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Qott: Do you believe in true love? Do you search for it? I think it is just exceptionally rare. songs like this remind me of that.


Q4C: do you do steroids? not judging just asking cause a lot of men seem to now a days.

R2T: You can be loved you just have to try and love yourself a bit first :)

>>37396401 last episode
yes, no
i'm build like a twink and don't really work out, doing it would just give me acne and make me go bald lol
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Least insulting passoid compliment
true love is a cool idea but people change. find a person you are close with, enjoy it while it lasts and move on when its over
bruh she has THE prototypical man face. i hope she isnt telling anyone else that shit
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True love is bullshit and a pipe dream.
Steroids are for people with the tiniest of penises.
>Honey how in the hell are you gonna somebody if you can’t even love yourself, can I get an amen!
Yes, next question
She’s so fucking hot and makes great porn I can’t wait to nut to her videos when I get home from work later
Yes, I am a hopeless romantic.
No. Not yet at least.
yeah in the same way i believe in horoscopes and fortunes and such, it's something I like to suspend my disbelief on and just uncritically accept as real (even though my rational brain knows it's not, it just isn't compatible with the materialistic worldview I have) because I like how thinking about feels, it's cute.
I just started going to the gym regularly for the first time in my life 4 months ago
I don't think I'm making any major gains right now because I have to get through the rest of this massive weight loss first, going well there but hard to build muscle in an extreme deficit. The goal is after I hit goal weight I switch focus to building muscle, I've heard dudes who have extreme weight loss sometimes have to go on steroids to hit a normal gain rate because their hormones have been fucked for so long, would rather not but we'll see
I think it's real but very few people will find it. I'm not sure it's worth spending my whole life looking for. I'm just trying to find someone who I enjoy being around and they enjoy being around me.

that shit shrinks your junk gives you acne and can cause balding. noooooo thanks.
I didn't believe in it until I met my husband. I was prepared to die alone.
It's time to stop
Put your trip on so I can filter your dumbass.
>Qott: Do you believe in true love? Do you search for it? I think it is just exceptionally rare. songs like this remind me of that.
No and no. I think it's bullshit.
>do you do steroids? not judging just asking cause a lot of men seem to now a days.
honestly same, I think I might be trying to date a twink from now on. I want to marry my husband-o twink hon <3
Don't bully.
but I just started :( would you like to stop together?
QOTT: used to believe in true love, had a rough wake up when who I thought was my soulmate treated me like I was garbage, planned to have a family with her, instead I got so disgusted with her behavior that I find women repugnant now
maybe I'll believe in true love again, but I'll need a while to recover from that trauma

q4c: steroids shrink balls, I would never want to harm my balls

Captcha: 4GAG2
True love exists I'll never have it though
>Qott: Do you believe in true love?
I think so. I thought I found it in the past but it wasn't real. But I still have hope, It is just rare and hard to find.
>Q4C: do you do steroids?
Not yet. Maybe when I enter my 40s.
Someone collect Rick out of my gen before I commit a felonious assault with a hammer.
You’d do no such thing tubby.
Please do and solve everyone's problems at once
I’m happy for you. You are winning
Kill yourself retard.
Don’t worry, daddy’s home.
Lose weight first tubby.
I migrated over to your gen because no one likes me here. It least in gaygen people are actually nice to me <3
You first fatty.
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Thank you bro.
I also thought fighting and abuse in relationships was normal, so if I got in one, I would need to get use to fights and beatings. He changed that outlook too. We tease each other on disagreements. Never have fights. No pain of any kind. I am lucky. Funny we both come from homophobic country's and he hates Russians, yet here we are. Unbreakable
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i know i have true love bc anon scrotes here dog me out for having it
Nice try tubby but I’m already skinny unlike you. Ask your doctor for Ozempic next time you see him.

already posted technically in op but fuck this song hits me so hard :(

this is a good way to look at it desu, love is fleeting, always will be just like any other emotion. but even if its not there anymore it was still real and thats what matters imo. people truly connecting, even just for a small amount of time, is sucha beautiful thing. but not really worth wasting so much time over. it finds you if and when its ready

>Honey how in the hell are you gonna somebody if you can’t even love yourself, can I get an amen!
thats why i already reminded them :D

>I didn't believe in it until I met my husband

:'> im so happy 4 u
all love is true, otherwise it isn't even love
yea such true love you look for validation elsewhere you whore
threadly reminder to join tagmap and tag yourself /chasergen/
Eww femcel
No one was near me so I just skipped it.
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>Do you believe in true love?
Yes, and I believe that a sane tranner can make a better GF, lifepartner, wife, soulmate than the average female today.

