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Qott: have you ever sucked on a juicy pickle?

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Yes, and cock. More cock then pickles.
there are multiple schizos pretending to be rick and others calling out "fake ricks" It's like the game, Town of Salem, Rick edition.
This sounds like a fun conspiracy. I know Sarah is probably one of them since she's a self-admitted transbian that posts on straight tranner spaces.

With this, they can point to "Rick" and equal that to every chaser in this thread. Constantly derailing it
No I crunch them
is this you?
can you shut up please
No I haven’t I think….

Ok new topic Rick comments always derail the threads. It’s like every day
ok rick
okay but rick made the thread just as an fyi this isn't a joke
he's also this guy >>37402139
You're a cute girl.
I stand by my theory that it's all a big plan to gatekeep men out, but whatever, nobody will ever really do anything about him
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it's been a while anons, long time no see. Are things still the same as when I left?
lol. I knew it would get that comment but oh well.
I just don’t care any more. It just always turns into a pointless witch hunt because no matter if we find him or not he comes back with a new trip the next day
Go away Rick, no one wants you here
lol, I'm not rick. People often assume I am though.
Don't call me Rick, you're Rick.
Good try Rick
I propose us actual chasers move to other generals, while we leave Rick and his schizophrenic rants here
Have you seen Frisson?
I sucked on juicy cocks Imma tell you that much
God. The users I actually like are not here and I hate this witch-hunt.
don't worry, he'll come over too. The "Ricks" need an audience. A lot of his impersonators come over from gaygen anyways
don't spoil the plan
lol, someone make a new chasergen thread stating, "no ricks allowed" I'm sure trolls won't fuck that one up too constantly talking about ricks, top kek
who is rick
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I like you. I mean we probably would disagree on some politics but I don't talk politics anyway.
>t. Timur
stfu rick
Oh no I do like you I just didn’t see you.
the issue isn't ignoring a single poster that is cucked by the post timer, the issue is a multitude of people who rickpost to gatekeep the thread

this is why even if a thread was made to exclude "Rick" and rickposters get banned, we'll still have more Ricks derailing the thread
who wore it better? The most hated chaser trip crown edition.
A. frogposter
B. Rick
C. Snake
i'm not Rick who is Rick
I need to get a girlfriend who will watch Twin Peaks with me. Or a prostitute.
we all know it's you Rick - your typing style gives it away.
There are really multiple people shitposting about rick? How can we stop this madness once and for all?\
Didn't snake actually so things irl? So probably him
You are an imbecile I'm not Rick
I kinda want to try to hire one to watch twin peaks now
ooo lore, what did snake do irl?
whatever rick, he uses the word "imbecile" quite frequently
weird how you suddenly capitalize letters
You Are genuInEly Delusional
that's what I'm saying, rick got caught again and is trying to change his typing style. Rick's IQ is obviously room temperature.
I'm just trying to find a cute transgirl I don't care about all of this dumb shit.
so many rumors filtered through so much board drama he was either a stalker and a rapist or just a stalker or also an abuser or a groomer or a statutory rapist
he was definitely a stalker at least
you and me both anon, you and me both

reminder to join tagmap and tag yourself /chasergen/
I'd rather just go to Twin Peaks. Food is ok. And you're kind of surrounded by prostitutes.
Is he also the one that melts down with gore spam?
I'm not rick you retarded faggot
Hire a girlfriend? I guess if you've got the money to be blowing on Twin Peaks like that lol. Probably would actually be fun though.
yeah he said that like 30 times before too. Okay Rick, we got you, gtfo no one wants you here.
we can't allow you to do that Rick, no girl wants you here.
> prostitute
Shit I’m lonely but I’m trying to not go down that route.
what's tagmap? can I finally escape this hell hole of a thread and all this rick talk?
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Rick and all his hydra headed personalities is probably the fucking Jannie lol ... Otherwise probably doesn't even know how to unban himself if he ever was banned like I do .
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When does Minas ban end
get a trans one, they're worth it. You don't have to deal with all their drama bullshit. You can literally suck their dick whenever you want and they don't cry about it
Buying gf for twin peaks watch party
How can I find a cute trans person to jerk off with me on cam? Willing to pay at this point.
It's literally just a pin you drop on a map to say you exist and where you are and that you might be interested in talking to people. Bit silly I think, not much to go off of, but I guess if you're willing to just shoot into the void off mostly location alone.
I love sucking dick so much
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never watched it but the soundtack is amazing for what ive heard so far, been thinking of starting it recently after seeing some stills from the show. the aesthetic seems amazing
I think the janny likes Rick, that's my only explanation or they hate this thread and want to see it derailed by Rick talk.
You can pay for a private show on cam sites
>Watching twin peaks with Rosewood
Yeah it's Lynch so it definitely has a completely wild vibe to the whole thing. I'm not sure what word you'd use to describe it, but dreamlike I guess? There's a lot of surrealism.
it's a site, google it, it's not used unfortunately, but since I discovered it I've been trying to encourage people to join so that we have an easier time to connect one on one, and, crucially, know which geographical area anons are in (should anyone want to do that of course)

the best part is that you choose your own location, so if you don't feel like disclosing too close to home, you can just put your pointer somewhere else

I'd prefer it to discord since I can't preview servers, and screening people who send friend requests is risky imo

I actually am almost gonna get a burner phone number and contact some trans escorts in my city, I don't even want to fuck them, I just want to spend some time alone with a woman

that moment when it's easier to contact an escort than finding one trans girl in your vicinity
I love how shrimpcat made a profile I live near them too
That is just presumed about everyone, not-Broseph
The thoughts of how many hairy male buttholes have been around their pp is a very off-putting one for the idea of that.
I am shocked you haven’t seen it Rose
Yes it is absolutely a surreal or ethereal show. Sincerely unique
I see a lot hot ones but they cost so much
yeah, I try not to think about it. Just get tested for STIs
I live near them too, but I'm not dropping a pin. That competition is too strong.
I’ll be honest I’m not actually going to do it. I don’t judge people who do but I need a real relationship. I have never been super motivated by sex. I’m just a little scared to look love rn.
>I don’t even want to fuck them
They will think you are a serial killer, which you probably are. If you are so desperate for human contact go volunteer at a homeless shelter or something ff
Nah ricks a Jannie has to be, actual mod probably would have done something about it id think since he's fucking up the only general for straight girls and men and transbians while definitely dipping over here probably don't want constant chasers going into the generals for girl on girl action.....or jannies are a certain discords mod fags that don't like this thread being active because it fucks with the reddit club they've got going on.

