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Maria Callas edition

Previous: >>23805005
truly the most beautiful woman in history. even Helen of Troy would look like a crime in comparison
I hope the back to school troll shitshow ends soon.
I embarrassed myself while trying to pursue a nice looking girl that was exhibiting some artistic sensibilities, as I thought her photography work was pretty good in comparison to what most amateurs from the area were doing. I am even more embarrassed now to have discovered her Twitter, which is a live feed of her thoughts, because she turned out to be just as cruel and rancid as any other twittoid, constantly spewing out self-aggrandizing and world-reductionist blurbs.
>inb4 all women are like that
It really depends. But that's not the point. This is a reminder that I have to get a solid grip on myself and abandon courtship games. Concentrate on things that actually matter, like fixing this faulty water pump.
the september is bad for the internet hasn't been true since it was not longer necessary to be affiliated with a university to get on the net, so like 25 years. if anything the fall is worse because smart college kids have to study while basement shutins and phone posting tards just carry on as usual.
September slump is highschool kids. Have you not noticed the massive low effort trolling in the past couple weeks? Last week was hell. College students drop off the internet for the first month or so of school, they have lots going on. This happens every year.
>smart college kids have to study
At my dying I will not lie still. My grave is no place of rest. At dusk will the earth settle over my coffin; at dawn it will carry me away. Out the iron gates of the cemetery will I ride, past the streets of my old quarter, on to the hills which now lie damp and red with autumn. Death is my chariot, carrying me into the towering clouds beyond, bringing me over the mountain.
if you don't have to study then you should have gone to a better school
I can't stomach Karl Marx writing style, he's so pedantic, he doesn't speak up front at all.
Why is low effort trolling bad just don't fall for it bruh lmaooooooo
You are just admitting to being underage or never having gone to college. First month of the year is just coasting, professors know nothing will get done until everyone is done reconnecting or getting settled in college life in the case of freshmen.
Because trolling is a part of 4chan culture and well done trolling should be as highly celebrated as well done literature.
>trolling is a part of 4chan culture
and that's why 4chan sucks sometimes you just want to talk normal with some buffoon shitting it up
you admit to being shitty at reading. i said fall is worse, not september is worse.
Worst racing crashes on video:

>1955 Le Mans
>1977 South African Grand Prix(maybe the only video of a man getting hit by a car going ~150mph; driver was always killed by the fire extinguisher the man was carrying)
>Gordon Smiley
>Russel Phillips
>Carlos Pardo
>Greg Moore

Tony Renna’s was also supposed to have been brutal but there isn’t video of it
wuts ur take on book club radio channel on youtube? when youtube recommends me some shit i've never heard of but it has millions of views i assume it's some promoted fake ass shit, but idk, you tell me
If people put effort into their trolls 4chan would not suck. This is the biggest difference between old/lit/ and nu/lit/. Not saying old/lit/ was better, just that it sucked far less.
>the september is bad for the internet hasn't been true since it was not longer necessary to be affiliated with a university to get on the net
You probably were still shitting your pants in those days
effort trolls are reddit shit. every long asking for advice thing on reddit is always an engangement troll that their npcs are too fucking stupid to figure out. leave that trash over there.
I forgot Dan Wheldon’s death
You don't actually know what an effort troll is. Effort trolls celebrate their own myopia and are not about making fun of others or trying to shit on others. You can not effort troll about things you do not love.
i was walking around in the rich white section of town earlier and i saw a sticker that said "harris won't embarass" and i'm like uhhh u sure about that?

