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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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Previous >>37401014
i miss texanon colanon just ain’t the same
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cute booty though
after watching yesterday the trailer of uglies in tiktok I dont get why they wouldnt like to live in a futuristic city where all you do is partying, get lobotomized to be in a constant state of happiness and always be serving face card with the magic surgery
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OhcOHkgTrQQ&pp=ygUOdWdsaWVzIHRyYWlsZXI%3D [Embed]
My BF has an exam tomorrow so he can't come over. I invited a 9" BBC over to satisfy my hungry hole.
god i hate faggots
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girl thought she was slick by dialing up the blur and lighting up to 11
isnt this the pic that someone discovered wasnt even his? lmao texanon is a larp
again, if sean o'pry and chico lachowski were gay you think you could pull them?
looks better now (for all i know this is texanon himself compliment fishing)
xer fat ass labia is making me leak
>this is ugly according to this board
its over. im hideous
everyone except you
What about the other boards??
/int/ has actual cute twinks not twinkdead hags like /lgbt/
i hit twinkdeath at 15 its over
most of those twinks in the collage photo that get posted don't even post on /int/ anymore
I think the way to humble the gay male community is to have an authoritarian state that forces gays to marry to random guys regardless of looks, ethnicity, sexual role and mental state and if they dont comply to be 100% monogamous to their state assigned partner they get isolation in jail
Nigga why would cute twinks post on 4chan? It’s for miserable people
I would be straight again if I had to marry a masculine guy.
are you miserable anon?
its over.
its over.
nah Tex is hot, we'd all fuck tex, too bad he doesn't have a sexuality.
panhandle florida anons take care :x
Hot people can be miserable. I mean Grindr is full of hot and miserable people, arguably even more miserable than most on here, if we exclude that fat fuck Delta.
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Is this what a childless bisexual boomer looks like?
may all eastern alabamans be washed into the gulf by the scouring fury of hurricane helene
my beard is much better than that
Are you a gaycel as well?
>tfw no racist polish bf
they are too sexy and i want to be normal
Gay men only want sex.....every day I curse this fucking world and those who have what I want
it's not all i want, i want money too
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why are you everyone's favorite poster?
most people on here hate me or like to make fun of me.
I think you're sexy and cool
Cuter on the right
I'm not miserable at all.
it’s a few people who live hellish existences
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I've never seen that.
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I have not done drugs in more than two years but I wish I had meth or opioids rn.
that could have been shiza
but shiza went in da pizza
essential skunkcore
Goofy ass fruity ass niggas LMAOOOO
Is it AGP if I want to be the girl in this scene? Or is just Patrick Swayze's hotness
polish is a fake ass language fr
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This one
wyozek crushokowski shiza ptzzr
what's ur fav minecraft entity?
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wassup homos
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love u
cute eaxolotl
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start doing this
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I want 2 of each from mustilidae family.
getting drunk... how tf do people think they can drive like this lol
hi. are you new?
drank some water
tummy feel better :3
I think it's jealousy because of the way you look, and this thread is often a crab bucket
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me when licking my boyfriend's penis after he came
Life would be better if I could share the burden with a boy just as miserable and gloomy as I am
I want to commit suicide.
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you say that now, but i would bum you out
the orange juice is throwing me off. doesn't seem to go with prosciutto or olives
acid vs oil
is your blood type O? they always tend to favor pig meats above other animals
I feel bad that this image gives me comfort.
I'm not jealous of him, it's just sad how mental illness has affected his life, you would think he'd have a boyfriend by now
lol look like bonito flakes
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Extremely cute. Have this nice pic of the clouds I took earlier.
You get it.
Yep it is. I can't remember if I'm positive or negative, but I know I'm O. I should look more into blood type stuff. I bet there are a bunch of interesting and useful things that are particular to your type.
Maybe there was vinegar in the dressing and hyacinth is internally dissolving in an acid overdose. Ever thought of that?
You're the one for me!
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Concerned trolling is the worst kind. I literally do not care what anybody here does or doesn't do in their personal life. It's none of my business.
Why do you think that anon?
i was just trimming my cat's nails and i had to wrestle with him for like 10 minutes, constantly prying him off me when he bites (not hard). it's crazy how strong they are despite their size. eventually he stops struggling and let's me clip them claws. you can't let them walk all over you, otherwise they'll see you as a beta bitch
getting knotted by texanon
No one wants someone who is legitimately worried and depressed about life. I don't know if I want that. Pessimistic people want to be around people who make them feel optimistic, if even for short periods of time.
I've been doubting my heterosexuality
How do I find out if I am bissexual?
Blood type and rh (+-) factor are terms for profiles of protein structures on the cells that indicate antibody reactions. In brief, if you are AB, you can accept donations from anyone, but can only donate to AB. By contrast, if you are O, you can only recieve donations from O but can donate to anyone. You can probably intuit A and B dynamics from that.
I came back after taking a shit so what are we on
grindr jacked up on drugs
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i find it interesting but some say it's BS
Blood and cats
if for real, get a dildo, if you use it more than once, you're gay
I am not a bottom
doesn't matter, if you like guys you're gonna bottom whether you like it or not
Lol yeah this is definitely not 100% spot on. I'm borderline hyperthyroid and I don't have any allergies. I do well without grains, but I'm pretty sure everyone does just because all the grains you can get today are poisoned. I'm sure there is some truth to it though. Seems unlikely that there would be a difference in blood types at all without some difference in function.
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Guys asses were meant for breeding.
I made chocolate muffins uwu
my mom is a cancer (star sign) and blood type O and she loves pork, bacon, ham, pork ribs more than any other food

