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Q4C: Do you have facial hair, how do you feel about it.

Q4t: Do you like facial hair on someone?

SQ: fave song lately?


>>37394232 last ep.
>Q4t: Do you like facial hair on someone?
i know people it looks good on, but I hate the sensation of kissing someone who has it
>SQ: fave song lately?
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>ummm...you're chinese
Q4C: I have a beard that I keep a decent care of, I trim it every 1-2 months and shave the neckbeard and cheek fluff regularly
I absolutely adore my beard and I'd fall into depression if I were to lose it, I also consider it the key to not make my longer hair look stupid and out of place
>Q4t: Do you like facial hair on someone?
Like most straight women my age i dislike it more than i do like it, especially not super long facial hair. however i think a little bit thats groomed well can look really really good on certain men. However like the devil is in the details on how i feel about them. There is no one answer i can give it just depends highly on the hair style, grooming habits, personal style, facial shape, behavior, age, and context.
reminder to everyone to tag yourselves /chasergen/ on tagmap
Before going to sleep just wanna say again for the archive, i think trannies are hot as fuck
>Do you like facial hair on someone
i think it depends
but i think stubble is king
Q4C: Yeah I have a beard. It's itchy sometimes.

SQ: Idk why but Cirice by Ghost keeps getting stuck in my heads
Q4t: honestly yeah I like facial hair on most people as long as it's well kept, I don't really minds beard length for me all beards can be attractive but if I have to choose I'd say a short well kept beard like mads mikkelsen is just perfect
I’m going to sleep before I do more dumb shit here

Night people
The board seems really dead today.
it's been dead for a while
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ngl i love someone with a nice beard maybe not too too long but it aint for me to decide, i just think they can be really hot, just dont let it be dirty is all i ask.

night :) i was srs bout what i said just to remind you, sweet dream
You are aggressively conformist lol
> Do you like facial hair on someone?
not rly i prefer seeing their face
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been like this for like a year now desu maybe longer
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>Do you have facial hair,
>how do you feel about it?
I dont feel much of anything
Even the shrimp cat anon has abandoned us Rose. It's joever.
The board dies during American eep hours. Brits are funny and good at banter, but there isn't enough of them to keep the threads moving quickly.
Can one of you passoids please read me a bedtime story?
there's a distinct lack of people from Euro timezones, and I will never stop complaining about it
and then it's often the trips posting, rarely new people, a bit sad honestly
>having a brit tranner gf and teaching her what real cuisine is
The true American dream.
>having a french tranner gf and teaching her what real cuisine is
The true Italian dream.
i'm gonna respond to this with trip on just to make you feel worse >:)
but yeah and also currently it's not only euro hours but specifically euro morning hours, which means the NEET euros are sitll in bed and the wagie euros are at work.
u guys only have southern food
>having an Italian tranner gf and teaching her how to shave her mustache and armpits
The true rest of the world dream
I lurk and post during work downtime hours, but that's just my privileged position

also, simply devilish
*Italian cis gf
But then where's her penis? All the best girls rock the gock.
and is that a crime?
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its ok anon we can keep eachother war in these trying times :'(

used to be a lot more euros like a month ago. like there would be multiple night threads, but a lot of em left cause schizo activities and then certain trips left and the people that would orbit them followed.

>a bit sad
a bit but this board has been in a death spiral since like 2021. idk why im here still sometimes, i think its just cause most social media confuses me and also scares me. this place is weirdly comfy and easy to use
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finished drawing of me and my friends lvl 1 dnd characters
>I lurk and post during work downtime hours, but that's just my privileged position
yeah same. But I'd assume most ppl here are working blue collar or service jobs which probs makes it hard to post from work lol
You and June seem to good for this place honestly.
accidentally posted one with less finished details but whatever it looks pretty much the same but with less fixed mistakes
if someone has a long beard i just think hes hiding a weak chin or smth but i like the zz top beards in a non sexual way
Too* fuck I'm retarded and tired.
Yeah, i literally have zero opportunities to check my phone while im on the clock (like 7-10hrs straight) except when im obviously pulling out the calculator or changing a song (i can listen while prepping before open). My station gets tickets the moment we open and there is almost never more than a minute or two until the next one comes in. By the time it does slow down its time to close it down

luckily im only "part time" (they still over schedule me cause all restaurants seem to do that ig). But i also enjoy being in the kitchen again and chatting with the waitstaff so a few hours without the phone is not an issue
why do u mog my art fuck u faggot
I have a very spesific question for you: my girlfriend told me about one of her old high school friends yesterday, fennoswede guy who has the same name as you. And turns out, that guy's been together with a trans woman for the past ten years. Is there something about being named Nils that makes one attracted to trans women? Or is this all just a coincidence.

