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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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qott: What was the last social thing you did? How did it go?

old >>37411157
I gifted a subscription (the free one you get with Prime) to a gay ASMR streamer. He thanked me and whispered my twitch username repeteadly. It was pretty good.
yo is that a manmoder on the left
I’m surprised cause only one is bald in the pic
I feel like that's probably his sister.
what's wrong with being bald?
Does a movie count?
wish i was gay
What are you?
I'm going to fist fight larry.
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Pietro should get on finasteride already
i'm bi and i think i should be owned by a gay top, not sure why but it just feels like a good idea..
i think hair loss is hawt like if you're in your 30s with poofy hair like a teenager, everyones going to think your wearing a wig
this is what schizzing out on gaygen does to a nigga
i don't understand the under chin beard cause it looks like they can grow decent facial hair
I will never taste your saliva
i want to hunt you with a rifle
how long until she moves on to posting jefe
i want his pp in me
doming big richard from 200 yards while he nibbles on lil debbie’s finest confections in his 97 ford focus outside the kwik stop
I laughed a lot at this.
>I can only understand music if it has sing-along vocals, and a catchy chorus
Ofc. Name some of your favorites plebble
odd i go to therapy
even i don't go to therapy
dubs i give up and kms
*hawk tuah* x 4
more proof that normie is a dumb woman
it fucking doesnt look like he can grow a decent beard, and any man can see it
there is literal full absence of hair under the lip towards mouth corners and severe patchiness along the jawline
same for upper lip to jaw bridge
ending in 79, i mow my parents overgrown lawn with my teeth like a good goat lol
We all know your a poon, nortony
quit all that yappin and post hole
Don't you make me kick you out the house again
Buddy, I can't be caught nibbling on a swiss roll.
The Smiths, an English rock band formed in 1982, gained popularity for several reasons:

Distinctive Sound: Their music combined jangly guitars with melancholic melodies, creating a unique sound that set them apart from other bands of the era. Johnny Marr's guitar work and Morrissey's distinctive vocal style and lyrics contributed to their signature sound.

Lyrical Depth: Morrissey's lyrics often explored themes of alienation, love, and social issues, resonating with many listeners. His introspective and often witty writing style appealed to a generation seeking authenticity in music.

Cultural Impact: The Smiths became emblematic of the 1980s indie music scene and influenced countless bands that followed. Their music and aesthetic contributed to the development of alternative rock and indie pop.

Fan Connection: The band's ability to connect with fans on an emotional level helped cultivate a dedicated following. Their songs often spoke to the experiences of youth and the struggles of everyday life.
you have no empathy
Tranny band, kek
well... i didnt like them but im starting to get why they have appeal
Sorry, your life doesn't seem that bad to me. The bane of your existence is not looking like a female porn star so you can satiate your autogynepervert disorder. I'll bully you for being the stupid little shit you are.
i hate myself so much
i am not going tk therapy, i am just going to suffer with it
ok xanthippe
hope it sticks and you'll know your place
my LAST message for bish at least for today
remember when she accidentally flirted with him on trip then deleted it because she was afraid of beagle of all people lmaaaao
should i go to sleep
I 100% need to get some new belts, mine are all like 5 years old at this point and the leather shows it.
I prescribe one hour of Bach to reform your brain. Some wires have clearly been crossed here.
she is so crazy
i have graphene nanoparticles swimming in my blood ;w;
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is it possible to get such cute fat rolls as a 40yo femboi twink bottom?

not liszt lol...
can i have a taste
would be so funny if it was skunk flirting with bish this whole time
I've just had the best laugh. I don't get many of those these days. Cheers frens!
it’s delta
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I feel like it might be time for your daily shaming.*

