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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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gay general

Von Dutch, cult classic but I still pop
Need a pawjob right meow
big tune
Cant tell if thats a trans person and which way they transed
>haven’t coomed in days
>click on a porn video of an amateur black couple

>the fire alarm is beeping in the background
lmao wtf. Can they not hear that sound frequency or something what explains this phenomenon
i always lipsync like a dragqueen to the song
can't help but do that because of the way it's expressed
Even if you don’t care about dying in a fire wouldn’t you just uninstall it completely instead of listening to the. beeps
it's not a fire alarm it's the new lil baby album
They live in dangerous hoods and go out to get batteries
Wypipo change they smoke alarm batteries
drag queens lipsync
real men sing
69 is one of the only rappers with no bad songs
Wish I had a graphing calculator
Why? So you can look like a nerd even more?
Yeah :/
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is anything made in the usa anymore?
looking at each seller profile on amazon and they are all chinese with chinese addresses
or chinese names using california forwarding addresses
there really is a chinese takeover and no one cares
and this is happening on all the most popular sold products
I see, well i have 2 :p
Lmao u have it the wrong way around its the usa thats abusing the situation in china
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>this is happening on all the most popular sold products
All of my guns are made here in the Great Old Continent. No idea about the US though because most US-made modern firearms are unwatchable contraptions made by crackheads.
i realize american companies have things manufactured in china
but many of these products are being sold by the most random named companies that weren't created by americans
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Those r just shit tier products with 0 quality control, doubt it matters who owns those companies
I have one, the TI Nspire CAS CX, but I'd like to have the TI Nspire CAS CX II, for it can run python. But the one I have now is good enough, it brought me through my bachelors.
t. injiniir
what's your most fashionable outfit?
Mechanical inj?
okay compsci nerd

Also no.
Not really, but that's somewhat related to what I do.
Do you guys think Theo Von is a closeted homo?
I just woke up from the strangest dream and you were in it.

I was back in tenth grade home room and had just finished arguing with a bunch of foreigners who didnt speak English in the back of the class, mostly arabs and pajeets.

As I am sitting down, I look over the shoulder of two classmates sitting in front of me who were british and see they are spamming gaygen on their phones and give them a beating.

Then I look at gaygen which is a long paper ticker tape and see the spam as a long bunch of black and white movie frames. So I tear them out to fix the thread and look up to see the spammers have ran away.

Then I get a text on my phone from the mods saying I am in trouble and that I am not allowed to remove the spam because it is upsetting some trip. This makes me mad and when I look up, I see the spammers on the other side of the classroom on their phones and realize it is them texting me.

Then I get furious and go super saiyan and chase after them.

Thats when I woke up and saw that I was gorging on chicken salad and ice cream before I went to bed.
Like Joe Rogan but less popular
omg is he dying? owo
oh i don't know anything about retards
I'm a dream interpreter and your dream is signalling that you may become a jannie here in the coming days
no he's not
I have a feeling this hurricane is going to be a major letdown.