For all the girls here who worry about their looks, or passing, please remember, we fall in love with your personality, your character, your kindness. If you are a nice, sweet loving lady, that is what truly matters to a someone looking for his soulmate.
Sounds like someone’s had a bad day of sitting in their room and playing league all day, seeing as you want to project all your insecurities on me babes <3
i exhausted all the options around me on there. Made 1 friend
Rupaul is my idol frfr
This is goals and I hope one day to get this.
that's why more people need to join, otherwise it's just gonna be this way forever

tagmap is more neutral than discord as a way to screen people
>do you do steroids? not judging just asking cause a lot of men seem to now a days.
DIY T cause old.
Thanks. I hope the best for you two.
so fucking tired from no gf
Living rent free in your mind
that weapon looks like a grey painted nerf gun. what even
It's Russian supply, so probably is exactly that.
you're not alone anon, not that it makes it better, we just have to cope with it until we finally get our goal
>so fucking tired from no gf
We can agree that being so tired from fucking a gf is a much better state.
It’s a VSS Vintorez.
my stomach
Do women get the ick from men having shouting scrraming orgasms?
Fr I sound like a retarded person who got told the Disney World trip is off when I nut
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drag race stuff can be cool and funny but sometimes its just a little too gay for me lol

u 2 friend

I don't believe in true love. I'm sure people can find it but after trying to find it myself, I'm left with nothing but disappointment and emotional abuse directed towards me from people I thought were my true love. Right now, the only person I'm trying to love is myself. Shit's hard but I'm getting better at it day by day. Maybe one day I'll find someone I can feel comfortable using that word on again, but if I don't, then it's whatever.


I don't do steroids but I'm going to do TRT once I reach my early to mid 40s.
Nah, you can fall in love with a lot of people for sure.
>drag race stuff can be cool and funny but sometimes its just a little too gay for me lol
Oh yeah, that’s I hated you guys.
it does but physical attractiveness (lack thereof) hinders it too much
Drag race stuff awakens in me some sort of disgust. I assume the same disgust straight people feel when they see a gay couple kissing for the first time. I do, however, respect and would defend their right to do as they wish.

But on the other hand, why can't you just be a regular faggot instead of a fucking flamer.
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sorry bug just didnt grow up with baka my head frfr, now you WILL listen to these slected ambient works and you WILL enjoy it!
>my stomach
How big is your lover? Curved upwards or downwards, or straight? It makes a difference.
I have no lover
>It’s a VSS Vintorez.
Thanks, I've updated the filename.
Drag queens are hilarious, cool, and sometimes hot
Can't let the trannies know I fuck with them
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she looks trans and manly? what the hell, i was sitting here thinking she's so pretty and id kill to look a tenth as good as her
what makes her look trans or have a manly face?
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Tomorrow is a new day, and it may happen when you least expect it.
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>:) no, maybe later tho :)
Long midface and Chad jaw.
>she looks trans and manly?
nah, that anon is just insane
We love flamers, flamers literally paved the way for Femboys much to their disapproval.
No problem, I played a shit ton of Dayz :p
Maybe you’re gay (like every chaser here).
i think people are saying this because she has a bit stronger bone structure than most women, but i dont think anyone in real life would think she is manly. this is due to brainrot
as a man, I have a weaker jawline and chin than the average trans girl
That person's just mad, she's passing and hot
"Unclockable under scrutiny" is not a real standard that needs to be reached but people pretend like it's the only one when cis women can't reach it half the time
i have an important question as i consider your answer. are you a cis male chaser or a trans woman?
Someone get their troon, she’s drunk.
This would fix me but for real
I sometimes think it would be nice to get a massage but idk if I could without crying
>what makes her look trans or have a manly face
Most of the girls on /tttt/ needlessly beat themselves up over passing. IRL, voice is more important to passing than face. The world is full of natural cis-hons.
wheres kate
>Maybe you’re gay
I'm the standard issue bi for fems
Trannies think this necessarily means I see them the same as fem guys and I can't deworm them about that
>no Kate
>selfie posters aren't getting immediately whack-a-mole'd
picrel is true, the only time I got held in the arms of a girl I almost broke down in tears

