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what is gaygen's favorite season and why is it /autumn/?
This thread is a post early and I intend to report and prosecute this violation to the fullest maximum penalty of the law.
i like summer
>reposting because end of thread

I mean… you also have insurance which is crazy there. It’s also way too car dependent.

$10 for 6 isn’t bad for good beer, too.
>$10 for 6 isn’t bad for good beer, too
lol if you want good beer (craft) in colorado it's gonna be even more than $10, some 6-packs are like $16. twelve packs can cost $24.
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1. Autumn
2. Winter
3. Spring
4. (((Summer)))
based. summer is the worst.
How can you drink craft beers ive tried dozens and they all sucked o.o
do you actually try styles of beer or do you just drink whatever says "craft" on it, genuine question.
Winter, autumn, spring, summer. me like cold
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ick on eck spammer is deranged but would let him breed me lovingly desu .
I long to buy a house in Australia and live there during American summers, which is winter in Australia, thus cheating nature out of its scornful wrath.
I just went by friends recommendations, they probably were different styles
No one likes an uppity alcoholic
~$11-12 is what it is here for a 6 pack craft beers, and that’s at the slightly pricey store (best selection, though).
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well i mean that's the problem, craft isn't a style. if you don't like pale ales, for example, then craft pale ales won't taste good. what styles of beer do you like?
nobody likes me anyway so i might as well be the worst i can possibly be :3
You just need haircut.
i'm happy for you.
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Don't get a haircut
I believe the morning sun
Idk about styles i like kapuziner, erdinger , paulaner in that order :3
okay but those breweries make different styles. for example i love paulaner's doppelbock (salvator).
Why Colorado, then?
Oh shit here we only have 1 style lemme check which one
can you make it clap?
Feet :)
It says weissbier is that a style o.o
I’d guess lager, pilsner, or IPA.
yes, hefeweizens/weissbiers are great i love them. they are wheat beers, if you like wheat beers then you should look specifically for those when you are shopping for craft beer. was this helpful? please rate 1-5.
How are you doing /gaygen/?
Yes, 5/5 ur nicer than people say o.o
Do you have a pussy or a dick?
to add onto that, erdinger and paulaner i recognize as german breweries, german beer is very good, so if you like weissbier i recommend weihenstephaner's hefe weissbier, and one of my all-time favorites, their "vitus" weizenbock.
Americans don't understand what words mean
plot twist: tex has never even tried beer in his life
since he is faking intersex and catfishes straight guys as a hobby it's actually plausible
Cooper cops
Ty, will check if they sell it in my shithole country and gibe review o.o
where do you live? if you get paulaner and erdinger then i guarantee you'll get weihenstephaner.
What country is that?
I don't think he ever even lived in Texas and I don't think he lives in Colorado now. He has a Slavic phenotype and the interior of his house from pics he's shown looks more European than American.
you are a schizo
Serbia, the Gods chosen land :3
Will drinking beer make me manlier and put more hair on my chest?

t. Straight edge NEET
you're closer to germany than i am so i don't see why you wouldn't have access to their beer :3
idk about that. can we just stick to the intersex stuff since he was proven to be lying there
>Erm actually its hebephilia you see...
no, beer is one of the more questionable "masculine" stereotypes and actually contains a bunch of phytoestrogens (which probably don't even do anything anyway). it's guaranteed to taste like a wet sweaty sock until you've built a palette for it. if you want to look masculine just drink straight whiskey or somethin idk. beer ain't it.
We dont get weihenstephaner in regular stores only specialized beer stores , just checked :c
>the interior of his house from pics he's shown looks more European than American
this really doesnt matter if hes a catfish, the guy whose pics he's using might be european but that doesn't mean he is. BUT i don't think there's been any proof of tex catfishing other than the a pic of a guy's balls he stole from femgen and tried to pass of as himself. face pics could still actually be him, especially if you ascribe to the theory that he is ftm
Didn't you say once that drinking beer makes you lactate?
tex is huggable
I was trolling all day and floridian boys like me actually LOVE storms that are as violent as possible