*(if such a thing were possible)
if you only knew how horrible dysphoria feels.. i think so much abt just kms..
no >:c
Calm down larry. Have a drink, you'll be fine.
Liszt is also fantastic
i readily admit that i listen to shit
recently i had this on repeat
Don't worry. If you need to be taken care of later in life, you know I gotchu.
whats your diet, hya? do you run around iwth sixpack yearround or was it a once a year picture?
lets take some LSD and watch the clouds :3
thanks, dw, it is alright
Anything you want sunshine=)
i'm no longer under the influence so i would rather have a very cute and hot human body pillow bf whom will bust on my back in the morning than shambling around whole might and taking leaks
let's go to bed
That nose could sink the iceberg that sunk the Titanic
better synth
okay, ill join you
and jerk off to the thought of you
where have all the flamers gone
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I don't have genital dysphoria, I love my dick and I love topping. But most people have at least 1 or 2 issues with their body that they'd like to change. Boys are not born with gender dysphoria, and it's unnatural for boys to hate themselves for not looking like girls. Male bodies can be beautiful, and that is an attainable goal if you work on achieving it. The problem is with AGP mtf is they're straight men who want to be straight women - what is this brain fuckery larry? It has nothing to do with being gay.
First of all, you are not actually homosexuals. You are a *type* of homosexuals. And it is that minority constellation of beliefs and personality traits that is the source of your problems.

Since we know that there are many more men who have same sex experience than there are men who identify as gay, we can extrapolate two facts at a minimum.

One, you are minority among yourselves. Second, the majority does not reject you because they cannot relate to your choices, but because they can.
I thought he wasnt real luv
Perfect dom top.
i feel bad for the mentally ill spammer, it's like he got nothing else to do in life except troll. meanwhile i'm playing vidya and having a good time.
shitty people just suck ass, wish they'd die tbhon
are you unironically fucking retarded?
i am just a woman mentally, and i want my body to also be that, just simple as that, there is no fetish
:D <3
I love the casual assumption that youthful sexual appeal is tacitly implied as the primary central priority for life decisions and no one bats an eye.

And yet we are to believe gays are well adjusted adults.
i hope the horse that pulls larrys familys gypsy wagon around kicks him to death
there's good music in all genres but people are snobs and judge you if you don't like what they like or you're just not in the mood for it
I listen to some classic metal bands, this is gay disco metal

considering how you spend your whole day here seething about your imaginary enemies, you ain't any better
<3 you know I'll always...
it is a donkey bro, a hard working one also
lmfao helloween is good shit do you listen to manowar
that was my third post of the day, i don't waste hours of my life trolling a forum lol
>people are snobs and judge you
i have no problem with hate ^^
t. Pooner
>that was my third post
>but I know what happens here 24/7 and recognize every poster
that is very sweet
i would send u a voice reply but it is late here and i don't want to disturb my neighbours :3
Yeah it's year round. I just try to eat mostly whole foods i.e. if I can't directly point to where it comes from in nature I try not to eat it. Staples are meat, eggs, fruit, honey, raw milk, italian evoo/irish butter to cook with. The only "processed" thing I eat regularly is my whey protein, but it's clean and sourced well (promix). I also occasionally have sourdough and italian made pasta, but even that doesn't sit too well, it's just so delicious. Of course I go out to eat slop too like everyone else, but I try to make it a rare occasion. IMO the main thing is to just stay away from PUFAs and processed grains/sugars that are sprayed with all sorts of chemicals and not buffered with the right ratio of carbs/fiber/micros/enzymes etc. Tonight's dinner is going to be scrambled eggs w/ gouda and green onion, sausages, and a side of blueberries + honey.
omg a male hijabi on the right what cute representation :>
yeah it sucks, i hate these pseudo metal bands with impotent sound
iron maiden is the same, they have 5 songs in their discography that go hard, rest is FUCKING SHIT!@
Its all good=) I'm just glad to interact with you. Always have been, always will be.
you'll never find happiness, and that in itself is satisfying enough. i already won just by having a better life than you.
Post your scrambled eggs, sausage, blueberries + thick gooey white honey
im actually gonna do reality shifting so I win lol
I'm not trans
who are you talking to?
quantum suicide into a job nigga
Post better life.
I can clock all of you on music taste alone, its over for you
hes talking to >>37415693 no offense but you guys suck at reading you really should be trying to get better at it
who do you think I am? you don't know me, my life, my successes, my failures, or my ex's
you only know your delusions as you type this on your ghetto computer in your ghetto apartment
why are you referring to yourself in third person?
i hate you all, commit sui please
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what am i
the pietrocord is laughing at you
yea actually im gonna do that after shifting by being a celebrity there, probably in a less shitty version eastern europe because I like that place
oooh i remember now
manowar suck, generic garbage cant be listend to