Most likely the first scenario.
>If you are so desperate for human contact go volunteer at a homeless shelter
I think it's frowned upon if you start cuddling the homeless
Let's watch it after you finish Paper Mario babe.
how the fuck did someone like rick become a janny? Also, how can he keep his job? is he that good at it?
actually could afford it, I could even drop a 200€ and get a longer session
it's catharsis for me honestly, though I wasn't sincere, I would probably use the situation to... y'know, play with her magic wand a bit
you're assuming I'm some shutin NEET, I have constant contact with people due to my line of work, I just am incredibly socially and intimately stunted so maybe I'll pay a bit to feel a bit more human

it's not even unheard of, there's a meme about escorts being therapists for a reason
sitting here making a tierlist of bionicle masks until the thread goes back to normal
Whores are garbage lol.
Gd it lol
>play with her magic wand a bit
>I just am incredibly socially and intimately stunted
We noticed.
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really cool love the songs because of that feel they give off, its like im in a never ending dreamscape. like heaven on earth kinda, especially the world spins, i listened to it like an hour straight when i first heard it. such a beautiful song

ive heard about it a ton growing up being a source of inspiration for a a shit ton of the artists i liked, guess ill find somewhere to watch it for free sounds very promising :)

paper mario is such a long game tho :(
You're so perfect
>shocked someone would do sex stuff with a sex worker
Share the list plz. I used to love them.
Brother I don't care if anyone wants to fuck a prostitute. But if you start unironically calling her dick a "magic wand", yeah I'm gonna laugh at you.
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I wish i didnt lose my jango fett minifig its so much money now :(
>I will pay a prostitute to feel more human
Have you considered hard drugs? like cocaine or heroin. Way more bang for your buck there
I got rid of all my legos years back and regret it so much.
>paper mario is such a long game tho :(
I look forward to every moment of it with you.
Yeah it's a real one of a kind piece of art, the show, the music, the characters, all great shit. Definitely recommend you find some time or a cute man and sit down and watch it. You do much tv/movie watching?
I'm hiding from Putin.
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I had the OG Golden Ninja from Ninjago and the original quad dragon set.
lighten up chap, it's already a sad scenario, no need to make it sadder
>one off payment to live a fantasy
>a lifetime of addiction
your suggestion sounds smart
You can't take back being with a hooker either.
It's also something that will taint you. Every decision you make in life defines who you are.
it's ogre
What happens when you fall in love with a prostitute? Give me the heroin addiction.
womp womp cry more
lol zoomies really think this. I've been with a ton when I traveled. I lost my virginity to one. Guess what I'm completely disease free
Try transitioning, then we can help.
I wasn't talking about STD's. I was talking about integrity and self worth.
abloo abloo

im not a woman
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ive been thinking of getting rid of mine since a lot of it is pretty valuable and i dont even display em anymore but i know id regret it sm too so maybe theyll stay in storage a little longer... heh

id make you voice some of the voices of the characters or at least try lol.

many such cases... sounds cool tho i was kinda just a lego star wars nerd for the older sets anything past like 2007 kinda goes down hill especially with adition of clone wars sets. i like clone wars and some of the sets but the quality went down hill so bad. shame to see some of the sets now a days and how expensive theyve gotten.
you can fix that
>im not a woman
Well yeah, that's what transition is going to fix.
C'mon now, keep pace.
By applying to be a controlling faggot of course silly! , does that not seem like Rick or atleast a few ricks?

Disposable though so a few different versions of yourself just makes sense when trying to act like any old user especially a tripfag that's not getting bans when other trips mostly girls get plenty of em.
sleeping around inherently ruins your integrity and self worth, the fact you paid for it directly, or by exploiting someone's attraction to you doesn't change it
I'm a cis male ftm
I want to lift & bulk out
I need test for that
>id make you voice some of the voices of the characters or at least try lol.
Yeah I'll be kooper and you can be bombette.
I’m all for celibacy but it just is not that serious I promise
I agree. But paying for a prostitute is even worse. You're just a gross sleazy person and you can never run from that.
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>I'm a cis male ftm
I would personally rather look people in the eye and say sometimes I use drugs than say “I pay a prostitute to pretend to be my gf for a few hours but we don’t have sex”. One is sad but common, the other … yikes. People will think you are one triggering event from going postal
I wish I had them to give to my nephew. Sadly my mom was not always the nicest when I was younger and she ended up throwing most of them away one day. But I say keep them honestly.
honestly who cares
why are you so neurotic and anxious about what others think
Dudes will say shit like this and then still be virgins
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heres the results. sorry it took a bit but i wanted to share the maker itself too! but i made it with my twitter account which has my name on it, so i had to make a new twitter and remake the tiermaker page with my new twitter account instead.
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Lego needs to go bankrupt again so we can Lego prices lowered.
Fuck Bionicles, they’re so overrated it’s not even funny.
What is bionacle
Imagine having Pichu as your girlfriend and she just tells you everyday about her favorite bionacle masks for hours.
I'd love that.
I gotchu, chief.
so you know how every trans woman is invariably into one or more stereotypical, extra geeky things? there is a 15% chance that her Thing is bionicle
Irritated I’m offering my opinion? Ignore it then
Doesn’t make any sense
Thank you for sharing it. Most of these I don’t know because I only owned a handful that were very early ones. I saw some of my old ones on there it’s crazy that I could recognize all these years later.
This makes me want to go out and buy one.
Why did you capitalize her thing?
You're gay
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sounds real great will do then! not as much when im single. i do when in relationships or trying to find friends desu, helps pass the time and can build relationships around simple interests! i love breaking bad and its adjacent shows and theres def a few movies i really love, but most are old anti wart films or sad anime movies. i like a lot of stuff with stop motion in it ngl. one of the saddest things ive ever watched but was truly a beautiful film was mary and max

woaw :3

maybe ill do something similar with mine then, i know my sis wants to have kids one day so maybe theyll get em lol. but yeh ill prolly just hang onto them for a while :)

those mutherfuckers have been getting ballsy with how expensive they put some of that stuff at. i remeber average price per set was just under 10c a piece give or take. some certain properties would go over that but still it was like the general price for new sets. now i see theyre almost double that. its insane! D:
I think having my penis in a tranner's ass would be really good for me physically and emotionally
i don't know but i understand now that it looks like im saying trans penises can be bionicle
>i like a lot of stuff with stop motion in it ngl.
Same! I used to watch every Aardman films and follow all the Laika ones too. Still have not gotten around to watching Anomalisa though, which I really should do.
I get the relationship thing to though, if I don't have anyone to talk with about what I watched it can feel a little hollow for some reason for me.
I think having a tranner in my arms would be really good for me physically and emotionally
Red pill me on bionicle. Heard of it many times before. But I refuse to google it. Is it like beyblade or something. Naruto maybe? School the least weebish person here
But I still have no idea what it is. I've seen the little guys but I don't really know what they are. Is there a show or something?
It'd be good for me morally and spiritually.
It's got nothing to do with weebs or anime. It's Legos lol.
Need a tran who's thing is The Thing
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Ahhh before the dark times.
So it’s legos? A sub theme of Legos, like pirates or Star Wars? Super Autistic Edition legos maybe?
someone cares anon
bionicle and beyblade are not the similar but they are the same nerdy type of thing that trans girls could be hyper fixated on.
one is buildable action figure guys and the other is spinning tops
Taking away her K'nex and giving her tinker toys because it's too advanced for her
>tfw no trans gf to infodump me
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it was just an extremely lore-heavy series of lego sets that ran for 10 years, from 2001 through 2010
there were sets released every six months, usually six "canister sets" of the main characters, 4-6 "small sets" with smaller dudes, and 2-5 "titan sets" which were big and pricier and had a lot of variety

there were comics released for the storyline all throughout those 10 years, and novels for some of those years, and four (lovably shitty) miramax animated films
the main author for the series was active on bionicle fan forums throughout the original run and for a few years after it ended, answering fan questions and even adopting some fan ideas into canon

it was an experience for 7-year-old me back in 01.
Basically, except this wasn't a pre-established IP, it was just something Lego made up. You can sorta think of them as Lego Robot Aliens with magic Luchador masks.
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Yes, I am happy!
>Put some iron in your mouth and pull the trigger
You’re in England?
Tell me about the green peak mask.
I was 10 and they were the coolest shit for me as well. The comics made it.