also the art is very good.
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woaw you always had a cool style nils

ehh i just dont know anyone really irl, if i had a friend group id be here a lot less. its on me tho i dont put myself out there at all :/ tryna take a trip to see another city soon tho. i wanna move so bad

its just a letter anon :) me 2 tho lol

sometimes i have time to post from work but im usually busy af, i post songs here an there from work but some crazy person keeps almost getting my ip banned in that area
>ehh i just dont know anyone really irl, if i had a friend group id be here a lot less. its on me tho i dont put myself out there at all :/ tryna take a trip to see another city soon tho. i wanna move so bad
oop this was meant for u im too tired as well lol
what city?
i also get mad when people are more skilled than me, but no one can ever be the best, everyone is always outshined by someone else
nils is actually not even my first name its one of my middle names but maybe it has a slight effect, in the danish army IQ study they found that statistically people named Nils had the highest average IQ's so i reckon it is just that we are very cool and like to kiss epic girls

also thanks
thank you rosewood this is kind of low effort desu since ill be drawing a character each for all the players, here is one i actually put alot of effort into instead, its another character of mine from another setting that's not dnd but also roleplay
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if the hand is good then boston, i have some friends out there ive been meaning to see out there. a long time overdue desu

i remeber you posting unfinished versions of this in drawgen a while back! :D glad to see it in a more complete state! damn im jealous :O how long have you been drawing for??
while that's true, you were describing the average Italian cis girl
Its very boring, but you do you sis
i was just bored in school all the time as a child so i used to draw in my math books and on the benches even though the teachers kept telling me not to, do you draw at all rosewood?
w/e i dont even like ur art style it's just quality in an annoying way
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>Q4C: Do you have facial hair, how do you feel about it.
I have picrel (matter of fact, I also have that same haircut.) I trim it every week. I hate that my hair isn't the same length everywhere because of frizz or its wavy nature, so I find myself trimming them with scissors. I don't plan to shave it off anytime soon, I've been complimented for it a lot and my gf definitely prefers me with short facial hair.
no, and nothing special i guess, it just doesn't grow
ouh nasty work
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ahh i see i had a similar experience with drawing in school, mostly just doodles tho and never really grew much past that desu. not much past stuff like this or ms doodles for here :) i havent relly done anything srs in a long time
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have a gn anons and non anons :)
Why do I want to fuck trannys? Is this something to do with my father not loving me?
you want to do anal with men while deluding yourself that you're still straight
But why?
go back gincel
I have a beard. I'll probably always have one.
Why do I want to be fucked by trannys? Is this something to do with my mother not loving me?
I hope your father didn't wear dresses and lipstick lad
I want to date a passer with a voice deep baritone voice.
why isnt there a cute tranny sucking my dick right now?
because you're ugly and your dick is small
why isnt there a cute tranny making me suck her dick right now?
good question
i want a bf with a small dick because i cant do anal with big ones
this is unfair ;_;
I'll look elsewhere
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>Q4t: if it looks good on them definitely but I've never been too into big beards, I like clean and simple most of the time

>SQ: I've been listening to Forgotten - The Plot In You a lot lately but idk if it's necessarily my recent favorite
Alternatively Bulletproof Love - PTV

Goodmorning. Back to work today :(
hi hey i need u etc
Wow I fucked that up. Too early for questions ig
I feel like bottoms are humoring me when they pretend it hurts when I put it in. My dick is like the puppy of dicks, it couldn't hurt anyone
Try shoving your finger up your ass lol
yeah, can't lol. anything going up there feels pretty awful doesn't it
hi ^_^
I found a handkerchief. I like handkerchiefs and always carry one so the new addition to my collection is welcome.
what do you mean?
I meant to only make the "q4t" and "Sq" green, not the answers
absolutely uncalled for, and its pretty big actually. the real reason is im scared of talking to people
>Q4C: Yes, but I keep it trimmed short

Good morning, kids. Rise and shine.
>starting to get palm calluses from lifting
>have to be more careful with my wiener when jerking off now because they're scratchy
No one told me about this wtf
I just use tranny butthole to jerk off these days
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haven't you ever wanted to walk through a door at the beach, chasers?
The callouses make it feel better. Wear lifting gloves.
Qott: I have a curled mustache and a recently trimmed beard. I like it.
>rise and shine
appreciate the sentiment friend but my ass is going to BED
this should be "morning" wtf
Sweet dreams there, champ
Wish I could sincerely love a trans girl but most of them are promiscuous it feels like. There's this beautiful trans chick but she shows her dick online... Why do they do it? Looking for attention and validation? Or are they just sex pests?