who said anything about making fun of others or shitting on others? reddit is so terrified by their own ban culture that they would never post a troll that could be interpreted as "making fun of others or shitting on others".
Effort trolling never existed on reddit and you are proving yourself a newfag if not tourist. Trolling on 4chan (outside of /b/) used to be about connecting with others who shared your loves and not about empty (You)s.
>i have this secret personal definition of a thing and if you don't agree with my private definition then you must be NEW!
ok dude hopefully this is one of your "effort" trolls where you act stupid on purpose
Nothing about it is new or personal, just forgotten by 99% of 4chan. Celebration of a well executed troll is what separated 4chan from reddit.
Well, it was more than just the celebration of a well executed troll, it was the willingness to unashamedly give into autism and then admit being wrong, the embracing of anonymity. At this point 4chan is reddit, almost nothing but ideological bullshit and trying to be right at any cost.
I think the 2024 election is some kind of massive conspiracy to make people go totally nuts over the shittiest candidates of all time.
The “secret” to beating laziness is to force yourself really hard it sounds silly but it works what will happen is that forcing yourself becomes nature to you and you won’t have to try so hard to do it.
As someone who has mostly opted out of it all one of the curious things I have noticed this year is that the yard signs for president were almost completely absent until after Biden dropped out. Most years you see the signs popping up as soon as the primary ends; this year not so much. The only Trump or Biden signs I saw after the primary this year are ones from the previous electioneer, after Biden stepped back and Harris took over suddenly signs for this year started showing up for both sides.
I wish there were mexican inmigrants in my country tacos look tasty.
probably true but I slacked off in high school
I think there are far fewer people who are really passionate about this election compared to 2020 or 2016. Nu-Trump is less interesting, his "outsider to the political world" thing isn't really true anymore (if it ever was), and he lost the touch he had 8 years ago, when it seemed like he (or his campaign manager) had his finger on the pulse of many different groups of Americans. Harris is yet another head of the Democrat globohomo hydra, all her positions could be cribbed from your average twitter liberal or blue-haired college chick, and a lot of her promises fall flat since she's been no. 2 in the country for 4 years now. It's really hard to suspend one's disbelief and act like these people care about taking care of Americans and America, rather than just getting elected.
Just make your own tacos, it's literally just a tortilla with something in it
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Anyone ever think about how being born a man is an absolute curse? Probably 60 ish more years of this suffering and then sweet release.
I really hate autocorrect. There is no way I could have misspelt "election" that bad. I am going to take it as proof of collusion between the parities and that Google is in on it.
People are definitely less interested but it is difficult to ignore that the /pol/tards on both sides just dropped out and skipped having yard sign for 6 months. The parities did not just forget to make signs this year. I am old enough to be the father of most anons on /lit/ and this is the first time in my 40 odd years that presidential yard signs did not show up immediately after the primaries, generally the incumbents signs show up from day one.

Admittedly I don't really remember the election from Reagan and Bush 1 but I still have a good number of elections as precedent behind me.
A guy I dislike mentioned he liked some minor twitter writer and I assumed she was just like you described, since most of them are like that. Months latter I recalled her out of the blue and decided to search her profile on a whim. Turns out she's smart, funny and very self-aware. Focusing on your self-development is good and I sympathize with the desire to abandon courtship, just keep in mind that there are different women out there, as rare as they may be.
yeah this is the least interesting election in a while because there are basically two incumbents running. Neither one has a plan to reduce spending, so either way we get more debt, and more slow burn inflation. meh.
is there a sportsball game somewhere in the world tonight i hear cheering noises coming from the neighbors across the street. soccer? or is the canelo alverez match?
No president has seriously tried to reduce debt, it is just populism and exploiting that most have no clue about the purpose of debt.
oh maybe it was ufc
Based chinese flying zombie.
I enjoyed the way he mocks his contemporaries on those paragraphs long footnotes regarding the topic of british history.
It's just zoomers trolling zoomers.
1955 Le Mans is the one where one of the cars flew into the audience right? That was really brutal.
Their food's good. There are barelly any mexicans in my country but the ones here opened a couple restaurants and I deeply recommend them. Maybe there's something similar in your country's biggest city.
It's like how men tend to both under and overperform more than women when it comes to the bell curve. We've the lowest lows and the highest highs.
Looking from the outside as a foreigner I belive this election will be emblematic of american decadence a few decades down the road. Actually, would you mind giving me your take on the subject, boomer anon? Do (you) think america is decadent? Do most americans you know think so? Do you think it's just going through temporary setbacks or is it done for? Does anyone care about Cornel West?
>1955 Le Mans is the one where one of the cars flew into the audience right? That was really brutal.

All sports are a sacral offering of human life. Sport where death does not occur is a failed sacrifice.
You will eat the dirt cookies and you will be happy
I know a guy who is marrying a real-life lolibaba. She's looked exactly the same since about 6th grade.
Some guys just win at life, I guess.
>would you mind giving me your take on the subject, boomer anon?
Not quite that old, Gen-X but the sentiment is acknowledged. Most people don't understand that the President has very little power and all those bills they supposedly sign into law and executive directives they make are just photo ops, congress has already passed them all. President has a tiny budget they can use for odds and ends but all the big ideas they run for office on and take credit for that cost millions if not billions are the acts of congress and not the President, all the President did was not veto them. Executive branch has no power over spending or legislation, they are essentially head diplomat, the public face.