and i'm bloodtype A and don't care for meat in general naturally, but i can eat a large tofu salad easily
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he's such a psychic
your mom sounds black
I can see that, either way I think I'd find life more enjoyable if I had bf that loved and understood me
she's a country girl
godbye eric adams
you were a awful mayor
i see a lot of red marks or scars
from shaving?
i would only let a guy cum in me if he's my bf. to be extra safe, maybe we both get tested twice before going raw. i do not want to take more pills, it's unnecessary if you're monogamous.
if you read n+1 dm me
>commits crime
lol it's inevitable innit
everything is so weird
I cant imagine penetrating another man or dominating him......guess Im a bottom
unless you desire things up your butt you probably aren't a bottom either
you might be a side
Third eye wide open. Lol, for real though anyone paying attention could see this was coming.
I hope this interests you or someone.
what did he do??
Sometimes I fantasize about it but Ive never actually put anything up there, sometimes to reach my prostate I rub my taint but Im too scared to actually put anything in my ass, doesnt seem like it was made for that. If im too scared to commit to being a bottom, what does that make me?
what if hes straight o_O
Holly Jervis
I mostly look at gay porn/hentai and only occasionally touch straight stuff. I might just be ace/aegosexual
side of bottomless fries, mmh
>murders rose consistently during apartheid and dropped afterwards
damn crackers
fundraising violations, straw donors
he's a bad cop who faked different crimes (a kidnapping, a robbery, etc.) in order to rise the NYPD ladder
Lol at PW Botha's time in office
Bitch ass cracka
muhfuggen bix nood
that blaccent
Shalom comrade
my only purpose in life is to pleasure tops with my bussy. it's not something i got to choose, it's outside of my control :(
Can I sleep here tonight?
boers are some of the dumbest, most inbred people on earth
LMFAO i cant believe someone else here has seen this, it was a huge meme in my friend group for years
why are gg posters friendly to me off-trip but hostile otherwise?
trip on kuurst
im only mean to anons so you better watch out
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this song makes me feel called out as a straight passing gay guy
Tripfags are very sad/insecure and always need to play the clown to get attention, pay them no mind
i hate everyone equally
shut up fat fuck
because you're a fake cunt Xanthippe
I saw it when it was uploaded, 2016 or so? I love the part where she says cracka ass scientists can't explain voodoo curses and being able to kill your enemies with lightning lmao
why that look like a glass sculpture of hand banana?
Thanks anon, very nice. This is going in my hacking music playlist.
>youtube: hand banana
What the fuck did I just watch lmao.
They want to look cool and edgy?
iud, s-i-s, stay in school cause it's the best
iud, s-i-s, stay in school cause it's the best
iud, s-i-s, stay in school cause it's the best
rappers are faggots pimp c told us this decades ago thats why they slipped him the fetty lean

