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>Qott: What's your favorite junk food? Favorite fast food? What's the most you've ever eaten?

Parking Lot Dumpster: >>37402126
who's schizo posting?
gickle, gickle, 4 gickles
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>favorite junk food
The pb chocolates i make. Way better than reeses.
>favorite fast food
If it counts, pizza. I don't eat other fast food. I fucking wish I could be healthy eating only pizza and chocolate.
>Fat Fuck Edition
>I just ate taco bell
This feels very targeted towards me.

>>Qott: What's your favorite junk food? Favorite fast food? What's the most you've ever eaten?
I got high and I ate 6 tacos, 3 burgers and large fries and a shake from jack in the box.

Fav is taco bell or habit
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The usual suspects. If you don't know what that means then have fun reading.
Qott: Does beef jerky count? Rangoons.
where can I read to find out more? I'm not sure who the usual suspects are.
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>What's your favorite junk food?
Ice cream brownies
>Favorite fast food?
The Habit
>What's the most you've ever eaten?
Lots of meat loaf with a shit ton of sides, with a plate of cheese covered hot cheetos and fudge ice cream......
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In-n-out is alright. The quality hasnt gone down too much. And ate a whole 20x20 when I was in my teens, just to do it. Cant remember how thin the patties were, since this was a long time ago
>>Qott: What's your favorite junk food?
Sun Chips
> Favorite fast food?
>What's the most you've ever eaten?
I once got popeyes and puked it up then ordered a pizza and puked that up too
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Girlmoding today
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thank god someone else made it i got lazy and couldnt think of qott cause im tired


Fave junk food would be burger. i love burger so much especially cheese burger. carls jr is fope or this local place i like going to which is really low quality but i kinda like that from time to time. Stripes is a really good fast food place! they have an amazing chicken sandwhich. i cannot indulge lately tho cause im losing weight rn, when i get pioglitazone again imma go a bit ham tho
6 pizzas. Was young and didn't know anything. Had money for the first time cause was on school trip. Didn't buy anything the whole time I was there. On the way back realised I could spend the money so I just kept buying pizzas and eating them. Got to 5 and tricked a friend into splitting a 6th with me, but then he had to go to the bathroom before we sat to eat and I just ate the whole thing and ran away. Idk why the fuck I did that or how. That's so many pizzas. Idk if I could even eat one while one these days. Nah that's a lie. I could probably do one and a half. Anyway that was back in a time before the economy got too cursed so the pizzas were way cheaper than they are now. Never buy pizza these days.
>favorite junk food
probably anything fried, or maybe hard candies like werthers butterscotches or white rabbits

>favorite fast food
mix between wendies, culvers, and llittle cesars. I eat them in different scenarios.

idk ive probably eaten 4k once just knowing me. The most ive eaten in 2024 is probably like 2.2k
To read about the previous thread you can read the previous thread.
Alternatively, lurk more.
>I once got popeyes and puked it up then ordered a pizza and puked that up too
that feeling when no trans girl wants to puke in your mouth
>werthers butterscotches
Energy drinks specifically full throttle. Been drinking them for years unfortunately.
I don't really eat fast food anymore but if I had to choose maybe popeyes
I'm not sure but I did have like 30 gyoza a few days ago. I was the anon posting about em.

I think I will make dan dan noodles when I get paid.
I haven't had junk food or fast food in seven months but I used to live off of it, really tryna un-fatfuckify myself lately
My go-to Taco Bell order was whatever box meal they had currently plus two cheesy bean and rice burritos and a large baja blast. Just calculated those calories for funsies and it's 2150, after already having two unhealthy meals for the day
No wonder lol
>werthers butterscotches
I like these too even though they are an old man candy. Also the chewable taffy ones are pretty good
She’s 80 years old if she likes those
I get teriyaki chicken from a fast food place once a week. Or In n Out like once every few months. I eat pretty clean and only date femboys.
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>I eat pretty clean and only date femboys.
Favorite Junk: Peanut butter pretzels
Favorite Fast: Popeyes Chiggun
Most: Fucked up an AYCE Sushi in Cali recently
Ayyy that's the kind of shit I would always get too. That'd usually be my food for the day though outside of maybe like a bagel for breakfast. And for sure did not make a habit of it.
>The Habit
Hell ya high five
I miss that place its super good
they actually want to date guys instead of doom dump and ghost :)
I could be her grandpa giving her Werthers
Yeah I figured when we started sliding into page 10 that you were not gonna pull the trigger.
Skill issue.
I got a face mask on rn
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huh maybe ill do one too
Feels pretty good, haven’t done one in foreva :p
I got to get back into the skincare game.
Weird ass faggot
I forgot those kinds of facemasks existed and thought you were just sittin at your computer in a medical mask like a weirdo.
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How does such small food have big calories?
>high five
I guess. I'm not that hype on it, since it's just normal for me. I got INOs in every cardinal direction, tops like 5-10 miles. As much as they're McDs from my general location.
the juice ain't worth the squeeze
Crazy how I aggressively disagree, but I always love that line so much that I don't even care anymore. What a fucking phrase. Just so good.
Hard candies make you savor the sugar for longer instead of just downing 100cal in each bite
happy compromise
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I got ADHD so as soon as you make me savor anything I will start gnawing on it until I crack it or my teeth do. I also bite popsicles and ice cream.
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Frozen dark chocolate is the way to go.
Ok grandma, I bet you like them because they were the only you could get your hands on during the Great Depression. Old ass bitch
You know what's really good?

Stale wine gums
Sounds miserable.
too bitter

im 20
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imagine sweating and panting and Steve Rogers looks at you and says "I can do this all day"
You have the palette of a literal child :p
Old ass bitch
Not so much actually! There's a profound ravenous intensity that comes with it, I like to think I'm just living with a little more excitement.