but WASP! holy shit, overlooked underrated incredbile
i have listed to all early albums and looped The Crimson Idol
so many times, the thing about that album and why you can listent to it in order over and over is that a structure, so good
it doesnt even have the best wasp songs!

the dude singer is insane
sound is great!
sadly repetitive but the still THE BEST METAL "BAND" EVER


fuck the smiths!
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The fact is that you dont need any biological explanations for homosexuality if you just reverse-engineer what sort of beliefs a male would have to have to arrive at a motivation that made putting dicks in his mouth seem like an appealing life strategy.

As soon as you do that, all the claptrap about mysterious genes become utterly useless.

The problem gays have is what you discover when you do that because it isnt any more flattering to their judgment than trannies insisting there girl-ghosts living in their brain.

They cant have an intellectually honest discussion about it without admitting some juvenile-born thought-process flaws, so they just get mad and accuse you of bigotry.
you're 40-45 years old, maybe as young as 35
Gays usually have fat cocks if ur gonna push the "muh incels in denial" BS here
Nobody cares about a childless bisexual boomer
>Portishead, Talk Talk, Air, LTJ Bukem
You are BASED! Do you like Massive Attack?
it's just a form of play
there is nothing more to read into about it

we play with one another for the same reason that we make jokes or participate in any form of recreation

it is not that complex, it is just having fun
how can you live like that?
i was training today, if i didnt chug half a liter of cola before, id die
id miss sugar and chocolate too much, im convinced that without sugar and even in kcal surplus id be low libido
sugar makes me happy ^^
soneone needs to have a vocaroo meltdown
I miss cersei
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I'd love to be any mustelid. But this one has war paint.
my fav person
why does that shit turn me on, i need to kms asap
hipster, pseudo intellectual that pretend to like all genres
Another mind broken gay men brainwashed into liking ugly old ""bears"". Try porn detox and maybe you can return to normal
Seen here: a homosexuals thought pattern is unable to interpret a statement about psychological development without immediately associating it with sodomy and penis. But he is certain he is a mentally healthy and well adjusted adult male.
You’re a perv, remember when you said you were wanking to zoophile porn?
I'm done posting, there is no fluidity or flow to this general, you're all very contrived and just post things to get reactions over being genuine
im just very mentally ill and listen to >8 hours of music a day, my captcha is vagat0 is it true that you are a pooner
You can have plenty of sugar, it just has to be in the right form. I get it from honey, milk, and fruit. One of my favorite things to eat is a cut up apple with cinnamon and honey. That's like 60g of carbs. Try OJ instead of a soda, or you could just have a banana. Also, chocolate is fine as long as it's real dark chocolate and not like milk chocolate bs with tons of white sugar in it.
Maybe, it's a bit short to my liking, not in a bad way.
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he's so ugly he should kill himelf
>homosexuality if you just reverse-engineer what sort of beliefs a male would have to have to arrive at a motivation that made putting dicks in his mouth seem like an appealing life strategy.
Are you sure youre not the one obsessed with penis? Kek
What’s his twitter?
Xanthippe teas.
No hes fucking ugly why does everyone here including on boards such as /hm/ like such hideous old ugly men? My heart truly mourns for all of you, how did old gay men gaslight you this hard?
So you see, it is not that you find males attractive, have same sex experience or enjoy sodomy. You can say the same of many men who prefer a heterosexual life or no interest in women otherwise.

What makes you different is your beliefs about it, and dedicating your identity and behavior patterns to recreating or pursuing motives that emerged in adolescence, when your minds had the least life experience and a minimum of social information.

