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Previous >>37417749
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Todays the day gaygen gives me the respect I deserve.
sub vers bottom with brat tendencies
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Just ate a tub of Ben and Jerry's and shitting my guts out on the toilet
Free palestine btw
fuck you I'm not a brat
What kind? I like Cherry Garcia. I like Chunky Monkey too, but nowadays they put too much stuff in and not enough ice cream.
Do bdsmtest
>Free palestine btw
I don't want it
S+ Post
I like dom/sub dynamic but I'll never agree to being tied
All is mine.

Ice creams too.
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Genuine thoughts?
There was a gay serial killer who would ask people to tie then up and if they agreed he killed them after they fucked
If gaygen doesnt stop yapping about pedos, I will be forced to discuss homogays.

Lrn2 conversation you creeps.
That's what you're implying
you’re much dumber than you give yourself credit for
Hot feet
>is this a kid?
>"why are you thinking about sex?"
He’s pretty good looking, but he has like a douchebag vibe to him.
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need him as my bf fr
stay away from kids
zoomer feet don't do much for me

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA stop giving me nightmare fuel, anon
why is frotty malding because someone called out a pedo lmfao
That's what makes him hot
i’m calling out a shit troll, get new material retard
>a troll
>for pointing asking if someone a guy was a kid
This is giving pick up
My FWB is going with me to the clinic for my screening and consult on prep
This dude is so sweet, he wanted to introduce me to some of the groups and services at the clinic. We're gonna go get dinner afterwards too :3
I'll do it later
>My FWB is going with me to the clinic for my screening and consult on prep
Sounds like a weak faggot
what the fuck is a situationship
Dont call me a bitch, bottom
you really can’t help yourself huh? compulsive with it
He just wants to make sure ur on prep
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Thoughts on Lana Del Rey's hunk husband?
Right? dumb bottom thinks he's there to take care of him type shit LMAOO
the ex was hotter
Does he ever show hims feet?
He's an adorably faggy skinny guy yes, that's my exact type
Yeah ik, is that not still caring about my health and well-being? He's the first guy I've hooked up with and has been a great friend, he's given me a lot of good info on how to be safe and still explore :3
Yeah i do this routine with every longterm bottom lmaoo
Mother is hitting her 40s soon so she needed to find a man. Jeremy will treat her right xoxo
don't let these jealous fags get into your head, anoon. he sounds sweet and make sure to treat him well
No one said it was sexual, someone asked if the guy in the op was a kid and you got butthurt because you felt called out.
Who on top?
Like three whole trips ever good for any conversation and the rest of gaygen is basement dwelling pervy neet riff-raff.
Guy in op's pic is clearly not a child so fuck off
Im not butthurt cuz I didnt post the picture, some anon literally called OP a pedo for using that picture when theres nothing sexual about it.
They play sword games until both of them cum and then they cuddle and sleep.
you’re being trolled lol
you love the feet fags tho, yes?
good for her im glad she's just dating regular guys now
I'm the top lmao
Thx anon I'm just enjoying having a real connection with a guy, even if it's just casual and friendly right now
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winona ryder's husband is hotter imho
>Im not butthurt
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Im sure its the same bitter old faggots constantly bitching about how liking twinks makes you a "bipedo", all of them should shut the fuck up and accept I will never like old ugly men such as themself.
why is gigi defending a pedo a now :/
I've never seen someone actually explain why being attracted to teenage boys (12+) is bad
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this skunk lookalike
Im meeting my on-and-off fwb soon hehehe
Very excited :)
You got called a pedo because you got defensive after someone asked if that was a kid.
Riff-raff. Hoi polloi even.
OP's image is straight from twitter lol
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>such as themself.
Now just a damn minute. I am an ugly old man and I never said twinks should be into me. And what would I care when you can buy one for the price of a ham sandwich and get two more with the change. The ones complaining are always ones who have been gay dead since freshman year anyways.
No retard, someone called OP a pedo which was likely you samefagging and now your acting coy like a little bitch. Calling everyone else a pedo not even searching up the account yourself (the image is entirely non sexual so who cares btw) makes it seem like you are projecting, I wouldnt be surprised if your the guy who spergs out at people for liking twinks and calls them pedos either
don't try and frame this as me being bratty
Didnt call you a brat that time, i just called you a bottom, brat
Im not hating on old gay men, only insecure twink dead ones who want to sperg out at young men for liking other hairless young men and try to gaslight them into liking ugly old gay men
You do not fool me. I know whats what. Thats what. And thats that.
I hope you realize how deranged you sound right now.
guys, c'mon. if we keep fighting amongst ourselves, (((they))) are gonna win
>Entirely non sexual image
Do you not see how you reacting like this makes it seem like you are the one framing it in a sexual context? You are likely a pedophile projecting on everyone else, very sad to see
you type like bavbav>>37420916
U mean the (((they)))/(((thems)))?
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Thats what I mean. They are just jealous. I assume they have looks issues. They dont give a fart about kids until it comes to dating anyone under 40.
>someone called OP a pedo
No one did. Once again, someone simply asked if the guy was a kid and you got defensive over it.
Go ahead explain to me how this isnt accusing OP of being a epdophile?
Dumb nigger. BTFO
Why would anyone save pics of children to begin with?
why should americans support palestine. they haven’t done anything for us or the world for that matter.
I'm so hideously ugly and fat
i hate being retarded
this nigga is scraping the bottom of the barrel looking for (You)s
Stop fighting. It's an insult to tankanon's memory.
did that retarded nigga kill himself?
did you know that once upon a time, Palestinian refugees were given sanctuary by Jordan and then some years later, those Palestinians tried to coup d'état the king of Jordan instead?
professor mcgonagall died :(
Mad. Getting madder.