>Q4C: Do you have facial hair, how do you feel about it.
Yes and I like it.
It's attention they never received while a man, which is new and refreshing. The validation on their decision to transition is also addicting.

But in the end, most are just weirdo fetish-brained sexpests. It's a sad truth.

Like most things in life, the answer is nuanced. There are 'good ones' out there, and you will have to just hope you find one.
It’s really easy to find modest trans girls who don’t do that (at least if you’re in Europe)
Skill issue, as always
>in Europe
where? legit question, all trans stuff I see is US
Any of the progressive wealthy countries + Spain
>tfw I'm in Italy
I'm fucked I guess
My condolences fratello
chasing was always an unreachable dream
let me add, Southern Italy
There was a Sicilian trans girl who used to make threads about being lonely on this board about 6 months ago
Yeah, I wouldn't mind a trans trad wife but it all feels like a pipe dream at this point.

I've always read that Mediterraneans are turbo chasers, is it true? Is it the surplus of testosterone?
If I can achieve it, others can. Don't give up on the dream, brother.
what the fuck, seriously? would've been great to talk to her
I'm the only actual chaser in my circle of friends due to tastes, but they keep joking that a trans girl would be alright too, if they can be fooled, they don't care

I am aware of people going to trans escorts even quite frequently, I wouldn't know why really, I just know that Naples used to have a big scene of transvestite prostitutes since time immemorial
i mean some of us did receive attention as men, like, I had a lot of older women want to take me home from the bar and such back when I was a twinky teen. but like, that attention just doesn't feel that great when it's towards features you're dysphoric of. so in a way I guess being given attention for more feminine aspects of your body or whatever is kinda validating.
plus a lot of ppl are just weird about sex like of course that's a thing.
She used to make the ’autistic twinkhons deserve bfs’ threads
Im not a tradwife. But Im very religious and I like to hunt. I have a garden and Im good at cooking. Im also really good at making due with very little.

But Im not a conservative.

Finding a guy that was willing to be an adult was too hard.
Bitch aint no chaser nigga trynna date yo poly transbian finnish ass anyway shut yo ass up
not my cup of tea desu, but would've been a penpal regardless, possibly meet to hangout

meanwhile at this point I consigned myself to find some Euro tranny to talk to by sheer luck
I play fiddle if thats a value ad
Thanks bro, who knows I may meet one in the future :).
I was half-joking with my question, I am Mediterranean myself so I'm using my own experience as a basis for my observations. Though I read from some trans girls that Mediterraneans seemed to be cooler than many others about the whole concept of transness and stuff. Must be all of the Greco-Roman blood :^) lol.
You sound very nice, definitely the kind of girl I would enjoy meeting and spending time with.
It’s honestly pretty easy as long as you’re willing to travel to meet one. Even easier if you’re decent looking and not some weird bottom chaser. Good luck man.
addendum: this is why I ended up agreeing with that other regular poster that people should just start using tagmap (and possibly tagging themselves /chasergen/)
I love the thought of you accompanying that anon on hunting trips and then just sitting there playing the fiddle like some bard.
Id love to tell you about my life. I think you'd find it interesting
hi chasgers and trannurs
I grew up in WV. Ended up out of the house at 16 and I basically ran away. I started HRT at 17 and cut off all my old relationships. Ended up playing guitar on the street to survive. I started getting interested in folk music.

I just picked up fiddle but I mainly do hymn and bluegrass gospel on it. Im trying to create this bluegrass punk sound. I have a partially changed voice and so it's really interesting sounding. I can sound like a woman very convincingly but i also have a harsher sound and can break my voice in interesting ways
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I have a 22 magnum rifle and I do rabbit and small game hunting. I know how to kill and skin animals and build a soil for growing things.

And yeah Im kind of a real life bard. That's how I thought of it for a while. Im trying to get to the point I can play over 100 songs from memory
really missing the time before all my friends hated me
If you can help me get to malta Id be eternally greatful. Im tired of living in America because its a completely godless country.
Another 3 day sabbatical for the books. How’s everyone doing this fine Wednesday morning?
NTA, but I know some people who moved there to work in IT, you could try looking for job opportunities in that field

