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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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qott: Are you homophobic?
we already have a new thread
I think a large part of the arousal I feel for men is because I grew up in a very homophobic household and fucking guys feels taboo to me.
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I'm about to walk into a completely unlit urban forest, I hope I get raped.
I've basically accepted the only way out of my misery is to kill myself now. Its not quite time to do it yet. I'm going to have some fun first but I am going to kill msyelf once it's over and build up some relationships with people who will miss and mourn me and get closer to the people I despise or who have hurt me so they also feel bad about this.
you can be alive and gay!
Is your family religious?
rape means someone sexually desires you
Your useless, your diversity hire is at an end.
Do your job or get fired.
No one can talk to gays, because they have an emotional mental illness, which doesn't belong in public.
Where the f are you? I need this cnc bad where I pretend to rape someone on a moonlit trail, while I'm actually raping them
I have just the moonlit trail in mind.
>while I'm actually raping them
wait what

also you would have to bring a blanket or comforter or something
a nice rapist brings something soft to sit on
Majority of Americans are Muslim or Christian, gay people are not excepted.
Don't, do business with gays.
Bud light
Diversity hire
Ban these gays from business
Gays make most of Americans uncomfortable, it's a public nuisance
You're right. It's probably quite chilly on the ground at this time of year. Want you to be comfortable while I'm raping you consensually. But I need you to protest as well, like say
>What are you doing?! I'm not like this!
As you pout your butt high in to the air and wiggle it around temptingly.
Don't spend money on diversity companies.
Let the gays make money and spend it
You are problem in the office because no one feels comfortable with you.
You're to emotional and mentally ill
>But I need you to protest as well, like say
Where I live, if I screamed, I might attract black people, so I would need to be careful
Right, I don't want them stumbling upon our rape love making thing, and then raping the both of us. You'll have to whisper.
but, I mean, if you ignore all the black people nearby, it's actually a pretty cool spot, it's like you are in the forest but there's a nice paved trail and you are wedged in between the creek and the railroad/highway but it manages to feel private
That does sound like a nice place to meet up. Are you American by chance? I'm from California
other side of the country, sadly a bit too cold for that I'm thinking of doing a little yoga then going for an indoor swim when that opens
you can't (shouldn't) bike (on a rental bike) if its 33F or colder, if there's any ice or water you will wipe out it's just not worth it, not even about the cold, just the risk of frozen pavement.
Yeah that's too chilly to risk it.
I hope you have a nice rest of your night anon. You'll find your walking buddy I'm sure.
its cold out there

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