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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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I am a transwoman and I think gender identity is a complex and real variable.
But when it comes to sex and attraction, MANY lgbt suffer from brainrot and perversion. Im not saying sex bad, or gay sex bad. Im specifically speaking about BDSM and other weirdness, hypersexual folk, masturbators, chronic disassociaters all these people suffer from a dark anima. Some might say you are bewitched by lust, others might say you are in a daze in a fantasy world. Locked into an infantile attitude towards life.( the last line is a quote)

Now this is hard for me to say, because i also recognize the power of sexual fantasies and how they can be a generator of massive power that can be funneled into the arts and sciences. But is it perhaps a dark energy? YES, and its one you dont have true control over, most dont.
Is there not a better way? I think there is.

Y'all arent ready for this tho, ya just wanna dance.
Kink is fascinating from a psychological perspective but you just wanna be a prude
You need to be careful. An addict will make excuses even they believe.
>waaaa i just read baby's first psychology
i recommend you read nietzsche or schopenhauer about this subject, their views on excess and the will
sexual fantasies is inherently a symptom of our complex relation with power and mastering ourselves, we either drive ourselves to degrade or transcend to control it
for schopenhauer, he saw this as someone being trapped by the will, in a perpetuating cycle of desire and suffering, it compels us to act against our better judgement

it also has an existential angle to it
hypersexual people, and other kinds like you described, instead of suffering from a "dark anima", is a manifestation of bad faith where someone refuses to confront the complexity of their own identity. instead hiding behind fantasies and other compulsive behaviors. they struggle to face the absurd, the absurdity of existence and instead escape in these distractions. part of this existence is confronting your own deeper truths about yourself such as childhood abuse and other things.
Does Jung really help? I haven't read him but all the jungian talk about archetypes and integrating the shadow self comes across like an excuse to avoid dealing with problems.

I think there are more interesting and enjoyable hobbies. Why should I invest more time than necessary learning pseudo-intellectual buzzwords and acronyms with no functional purpose other than to make me feel individually unique. Instead of researching useless, unhelpful, and unscientific drivel intended to disguise and dissuade you from realizing you one of the masses, just find religion or play fantasy football.
If this is who I think it is you cannot be fucking serious hahaha
>more interesting
>religion or fantasy football
You sound retarded.
You sound even more retarded.

My bad, I was assuming your likes based on the only other information you shared. That being that you enjoy reading pointlessly fantastical literature, you have faith in something pointlessly contrived, and you're easily amused.

I am proudly retarded but at least I don't recommend a failed narrative of the human psyche with little-to-no practical application, wholesale, to a bunch of mentally-ill trannies. Additionally I properly respond without being vague so hopefully all of the individuals like you will at least understand my point even if they respectfully disagree.
I am a mentally ill tranny, and jungian psychology is the most fascinating and insightful thing you can read about. If you are an intuitive thinker, you'll get it.

But if you're a midwit who doesn't understand that kinda stuff, it will fly right over your head.
You don't need to write a book every time you respond to someone.
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Happy black history month if that is you.
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I read enough and thoroughly enjoyed it the same way I enjoyed reading young adult fantasy novels. I still enjoy reading and learning about all the humanistic psychology and philosophy from Jung and associates. However interpreting it's purpose as functional or proselytizing it like I would a silly meme is where it becomes uninteresting to me. I just fail to see how that applies scientifically or functionally to the lives of people more than an interesting documentary on the evolution of penguins.

There are steps one can take to understand themselves that are more effective, complex, and broad than viewing yourself as some uniquely tormented being incapable of developing complex understanding outside of a flimsy paradigm of personality quizzes and metaphysical intervention.

So, to be concise, you called me retarded for relaying too much information? Did your brain get all hurty wurty? Did you have trouble processing all of that in between yt-shorts and gifs of your gf getting passed around by the elementary school football team? By all means please insult me based on wordiness, I do not really take insult otherwise I would have stopped typing this way long before your comment.
as in cognitive functions? it’s been a while since ive read stuff, but i am SiFe iirc
Hung Ian psychology is old get something new
nice avatarfagging

no one cares.
Where should I start?
Jungian psychology is even more pseudo-scientific than Freudian nonsense and is openly based esotericism, religion and mythology, you may as well consult your zodiac chart. Jung was a fraudulent kook with zero particular insight into the function of the human nervous system. The vanishingly little amount of psychologists that actually aspire to drag that ridiculous discipline up to something approaching a scientific standard have to fight against the torrent of rubbish the him and his contemporaries unleashed on the world. Jung has retarded our understanding of ourselves second only to the great organized religions, the man is an enemy of humanity.
pseud, read lacan and wittgenstein (theyre right)
Tibetan Buddhism has been developing a science of the mind, with theories developed and tested by lineages of practitioners going back many centuries. It works for me, so I practice it. There are many paths to our spiritual and personal goals, I encourage anons to seek them out in whatever form.
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medusa gorgon mentioned
but its fine I can stop any time I want
dubs of retardation. kink is therapy, rude prude. sorry you cant come to terms with your own trauma so you need to project inpurity onto others.
officd retard pls come back ;_;
Since leaving iv made loads of friends with people. Let me tell ya something, 4chan lgbt generals are not a conductive environment for making friends. Caveat to that is is individual threads like this are fine, but once u enter a /general/ its no longer conductive to making friends, its a very toxic thing and makes u mentally unwell, its digital self harm. I would say generals are for a dark anima, but individual threads like this are neutral. But really in general 4chan is a very toxic place and uh yea that place isnt good for u. I dont come here much often at all actually. The aura of this board is very negative and i say that as someone who many would describe as similar to schopenhauer in thinking.
You deserve better.
We all do.
This thread was just me trying to bring some goodness into an otherwise very perverted and twisted place. I hope i can help some people with this.
aww ill miss u then. im glad ur making friends though, i wish i could escape this place too! good luvk out there!! ;>
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seconded. zupančič on jung (1/2):
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If you arent them you talk just like them and post with characters they would use. I have never seen someone do that and be someone with goodwill for others. You just want to feel important or like you are a good person and are pushing what is essentially religion to random people in suffering. The thing you said earlier about it just making sense and being intuitive is what people who talk about religion say about their religions. Of course, you arent the type to admit you are wrong I can tell that much just by your resemblance of them.
As far as accepting yourself as one of the masses, it is not enough because the mass is an abstract totality. It's like saying "we live in a society," but the general circumstances of society affect us differently, through specific chains of interactions between the subjects in our lives. Accepting yourself as one of the many is not the same as accepting the specific place in the many that you happen to occupy.
The truth is trans/gays are just infected by parasites and if you eliminate the parasites you eliminate the gay. Except if you have had the parasites too long the chemical changes they've caused are permanent so you'll stay gay just a bit less gay.

Nobody needs your Jewish fake psychology based on made up non-real-world variables.

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