Workout done see you later people
pichu did u read da books?
thanks for posting this pichu, i looked up all the bionicles and i remembered owning some of the 2001 and 2002 sets lol, totally forgot about that stuff
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thats the kanohi Kualsi, which was used in two sets. one in green, and one in dark gold like this. it's my favorite mask shape. in the story it has the power to blink-teleport you to any place you can see
i read some of them way back when ya
Despite not knowing anything about bionacle I did play the ps2 game. Have you played that?
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oooooooooooo that one is amazing you just reminded me of its existence wowa!


i relate to her so so much, i just want to feel special. im scared of men using me like she was...

i watched a ton of gumby growing up and a lot of adult swim, just kinda gravitated towards stuff like moral orel, robot chicken and the pjs. needa watch more laika but ive seen the classics.

>if I don't have anyone to talk with about what I watched it can feel a little hollow
true, i know theres many more stuff but my minds a bit blank atm c:

no, merica baby! land of the free!
Ninjago, even
How you do feel about our current political climate?
i *think* i had it on PC, but my shitty laptop back in the early 2000s crashed every time i tried to run it
>have you ever sucked on a juicy pickle?
not really. I just bite right into 'em
who sucks on a pickle?
>she's a self-admitted transbian
the horror
>she's a known transbian
idk if two people constitutes a "circle"
and also Greg is not a transbian
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eventually we're all fucked. just geta gun, raws, and a plan and hope for the best
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I LOVE TBOIS SO MUCH!!!!! I WANT TO KISS FTMS I WANT TO LOVE AND CUDDLE FTMS FTMS ARE THE BEST EVERY DAY I WAKE UP TO LOVE FTMS I LOVE FTM !!!!KISS TBOYS !!!!LIVE TBOYS!!!!LOOOOVE ALL TBOYS!!!!!! I wish i was a cute tiny tboy so I could kiss all the other tboys and we could sit in bed and cuddle and watch cartoons together because we are cute tboys
Nice, finally got a simp to shell out
crying a lot atm but I think things will be ok. Boobs getting big
is that the one your mom bought for you
The name of that lol
You could also get a chaser to help you out with it.
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I think it's a reasonable fear, which is a real shame, but always good to watch out for yourself. I've just always been fascinated by animation personally. The simple idea that every single thing I'm seeing, every color, movement, stray frame, was put there by a person who had to make a decision, even a hasty one, to put that there. I find that deeply fascinating. Then combine it with just the raw potential, basically just your imagination, and how could you not love the form.
You ever do any animating? Feels like it'd be up your alley, you've got that multi-talented vibe to you, reminds me of some of my friends.
Are the two things related or just thought you'd mention your boobs?
that was the other one
lol this guy doesnt know tear massages help boobs grow. someone's never cried to help out his gf before!
Why is your mom buying you sex toys, stuella?
how do i get you to be my friend again
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I'm on a roll
No self control
I'm blowing off steam with methamphetamine
we are just joking, i am not that much of a degenerate
please just move on
I'd be crying tears of joy if I got to do this daily.
Pichu, can I massage your boobs and kiss your neck while to talk to me about bionicles and Lego lore for hours? I'm genuinely interested and the thought fo kissing your boobs while you act as a human encyclopedia about legoa really makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.
you wanna talk about it, buddy?
Sup stu, haven't seen you in ages
ive been saying that in my head for like a month now
like theres no possible chance i can fix things? im trying to not be so mentally ill im sorry i ruined everything
Did Rick finally buy you that dildo?
trust me, the infodumping would get old very fast
Go away nobody cares
>tfw no autistic gf that infodumps every night
It actually wouldn't. I'm somewhat interested in Legos and wanted to collect them but they're so fucking expensive now. The thought of nuzzling your neck while you just looked up acting like I didn't exist as you went on and on about it would be so comforting
kys rick
i have aged ages since you last saw me, im a withered old crone now
stuella de vil, stuella de vil
if she doesnt scare you, no evil thing will
im sorry but theres nothing you can do
he couldnt afford this
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i do, mayube a little too much tho :(

same and exacly! someone full expression in 3 dimensions is really cool. not really but i have took a stab at making my own dolls. nothing speacial and i only really came sorta far with the clay puppington one. got lazy when it came to making the clothes for the body and kinda just gave up. also need a diff material for something like moral orel dolls. i got some stuff to try and start a new project tho. wanna try and make a fnaf animatronic or something. kinda cringe i know but still i feel itll work better for the materials i have atm. i used to make these funny stop motion things with my gmas camera with legos when i was little but those are prolly long gone now haha
im so sorry
Oh God... Please no, Rick posting was hours ago don't bring that shit storm back again. Don't ever mention his name again
then kys rick
Are you done with Ellie now?
Rick has thousands he can buy you 10 dildos!
It really wouldn't. I could listen to someone I like forever.
Did frisson join Sarah's server stu?
like we cant be friends at all? i ruined things that badly? can i know what i should hate myself for?
Naoto bros, she's really gone. Now there really are zero straight trannies left here.
how, why did it happen?
Jade did you get the Rick treatment? Sad many such cases, now you just gotta share a thread with him
im still using it as my name but i like stu better as a screen name
you shouldnt hate yourself, i dont hate you
You're a nice person, I'm sure you'll find somebody who you can be fully open and vulnerable with. No need to look over your shoulder then. It'll be a good feeling and you'll have it some day.
Nah it's not that cringe, this shit is hard, do what you can. I got started making art writing fan fiction lol. Just how these things go. Trying stop-motion is insane though, immediately made me think of this classic.
Don't ever mention his name again. Rick is gone
>mentions the name
Blobby set his sights on harassing her with old pics from months/years ago. Naoto was the last cool trip here.
He's been banned, stop it
youre saying im not cool?
ellie=cute girl
its my fault how am i supposed to not hate myself.
The diapertroon from mtfg with the cone shaped torso?
Jade are you mentally ill? You and Rick should date each other
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>mfw too late to the party to harass trannies
Pichu tell me some more about Bionacle.
I keep saying, this thread has malicious actors hellbent on eliminating men, but it also applies to the trans women attracted to men

take the Rick spam, it's clear as day it's an harassment campaign
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yur not even straight, jk idk

thx anon :) it is and im not really looking forward to howtime consuming itll be lol thats kinda why i just stick to making the puppets/rigs rn. fair lol ive seen so many crazy ones over the years. do you make anything now a days?
I talked to TWO tranners today
Tell me why? Im stuck as a virgin with rage? Tell me why? I can't find a tranner my age? Tell me why I never want to hear you sayyyyy I have a boyfriend
Who? Naoto has never posted on /mtfg/.
You aren't, no.
At my best I talked to three at once but didn't feel good about it
Love naoto. Hope she gets a bf
I'm just trying to talk to a specific one.
Naoto liked the live song I made for her
least obvious troll thread
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i think im pretty cool sometimes :) imma go for a bit again tho laters