Do most people let chocolate bars melt in the mouth or chew it?
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i usually do 2 or 3 a week its been hella helping my skin :)

Yes yes, well done mtfg
June don’t fall for the bait
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reposting cuz i didnt get any actual responses last thread:

going on 72 hours of fasting
originally that was my goal but now i fear it’s not enough
how long am i supposed to go? how long do i have to go before quitting for me to not be a pussy for ending it?
i feel like the answer must be “until you collapse” but i fear my willpower will break long before i reach that point … i need a definite period to hold out for, i feel like that would help last longer. suggestions?
Feels wrong to post this in the burger thread.
Do you understand what a joke is? Genuinely asking, I know some you guys are painfully autistic
Enjoy your ravenous excitement, I don't want it. The slower I can make things, the longer I can prolong, the better.
is anyone into ppl w/ AGP and not trans women in particular?
>The pb chocolates i make.
Share please.
>I fucking wish I could be healthy eating only pizza and chocolate.
lol so fucking real
>The Habit
I used to be a big In n Out guy but the Habit honestly owns. plus im vegetarian now so it helps that they have vegetarian options. makes u feel like absolute shit afterwards tho lol so greasy
You've got your side and I've got mine then. We can cross for Christmas or if one of us really needs a hug.
How would I know which comment is yours? My comment was a general reminder
Why are you fasting, anon? Religious reasons? Or just to prove it to yourself?
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two side of same coin u see…
Wouldn't surprise me if your hugs last only half a second. I prefer mine to last all day.
I think it's hot to indulge someone's kinks that could cheekily be called agp but I'm into trans women and not just that
What would that even mean to be into agp but not mtfs
All i have are pictures.
Ah, Franz Kafka's The Starving Artist, highly recommend the read!
Lmao you bastard. Nah I just don't wait twelve hours to lean into mine. ;p
A pic of the food and what you will use if someone tries to steal the food
Men with sissy kinks
ate too much cheese tonight. Boobs growing. So close to D cups. Gonna keep eating til I cross that threshold.
That's no way to speak to your elders sonny
C for cheese cups
Yeah, but only if you're hot.
Sorry, weird ass faggot SIR!
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ocean waters are good havent had one in a while
kek. I would love anyone to try them. I have to protect myself even when making chocolate. Did you know - according to some homos - Russians aren't allowed to make chocolates?
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>Boobs growing
You say this every day. I'm scared of what you're feeding them.
i guess its the fantasy of supporting someone indulge in their kink by sleeping with them. Theres something hot about making them feel like a woman and also the patheticness of AGP
gonna test this brb
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aww they’re little paws lol. r u a diaperfur or someting ^__^
i’ll look into it. the only kafka i’ve read is Metamorphosis in high school.
Back in my day kiddos had respect for the older generation. Now do you want some candy?
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Only twelve hours? Not slow enough. On my final day one might faintly hear amidst the death rattle "It's time."
Not really but will you watch dexter instead with me
Hahhahahahha who else am I gonna tell anon? But random strangers on the internet. Can't just tell my friends my tits are getting bigger. I want someone to know I guess.
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I'm not furry for liking paws, freak.
> Russians aren't allowed to make chocolates?
lol what?
lol. Has cheese Ben the answer the whole time?
drop yur secrets anon

maybe :o
Lot more to read. It's a short story as well, only about 8 pages. He has a lot of interesting stuff out there. The concept of existential guilt is a fascinating and horrifying one.
Lol. It'll be the best hug ever at least.
So you want to be witnessed, huh? Congrats then, anon. How far have you come?
Forget about all those tictacs and netflix for a bit, come on and sit next to me on the davenport and let me tell you a story.
Not to be confused for the chifforobe.
Let’s see them babe.
Some don't believe I'm Russian because I make chocolates instead of being in war.
Make chocolate not war
200mg prog 18 months into hrt
E at top end of recommended levels
no AAs just suppressed with e
Eat loads of fats and stay active
That's all I did. Went from flat at 18mo to proper round boobs in 8 months
Yes. Witness me!!
Just started doing them, looking into making a complete skin care routine.
ok ty nonny, i never really took prog seriously i have a perscription for it. weird question do you put in yur butt or orally? genuinely gonna try it out then
interesting no aa's tho you didnt notice any dht masculinization? i have an orchi so i dont take an aa just mono
time to hop into bed next to my ex again. only a month more of nights like this. hearing her breathe and gently snore on the other end of the bed. feeling the faint glow of her warmth radiating across to me. god I'm gonna miss her so much. I'm so sad anons.
ever make a dinner with everything the same color?
Because you have to learn some respect. You know that I bought this house with my own grit and determination? Unlike you and your fancy colleges. I had to go right out of high school and get a job down at the factory making sprockets. Took me three damn years to save enough for the down payment, and seven more to pay it off.
nice :) i have one going rn but i want to use a better brand than cerave cause ive seen better results from others, but shits hella expensive x( might start doing thos chemical masks at a spa one day my sis says theyre pretty good
No, cause I don't have that particular mutation. So it doesn't metabolize as dht for me
Butt. Did 100mg for a while. Then 200mg
Watch out for the dht thing. Doesn't affect everyone.
The anecdotal evidence is. Serious.
Obviously monitor mood too etc and prolactin levels.
Good luck anon.
Well yeah a bowl of soup is kinda just soup colored all the way through.
ok tysm anon ill start a trial type run of it when i get paid needa get my levels checked soon too anyway so feels right. anyway ti know you prone to dht or just kinda have to hope for the best? also one more question sorry :c did you take it all in one go or like in cycles?
You either hope for the best or just take fin or duta as a precaution.
I want to make very black food but no strong enough edible dye and most of them discolor the mouth.
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You are sleeping in the same bed as your ex?
Why do this?
Accidental beige dinners
Oh also just started taking 100mg. Then decided nah this ain't cutting it. So a couple of months later tried 200 and it started doing work. Also just had to eat though. I'm up like 10kg but my abs are still visible and it's all just tit fat, thigh fat and ass and hip fat. The weight has been stable for the last 3 months.
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cool tysm :) prolly just buy some to be safe

oh ok i see ive tried 100 as well up the bum, felt like it made my boobs a tiny bit bigger but i stopped after a bit, cause i felt similar. guess ill have to do what you did then cause i have perma twink body rn -_- tysm for the advice think ill start this real soon :)
>I'm up like 10kg but my abs are still visible and it's all just tit fat, thigh fat and ass and hip fat.
Lord help me.
Cerave used to fuck my shit all the way up for some reason, I like my activated charcoal masks, moisturizer, nose strips and retinol.
No worries this is not medical advice I'm not a Dr YMMV good luck
I just use mud for my skin. Never dry or oily.
Sorry, I was trying to say you sound hot as fuck.
God slow again. I think the last thread scared everyone off

Yeehaw, gotta hog tie me a tranner n take er home (consentually)
yeah most of my food is brown or beige
Pick up and carry my tranner home
I hate being alive
>Cerave used to fuck my shit all the way up for some reason
interesting its def not the best but an alright stopgap for me rn, i would usually use aveda gentle clenser and some other loriel collagen moisturizer and nutrogena ret. and that would make my skin look so nice. its like 30 bucks for a small ass bottle of aveda and not much cheaper for the other things idk if i wanna make that commitment but i have to if i wanna be semi bit more attractive...