Good and mad.
Ur never beating the alegations
she was so young :(
may i ask you a question oh mighty and wise one
suck my dick
Desperate attempt at denying bottomry
The rush I get out of dominating fags on 4chan is like none other.

t. Power bottom
R.I.P to a real one.
:( she was hilarious in Harry Potter movies
eh, sure why not
does your bf also have trouble breathing?
I always thought she kinda hated Downton Abbey.
No, obese men are repulsive.
do you like blink 182
your bf is debaser?
If you’re at the point of your life where you’re so fat you can’t fucking breathe when sleeping you should actually kill yourself.
actually they can, I knew I was gay when I was 12

having said that. can we not with op pics of kids.
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Time to make my egg, ham & cheese sammich SINCE NO ONE ELSE WILL
i was trolling
may be. doing a tv schedule shooting at that age must be annoying in a lot of ways
big black cocks
add some greens too, luv
oh, some people really do think that including gay guys who didn’t think about sex until later in their teens
no, thank you
im just a downtown abbey boy <3
>downtown abbey
lol. how does it feel to be retarded, anon?
we spieeees internet slow hands killer
i like link 80
its just phone spelling nonsense
american phones don't see downton as a word
post their best track plz i need to build my playlist
I would think it was because the role kinda overshadowed everything else she made or she hated how much attention she got from it.
I should go to the store, but I am lazy.
the open house episode implies that it's called like that because it was an abbey located down the town :D
i dislike being attracted to smart silver fox types

nice cope
vers exists

the lead singer was Danielle Steel's son
some famous romance author lol
this is why you need a bottom in your life bottoms love doing the shopping
>nice cope
Stop projecting
bottoms can't handle money
Ye they can, dont bully them
Yes but...
>bottom goes shopping
>uses your credit card
>comes back home with new cloths/shoes/home decor
>you sent him out to buy not more than a bottle of milk and a carton of eggs
And then they'll tell you "i bought it because it's was so cuuute". Bottoms can't resist the tricks of the industry and commerce.
most everyone alive today will always know her for two works: Harry Potter and Downton Abbey. I didn't even know that she was an Oscar winner until I read her wiki
The bottom hate in this thread is insane, we need feminism for bottoms!
excuse me!?? this is such a wild accusation
That has never happened in history of bottomry, its just stereotypes...
Stereotypes have to come from somewhere :)
I want to move up north. maybe a suburb or rural town in PA, Maine or upstate new york all sound nice
get back in the kitchen
From the evil hearts of toppoms
maine is beautiful and white
but you have to watch out for tick-borne illnesses
this is why you give cash. can't spend more than you got. giggity
come to midtown Manhattan in NYC
I sent my bottom out to get gas he came back with 2 bottles of Jägermeister and gas station donuts
It was to surprise you ???
>Literally untraceable
I think not. The only sensible decision is to make a card that is limited to the amount of whatever the stuff they should buy costs.
I'm not coping
I want a girlfriend
yeah they're called debit cards, Mr smarty top
i always walk to bryant park
typical bottom spur of the moment surprise that I had to pay for.
if you were a bottom you might be baku's type
See >>37421297