Have you?
Does anyone want to cuddle?
Why do you hate bisexual men?
Hello bdd cutie
I think you're very cool all the time. Have a good evening.
Yeah I think you just gotta learn to ignore that time consumption aspect, embrace the love of the process and engaging in the art. And then I think if you just keep up the habit before long it's just part of your life, which is some real good shit. Doesn't really work for me lol, but hear it works for most people.
I've stalled out completely on my writing so right now I'm just doing some generic RPG/Board game planning. Making new rules and engaging mechanics, that kind of nerd stuff. Easier to do when you're not feeling the most creative. I've toyed with getting into drawing, but it'd be a lot of practice and it sucks to suck so much til then.
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some fun facts.
the characters have lifespans in the range of tens of thousands of years but most of the story happens within the span of only two years. the 2004 and 2005 story was a flashback that happened 1000 years prior to the rest of the story, and took place over about half a year.
that means the bulk of the story is, like, me or you going on a huge journey to save the world over the course of a single weekend.

unrelated, as seen in picrel, the final form of a very important character was only released as a promotion sold with batteries.
How's life, dork?
you’re an attention starved agp transbian who just likes to stir up drama, nobody likes you
no I just eat my pickles
not bdd -_-
So just a cutie? Okay I agree
>Love naoto. Hope she gets a bf
Me too. She was the most chill and interesting trans girl here. Rosewood's cool too though, forgot her.
Yeah it does seem that way. What a shame.
*Continues to suck on your sensitive breasts* mmm please go on pichu. That's very interesting
*slaps you across the face with a white silk-laced leather glove (foe leather)* how DARE you
you're the UK beauty?
based tho
stuella=cute chaser girl
don't spook be like that, anon!
I still don't really understand. Did the toys come with booklets? Or is all this story just from the comic.
still bad ;~;
For me it's stumina
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jus work :(


:) ill prolly be back later desu but if you aint have a gn anon

true its hard for me too lol i have so many unfinisghed stuff but idk i just have fun with things kinda like you said. i see myself as a master of none mediocre at many lol. but i kinda like the 'more loose' style anyway. vewn is prolly my fave rn and she makes such wonky stuff i like to try and sorta emulate in my doodles
Clown can I suck on your boobs? I want to lick the. Up and down and around the entire snow globe of your tits
the sets didnt have much story included with them, most of it was supplementary media available separately like comics, movies and novels.
theres also a really good duo of flash games from early in the story called the Mata Nui Online Game and MNOG 2 that had some early lore
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any free tit around here? i got a thirsty mouth
So you were going on like scavenger hunts to find all this?
>Qott: have you ever sucked on a juicy pickle?
Yes I went to Thailand and long time'd a ladyboy and I told her every time she was close to cum in my mouth so I swallowed like 5 loads
I remember something about you being from the UK or the sort

just wanted to cheer you up since I remembered some negative moods from you
oh looks one of stu’s drama obsessed transbian friends
Me too, I'm hungry for clown and pichus tits. Imagine how warm and tasty they are. I bet you could nuzzle your chaser nose up in there and the nipples would become erect
You done got the ADHD? And yeah Vewn is exactly the kind of shit I love. I never got really into anything to have my own style, but I always preferred messier, scratchier, more chaotic, kinds of styles.
Oh but see ya later alligator.
no, and I don't have boobs -_-
oh.. thanks ig ;~;
kys rick
Yes you do!!! I've seen them. I'll suck them so hard they start growing. Everyone knows it's scientifically proven that when chasers suck on tranners boobs they grow 3x in size
i was on the bzpower fan forums for most of the original run, so i had easy access to most of the story. others who got the magazines and comics scanned it all there and aggregated it there to share around
unlucky for you, they are getting smaller as i lose weight
Shut the fuck up, he's been banned. Don't mention his name
>still bad ;~;
Yeah. Figured I'd still ask. What've you been up to though? Any new books? Movies?
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no u haven't I don't have boobs!
Idc about any of this drama fr I’m eating blue takis and playing hardcore wow
If I suck on them they'll start coming back. It's like when you blow air into a balloon. I need pichus cute red headed booplers>>37403639
you're still here rick cry more and kys
Naoto would be a good friend to have, and she's into music and travelling. She's also kind hearted, miss her desu
nothing rly, tryna start working out again but mostly just bedrotting and crying..
one minute apart because it's pencil dick rick kys pls
I can see boobs under there though! Let me massage that area to make that area stimulated so they can start growing. By the end of this year they'll be giant snow globes clown
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me too kinda just fits me :) see ya around hopefully!
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said The Drama Giraffe
You could infodump on me all day... to me...
I need you.
Stop mentioning his name, nobody cares. GTFO this thread. You Rick drama whores are just as bad as he is
no u can't! I don't even have AA cups!! they'll never grow because I'm broken x_x
kys rick and it'll stop
You're not broken you're pretty
You're not broken, you just need some chaser sucking. Every chaser in this thread should grab and suck at your boobs until they grow nice and large. They're already cute, we can see them clown
Well that's something at least. I absolutely hate the stuff, but fuck if it doesn't make me feel better. Really does help with mood and being tired as fucked definitely helps with sleeping lol.
Just tryna get toned or got somethin in mind like abs?
no u don't
I am and the furthest from pretty ;~;
Seek christ, this is embarrassing to read
Stop mentioning him. We hate you just as much as him
Every time you try and prove to me that you're not pretty by posting a picture you prove me right and you wrong. You just can't see it.
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DARK HORSE :yelling emoji:

If you really need to cry it should be on my chest
no boobs, but still a feminine body, seal of approval, feel better about yourself, dangit
indians woke up and chose to browse here
fake Sarah tripcode, kys rick
Fak you bloody
You are the prettiest here clown and you have some amazing booplers. How does it feel knowing that red blooded men want to devour, hold you down and suck on your tits, making your nipples erect, making a bit of milk come through
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Don't ever say his name again. He's been banned
you just know rick is jerking off while posting this stuff
minute apart
Jealous chasers lol
Let's face it, as a brit she's built for indian men
made me chuckle, well played
Who cares if he is. Isn't this thread about chasers chasing the women here anyway?
No she's built for bbc, she even has a QoS tattoo
no u can't and no they won't
just wanna grow bigger legs and glutes, used to kinda have abs pretrans but idek if I could now, they'd probably look bad
I've never done that I don't post real pics
u don't want that
trust me it's anything but feminine irl x_x
they don't
Yeah, I'll be around. Too much probably. Nice talking to you too.
You look good
chasing the women, not chasing them away lmao
Clown baby darling you're alright, let's make those boobs huge. I just need to slap those nipples and massage the breasts. You've been taking your titty Skittles like a good girl?
>chased away half the women
no he should kill himself
Clown keeps responding so she's obviously interested in his pursuits
>she's obviously interested
kys rick you disgusting freak
What women did he chase away so far?
stfu and kys rick the world hates you
Stop mentioning his name you're shitting up the thread again. You're the ones scaring everyone away with your constant Rick posts
then leave and kys rick this is what you wanted and now you get it
Stfu and stop mentioning his name. He's been banned. GTFO this thread NOW
not built for any man I'm ugly, but the man I wanna be built for isn't Indian or a brit lol
maybe in fake pics I post here, but they're not real and still get mogged by every other tranny on 4chan -_-
e for 3yrs and prog for at least 1 probably, only way I get boobs is implants
Ok girls you can't post images here and now you can't even have a conversation without this freak. Let's move all this into my dm's where you can send me all the selfies and lewds you want and we can also talk without this freak.
Thank you.
still can't help posting a minute apart, kys rick you can't even pass for normal
is the man possibly an hot Mediterranean man?
>isn't Indian or a brit lol
Hmm what nationality would you choose then?
This guy is worse than Rick, he just wants the trainers for himself
Holy shit, kys, nobody cares what you think about a fake person on the Internet that goes by Rick. You are beyond retarded it's giving me second hand brain damage KYS
Probably gonna chat later when this dies down lol. Abs would be pretty sick, you look pretty thin already, I bet it wouldn't be too far off for you.
>just wanna grow bigger legs and glutes
Thank you for your service.
stfu and kys rick
Can we just ban anyone that mentions the name Rick please?
no rick you can fuck off and kys tho and this will stop
Great job, you scared of clown with your autistic posting about Rick. (Who's been banned)
Kys at your earliest convenience
stfu and kys rick
Not the other anon but it seems like you're the one with the problem. Perhaps you should leave.
>get mogged by every other tranny on 4chan
It's insane how every good looking girl here thinks that. It literally just goes in a circle. And they can see how each other look good but they just can't see it in themselves.
literal schizophrenia
stfu and kys rick
Leave, nobody cares
Show the (You)'s
minute apart rick kys plz
Rick's not here you schizo, KYS
ig that would be my type normally... but no
he's norwegian so ig it could've been a lot further away ;~;
... honk
I'm pretty thin but my disgusting fridge skeleton makes it worthless, building my lower body is the best I can do before rib reduction and hip implants x_x
no u just have no idea how I really look
youre so stupid rick you can't even imagine people not being as dumb as you
Chill I'm trying to talk to a cute girl you fucking homos.
Stfu kys
you're retarded and your mother hates you
oh well, shot my shot, good luck with that Norse boy!
kys rick lmmmaaao
Kys retard
Everyone hates you and wants you to leave. You're shitting it up talking about your imaginary friend rick
I got some skittles and I forgot how much I like them
okay i'm bored for now kys rick
make sure you give rick his regular reminder for me he can't help himself as i have shown you all
Kys rick
Literally no one cares, don't come back lol
samefagging again lmao he brought out the phone now
It takes a special blend of personality disorder, mental illness and 90 IQ to keep nonsense like this up for this long

I love this gif so much. She is so cute and I'm so happy for her that it honks.
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Kys retard
sry anon, just remember I'm ugly and mentally ill tho
I don't know how people have the energy, this place isn't even that worth it lol.
kys first rick weird how it's just one person being angry again everyone else ignores me but you're too stupid not to take the bait every time
She's so expressive I can almost hear her say it
Kys retard
Are we all done now?
We are getting close now.
You're cute and I love you.
ms sizedoesntmatter the clown gives me life, shes my fav
very good instagram story posts
Pichu can you tell me something else about bionacles.
Any suspiciously cute Australians with even cuter marsupial posters or are we all outta those?
Pepsi is fine too I guess...
Good night, chasergen

I just did 10 reps with 225lbs on bench press
Damn what a pussy
She's trans
I am a cis male with a penis
Kisses from Brazil
Ok whatever you say girl, can I get your discord
Todays' calorie counts, girls. Post em.
Good kisses (trans) or bad kisses (chaser)?
Koê doidão, fazendo o que aqui?
0 so far
A brazilian kisses?
goodnight. I love you
this is evil bait, but i cant help falling for bait. 915
Thx bro
Are you still starving yourself?
Weird how many nice people you can meet, have a great conversation, enjoy their company, and then just nobody follows up and that's it. Not saying it's bad or wrong, often that's just life, but it is kind of funny. How simple things seem on surface and how much we manage to complicate them.
A lot of mental illness in this thread. none of it coming from you.
Wait she is a thing? awesome lol
its not starving myself. but i am still dieting if that's what you meant to ask. i have lost 25 pounds so far
I lose weight. but then I find it
Organ failure. Eat food.
Shut up x_x
25lbs in how many months? 950kcal is kinda dangerous, can't you eat up to 1600kcal at least?
It's pointless, the bdd is too strong
you can just write down eating disorder, no need to do twenty questions
1 and 2/3 months / 52 days
im pretty sure id gain weight bad and fast on 1600 kcal, considering im on both estrogen and an antidepressant
>foe leather
why does that actually make sense in the context though?
that's my favorite gif, i think
I'm not and u don't
not itt but like in general..
We could do some cardio together.
Its a short time but not exaggerated. Why are ypu cutting weight so harshly?
I fished a few big chunks of earwax out of my ear with my fingernail but I think I scratched the ear canal, I'm probably going to get an infection now, pray for me tranners
gotta go fast, faster than the weight-shame-fueled suicidal urges
what does not exaggerated mean here?
i need to get a membership at some place with treadmills. doing it with a friend would probably be a good idea too, maybe
I would love to have a pair of foe leather opera gloves ;3
>A lot of mental illness in this thread. none of it coming from you.
that's not strictly true
she's oozing bdd
okay now in THAT context it DOESN'T make sense
A 40lbs cut can take 3 or 4 months
im gonna keep at it until i lose 80+ pounds, if not more. id like to lose 110 maybe. i have a lot to go
No membership needed for my bed baby.
Gross faggot kys
I’m just speaking my piece regardless of context, I want to exude absolute levels of CUNT and SLAY!
I believe in you you got this.
Why am I even trying to lose weight if im ugly inside like what is the point
You need your balls twisted off
I agree, you should get really really fat and see how you feel. Like 600lbs fat
Stop asking this and get you ass to the gym
Do you have a goal timeline?
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God I fucking hate Kafka and I fucking hate you
Let me get you super fat baby
only month by month, but i could extrapolate from estimates. i lost 18 pounds in my first month. i reckon 5-10 pounds of that was just water weight. month 2 has been slower despite no diet changes, with 7 pounds lost over 20 days. if i remain optimistic and stick to the diet i might hope for 10 lbs lost this month and in subsequent months. some months will be better or worse, of course, especially with winter coming up. so giving myself a 20% wiggle room i might estimate 10 more months, and that's for the bonus goal. if im just sticking with the 80 pound goal, then that's about 7 more months.

so let's say may next year as an initial goal. and if i keep pushing myself at the same pace, then we have next august as a goal for 110.

i anticipate being off with the 120% padding, what with TDEE changes as i lose weight. if trends seem to indicate i need more time, like a 140% padding, then ill recalculate as i go. ive done this before but less meticulously, so im using some known info and relearning the rest.