Presidential election is mostly a means to an end, we need people to be interested vote even if it is purely ideological and meaningless, the genius of the masses. Despite the problems with the DNC and GOP they mostly keep thing on track, they use the populism to gauge the general temperament of the populous and guide the general direction of congress. When it comes to US politics you need to ignore the half a dozen big news bits of legislation and look at the 700 bills everyone ignores, they tell the real story.

This is not to say US gov "works," it has its flaws but its flaws are not the ones 90% of people fixate on—what made the US government work for all those years was the self modifying aspect and that has mostly died in the past century—they faults are primarily that most of the populous are complacent which requires a certain amount of populism to get any idea of where to go. US gov is pretty much groping blindly in the dark these days, it is partly their own fault but the rise of idealism in the past century gave rise to the current government.

The whole debt thing was an attempt at mutually assured destruction that much of the world decided to buy into after WWII, if our economies are dependent on each other war will destroy us both. This is all written into the EU and UN charter, to be a member of either requires your debt to be proportional to your expenditures and profits; you agree to buy and sell a certain amount of debt as well as go into debt. This mostly has worked and the countries who have bought into it have had a lot less war historically speaking. Interestingly the one country who has joined the EU and UN but mostly ignored the debt guidelines is Germany, they have been seeing the fallout of that in recent years as the EU and UN has snubbed them under the table over and over. Germany never wants to play along.
I actually hate the smug, condescending way that this absolute retard in one of my classes expresses his opinions. He was saying that all humans have always had an innate foundational knowledge that murder is wrong, and that’s why it’s outlawed in every country. But that’s blatantly untrue—think of the Aztecs and their human sacrifices, or headhunters in Papua New Guinea, or North American tribes that collected scalps as trophies, or any number of other societies where killing an opponent is seen as a rite of passage into manhood and a source of honour, so on and so forth. Murder being widely prohibited is an extremely recent development in human history. Like, the whole reason it’s outlawed and is punished so severely is that people NEED a serious deterrent from doing it, because humans often behave irrationally and have an innate capacity for violence and tribalistic behaviour. And I think a compelling argument can be made that the general global consensus that killing is wrong is largely the result of the widespread influence of Christianity, or of Judeo-Christian values more broadly.
Haiti has been in the news and as a result I've been curious about its rather unique history as the only country to be born of a slave revolt and a race war. No country has ever been more cursed, more misbegotten, or unlucky. From the very beginning, Haiti was a land born of suffering, displacement and error and awash in blood and misery.
I wrote a paper on this very topic for a class that I took a few years ago. Haiti’s development has been crippled by extremely unfavourable geographical conditions (lack of ability to produce sufficient food because of severe soil erosion and overfishing), economic misfortune caused by over a century of constant payments to fulfill their enormous debt to France, the corvée system, American imperialism, and various other factors I can’t recall off of the top of my head. I guess I have a personal interest in this topic because I have two sisters who were adopted from Haiti, and the circumstances of their early lives were horrific.
>crippled by extremely unfavourable geographical conditions
weird how the dominican republic on the same exact island seems to have none of these "unfavorable conditions". i wonder why one side of the island is hell on earth, and the other side is a normal developing country. must just be uncontrollable environmental factors.
Read this article, retard.
>Most of Haiti's governments have paid only lip service to the imperative of reforestation. The main impetus to act came from abroad.

>Weird how the DDR which has to pay its own way is less economically developed than the BRD where mummy gives her milk when she shits her pants.

I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make here. It’s obvious that Haiti is a failed state with a corrupt sham government that takes no interest in the welfare of the Haitian people. The historical causes of Haiti’s current situation are complex—the lack of ability to produce food because of deforestation and soil erosion is only one of several detrimental factors that I listed.
so how rich are you that your family adopts people from the developing world?
I was a fingernail biter for years. I used to chew the cuticles and the skin all down my fingers until they were red and swollen and bleeding. I was never really sure why - probably it was some kind of stress or anxiety response. It took a really considerable effort to finally stop and years for the scar tissue to heal enough for my hands and fingers to look normal again. I don’t chew on my fingers anymore, but I compensate by being pretty obsessive over the appearance of my hands. I always keep them moisturized and the nails filed neatly. But when the stress in my life ramps up, I can feel that urge again and I start picking at the corners, almost involuntarily.

