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/lesgen/ is the lesbian general for all cis and trans lesbians to discuss lesbian relationships and topics. All wlw welcome to participate in lesbian discussion.

>Please keep /lesgen/ discussion focused on wlw (women loving women). Trans discussion not relevant to the intersection between being trans and lesbian is off-topic. Topics such as dysphoria spiralling, starting HRT, passing, and validation are better suited for /mtfgen/, /hrtgen/, /passgen/, or any other of the multitude of trans-related threads on the board.

QOTT: What are you listening to?

tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/%2Flesgen%2F
discord: https://discord.gg/RnfrxuV3dg
previous thread >>37403918
I am listening to the ignored yet impassioned cries of the people for your refusal to discuss NET NEUTRALITY. You are continuing to commit net BRUTALITY upon us by ignoring the suffering thrust upon us by the Trump administration. When will you third party voters learn to do what is right?
New thread, new self defeating plea for a cis asian gf.
would you ever consider dating a cis woman who wasn't asian?
anon, she doesn’t even want the “wrong” kind of Asian like Vietnamese…
god I have crushed so hard on
girls for different but related reasons
>What are you listening to?
I've never had a "crush" before or like visual interest corresponding to wanting touch or sex. Cud u describe how it works? Do u know them well beforehand?
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>just did a really good job making my gf cum
>Do u know them well beforehand?
sometimes yeah, sometimes not at all, crushes are silly like that
it's kind of like something about someone's appearance or behavior just really grabs your attention and gives you feelings about them and you maybe think about what it might be like to date or live together or even just have sex and kind of comes on unbidden or because of some specific trait that stands out to you
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i miss making my gf cum...i can't wait to see her again in november
really cute image i saved it

ah well ty for explaining, im just a confusedmoder
i have an extremely minor ache in my thigh that i barely even notice at all. i first felt this pain when my dog jumped on it. how can i be sure that this isnt a blood clot
I should probably break up with my girlfriend.
Various reasons. I shouldn't get into it here. The tl;dr of it is that we seem to be incompatible, and I feel that letting things continue as they are would be leading her on, even if she's happy with the current situation. I am not looking forward to her reaction, though.
please don't be my girlfriend...
I wouldn't date someone who uses 4chan, so unless you are hiding the fact that you use the site from her, I'm probably not her.
I might let him cum inside me (I'm a cis lesbian)
whos him
it's me ;D
on one hand, i understand. on the other hand, kys
ya women who go by he/him are so hot
My girlfriend and I are both bottoms. How can I effectively top her
Why the fuck is BPD phenotype so fucking real?
Like sometimes ill see a smoking hot bitch, and i can just tell she is bpd.

Not all hot women are bpd. But bpds are usually hot and have a quality i cant quite put my finger on. Its almost like they seem bigger than life.
I know bipolar women are proven to have a crazed look in their eyes when they’re manic, so maybe BPDemons have something similar.
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The book I'm reading says you're more likely to be murdered in your sleep if you're married to a bipolar woman.

I am married to a bipolar woman.
Probs type I because type Is experience psychosis. Unless your type II progresses into type I…
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need gf with sparkling manic gaze
captcha chastity cage for smoothbrained gf
Snacks and moot are a diaper transbian couple
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where the cisussy at??
gockie want boing boing!
I'm probably on the extreme of this but when I see someone cute I want to fuck them. I'm impulsive and sensation-seeking so it's really that simple for me. for about half the people I've fucked, I never knew their last name, and that's how I prefer it. the feeling itself is kind of like an electric thrilling energy in my gut and I get tunnel visioned focusing on them while we're speaking.

I look like this and say this
that is the average transbian phenotype tbf
so crazy to be real vietnamese women are gorgeous
both Vietnamese anons that replied to her were attractive too, lol. and both were in the server and very level-headed, sweet. AI anon is crazy for rejecting both.
gf broke up with me :(
what more could you want???
need gf who doesn't break up with me
my gf doesn't even like me and doesn't sleep in the same bed as me anymore :(
no i highly doubt it
you should break up with her :(
need girl to lovingly caress my cheek
need girl to look lovingly into the eyes of for hours and fall deeper and deeper until there's nothing left but soup of two melted bodies in love
retvrn to primordial sovp
i want everything to stop
is it bad that i get jealous of my cis gf when she's on her period.....
No? I’m guessing you’re more jealous of what comes with the period rather than the period itself. That’s rather reasonable.
calling it mating instead of having sex/fucking makes it sound so much hotter
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reminder that non op t4t transbians are fem4fem gay guys, real trans lesbians get srs and lick pussy.
thats super gross yuck, so glad im a bio augmented fem 4 fem gay chad
making yummy curry rn for my wife and I
Pussy juice curry...
nobody can ever call me racist because I love the food of other cultures u.u
making curry before sunrise is psycho behavior
we messed up our sleep schedule we're trying our best :c we're also psychotic
30+ year old transbian finally starting to look for a gf ugh nobody wants me
i don't realy get it. why would you say you hate dick when you have a five thousand dildo and strap collection? fucking weird
>inb4 it's not the same
it is just assume youre a bishit no one cares
I wish god gave us more genitalia to choose from
mommy sorry mommy
the problem is trans people not phalic shapes
how do we solve the tranny problem?
by giving her a lot of kisses?
that would only make the problem worse?
then it's not a problem you fag
was just looking through recent srs photos to see if i really am just misinformed like all of you are saying and i literally gagged
youre all gay men even the cis women, just take cock and like feminine people and stop making it so complicated weirdo fags
Now there's two viet anons that I allegedly rejected? I only recall the one, and only because she was in, you know, Vietnam. I want a gf I can actually see at some point. Now quit spreading misinformation.
You don't make any sense hon
kill yourself whitey
> I only recall the one, and only because she was in, you know, Vietnam. I want a gf I can actually see at some point.
having to take a vacation is too much effort for you?
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I just realized there hasn't been a day where i havent thought about my ex. Its been nearly half a year now i think. Its almost as if i love her even more. Yet at the same time, Im weirdly moving on, even as i yearn. I suppose its a psychological adaption, anthropological even.

I never did get to eat cake with her properly.....
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Life is so unfair because I will never have a cis Vietnamese girlfriend.
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wydag who did not pass the military fitness test
vietnam is a vastly underrated country and ho chi minh was a saint
I would not date someone who wanted to become a babykiller
Like what? Taco burrito or quesadilla?
it's obviously a lie. as she bragged about being a richfag before
Something that doesnt smell like rotten cheese, fish, and other food items. Something pleasant and beautiful. Most people are coping hard about the desirability of their genitals.
My srs is like the medusa gorgon head, can use it to turn people to stone.
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I don't like traveling and especially dislike plane travel.
good morning everyone check this song out
the truest form of love is when derelicts at the very bottom of society find solace in each other
wow great thread everyone keep it up
I saw that on reddit!
for real. love in the lower class becomes a love of survival and reliance. unsure if the same can be said for straight people......i suppose we all settle

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