the most rage inducing thing is knowing that we aren't even allowed to have a moment to have that cathartic sob session because "muh onions boy"
this is quite extreme though lol, lots of royals with weird faces
Cringe bipedo, almost on the same level of retardation as bish.
men having emotions is such an ick
she's cute tho
women with this ick should be roundhouse kicked to an abusive relationship
Yeah liking feminine men and feminine women is so morally evil, true
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i am no ones :( untethered, unwanted

>she’s drunk.

not yet but high yes :)
crybaby pussy chaser reveals his true incel nature when confronted with the fact he isn't a real man
bug is an insane BPD poster from gaygen, ignore him
> men having emotions is such an ick
Sorry. I’ll push them back inside
ill whisk you away one day to sweden
Nah I’m just fucking with you.
Gay, get drunk like a Bottom G.
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>as a man, I have a weaker jawline and chin than the average trans girl
How do you compare with Ilona?
Today is a bad day :c
Good, I hope it gets much worse.
you never have good days do you
if they saw us together they'd assume I'm ftm and we're in a st4t relationship
Who's Kate?
You're an abuser jade no one feels sorry for you here
Na you not allowed to take here away from us.
one of the top 5 most beautiful to ever grace this board
Yeah, don't cry when she's holding you because she'll lash out against you later and you'll be alone again.
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It's a good day for me, since you're posting Jade-chan :)
this just in, you don't have eyes
last thread:
>lets get a new thread with no qott. instead theres a Thread Command. transers will be HAPPY and POSITIVE and will NOT complain about anything
this thread:
>holy shit if this extremely gorgeous omegapassoid trans woman is getting clocked and criticized, transers like me are simply doomed

just another day of being a tranneroid in the chasers general thread
Yall better up your chaser game before Nils flies out to express deliver another dicking and break a heart by not committing
if kate is the kate i think kate may be
then my eyes see truer than true can be
It makes me sad that you think I would or have done this to a person
Please stop reporting the other girls, kate
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sweet, i needa passport yesterday c:

i dotn wanna get fat tho :(

sorry lol i just liike positive yall can be such downers
maybe i am
she's not
Let's get Pura on the line
she is and her personality is awful
> up your chaser game
I have 0 game
come on bro, leave pura alone, people bringing up that shit up all the time is why she doesn't post here anymore
what's her socials? she looks like my kind of tranner
we don't dislike eachother at all, it just ended up not working out in the end :-(
ill move to texas
we'll rest next to eachother reporting selfies on chasergen
drinking hot black coffee
clocked and criticized by jealous hons who nitpick every detail like your average incel giving his rating on a girl

meanwhile me, a man, finding that there are more passing girls than not
The most beautiful was a squeaky squeaky person
does dukky still post here? Does she know about Rick?
It says right on the image, are you blind?
why are you telling me this, i don't care what you do with her
i don't give a fuck about you in the slightest
you're just the wall im playing squash against
Haven't thought about her in a minute
She was too negative in a retarded way for me howeverbeit
i guess she does also out herself with those #transgender #transgirl etc tags on her posts. opens herself up to it.
IMO, the only goal that makes sense is to eventually pass and then go SO stealth that other trans people can't even tell. whatever that requires, however many surgeries or reincarnations that takes.
thank god now fuck off back to your simping and leave me alone fat retard
good luck, she's literally a transbian who always used to blog about how much she loved her gf
massive bdd tard who constantly wallow in self pity
i could wear a wig
Drink low carb beer or something desu
what's her socials?
does dukky still post here? She must be behind all this trolling
yes and i let her get away like a retard. shes with someone else now and ill never be back with her and ill only end up suffering now.
no. taking supplements is unnatty and i am fully natty
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Beer is garbage. All beers.
nvm I got it
Can a chaser even fully love a tranny... i don't get it what makes chasers love us so much... why do you like transwomen dear anons & chaser
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>SO stealth that other trans people can't even tell
sounds unhealthily unrealistic but relatable. i think ive given up on that a bit ago. passing to that degree dosent really sound comfortable anymore to me

