where'd you come from?
lol this my anthem fr
hey that's great news! hope her recovery goes well
Good for her. I know she really wanted it.
You know she must have got that premium Thai pussy
Doctor chud, give me the asian model
elliot rodger is so fucking beautiful
Chasers, are you winning?
Hell yeah
16 my swedish nigga
Is this Sage the hot girl who chopped her hair and now looks like jet neptune
16 bro bro
what's up with all the trips suddenly
Cute what does the back say?
no it's me being cheeky because i didn't like this thread's OP lol
Ignore them.
>7 minutes
What's Ava's twitter?
She made it
no i want an answer
None of it is genuine. It's all bait.
Whoever is responsible for normalizing 2 minute songs to braindead zoomers should be hanged
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i'm gonna start to play retail hehe
torn between enh shaman and fury warr
for enh i was gonna do either deaenei for ally or zanda for horde depending on what faction my frends wanna do. for warr i was gonna do dracthyr when 11.0.5 drops :))
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Uhh the radio industry of the 1950s?
It's fucked up that I can't understand WoW talk anymore. Dirge.
i listen to plenty of long songs i just don't want to invest 7 minutes into some rando channers music taste gramps
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I wonder if I could have a neet chaser harem
>11 minutes
I howled.
I wonder if I could have a neet trans harem
"poor baby"
Can Mama help?
This is wrong and irrelevant.
i wonder what it feels like holding the hand of a girl, probably like cotton candy
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chasergen. oughaugh. my friends dragged me back into a minecraft server and my brain has devolved into sludge after one (1) night of playing
I wish I had minecraft buddies
at once point it inspired me to make a playlist of songs about dancing and happiness with it at the top
It inspired me to make a playlist entirely about dancing too! And that then served as the basis for an entire piece of writing that has since fanned out to consume much of my life lol.
Maybe but i dont know
>i wonder what it feels like holding the hand of a girl, probably like cotton candy
Its better
Next to each other on the playlist even.
> my brain has devolved into sludge
same. i might try frengen and setup a 4-party Minecraft thing later. but, at the same time, I kinda dont want to because doing that makes me feel like im chasing the past again. i used to play Minecraft with my friends all the time and i dont think chasing the past will make me feel happier. I’d honestly behead all of you if it meant id get a cute puppywife that’ll play Minecraft with me
that image lol
because i can only think in cubes now and also my eyes hurt
i spent a while graphing out plans for a project as an image in GIMP
good god. im rereading this and I am the avatar of cognitive dissonance
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>93 degrees at 8 pm
i love fall so much bros
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> only think in cubes now
I played a lot in alpha and when I joined a server like a year ago I got overwhelmed at the amount of new things.

But I also started obsessively planning out a house. didn't use gimp tho.
Can I just kill myself yet
>stop giving women attention
is another trick to make me post?
Jade has nice tits
Its not but you do you
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I'm really stoned.
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same :)
I wish i was stoned
>Can I just kill myself yet

i would do almost anything just to sleep with you
everyone having a good time
jade out of nowhere
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Remember how insanely bangin' Sarah Jessica Parker was in this movie? Wild times.
I stopped smoking weed because I had bad trips back to back lol
yeah she was hot
I never once had a bad experience with weed in all the thousands of times I smoked it/ate it.
i keep getting friendzoned. How do you flirt, are you just supposed to take the risk and say out of pocket shit.
Correct. It works.
hope I live long enough to get a trans gf and see humans colonize space
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How the fuck do you meet cute trannies irl
The Internet makes it seem like they're everywhere. So far I've met and dated just one but she was a nut case, it was still fun while it lasted.
Now I need a new one, I don't feel like going back to pig disgusting cis
ahhh yeah. I forgot about this one for years. I had this cd
Would u get really strong and rich so u can take care of me
Im working on it
I'm already rich and strong.
where did all these new chaser trips come from? i feel like theres like 10 new ones all of the sudden
if you are nice then you need to save jade
I dont know but there a lot of competition now.
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i remember when i was smal my dad had the movie rockenrolla and thats where i first heard that song, so so good