I regret to inform u it isn’t that bad even in the worst areas and if anyone tells you different they’re lying. good night
this is dumb i've posted timestamps before.
Ah, can’t help you then other than: consider the spectrum of light/dark and malty/hoppy, you can probably work your palette into that. I could also stir the pot, but not tonight—just not feeling it.
until we see your dick timestamped nobody cares
For being obsessed with pedophilia, Americans can't even decide on a uniform age of consent. You're a pedophile in California if you date a 16 year old, but not a pedophile if you cross into Nevada with him......oop pedophile again if you cross into Utah, but you're not a pedophile again if you fly to Kansas.
wasn't that ass pic stolen from somewhere?
Ty, been drinking a bunch recently, might as well learn about my poison o.o
yeah it was stolen from a random femboy anon. wasn't timestamped either
tex in 2020
>i can lactate after several alcohol benders that raise stress/prolactin but that's it.
what do you think it tastes like?
on gaygen either you are on the 'mones or lie about having a penis
no middle ground
Im not even that obsessed with it, Im just sick of people screeching "BIPEEDDOO" at me because I like twinks because of hebephiles like you making me look bad. Also if Im not mistaken past a certain age engaging in sex with a 16 year old for example would be illegal even if its the AOC in that state but I could be wrong.
it tastes like lies since that is obviously him doing some kind of weird sex larp
i thought texanon was asexual though
Insane that anyone believes these constant retarded larps
@Tex answer this
I refuse to believe you haven't tasted it
idc have sex bincel
That’s a good idea! I did the same many years ago and it helped me understand a lot about my palette—food, drink, etc. it can also helps with cooking a lot.
With children? Like you?
most tops would go younger if they could
most bottoms would as well
>if they could
Tops are privilaged to be a minority, they can always trade up just on supply and demand
If Im not mistaken one of the most popular gay pornstars was the IRL equivelant to a shota, so probably
>IRL equivalent to a shota
Gaygen isnt ready to discuss how many bottoms go after virile 18 and 19 year old tops
>Pedoposting and debates over AoC
Jfl, what was I expecting
the holden pill
the shiza pill
Henlo, what do you wanna talk about
I’m going to head out soon. I have less than half a beer left. Have a good night all!
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my bf is 18 sorry you're gaydead tho lol
not really
why would i want an old top with erectile dysfunction?
I thought the Holden pill was steroids and the Shiza pill was estrogen
Gn :3
whatever the holden pill is, just be warned that it contains a lethal dose of fentanyl
Halloween :D
today’s bottoms can’t even weave a proper funeral shroud
Drink a twisted tea and do a swanton bomb off your roof.
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Are you possibly an FTM pooner?
Killing stalking where a guy kidnaps his twink stalker forces him to crossdress and rape breeds him, very based
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>fem twink at work compliments my body everyday
>constantly asks me about my workout routine
>today he asks if its ok if we work out together
>says he's gald i'm cool with him beign gay and talking to him
he thinks i'm straight and doesn't know i'll absolutely destroy his ass. I think i'll play along.
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throw me some numbers
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Good evening! (*´ω`*)
Haiii uwu
dang living the dream anon
The number of hellos I give you
Hello ^-^

Henlo, Anon. Are you having a good evening?
Bros I just spent half an hour, as every night, talking to the mirror, making funny faces and daydreaming conversaion with people I wish were my friends.
How normal is this? Do you think i'm loosing it?
I'm so lonely bros :(
Foot rating: 4.5/10
Too small and slim
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What the fuck is that picture of Cody Rhodes lol
of his shoot massive BWC, yes
too bad he’s a race traitor.
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its that time of the year again where i appear to say hello, i love you all, youll see me again in another 6 months when ive built up enough lore to be attractive
You look like a dork.
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im pursuing a man 3 years older than me rn but ok girl
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i got blowbanged on the dance floor of a night club once
Very handsome and love the hat, see you later!
just realized bug and spider are two different ppl uhh
spiders are not bugs, but both spiders and bugs are friends. important to know.
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i am because i do dangerous stuff like riding broncs and getting hurt on purpose, but go off
dont get smart with me texy
And you’re a country boy, ick.
i let the wolf spider chill in my bedroom corner cause he kills the bugs but will go back to his spot, doesnt make a web, but when he moves from his spot for too long one day, he's getting evicted
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dang i shoulda used this image.
i love wolf and grass spiders, they used to visit indoors all the time in texas.
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but u didn't
wolf spiders scare me but are also my favorite, so long as we don't have to cross paths
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no cuntry boys live in cities with lifted chevy's and tahoes, i live in the middle of nowhere and can actually ride a horse.