In this way, you are no different than heterosexuals who develop the same way. What is different is how you chose to interpret these ideas, how to model your life based on third party inculcation, accepting some ideas and rejecting others, and the emotional intensity you built around this self actualization.

Like drug addiction, it would be difficult to blame a young person for falling for self defeating decisions. What becomes socially problematic is when you defend it or encourage it in others.
I’d rather to rope than being a childless bisexual boomer on 4chan
>You can have plenty of sugar, it just has to be in the right form.

i think this is really bad advice, sorry
but why is anyone asking a stranger nutritional advice on 4chan anyway
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looks at this!
and you are talking about apples with honey lul...
ill be content with a 4pack and happiness in my belly ^^
>self defeating decisions
Retardation if you think gay relationships arent more equal than straight ones where you betabux for old foid who already been used up in her youth. I pity straight men, truly sad circumstances
solesandsouls showed up on my feed and now i’m straight again
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Why do so many gay guys dress that way? That and the nail polish thing these days--instant turn off.
i am maybe mildly attracted to animals idk
if he is clean, kinda yea, he is way hotter than the vast majority of 'hot' dudes that you post here, he has some magic to him
>i think this is really bad advice, sorry
lolwhy, it doesnt really matter which sugar chemically though
except maybe if you allergic to fructose
and im not asking for advice, im sharing
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You just have bad taste anon
Explain that to your parents and tell us how healthy your relationship with them is.
Actual freak, can this zoophile 90% straight straggot AGP meta attracted tranny please fuck off?
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that reminds me, I wanna buy a bundt flan to make this cake :3
jelly nigger
>Literally an obese hairy man
What the fuck is wrong with fags?
why are trannies always into fucking dog dicks and shit jesus christ
Now that I know the bi comments are about me, I'm going to come here more often.
My dad is in the position of the typical straight male, betabuxxing for a woman who wont even sleep with them, used up before they got together, breaking his back wagecucking to provide for her. Please tell me how straight relationships are more healthy than gay ones?
Now thats impressive.
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sugar is sugar, it doesn't matter if you get it from a whole food source or its cane sugar, there is no such things as healthy sugar, natural and added sugars are metabolized the same way in our bodies
Lmao at straight incels attacking gays for what they wish they had. We ALL know you would be as ""degenerate"" as the typical gay male if you had access to a wider pool of partners
any of you guys remember that band the xx
Isolating the struggles of one unfortunate man does not represent the added rewards of perpetuating the species, even ones with the luxury of making criticisms such as yourself.
>natural and added sugars are metabolized the same way
no lol, at least look at pedopedia...
but they all do end up as glucose
>insisting there girl-ghosts living in their brain
holy ESL
i only remember xxx because im a horny nigga
why do you act like a woman ?
Hedonistic, self centered sodomy. The lens every gay must view the world through to justify their existence.