i liked this
there was always a lot of guys here, just alot didnt have a name, i think this is a positive development
I had this problem until I learned to relax and let the fear flow past me like that episode of star trek tng with the Vulcan weapon that can only hurt you if you're angry.
i mean, everything i said except "dracthyr" and "zanda" has been in the game since tbc and those are just two races
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I don't think anyone is going to save me im not pretty enough
this is true
Ya I agree trips make it easy. I was considering going back to anon but it makes it easier to track trips.
Yeah, those are what I didn't understand.
If you think I'm going to post with a name you must be trippin
am i allowed to have any attention???
zanda are just zandalari trolls. and dracthyr are just dragon people. :) dracthyr used to be exclusive to the newest class, evoker, but in the 20th annuversary patch in november, they're opening the race up to play warr, rogue, hunter, mage, priest, & warlock, though they're expected to eventually be paladins and shamans too because they have new animations for them. if that happens i'll be a dracthyr shaman and never look back hehe
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yarp, it also makes everyone more personable i think, it is nice. it not part of 4chan culture generally but i like it on this specific board
do chasers like girls who must know everything about them to a point that it could be considered stalking? asking for a friend.
Oh, conflicting emotions because I really like hearing people explain their interests like this but I don't want to know anything about new WoW. It feels bad knowing what the game has become considering it was the best gaming has ever been at one point. I prefer to just pretend it went offline and stopped existing.
I do but that's only because I'm worthless so the idea of a girl being this obsessed sounds cute to me also because I am obsessive like that myself
That depends if you're actually stalking me. Otherwise, sounds like a dream.
Damn no trans girl obsessing over me. Feels bad
It does feel odd to trip on 4chan because its not really meant for that.
i will be religiously obsessed and if we break up you will need to get a restraining order because i will never leave you alone
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Marriage material
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Here's a hypothetical question. Would tranners here be opposed to a chaser laying her down on a table. Taking off her clothes and massage her torso and tits? Sniffing along her thighs, tummy, and crotch area?
No I don't like people being snoopy
Sounds super hot, minus the sniffing
This would be very weird and I would judge you if you had me do this. I wouldn't refuse but it would still make me self conscious
It's funny how often you're into rick when you don't realize it's him
i will make your life a living hell if you don’t marry me
I see why spider doesn’t like June she really is retarded
I've always thought that massaging would be really hot too.
I'm not Rick but I hear a lot about him
no please please i dont want more rick harassment im barely obrt that initial wave
rick you're just too stupid not too give yourself away like always
Post a timestamp of your trip
Is this really rick tho?
would you do this to frisson?
You better make this marriage hotter than hell
Not sure what to tell you but I'm not Rick.
you don't have to worry because I'm not him.
would a trans women be ok with laying on a table naked and me eating food off them like a Japanese girl at one of those rich white people parties
for sure
Yeah he’s used that image before and talked about doing similar stuff before under his Sniffer trip
i’m going to ruin you
didn't anons think you were Rick for a short while? I'm over hearing about him.
i dont like this
Your ok if shit gets wierd just take a break from here
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need satisfactory gf
you will be given fun chores and I will do all the major construction
must smell good and be nice
No other chaser has given a timestamp so I don't want to be the first.
let's just drop the whole Rick thing then.
My bad, random lady.
I have
Hi Rick TheDude posted a timestamp before
You will fall in love with me and we'll be at each other's side till death do us part
are you just looking for help at a construction job?
What do I eat for dinner :(
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I don't follow this thread that much but pop in from time to time, my mistake. Regardless, I don't want to post my face and stuff on an anonymous image board.

I'm not Rick but I know about him somewhat.
Holy shit Vulfpeck! Oh my god, they actually completely exited my brain as an existing band. What a fucking reminder.
Our obsession will end us
did whatever anons that made all those threats (possibly including rick) ever get banned for that? Just want to know
If they did they probally are unbanned by now. If it starts just leave
Baddies cannot be banned, they evade.
As long as we die next to each other it will be worth it
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>did they get banned
C'mon now June, be serious with us.
im not worried about it starting again i just feel like maybe theres a double standard going on somewhere
June. You do know that airplane mode exists right?
yarp but it's just board culture, this board different
Are you referring to your ban? Ya there is for sure. They punish pics over threats
don't slander Rick, he never fucked with you. As of late, Rick has literally done nothing wrong and it's just people shit talking him for no reason at this point.
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It doesn’t work like that, you have to fight against me to keep me with you. My lust only isolates me
Welcome to hating the Jannies. They do it for free.
I can't make that. I can make cereal and chicken noodle soup but im still sad
POV: you banana
>you have to fight against me to keep me with you
My dick just said no, it's over
I cant believe 4chan hates women, out of all the websites..
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i loved them so much back in middle school :)