but if it isn’t lmao at my life and my family, we have no snacks or even water bottles
He doesnt look gay, but he talks about gayness a lot. Hes not a Joe Rogan hes a legit funny comedian
they always are blown out of proportion
Imagine living in florida and not being a prepper ( not PrEPper )
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new twink kino coming soon
Do we actually think Texas had twink death?? like i think he looks quite great ngl.
yeah. probably not going to have power all day though once it hits my town in an hour or two though.
Buzzing to lift later
Need some fuckmeat to suck my cock after
I think he looks better now
idk feels weird i still see him as the kid in black phone. but he looks good
Twinkdeath just means you’re not a twink, it doesn’t mean he’s ugly. tex posted that he was 19-21 like 5 years ago, so he isn’t a twink.
Ur dumb twink just means slim and youthful looks
did any posters survive twinkdeath?
conspiracy theory time: texanon loves winter because it gives him the excuse to wear full sleeve T-shirts and long pants and that helps him with his social anxiety
couldnt agree more frfr. he has always kinda been hot but he looks like weirdly mysterious like he has a dark aura now <3 its a good thing. gives robert pattinson batman vibes
>he was 19-21 like 5 years ago
lol, he turned 29 this year
tfw no tomboyish gf
think the bicycle switched
coomed over a big chubby bbw women yesterday
bishoujomom or something
cor fucking hell lads
need a cis F twink bf
no, twinkdom never lasts untortunately
He got homer simpson mouth
ukraine is over, kurst won :(
he looks like he was designed by a Japanese video game developer uwu
They showed him pics of blacks twerking?
the photo on the right is the before photo from 2020 lol
Hes cloud strife but cuter
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yasss daddy kuurst uwu grab yo bag queen *kiss* *kiss* *snap fingers*
Yes, i meant he looks better on the left
these mini boots... are MINE.
i am slep
no and also i'd stop tuning in if he was
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actually true, i feel naked and uncomfortable without long sleeves, pants, and a jacket/sweater.
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is that crunchycatluna? :3
It's hard to tell because that pics looks blurry and in a pic he posted before that he had dark circles.
ngl, if i took a girl home and freaked it and the next morning i find out she's not asian but mexican that looks asian i'd be a little mad
i think so.
idk I'm just shitposting, kuursty. so how are you celebrating Oktoberfest? I watched a guy do a line of cocaine on another guy's dick in some Oktoberfest clip on x.com once btw
you are gay
U took a wrong turn, this isnt gypgen
I drink German beer, simple as.
I’m the type to wear basketball shorts in winter, I do not care.
recommend your best brand
only fitfat white men can pull this off tho
Im not fat and i could do it, ur just weak
No. I will take this secret to my grave.
you are lovely, have you been told that before?
Yeah, why? U wanna know how it feels?
it's Weihenstephaner Hefe Weissbier, isn't it?
You people disgust me.
thread is dead
too many germans
ok then it's pilsner
Maybe you’re just a pussy? The cold isn’t shit unless it’s water or your wet.
would you be frens with a gender dysphoric guy(medium dysphoria)
sure, how it feels?
You're not really making a case for yourself here.
amazon is garbage these days its filled with chinese brands. most US brands make their shit in china too but i trust them a little bit more to at least have some QC.
i havent tried it yet but u can order from amazon japan without extra delivery fees now, i looked and theres a lot of quality looking made in japan stuff thats not expensive like most stuff made in the US
ok I give up, mein fuhrer
This general feels so ego-less
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What does that mean
Never buy from there. Don't even have amazon account. Sure finding stuff is harder, and more expensive, but in the end actually cheaper since you have to be able to afford cheap.
>Slightly more expensive western item bought once > cheap eastern item bought multiple times cause it keeps breaking

wdym, almost everyone here has a huge ego that needs to be constantly feed
that's because gaygen is for enlightened beings that have crushed all egos and obstacles. it's a buddha field and we are all arahants. we are tathagatas
Ull never find out
so true bro that yoga session really unlocked my chakras can i suck your dick now
nyat. it's too early for me. my sexual energy only resumes after noon and peaks before midnight
I wonder what that purple bitch has done now?
need my dick sucked
is this gay show good
i havent watched it yet
he finally made it on tv. good for him, i remember his youtube stuff
nyooo im vewwy comfy in bed pls dont make me leave it :s
me when my alarm goes off.
I'm gonna tie you to it then
Go eep qt3.14, u deserve it
I'd post a funny meme now, but I cannot find it. And no.
****in deserved better man
Das ist eine Kressenart du Idiot.
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No its a beer
Friendship = Proximity x (Frequency + Duration) x Intensity

can the friendship formula be satisfied by grindr?