Until they cant.
you actually read that? lol
>one unfortunate man
How bluepilled are you? Thats the plight of the average straggot and the "trad" lifestyle you want is just that.
>n does not represent the added rewards of perpetuating the species
Lmao, what reward exactly? Humanity is a cancer that should be wiped out, and most of you straggots arent even reproducing at the replacement rate which is why they have to import turd worlders to work slave labor.
i act as an assburgers asshole man... wtf is wrong with your gaydar?
how am i a 'steaggot' if i find the ick on eck poster hot, the dude is very masculine
do you mean the one with vin diesel where he did propaganda for the NSA
are we the only general with a 800lb key board warrior?
>Hedonistic, self centered sodomy
I have a low sex drive and want a ""traditional"" relationship in the sense that I want monogamy with a man I love. How is that hedonisitic? Im simply calling you out because most men would indeed be as ""degenerate"" as the typical gay if they had access to more available partners.
>Humanity is a cancer
When someone identifies as a human and believes this, one doesnt really need any other explanation for how they view anything else.
actually gr8 t8ste m8
white women in general have that stereotype, so isnt weird that trannies wanted to fit in
Probably, just another seething incel angry at gay men for having what they want
What good is existence? Its always better to not exist than have existed, Benatars assymetry mogs any argument against this.
Yeah it certainly hasn't been working out for me and tons of other people...
>it doesnt really matter which sugar chemically though
#1 I'm not so sure we can say that with 100% certainty. Every food from nature has a specific sugar ratio (fructose/glucose/sucrose/etc.) and there's probably some interaction at play there which is not present in refined sugars. #2 Refined sugars are almost certainly poisoned by some aspect of their manufacturing process. #3 I think the thing that matters most is what accompanies the sugar (macros, micros, enzymes, fiber, etc.) which is not present in processed foods.
i wish i was dead
my future bf, discord?
Lot of incel vibes in this thread tonight. Kinda weird,ngl. Sex isn't hard to have, gay or straight. It's a matter of effort.
is peatism real or a meme
Ill just continue to avoid it thank you very much
you eat like a scientologist :3
>there is no such things as healthy sugar
Lol, so you're keto only then?
Smartest man in the room, lol. How are you gray?
Tired and drunk
But overall life has been great that last bit
pull the trigger kill a nigga he’s a hero
— mahmoud ahmadinejad
Same and same. I'm glad to hear you're doing well. It's been a while, you ever get that mg up and running?
Being an adult suchs
and yeah I was just taking it around town the other day does pretty well now but I am still ironing some small things out
why are there no gays living in thatched roof cottages in the mountains that play acoustic covers of norwegian black metal songs
I have type 1 diabetes so have to mostly avoid sugar
There is nothing untrue in what you said. And you plainly, clearly put it: you want monogamy with a man.

So the only idea worth scrutinizing is the rationale for which you are dedicating your life based on observable evidence.

The morality of homosexual "culture" is a separate matter and its own discussion. What I have been addressing is how one arrives at adopting that identity. Likewise, how one arrives at the motive is also a different discussion.

However I am avoiding it at present because I am trying to encourage people to think, and that is more difficult if they think I am blaming them for ideas they developed during a fairly helpless age in development, especially when exploited by an older generation of misguided, irresponsible and, in some cases, outright malevolent agendists frauding them by using their common adolescent confusions to offer faux solutions and strategies.

One of the things you find is that both straights and gays do not like to be "explained" since no one likes to admit they are products of their culture, a reflection of choices when they are minors, more or less at the mercy of instructions by adults. Or as I often put it, 'no puppet really wants to see their strings'.

The explanations straights offer for their origins are typically just as daft and blinded, and yet are accepted by the consensus, even more romanticized to the point of myth. And like gays, it returns a sense of control to them, and self legitimization.
Yeah it really does suck getting older, lol. Wait until you have to go in for screenings, shit sucks. Thats great that you got it up and running. From what I kniw, those mg's will always have something to iron out.
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The lead singer of Gorgoroth probably does.
You wont mind colonoscopies as much once you experience Propofol.
Really? Huh, well a broken clock is right twice a day.
Also, just to clarify, I'm not saying that you must always adhere to a strict diet. I certainly don't lol. Food shouldn't be treated like a religion. However, I will guarantee you that if you cut out processed stuff 6/7 days of the week you will feel great. Also, if your aim is to lose weight I always recommend 3 things (not healthy long term though): keto, calorie deficit under BMR, and caffeine abuse.
i am miserable
I'm past colonoscopies fren. Did you really have anesthesia for a colonoscopy? Lol
>One of the things you find is that both straights and gays do not like to be "explained" since no one likes to admit they are products of their culture, a reflection of choices when they are minors, more or less at the mercy of instructions by adults. Or as I often put it, 'no puppet really wants to see their strings'.
No old creepy gay man groomed me to spread "the gay virus", I just never had attraction to females and first time I was popping boners was to male classmates. Im very removed from gay ""culture"" and dont like or fit into it so it was never the case of interacting with some old gay man who groomed me, it was a natural thing that happen when i first hit puberty, and while I later found I had some attraction to women (mostly very butch ones) Im still 90% attracted to men which is why I post here even though Im technically ""bi"".
ijk your hole looks like al qaeda hit it with a 747
that's what happens when you dont have lady gaga and britney spears in your life
My mom keeps asking if im going to get back with my ex because she likes him more than me
>#1 I'm not so sure we can say that with 100% certainty. Every food from nature has a specific sugar ratio (fructose/glucose/sucrose/etc.) and there's probably some interaction at play there which is not present in refined sugars.
i dont buy it, the assumption that a natural composition is somehow advantageous is faulty by itself, and there is no evolutionary pressure to select for a type of simple carbohydrates
there is a differentiation only in the internal metabolism of plants, higher animals dont care, we buffer all of them as glucose at the end
but if you get fat on fructose alone, there is a extra chance of liver fattyness cause fructose has a slight different metabolic pathway