Jesus Christ. this girl is selling her sock for 150 dollars. and its not even 2, its just one
Kafka is good though
I thought sock was a typo for a sec, lol
Selling my cock for 150usd who wants it
If you're a girl then deal
Ok that’s not super crazy. 10 lbs is not a super high goal and I think it’s doable. But it might slow down as you get closer to your goal.

For me personally as I get closer to my goal the weight does start to stall and I ended up taking a diet break. I’ll go back to the diet soon tho

Keep us updated with it I’m rooting for you
When you reach your goal you're going to stop boymoding.
Actually the price is 30k because you have to pay for srs if you're going to take that
Imagine paying for a girl's srs and she leaves you afterwards
A literal bodybuilder cuts only 50lbs to be stage ready. Fucking 80lbs+????? Why are you doing this?

Eat pls
I think you need that for srs
BDD and mental illness
Have you read any Kafka?
Imagine paying for her srs and you can't fit inside it
Oh true, well you can have my balls
She can still be saved
because im a fat fuck who is trying to fix that? im not 150 pounds like the other trans women here
thanks for the support!! yeah if it slows down ill reassess and recalculate realistic goals. i won't let myself burn out or get frustrated.
im actually doing this to boymode better. this is not a joke
If you think it's not you should be going to therapy.
I am now scared of breaking a trans woman.
this is... my god, pich
don't be. Break her.
You and June are actually retarded
It’s super normal to want to lose weight quickly. It dosent make them dumb

Honestly I have done the same thing and dropped weight super quickly
i am going to therapy and i already discuss my diet and relationship with food to my therapist
yes i do have clinically diagnosed bdd but it doesn't apply here nor does it mean i shouldnt be dieting lol
im not the same as her, because im not upset about anything anymore. ive got a plan and ive got a routine that is showing results already. things are in motion and they're going well. there is no problem here
>because im a fat fuck who is trying to fix that? im not 150 pounds like the other trans women here
You seems at a healthy weight. How much you weight?
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No where do I say that I think you shouldn't be dieting, but going on such an extreme caloric deficit when you were not obese to begin with, is an eating disorder. It may be a mild one, but it is still an eating disorder regardless.
Im not bdd im just ugly :(
>im actually doing this to boymode better. this is not a joke
I love you and wish you could live as a woman.
Agreed. Anyways, how was everyone's night?
Now I'm thinking how surreal it would be if a girl just gave you her balls.
In a jar. I think it'd be kind of hilarious to have my gf's balls, but I would also never tell anyone about it ever.
Orchi girls are hot
I know some if you would find that hot in some sick and twisted way
>when you were not obese to begin with
the line for obesity is maybe lower than you think, on the BMI chart
tell you what. ill present as a woman after mefmoder finally presents as a woman
godddd i so wish i could have done this. instead they just dissected them and stuff to look for cancers and diseases. so boring.
>tell you what
I'm not trying to force you or convince you of anything. I just love you and want you to be happy.
I understand perfectly what the BMI chart looks like, and how inaccurate and ineffective it is at adequately measuring weight classes.
Yeah probably. I think I'd be laughing too much though. Balls are funny.
wish I was an orchi girl instead of orchi guy...
Convincing my new tranny gf to get an orchi and give me her balls and secretly placing it on my shelf next to a dozen other pairs.
ur pissin me off, clown
You're a hot orchi girl.
Lmao. The idea of you finding the perfect moody image to fully capture the specific ball-related pain of your existence. So fucking good.
cope, seethe even
it's true tho...
Have you caught anything good yet?
I wish
Secretly implanting them, everyone's gangster until they see a six-pack of balls
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gym time, having no balls is kinda weird sometimes when i realize theres none down there anymore. lol no test is pretty cool tho

oh shitttt orchi gang
sorry actually typing that out made me realize how weird it was
i lost mine in the war
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orchigang 4 life! lol me too but fug it :)

the war to end all balls
Bah we're already on the fag board in the general for men who like to fuck women who used to have balls. Might as well just laugh at the weirdness of it all.
Tiny pathetic estrogenized balls aren't going to do anything.
> the war to end all balls
Me and my balls are scared now
literally how?
you're so incredibly right
monitoring my bf's implanted balls for signs of resuscitation and reandrogenization to make sure his original T levels were high enough to revive the estroballs
Oh it was unrelated, just hadn't reminded you in a while.
I'm always right.
Lmao it's the garfield tiddies post but the chaser gets his gfs balls added to his. Marble bag man.
Pichu you're pretty and I like your hair.
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Got em again.
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you must spare a ball for yur fellow chaser brethren they're on short supply atm :(
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what a great comic
thank you anon, that is very kind of you to say
>but you ain't got no balls, Lt. Dan...
Ok but they can only take the gay ball I’m keeping the straights one
Both your balls are gay faggot. Everyone knows the bottom is the straight one
If being a top is gay then call me the Human Torch
It is absolutely gay
Then get the dick out of your mouth and call me the human torch like I asked
I need a girlfriend that I can convince to listen to this with me.
I mean it. I'm going to ask you about bionacles again later.
So being a bottom chaser was straight all along?
Fucking lol. I read it in his voice.
The bottom…ball? Do you have 3?
Why I feel like ftm are somehow segregated from the lgbt community?
Because they are unfuckable
Why would I need a man when I have 10 fingers and a bottle of Ky jelly
For the angles. And you don't have to breathe on me to warm me up.
Honestly you dont
Without a man how would you oppen the bottle?
They want to kill you for this. You know how I feel about you friend.
Here I am with 1000 bottles of lube and no one to freakoff with
10 fingers????
With my hands
I am open to competitive trade offers
Yes, I have 10 the last time I checked
All 10???
You wouldn’t get it
If they find me, I'm sorry. I have to do this even if the mods want me dead for it.
when did you last check though
I did not write this but actually I wish I had . This is better than my posting in fact
in bed and its a little chilly but my cat doesn't want to cuddle. it's so over chasergen
I don't believe you. What are the odds of that? Nobody just checks that every day.
I haven’t checked today
why doesnt anyone ever say im bdd?
ive been gone for WEEKS how the fuck are you retards still talking about this
That would be rick
Because we’re sick of your shit so we just agree with every negative thing you aay about yourself. It’s easier that way.
You've still got time.
so why is it fine other people do it but not me
Clown, I so desperately want to suck on your delicate tits. I was gripping them tightly with my big burly hands. I want to suck the trans tit milk out of those snow globes.
Because we’re sick of your shit.
The only solution is to get more cats.
i havent done anything wrong
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then what are those delicate budding nubs under your cute girly dress? The demure of your british features highlights the the generous orbs of suckable tit tissue you possess
Do not start this shit you blithering retard. Accept reality and move on.
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That waist though.
he started cuddling with one of my stuffed bob-ombs instead. it's so cute every time he does this. i think everything is going to be ok.
Has the norwegian guy seen your face?
OH FUCK MAMA, Johnny's gonna hit a homer today. I can see those breasts just budding underneath the shirt. They're practically begging to be slapped, grabbed and sucked on. If I knew you, I'd suck on your tits every day, engorging your perky female nipples so they start developing into breasts through epigenetic environmental factors of me sucking 'em down
I still want to suck your tits too Pichu but you decline all my advances, thanks for talking about bionicles though. I've collected the old comics and was into the cartoon network show for a while.
Imagine wrapping your arms around that
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kek, here come the Rick whores
my real body is a disgusting fridge, my waist is 27" but proportionally big
in photos but not irl, I've known him since just before I started transition
they've literally got smaller, not just undeveloped but actually lost development... why are u like this -_-
I wish
yeah you'd need both
Aww that's cute. Cats are so cute
Weren’t you going to kill yourself?
Stop playing. You look great.
Man I gotta get high and rewatch some Regular Show.
She has to stick around for compliments
>my waist is 27"
This is all I read. I'm in.
I'm like this because you make me stupid horny. I love the feminine curves and waist you have. I actually see perfect female budding booplers. It makes me want to grab, them, squeeze them and munch on them until your nips are hard and erect like a good girl should be
yeah cus I'm frauding
>yeah you'd need both
? How short you think their arms are?
i always like talking about bionicle
and im sorry, i don't mean to turn down advances or anything, i just don't really know how to respond to any kind of talk about me or my body like that.....
oh shit, does it make you uncomfortable? Sorry Pichu. I just have a thing for clown and you. I like how intelligent you are and the fact that you're in IT. I know you want to stop but you have tons of interests and cute hobbies. The thought of you going on and on about bionicles while kissing your tits sounds so... I'm not sure, it sounds very wholesome.