I was raised by a single mother for most of my childhood and I’ve been visiting my mom recently. She bites her fingernails in a nearly obsessive-compulsive way. She’ll gnaw on her nails for hours and I’m not sure she’s even fully aware of the behaviour. It stresses me out when she starts doing it - I can feel a real resistance in my brain. Even the sound of the chewing and biting makes me cringe. I wonder if I inherited the behaviour from her. And if so, that I may have inherited many of my neuroses - stresses and anxieties - from her.
What if the pope randomly called for a crusade? What would the international response be? Would our brothers in Christ on 4chinz take to arms?
why would the pope do that? the west already controls the holy land via israel
I've never done good things
I've never done bad things
Ever did anything out of the blue?
To go into this a bit more. The debt thing is more than just taking out loans, it is the buying and selling of debt, the US owns a huge amount of the debt of other countries and this is large part of the US debt and why the US is THE world power, all that debt we own can sink any country faster than an ICMB. People love to make out China as being a massive threat to world peace but if push comes to shove the US can reduce China to nothing but poverty stricken subsistence farmers without ever firing a shot, while they could still put up a decent fight if it came to war they could never hold out, they would run out of food long before the US ran out of bullets or bodies or even the political will.

To understand the debt thing you have to look at what that debt actually is and much of it is actually the loans of other countries. Of the countries which bought into the whole debt thing the US and Germany are the only countries that could just turn their backs on it without shooting themselves in both feet, Germany because they have only pretended to buy into it and the US because they have the resources and influence; Germany has no real power and needs to keep pretending to keep their economy afloat, the US for a pile of very complicated reasons including status and most importantly the willingness and means to shoulder the burden as well as the legal system required to back it all up.

Most of the US debt is actually debts that the US bought, not literal loans the US took out form other countries and much of the loans the US has taken they have sold to other countries and every country who can afford to do so will buy those loans, it is one of the safest investments you can get. The US not needing to worry about their loans in the slightest sells as many of them to countries like China as a way to stabilize everything

The debt thing is US politics is pure populism and exploiting that most people don't know and don't care how the whole debt thing works, its really just a way to keep people interested enough to vote in their local elections which are what really matter in US politics and where the power is.
I am very well aware of that, brother. I guess in a way I was trying to chase the ghost of one somebody. I appreciate your response and your implied call for attention to nuance. Have a good day.
would you argue that in this globalized world that is mostly taking the american model for democracy as its main blueprint, be it consciously or unconsciously, most governments operate with the same general methodology and work under the same parameters?
>deranged take on us debt
the us currently spends more on debt service than it pays for its entire military and we all hear constant bitching about how much the us spends on the military. it's becoming an issue.
Visions of swastikas in my head
I want to add to this and be clear that I don’t blame my mom for this. She’s a great person and I love her unconditionally. But I wonder about the heritability of mental neuroses (but not by way of genetics). She was undoubtedly stressed out - going through a divorce and raising a son on her own. How much did I internalize that stress over the years?
He annoys you because he's like you. You're both the same kind of idiot. Aversion to killing another member of your tribe is biologically evolved and exists in almost all animals. In practice still today we don't count killing as murder when it's group sanctioned war.
You don’t have to be extremely wealthy to adopt a child. My parents are upper-middle class now, so they’re financially comfortable, but when they adopted my sisters in the late 1990s they had just finished paying off their student loans and had very limited disposable income. Their choice to adopt internationally was partially the result of a humanitarian impetus, and partially because they believed they couldn’t have biological children, although ironically enough my mom found out that she was pregnant with me less than a month after the adoption was finalised.
you really think prohibition to murder didn't exist before the ten commandments or something dude? hard to say which rots people's brains more marxism or christianity.
The method of governance doesn't really matter, hence China. This is just more populism, US does not actually care and when they make it out to be about democracy they are just getting people riled up about not playing the debt game or saying we can't help you until you stop trying to kill your people. US can not throw money or sell debt to a country that enslaves half their population while attempting to genocide the other half, would never get reelected.
If that was the whole story the US would be bankrupt and no one would touch our debt, we would be Venezuela tier on the world stage regardless of our military. Do the math, it won't add up. Why does every country in the world that can afford it line up when the US asks for a loan? There is no investment safer that US debt, world economy is built on it. Getting a piece of US debt will stabilize your economy more than anything else you can do, nothing else even comes close.
the us doesn't ask for loans like some third world county going to the imf, we issue debt that other people buy.
More to wipe out the Muhammedans than to reclaim I meant
Christianity has been dead for centuries
>Aversion to killing another member of your tribe is biologically evolved and exists in almost all animals
Yeah, I’m aware of that, and that’s actually one of the points that I brought up in our discussion. Aversion to killing a member of one’s own family or tribe is a biological defense mechanism that gives humans a greater chance of survival, and that aversion to killing doesn’t extend to members of other groups that are perceived as competitors for essential resources. He was suggesting that all people have some sort of innate moral knowledge that killing any other human being is wrong and should be outlawed in all circumstances, which is what I found absurd.