this desu if im gonna get drunk on anything , which is already rare, its just sweet cocktails or shots
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>It’s a VSS Vintorez
You're half right. It's this with the optional suppressor on
Similar hobbies and likes. Transwomen are very easy to be both your best friend and your lover. Which is a very nice thing.
but for love it needs to go beyond "chaser" and "tranny", it's more about the individual

regarding the initial attraction it can be down to a range of things
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feck wrong link agian :( i already used the good webm unfortunate.... anlright i needa touch some grass anyway see yall inna bit
>just sweet cocktails or shots
Constantly relatable.
idk, not passing and being visibly trans is just kinda inevitably going to kill me. either out of shame or fear or literally getting murdered by someone for looking trans

unhealthy or not eventually it's gonna come down to cis-passing 100% stealth or killing myself, probably. and considering the age i started at,
we love trannies but trannies don't love us and that's a fact
Why do you think being trans means you deserved or will receive less love?
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>Rosewood near a cis-man
people should just stop being so jealous of others' happiness or good conditions, but then again, that's literally counter to human nature, so who knows

also people should stop coddling the delusional ones, but that's because I feel like validating them is what produces this envy
this is how i feel as well. it's stealth or nothing else
Mating pressing a tranner and making her finish on her own face.
>Do you believe in true love?
not really. That sounds like you mean soulmates, like there's just one person out there somewhere meant for you. I think love is something you build
>Do you search for it?
no. this question doesn't work based on my previous answer
>Can a chaser even fully love a tranny...
sure of course they can. Even in the worst case if they fetishize you, it's still possible.
any tranners horny and want to suck on my fat cock? I'm posting during a moment of weakness
https://unsee cc/album#KTJvXWbIXRlO
How is your voice. I find it really hard to believe you can't pass right now. I know you see a big burly man but nobody else in the world does.
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I won't say no to sweet alcohols but I always take shots of liquor. Get drunk quicker for less money.
Then drink low calorie seltzers or something lol
that’s fred from /hm/ a gay bottom
it’s not u and everybody knows it lol
I was posting new pics, it is me. If you're not into it, I get it though
I’m not half right, I am right. The VSS Vintorez is integrally suppressed and was made to be very quiet because it shoots subsonic rounds.
This is a catfish
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after two years of training i do have a trained voice that can work well enough. i just hate using it. so usually i prefer to mutemode out in public but if i have to speak ill use it.
it really is just appearance. it outs me

i would like to move on from passing discussion here. im sorry i let it leak a bit. its not what this thread is for.
have another pic of that tiktok lady instead. i like her hair
stop it, no I'm not, should I post a timestamp over my fat cock then?
my answer will ruffle feathers, but it's the lack of pussy
I just feel much more at ease with that, I am not attracted to men, so that road is blocked
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>true love
not very meaningful
You're a low calorie seltzer and a fag.
they’re literally the same pics as always
jeez what other pic do you want me to upload then? I'm tired of being called a catfish. Can you it least tell me if you like them or not?
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That would prove it, but you can't because that's not you
pic rel somewhat reminds me of Scarlett Johansson, who on their right mind would say no to her?

(though not a fan of pink hair)
post one with a chasergen timestamp written on a piece of paper and today’s date
also the person whose pics ur stealing literally posted his gaping asshole on /hm/ and the thread was posted here in cg multiple times lil bro
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You are half-right because that's not a VSS, and not an Integrally suppressed model. Same action, receiver, made in the same plant. but that model (37400550) is externally suppressed
mid desu
kiss me bug
maybe I'll think about it. I don't really feel like making a timestamp though, it's too much work.
It's wild that this is still entertaining to you
Try not to steal others pics challenge
what's wrong with a chaser having a gaping ass hole? Don't most chasers have that here?
UGHHHH that's so much work, I don't to make that all into a timestamp. I think I'll pass on making the timestamp then
It isn't any effort at all
People are lovable, why is that surprising.
The real challenge is -post real pic with timestamp without people still accusing you're fake.
I love you.
the real challenge is keeping this thread on topic & not just being some boring schizoposter nonsense
Damn, you out autismed a bpdemon.
Kill yourself faggot
I'm just bored and lonely. I'm willing to date a guy at this point. anyways I uploaded more pics never seen before
https://unsee cc/album#KTJvXWbIXRlO