>I'm not a Dr YMMV good luck
as always :) either way ty gives me a bit of hope at least

need a big stong bf to carry me home after a long shift or work out o.o

lol idk why this made me giggle sm
Glad you're still around Jade. Hope you feel better tomorrow
I need a gf to carry home after a long shift or work out
one time i was really bored so i went on my familys playstation and saw my step dad had red dead redemption so i decided to start a game cause why not

the moment i entered the world some online player tied me up and carried me around

Decided i didnt want to play any more
We know. Did you do anything fun today or was it a crying day?
Lmao. Outplayed, gamer.
I'll drag you. (I have damaged fingers)
ok that might be a bit hard but ill try, when i get better at squats well def be in business. i am painfully weak rn lol
No no I said I will carry. I don’t think you want to carry me around in too heavy.
But like you can try.
What happend to them?
>I'll drag you.
thisll work too :) what happened to yur fingers??
aaahhh im retarded and my vision is v blurry rn lol thought you said need a gf to carry me home lol
I don’t care about all that but I do want someone to watch dexter with
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>What's your favorite junk food?
>Favorite fast food?
kfc (i swear its good here in europe)
I use a lot of cerave. Not brand loyalty its just cause its cheap and easy to find really. Their products seem really good but i cant judge if theyre the best. The l'oreal products ive used are definitely good middle ground i think, so is neutrogena. The ordinary looks nice and i might try them out more, been using their glycolic acid like everyone and their mother and its effective and well priced

Im trying to expand my skincare. Ive not tried retinol or serums. im thinking of getting vitamin C
Skill issue tbqh
Parents doing things.
whats the point
crying day
lol no but I love that you were willing to try.
If I limited my dating pool to women who could carry me it would be very small. >>37406949
> kfc
I have heard it is different over there. It’s really bad over here in the states
yeah we get the good kfc, also i noticed its slightly different in every country i think to adjust for local palette kinda like with maggi
lmao you met the one chaser in the game
Damn sorry
We’ll do you at least feel a little better now or no?
You all do a lot of things better over there and for some reason fast food is one of them. We invented a lot of it but get the worse version
american KFC is terrible. I think that there has to be like administrative issues or something ive literally never seen a KFC in this country that was not disgusting
I think the parent company just has given up on it over here. It hasn’t been profitable for years now. Taco Bell is the think keeping the company afloat

But just go to poppies. Shit restaurants and you never get the right order but the chicken is good
Stopped E almost a month ago and I have zero noticeable changes, I think I won guys
its pricier here though!
Why did you want to stop? Complications?
I didn’t but had to for other reasons
Now you're a girl.
Did you get an orchi?
That’s kind of scary because fast food has gotten very pricy over here
Your test levels are probably making up for the lack of estrogen then. No differences at all?
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>Parents doing things.
im sorry timmur my father was pretty crazy too :(

same at least rn i do, cheap, accessible and not complete shit like store brands. def not the best but if yur on a budget its the best youll get imo. i used a lot of nutrogena in the past but moved past it, didnt like their clensers that much. havent tried much loreal past theyre moisterizers but those ones have mostly done my skin right especially this one. gonna be my next 'routine upgrade' when i get paid. ret is for more extream cases like age lines or acne scars i use the cerave resurfacing ret and its actually really good for acne scars for what ive seen in about 2 weeks of using it, used others from nutrogena that seemed a bit too rough, always good to take those easy at first. also use vitamin c serum for the morns, real good for extra tightness or less bumpyness in general but make sure to use a good sunscreen cause ive read somewhere it can make yur skin a bit more sensitive to sunlight :) sorry to ramble been trying to get mine down and its been kinda fun

>been using their glycolic acid like everyone and their mother and its effective and well priced

hmm ill look into this thx for the rec c:

lol fair enough, one day ill be able squat u tho >:)
Zero, no changes in physical aspects or mental, I feel the exact same.
>chicken is good
lol very tru popeys is more of an occasion for me tho. our state recently got raising cains and ive been enjoying it a bit. gets in an alright chicken fill that isnt the usuals around here
> one day ill be able squat u
:) ill try to make it a little easier and lose a few more lbs.
Hang in there, partner. I may not have sage cowboy wisdom but you would be dearly missed if something happened.
>raising cains
I want to try this but I got to go to la there’s non near me
My family loves chic fil a but I don’t like giving them money
I'd keep an eye on them, they could creep up on you. Or you have some androgen insensitivity, but you probably know if you have that already.
no lmao
i havent had fast food in several months and honestly i dont miss it one bit
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day 2 of giving up
You were saying you haven’t eaten or barely ate. Maybe get some cereal to cheer yourself up or honestly sleep
That’s good it’s terrible for your health. I have had a lot and I’m up a few lbs and my stomach is making all kind of noises
its def a bit overrated but good for what it is

i had some mcdonald today cause i was being lazy, i felt gross after :( havent had fast food for a bit aswell unless you consider subway fast food. i know some do but what ev its fresh enough for meee T-T
Goodnight, sweet dreams.
subway isnt really the same kind of fast food as macdonalds or wendys. Yeah its "fast" but it literally just cold cut sandwiches. Now are they healthy? Maybe not as much as people would assume, but theyre better balanced meals than any burger restaurant
>favourite fast food
either a crunchwrap supreme from taco bell or a mcd sausage and egg mcmuffin
>favourite junk food
god I could go for a cheap shitty kebab shop pizza right about now
>most ever eaten
no clue
Cooking for yourself is one of the best things you can these says honestly (besides like getting a bachelors or something). If you are good at intuiting cooking (as in not working with a recipe) then you can make meals super easily and quickly. And if youre good at math (desu just basic math) you can budget out meals and nutrition to make really healthy meals that are like super super cheap. I havent eaten restaurant food since i was last travelling
Thank you, thread, for putting respect on Taco Bell's name today.
You are right I need to get back to cooking. It is way cheaper and healthier and I used to do a ton of cooking but I have been slipping lately. I need to get back on track but some days it’s hard.
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yes i do the cooking yes i do the cleaning
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And it was good.
Imagine coming back after a long day and there's warm food waiting for you.
That would be amazing.
But I would also want to cook for my wife some times and spoil her
Waking up early and slowly sliding your way out of the tangle of her limbs like a little worm to only then tiptoe your way onto the cold kitchen tiles because you couldn't risk putting on socks and she had to be born in winter. Waffles with some ice cream for her breakfast in bed, watching that smile come to her face.
Boy howdy if that ain't what heaven has in store.
This sounds nice and now I’m lonely
I hate nights so much
That's why the invented sleep, time travels you through the whole night like nothin. Don't even dream if you do it right.
Or maybe find a nice woman, yeah?
Helllll yeah
I want a boyfriend and spoil him with cooking every night that would be so nice
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lost a friend and its fucking with my mental
They died or you had a falling out?
I can’t sleep because I can’t turn the thoughts off. But eventually the sleeping pills will kick in
You will find one soon enough and he will be a lucky guy to have you cooking him dinner every night
I’m sorry. You ok?
>falling out
this one