#2 Refined sugars are almost certainly poisoned by some aspect of their manufacturing process.
refined sugars as in sucrose from beets? thats tablesugar in germany, the process is without solvents, beets get shredded, cooked to 70 deg C, sugarwater filtered and dried, thats it

#3 I think the thing that matters most is what accompanies the sugar (macros, micros, enzymes, fiber, etc.) which is not present in processed foods.
right! but i would say that its not what accompanies but more like in what container the molecular sugar is,
cause in processed foods with sugar, the sucrose is in a solvent = water, in all natural foods the good stuff in some from of a "contrainer", be it cells or something
that will slow down absorbition by a ton
its like an apple has 10g/100ml sugar, try eating 100g apple or solve 10g sugar in water and compare THERE IS A GIGANTIC UNIVERSE OF DIFFERNCE

in conclucsion -> chocolate cake fucking rules
Lol, yeah it's not great. Though, in my defense, when i posted, it was 95+f out and just got back from a walk. Was a little raw.
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Hyacinth is the Francisco Lachowski of gaygen
terrible idea
if im training, im fucking carbloading to feel good
ill still be in deficit but not at training time
also smoking plus caffein, shit, i have a box of training supps with MDA in it since ephedrine is hard banned...
>No old creepy gay man groomed me to spread "the gay virus",
When I refer to an older generation of misguided exploiters, I do not mean individuals, but rather the organized efforts of groups to promote life decisions that I will politely call dubious. When I am less polite, I might call them observably misguided as shown by evidence.

>I just never had attraction to females and first time I was popping boners was to male classmates.
Again, there are rational explanations for this which do not make one somehow "culpable". However they require introspection, they are personal, and I do not wish to "diagnose" or be interpreted as faulting you. It is not a flaw to have such feelings or ideas and, in various contexts, to act on them. What I am addressing is only rationale for decisions made based on them when afforded choices among which are some that may be self antagonizing though not immediately apparent to a minor or even most adults. The choice I tend to specifically address is the rationale of choosing to identify with the present cultural trope of 'gay' as defined in the modern west, distinct from how sexual identity is formed elsewhere and in different periods, as the distinctions matter.

>Im very removed from gay ""culture"" and dont like or fit into it
It is less a matter of how involved one is in the culture and more a matter of being made aware of its fundamental tenets, especially with regard to choice as well as what to expect as a growing adult.
Propofol is fun and games until you start rambling about how the only sustainable way to keep on living on this planet is nuking thirdies and killing the poor, the commies, the gypsies and so on
I'm gay so in theory I should be able to get sex and relationship whenever I want, but my autistic special interest almost entirely doesn't allow it. I don't know how to explain this. Am I just too obsessed?
I sympathize, but I would reserve the topic of female judgment for another time.