>Q4t: uhhhh not really actually. i just don't like how the facial hair feels against my skin :(

gm everyone!!
Heck yeah
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why is it that it's valid to want a dom cis gf, but bottom chasing is frowned upon and shamed
Think it’s just the notion that trans woman would be dominant? That kind of makes it seem retarded to some people to be a bottom chaser.
nobody cares bro, bottom if you want
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gm chasergen
do you like this pasta i had a while ago
Looks great. Inspiring me to make pasta for dinner tonight.
I wish I had those shrimp
Who the fuck are you? Mr. Hardcock.
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>Do you have facial hair, how do you feel about it.
i still get small clusters of dark hairs
i fucking despise them, obviously
need electrolysis
>Do you like facial hair on someone?
no i hate it so goddamn much. Even on friends. It just makes a person hard to look at
scruff can look good tho, or sometimes beards without mustaches, like Mother's Milk in The Boys for the first 3 seasons
i did
yes, holy moly that looks so good

good morning chasergen! i saw people took an empathy test last night after I went to bed, and i want in on the action
you should make shrimp scampi, its my favorite
me too :(
idk why im torturing myself by looking at food while i cant eat anything
What’re your thoughts on body hair?
Mr. American Hegemony
ew jesus christ what the fuck
also facial hair only works on men who aren't 3/10s to begin with, i have facial hair (sideburns and a moustache) because i need to look like shit and also uhh
adam friedland is a bitch ass muthafukkka
Then it would be Mr. AH you fucking idiot, you’re literally messing up your own NAMES GIMMICK.
It’s a picture of Florian Himsl. I don’t agree with that sentiment honestly, facial hair is very dependent on how someone takes care of it. If you’re a 5/10 with well kept beard and appearance your showcasing yourself as an 8/10 imho
American is my first name. Who used an honorific title and then their full name? Silly bug.
i have less facial hair growth than even some trannies on here, it's literally impossible for me to grow a beard
Chaser poster here ive been away for about a month just because of life stuff and am in no position to get a gf right now I guess.
i can put up with a little bit of pubic hair but I don't like it
also idk where my trip went...
they make me think of basedjaks
pls shave
florian himsl looks like a big time full hours aspie i think
You’re a transbian, I would expect you to have that take honestly. I thought I was talking to someone who was into men
He literally is!
weird and uncanny that it's so easy to tell from facial features, now i'm afraid people can clock a sperg from distance
I haven't had a clean shaven face in more than a decade. I wonder what I look like.
I couldn’t and most normies really can’t either. Most people just use context clues to discern something like that.
prolly like a chinless chaser pissbaby
>that moment when chasers have more feminine chins than trannies
I could only dream of having the chiseled jawline and protruding chin of a gigahon.

So beard it is.
I have a wide chest, manly shoulders, muscly legs and hunter eyes

but my jawline and chin look like a woman's compared to the average tranny
how the hell is it that it's always Peter Griffin chinchads deciding to transition
i think i might have a superpower then, autismoguessotronics
Maybe you should catch a chase of gettingsomebitchesitus.
well i still think men can look good with scruff.
Your opinion is irrelevant, and the case you made for your points is borderline retarded.
i spend all day staring at autists online and obsessing over physiognomy and playing the phenotype guessing game, it has been over since i was 7 yrs old and nooticed that different types of people look different. need me a bitch who's into horoscopes or some shit
Have you ever thought that maybe you could also be autistic? So a thought.
i've been tested and i didn't meet the criteria for a diagnosis but otherwise i am a shut in deranged schizoid. to think i could be out there conquering the ever long conquest of bitches but i decided to like guessing if people have a developmental/psychological defect based on appearance alone.
Why don’t you work in some kind of civil servant position? You could surely use that skill professionally somehow.
>lol no but I was diagnosed with schizophrenia
welcome to overslept by an hour and a half world
what is this, debate team? it's a subjective question!
you are a hero for this
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protect this man at all costs
gross YouTuber
doesn't it get tiring to be told how easy it is to meet people, how easy it is to hook up and be given all this advice, locations to go, apps to use and then