Yes. Bonus points if you customize it to say something like "Bottom Card - DOES NOT EXCEED X$"
yes and hotties in shorts running is always a nice scenario
>send bottom for some milk
>he comes back with a tub of ice cream, a face mask and a box chocolates because it's her self-care day
>he also forgot the milk
You enjoyed it tho.
Anecdote, irrelevant. You need to stop bullying bottoms
go to get some milk and never come back.

But they're into it :/
>send bottom for some milk
>he comes back with lube, anal vibrator, leash and handcuffs
No, they are just too scared go speak up from the trauma :c
I enjoyed pounding his drunkbottom ass tbf
Latino men... *drools*
ok I gotta head out now. can't be staying here forever in this top vs bottom world. I mean I'm a man on a mission. ciao, gigi. cya later
correct answer, anon
i love women
calm down xan
Nice cope
i usually go to pier 62 to check out the skateboarders, find me some fresh meat
how the fuck is that a cope
Its not me
If u really did love women you wouldnt schizopost about it
I thought it was the pedotroll that saves pics of children.
Why does cock in the mouth feel so good
Why does cock in general feel so good bros
I wanna suck dick for the first time but im so scared
why would you be scared?
What if i suck at it or if i puke :(
now this is pedo shit
do you think arnold schwarzenigger had sex with his son? if i was his father i would tap that
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get your a bf who does yoga
im just saying what's the harm in savings pics of children unless the pics are sexual or illegal? i haven't seen anyone post such things
that asian woman in the background looks like she's gong to kill the white boy and put him in her rice soup
Gaygen is too phallocentric
dicktatorship of the holetariat
i think about ass more than that
tops don't mind, bad head is better than no head plus it's fun watching you learn how to do it right and you're not gonna puke don't be silly.
yeah there's nothing better than watching a virgin gag but keep trying and trying until he makes you cum
>been seeing some things i shouldn't be
>/like what anon? what're you schizo?/
>like safety violations...
>/oh.... one of mine?/
>you already told on your own. they're not the only one.
gaygen is too fucking boring
no one really exudes their own personality
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the fulfillment and pure euphoria of getting your hole stuffed with your boyfriend's rock hard dick as he cuddles you and holds your throat firmly from behind uwu
funny arent you the one who constantly complains about his size?
what would be the point? just makes you a target for the unhinged
all gays are unhinged
you can not be a good person and be gay at the same time
your literally fantasizing about cock and ass all day
bro you keep saying this and still comeback, that's insanity
I need to reinvent myself
Oki ty for motivation :3
get suckin'
Why dont u exude deez nuts down ur throat
if your member causes you to sin cut it off!
Ill suck the first dick availabe uwu
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its weird how food grows abundantly but all at the same time so if you don't use it up quickly it goes bad really quick
its like everything is designed to make humans struggle
Everything in life is a war between two extremes
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watching The North Water
Colin Farrell's character could top me desu
Oo thats a big boye
i am not a gay sub
whatever you say champ
Did your daddy dom teach you to say that
he comes across way too fem
Are you stunted?
hes trying too hard to appear masc is what i mean which is very fem
Nah ur just delulu
Mommy, mama, Aзилия Aмaндa Бэнкc behind YOU :brown_heart:
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>open grindr for the first time in almost a year
>get a message within 10 minutes
>it's the bottom I hooked up with then ghosted for weeks or sometimes months like 5 times
>"hey you're back"
Is it time to move to mexico and assume a different identity?
>delete the app
id prefer a mommy dom
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take this image as an example
only one of these guys is really masc
he's too masc to care about muscle development
Is this bert kreischer
ideal top
what was wrong with the bottom that you ghosted them?
Low tier bait
>younger, taller top x older, smaller bottom
is this acceptable?
only if you love your old bottom and treat him like a prince
I think its gross
I get the heebie jeebies from ppl expressing affection like if I keep interacting with them I'll be indebted to them in a way that I can't repay idk
Don't go too fast or deep before you get used to the feeling, and make sure it's a clean guy (in both the disease AND hygiene way). Most dudes go crazy even for mid head. Look in his eyes while you do it, nothing like staring straight at a dude while you suck the soul out of him.
Fuck I can't wait to see my guy Tuesday I'm gonna absolutely swallow him.
weight gap relationships (300lb x 120lb)..thoughts?
if i post again it means im a total gay fag
if i dont post again it means i have secured a tomboy bi/mtf gf
Tyy for the tips i appreciate :3 gl with the sword swallowing o.o
odds he'll get a wife, have kids, and stop posting
even's he'll get a bf and become a total bottom cock slut
This will get cited
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>Look in his eyes while you do it