proximity: let's say less than 5km apart from you and that person, sure, it can be satisfied in a big city and still have an okish pool of people, more than 5km apart feels way too much, i would say 2km or less is best since it is easy to visit each other and the frequency has a better chance of increasing, so this is ideal

intensity: this is up to how good you and the other person get along and how likeable both of you are and how many common interests you have, sure, it can be satisfied through grindr assuming you are not extremely extremely different from others, basically you are not an alien and/or an insufferable cunt

frequency+duration: this is the trickiest one to get right, usually the better the proximity and intensity are, the bigger the frequency and duration are, basically, if you are close to that person and you like them, you are more likely to spend time with them and for longer, no shit, this could be satisfied through grindr if you have good proximity and intesity and also make plans to hang out with the other person and for a decent amount of time, the really tricky important part in forming a friendship that you cannot really get through grindr is unplanned mandatory interactions like school, work, etc. that is why it is easier to make friends at school bc you got this unplanned mandatory interactions which are really important bc a lot of people could make great friends but if they do not hang out enough they will never know that so by being forced to hang out by an external factor they become friends when they would not have been otherwise, and besides this you also get amazing proximity and intensity in school, the reason a lot of people stop being frens after school is bc they lose all of these factors..
That also.
so ideal grindr fren is:
-2km or less from your ass
-no more than 5 years difference from you probably and also compatible personalities and interests
-one of you/both of you preferrably plans fun stuff to do and hang out for a decent amount of time
optional but really important:
-you manage to somehow get unplanned forced interactions with that person regularly, idk how you can satisfy this with a person from grindr. i guess both going to the same gym and frequenting the same clubs/places?? again very important but very hard to do

let's say that there are 100 people on grindr that are 2km or less from you, you will probably have to cut that in half at least to satisfy the second criteria and them be in your age range and the older you are the less people are bc people die or get busy, so uhh, you are left with 35 potential frens??, out of these 35 people, let's say that half would want to hang out but are busy asf or whatever so you cannot plan anything with them. so you are left with like 16 potential frens left?? and most of these do not satisfy the last criteria abt unplanned interactions, which is really hard to do, so maybe less than 5 of them do..

so 16 potential friend pool and 5 or less of those have really good potential, and this being generous while selecting them to get to that 16 number and also in a lot of places you do not have 100 people in a 2km radius, even in a big city it seems pretty grim.. if you are in the country side you are fucked.. now i see why grindr does not really work or it is very hard to form connections..
places you want to visit?

Vancouver BC
If i went to a gay bar would it be full of ugly gay men?
Angkor Wat
Leshan Giant Buddha
Delta's Lancashire village
Essay on why u got no frienss
I wanna live with Delta and his parents, it'd be comfy as
why are you using "friend" and "grindr" in the same sentence
I just had a million dollar idea, grindr but for friends
Of course you can make friends on grindr
>no more than 5 years difference
this is bs. I want around 7-12 years difference and he can pay for things
imagine you live with him and during a chilly rainy day his mum makes hotpot while you cuddle with him in front of the fire :3
why does the existence of mascfem bisexual versatiles enrage homosexuals so much
I wouldnt cuddle delta
desu is very very hard to make actual genuine friends as an adult and if you also want one that can suck your dick too, hf buddy
i am not friends with anyone that i cannot have sex with, sry but it is just not worth the time and in this modern dystopia we live in, we genuinely do not have time at all, i doubt you can have time for more than three actual real genuine friends that you hang out with regularly, people that have lots of 'friends', just have a lot of acquaintances actually, not real genuine friends.. i do not think i could have time for more than 2 really good friends, there is just a lot of time investment to really satisfy properly the needs of the other person.. if i were to be a normie and have kids and a family, i won't have time for any real friends at all.. i probably would barely have time to relax for 30mins..
that is prostitution and not really a friendship, you would be better advertising it as such
What’s your favorite foods gigi?
>that is prostitution
are stay at home moms prostitutes? this is just the gay equivalent
You sound reasonable, why do u lose ur mind sometimes?
hole still nasty?
why not? i bet he's squishy :3
i mean it's hairy
not really in a bottom arc ATM anyway
I'm on my topcycle
Why are you so retarded?
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coconut oil twinkfeetjob
the best and fastest way to filter potential frens from grindr is to hang out as fast as possible and see if you like the vibe, do not waste your time talking for literally weeks just to be randomly ghosted or blocked or hang out once and see that they suck irl
what baby do you offer and also these moms actually raise the kid, you might consider it easy work but it is still work nonetheless
i am calm today and when i am calm i am chill and pretty nice, when i get angry, it hurts a lot so i get aggressive and also pretend to be crazy for attention to numb the pain, i am reasonable irl and i understand people's needs very well and i try to not hurt others
What I have come to realize is that there are a lot of things confused with the umbrella term "gay" just because they intersect and overlap with same sex activity, since the focus is on the sex rather than the reasons leading to it, and then the idea is modeled off of heterosexual frame-work.