none of it works because you live in a place where such stuff isn't there and people don't use apps or whatnot
He looks like he's got a tight fuckable dickhole
if you wanna queer date you live in cities or travel, this is standard...
nearest cities don't have a queer scene outside of gay and lesbian scene
I don't get along with city people.
>Q4t: Do you like facial hair on someone?
I just like men
Are you a twinkhon Nym?
no im fat
t. average transbian
believe it or believe it im straight
Should I just constantly make things awkward so I never have to see her here?
>Q4C: Do you have facial hair, how do you feel about it.
I love my facial hair. I keep a short full-face beard.
Who? But also, yes.
dw chiefess, you got a comrade in polluting the lake with awkward and weird things
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Maybe you're the problem
no you should just fuck off, nobody like you
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I dont see how if someone doesnt want to be my friend they obviously want to be enemies
Say that out loud and tell me if it sounds as stupid as reading it did.
You dress like a Covington hooker and have the face of someone named Beth.
I don't
No it sounds normal because it logically makes sense. Like why would I continue trying to make someone that doesn't like me happy
Why would you go out of your way to be a pest to them? You're just validating their opinion about you.
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another day, another moment gone by without a cutie trans wife by my side. I think that when chasers get trans wives, they should be able to name them like a new pet
nta but you're retarded, please never use this gen again
hot and based
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>hot and based
you wouldn't be saying that if you knew who I was.
Why would I want them interacting in a space where I am if they have their discord they can stay quarantined in and not constantly remind me im not good enough to be friends with them
what do u guys do about your tranny's poo on ur dick? it really smells bad not like girl poos
Because it's not your space and you're the one who's not wanted here.
get lost uggo
Honestly dude, when are you going to rope. Like your life is constantly filled with retarded drama that you create and then bitch about. Maybe your life is better off not being lived
Do you think I care if im wanted? This is my space no matter how much you complain sorry retard.
Just KYS already. Not even us chasers want you.
you so clearly do by how much you try lol. tryhard ugly old cunt face
You obviously do care because you're here throwing a fit about a single person who doesn't want you around.
Then why do so many people like when I post pictures ??? Why do people constantly tell me i can't kill myself because they want to fuck me?
that's your delusion. you an ugly old millenial dude. your transition sucked and no one wants you around even to shit post with let along fuck. and you're going bald bro. imagine how bad thats gonna be when ur even uglier and bald LMAO
>why do so many people like when I post pictures
literally nobody does, even your follower on twitter don't like your pic
and literally nobody say the second part
i actually worked in loss prevention for a home electronics chain before i had a big mental breakdown, i don't think they hired me because of my retard vision because the reason i got the job was a quasi-nepotism/brass handshake recommendation after studying to become a security guard and doing my work study at the firm which this electronics store buys lp and security services from. essentially just being a plain clothes mall cop that tries to catch people shoving packs of 3.5mm audio cables or hdmi cables or game controllers or compurer mice into their boxer briefs, then i had a mental breakdown and now i'm on a pension because of the aforementioned schizoid brain. but i think there were a lot of moments where i just saw it in a person that they're gonna do something shady, and im not talking about skin color or being high i'm talking about a feeling that this totally normal guy is gonna try to steal shit today. they always seem weirdly smug and overconfident while beelining toward the sign for a specific area (gaming peripherals, hi-fi etc.) any trannies here want that paul blart meat???
no anon schizophrenia and autism are two different beasts, the autist has special interests and i am especially disinterested. both are major misrepresented in media though
kek you tell him
crazy how you are both ugly and unlikable, usually people are only one of those

Yes, I do have facial hair. Work, however, told me to shave it off for an upcoming conference I need to go to. Apparently I "can't walk around looking like a Taliban fighter in front of all these people".

hellough. i just misclicked and ended up in lesgen and was stuck for several minutes wondering why i recognized nobody there and couldnt follow any of the topics
why are you anons so rude to Jad3? I think she's cute and like her posts
You are way too old for this
he is a fucking ugly old cunt and a drama whore. he knows what he did on discord
aw it's okie, welcome back Pichu. How's your day going?
This user is a 30 year old man.
Nice wig dude LOL. Kurt Cobain for halloween again?
right is vulgar
this is rick btw if anyone is curious
Enjoy day shift, kek. Goodnight.
Yeah, I figured as much.
Makes total sense now lol
what did she do?
what's wrong with being 30?
No I'm not, I'm not sure who that is.
>Q4C: Do you have facial hair, how do you feel about it.
Some stubble increases the contours of my face so I usually just clean shave it off after a few days, once it looks unkempt
right is my dream girl
ok rick the slick prick with a thin dick that curves in multiple places like a lockpick
Who is she throwing a fit about?
You should be more mature than this by the time you turn 30.
you've got herpes rick. fuck off
Welcome back
There seems to be drama going on
I don't know who that is. Who is rick slick?
Someone doesn't want to talk to him on discord anymore so he's trying to kill the thread so they can't post here.
>t. ugly old man with bleached ruined hair and anal warts
get out you gross queen
oh, between who and who?
lern2reed goddd
I really have no idea who that is. Are the threads here always like this?
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Some guy literally said it yesterday anon sorry
Did it really fail anon? :(
stop pretending that you aren't rick the pre-herpetic post-herpetic snake skin textured penis-having orbiter of jade
Why does this schizo come back every time? Does he have nothing better to do?
You look like adrian brody in a wig.
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disgusting old cunt. out
I don't know much about Jade but I think she's a fine person so far. I just notice that she often sad posts. I'm a little bit new to these threads and I really don't know what you're talking about.
They’re retarded and constantly want to throw pity parties for something they forced upon themselves.
Jade and everyone else I think. I've not been paying much attention
i would but only because i haven't gotten my tip wet in what seems like more lunar cycles than i can count using all the pubes on your rug burnt asshole
I do call my wife by silly pet names.
Not sure why everyone's so rough on you. You look fine. You just need to not publicly schizo post so much.
You act like this doesn't happen with every schizo that comes here. It's always the same things happening, just different people.
Shut the fuck up, schizo. No one wants you here.
you know shit's getting real when the mspaint schizo lines start getting posted
that's sad
I don't have schizophrenia and I'm not this Rick guy. I'm really confused right now.
Be nice to Jade, motherfuckers. It's bad enough she did porn.
lmfaoooooo brutal!
No there hasn't been any real drama yet it's just me being sad and upset im not good enough.
nigga she's not gonna fuck you, your dick looks like a dried kabanos sausage with all the genital herpes going on down there. though i'd like to ask if she was the source, but then i can not tell her i would because i don't want rodent herpesvirus 88 on my cock
This thread is poisoned. Every new trip is accused of being Rick. Hilarious
I mean, we're not wrong.
tripfags were a mistake
I'm not sure who or what you're talking about. Funny enough I just had a full panel STD test and I'm clean on all fronts.
Honestly I'm talking more about everyone else at you
neurosyphilis i think
Thankfully I haven't been accused.
Everyone makes mistakes. Was it any good at least?
this one is obviously rick tho, he tried it last night too. if you know the signs you know
>Was it any good at least?
no lol
honestly even then it's probably just one or two guys samefagging
imagine this creature blowing old guys to pay for his next surgery. YIKES
someone drop the links for Jades porn
you've seen it stop lying
I just think it's funny, at this point, nobody has posted anything terrible that he's done. He's seen as the thread's boogeyman
And I haven't.
Why is this gen so mean to Jade but not to other tripfags? There are other trips here too.
is this fucking faust
That's fair actually, I kinda forget people do that
let's be real, people