>you really think prohibition to murder didn't exist before the ten commandments or something dude?
Of course it did—you’re oversimplifying what I’m saying. I mean that tribes that engaged in forms of ritual killing such as headhunting and human sacrifice have largely stopped these practices due to
colonialism and the spread of Western civilisation, which is undoubtedly influenced by Judeo-Christian values.
I am at an important crossroad in life, one which might seem silly to some of you. I have to either bet on Love or keep my life to myself. I can reunite with the only person I ever truly loved, but with the knowledge that it could either be the greatest thing in this lowly world or a ticket to eternal damnation. We both could realistically envision a scenario where we would kill each other, out of rage or jealousy or passion or what have you, because we're that volatile and that weak. There are no promises, but it's so tempting to fall for everything all the poets have said about love for tens of thousands of years. That weight seems to be crushing all of my senses. We could do the ''we'll try and see if it works this time, and we'll be okay if it doesn't'' deal, but you know you're in a completely different mindset once you're neck-deep in the murky waters. I don't know if it's sanity or insanity.
I wish you the same.
You sound extremelly neurotic. I recommend spending less time with your thoughts and more time in the world, love problems notwithstanding.
if you really love this person then you should follow your heart and try to reconnect
>i am right because semantics
Issuing debt is getting a loan, literally just word games so people don't cry about the IMF giving the US money when there are so many other countries far more in need, retards like you would not understand that the IMF will make a good deal of money on selling that loan in a year or two so they call it "issuing debt." US taking loans is an act of charity for the most part, we go far beyond the requirements of the UN, NAFTA and NATO which all require going into debt with member nations.
I miss my brother from a few years ago. He's become such an unbearable cunt since he started college.
That sounds like an extremely important decision, and should be very carefully considered - it's not silly at all. I personally would go for it, if there's that much possibility for love there.
Damn that sucks. My brothers become unbearable cunts after they got addicted to meth.
I'm a Protestant but I would join fr fr
Ricotta cheese is so good
>bejeweled perfumed folds sighing moistly
Yikes, that's shite. Hope they get off it soon.

Mine isn't a methhead but I think he runs with a very rude, very aggressive crowd that drinks excessively and perhaps some cocaine is involved. It's a damn shame. I wish I could speak with him and guide him but he hasn't listened to me in years. My brother was kind and sweet all throughout high school. I keep wondering whether he took a completely new turn since college or whether he always had this streak in him and this crowd just enables him.
I was about to buy some shoes at the thrift store, but the cashier said those ones weren't for sale. But they were in the shoe section and had a price tag. Do you think she noticed they were expensive and gipped me? I don't know anything about shoes, don't remember the brand, but they looked nice.
She sensed your beta energy and decided to punk you
It's just remarkable to me to see a country with a history so steeped in brutality and tragedy. Other, primarily Afro Caribbean didn't suffer this fate or are even relatively prosperous. (Although they maintained peaceable relations with their colonial sovereign). Haiti just consistently gets shat on. I will say Vodou and Haitian folklore is very flavorful.
>Hope they get off it soon
They're both dead. Let your brother party for a couple years. It's not a big deal.
Haiti was crippled by niggers.
>Haiti was a land born of niggers, niggers and niggers and awash in niggers and niggery
>The historical causes of Haiti’s current situation are complex—
Niggers killing all the white people and then proceeding to eat each other is pretty straightforward
Hey I remember you from an earlier thread. Your mom was a psycho nutjob who was directly responsible for the death of your two brothers? Shit man, fucks me up just thinking of it. How are you doing?
>No country has ever been more cursed, more misbegotten, or unlucky
Elaborate I'm curious
Surprisingly I'm fine. I hit a low point every now and them but I recover quickly. You'd be surprised how adaptable humans are. Anyway, I only brought it up for the sake of perspective. Your brothers situatuon isnt terrible. It's normal for people to hit early adulthood and go crazy a bit. Your brother probably felt like he was boring and missing out on the excitement of life. A couple years of partying and he'll get burnt out on it, and realize the real value of life is in more meaningful and tame endeavors. He's just trying to find himself and establish some individual identity. If he's maintaining fine grades and is otherwise stable there's no call for concern. Reminds me a lot of this song
What's important to know about collapsing societies is that they don't explode. They sink, like Titanic.
Collapsing societies are like poetry, they rhyme.
>if you would please consult the graphs
Hope you keep strong, buddy. You're gonna make it.

