Why do the guys I get with always tell me to stop boymoding? "Don't wear that next time" like why though
>>38800712if you're a girl dress like it. reminds me of boymoderology's bf physically ripping male underwear of off her
>>38800948wtf THAT'S the type of bf I need
>>38800948I'm not a girl though I'm a boymoder
>>38801171All boymoders are women
>>38801255That's funny, good joke
>>38800712the fuck are you doing that for? do you want people to think he’s gay?
>>38801722he is
>>38800712Stop showing up in the clown costume...
>>38801722I am a boymoder and they agreed to go out with a boymoder what do you want me to do
>>38801614boymoders are just abnormally retarded women
>>38800948i wear female underwear since i have a female body but i wear male outer clothes so people don't notice it