I aint making a timestamp though, then they win
it's a ton of effort. First I gotta find some printer paper then a good marker and then pose for a picture so it doesnt look trash

idk why you guys hate me so much
what is inside of your brain? i dont understand at all
hmmm i get that in a way... maybe cuz the bar is often lower for trans ppl too... if there not t4t and or lesbian
Finally home from work. Morning shifts suck.

Did I miss anything?
True. Some people believe it some don’t.
someone post a selfie
I think that's kinda rude dont ruin her make up!
i don't know i cant believe a man could love me or anyone for that matter
this is why I don't want to do it. I also can't make a timestamp. Just... for reasons.... don't think about it too much. I just simply cannot and will not make a timestamp
boutta apply to be a janny just to ban rick and rick impersonators
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thought about it in more depth and true love is friendship :)
of course she comes back to respond to the most goonerbrained post in the entire thread
this is the only correct way to treat them. they do not deserve love or affection.
noooo Sarah, I've only ever been kind to you
but yeah, I'm not making a timestamp, I never will
It was good move to post the usual "Rick flexing bicep" pic in current gaygen and say you just took the pic for the thread specifically lol.
please fucking do
all of these are stolen from the hm thread lol
I mean some people trusted me and will defend me being real so it was worth it.
>idk why you guys hate me so much
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i will always love fred even though he hates me
haha kek, gaygen is cool though

damn it, I just want to be accepted by people here. is that so much to ask?
I have just seen much better
Ok if you get it remember I have always been nice. Plz no ban
Extremely based
seth was attentionwhore retard so i rly dont care abt his pics being stolen by somebody who acts the exact same way and idk why we need to give this so much attention instead of ignoring politely
You should unironically kill yourself. And I mean that sincerely.
You're mentally ill.
wait are you saying you are in fact just another of his alts? please dont mean that
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alright now im gone cant spend my whole day off here again :0 just for a bit tho.. c:

pls dont do that pich, i feel ya tho. ive made my plans if it gets there. i hate the shame i walk around looking like this. its like people see right through me cause im kinda past a certain point of femininity where its hard to just explain away by saying 'gyno' or oh 'i just look young' before people start looking at you funny. my face is fucked and does need work but its also my shoulders and arms which i just cant fix arms wise at least. i also just have a ton of trauma and anxiety when it comes to trying to act or present feminine or 'like myself' ig. idk anymore ive been masking for so long i just have such a deep disconnect with who i am. never really knew ig besides some fundamentals. life really just fucked me mentally as much as it could and i feel barely fully conscious most days, just kinda adrift until its over. i wish to be stealth and feel i possibly can but idk if i could mentally handle or fully blend into properly it if that makes sense, anyway sorry you were the one to get my schizo ramble of the day.


see i woulda just ducked away if someone did that to me i always assume things arent meant for me, and someone randomly looking at me like that would scare me :(

>quicker for less money.
exactly i hate paying 17 bucks for a glorified hard lemonade or some shit
You'd be my hero if you do
you're so mean
whatever, sorry I bothered you
please take this down and stop trolling me

I just want to be accepted by a group of people. I'm so unbelievably sad right now. I tried so hard this time. Why does everyone always have to hate me every where I go, how can I ever be likeable?
there's nothing else exciting or powerful enough here
boring thread
I don't care if there's a bar, if it's lower or higher, I don't believe it's easier to date a trans girl, if anything I think it's much harder than dating a cis girl

