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How would/do you feel about a partner who is significantly larger than you

What youtube content have you been consuming recently

Can you drive
I'm gay.
giwtwm (left)
qott1: i am the giant gf
qott2: touhou stuff. also a lot of The Math Sorcerer
qott3: no. and i will never :p
>How would/do you feel about a partner who is significantly larger than you
I would probably objectify them more than actually love them.

>What youtube content have you been consuming recently

>Can you drive
No. I have an unironic fear of driving.
I would feel insecure
Video essays about philosophers and esoteric religions
>>37417648 samefagging
Yes. Not rn though I'm drunk. Obiovhsly because I didn't even see the third question
Have one, it's fine because they bottom
Reed Timmer is livestreaming Hurricane Helene rn
I would probably think its hot/cute regardless of gender
I like watching vinesauce vods as background noise
That's not me
Here's my real answers

If female id like it + mommy issues if male and my age then insecure if male and older then like it. If male and taller than me he has to be skinny, if female and taller than me then she has to be curvy

Mostly ex mormon and ex fundamentalist

I'm getting over my fear of driving
t. 6'2 trans girl who cant drive who will watch whatever you want with you on youtube
Why so many people don't drive?
https://unsee cc/album#tKzcFnn0nkA2
Bulking made my ass fucking huge. Joever.
Transgenderism correlates with autism
im an (aspirational) passenger princess. if i can drive it ruins it
would you forcefem an mtf repper?
yes or no
i can actually. everyday i miss my old bike
What would the best job be for a
schizoid pooner
ssi collector
SS officer
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I can't figure out how to get unsee to work right and I'm not going to bother. Here.
>How would/do you feel about a partner who is significantly larger than you
I'm into it. I made my peace with being short a long time ago. Now I just note the convenience of being picked up easily in an emergency lol

>What youtube content have you been consuming recently
cow hoof trimming videos

>Can you drive
Yeah. I need to get myself a ramp car pretty soon but I'm waiting til I move and have an actual parking spot and a chance in hell of keeping my windows unbroken.
*smacks it* nice ass brother
it is 10pm. i'm stinky and have to get up in 9 hours. do i walk to 7/11 in the light drizzle to get a slurpee? what flavor?
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i dont enjoy living but dying hurts too much and i want to watch chainsaw man get fully animated
that would be very hot but its def not a requirement. however i do find size differences like that very hot, especially with hands

video essays on phobias, horror games, and dinosaurs :3 jacob geller my beloved

no :3 i have a lot of trauma regarding vehicles and have lost some very important people in car accidents. i hate being in cars in general
dr pe[[ppr or cokee flavor
youre welcomme
Get whichever drink is light blue
i'ts really pouring and i don't have a rain jacket :( i'd get soaked and wouldn't be able to smoke my j
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Got the same retarded zoomer curtain cut for 3 years now, every day I must fight the temptation to buzz my hair off to start anew even though it’d probably sabotage my passability
>especially with hands
>femgaze anime picture
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Maybe this isn't the place to ask but what would even constitute a forced masc fantasy? Conscripted as a child soldier into an African warlord's army? Stranded in wilderness survival scenario? bf catches you injecting T and demands you immediately drop and give him 50, starting your irreversible 6 month strength training journey? Genuinely curious.
something like this methinks
>be me, drunk
>come back to ftmg for the first time in months
>someone replies to my text post saying I'm not them
>no shit
What the fuck is wrong with you retards
are you cute and breedable? if so yes
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>use women's public bathroom
>little girl comes out of a stall and screams when she sees me
Why would this happen
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You are a male pervert who should GTFO of the women’s restrooms.
i am 5'4" 124 lb, people are usually larger than me but it's nice to be held by someone larger so it isn't all bad
missing persons cases and structure failure analysis
no i am too retarded to drive, i would endanger everyone
...your ugly
oh no. i like cute stuff and think hands are attractive. still transitioning
What do you look like? Can I groom you into the perfect gf?
My girlfriend doesn't want to lose function in her dick, but it's starting to happen, and I can't lie, I want it to continue. How do I convince her to enjoy this?
Lock her up in a cage. She’s only allowed to cum with her ass pussy and tits.
why the fuck am i tired at midnight i dont like it i fell asleep at 8pm too
never posted by face but have posted outfits. go fetch if you really want to. and no :3
My gf used to be taller then me, liked her then and like her now. She's very thin but I wouldn't mind her bulking up.
A lot of vidya reviews, some speedruns, and uni lessons.
Yes. Although I don't technically have a license.
I did.
AHAHAHA. Funny... idk maybe mommy forcing you to be daddy? I'm just freestyling here.
You do you puppy.
being injected. being force fed and encouraged to work out through a combination of implied force or violence, and an ego driven element, worship, praise, etc.
I switched back to DIY, and even though I kept the same dose as prescribed by my clinic, I swear to god I’m feeling ten times hornier than usual. I can’t stop jacking off. It feels like my face gotten a little less puffy too. Yet I wasn’t even poondosed on the legit T, levels were at 650 ng/dl mid-cycle. This shit must be dosed higher than advertised.
>read Atlas Shrugged
>fell into Ayn Rand rabbit hole
Wtf she's right.
i know you're joking but i don't have diabetes, i don't even have prediabetes or insulin resistance
id like it, would want them to lay on top of me
jerma videos
yep, have my own car
Sleep apnea*
>How would/do you feel about a partner who is significantly larger than you
I prefer smaller than me. My ex was 30cm taller than me (I'm 180cm).

>What youtube content have you been consuming recently
I don't use youtube, or any other video consuming site.

>Can you drive

License costs ~2000 euros, insurance and taxes 500-1500 euros a year, gas is 2 euros per litre. If I would have that kind of money, I would drive. Until then it'll be just me and my bicycle, T-raging at other cyclers.
Hey pooners, is this true >>>/his/17116748 ?

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