I would summarize by noting that if you selectively breed something to mature as slowly in every way but reproductive ability, it should surprise no one that the brain becomes the least relevant interest in maturity by the ones selecting them as such.
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whenever i doubt myself i usually just imagine i am a different character
Anon I get the experience
Its probably not normal but meh what can you do
you won't be miserable with me deltoid :3
I just tried some front page music on youtube for the first time in years. Holy shit it's terrible.
how do you feel about hindu worship music?

any florida/georgia bros?
Not nearly as bad, but I catch a feint odor whenever i hear hindi
you're not here though

there was an anon earlier whose power went out
hope he's ok
Hey maybe dont try to sound smart by talking obliquely and abstractly unless you are actually smart enough to not just be incoherent. The only brain proving to be redundant here is yours
Try breathing through your nose instead of your mouth for six months.
i think this is the most attractive photo of you i've seen
Yeah you know it's true, as did my pharmacologically disinhibited self.
You look like a normal dude to me. Accepting youself for who you are, and developing confidence from there is better than hiding behind a beard.
How would that fix anything? Your fucked if you mouth breathed through puberty, also he has a butt chin which emphasizes it and makes it stand out, clearly he was meant to have a big masc jaw but fucked it up by mouth breathing, truly brutal
check under your bed
South Korea is always an option.
Minoxidil is a pact with the Devil, it works but it's for life. Everything is lost soon after discontinuation.
Oh ok, well that makes sense then.
>in germany
Lol I live in the 3rd world hellscape that is modern America. I wouldn't be surprised if they're just straight up microdosing us with fentanyl at this point. Say what you will about the EU, but your food regulations are very nice.
Yeah I would not recommend if your focus is training, only for pure weight loss.
I wish. Damn he's so handsome.
do you think you could pull chico lachowski or sean o'pry if they were gay?
>there was an anon earlier whose power went out
>hope he's ok
why are you so insufferable?
No, literal Gods who mog shit out of me, and honestly have no interest in Chico in his current condition, Sean O'pry is still hot tho
you're an idiot
just a load of storage boxes

I hope you drown
attractive guys like that are never gay
my gay radar has been so broken many times
i got sick at 5 and they had to remove shit from my throat and i think i started mouth breathing from then since no one cared to tell me it is wrong, i looked at when i was little and i looked cute and normal and good, i would have been decently attractive if i would not have been so unlucky, it makes me so suicidal to think abt, i want to die
surgery cannot fix it
>Say what you will about the EU, but your food regulations are very nice.
Not true. The only good thing we have are mandatory labels to check where products are from (so that we can avoid buying most of them).
>I hope you drown
>I hope you drown
>surgery cannot fix it
If it worked for Leafy it'll work for him
well there is this brittish dude that is bi and made videos about looking similar to Sean, he also said to have ancestry of the same irish region as him, even tho it seems he deleted his videos you can still see his face on his pfp
I thought you guys had a bunch of restrictions on what pesticides and preservatives and stuff could be used? Either way it's better than nothing.
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>Hey maybe dont try to sound smart
>by talking obliquely and abstractly
>smart enough to not just be incoherent
Call me old fashioned but I don't want mango or pineapple in my orange drink
do gay bottom pedos exist like they want a 12 years old to top them?
yes, one of them groomed me into the homosexual lifestyle and now my life is a living hell from which i cannot escape
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they just dont know how good they have it in other countries
Yes, this guy talks about taking little boy cocks
Heinz ketchup is such a meme.
We do, but they're not nearly enough, nor are they applied coherently. For instance, fish coming from SEA has different limits than locally sourced fish. As a result most restaurants will poison you with shitty SEA or Egyptian fish, and locally sourced seafood gets sold to Japan and the UAE.
>US creme egg
how dare you
minoxidil only 'works' if you lower the term 'works' as much as possible, and it doesnt work for beards at all. And finasteride doesn't work either and will literally break your dick permanently
Canola oil... in a fucking orange drink... WHY?!?! All the "food scientists" that work for these big food companies should be publicly tortured and then given life sentences.
Damn that sucks. Yeah I heard SEA fish is seriously messed up with how polluted that water is.
I hate how this guy tries to make his videos look important and not like shock value exploitation
Based on hentai 100%
>illusion of choice
What choice? That's all trash food. Any functional person should realize as much in a fraction of a second.
tallahasee is not going to exist in a few hours
i wonder where they will move the capital of florida
>Based on hentai
What shota is topping dudes in hentai? Lmao
It's not that the water is polluted, not where they fish for the EU market at least, it's the amount of biocides they use in their fish farms.
Just go looking bro they're out there
i'm not self conscious about balding, would rather let aging take its course than fuck up my hormones, at least take roids and get juicy muscles if you are going to break your dicks function
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I made a fruit tier list
The oligopoly in food manufacture and distribution is hazardous. However with a few exceptions, most additives and preservatives are effectively harmless. But they are used more in lower quality items, at which point the problem is not so much the additives and preservatives as much as the overall repeated consumption of poor quality food. It is cheaper, so the poor suffer from it more and other people with unhealthy eating habits.
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there are whitecurrants?
Never even heard of them until now
life is a fucking pos unfair bs garbage, i hate it so fucking much
What are you a child?