The example that struck me was modern "gay culture" compared to the Hellenist greek revisions of their interpretation of adolescent same sex passions and interpreting it as modern 'gay' phenomenon, a mistake known as 'presentism'. For example, it incorrectly associates what would have then been considered the modern equivalent of 'gay' with something much more common. It seems to deliberately ignore their proscriptions on homosexuality, the fact that they were still expected to marry and have families, relinguish such passions in adulthood, and the aversion to actual sodomy, if for no other reason than a simple lack of soap.

What we accept as normal 'gay' culture today was in no way normal during this period, yet revisionists feel the need to portray it otherwise.

Today gays compare themselves to these historic phenomenons as some evidence of their own fascinations social legitimacy. And yet they are not the same, and for this there are reasons.

For example, these societies did not normalize the modern 'gay' behavior of simply walking about looking for men to blow. There was no culture of young men simply ambling through life looking for boyfriends or casual hooking up. This would've been seen as evidence of mental illness at a minimum.

What we see today is similar. Same sex behavior is a product of many situational, age-related scenarios driven by numerous motives. It is only those who identify as 'gay' that make it so central to their identity after years of indoctrinated encouragement.

And yet we also know that simple math shows a different reality; that there are far more heterosexuals who have had same sex experience than there are males who actually identify as gay.
where to meet homos outside gay clubs and apps?
I live in Slavland and I'm a normal socially adjusted guy but have a paralyzing fear of meeting men
Nobody fucking cares dude
u mad
>normal socially adjusted guy
>have a paralyzing fear of meeting men
I see, sorry for calling u a gypsy
I think Tinder is the only right answer
Which of the slavlands?
>friends on grindr
i feel like its not the best spot to search for friends ...
hes male gypsy rose
What this means is that same sex interest remains age and situation related, and a much larger phenomenon outside of the 'gay' population, and yet gays wish to incorporate this as evidence of their legitimacy. The desire to affirm legitimacy is itself conspicuous.

So then the question has to be asked: If homosexuality is much broader a phenomenon than those who identify as 'gay', then what makes them different from the larger population of males who have had same sex interest or experience.

And thats where you get down to motives and behaviors.

Few if any have read this far, so there is no point on elaborating, and the mere burden of text or even suggesting there is a difference is enough to spur gay egos into angry protests.

But the fact remains evident: gays are distinct in their behaviors and motives than that of the majority of males with same sex interest and experience. And those differences explain an enormous amount of the unhappiness they experience by pursuing homosexuality as a plan for life that is not seen or normalized in the history they like to compare themselves to.
r word in 2024 >:(
Exactly. Another good point. Selective mental scotomas. No matter the religion, no one wants to hear any facts that disrupt their universe if it is based on myth. Its the same frustration Christian fundamentalists express when confronted with fossils.
toys for tots
No, like you’re actually retarded.
Oh look! ANOTHER Rick alt!
Gtfo BoomerAnon nobody wants your thesis on “those damn homosexuals”
dw, i acted like an annoying ass so i deserved it
there is no other place if you are a man that wants friends that he can also have sex with
who is that
not knowing gypsy rose blanchard? uncultured
the baby is irrelevant, I aint selling sex or company. Ideally we just get along and he pays for things to keep us comfy
im a grown ass male and that means i play with highly detailed wargaming miniatures and not toys and they are very costly financially and also time-ely and i will not stand for this bullying.
fwb is different.
who is rick <3
Trying to imagine a bunch of Spartans gooning to dirty unwashed dicks and insisting they are normal to the community.