I thought she was black for longest time
a straight redneck got me into her, the world is a weird ass place sometimes
Is it over for thin gay men? Do twinks find other twinks attractive?
Sounds like that could have been me, lol

I listen to Peaches and I am a straight redneck who used to share 'fuck the pain away' pretty often back in the day.
twinks mostly date other twinks, and have hot sweaty sex with masc fit guys, but you don't want that you want luv
>press “X” to doubt
I'm a twink and only find other twinks attractive. I draw the line at twunk-ish twinks, but very skinny and not buff ones.
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z my beloved.,..,.
I'm a tall thin hairless twink with some muscle mass and I only find this same body type attractive. Twunk status is my cutoff.
I don't think you're using the green text function correctly. It would be:

press 'X' to doubt.
Thin is, was, and always will be objectively attractive. Anyone saying anything to the contrary is either just expressing and outlier personal preference or coping.
I did precisely what I meant to. Granted, I’m a bunch of drinks in, so who knows.
>I'll greentext however I please
And no one will stop me.
Yeah it's over for you. Twink couples don't exist past high school.
>tfw you realize it doesn't matter what thread or what gen, it's all the same shit.
god why can't i just be schizo. it'd be so much easier. you'd all just disappear. it'd be so much easier to accept being fucking retarded than the reality.

if i'm not a tripfag or a pass user, why isn't verification needed?


its because you post a lot
So says you. I’m a good time in uni as far as relationships go. More so than I did in HS even.
It's just you and me in here, crazy.
sue me
Watching the Menendez Bros show for the plot
improvisation folktronica wednesday late night
Half the town is without power. I guess I’m one of the lucky ones.
wednesday night was fetish night at club hell.
What did you do?
what; or, who?
I hope you lose it as well
Palouse winds as per the norm this time of year.
It gets to the point where guys like Steve are calling themselves twinks. You're not a twink if you're just a normally proportioned man.
i want to have a bayonet instead of a penis
banzai charging entrenched hole
getting torn to pieces by an m2 browning hehehe
The only thing that changed from when I was 16-18 is that I’m skinnyfit whereas I used to be just skinny and I dropped the highlights. Some former twinks did change dramatically though, a classmate of mine I used to lust after is now a big fat bastard. Another former classmate used to be a landwhale and is now a ripped twunk.
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Best war movies?
Иди и cмoтpи
I recommend "The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story" (9 episodes)

Its well written, produced and acted, and true crime also. The villain has a sort of "Talented Mr Ripley" vibe to him, a lot of class insecurity.

jerome won
jerome op here I ruined that bitch
My favorite quote from that:

"What a volatile mix you are - too lazy to work and too proud to be kept."
Buck broken
is that where beagle lives or?
Were they gay?
i miss bucko
i got a month ban for doxing when i posted walter whites address
I already saw it and it didn't have any cute boys
Cold twink ass (I'm a mortician)
I liked it. Its weird how many gays go psycho like that, though tediously unoriginal.