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shut the fuck up bitch mom
t. molestrios rapeahonistus
Jade is an incredibly mentally ill and vindictive person.
She is easy for narcy's to troll because she has low self esteem and e-whores herself out to fish for compliments to raise it
shut up rick
>t. molestrios rapeahonistus
I’m dead as fuck. That’s hysterical
so um, can we stop going after Jad3? It's actually not funny and I think it's irresponsible to go after someone that already has low self-esteem
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Honestly get your game up. This ageing hon is falling apart and you don't need MS Paint to see it.
Shut the fuck up ninner.
I'm not Rick, you're paranoid and schizo
go be sad somewhere else, we're fucking tired of your constant wallowing in self pity
She's free to go to mtfg or anywhere else
this nigger just pulled the narc abuse card in common conversation, give this porch sitting fatlip spearchucker the emmet till course on how not to suffer an uppety nigger
My god this faggot needs to get a skincare routine.
I have a theory. I think trolls from Gaygen are purposefully trolling and derailing this thread. I notice a lot of Gaygen trips that frequent here.
no im rick were all rick here
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>this nigger just pulled the narc abuse card in common conversation, give this porch sitting fatlip spearchucker the emmet till course on how not to suffer an uppety nigger
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glad to see anti-greek sentiment is alive and well
all it takes is that it's Rick, it doesn't matter who Rick is
maybe the real Rick were the friends we didn't make along the way
I wish I was dead, I hate myself for ruining everything
kys rick
You won't do it. You're a narcissist who just acts like this to get attention. The only thing you're capable of loving or caring about is yourself.
So I'm guessing "Rick" is an inside running joke here?
Sinjin Van Cleef
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im rick whos my morty? jade?
stfu and kys rick you're too stupid to hide
I haven't been on these threads very long but honestly I've never seen you say/do anything to deserve all the hate in the time I've been here
who the heck is that
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>i wish i was dead
i'ma put you up on some game, you can just kill yourself lol
He's currently trying to kill the thread to spite someone for not caving to his constant need for praise.
Telling women they should "just put on more clothes if they don't want to be sexually assaulted" was a good one
Same. Been around for 3 days, and mostly just appreciating the drama.
thats the sexual version of Pichu
He's not rick but I think I might be. I only say that because I miss Frisson. She was the closest thing I had to love and I'll never get her back. The pain still flows, I wish I could show her how truly sorry I am. I just miss talking to her and hearing her sweet gentle voice on VC
You missed her flipping out on other random trans women though. The problem most people have with her though is the constant complaining.
I'm not lying i feel awful I was being too retarded and not learning my lesson and my friend had to block me because of that and like now I dont know what to do
Has anybody else noticed that Jade's selfies never get removed while everything that the other girls post gets removed almost instantly?
You're doing this because you want people to attack them and tell you you're perfect. Shut the fuck up and try it somewhere else.
eui also this begs the question do all 4chan niggas just save all tripfag selfies to abuse at a later date
No I'm not a complete loser.

I wasn't here for that.. But yikes if it did happen..