Dont be clever and take your time. Pay attention to what you are doing and especially to bodily feedback. Change rhythm less as you continue but more in the beginning. If you let him know its new to you, he should be more helpful and understanding and talk you through it. Remember that its about him, not you.
how do I stop falling in love with every cute guy I encounter?
imagine they're all underage?
What's wrong, don't like it when I stare at you while I service that fat dick?
how do i stop falling in love with fellow gaygen posters?
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his size is not what i was complaining about; it was because we had an argument about me, going to the gym without him and he wanted to spend the day together since it was his day off but i wanted to go to the gym because i hate having to spend the day doing nothing when i could be working on my ass instead :s
you could workout in front of him naked?
Yessir :3
some of them probably are?
ugh oh
With who?
omg sis fuck omg its like double gay omfg
my wig
Now you know your destiny
gaygen meetup when?
as long as he's cute and effem
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idt i would be able to focus on my workout without him constantly making dirty jokes and trying to hold my waist while i'm doing yoga :s
>gaygen meetup when?
Once covid comes back and removes our sense of smell
We dont stink :c
naked pull-ups
How many can you do
anyway I'm still vers
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My ideal bf.
right off the school bus?
>start cooking more
>still have the "cook more than you need mentality" in me cause family would eat my food
>mfw I have made too much food
I'm starting to understand grannies. Especially the ones who went through war.
Nah its been confirmed 3x times that ur a bratty bottom bitch
he's 20
i've done as many as 30 without stopping but usually its around 20
as a straight mtf I came to /lgbt/ and realised every tranny general is just unemployed unwashed autistic manchild "transbians" most who make no attempt to hide their crossdressing fetishism or obsession with anime featuring lesbianism or young female characters.
They spend every thread crying "woe is me", spamming tripfag drama, or autistic children's video games / anime lesbianism
I've never met a more insufferable or hateable bunch of losers, and I'd consider myself a mentally ill loser given I'm a tranny too
/gaygen/ is the only bastion of anything good on this godforsaken board. please make more threads outside this general to upend their unwashed """"transbian"""" hegemony on /lgbt/. thanks.
suck my nuts
post feet
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hes cute
>guy i had a crush on in college
this general is not good your standards are just skewed because everything else is worse. the real move is to get off this website
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lil nas is so fucking ugly
Let's see yours :3
i need some directions on how to make feet pics
i dont find feet sexy whatsoever so i have no idea how to take a foot pic
is there like foot lingerie or foot jockstraps i can put on
>lil nas
i cant even remember who that is
>foot lingerie or foot jockstraps
Now there's a business idea
Go kill yourself
Just make sure ur soles are visible
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put some peanut butter on them :3
glad i dont have fagcent at least
those better not be a girls feet otherwise im gonna be sick
>foot lingerie
Already has been invented, Birkenstocks with Socks.

