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Aphroditos, the Trans Aphrodite worshipped widely in Amathus and Athens.

This particular pose, where a feminine deity lifts up their skirt or dress to reveal a phallus, is called the Anasyrma or Anasyromenos and was widely regarded as an apotropaic gesture, averting evil influences and bringing forth good fortune.
>AGP dressing up and getting a boner
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>muh AGP
Can you say something else?
AGP didn’t exist back then
When did it begin to exist?
Based and bronzepilled
>Awesome GrecoPhilia
read ovid nigger
mfw I'm built exactly like this (same penis size and everything) but I'm starving myself to lose weight because my ex used to call me fat
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fippy bippy
Predatory straight men who assume female appearance for erotic purpose have existed for long. Even the Quran makes a difference between HSTS and AGP.
Why is it inherently predatory?
Proof that Blanchardians are the sick ones right here. Rejecting the premise of spiritual representation of people like us means that it’s a purely worldly fleshly matter to you, almost like you’re in it for your own sexual gratification
>almost like you’re in it for your own sexual gratification
Yeah, I am. If I didn't get a boner from it, I'd never think about being a woman.
men bad duh
They picked the hottest option for that reveal
Well have you considered that your arousal stems from an emotional investment in seeing yourself as a woman, but the only satisfaction that you will let yourself recognize from it is the sexual result? I know that the sexual is integral to one’s conception of self, there’s a reason why we discreetly refer to it as intimacy, but it doesn’t have to be relegated to the purely sexual. Unboxing your gender identity may allow you to wear it modestly as well and not associate it with indecent alone.
Why would I be invested emotionally in being a woman? My only investment in it is masturbatory.
Because your rationale seems reductive and pointless to me, and I think that pursuing transition for the sake of identity is fulfilling. It isn’t my absolute purpose, it isn’t everything, but to be congruent with one’s own skin is a big stride towards personal completion and being equipped for struggles.
>I think that pursuing transition for the sake of identity is fulfilling
Well, I don't have female identity for sure. I have always been gender conforming, never have been feminine nor did I wanted to be.
Okay well to each their own, more power to you on that front, I believe in you finding wherever you need to be in your identity. Please consider not impugning others with Blanchardian accusations of deviancy if that was you that did so, tho
>Blanchardian accusations of deviancy
Chicken butt
The statue looks like that to me. You don't have to agree, it was just a joke.
I’m sorry I’m too autistic to breathe
I am autistic too, so I know your suffering.
real with you homes, you should be funnier
No, you should have sense of humor rather than getting offended.

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