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Femgen is an inclusive general for femboys, trans girls, trans boys, non binary people, etc.
QoTT: What do you get on your pizza?
i finally found batboy
i love slender boys so much its unreal
What’s a good workout for the flat tummy slender femboy look?
Front and side planks to start with. Start doing crunches and then weighted crunches as well as leg raises. You can do hanging leg raises when you can and eventually windscreen wipers. Use grips to assist if you don't have the hand/forearm strength to hang there that long.
Also you need low bodyfat percentage
I fucking love that style and look on a guy. Instant heart WHOMP moment.
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Pepperoni, bacon, black olives, jalepenos. None of that stuff microwaves well though so sometimes I just get cheese.

Anyways, just greased the bolt on this bitch, shit rides like glass now
QoTT - Got to be meat feast. Chicken, pepporoni, sausage, ham, extra cheese, maybe peppers. Depends on what they have.

Lookin real purty like
Bottoms should not be allowed to touch their wieners or have them touched until they've earned it. Not sure why I have to keep explaining this to them.
Anyone can get a flat tummy if they get themselves low fat (the hardest part to resist temptation and put the fork down) and put a little effort in. It's not reliant on genetics like trying to be a pro athlete or body builder.
i really like bbq chicken pizza with a bunch of onions :3
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How many of you actually are on HRT?
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i am
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Not me, it would probably just give me moobs. I'd prefer cute pecs.
hello fags im getting so close to a normal sleep schedule its taken weeks
usually just pepperoni, but ill eat it either with any meat or just cheese
ive always wanted to try pineapple though, i wanna see if its actually as good/bad as people argue or if its just mid

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