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hes lowkey giving jerma now i just realized
lol, happened to me but with the simpsons address
Tex has a great ass, unfortunately he has a very small dick.
u guys will hate this truth but they unironically should've gotten her on estrogen im sure it would solve the whole asexual dilemma and she would have to cut the alcoholism because of liver damage and i don't think she's suicidal enough to give herself liver failure
Umm sweaty, she's already on estrogen.
xe has a dick?
yahyah texy mtf/ftm jokes but this is serious rachel
If you could call it that.
It's a small misshapen thing.
Misshapen? How?
how do you cope with knowing that you will never be able to flick texs bean
>wake up
>there's shiza in da pizza
He had a botched circumcision that left him with a very short, skinny and curved penis.
>these worthless faggots really dedicated a whole ass thread to some literally who tripfag
holy fuck, get laid you worthless sacks of shit. its like you want to keep this general fucking garbage
>literally who tripfag
respect your elders newshit
I've never seen good gaygen threads, even when I don't post.
Tex is a narcissist.
If he had a nice dick he would show it off, therefore we know it's small and ugly.
ick - an intersex dick
shiza has severe bpd (bish preoccupation disorder)
Nigger youre a tranny, you dont even belong here
Hes right, why do you all worship attractive white twinks?
im not preoccupied with him whatsoever!
People love to bring up tripfags that haven't posted here in years for no reason
ssri - shiza's sexual rape intent
and she literally replied here but ok
It's zigger, and no.
Tex actually has a girthy 8 incher, trust me , he bottomed for me and it flopped everywhere.
figger zaggot
How would you torture Shiza if you had the chance? Imagine lowering him into a tub of acid feet first and listening to his screams
Okay Holden
>Imagine lowering him into a tub of acid feet first
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Should short men be dominated by stronger, taller men?
putting insulation foam into her mouth so she shuts tf up while telling him her voice does not pass
you were right, i needed to embrace a dionysian lifestyle
i wanna be pumped full of insulation foam
>tfw you realize it doesn't matter what thread or what gen, it's all the same shit.
Damn bro, its almost like the only thing anyone here has in common is liking dick which isnt conducive to any actual meaningful conversation, the same reason this entire board is shit and the same threads over and over and over. I honestly hope it gets nuked, board about identity doesnt matter on an anonymous imageboard and its the reason it attracts tripfags like moths to a flame
puttin da pizza in da shiza
Imagine going to therapy but it's just dodgeball.
and your insurance is a coupon for it
My twinkhood will NEVER die
shiza is the polish tsmadison
no such things
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i dont even know what the hawk tua thing was about, dont really care desu
Hawk tua the polls and vote on that thang this October!
it’s really easy to imagine you doing the bidi bidi bidi bidi bom bom selena wasn’t puerto rican video
lmao i love that video
Greenpeace Japan opposed the Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant and ran an online campaign to stop the project called "Wings of Peace – No more Hiroshima Nagasaki" from 2002 until 2005.
How to pass as an American woman
Get double d breast implants
Become morbidly obese
Get lipo on your stomach
Congrats your now a fully certified American woman
i wouldnt mind looking like trisha paytas honestly
Texanon invented bottoming as a show of power.
welcome to the whatever the fuck this is. it certainly is a place
You seem like a Billie "Eyelash" stan... GTFO!
it's take like these that makes this place what it is
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What would make gaygen better?
more holes and soles
fewer soles, more poles
less mentally ill people and more holes i guess
an amab tomboy who hates sporty things actually, and generally likes showtunes, 80s pop, art, and being gay
post pop
>Be bottom
>Meet up with top for sex
>Lazy motherfucker expects to just lie down on his back doing nothing while I do literally all the work
>Leave after 20 mins because I'm not here to exhaust myself trying to fuck you while you take a god damn powernap and I get barely any enjoyment out of it.
Man, I fucking hate this shit so much.
If you're too fucking lazy or physically unfit to actually participate in the sex, don't fucking meet up with people for sex.
bear sex
lol hookups are such a shitty way to have sex
I hate this shit. I hate riding unless it's in sitting position for us both, whatever that's called.
You guys post them.
cookups where you meet to cook together
while listening to my kitchen by gucci mane
>You guys post them.
I don't have a pole, just a lil boynoodle
Did he cum?
I cut and run before we even got close to that.
based top flipping the script on you lazy hoes
Who doesn't like noodles?
me, i like rice
also i just noticed you were the Matthieu dude...what did i just say about the mental illness
why would he just lay there and not try to contribute anything? was he drunk?
Imagine Texanon at a witch house show but the power goes out so he has to freestyle beatbox a witch house song while also showing off his new dance moves.
Rice is much better.
I had trans-French phase.
>trans-French phase.
very very very specific
twink feet
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i hope they're doing well
I don't understand.
He do be leaving me smoke snignals in the pussy if I do say so myself.
Do you have any specific fetishes?
you're a girl
This is surprising.
i got that. the whole sentence just doesn't make sense to me
isn't it always
I'm not sure, he did seem kinda zonked out but I don't think it was alcohol. I think he might have been on something, either that or he was super exhausted and for some reason wanted to squeeze in a quick fuck before passing out.
condoms on thic dicks
cute tennis socks
being used rather violently, getting slapped in my face
maybe even getting pissed or spit on but never did that
getting sloppy toppy from a bbw milf with a twink gives me a non euclidean footjob
maybe he had a heart attack
we are cutting your internet access
is bzhh bish?
Gm normiepoo :3
hey red, wassup
Just woke up, seems i need alcohol to sleep well o.o slept for about 8h 2 days in a row on it. I might become an alky :3
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it's beginning. femboy apocalypse.. god have mercy on us all.
maybe he's dead and still laying there
Drive boy, dive boy
Dirty numb angel boy
In the doorway boy
She was a lipstick boy
She was a beautiful boy
And tears boy
And all in your inner space boy
You had
Hand girls boy
And steel boy
You had chemicals boy
I've grown so close to you
Boy and you just groan boy
She said come over, come over
born slippy uwu
essential bish core
gently lovingly shoving bish off a pier into shark frigid water
sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? you up? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex?? sex? sex? Sex??
xes yag
that's...concerning. why were you drinking last night?
It was like a movie night. Friend brought over wine and i had some beers in da fridge n we watched sum horror movies o.o
did you get him drunk to take advantage of him?
which movie?
No, i drank more baka watched longlegs - pretty creepy, and some ancient movie that idk the name of, but it was a meh low budget thing
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maybe he took advantage of you
Lmao, he didnt
are you sure? check your anus
Hes a bottom baka, my anus is safe...
luv him
Would u eat mountain dew gelato with him?
I have a boyfriend though, so no sex
My fren isnt indonesian tho o.o
>tfw weight gain fetish
would u eat giant cheez it ?