I notice and predicted this angry response to simple facts. Its the same reaction troons have when you explain basic biology. They interpret the realities of neutral observable medical facts as an attack.
u got a bf yet/ or come outa the closet yet?
thats just bug shes always angry no other moods for her
just presentism
I've had sex with women (extremely unfulfilling) and have (close) friends.
As opposed to the average 4chan autist, though I don't lurk this board and it may be different here.
I feel writing something akin to "I'm used to beers on playgrounds, not coffees in the city centre" is going to get me percieved as some kind of squatting gopnik
you're a totty
I meant
>writing in my bio
the last time we had a hurricane this bad my lake flooded into the street and my alligator got confused and left the lake and was wandering around the neighborhood.

We had to get animal control to help get her back in there
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>im a grown ass male
why faggots are soulless biological robots ?
Ćao bebo
idk, seems like some sort of a sociopath after googling, i have empathy though and still a decent amount of gender dysphoria :'(
only makes sense if you clean or cook or whatever, smth useful
so are u bi?
why are u afriad to meet men is it like a fear of what others will think of u?
didn't Spartans have a male apprentice they would fuck as like a rule of society?
its not even affecting southern florida, is it?
>only makes sense if you clean or cook or whatever, smth useful
not even that, we don't have to live together I'm just talking about being with an older guy who pays for stuff like going out because he has way more disposable income.
whole west coast is gonna get rain/surge (especially surge as it’s a huge storm)
Croatwink is cute btw
it will, mainly worried about the flooding like I said. we won't get hit as hard as north florida though no
so you telling me that you are going to spread your cheeks for some dude in his 50s for a burger and a movie ticket?
Nah, I just wanted to try it out.
I'm 26 and all of my friends and family know I'm gay. I'm just really fucking scared of breaking the ice, rejection and disappointment.
And it's not even socially unacceptable here anymore.
We need a president who has RHYTHM, y'all. So joyful. So brat.


I think I have a stalker.
oh my, how scandalous
That’s a lie.
that’s just a loss prevention employeee bro
OMG sis im so happy for u. I know how hard coming out can be and you have come so far. Coping with rejection is a skill and u will 100% get rejected it happens to EVERYONE. U cant let it get to u and u need to keep trying go to gay clubs and use the apps there are plenty of guys out there for u

Honestly its their loss if they turn u down girl. Ur the prize <3 frfr <3.

Good luck queen <3
lets say 28-42 and yeah but only if he has good personality and looks to go with it.
I know right? It’s very difficult for me. I often see the person from my window looking at me. This morning he was following me to the metro. I’m so scared.

True, it is. But what fascinates me about it is that it became so elaborate and undergirded so much of what is now taught as facts. Its not that the ancient world (or even primitive societies today) had no tolerance of same-sex thought or behaviors, just that the present Western gay identity is very distinct and different. When you drill down to the behaviors and motives, you can see just how different they are.

There is nothing wrong with same sex interest or activity. But when you build context around it that continues to produce unhappy outcomes, its worth learning what those differences are and where they came from.

To me, the biggest example is the surge in suicides, mental illness and substance abuse that has coincided with same sex attracted young people once they accept inculcation that instructs them that they should expect analogous outcomes to heterosexual institutions based on ideals, namely the assumption of a 'bf; who will be monogamous and stay with them for life when all the observable evidence is that it is an extraordinary minority among them.

If the comfort of male intimacy was assumed as the cost-benefit of declaring themselves gay, and were led to believe their motives were identical to those of straight men without a deeper intuition of men, creating the motive itself, then why wouldnt we expect so many young gays to be miserable and dwell in a mire of self doubt, low confidence and self flagellation.