>You ok
i think so, i still have tea
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making many new recipies and desserts for my husbando followed by cuddling and comfy show watching. dont let your dreams ne dreams :D

that always sucks i have a similar problem rn

reading wholesome posts r cool c:

I like to lure chasers on grindr then ghost them before we meet up.

But wait, I do this to trans women? Do you think we ever?
im the richest boymoder in the world
Tea does make things slightly less bad
Eating dinner with a loved one then cuddling to a show does sound really nice.
This is less nice
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I love you
Probably not, I've only ever met two people from grindr. I only use it to chat or fuck with chasers.
I can't wait to wake up and cry all day tomorrow
I also just completely made that up because it was funny idea that two people would do that to each other.
Sounds like an awful lot of work.
I don't have this song on youtube, just the old animation it was from. But you reminded me of it, even if they aren't that similar. Just felt like sharing for some reason.
this night I dreamed about Asian trannies trying to seduce my father
How did that make you feel?
>tfw no tranner gf who will rape and physically abuse me
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yeh just was messin round on my new synth earlier c: its real neat, has so many features compared to my old one but weirdly less inhearently customizable, while also being more diverse in the array of sounds it can make. its werid but i love it

ooo sucha cute little tune, i hope to make nice things like that one day ty for the song anon :)
im walt whitman
You're gay?
I'm shalt shitman, CIA.
Thank you Rosewood and Dude.
Well, jealous for starters.
The music had an odd dreamlike kind of feeling I don’t know. Glad you like the new synth tho. I ya always fun to hear what you cooking up.
Ya man. See the names back
ya little bit lately
only when im fucking guys tho, rest of the time I'm straight
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:) no one deserves shitty parents truly one of the worst fates, plus i love to see u post <3

ty dude listens are always appreciated, thats usually what im going for in most cases
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need 2 cuddle him…
No problem. I'm sure you will. I'd know some people who could help, but I guess you've said you don't really much talk to people online.
You can get a frog, anon. I bet they like pets too.
I'm him
i wanna mixolydian in a harmonic minor
you are now deprived of your chaser license, you are supposed to be a 6'+ exclusive top with bulging muscles
Jokes on you I already flaked because I'm not gay and got cold feet.
pic was unrel
thought u were asleep??
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What happened to all the cutiepie trannies.
>thought u were asleep??
No, I'm him.
Checked, so fucking straight.
chased away by schizo posting
Who dis?
Never stop making music. It makes me happy
i dont trip anymore because a select few people are wildly divided in their opinions on me
I think it’s time to put the phone down

Night everyone hope you can find sleep soon as well
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Goodnight Dude
Ominous. Wonder who you were.
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i mean im tryna open myself up more desu i just get scared adding peeps from this gen specifically, all the schizoposting has made me a bit weary lol

aww ty sm dude ill make sure to try and post a bit more been a bit lazy with it lately c:

have a gn dude sweet dream <3
good night!
wjhat a weird freaky creetcher

on no wait it's a filter the video just didn't play at first and the first frame made me think it was an actual animal
Sorry didn't mean to sound like a judgement, it's sensical to not engage too deeply with randoms. I just meant that I'm already aware.
But I like frogs.
I don't know what that means, my future music theory gf
True theyve been killing the vibe
Ugly clash
threadly reminder to tag yourself /chasergen/ on tagmap
the world may never know…

oh. good for you i suppose.

no freaking way…
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Paul Simonen was kind of handsome
weird coincidence I just had https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80Jr5Fi9iDA open in another tab bc i was nostalgicizing about watching my childhood friend play sleeping dogs after school in middle school
hoi. you know i thinking about johnny marr lately, and how his guitar playing mixed maj7 and m7 chords in with standard pop song chords as well as Aug chords and Dim chords, and that's what set him apart from other 80s guitar players.

What do you think?!
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ahh i see but i didnt take it that way :) im just being honest and the way i write can be weirdly defensive and explanatory without me realizing it, i also have a hard time grasping that i might be talking to some of the same peeps from time to time. i can give my disc but im real boring in dms but if ya do lmk or drop yurs :)


oh fuck yes. more cat photos.
Great song eui, i always thought the Dead Kennedy's version had more energy though, like it blew the doors off of the Clash's version, no offense the Clash if they're reading this.

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splendid. this is a fine specimen
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there you go anon
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>dead kennedys
hell ya


such a little ball, he looks like a powercore
splendid images, thank you
Chaser gen really pops off at night I wonder if you’re all a bunch of uk reppers
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no i just get off work at 12:30 am and nobody else is awake so i use the board in bed
it's 11am and I'm shitposting at work while waiting for things to happen. Bless Microsoft Intune and its weird latencies with getting anything done.
9am and I haven't slept...
Italy anon here, 10AM about to go to work and lurk while on downtime, unfortunately, it's that timeframe where little happens
Come to bed babe
ur not him anon.. and I just got into bed ;~;
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no relation or whatever but that frog lookin like it needed a hug :(
great song! I'm being treated to some sweet outdoor hair rock lol

cant hear much but i hear faint sounds of rock! hell yah anon sounds v fun :) live show i assume? those are always fun ftmp
nah nothing that cool, I'm just waiting for my friend in a parking lot and they're blaring Whitesnake over the outdoor speakers, probably to keep the homeless away.
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alright imma head to sleep soon enough have a gn anons ty for comfy thread tonight