that wasn't the point of the link
Caramelldansen 10 hour version
That guy just looks like a bottom, but isnt one o.o
i don't eat American fast food, but i like to gawk at it
are you sure?
you should, not often, but you should. america does few things well but fast food is one of them
Ye, bottoms dont rape ppl baka
if it does not contain meat, yeah
that's not true
Its pretty much the truth
if you say so, it's your hole that was molested
I wasnt molested xdddd
i put the pizza in da shiza
but do you really know?
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he's unironically so fair and demure it's insane
Please stop badgering the witness
Yess we didnt fuck and i never lost consciousness :3
he likes it
ok. we'll see in 10 years when the trauma hits
LMAO, i acc think i was diddled as a kid, but i dont remember it so it doesnt affect me :3
no comment
>but i dont remember it so it doesnt affect me :3
>doesnt affect me :3
tfw no mountain dew gelato (cat crack)
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lel gay
Which ones do you like?
It's just baked flour and salt and chemicals. You're better off eating meat, little fish or something light. Do you not eat any meat?
>Do you not eat any meat?
only dick
You thought you ate
ohhhh that's a good answer
as god intended
Cinnabon is pretty good I'll give you that. I've been off sugar for 2 months and I've dropped 30 pounds. Never going back to it.
Id use :3 either way baka
how do you achieve that. sugar is everywhere. congrats on the weight loss
Are vegan gays allowed to swallow cum?
Ty that's kind of you normie.
Just stopped eating processed sugar, most restaurant food, and started cooking everything at home again. It's not that hard really. I was getting fat as it was, depression eating.
home cooking is usually more healthy. wish i enjoyed doing it
If you sleep on your belly, it's an open invitation for me to touch your butt
rapist behavior
if you snore, it's an open invitation for me to put my dick in your mouth
I think i want to be British
Why would you want such a thing
i want to be cumming
I can help u normiepoo :333
no you can't but thanks for offering
Im never good enough... :c
Who is this
that's not what i said
Thanks for not saying that :3
bottoms are men

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