you know,

the goods
shorter younger service top x taller older bottom with power bottom tendencies
Would gaygen go to war if their country's army conscripted them?
I'd suck off all the guys in my unit
if it was like ww2 sure. now no, i'm not fighting in ww3 over russia/ukraine or israel/iran or china/taiwan, that's their problem
shut up
is my country being invaded or does involve the actual jurisdiction of my country?
if so yes
otherwise no
Not trying to gaslight you, but im pretty sure you have a faggy voice
lol no, i dont love my country enough to fight for it
You only hate me because I speak the truth.
have u actually heard it
As soon as im in possession of a weapon ill start killing people around me and then kill myself
28 and feels like life is already over
decided on a whim to buy tickets to a club but then I realise it's all going to be U20 and I'm going to be sick, I have nothing in common with them
no one’s cares. you returning is worss than xanthippe never leaving
fuck this country i'd frag my CO without a second thought
i'm the same age as you i go out when there's a dj i want to see and there's usually people much older than me, but i guess if you're not there for music it's probably different.
Ye ive heard ur vocaroos
give me a line to read ill prove u wrong
it's more about sampling that one particular club which i'm told is good but yeah
but you're still really young?
i am young in a way. But the past year I made the mistake of investing emotionally into friendships which I think were doomed to fail because we weren't at the same stages of life and now I'm really jaded about it
I'll still go but I think just to enjoy myself and not really talk to people.
professor jordan B. palestinianson
no he's not lol
i'm 26 and i feel like im middle aged now
pretty much fully an adult, past the prime, just downwards from here
youre either born as an american or a shitty poor american
But I'm not American?
H-hewwo, oni-chan~! Did you wike, wift those super heavy weights today, o-or are you too stwong to even notice? B-big muscwes are so manwy uwu! Wrawr! It must be tough being so stoic and pwo-tective aww da time~! You pwobably wook weally cool when you’re saving da day, desu~! OwO

Wouldn't want to get on your bad side, b-but pwease lemme see those pow-werful biceps onegai! >///< You’re the sugoi-est alpha wolf in the whole wide world! UwU
he typed in american
hyperbole. You're barely a quarter of the way through your life.
Could be worse. Could've typed it in British.
God punish England! He shall punish it!
makes it worse I've been closeted 25 out of those 28 years and only half-open on those last 3
lol im not gonna live to 100
anyway its over
ill never have a tomboy gf
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you probably don't sound cute either way sis :s

i don't hate you ;s i don't feel strongly about faggots on here. also i think you're dumb but that's ok cuz (most) tops have room temperature iq :3
>room temperature IQ
Better than having single-digit IQ like (most) bottoms have.
>30yo shorter but more muscular top
>42yo taller but rather slim bottom
Is this weird or?
Ok i was wrong you sound nice
0 fagcent

fuck off lmao you flirt with kurst of all people
Even tho you didnt put ur heart into reading it...
Thanks, i came
post nudes
Unlike you I wouldn't leave them for a r*astie. Or a BWC straight top. Or transition.
i just wouldnt get with a gay in the first place
tomboy gf or nothing
Kurst bro why r all the bottoms obsessed with you?
do tops ever take bottom cock? i think it'd be neat to switch every once in a while
I dont even touch bottom dick
watch this space
Hear this and the rest of Bish*ts 1001 jokes on tonight's show!

I don't know really. Maybe it's because they want a fair yet firm hand to guide them.
do you let your bottom touch it though
Blegma hated tops touching her dick because she was really troonma
Ye its their cock
What a freak that one was
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i didn't ask you to topslain to me :s

omg you actually sound retarded i was right :3
and ofc your porn addicted bipest coomer brain would think that. maybe consoom less and actually get a partner? :s
You don't ask somebody to topslain to you honey, it simply happens :)
Will you fairly and firmly guide me ?:33
Yes. *Grabs neck and slowly guides you down on your knees*
you're as exciting as watching xanthippe post
Oh my, you move fast :o
*presses your face intro crotch*
Don't speak bottom
peeing through my underwear until it runs down my legs and soaks my stinky socks
Will you punish me if i speak? :o
yeah he'll shit down your throat and post about it on gaygen
*slaps you*
They’re probably equally miserable brother
Make a new thread homos
*speaks again*
i want a bottom x bottom relationship so bad
I think thats what i want too
*shoves cock down your throat and holds it there*
You gonna speak up again bitch?

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