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How is your boymoding working out for you /tttt/?
Not well. It's really hard to get help as a tranny when everyone sees you as a middle aged man.
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Pretty well honestly
This is a woman right? Don't tell me tranners can look like this or I'll sui
there is nothing "boy" about you, more over be my gf now
okay i guess. people keep she/her'ing me and i haven't corrected them in years cause i got tired of it but i'm still boymoding so idk if they're just messing with me or what
There really isn't anything girl there to me tho
it is over
some old guy came up to me at work today and apologized for using the wrong pronouns yesterday, and then didn't explain what he meant.
im not out at work, what did he assume and then what made him change his mind??? i dont even know what pronouns he used for me
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why tho?
You need to bend over and be bred NOW
Oh great that's a tranner isn't it? God damn it now I have to sui
over what? the fridge bid? hips don't lie.
it is and trips of truth
all trannies will look like this at a minimum within a decade or two btw
which you will be alive to witness and seethe about then too
Great. I'm achieving my wildest dreams living my life as a feminine man and getting to come home to my BF who treats me like a woman.
I don't look like that
Not if I sui, dumbass
Anon I'm not even interested in sex and I also have the most mid body
what's ur cfa order?
dont kys
you need to stay alive to witness everyone else get everything you dreamed of
everything you thought was impossible
everything you were punished and hated and mocked and shunned for

you need to be alive to see them all effortlessly get it with full support and guidance into normal healthy lives with cis passing bodies and experiences and brains while you rot in your old decaying body unable to have any of it ever despite wanting it before any of the young trans people were even an idea of an idea
checked, it is truly over then
nah u cute
The Fog
You crossdress when you get home?
Ummm, Ive started malefailing a bit more recently and so Ive picked out some normal but cute girl clothes. My friend says its a pretty gender neutral outfit but uh, it feels different than boy clothes. The pants accentuate my ass more and the shirt is almost like its designed to show it off, its cut a little higher since women typically wear high waisted stuff but it doesnt show my midriff or anything. Its a little bit embarassing still. Ive been wearing them lately with my boy shirts and jackets to get the hang of them but it still feels like my ass is so visible, I really hope its not noticeable. Im gonna maybe try to girlmode when I go on vacation and see how it goes. I really really hope they have gender neutral bathrooms and I really hope I dont get called sir, that will shatter me ;-;
>just looks like a girl
>nice tits, sir
>damn what that ass do boy?
>>damn what that ass do boy?

This one would make me blush ngl
Good to know.
I stopped boymoding a year ago.

Feels good.
>does that bussy squirt
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pretty good. Got my state provided boymoder overalls on
im manmoding and I hate it so much I plan on moving out with surgery savings next year to get away from the family forcing me to manmode but that’ll unfortunately mean I’ll be honmoding indefinitely unless I can get a medical loan in a few years
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stolen valour thread as always
>How is your boymoding working out for you /tttt/?
https://unsee cc/album#SyiXfZpga1QP
That ones just gross anon
This nigga lookin' ZESTY, this nigga lookin' MOIST, he's got sugar in his tank, he's light on his feet, he's a Ill bit fruity, he plays for the other team, he dances at the other end of the ballroom, this nigga theatrical, this nigga good with colors, this nigga gonna coordinate yo curtains wit you cushions and that shit gonna look good! This nigga lifts shirts, this nigga on the down low, this nigga be a tollet trader, this nigga gardens uphill, this nigga packs fudge, he's a friend of Dorothy, he feels the love that dare not speak Its name, he loves to dance, he's of the Uranian brotherhood, he indulges in the French vice, he has an antipathic sexual Instinct, he's fluent in Polari, he's a refugee from Sodom, he's on the wrong bus, he bats for the other team, he's temperamental, he's 'one of if you catch my drift.
>Ukranian brotherhood
But the girl in OP is Russian
its going fine iguess the only part that rlly sucks is that its like IMPOSSIBLE trying to get a boyfriend when ur boymoding
i dont wanna tell anyone im trans but i dont wanna date anyone that doesnt know im trans and i dont make any new friends bcuz im awkward since im trying to boymode so its this evil self fulfilling cycle or whatever
ur so pretty queen (pls let me add you on dc)
Can you turn around please.
can't believe you're still posting here after all this time. and still brainwormed
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>How is your boymoding working out for you /tttt/?
i don't rly talk to anyone when i go outside
went to the theatre alone the other day
you're passing and cute, and you excude innocent aura. 10/10 would try to be friends with you in college
fuck it. decently.
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not great
I think I crossed over to manmoder territory
hrt at 20 is manmoder tier right
only malefailed once in a year so its over

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