And yet when you explain it to them, they interpret it as an attack on their worldview and become defensive when all you are trying to do is lead them out of the fog they are lost in.
Go the fuck away you samefagging fucking retard.
Interactions on Grindr are so fucking weird, I must be autistic.
>Guy asks me for pictures
>Send one including my cock
>Say it's nice and ask for more
> I post more, ask if he is interested and get blocked
What is going on guys?
Europe is drowning.
OMG do tell <3
this sounds scary tho sis have u considered authorities
Pic collectors
omg sis what are u talking abt who even are u ?
im not samefagging cringe af
bottoms literally collect cock pics

my ex literally had an entire folder on his pc of his omegle dick pic trophies
thats so weird glad u dropped him yikes
Not all bottoms do that. I would never do that. Only the slut bottoms do it
bottoms are weirdo fag fucks michael
it's me, do you want to go on a date sometime?
Why would you go on Grindr for that? You can go on Reddit and 9/10 looking guys will send you whatever you ask without baiting for hookups.
I swear when bottoms ask about getting hold around the neck I might go hard on them to let off some steam from their bottom comrades being disingenuous faggots.
I came out 10 years ago. Is the way you write ironic? Again, I don't usually lurk this board or general.
in my head cannon tops are the weird ones.
but humans in general are horny mo foes
I just want a broke hood nigga with a big dick to rock my world
>my ex had an entire folder on his pc of his omegle dick pic trophies

aren't most underage on omegle? :(
report him to the police!!
he wanted pictures and he got them
Why does xanthippe and normie only talk about bottoms and tops
that is a truly bizarre cope you have going on
Its more personal on grindr ig
Well this gets me sad.
Yeah, I'm sad now.
Its a lot to unpack, but I will try to summarize:

Males were entered into what is basically military school. They were sponsored by an older youth, typically around age 15. The older would recieve discipline for any failings of the younger. They were not encouraged to become 'lovers' as such, but it was understood that they would be emotionally intimate as partners, and that 'boys would be boys'. Here again, it is important to note that actual anal sodomy was prohibited against young male free citizens, limiting 'sex play' to intracrural sex (between the thighs) and frottage.

At age 18, the older would leave the school (agoge) and enter Krypteia, or their version of 'secret police' duty to terrorize the slave class, the Helots, to whom they were absolutely brutal and savage, as a goal, no less.

At age 20, they were considered men and would enter the miitary, but were not allowed to marry until age 25 (this is specifically Spartans, Athens had other similar age and sex proscriptions, often distorted in revisionist pederasty). Females would marry at 15.

After leaving the agoge, the older male was expected to leave behind their younger protoge, and by then, the protoge would have their own to mentor. Any physical intimacy, if it occured at all, was not the defining aspect of their relationship, as was true among other "very close" peer age friends. In fact, it was considered abnormal to pursue same sex interest after this age, and a subject of ridicule if the elder remained physically intimate with the younger once the younger had left the agoge themselves.
lol highschoolers go on grindr to get dick pics and nudes from adults and share them amongst each other for giggles and to blackmail them
never send nudes to anyone unless you're dumb
i wish i could at least look like a femboy
how can my face be so cursed, the body is not that bad
its not iconic i dont really post here much anymore i used to post on gg everyday i got nostalgic and came back <3.

im in the process of coming out atm i have told my parents but i can't build up the courage to tell my friends and extended family.