but, I just want to find that girl I can click with and feel fully realized with, but I'm afraid that she'd feel put off by me having a specific genital attraction
I love you.
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>out autismed a bpdemon
I like the SR-3 more is all. Even with the shorter sight radius, its more conventional layout is cooler looking to me. Plus, probably a fireball machine when unsuppressed. Again, you were half-right.
please just hang yourself already
I hope you do
please stop telling me to self harm. I'm so fucking sad right now. Everywhere I go, no one likes me so I'm obviously a fuck up. I don't know how to change. I wish I had friends, I wish I was accepted
rick has a really gay ohio accent
It's probably the same guy still using the same photos
please just hang yourself already
No matter who you pretend to be nobody likes you. Nobody as ever liked you. The only constant between all of your personas is you. Nobody likes you. Everybody hates you.
You're the problem.
I've been saying
That's just what he posts on when he wants to act chill in between doing insane shit which is why he's constantly forgetting to turn trip back on
lol. usually I ignore this shit but this made me laugh
Nta but you should kys
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fred i wanna marry you
Just b urself
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yeah, it makes me think I really need to look at myself and change something. I don't know what it is but it's just making me so sad. It least 10 people here hate my guts, it feels terrible. Maybe I should just go, nobody wants me here and I'll never fit in with you guys.

Enjoy your thread
You could change yourself permanently. You could stop breathing. That would make people happy.
please just hang yourself already
The thing that bewilders me the most about schizos is how endlessly entertained they are by the same shit over and over again never changing, doesn't even matter that everyone clocks their shit they just love doing it
More obsessive than autists
please stay i love you so much perfect hunk husband
I believe you can find someone anon you seem nice imma root for you
so did seth steal the pics originally? Or are seth and rick the same person using stolen photos?
No I’m not but I was referencing the fact that people still think I am
I just try to be positive. My head is filled with negativity and I try very hard to not put that onto others. I don’t want others to feel like I do.
who cares ?
he's 100% real just very paranoid trust me i talked to him before
muscleanon was always innocent. frisson and twinkchan must pay for emotional damages done to him.
someone post selfie
No, nobody likes me or wants me here. No tranner would ever take me seriously once they find out who I am. Everyone thinks I'm a catfish because I don't want to make a timestamp

I just really don't want to make a timestamp.

Everyone thinks I'm annoying and I really don't know why. It just fucking sucks to be the most hated person on /tttt/
thank you, it just feels so daunting
what is true love? does this imply other love isn't true?
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My mantra(?) is "Focus on what matters. Let go of what doesn't"
Can I say it? Barely. Does it help? A lot.
please just hang yourself already
I have no idea who you are
>everyone always attacks him
I wonder why he's paranoid
okay guys, I think we really broke Rick. Maybe we should lay off him for a couple days
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with enough confidence and compassion its certainly possible! never give up or something
nobody wants to see a troon but here (no face since im insecure as fuck)
Nice knees. Work on the cable management.
cool clothes
the hoodie & sweater clash a bit with the skirt but its still comfy core
you should get big baggy jogger bottoms
& a bf & a bong
and cuddle on your bed
Would hold hand
You're very cute. Everybody wants to see you.
been told that so many times that I almost can't believe in that lol

nice fit tho, looking cute!
I'm tryin to bend you over
>nobody wants to see a troon
I do
look how much better the thread is when someone posts a picture
now someone else post selfie
please just hang yourself already
hey guys, I just got off work. What's new in the thread?
I did last night and a single person saw it lol. I think I’m done for a bit
Go ahead
I thought you left.
I think the dude got banned lol
Hi Rick, more of the same
fucking finally
Finally. He'll be back though.
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l'autism face
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i have this picture of me and my bf
thank fuck Rick finally got banned do did their job and reported him?
timestamp or rick clone
none of them are plugged in and are since stored away

that's the reason you will never be successful chasing

thanks cuddling must feel nice

really? i dont think so first time showing myself tbf


thanks & never give up!

not interested in being a janny sorry but thanks for the compliment

Thank you may try... itd be mean for a first time tho

hope you are happy seeing a troon today
why do you think he'll be back?
based, you look contented
maybe anything other than an extremely pornbrained post
You're right here buddy.
I've been posting for a while now, I'm not Rick
tysm he's very sweet :)
i will grab u by the shoulders and tell u that love is waiting for u i stg
You're very cute.
who the fuck is rick
timestamp or rick clone
thanks anon!
i literally believe all US chasers are rick personalities at this point
also the Europe and Australian chasers
he hasn't used his real trip in months or even years so no one even knows. You could be Rick for all we know. I think Sarah said she was Rick a couple weeks ago.
>that's the reason you will never be successful chasing
not a chaser
im british
gah another awful thread infected with schizoposting bollocks
people bitch about X poster & then constantly post about X poster
get a clue tards
Hey look it's Angel. How are you?
What can I do to prove you wrong?
shut the fuck up retard
post vocaroo with accent pls