ahh i see lol was wondering why it was so low, thats the beauty of optimism and the cold hard truth of reality for ya :) be careful on them streets anon
ty rose :) it's late here and the homeless are plum tuckered out and im more at risk of tripping over them as they nap than being attacked by them
Fair enough still tho you never know what can happen just be safe :) and have a gn or morn wherever or whatever time you reside in lol
Thinking about coming out as bisexual
I think I'd get along better with guys but I don't want to just hookup so that might be hard
>What's your favorite junk food?
my fav junk food ever is the bean burrito from taco bell
i used to eat them like 4 nights a week bcuz taco bell was the only place open after i got off work
the closest taco bell to where i live now is like an hour away though,,,,,
>Favorite fast food?
my fav fast food place overall is probs popeyes i love the chicken sandwiches there so much,,,
and the biscuits too,,,,,
im so sad theyre ALSO an hour away its HORRIBLE
>What's the most you've ever eaten?
idk i remember one time at dennys (like 4 years ago) i ate 2 chocolate chip biscuits with gravy, 4 eggs, and 3 chocolate chip pancakes (i hadnt eaten for like the entire day beforehand)
either that or on thanksgivings i dont eat anything for the entire day beforehand so i eat a LOT then too

god thats a cute cosplay
Are you trans yet
me mum asked me that earlier. think she don't like me
want to buy one tall cute bf
will pay extra if he’s also a kind person
i just love tall guys ;(
what does a manlet have to do to get loved?
>what does a manlet have to do to get loved?
Bioluminescence. Deep in the woods I found a glow in the dark mushroom colony on the end of a felled birch. I love nature.
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my dad told me the song Hash Pipe is about 'being fucked in the ass by black guys'. He doesn't even post on /mu/ or use 4chan but he sounds like he does.
I have been gifted with natural pecs, strong legs and a manly chest, I'm not gonna waste that so that some hon will take pity on me
How tall are you?
Are you a twink? I'll date you forget trannies bro
I'm a lean bear with more hair on my chest than you in your head, sorry
Goodmorning <3

Probably pizza rolls or Bagel bites, is pizza fast food? If not then maybe Krystal. Idek but I've definitely eaten like three meals worth of food at once on a few very rare occasions
i was just kidding little fella, no offense
>trans gf switches to vegan diet
>she seems to have a lot more energy
>more confident
>skin and hair looks great, like they’re glowing
>her shit looks healthier, smells and tastes way better than before
>less anxiety
Maybe I should give this vegan stuff a shot too?
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>her shit looks healthier, smells and tastes way better than before
most mentally adjusted chaser bf
girl i was seeing for a little while just cut things off because im too old for her? im 22 shes 20. what are the real reasons anons.
Morning kids. Sleep well?
Sounds like a bs reason
yeah ikr? i've only been seeing her like a month, unsure why she didn't just come out and say whatever it really was. ah well. the head was great and I will miss it.

on a completely unrelated note, anyone live in england and want to give me head
I wanna go back to bed
Same. But wagey life is what it is.
Yeaahh. I don't mind night shift (I nap or play games/watch movies) but mornings are awful and boring
Good morning beautiful gorgeous
Oh shit I had some cool trips there
How's your morning?
this space is too US-centric, as soon as they sleep, the board dies, it's so annoying
That's clearly not the fault of US people though. Post more.
Magilla Gorilla
that's the fault of Euro people not entering the board and them not entering this thread, yes
Really though I like that the thread has these quiet hours. They're my favorite. Nothing happening is a lot better than what USA daytime is like here. This place is not fun during chaos.
where's kate
but like, unless there's a coordinated effort for euros to post during euro hours it's just gonna be one of us having a monologue and that shit's awkward as hell
Womp womp, literally cry about it.
that's why it gets hard to post at a certain point, like, what even is the point? ideally complaining should bring it to the attention of other euroanons, but I suspect that the matter of chasers and straight trans girls is just not appealing to them or smth

idk, it's a bit frustrating

USA daytime brings some extra posters, although lately with the schizo incident I'm left questioning how much of the activity is geniune
I think barely any of it is genuine. A couple posters trying to make real posts throughout the day and every single other person just engaging in various shitposting styles. I sleep through it and stopped bothering to read any of it a while back.
Are you bri’itsh???
no, i'm finnish.
for some reason people always include that when they insult me, like i can never be just a hon but always spesifically a *finnish* hon, so it gets brought up a lot
exactly, it's grim really, all I know is that I find some gems of people in other threads that make me really want to have a positive interaction with, meanwhile here...

I just shitpost in kind at times lol
Are you Finns snow people yeti-sized? That might be why.
>I just shitpost in kind at times lol
I don't.
I agree, it's maybe not as active as I'd like but it's better than going through three threads in an hour

Ashe was keeping euro hours alive for a while but I haven't seen her in a hot minute
No wonder you’re a fucking troon lol
sometimes it gets so absurd that it's fun to fuel the fire, especially since nothing happens to stop it
sometimes I hear of posters who already stopped showing around and I get a bit down honestly

worst that happened was learning that there was a poster that was actually near me, but stopped coming around 6 months ago
The less active the better. I'm chillin comfy as heck. Less is more, I don't need much to satiate my social needs.
Well we find joy in different ways, that's not something I have any interest in.
I hope she gets botched and dies on the operating table
i mean, honestly the stereotype about finnish amabs recently has been that they're trannies or femboys or twinks, as proven by >>37409555 lol
the average height for men here is like 5'11 and the average height for women is either 5'5 or 5'6 depending on the study, and i'm 5'6 so like. even if other finns are yeti sized. i'm definitely not.
I like talking to random people, tends to be an easier convo than with people who have 20+ more years than me on average
You lost me, I don't know what you're talking about anymore.
Ok Rick whatever you say, now can you just leave already? No one wants you here
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Nothing I do fucking matters the only way anyone would care about hurting me is if I fucking kill myself
>Less is more, I don't need much to satiate my social needs.
that's what I was referring to, should've quoted
I'm still lost. Maybe It's too close to bedtime or maybe there's some context I'm missing, idk.
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I can assure you I still would not care
The stereotypes don’t lie though?
get real, bug. get a grip. get a hold of yourself.
Why do I matter so little as a person im not worth keeping around
Alright, that's enough thread for me today :)
Because you're insane and have little to no redeeming qualities, hope this helps!
Morning Jade. Good start to your day I see.
good night, evening whatever it is for you, save yourself from the schizos
How am I supposed to not fucking hate this person for saying im not good enough to be their friend and not just drive them away from the thread every single time they post

EU hours
>couple of hsts posting about wanting bfs
>polite chitchat

US hours
>agp tripfags bddposting
>bottom chasers
Like how am I supposed to just be okay with this person saying im not good enough and be normal and just be like yea thats fine I don't want to hurt myself constantly
You have the mental and emotional maturity of a toddler.
Who did that?
I never see anyone saying they want a bf though, otherwise agreed on the Euro hours being the polite chitchat hours
Because every single time im reminded I dont belong i want to kill myself but me hurting never matters
You're allowed to hate them. In fact, that's probably healthier than all this self loathing and the nonstop wow-is-me attitude.
Stu/ellie just keep asking her why I'm not good enough to be her friend
Maybe all the EuroTroons are yucky gross transbians.
I refuse to believe that, I prefer believing that there are no trans girls at all in Europe posting on 4chan
Two Mr. H's nice
Newfag alert
I dont want to hate them because it's not her fault I'm broken i just hate that I'm not good enough and I can't fucking fix it
It’s about bussy quality.