Your insult was dismissed now look at this cool shit i can do and date me u_u
i named mine "cutie-patootie-stay-away-from-fucking-me" the other day :)
I want to rape you.
You couldn't handle this ass dude
I don’t man, what else do you bring to the table?
wood to keep warm in winter, hunting for food on the table and in the freezer, minor mechanical knowledge, and bottom.

Now wheres the ring u_u
I could mount you.
post it
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k but like, picnic date first
It’ll arrive in 3-5 business days. Please stay active until then X)
nuh uh am not gunna
long as you somewhat look like ol' Paycheck then ill say yes so i can be the cute house-husband
do you lurk and wait for your name to be brought up? annoying pedophile tranny
i dont lurk i just check the archive, ppl usually talk about me
He is terminally online and has nothing better to do
because I can wear comfy clothes
you namesearch the archive every day? thats hilarious
get a job. and make sure it doesnt involve kids
its ok for shiza to like loli and shota. thats transgender culture
well i wanna reply freshly not days after, i have college again next week
>and make sure it doesnt involve kids
Nobody in Poland would hire a transgender woman to work with children lol
i dont like it and i watch porn thats too masculine for the projecting bipedos itt
why do you have to see and reply to every post that mentions you in the first place? thats mental illness
i dont reply to every post that mentions me, i like seeing what ppl say about me, if that's narcissism i can live with that just fine
Remember when she posted shota piss art in the thread and tried to argue it wasn't shota? Then it turned out the pic came from a fujo artist who exclusively draws shota watersports and bestiality porn? She got really mad and started calling everyone "niggers" for not supporting her fetishes
joxter was into shota, watersports and bestiality as well. seems to be a common trifecta in transgender women
im not arguing abt this for the 20th time aeons later, if thats ur headcanon go ahead
they get into piss as a substitute for female ejaculation since it is impossible for them
they get into dogs as a substitute for straight men since straight men don't want to have sex with them
i need to get fucked like a bitch
I'm into shota, watersports and feet. I guess that last one being different means I just barely missed trooning out.
Thinking I’m going to become one of those people who buys all sorts of random trinkets off amazon. I wonder what I should buy next.

I’m gonna get a foot bath.
I was really into shota when I was 12-15 and I was scared as hell that I was a pedo kek
RIP Shochan.org
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Going with this one. It seems like the biggest one and it says up to size 13 for males, mine are 15 but hopefully it will be ok.
I like giant boys tbhdesu
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Tfw anus looks like this after using my big dildo
where do I find a gay in denial to powerbottom
Spiders and bugs are friends, not food hehe
fleas and mosquitos deserve to be burned to death, but yea spiders are fine i guess
you're so cool
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why are u linking her wikipedia article
i know who i stan and everyone should too!
Does she have a butt chin or is that a mole?
i wish to feel the full weight of another man on top of me, as he takes me.
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Its like you can tell no one in these threads laugh except the sociopaths. Wow.
I smile sometimes
i cant stop farting ;_;
penis is too powerful, therein lies the danger
I hope you fart til your asshole falls out
It'll fall out on its own with time