Blood orange is just normal organge
Avocado is just plant butter
I never had a good persimon
Papaya is just fruitier rockmelon
Starfruit i dont remember
Mulberries are good
Rambutans are just lychees
Cumquat are very sour but very sweet too.
Lychees are great
Dates are just sweet and chewy and plumlike
Why are you calling me a child for not having tried obscure fruits?
Grapefruit is great because it inhibits a certain something.
>Rambutans are just lychees
Lychees don't smell like feet after an 8 hour hike in heavy boots.
>Lychees don't smell like feet after an 8 hour hike in heavy boots.
Need this fruit rn
>Blood orange is just normal orange
>Dates are just sweet and chewy and plum like
My condolences for your birth defect. No one should be born without a tongue.
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Kamalasisters, the children do NOT approve…

They’re saying she seems fake
Children don't vote
she does look like one of those funny star wars aliens
wish i was chasing the hurricane the storm surge is going to be so sick goddamnit
You sound angry, I can tell exactly what your twinkdead 30 y/o bottom ass looks like strutting around spouting tired gay memes

Don’t ever You me again
What’s a storm surge? I’ve been in a heavy rain downpour with no power all night but desu it’s kinda relaxing
you got completely raped by anon you should slink off to die now
why are you faggots so catty and bitchy to one another, why can you all just be frens
You're insane
it’s when the wind pushes the ocean onto the land they are saying it could be up to 20’
it’ll be like this, maybe worse https://youtu.be/al8yTiCVfro
They are fembrained, not masc Chads like me and you
to die
to call god a faggot and let him know he has no authority over you
Kek I literally live in fort myers beach and we still haven’t recovered
for the sake of our economy I’m glad this one didn’t go right for us again
reed timmer gets some sick video but i can’t stand it when he starts screaming lol
trip on sissy
Once we had a big storm and I left my space hopper outside, later we saw it floating way out in the sea
i jerked off in the eye of hurricane wilma
IDK what to do. I like my boyfriend but I don't think I love him. I've probably never loved anyone. I don't want to lead him on but I'm also so scared of being alone and trying to meet someone again.
wish i was naked in a hurricane
imagine how clean it'd make your insides feel
they’re standing in one right now although clothed
don't drag it, it's gonna be worse for both
how long have you been together? love usually only exists after you’ve spent a lot of time being honest with each other, trusting each other and feeling like you can rely on each other and share anything with each other.
Slow night.
can you make it clap?
Maybe if I’m drunk enough
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dead thread.
they need rappers like me
Visualize. Focus. Execute.
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I gave my word I would not funpost more itt tonight. But gaygen is gaygen, and the general takes the weak.

My general.

My gaygen.

My Dune.

So why live in Texas?
i don't live there anymore, but, what i do miss about texas is how cheap everything was. even without a state tax tacked onto it it was STILL cheaper. like a 6er of beer in colorado is $10 plus tax, and in texas, it was $8 with no state tax. i also miss the easier driving accesses on highways and the u-turns you could do at every stoplight. oh and i miss whataburger too ig.
I mean… you also have insurance which is crazy there. It’s also way too car dependent.

$10 for 6 isn’t bad for good beer, too.

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