Stu’s butthole is widely considered one of the best ones on the board. It is pink, tight, perfectly shaped and her ass is great. She’s still a virgin, making her bussy sought after. Her fishnet video went viral here in Bosnia after I shared it at the local mosque.

You on the other hand have an inferior butthole. Blown out, used up. Wrinkly and loose.
You didn’t even know them irl and probably didn’t even know them for longer than a year if some anon I met on here told me that I wouldn’t care they’re just some person on the internet lol
Those are both just me.

Who cares. Be petty. Just do it. It'll be better for you.
No <3
Just ignore her, Jade develops parasocial relationships that ultimately control her life
I almost forgot

>boring, ugly teenage gaygen trips completely void of any personality

Add that to US hours
I dont have many friends so losing any one of the tiny amount I have hurts an incredible amount.
It's not better for me it makes me look worse and more hateable i just can't deal with being reminded im not mentally stable enough to be worth keeping as a friend. Like it just feels like im being stabbed each time
(S)he’s repping cut her some slack brother.
are you really still acting vengeful towards her for this? for real? what happened to "i guess i should move on" from you yesterday? grow up jesus christ
>Retarded Euro-peons who want everything to coddle to their shitty views and opinions, they’re also really ugly and have horrid teeth.
Hope that helps <3
this is why we need /eurochasergen/
anyways good morning chasergen. tiny gm smooch for everybody unless you would retaliate violently against me for doing that, in which case you get two.
i had a dream last night where i could turn my arms into wings and fly and float freely. i would like to hear about all of your dreams
With how you're presenting yourself, you can't make yourself look more hateable. Take a chance. Do something new.
how to get three smooches?
also, gifrel, that's me
Go seethe about your shit hole of a country somewhere else.
i had a dream where I changed roles in my job for some reason and became the person who goes to trade shows and talks to vendors and shit. no idea why, that's not even something that would ever be on the table for me, i hate that stuff.
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im installing vermintide
Install malware to your computer so I never have to see your dumbass.
same here :p
so dont come here nigga whats of interest to you here lol
its like you're a homophobe going into the seediest darkroom everyday, get a grip girl
Good morning. I hate women.
>What's your favorite junk food?
Zebra Cakes
>Favorite fast food?
Taco Bell, probably
>What's the most you've ever eaten?
a few years ago i used to eat two large pizzas in a single day, usually from pizza hut with the stuffed crust
i gained 100 pounds in a year that way

good morning everyone!
itt: people agitated that people want to actually talk to men/trans women
why tf does my trip keep turning off??
I'm sick and tired of Jade's doomposts. Nigga if your life sucks, just kill yourself. That's what I would do.
shoot, wrong trip again, sorry everyone. i meant to use this one.
100 lbs in a year is insane.
(S)he’s repping. Reppers are notoriously known for mean posting.
Imagine being this much of a loser.
hey man, you're posting on 4chan too
the dead internet theory is real
Shitposting here, buts it’s gotten boring lol
>The less active the better
I mostly agree. Like I prefer a few conversations or whatever going on but not so much that it's hard to keep up with it all
It's all just Pichu
>everyone who posts on 4chan is a loser

Nope. Believe it or not, there are normies around you that don't balloon 100lbs.
Pichu is all Anons, including me
just learned this Wendy's cosplay is actually from porn and not just a cosplay. and its apparently natalie mars too? despite seeing it for all these years i never knew.
granted, i just learned who she was a few months ago. life is weird when you dont watch trans porn
every trip is either me or Greg. Or me AND Greg
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never gonna stop losing
or you IN Greg, or Greg IN you
Tell us what happened lad
what porn do u watch i watch gay porn
psh, greg wishes
>what porn does Pichu watch
if this question has an answer it's certain to be a very wild and interesting one
i don't watch porn
Losing is good.
Pichu probably watches like femdom shit or something outlandish lol
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I keep making shitty hawk tuah jokes I want to destroy my brain
wh-what a freak
amirite g-guys??
they're really funny imho honestly
how boring
i watch nothing
i also read nothing, i dont like smut either
i dont jerk off, why would i watch porn.
two bird furries meet each other at a con
"holy shit dude you're a hawk too?"
what, you never tried to psyop yourself out of having genital dysphoria by consuming it? doesn't work btw, all i gained from that was a slight mostly nonsexual facination with latex costumes.
trannurs be like hawk tuah shit on dat thang
>*shits on they man’s dick*

>why would i watch porn
For the plot
You’re probably into some degenerate shit so I don’t even want to ask.
Why are you so lame?
I can’t lie that made me laugh a little bit
why are you here
I hate these jokea cuz they're so bad they're good
>Why are you so lame?
im the only person in this thread without a porn addiction. im not lame, im a shining star
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it's inevitable
i used to be, that's for sure
hey! im over my addiction
Oh damn, I wonder if Pichu is me though
Good is inevitable.
Exactly, they’re like shitty dad jokes.
I bet you’re Straight Edge to smhmyhead
You still are wdym?
I was racist
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I just think TikTok brainrot is funny because it's shit and atp even my family is groaning at my jokes
no not so much. It's been several months since i last even read a smut story (that i didn't write)
Ye but why
You still are wdym?
TikTok brain rot is like the only enjoyable thing on TikTok. Everything else on TikTok it people trying to rage about or constantly trying to culture war each other.