how can I prove that I'm not Rick other than a timestamp? Should I show my paystub proving that I'm employed? kek
I can't believe I'm stuck in this general with this retard
yea, ofc
at least you didn't take a pic where half of it is the sky and you at the very bottom
Protip: Never reply to any man who trips. Doesn't matter who they are or aren't.
wtf Jade, what did I ever do you? I only ever complimented you for being pretty. jeez
i’m going to find you and string you up against the wall, only touching you when i decide that i want to see you squirm
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>middle school
Am I dying?
Back Pocket is the fucking classic. I genuinely can't even remember what else of theirs I used to listen to for some reason.
then chicken noodle soup if it's not that campbell's stuff cause cereal is just sugar. feel better
chud hands wrote this disgusting roleplay
these guys are just following the thread theme. no attention to girls. so they are attention whoring their self
>I cant believe 4chan hates women, out of all the websites..
This is a joke right June?

but did rick really steal the photos?
i even started cropping them now :-(
You should tell more jokes
I’ll stop
nta but its on her private one dont wanna give it out sry
Jade I love you and loved your kiss you made for me, why did you call me a retard? I jacked off to your porn even, wtf :sadface:
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>am i dying?
lol no theyre justa bit older than most people think i dont even think theyre active anymore :( this technically isnt vulf just one of theyre members solo stuff, i usually forgrt them unless i check my old playlists

i joke regularly but you all never catch on and think im serious
what's so funny bub? I jacked off to earlyjune's tits from /soc/ too. She posted them so readily, I don't know why she's so hesitant to post them here.

Jade is top Queen though, I love her blonde hair and penetrating deep blue eyes. Her fair skin looks great with her giant boobies
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I'm not them. I know you tell jokes, but I meant good ones.
I wish hornygen would come back, this gen is schizo posting and boring drama bullshit
Sick song.
womp womp
idk but i want to top the ginger muscle dude
You can still have cringe e sex on here bro
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are you a gay man or a tranner?
no, not really. It gets flooded with detractors. Besides that was mostly a gen where people gave out their discords and people would voice call and show ass as you busted a fat nut
God I probably need to spend less time here or take a break
Which trannard ITT is most likely to be a cis womain larping as a tranny?
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I got this grandma sweater while thrifting
none lmao
jade take the retard comment back! I LOVE YOU <3
This cereal is blueberry granola almond flakes so not like bad cereal
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this could be us
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This could be us
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same lol

waow :3
I fear the best way to a temp ban or something.
Entire thread of faggots
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tru but then id be extra lonely :(
But you playin
No u
Obviously, why do you think I’m here
Temp lonely lol
who the fuck is this? you do know that the ginger muscle dude had his pics stolen right?
Mental illness was my guess honestly.
oh shit new bon iver
just in time for fall
yeah sure.
you wouldn't even need to pay me much
oh no... did he died??
I’m a faggot because of mental illness so you aren’t wrong
oh, I thought most trans women here didn't want to use their penis. You'd actually want to top him?
Rosewood or Mina
Idk what that means.
Yes. Worry not he still had 6 of his 9 lives remaining and tells stories of the abyss to those who dare listen. I dare not listen.
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where my sprung chaser at