My only advice for u is that time waits for nobody. sitting at home this weekend wont get u anywhere. go out and try meet a new date. YOLO sis
that's what gay men have made out of most of the dating apps
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I got a watch some time ago.
What kind of gay energy does it radiate?
I only ever send dickpics, never my face.
And like given the number of people how saw me my dick already it's not like I care.
Big "post feet" energy
looks like a really nice bang for the buck watch
smart with money gay
poor energy
thats a really nice watch anon. Seiko make fantastic watches <3
its also a very versatile colour and suits a lot of clothing combos <3
post ur watch then lmfao
>that's a really nice watch
>seiko make fantastic watches

no they don't, japanese made products are as crappy as chinese made products
i just learnt a new word
i dont own a watch :)
you're such a cute shit c'mere and suckle on my dingaling
i have a casio myself <3
but seiko are nice as well i like some of their presage watches and they are affordable quality automatics
i don't own any clocks or alarms either
they groom you up to look at life like an hourglass
I'm so fucking alone and I hate the life that God is calling me to live and never get to stop living this life. Like, this is an alternate reality that is not supposed to exist. Every day I tell myself I'm not supposed to exist because this can't be real. I will never be truly happy in this life. It's simply not possible. What's even worse is that it was possible before, and I made one mistake years ago that made it impossible. So now, since I know that I'm just fucking stuck here, I mean, stuck at a lower level of being for the rest of my life, I know I'll never be able to reach my full potential. I know I've been brought here to worship Jesus Christ but God makes it so fucking hard for me to be able to do that. Not only are there temptations, but the entire structure of my life, from childhood, has been built around worshipping the devil. I don't give a fuck if that's common. It's still the case for me and so it's to the point where the things from my childhood that I revert to for comfort and understanding will only bring me closer to death, but in a slow, painful way. It's impossible, it's a failing game, I'm meant to fail and this is truly a horrible reality. If I've lived other lives before, this is one of the worst lives I've ever lived. Worse than being a nigger on slave ships, worse than being tortured in an underground rape chamber every single day for 100 years. This life is a horrible, awful thing and the one thing that can help me, Jesus, is incredibly hard for me to grab onto given the circumstances of my life. Jesus is the only thing that can help, even though he was kept from me during my entire upbringing. It's only this year I learned about Christ and it's just so fucking hard to worship him, every day I think about killing myself and everyone thinks I'm happy and I just hate I fucking hate this grueling painful existence. I'm not even ugly I'm actually quite handsome but I still fucking hate. It's sad this life exists.
when i'm with you time stops :3
you sound like jeweler trying to sell me something in outback shopping mall
bottom energy
sorry <3
there was a time when japanese made products were good
but i think even they all use the same chinese manufacturers these days as everyone else
body hair is a disease
"In the past, Seiko watches were entirely manufactured in Japan, but they have since expanded their manufacturing into China, Malaysia, and SIngapore."

You're just buying a brand that was once known to make quality products.
body hair is a gift
i want laser frfr
can i finish quaking first
I will start caring about watches when im not single anymore rn i cant focus on anything else
do I intimidate you?
anyone got any tips on getting into makeup?
Ask your local drag queen
Go to agpgen for that faggot.
I don't think it's a disease but rather that smooth hairless handsome twinks are part of a higher race of intelligent beings that are from another earth/heaven
We put a lot of effort into being hairless, shaving everything takes forever.
gaydens think the same thing as they put on a costume to try to steal their seed
did i do something to offend u eveytime u replied to me today u have been horrible u need to chill.
no sorry i was just playing quake champions
are you playing arcane dimensions?
A top without body hair is like a car without wheels. Useless.
What do u do with hair? it does nothing
It looks attractive.
twinks should have body hair too imo :x
There are 0 guys that look better with body hair than without it
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god my bussy is quivering rn uwu

neet loser bottom bf :3
thinking about evil lately and how to deal with it
like is p diddy just the result of his family dynamic?
was his dad an abuser?
was his mom an abuser?
will his son's grow up to be abusers?
where does it begin and where does it end?
do we just need to kill off his entire family lineage from oldest to youngest?
the bible indicates it's the only way to truly deal with evil
Kill them all, slaughter their souls
take out their entire evil family lineage
no i'm playing trapped in planar prison for eternity for misconduct across the multiverse in a world without magic.