Fuck you nigger
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nothing good anywhere
Reading smut is such a loser activity. Getting fucked by men and watching gay porn is the obvious sign of a winner mentality lmfao
EXACTLYYYY, the brainrot is like post-irony, making fun of itself is somehow funny idky

my fav:
"off topic but i remember these boys kept spying on me i was wearing a tight maxi dress) and when i started talking (i have a mommy voice lol) their noses started bleeding and they called me mommy </3"
Exactly my point, enjoy your three day sabbatical retard.
Disagree. I spent a good half hour smiling at those glowing mushrooms I found last night. Felt pretty damn good to sit on the ground in the pitch black staring at the beauty hidden there for me to find.
In Gregg’s?
>I bet you’re Straight Edge to smhmyhead
i meannnnnnnn,
i used to have an alcohol problem but im very nearly sober for about two years now
i dont smoke, ive never inhaled a marijuana, i dont do any drugs
and outside the scope of straight edge i also havent had sex in 7-8 years, and im vegetarian to boot

i guess all i take in these days is caffeine and copium. i am very, very boring
>Getting fucked by men
nobody ive met can afford it :/
Yeah lad. I got kicked out.
those mushrooms would kill you if you gave them the chance
Oh I added you like a month ago but it's still pending.
I know how close I can get. I can appreciate them in a safe way without any risk. They were absolutely marvelous. I didn't touch them, just observed maximally content.
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Afford what? Are you an escort?
The only solution to my issues is more surgery until I'm good enough people want to be friends with me.
Blegh hate being sick
Fucking lame, I love sex, drugs, nicotine and alcohol.
Must suck to be a transbian, women are icky.
That's one way to try and find happiness. Better than wallowing in misery. Good luck.
gonna become a mushroom
Gonna eat you and die.
back to the dark, thriving
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nobody will find me
I found you
I use cerave foaming facial cleanser, some random Amazon retinol serum, eye firming gel, and vitamin c serum, then cetaphil moisturizing cream.

Occasionally cerave facial lotion that's like spf30, but I recently started just using an spf70 sunscreen instead

I also used to use cerave full body lotion but I feel like cetaphil does a much better job
Gargamel time.
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god nicotine is such a weird double edged sword. like, on one hand, it's addictive and expensive and detrimental to your health. But on the other hand, my efficiency at work measurably dropped by like 50% the moment I quit my pack a day habit.
sex and alcohol are kinda sorta nice i guess, but i'm yet to find A Drug i like though, uppers I just don't enjoy, and with downers, the way they don't usually lower inhibitions like alcohol does just makes me kinda sit there displeased with the fact that my mental acquity has been reduced. and psychedelics scare me.
How do you even tell if you're skin is bad?
everyone has a price. Mine for being straight is very high
women are clean and soft
men are gross hairy ogres
Love psychedelics. Probably too much. It's nice to shake out the roots and be somebody else for a little while.
After interacting with HSTS trans women I’ve realized that transphobia would not exist if all trans women were like them
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you'll find naught but evil
Nah the agps are funny as fuck, just gotta find the ones that aren't weird losers.
And I'm back to crying and sad again like what's the fucking point
sylvari are so fucking ugly, making non-humans playable was the worst gw2 design decision, all the armor looks shit on them and its so much extra work
The way it looks and feels ig. Like I can tell when my skins dry or oily or dirty. And you can tell it looks and feels healthier after doing a routine for a while

Also drinking lots of water (which I'm bad about) can make a huge difference
Learn how to read
I thought I was finding a fun guy.
Where is the chaser discord?? I have important news for the public
I can read but maybe not you? You implied transphobia is not related to HSTS thus it must be a result of agps by implication. I'm saying AGPs are fine and cool people, my implication being no they're not the reason for transphobia.
Happy to help.
wdym? what he said makes perfect sense as a response to what you said
if u think like that why are u in cg? xD
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why not a fun gal, are you gay?
how do you distinguish between these groups? what are their notable features?s
Because she is a mentally ill narcissist rapehon
It's where she collects for the server
I agree with all of these takes. What cigs did you smoke?
Men can be soft and hairless too but hairy men are delicious too ;3
Did you finally transition or something from being a repper? Lol
Can someone share chaser discord link lol
Out the gate the terms are completely retarded and I don't use them. But for 4chan purposes I just use the original literal definition. HSTS is straight, AGP is lesbian, that's it. If you really wanna get into it it's literally just popular girls vs nerds lol. This place is full of such obvious teenagers or people with a high schooler mindset it's genuinely hilarious.
Nah I detransitioned XD I’m a chaser now (chaser for gay men lol)
here you go
Yes. But are you fun?
Nigga what?!
I have never encountered a bigger group of walking mental illness. This alone would get me to reject someone.
i usually smoked camel yellows and marlboro reds, sometimes very rarely blue lucky strikes. and blue spirits, before they stopped selling them here.
also back when i was working as a cashier in my late teens, i'd smoke the marlboro and lucky strike menthols we sold, but only at work. still dunno why.
very boring would not recommend
no sorry i was a bit unclear but i meant distinguishing between funny and loser agps. i'm painfully familiar with the typology.
Is there any u recommend I’m Nora btw
Mean average of HSTS more pleasant than average AGP. Median AGP is more pleasant than median HSTS. Sorry not sorry.