>hates apples
>goes to apple farm

i dont understand his thoughts around sex at all, whenever i hear him talking about it i dont understand
It means I’m a mentally ill faggot
Is that Bob Dylan?
I ate too much today and I'm going to die
But how are these things related.
We're all going to die, anon, but for the salvation and life eternal given to us by Christ's sacrifice.
I'm kiddin you're totally dying.
I don’t know anyways my boobs hurt
Oh mein gott I was just listening to 22 a million
OMG you guys, I have evidence that earlyjune is actually a man larping as a trans woman! He stole her pics again!
did you know the t pain is short for Tylenol pain reliever? I just learned this recently after watching aqua teen hunger force where he is credited with that name
Post the proof then
can't sleep -_-
Idk, I like his one about having a dildo and fleshlight paying the superego tribute, so you can just have a conversation
Let’s see them babe.
rick is a retard but he isnt that retarded
You’re welcome
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lol thats amazing, i love t pain
it sounds nice but i dont get this one either, id say it sounds more profound that it actually is but i also dont wanna dismiss it just because i dont get it. i feel like you can have sex and also have a conversation, and that these two things don't detract from eachother
holy hell it's practically morning
just stay up all day instead
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it is 12:41 in the state of indiana
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How do I fix things
clown is bri'ish
Boobs always help me
Right? That's what I'm sayin.
Find the broken thing, identify the problem, and address the problem
how does one find happiness, anons?
You should work on your self-esteem. Try listening to this to start, I bet it'll help.
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i love the suit to get across how serious this information is c:
i’m transbianphobic
anons do i need to lower my standards if i want a BF?
No your standards sound stupid low honestly. You sent a random dude your tits just because he had nice dick pics.
You need to go outside if you want a BF.
Your standards are not even that high. Just keep looking
The problem is im mentally ill and the only real cure is me killing myself
If your dead how you going to find your buff husband?
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This could be us but no this actually couldn't be us. Because I'm not a real woman, let alone a real goth woman. I'm just an estrogenized honfreak man.
Is this just master baiter June at it again?
I can't ;~;
i cant really argue with that, it was pretty stupid of me
If it makes you feel any better I'm also not a small dragon turtle koopa thing.
are there straight tranners on this board willing to date a muscle ginger man?
never seen 2 pretty transbians
Are you goth though?
He’s mad because they were not sent here
I don't want to see the heroin video again
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nah that can be you. Just have confidence in yourself! you're pretty!
actually one was sent to soc but censored
I'm not mad I'm telling her to have higher standards. Sending them here would be stupid too.
i’ve seen that video, still haven’t seen 2 pretty transbians though
It makes me feel things, and it good knowing at least one of them made it out too.
Oh shit lucky guy then
Mall goth at best
>Just have confidence in yourself! you're pretty!
Jsyk that's an image of Princess Peach and not me
June can I see pleeeeez
I saw some but I don't know if it was real or done for of
i really wanted him okay
You wanted his dick, dummy, don't confuse the two just because you're lonely.
Mall goths are hot though
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I’m not judging I just said he was lucky
I feel a strong desire to eat 5 rotisserie chickens in one sitting
Why not 6?
I believe in you.
Honestly I think you just should
ive been had
I feel a strong desire to suck my first gock

captcha vvvvj
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I'm told these images are AI. They aren't slop I guess but I'm still bitter that they're AI
Robots are people too.
The most I’ve done was 2 so 6 would be a stretch
I will buy 5 chickens and not get up until I eat all of them
He's so cool.
What do we weigh these days, big dog?
150 the last time I weighed myself
>I'm just an estrogenized honfreak man.
Eat 5 a day. Pump them numbers up
I’ve never been able to gain weight so I try but to no avail. I’m taller too so I am permanently skinny
I need a goth girl to do mean things to me
150 and you're gonna try and scarf down 7 chickens? That's pretty wild.
Whats your height?
I couldn’t gain weight for a long time but it came eventually. I was eating huge amounts for a wile to get it up
I need a goth girl to do nice things to me.
I can eat enormous amounts of food when I want to, I just haven’t done a chicken challenge before
Somewhere in between 6’3-6’4
I need (You).
Anons incredibly powerful, 8 chickens in a row? What a badass.
Me a need things I do girl nice to goth.
Women make up some of the prettiest humans on earth
Oh ya you’re really skinny. The weight will come with age trust me
I need to be a goth girl
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I hope so, I’m approaching my thirties and I’d prefer not to be a stick anymore
brian david gilbert trust you will be dealt with
I miss being in school for music.
I miss playing marimba
I miss having band friends

Here's a cover I'm kinda sorta making
I need a goth bitch to give me the hawk tuah gluck gluck 5000
I need you to be a goth girl
Lifting does help if you don’t already do it. But you will have to eat more to compensate.
I'm trying... I'm not strong enough
I'm so sick of not having a trans gf, why does no one want to reach out to each other here?
these are cute where did you find them?
There aren't actually that many people, scattered around the globe besides.
I’m too old for most people here. And distance is a big problem here
I think my metabolism is just otherworldly. I average 3-4kcal a day and work out 3-4 times a week. I do what I can so hopefully with age things will change
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Some meme page on instagram
Age and distance. I did one too many LDRs in my early 20s, never again.
True, reaching out doesn't feel good when you can't actually reach the person.
I believe in you
how did they turn out? what was wrong with them? I'm curious
damn can you give me the page? I really love the N64 aesthetic
And not the most fun lesson to learn.
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I’m gonna give up now
you guys realize you responded to rick, right? Why is it when people don't know it's Rick posting, people actually interact with him?
Is it possible Rick is actually a decent guy trying to better his act?
kys rick
But learn it we all must.
why are so many trannies nintendo fans
I never went to school or music nor do i want to however i was in band and i LOVED THE MARIMBA

i didnt get to play it often cause i sucked and the best kid rightfully got to spend time on it