Meh. I can get that for people that like it but it's kinda a lot and if I walk away for ten minutes there's 150 new replies that I don't feel like reading
yeah, I think Jad3 is a janny personally. I also think other Jannys are out'ing my IP address. Please stop, do your job
oh god this creature actually looks a lot like my brother
i don't know how i feel about this
>Jannys are out'ing my IP address.
admitting you're rick finally?
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oh thats eui? i didnt recognize her there. none of her trademark theyfabness made it through the faceapp
>save all tripfag selfies to abuse at a later date
folderfag creeps gonna creep i guess. fortunately for me i make and post my own manly faceapp edits, so theyve got no ammo for me
He got blocked by someone who posts here for being a vindictive narcissist and is trying to punish them by killing the thread.
this nigga just admitted it lmao
Yeah I don't feel the need to follow all the happenings. I just jump in and out where I find interest.

The Rick and Fred things from the past few days has been fun to follow though.
no, I just find it really telling
No, I just went in the archive
you're a suspect too, don't try and walk away
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dropped trip for an anon post and forgot to put it back on. oopsie.
I think the janny does it as a joke bc they think im really ugly and don't feel threatened by me like they do for kat or any of the actually pretty girls
why do you even care about a nobody like Rick and this Fred guy?
I'm not a suspect anymore, I just arrived a couple day ago too as anon.
log off and kys rick
yeah, the other day i got a 24h ban for just replying to some girl pic, meanwhile they never ban people like jade or julie who constantly spam pic for attention on the board
sad pichu
They gave me a 3 day ban for replying to a picture once lol. I wasn't even talking about the photo.
yeah and one time I made fun of Jade as a joke, I got banned. I really do think she's a Janny. it all adds up.
I don't care though, I actually like Jade and jacked off to her porn a lot.
I'm not rick, go harrass another anon
Does worming really count as killing the thread?

That's fair lol. I've semi kept up with the Rick stuff but I think I must've completely missed whatever Fred is about
Shut up rick faggot
That's fine.
The Rick stuff is just confusing.

The Fred x Fred lover situation was like watching an autistic romcom. Like an even intelligible 'Love on the Spectrum'
Can we just report people accusing others of being rick for "off topic discussion"? I'm sick of the Rick saga, it's been 3 months. No more mentions of Rick, Jannies, do your job!!! please!!!
He's doing it intentionally to try and punish them.
you can.
Isn't Jade in her late 20s? What a childish mentality.
I still don't know if "fred lover" actually loved him
Jade just turned 30.
then fuck off and finally kys rick we know it's you
That'd be a tragedy. I hope they get together in the end. Huddled together in a cozy meth den.
still a better love story than Twilight
fred lover wanted a victim
they were definitely trying to bait him in lol
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Nah I'm not Rick dawg I've just been away for a month
quick check chat. where is the nearest plastic object from you? are you touching plastic right now?

also I'm gay
I enjoy this as your bit a real lot.
My glock
lets get a new thread with no qott. instead theres a Thread Command. transers will be HAPPY and POSITIVE and will NOT complain about anything
That always works on you, right?
raspberry greek youghgourt cup
pichu, if you're a janny ban all discussions of rick please. I'm just so done with it
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of course i'm touching plastic
digits mean this is right
kys rick
My car key fob is sitting against my leg.
Basic, but serviceable.
no, thread command is that all transers should move to Europe, especially the Brazilians
nice nails lady
Well I'm going out west down on the coast. Where the California girls they are the most
But im not happy pichu I'm crying at my ketamine thing
ive been trying real hard to be positive lately though it is hard. i hid all of the brainworming channels in the discord servers i use to try and keep myself from incessantly spouting out negativity, and i think its kinda working.
a bit of forcefulness is really good for me
i am not a janny, but now im wondering if i come across like a janny
no. you and i will both come 2 brazeel
Nah they're all coming to America.
yeaaah i know they're gross i've been meaning to file them down for ages
>Everything is about me though
im touching the mircoplastic in me
>guys am I coming across as a janny rn?
My phone case
Yeah I've definitely had those situations where the thoughts and compulsion can just be really overwhelming. Out of site out of mind can work extremely well for it. Keep it up!
The plastic seal thing on my 24oz monster