kill rick
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hii! i've been good :) just focusing on school n such how are you??
I don’t blame you it’s hard to trust people around here.
If we ever chat on discord I'll prove I'm not
what if I told you Rick isn't real and it's actually frogposter impersonating rick?
all of the male trips are rick until you post timestamps, otherwise swiftly kys
what if i told you i dont give a fuck
shut the fuck up about this boring character its boring to read
Pretty good! Planning for the holidays, which always just gives you some free excited anticipation. Always one of the few breaths of fresh air this place gets.
does this include male (womanoid type) trips
the whole point is not allowing discussion to happen, the reason, who knows
Frogposter is rick
You're a woman.
especially them
No you good. But if you want post pics we will not stop you. Janny might tho
yeah probably just another boring obsessiveposter making this thread a pet project to shit up

i just wanna see kate
the "i'm a man" bit is incredibly insufferable.
Literally the only non-rick man trip is Nils
Men usually don't trip, it is known, they are all this one schizo thinking he's epic af
you're being lied to. Rick isn't real and Rick drama doesn't matter. It's a sabotage of the thread to stop meaningful discussion between tranners and chasers. Nobody actually gives a fuck about Rick, he's a nobody that is relatively uninteresting.

The conspiracy is to stop meaningful discussion by bringing him up constantly. No one can even point to what he even did anymore
I would never trip. You think I want you talking amongst yourselves about me? Nah I'm just some guy.
ok rick
But what if they all said nice things. Imagine.
You guys are extra retarded today, huh?

How's everyones day been?
case in point
literally though, planning for holidays can be just as exciting as fun. i remember getting on a plane for the first time since i was kid seeing my boyfriend. it was rly fun experience :D felt rly independent
yay a non US chaser
ty for not being rick <3
Guys let's start new drama about Sarah. Don't people know she said rapey things to other tranners here? she's a known transbian
I would imagine that's all anyone's ever said about me. I've never had a bad falling out with anyone from here.
There's not really any way around one mentally ill person bruteforcing thread destruction though when moderation doesn't care and they just ban evade anyway
you took a flight to see ur bf? cute. giwtwm
People aren't nice here on the most part
wtf rick got banned and people are still talking about him? Why do you guys like talking about him so much?
That’s cool, but the mp7 will always be better ;3
rick never got banned
Rick is an hivemind of transbians who despise the idea of cis men stealing girls away, there's in an inner circle of gigahons conspiring from multiple locations to post as "Rick", aka the multiple personalities that form this eldritch deity fueled by envy and anger, busy gatekeeping men from the forbidden knowledge to achieve a relationship with a trans woman
Too bad the Tommy Built MP7's are such dogshit.

Hopefully with HKUSA being established, we might have some legit ones made stateside (pipedream)
Yeah I'm lucky to fly pretty regularly, which sort of makes it lose some of the magic, but even then on takeoff and landing it still gets your heart going sometimes.
Oh and is it a distance thing then? I did one of those for a bit. The times when they could fly in were real great.
Damn this is an interesting theory
> men stealing girls away
Well at least I know I’m not a threat
there are multiple schizos pretending to be rick and others calling out "fake ricks" It's like the game, Town of Salem, Rick edition.
This sounds like a fun conspiracy. I know Sarah is probably one of them since she's a self-admitted transbian that posts on straight tranner spaces.

With this, they can point to "Rick" and equal that to every chaser in this thread. Constantly derailing it
That you know of!
I find for the most part they actually are. It's usually a miserable minority causing issue.
They are watching twin peaks so comfy
But Rick has manic retard energy to talk about himself non stop in third person
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Rick and all his hydra headed personalities is probably the fucking Jannie lol ... Otherwise probably doesn't even know how to unban himself if he ever was banned like I do .
I check in every once in a while to see all the horrible shit ppl are saying about me. Less and less as time goes on. But yea fuck this place lol thanks anyway anon

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