but yeah, if you don't like it, I'll stop horny posting about your body and hobbies
It's like being seduced by Pee Wee Herman.
tops don't dilate, silly
boop boop! gonna grab some BOOPLERS!
how come mid whores like clown are allowed to bdd post but not pretty passers like jade?
Gonna need a Pichu here STAT to inform Sarah about sounding, please and thank you.
3yrs e I promise there's no budding lol
idk I just need a smaller waist
thats what it's called bottom surgery
im jealous - i want the psycho to horny post about me too ;=;
please explain what i did with your trip on
wish I was mid, but don't call me a whore, faggot
how come mid whores like druids are allowed to heal but not pretty priests like priests?
sounding is submissive bottom behavior
couldn't be me
alright, i can't stay pissed off that
comparing people like this isn't nice
Why do you want people to post your abuser receipts again
What trip? I think you’re annoying bitch with an even worse personality. Saying women should put on more clothes if they don’t want to get sexually harassed/assaulted is bad too.
You corset training? It's working.
in what world is 27 not small?
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going on 72 hours of fasting
originally that was my goal but now i fear it’s not enough
how long am i supposed to go? how long do i have to go before quitting for me to not be a pussy for ending it?
i feel like the answer must be “until you collapse” but i fear my willpower will break long before i reach that point …
pls do not use me to bait
>pretty passers like jade
This post was so obviously written by Jade, it's actually just embarrassing.
clown, you keep insisting that you don't have big boobies. Can I see them in private to actually see if this is the case? I know they're just cute underneath that slightly oversized tight shirt. How do you think they'd feel if a big strong chaser pinned you down and starting licking all around them? Would your cute nips perk up like a good girl?
bdd world
What do you mean wut? You're either making a good joke or your self-esteem is so pathetic as to be a joke, either is worth a laugh.
hey do you have the link to this alien video?
I can't believe the Nestle ceo got the aliens
Say sike right now.
no i just saved the image off twitter lol
>my waist is 27"
this is ropefuel disguised as bait and damn does it work bc i wanna kms
i don't care if he's insane, i want him to compliment me too. ;=;
She’s just fishing
she does this a lot
it's even worse and hits even harder on discord. she's also gonna yell at me for this post
I had to search it
diabetes industry working on getting the alien hooked so they can later sell him ozempic down the line
I believe you, so again, lmao.
Why do you hate bisexual men?
why do you ladies care? Clown is my dream girl and I'm going to make her boobs grow by planting boob sprouts and watering her chest everyday with clean water and my cum.
k now go get it
no I should've, but I also should've transitioned at like 12 so... might still get a corset tho, might feel a little better and I plan to get a rib reduction
proportionally it's not you can still be a fridge with a 27" waist, at my height it's not even small
i just ignore so I don't say awful things or start cutting, pretty sure everyone sees how wild it is for YOU to call me bdd idk
Why do you do this to yourselves.
thank you
ugh, clown, why wont you let me suck your tits? Bah, whatever fine!!! go cry about being "ugly" then. You're not but you keep doing this. it makes me so mad.
dunno why you’d simp for some whore like clown when he looks like a twink, zero tits at all. meanwhile jade has some insanely good tits
Supermodel in Silent Hill
I tried simping for you but you called me a retard. It's true, you do have some very nice tits.
Jade is a failed pornstar who transitioned to stop being an incel but failed at that too
They all fantacise about dating a straight man, but in reality their suitors are gayer than they are and live for that big zesty lady dong.
Go for it bro
Hi Jade. We can simp over both
can she not get anymore work or something?
who are you going to for the rib reduction thing? one of my friends did it with leif rogers and it seems like it went really well.
It doesn't have to be zesty, they can clean it
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72 hours isnt even a long time lol it’s pretty minimall by most standards
jade is just a disgusting narcissist
Well when pictures of your dick and balls are easily accessible with a simple search of your name, you have doomed yourself to working dead end jobs
lol if I had the same size implants I'd make em look better
feels like I'm in silent hill sometimes but iwn
you people are retarded
bi men are pretty cool
if i dated id date a bi guy, pretty readily too
I am aware of this you don't need to remind me.
I've never heard of anyone doing 72 hours of fasting outside of like bodybuilding/modeling competitions. I can't see how 3 days of starving would be healthy, but maybe your fast is more mild than that?
>i just ignore so I don't say awful things or start cutting, pretty sure everyone sees how wild it is for YOU to call me bdd idk
you're absurd. im literally just vibing here and nobody's calling me BDD. meanwhile you post your stick figure torso from multiple angles, declare it's some magical impossible form of anglefrauding, and call your skinny ass self a fridge. make it make sense
>bi men are pretty cool
bi men r the most disgusting ppl alive aside from me
your honfidence is astounding when jade mogs you in every other way
so did all the good tranners leave like Frisson, Ava, stu, and mina?
no idea I don't have money for surgery and FFS and hip implants are higher priority, ik Leif does it, pretty sure eppely does it, also the sk clinic who created iliac implants says they do it, haven't had a consultant with anyone tho
jk btw don't attack me
>how wild it is for YOU to call me bdd idk
you're both bdd, she's not wrong
>k now go get it
won't ever happen, unfortunately
yeah, basically
although in fairness they aren't actually competitive about it

anyway, im gonna head to bed early chasergen. Goodnight everyone! I love you all!
It’s just rick and bdd gen now
looked her up, Jade Slade. yeah I guess if you go into porn. You really need to make sure you'll make it or you'll be working at Target and pizza places for the rest of your life
There still god ones here.
Isnt mina just banned for a bit?
And stu was here today right?
>maybe your fast is more mild than that
water & black coffee but maybe the black coffee is too much
hi jade. put your trip back on
stop anon, don't ever mention his name again. We don't need another shit storm like earlier
bi men are fine. why do transers have such a hang-up about them
like if you're dating me you're gay, no ifs ands or buts about it. being attracted to me in any way is inherently gay. that means a bi man seems like the best of the realistically available choices
Did Ava actually get srs?
desu I want clown and Jade sitting on my face complaining about how they don't pass and hate their bodies. Meanwhile, I'm lapping up their bussies like there's no tomorrow.