>im wondering if i come across like a janny
I don't really think you do desu
>im wondering if i come across like a janny
it's rick and he views you as a mommy which is the same thing as a janny to him
will you help me find those hot Brazilian trans if we go there?
Drugs are bad. Find happiness in improved self worth.
tfw no brazilian tranner bunga bunga party
She's talking about the psychiatric practice of ketamine treatment not shooting up horse tranqs.
Oh okay. Hard to assume with this crowd.
This was given to me by a doctor i am supposed to do it to try and get out of my head and understand things better and I am trying to use it to learn how to fix things but I don't think I can
>tfw no monster dong brazilian futa gf
>I don't think I can
You need to fix this part.
ive known a number of brazil transers in my time. just like everywhere else in the world, they are not all like that one super internet-famous one, who i can never remember the name of. you probably know who i mean
I don't, I have no idea who the people I see in /gif/ are, I just am hopelessly attracted to them
For a second I was about to say I'm not some internet poisoned loser who just knows the name of random trans women. But it's Sayuri isn't it, you mean Sayuri and I should go outside.
How many of you have actually interacted with trans people in real life?
No I mean she doesn't want to be friends anymore i dont think i can fix that
yep, thanks. enjoy your walk!
I have a visceral hatred for those of you who call us "a trans" rather than a trans woman or trans person purely for the grammatical inaccuracy. Trans is a modifier not a noun, I can't be a trans but I can be trans. I have no idea why it annoys me this much
I've dated trans women and have a few as some of my best friends, including my oldest friend.
Lmao, I said the same shit to some friends a while back. I think it's an ESL thing desu. I mostly notice that's who seem to use it that way. Watched a foreign film where they kept doing it.
I've dated trans women in the past. I also have a cousin who's MtF trans.
I took a girl on a date last week and we’re going out again this weekend.
Not that specifically. Its your attitude toward yourself and getting better. You always say you can't.
This is the same problem I have and its holding us both back.
I'm the guy that doomposted about his local conditions being unfit for chasing, so no, only saw a transvestite at a disco some months ago
>local conditions being unfit for chasing, so no, only saw a transvestite at a disco
Hell is real and it's a place that somehow has a disco but no trans women.
I apologize, English isn't my main language, I tend to make hiccups every now and then

I'm as amazed as you are, unless somehow it's all giga passing Staceys that you can't clock
and I was a regular at night clubs, weekly if not biweekly, so that's why I get a bit down when people say it's easy
I did briefly even check the gay nightlife places, but only lesbian cis girls were there
Goos luck!
I just realized that I missed the opportunity to make a joke, so I'll reply to the same message

Hell has a name, and it's called Southern Italy, temperatures above 30° all year, governed by Italians and with Brazilian life conditions
>But it's Sayuri isn't it, you mean Sayuri and I should go outside.
Sayuri is my queen and I would do literally anything she said
Jade on that abuser grindset again
They never change
Boymoding today (work meeting on webcam edition)
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looked what just come across my fyp

Chasers do you like it or hate it when yur tranner stares at you all the time. I’ve been told I have a staring problem more than a few times in the past.
Men are afraid to talk to women.
In a relationship or just a random person in the street?
Relationship is fine
Btw thank you Rose you made me feel a lot better last night. You're honestly the best.
Doesn't bother me anymore. I just very aggressively ask "what" when she does. Snaps her out of it.
Someone post the abuser receipts, she can't keep getting away with it
If we're dating I guess it's cute. I might ask what you're doing a lot though lol.
pasty, flabby and white. kill yourself
Got reminded how ugly I am its fucking over like holy shit
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relationship wise, i could do it for hours and have :) im also real glad about that! :D yur def way to hard on yurself dude i was expecting worse the way you describe yurself but like i was pleasantly surprised. keep that head up! and you say yur gyming too right? ygmi :D dont worry dude

fair lol i feel that would happen to me a lot

fair lol i do it very unconsciously a lot of the time with people i admire
You should be in prison
<3 you so kind all the time. and ya I work out most days.
>very unconsciously a lot of the time with people i admire
I notice I definitely do it with women I'm dating. Turns out I like looking at pretty women and you're not really supposed to just do that if you're not involved with them. So yeah, also a weirdo lol.
Got reminded how hot I am, always winning like holy shit

<3 c:

Yeh I won’t lie I can end up doing it with randos as well, like there was a pretty hot guy at work the other day that I was serving and I couldn’t stop. Tho I think he was kinda into it cause he kept giving me smiles, I had to go to the back lol.
Alright if we're being honest then yeah I do it sometimes too lmao.
>Tho I think he was kinda into it cause he kept giving me smiles
Ohohoho, he was definitely into you then. The smile is well established.
Call your dad bro
I just got back from the doctor, I don't have AIDS! I thought I did when I slept with that sketchy tranner
oh my o.o he seemed kinda nervous too when talking to me lol but i was just in boymode. thats a cool thing to know then :)
>>37400446 new
>>37400446 new
>>37400446 new
how's it goin chasergen
you ever just down a spoonful of laoganma

captcha daytv
What kind of restaurant? A chain? Do you like your job? Never seen you talk about your work. Tbh I didn’t think you did

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