T. Nora / Hsts who interacted with hundreds of trans women in rl from different countries
idk who that is
im in a polish /lgbt/ server only
not everything is about sex, anon. I just like talking to people and making friends
also this
>Men can be soft and hairless too
yeahh but those are basically women.
you should be aware i sent you to a twin peaks server and not a trans/chasergen server
You all ask me these things a lot and it's kinda hard to explain intuition about people's personalities without sounding completely unhinged or like I'm talking about psychic powers lol.
You just get a sense of people. I'd suggest starting to actually read into what people do, think about why they do it. How they carry themselves, what they choose to wear, where they look when they talk, do they fidget, what do they talk about, how do they respond to jokes etc. etc.
Fact of the matter is you might not be able to always judge a book by it's cover, but you gotta remember the books are dressing themselves here. There's a lot you can work with.
ew gay reppers really are the saddest
real tho
terfs and others psychos would still hate us, and like the average person isn't that transphobic now unless they're psyoped into it
oh i thought its the sarah one or whatever i didnt click
oooh ooh can you read me with your psychic powers, mr nought trips
omg ur not trying to make friends ur trying to find vulnerable bi tranners to fuck u 6 ft 3 linebacker titanhon
ok fine, i was hoping you'd have a stricter methodolgy so that i could cleanly place myself in one of those groups because I like putting myself into boxes like that for fun sometimes. but i'll accept your answer, i can understand it being vibe-based.
We've already done this before Pichu. You're a nice enough woman profoundly plagued by neuroses. Sort of a free layup with trans women on 4chan I guess. I'm still figuring out what's going on with this one bit of you though. You're either mildly autistic or so caught up in your anxieties that you'd walk into traffic without noticing.
u literally can't explain intuition in a non schizo way to someone who doesn't have it desu
:(((( pichu OMG!! I was thinking it must be a tp themed chaser server
From the hip I'm fairly confident you're one of the cooler ones who also just happens to be wearing a big ol nerd book cover lol.
this is the single most based idea ive ever heard
everyone must choose a character and STAY in character. i will be Big Ed But Trans
neurotic sounds a little right... i dont think im autistic, though many people tell me otherwise, though i really dont believe it
thank you for reading my future. i did nearly walk into traffic yesterday
I bet you look like an old fag, smoking all those cowboy killers lol
I’m tired of that comparison
Honestly dude, what the fuck is a repper? I’m not in on the joke that I’m a repper. I’m literally a flamer with stilettos hop off my Cockasarus Rex niggas
Yeah you really just sound like you're reading tea leaves and going crazy far with assumptions. If I weren't right as often as I was I'd also call myself crazy.
>I’m literally a flamer with stilettos hop off my Cockasarus Rex niggas
did u decide this today cuz this is literally the first time i see u talk abt this
that's a new one
ive never fucked a tr'
Bro you should know most trips are nothing in private like they are here. They’re always putting up a facade in order to be as diplomatic as possible. I’ve talked to many of them in private and even met one. You can’t really assess their personalities based on 4chan posts.
Yeah it's just these little bits of social interaction that you seem to miss on occasion, bait or trolls and such. But they're minor enough for me to not be confident in making much of it. Hope none of this has been offensive to you, I think you're plenty cool.
I've talked to plenty in private and met them in person too. I'm very well aware of the people who are faking it, people aren't that good at lying. I'm not saying I'm an actual psychic, I'm just saying there are warning signs you can read and find in people.
I say it every where? I’ve never talked about it here because I’m tired of being called a fucking “repper” or for someone to try and call me an egg.
>I’m not in on the joke that I’m a repper. I’m literally a flamer with stilettos
i just bet you are
that's a new one
ive never fucked a tranny anon, idk what you're talking about

that was weird, accidently sent that post before i was done
ur a lil fkn pissbaby repper tho n everybody knows it
well done, that's actually pretty accurate to how people tend to see me irl: my initial vibes are fucking rancid, people usually think i'm really overly serious and stuck up and also like five years older than I actually am, but after a while they start liking me for reasons I don't understand at all. one old friend i lost contact with once said she missed my golden sense of humor, but I really don't see it.
>If I weren't right as often as I was I'd also call myself crazy.
literally tho
>Asks everyone to tell me the definition of a retarded tranny word.
>doesn’t tell me the definition and doubles down on the repper allegations
sheesh okay!
Trannies try not to call any man who doesn't perfectly align with stereotypical masculinity a repper challenge impossible
exactlyyy just call them a faggot
Can't imagine being genuinely bothered by it
i don't think he's a repper
I don't think there really are any discords for this thread anymore. Outside of secret cool kids clubs ones, which are inevitably incredibly lame.
I am supposed to be having my ribs reduction appointment right now but they are taking forever. I think im gonna do a bbl too but I don't know if I have enough tummy fat
frankenstein ass bitch you're not even gonna be human once they're done butchering you lmao
You should get a brain reduction too, but I don't know if you have enough brain tissue to even reduce anything.
>I am supposed to be having my ribs reduction appointment right now
are you serious
get help with your surgery addiction
This is beginning to get into body horror.
ur not trisha paytas girl
Jade don’t do it! You look cis already! Your ribs look fine I showed ur pic to a friend and he couldn’t tell your trans. You have to accept you are cis now and move on w your life.

T. Nora
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>You look cis already
Jade you do realise your body isn't the problem right?
I'm financially stressed enough that I had a dream about buying a burger and going into overdraft.
my name is nora and I hate every single one of you
You will always be a buttholehon compared to Stu’s perfect breedable little hole
how will you afford your 17 surgeries required to be likeable if you cant buy burgers
damn u must have money I'm srsly jealous, good luck tho I hope it goes well
your name is befitting of a molerat
moids calling tranny surgeries body horror not knowing what it's like to be a hon :x
kinda hopefuel that money cant save you, big W for us poorhons
my name is nora i refuse to shave my mustache area
It can, it just can't cure debilitating mental illness like Jade has.
Idk who you are, Nora, but if you keep signing your name it might just be easier to use a name.
Lol. I'm usually cool with most of them, but the rib crackers freaks me out. Obviously still do whatever you want.
God I wish I had rich parents. I wouldn't blow it on useless surgeries.
God if I didn't have to work unless I wanted to my life would be perfect.
rib removal IS body horror, even i agree with them on this
its not a mindset problem she does look uncanny valley af lol
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mom told me I look cute with my new haircut
Both are true, but I more so meant it can fix passing, but you won't be attractive after if you weren't before.
There's actually a junji ito manga about rib removal.
rib removal is cool if you want it for easier autofellatio, that's the kind of insane behavior i'd respect
It's still nice to be self-sufficient, but imagine having fuck you money if your boss is shit.
I feel like even if I could or wanted to suck my own dick, that has to be absolute murder on your spine.
Exactly. I have never worked a job I was particularly passionate about so this would be perfect. Get to escape that, get to escape financial stress, get to escape the commute, and if I really want to keep working I can just go work for a non-profit or spend my time volunteering. And god, even just the little luxuries. Being able to buy a nice dinner for somebody at a restaurant without having to check my bank account would be nice.
based on what i've read, it should be something that almost everyone should be capable of with enough practice, like, it technically doesn't require hypermobility to achieve. but it doesn't sound like fun desu.
why's that? ffs is literally having ur face peeled off and bone reshaped
it's less invasive than a lot of others and the recovery isn't even that long, u would literally replace ur entire body or stop being human if u could, but surgery is too icky? idk
No it does not. And from what I've heard it's more like sucking dick than getting your dick sucked anyway. Which, I guess if you're into that maybe it's a good time.
Probably because we had an anti-gang presentation in middle school that involved a doctor giving a presentation about how they treat bullet wounds and that if you get shot in the chest they have a special rib breaking device to get in.
It's got nothing to do with the trans aspects or anything, just spooks me out. Ripping off someones face and chiseling out a few details just feels cool and neat in comparison.
we're about to roll off page 10. bye everyone
ok fair, I wish they'd break and fully reshape ribs for trannies desu, but no they literally just modify and remove bits of floating ribs at the bottom for a slightly smaller waist

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