But also i hated the people in my HS band. One time it was found that a student had secret images of his ass uploaded to an instagram page and when the announcement asking for the bullies to come forward ended i overheard the percussion kids ask eachother if they think they know it was them,

sorry thats not like really related to your post

cover sounds great, Idk what the song is but i always love an arpeggio
lol I forgot about Jon’s supermarkets.
Age will slow it down. I was at 5-6k for a few years because of how underweight I was and how much I was working. I ate like 6 meals a day
Idrgaf if the anon I'm talking to is Rick as long as he's being normal and civil and not schizo
Like why go out of my way to care
when people don't know it's me, they respond. I think I have merit as a person because I make tons of high quality posts and get people talking giving me (you's) but my name carries baggage unfortunately. Rick just wants to be kind and spread goodwill towards all
yeah you get it
Anecdotal, but autism.
Diddy party in my room who wants in
I had some one come over and play Mario at a house party and then next time I saw them they had transitioned. So ya not breaking the mold
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I’m very tired boss
im not pretty enough to be a goth girl :c
Oh did you just mean go to sleep? That's allowed.
Shut up you would make a hot goth gf
alright chasergen, im heading to bed. Goodnight everyone!
Were you a nerd in hs?
everyone says im too old to wear goth stuff its not fair
You have almost everything you need to pull it off but black hair and the right makeup
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gn :)

dont think iv ever been to one
Your age plays a part yes, but you also need a really good sense of style to make goth work at any age. The clothes you showed were not it
Idk maybe. Honestly I think you look hot as a blond but you could go darker if you wanted and just wear dark clothes. Half commit to the goth look
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yes boss, I must be going now
Yeah id say so, why?
Yeah high school band can have a weird dynamic and it really depends on your director. It's a shame cause it was some of the best times I've ever had and it sucks to see people have bad experiences with it.

This is what I wanted to do for my senior recital
goodnight. I love you
It’s very much a west cost things. I always thought it was a Vons rip off. I don’t know if you have Vons.

Just curious. I was a nerd as well don’t worry
I get that. im always getting scared of becoming too old to try new styles i dont have the confidence to wear as a teen or right night. But i think ive seen enough goths in their 20s and 30s to say most people will let you be a goth if you want
Night, chief. You sleep tight.
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I never showed any of my goth outfits except for like this one and I look sexy as fuck here
you dont have to filter every look through stripper
As much as I love alt girls, I can't wipe the images of you licking ghoulish hon ass out of my head.
I’d hit on you at the club
I dont I just had a nice sweater on wtf
See I don't look like a stripper
what are u doing in the mens bathroom
It's a gender neutral bathroom
That's literally the one thing I dont do so ur a retard
I dont know what you look like so I don't know if that's poggers
anyone else excited for the Uzumaki anime adult swim is coming out with soon? Colin Stetson did the music and it's amazing.

very, its taken so long to come out :(
lol that’s fair. I look ok but I’m never posting face. So maybe maybe not poggers
I didn't know it existed I'll check it out when it's out though
I miss Naoto.
It's been in the making for like 6 years lol. Covid kicked the can.