like jace under the immortal sun.
Then they wouldn’t be twinks you brainlet.
I'm gonna cave in your skull
Sounds like a cope for having alopecia
If it made ur body more attractive bodybuilders would have body hair, but none of em do
idk i oppose this bipedo takeover of gay terminology
Bodybuilders aren’t attractive they’re gross, nasty people who look like they have STDs
daddy Diddy was a psychotic crime boss with enough power over people he can shoot a man in broad daylight and nobody was gonna say shit, that kinda mentality with the big time rapper and producer lifestyle can do a lot of things to mans morals. I don't think Diddy is necessarily gay but part of some advanced hedonistic desires when nothing else does it anymore
Lmao everybody who trains seriously does it too
I love lifting and I am gorilla hairy
pure bear mode
ur more of a cub bish no offence
Yeah, but if u shave ull lool better
no I'm a gorillear
pure sexual beast
ya'll actin like this diddy bullshit is new. we always knew he was a freak. who drinks breast milk as a grown ass man?

on the topic of gym stuff if I was to go back into the gym or at the least home workouts for better twinkmaxxing would squats and cardio be the best?
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nah I doubt it
I did it on the request of a Brazilian once and I just looked fat and childlike
hair is better
post pole
why i cannot look fem at all
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rhinoplasty, lip filler, cheek implants, chin implant, jaw shave, brow bone reduction, buccal fat removal, botox and eye lift
premium fuckmeat
can't pass and i would be happy looking like an uncanny freak but i will get murdered lel
You’re such a bitter sissy faggot, calm down
You would 1000% look better
repping does not work anymore huh
i saw you in mtfg asking if it is too late to troon out so do not deny it man
no he would not
Ur a hair simp, you arent objective
not yet
I must grow larger and stronger
only then I am a true top
and you're objective hair-hater?
oh my god then be a man, do whatever it is you have to do to stop moping around all day, do you not get tired typing these out and reading them?
No, explain why all fitness pll do it then?
>wake up
>go to class
>do some stuff
>go eat
>do some stuff
>go home
>still tired
This is bullshit.
you mean the competitive ones? what does that matter. is he competing?
have you tried tongue kissing a guy?
>only then I am a true bottom
No, all the ones who want to look aesthetic
I hate troons and poons using our terminology.
I don't have one to kiss around right now
Very impractical
they're retards trying to emulate the competition dudes.
Its acc str8 terminology since they invented it
mwah :3
i was gay for 21 years of my life and only a tranny for 1 year and somehow i feel it hasnt made me forget my lingo but ok !
I’m a flamer darling not a sissy, I don’t have autogynephillia.
Silence, Jaroslaw
I’m not talking about you, I’m talking about all the ones that use terminology without knowing what the fuck it means lol
I will never bottom
well your writing seemed very pointed but okay
ocd.. also why are you here again since you are no longer a gay man and are on hrt? shoo shoo shitza
who cares when you talk about tranny shit over thrice as much goblina?
Maybe you have depression. You do seem depressed. Are you enjoying life?
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Ig but it was more so a general statement than anything directed towards you. I don’t really dislike you, you’re one of the only troons that can dish it out :p
i love chicken
makes me big and strong
Ok but then how long were you bisexual?
i am walking down the street, do you really want to make me pull down my pants and take a dick pic to post here out of sneed? i hope not, also i never did anything to you, stop being so mean and unempathetic, you bpd slut
>i love chicken
of course you do
More than usual.
wtf is that supposed to mean
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rly sorry for ur ugly mug leaking xanpipa but i have never had any interest in women outside of maybe two or three managing to make me flustered by acting in a masculine way so you should take out your frustrations on someone else
You know, I dont mind being flamed here for everything I say but ffs you people are such dull conversation. Pretty much the obsessive lizard brain I was alluding to tpph
I love being masc and lifting and eating chicken
reminder that conbot/xanthippe sucked his cousin’s bisexual fiancé off and then asked gaygen if he should tell her because he was jealous of their engagement and wanted to break it up
i think you meant to say she forgot to take off the trip while copypasting a fake story from reddit to farm (you)s
might bake this weekend
domestic king
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it’s better if he’s a bitter bottom

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