I can't stop making such jokes at bottoms expense, why tho
what do they smell like
asking for a friend
cabbage... ;_;
i'm not ashamed to admit it. i want to know what another guy's ballsack smells like, up-close, with my nose pressed up against it so i can get the biggest whiff. ssssnffff
Part of me wants to be Nadia’s husband but part of me wants to be skunk’s wife
Im ashamed to admit it, but its true
Who is Nadia?
Oh yes. I like her black girl arc tbhon
it is 5:30am and I'm eating white chocolate chips with Sunkist for breakfast
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Y r u not eeping?
A good bottom knows how to keep her top happy
i wish that happened to me so badly
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why you dont have this?
god I hate faggots
my sleep schedule is flipped and I'm also very high
internal homophobia
omg me too :3 hiii!!
I don't need anybody in my zone
who is the most internally homophobic faggot here
Are you actually eating cabbage? Im only asking because Id like to know how you are eating. Cabbage, taters and some ham would be a good start.
A better question is why he is eating that for breakfast.
considering I can be openly a gay faggot on 4chan and then have to draw the chud face on anywhere else I'm a big contender
Im a shut in and also not a Chad, so I will never have a cute bf to do normal things with.
Hes high
I haven't been hungry for like actual food much lately so getting some type of calories in
Would you date/fuck a guy you used to babysit as a teen? Asking for a friend.
Number one, your question is: what is your biggest mistake?
id probably count in some way
Why not
Well please get some healthier food for lunch or your insides wont work right, at a minimum. A well made sandwich, soup and salad at least. Or better if you can.
coffee counts as a food and that gives me an idea.
And hat if he is twelve years younger?
If hes legal ye
I like my guys how I like my coffee. Latino ;-)
what the fuck is a latino coffee
Full of sugar?
Coffe made with Latino coffee beans. I only drink coffee made with Brazilian coffee beans actually
Idw you to get sick. For lunch have a hearty sandwich and good soup.
It has cream on top but if you lift it it's brown down below
gay stuff too hot
pidzer maybe but like later though
I loved coffee even as a kid. I saw the movie "Romancing the Stone" set in Columbia and became obsessed with the country and everything in it. I used to pretend the forests around my home was a jungle. Even had a real leather Indiana Jones type hat. (Later I got into James Bond and was a 'Russian spy', spent fortunes on gadgets)
Just make sure its got lots of good stuff on it.
i like my guys how i like my coffee
chilled and costing £3.60 with the tesco meal deal
unholy amounts of red pepper
shut up fat fuck
Tesco meal deal is £4
damn that sucks
being friends with a middle eastern cashier at a gas station is like the modern equivalent of the Aladdin merchant except he doesn't sell lamps he sells fake mushroom chocolate bars
>I only drink coffee made with Brazilian coffee beans actually
Impossible not to read this in a flamer's voice
And that's on periodt
black with a little cream if you catch my drift

Can I take a moment to beg you guys to please not drink energy drinks besides coffee? I am really worried about what that garbage is going to do to your bodies the way people swill it down. It cant possibly be safe in such constant quantities. You guys have enough food problems as it is without being guinea pigs for some beverage conglomerate. They'd sell you radioactive camel piss if they could get away with it to make a buck. You deserve better than that and can do better. All that stuff is garbage. Same with most of your bottled and canned coffees.
They did the mash
They did the monster mash
I was friends with an Iraqi. He had some really interesting takes on homosex that you would either love or hate, depending on your views. He was funny af too.
Drinking peach wine mixed with apple brandy and apple cider with hot pizza pocket on the side. Feels good youtube
Is red bull with 0 sugar bad?
>my bumble matches from 2022
I swear It was mostly chubby hippie black women and pe teacher built guys thrown in
twink curse
Its not the worst, but I take some issue with the delivery of caffeine and artificial sweeteners. As with most preservatives and additives, its not so much the substances as the repeated ingestion of them. You could do worse. I just wouldnt make it a habit or routine. I would say the same of any soda but added synthetics is a bit worse.
fuck being vers
Ur a bottom tho
will bottom for Arizona tea
Will tongue punch your pipeline for Monster Pipeline Punch
You couldn’t top to save your life
does gaygen like southeast asians?
mango makes me GAY
Compared to some of the stuff I am reading itt a hot pocket might actually be an improvement. They arent as heavy on preservatives of concern as one might think. Its mostly an issue of empty calories, but thats mostly a dough issue, not specific to the item.
You mean Indians?
>Arizona tea
So much sugar, HFCS even.
my problem is the bottom aspect of being vers
I don't want that side
I have a functional dick and thrusting ability
Yeah I love ladyboys
bring back the fucking metal sleeve I want to keep putting metal in the microwave without the consequences of my actions
Some Laotian femboy bullied me in school, he literally wore a skirt to school kek its so over.
sounds like that stands for a big word so gonna ignore what that means cause that's gay as fuck
viets malaysians etc
Why do u dislike it? Is it cuz of what other ppl say about bottoms?
why do you think I'm a bottom in denial
id just rather top
You just give off massive bottom vibes
I dont know what a laotian is
High Fructose Corn Syrup, or 'the devil's sugar'. Diabetes express, basically.
no I dont
Make a straspoll and post it here and let gaggen decide
yeah when I'm like old and twink dead but who cares about post twink death things
Well a bad diet makes it happen faster, is all Im sayin'...
yeah lol faggot not clicking the xitter link
Its funny
I'm gonna fuck your dad and make him call me your name and I'm unplugging your router
viets have nothing to do with malaysians
I like viets but not malaysians
I make sure to click every single link posted here
its what americans use to masturbate their pps because they have no foreskin
I thought that was just a movie thing lmao
i have no idea i just wanted to post something stupid
>And that’s when it started raining poo. Globules of human waste splattered over windshields and a number of unfortunate passing pedestrians. The horrible cloud blanketed the road in a fine poo mist as clumps continued to rain down from the heavens. At the base of the eruption, the most foul, evil liquid seeped out of the ground, flooding the road and creating a vile lake of boiling excrement of Talmudic proportions. Local authorities have said that no one was injured in the poo explosion, but that appears to be of little solace to those caught in its putrid aftermath. As one driver put it: ‘I'm drenched in poo, my car is splattered yellow. It's ruined.’
>The mother of all cleanup operations is now underway.