A win for me, I must say
just fyi, this counts as worms
eh, she's had ffs and clavicle reduction
maybe not THE most..
she is
hey clown. try not to be so mid and pathetic
Trannies try to not be bddemons or worm challenge impossible
id rather date a full fag than a “bisexual” “male”
Yeah anon I have never heard of people doing this really outside of like weird monastic or ascetic types on some "spiritual" journey or some shit. Just sorta sounds like garden variety ED to my unexpert ears.
This is enough for me for the moment.

Im going to go eat some taco bell.
its not me saying the stuff so just pls dont be mean i get it im a surgery freak and still look bad after everything
google it & u find ppl doing like 70 day fasts just for health n shit it’s not abnormal. most normal skinny europeans probably go on 72 hour fasts without even noticing it just by accident
Solid take. Bisexual men are one bad day away from trooning out themselves.
clown are you a twink or a girl?
no it doesn't count as worms, it's just being honest about the people who would date a trans
can you get and then eat a crunchwrap for me please
Agreed, you do look bad.
true as fuck!!
why are people paying attention to anyone other than Jade? She has the biggest boobs in this thread and should be worshipped. I also did porn so you're literally talking to a star.
i hate this fucking place so much
People do a lot of dumb things in the name of health n shit. And no Europeans do not go 3 days without eating food just by accident lol.
ur not a freak and I'd never judge u for having surgery I'm not a pickme, sry I don't wanna be mean
Sorry to hear. Hope the world outside of tttt is nicer to you, friend.
hey guys, you all were right. I was Rick this entire time. I just wanted to see how long I could keep this up with y'all buying it. LMAO
>who are Pichu and June
get real
Sick. A fabled Rick sighting. The schizo's were right all along.
>fake trip
Cute that you tried I guess. Can you stop wasting everyone's time, including your own, now?
you said any man attracted to you is gay. You are calling yourself a man. If anyone else said that you would say they are worming.
idc, you do you, but you said you were trying not to worm so i thought id let you know you're breaking your rule.
who the fuck are you?

Sorry its just a leftover 5 layer burrito

Ill get a crunchwrap next time
You have leftover taco bell? That's not fat fucking retard energy.
oh what a coincidence i just came online
all i do is fucking cry i hate it so much
I'm you, who is also Rick. stfu RICK! get out of here. No one wants you here.
yep! congrats,
not fake, check the archives
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successful gym excursion! i feel like shit but i got in like a 40 minute run! :D but good and cozy now im home i think ill make a new one maybe anf qott ideas im runnin dry

I know I know I am weak. But i want food
I'm honestly pretty into those chicken chalupas they got these days. Fuck them for stealing away my quesarito though
So stop being a baby it’s not hard.
Welcome back. This one has turned into a shit show

Its hard to go wrong there desu.
maybe if i get my ribs broken and reformed so they are more feminine i wont hate myself anymore
What is the nature of drunken guilt?
we can cry together if that makes you feel better
Hell yeah, boss. That shit'll put you into a nice easy sleep at least. I always feel like I'm glowing for a bit after a nice gym visit too.
Idk, I used to make the threads all the time and you just start asking weird shit out of boredom after a while.
The 8 ball says you will still hate yourself because surgery can’t fix your busted personality
seems like it :)
June, do you like your big huge tits squeezed slapped and sucked on by big burly chasers?
Its wild that you asked this on her crying post lol
oh yeah im prolly gonna pass out early tonight -o-
guess rick has new targets now
the crying makes it hotter, I like slapping a girls tits and seeing the tears
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mm Russian boys
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can we not do this while im wailking home in the dark thanks
he's in his rage anon persona currently you can follow the arc starting here >>37405608
rick was banned
I’m not him, I just don’t like people
lol look where you going and just talk to us when your back. Be safe
the guy who won't stop talking about tits is rick not you
You’re going to get raped
No staying up till like 4-5?
why do you always lie idc if you post but the women get to know
i'm not lying, i'm not rick and i heard he got banned
rick you are the only one constantly still insisting you got banned i hope the jannie IP ranges you for evasion soon
im not rick and im not ban evading. stop spreading rumors and lies
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ok. weird thread got weirder. goodnight peeps
just put your trip back on this is ridiculous
Is it gay to suck girldick until she cums in your mouth?
this thread sucks. i hate people bringing up rick, i want to talk about tranners
see he deleted a bunch of the posts and now he's going to pretend he got banned
okay, you caught me.
i mean maybe well see how the night plays out i usually cant sleep till then even if i need to but the gym has taken all my energy. also seems like it might not be v chill tonight lol. i do work tomorrow morn too :/

night pichu :)
>700 posts
Holy shit, the power of schizophrenia.
anyone know what he actually looks like?
You can fuck off now. ty
Ya I hope it calms down. I know you stay up I'm up till 2 and isn't your time 2-3 hours ahead of me? so ya
You literally have the exact same worms as bi haters you just gave up on ever seeing yourself as a woman while they either see themselves as women or think they will eventually
You need to stop thinking bi men must only like you because they're bi and see a man in you, it's projection
Not sure why you're asking me, I don't care.
I don't think Rick has ever shown anyone what he really looks like. He's schizo and steals a bunch of pictures
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one time when i was walking out to the grocery store and wanted to post something here but saw i was banned for some reason and when i looked at it it said that the IP i was using (since i was outside i picked up some Random local IP) was banned from /b/ for like 8 months in august, the reason was like "violating US federal laws"

i thought nothing of it but then a week later i looked at the sex offender registry and saw that a pedophiles lives where i was trying to post

anyways im about to walk by that home again
Damn June is a pedo AND a registered sex offender? Wild.
lol walk fast.
guys, I found out that Rick is actually a janny. Maybe he's the one behind all the bans on the girls
I remember once I was out in the country and I tried to post but I was rangebanned, so someone out there was having fun
why is the rhread so dead?
>tranny janny
many such cases
I got range banned on my phone for a bit. Went to check why and some guy was doxxing people lmao.
Late night and a lot of schizo posting.
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>My crush said she thinks her abusive manipulative bf actually loves her
>Immediately get sinking feeling in chest and feelings of doom
>Don't have the heart to say anything
>She noticed I was acting different and is now asking why
Is it possible to detached irony your way out of wanting to die? Have the buddhists figured out how to do that?
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Boymoding today
Go no contact, block her everywhere
Move on
goodnight. I love you
You have to. This will ruin your life. I'm talking 10 years wasted.
I've never been more real in my life.
I wouldn't consider it a waste, talking to her is the only thing that makes me feel better even if it never leads to anything
I just wish I could stop caring so much about her wellbeing
This is like a drug addiction. You have to go cold turkey.
I think I would actually rope
Unironically a better route than the path you're on.

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