Books where author has arrogant patrician stance towards uncultured masses?
>>23773792Propaganda by Edward Bernays, speaks of the plebs like the stupid fucking cattle they are. Kike texts probably have the same tone just replace goyim with normalniggers
>>23773792>>23773917You idiot, WE are a part of those "unwashed masses".
>>23773949Dunno about you but I'm not. I never worked a day of my life
Mrs. Bridge.>>23773949Speak for yourself, filthy bastard.
>>23773818I detest everything about his face. He looks like he's morphing into a Parasaurolophus.
>>23773792A Handful of Dust. Waughbros wy@?
My diary desu~
>>23773949>guffaws in trust fund
>>23773792The Leopard
>>23773792Most 19th century literature that isnt dickens or by some 19th century leftist
>>23773792Anything by Arthur de Gobineau
>>23774278finishing brideshead rn, has made me more arrogant and classist than ever
>>23774577You should read sword of honour too
>>23773818Actually, Guenon has an essay where he explicitly argues that the masses aren’t at all the problem. The main problem is midwits. It’s one of the essays in “Initiation and Spiritual Realization”
>>23774227I love his face
>>23774920It’s iconic
James Bond novels come to mind
Nietzscheans in general like to imagine themselves modern aristocrats and base so much of their ideology on hating the masses (while being virtually indistinguishable from them).
>>23773792The Recognitions by William Gaddis
>>23774467He looks exactly like WEB Dubois but white
Moreover, as Asia was the country to which the world's treasures flowed, Macedonia remained outside the trade routes, and Iranians got richer while their future replacers remained poor. Well, despite so many advantages once assured to the Medes of Phraortes, the struggle should not be dubious between their descendants, subjects of Darius, and Alexander's soldiers. Victory belonged by right to the latter, for when the battle began, there was no longer any possible compromise between the Aryan purity of the two races. Iranians, who already at the time of Cyaxares's capture of Babylon were less white than Macedonians, found themselves even more Semitized when, 269 years later, Philip's son moved to Asia. Without the intervention of Alexander's genius, which precipitated the solution, success would have hesitated for a moment, given the great numerical difference of the two rival peoples; but the final outcome could not in any case be doubtful. The attacked Asian blood was doomed in advance to succumb to the new Aryan group, as it had once passed under the yoke of the Iranians themselves, now assimilated to the degenerate races of the country who, too, had had their days of triumph, the duration of which had been measured by the conservation of their white elements. Here is a rigorous application of the principle of racial inequality. With each new release of white blood in Asia, the proportion was lower. The Semitic race, in its many successive strata, had fertilized the Chamite populations more than the Iranian invasion, carried out by much smaller masses, could. When the Greeks conquered Asia, they arrived in even more mediocre numbers; they didn't do exactly what is called a colonization. Isolated by small groups in the middle of a huge empire, they suddenly drowned in the Semitic element.Ahh, the Count never ceases to amaze. He was a true genius, truly a man too good for his Century.
>>23773792Virtually every character in Swann’s way despite epitomizing all the faults they accuse others of. Charles Swann and princesse de Laumes probably are only ones excluded as well as the narrator.
>>23773792Dwight MacDonald's Masscult and Midcult is a masterclass.The Cultural Life of Modern America by Knut Hamsun is also a must-read.
>>23773814Came here to post this.
This fucking guy
Au Rebors - Husyman
>>23775639>t. """light-skinned""" iranoid
>>23773792>Books where author has arrogant patrician stance towards uncultured masses?Pretty much anything by Tingle, C. He's currently publishing.
>>23773792The Faerie Queene>There they beheld a mighty Gyant stand> Vpon a rocke, and holding forth on hie> An huge great paire of ballance in his hand,> With which he boasted in his surquedrie,> That all the world he would weigh equallie,> If ought he had the same to counterpoys.> For want whereof he weighed vanity,> And fild his ballaunce full of idle toys:>Yet was admired much of fooles, women, and boys.>He sayd that he would all the earth vptake,> And all the sea, deuided each from either:> So would he of the fire one ballaunce make,> And one of th'ayre, without or wind, or wether:> Then would he ballaunce heauen and hell together,> And all that did within them all containe;> Of all whose weight, he would not misse a fether.> And looke what surplus did of each remaine,>He would to his owne part restore the same againe.>For why, he sayd they all vnequall were,> And had encroched vppon others share,> Like as the sea (which plaine he shewed there)> Had worne the earth, so did the fire the aire;> So all the rest did others parts empaire.> And so were realmes and nations run awry.> All which he vndertooke for to repaire,> In sort as they were formed aunciently;>And all things would reduce vnto equality.>>Therefore the vulgar did about him flocke,> And cluster thicke vnto his leasings vaine,> Like foolish flies about an hony crocke,> In hope by him great benefite to gaine,> And vncontrolled freedome to obtaine.> All which when Artegall did see, and heare,> How he mis-led the simple peoples traine,> In sdeignfull wize he drew vnto him neare,>And thus vnto him spake, without regard or feare;>Thou that presum'st to weigh the world anew,> And all things to an equall to restore,> In stead of right me seemes great wrong dost shew,> And far aboue thy forces pitch to sore.> For ere thou limit what is lesse or more> In euery thing, thou oughtest first to know,> What was the poyse of euery part of yore:> And looke then how much it doth ouerflow,>Or faile thereof, so much is more then iust to trow.>For at the first they all created were> In goodly measure, by their Makers might,> And weighed out in ballaunces so nere,> That not a dram was missing of their right,> The earth was in the middle centre pight,> In which it doth immoueable abide,> Hemd in with waters like a wall in sight;> And they with aire, that not a drop can slide:>Al which the heauens containe, & in their courses guide.>Such heauenly iustice doth among them raine,> That euery one doe know their certaine bound,> In which they doe these many yeares remaine,> And mongst them al no change hath yet beene found.> But if thou now shouldst weigh them new in pound,> We are not sure they would so long remaine:> All change is perillous, and all chaunce vnsound.> Therefore leaue off to weigh them all againe,>Till we may be assur'd they shall their course retaine.
How anyone sane in his mind could catch sympathy for the stupid, degenerate and violent masses of plebs in any earth's country is beyond me.It is their nature to be exploited like a raw resource.
>>23773792>Books where author has arrogant patrician stance towards uncultured masses?Anthony Ludivici's "In Defense Of Aristocracy". He's a Nietzschean.
>>23773792>Books where author has arrogant patrician stance towards uncultured masses?The Satanic Scriptures by Peter H. Gilmore
Ortega, Revolt of the Masses.>>23777385People who have self awareness.
>>23773949I actually wash myself daily unlike most /pol/posters
>>23773792Gustave Le Bon - The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind
Gómez Davila's essay "The authentic reactionary"
>>23777385w jewmaxxing
>>23773949Of all the boards on 4chan, I would argue /lit/ has the most pampered trust-fund kiddies, living in their parents mcmansions/penthouses.I would agree though, that a lot of those considered the "plebs" are fucking morons. It also goes without saying, there are a ton of rich retarded fucks who go rich solely through inheritance, blind luck, or brutal sociopathy, so it's not a trait that is unique among the plebs. It's simply that half the population are fucking retarded, and the other half are not. I would have to say that scientifically speaking, higher intelligence people generally have a higher standard of living due to being able to make more money.