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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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Apparently he/him lesbians are valid and you can still identity as a lesbian and take testosterone.
So I (7 years on T, hairy, bearded ftm) decided to rock up to the lesbian function in search of pussy but everyone was awkward about me? What the fucking fuck?

Does wokeness even exist irl or is it a thing people just roleplay on Twitter?
Awkward how?
Like they're uncomfortable about me. Either was assumed to be a cis male or got asked 20 questions about my identity and how long I had been on hormones. Nobody wanted to fuck me
This only works if you're hot
90% of the women there were ugly as sin though
This only works if you microdose testosterone and still look like a woman.

Even in the old times when butches took testosterone for safety reasons people were sometimes weird about them doing that.
Unless you’re in an already established lesbian community, took testosterone and never left it’s not going to work. Especially now that the connection between tman and lesbian communities has basically been severed in western countries
Its the beard. Get electrolysis and come back
T. Butch on T
Male type body hair is icky, so are the zippertits, male smell, and hearing male voice during sex, so I wouldn't touch you with a 10 ft pole. The valid he/him lesbians all microdose, so I basically get an ultra horny woman that's good at railing my pussy with a strap.
You done fucked up.
>lesbians won't have sex with me, a man! What ever happened to the tolerant left?!
Oh fuck off with “male voice” you know damn well what pooners sound like.
They sound like froggy 13 year old boys. Again, not something I'm into.
It's hilarious how OP is autistic
Anon you need to explain to them how they are being lesbophobic by not having sex with you
And you call yourself a dyke? What self respecting dyke isn’t into 13 year old boys? Grow up, stop playing princess.
I just don’t understand this shit. Isn’t the whole point of being queer is that there aren’t arbitrary rules about sex and gender? I’m anti-“you must sleep with me as I am a valid lesbian and that entitles me to sex and social validation” as well as anti-“I’m taking your L card because you pegged an ftfemboy/got pegged by a butch you filthy moidfucker” Like can we all just grow up?
This shit has gotten out of hand. I don’t even like contra but I remember when they were eating her alive for saying the most reasonable shit
Wrong thread
>WTF I'm a dude but I want to be a dyke too?
Mental illness.
>Does wokeness even exist irl
It doesn't exist outside of digital spaces, and anyone who means what they say are either true believers or psyoped, but the roots of these movements are not at all genuine, being funded by very dubious actors.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: creepy trans moids like you are the ones who try infiltrating lesbian spaces and harassing lesbians. Not mtfs.

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