short preview
Hell yeah.
Nice trips, you get to make the new thread, what an honor.
This place dead dead
it's like 2:30AM on the east coast atm, no yanks awake anymore, it's true euro hours now. i'm just sitting here waiting for someone to make a new thread bc i can't be bothered to catch up with the 470 posts in this one.
Some of the east coast people stay up till like 4-5
I’m west it’s not super late yet tho
im here
Oh I thought you left
its 8 am in euroland
You still using dating apps? And recent luck?
Do I just give up on her ever being my friend again?
not really, i can go open them up and see if theres anything but honestly im not hopeful

i really want to try IRL but i dont know what first steps to take
Didn’t you just not go to sleep or was that some one else?
Can’t make some one like you.
Irl is hard. Some people do better irl some apps
I take terrible pics so I think I’m slightly more atractive in person
oh right yeah some ppl don't have 9-to-5s lol
it's 9:30 in my euroland, i wanted to sleep in and start working a bit later today, but unfortunately got hit with a 9am Teams meet that I couldn't decline. And now I'm sitting here drinking a cheap Kong Strong brand energy drink from Lidl and trying to get myself awake enough to actually get some work done.
I just want things to go back to how they were
It’s just not how it works. I wish I could do that but I can’t. Sorry Jade we just have to keep moving forward
Remember you got to find your buff husband
And I got to find my wife
not me

i woke up at 6:30 without intervention
Just finished my reverse curl sets
I'm gay now
I'd kill myself if I looked like you Jade ngl
Don’t do reverse curls. Normal work better
Go away
Just looking for an honest opinion on my body. Good, bad, ok? I need a ba and my shoulders are pretty bad. Also still trying to get back in shape.

Oh ok I’m tired and confused
Ok idk anymore I did it wrong nvm pack it up
It set to 1 view I think. Fix it or just use catbox
>Normal work better
Doesn't normal work bicep more and reverse works the forearm more?
doing personality tests again instead of going to sleep

anons what do you guys do when you dont want to go to sleep?
It’s usually better to just do normal curls for biceps and wrist curls/extentions/ farmers carrying for forearms separate
>what do you guys do when you dont want to go to sleep?
this never happened to me
I'd rather just die im tired of ruining things and just having to move on
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this was a fun one
>anons what do you guys do when you dont want to go to sleep?
i just usually force myself to go to bed anyways and then watch some videos on my phone till i drop.

Nothing crazy just a straight on shot it’s censored too, idk need 3rd party perspective
Sadly we all have to just keep going.

We both have to go to the gym tommorow. I got to lift till some one loves me
Ack ok this is a sign I swore I changed it, :( I just want to know how I look lol
still doesn't work but that's okay
lol it’s ok you tried
>not wifeable :(
Least narcissistic youngshit
I just answered the questions lol i know i am not anywhere near a 10
We not actually going to trust online test right?
i know the test is a lie lol
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t. amelia
Wait yours did say hot right? I mean that part you can trust lol
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jfc this one
i love these tests, whenever my irl friends group chat goes into personalitytestposting mode, i'm there with way more intrest and effort put into it than anyone else. which tends to be offputting to ppl, but like, oh well.
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fuck I copied the wrong one
That just says we're going to date until we get married.
Could be worse you could post one and everyone ignores
this is crazy
I missed it
Im pretty sure a lot of sources used to say the "unicorn" square is actually supposed to be "tranny" because "women cant be pretty and sane so it must be a man", but its been changed to "unicorn" for obvious reasons
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I think 7.5 is too high
fucking lol
Ya everyone is doing test

It was just a shirtless selfie I got a bad body no one missed much
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also intp…
undiagnosed, but suspected desu
Me being crazy isn't funny it makes me incredibly depressed
all the clues were there
I'm sorry.
anons i dont actually know myers briggs what does this actually mean about me?
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they prolly woulda anyway ngl that was me but i dont wanna anymore, maybe inna week or so after i gym a bit more

i saw it ngl. you dont have a bad body imo, yur too hard on yurself dude :(
i dont trust these tests usually i answered honestly but i should be way lower on attractiveness
the surface of the planet becomes unlivable. would you prefer life underground in vaults. or living on a generation ship in space
thread is gonna hit bump limit before anyone decides to make a new thread
i would choose being underground like in those Silo books that my old coworker always shilled to me but that I never got myself to read (or like in TTGL, i've not watched it either but I think being underground is a part of that too)
Thank you rose you very kind. Im not sure why I posted I got a long ass way to go. But thank you for being nice about it
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life underground, arx fatalis style
i gotchu

>>37396401 new
>>37396401 new
>>37396401 new
You're attractive though
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You're attractive not only on the outside but the inside too.
Rose is the best tranner frfr.
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your nostalgia is showing. retail is legitimately a much better game than bitter youtubers would have you believe
I don't have a clue what youtubers are saying, I don't watch them. I played from release until WOTLK released. Yes, I have rose tinted goggles.

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