There was an explosion of sewage and rain of shit in china basically :P
everyone knows about chinas fascination with human waste I've seen way too many mythical creatures boiled in Walmart bags to forget
Have u heard lf sewer oil?
yeah main ingredient for deep fried bones in mystery sauce
Mmmmm fried bones
what did you have for breakfast, gigi? i had a poppy seeded bagel with butter, cereal, a croissant and a cuppa coffee :3
Im stealing that. I had a tortilla with hummus, spinach, egg, cheese, salami :3
>Im stealing that
and I stole that from the Brits lol
some brain disease from some entity I was having a staring contest with at the edge the woods behind my backyard, but I think the sickness died of hungry and also I had a red bull
let me guess "its only gay if you bottom and dont have a beard"
>I had a red bull
red bull is puke, anon
How does a masc straight seeming guy show that he's a bottom?
I'm a 5'3 masc trans guy and I recently found out I'm bi. I've been going to gay bars and it's been really nice! People telling me I'm cute, freedom to look at cute guys. My problem is I give off straight more dom vibes. I curse a lot, havr a deeper voice, a beard. But I really feel like a huge sub. All I want is for a guy twice much stronger than me to fuck my brains out. But maybe these guys are just not into me because they think im not a bottom. Are there any subtle ways to show that I'm subby?
Fuck you buddy
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>RT/Russia Today
>"... a road in China just suffered explosive diarrhea, the likes of which is not normally seen outside the more repugnant 4chan greentexts."
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i fatly ate a whole bag of junk food after dinner last night so skipping breakfast
gonna take some french bread with peanut butter for lunch (cause its about to go stale)
a little but caffeine withdrawals hit me so desperate measures:333
2 Girls 1 Bull
wear poonerwear, tell them you like pooner comics
more like notinteresting
one cup is not gonna do any harm. it's better than chugging on that junk drink all day long
anyone who has a bf is not allowed to post here
Not exactly. It wasnt that anglo hyper-articulate or memey. Idr it all, but what I remember most was his horrified wife (one of two, the white one) blushing and running inside while he was giving cat-calls to a long haired skater twink passing by and cackling like mad at her reaction. From what I can tell, they make a distinction between doing homosex and living as 'gay'. One is having salad, the other is in-your-face vegan, the latter being the point of conflict.
That would be nice, i hate people being happy
>Mandarin duck
What a lovely animal

I like all ducks, but I am especially fond of exotic ones like wood ducks and mandarins.

Hope the Haitians dont find them.

so stop posting
Was he a gaycel?
All serial killers r gay/trans reppers
Lmao these niggas have dainty princess feet
drag her
Well guess what, i will keep on being happy no matter what. No one can bring me down.
I will piss on your plushies
you are deranged

gaygen, do I give bottom or top or vers vibes
Bratty bottom
theres different kinds of ducks??

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