Appreciate you sharing your perspective. I do hope it's just a phase. We got into big argument last December and haven't spoken since. Shame. We had a great friendship. When he was in high school, we'd bond over anime, JRPGs, and those shitty Hammer-era horror movies. I enjoyed being a big brother that could help him out with stuff. Without a good relationship between us, I do feel like I've lost a big part of myself.
It can be so hard to forgive yourself.
What are you finding difficult to forgive?
I just beat myself up about past mistakes. It can be hard to move on.
What sort of mistakes are getting you down? Did you cause harm? Were those things you did intentionally?
Wait until you make cheesecakes with it
Forgiveness is a kindness and it is not a kindness you can give yourself; you can ask others for it and you can give that kindness to others but all we can ever really rely on is finding someone who will give us acceptance. Even if people give you that kindness of forgiveness for your past mistakes it will not allow you to move on, not really, you need to find that person who give you acceptance and never stop seeking that person. You can never undo what was done but there are people out there who will see beyond past mistakes to the regret. Apologize for what you can, find a way to forgive, find the person who will understand that.
this has constantly been stuck on my mind lately.

boom mic's lowered to her face.
>ugh, hi. my name's claire.
>i'm not your average girl. you'll never defeat me.
gets defeated. refuses to hand out gym badge.
>but, first, you must complete... that... which has never been completed before.
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I kinda feel like I've finished my philosophy/lit/religion self study, for what I needed it for.

Point of life is to love and be loved.
Bad things happen, I don't know why, but what to do about them is pretty obvious.
Enjoy life as much as you can.
Don't worry about death or the afterlife, whatever it is is just.
Be competent in life.
I don't feel the need to go deeper. Obv these are simple ideas that have been said a thousand times, but I've come to understand them myself.
I've been interested in this layer of abstractiom for a long time, but now Im satisfied with what I have and am just getting interested in practical skills, the nuts and bolts of how to achieve my goals. Like I have a satisfying answer to the chain of "why" so I now all I have to worry about is doing my best in this life, being skilled, planning my moves, trying to foresee the future a little bit, building relationships, saving money etc. it's very nice.

And I kinda picked an emblem for myself, the Jack of Hearts. The Jack part seems to tell of a certain kind of practical skill and potency (Jack of all trades) not at the limits of human skill and knowledge. I used to want to be a polymath, but I've accepted I'm not smart enough, not powerful for that. But I can definitely be a formidable Jack of all trades.
And the "of Hearts" is obvious. All in all it's just existential easiness, humour, love, and worldly skill. I'm satisfied.
I'm working in an environment where most of my peers are married and/or have kids. It seems that having families of their own gives them something to put in hard work for when it's necessary and something to come back home to when they're having trouble. Having a family also necessarily ties them to their communities more, from PTA meetings to spouse's friends to birthday parties for the kids down the street.
I feel like an outsider looking in to another world when I'm around these people. All I've got going for me is my job and the gym. If something doesn't work out there's no one who gives a shit, no one to cheer me up when I'm down, and no one to come back to after a long day. Since my life largely revolves around work and gymceling by myself I feel little attachment to my community, which I rarely interact with anyway.
I've had relationships of various types in the past, but in the end all of them failed. It turned out that whatever people saw in me only existed in their heads, and when their image of me wore off, they got tired of what remained and left. A lot of the time the other party would be on good terms with me until one day they just blocked me on all channels and never contacted me again and I never found out why or got any kind of closure. Obviously the common factor here is me but I can't figure out what I'm fucking up so bad.
I hope I figure something out soon and make some kind of change. Otherwise I think one day I'll wake up near retirement age with the preceding 30 years as a featureless blur behind me and a thick layer of dust over the objects in my bedroom, nothing having moved.
>All I've got going for me is my job and the gym
>It turned out that whatever people saw in me only existed in their heads
Like staring into a mirror
I used to have more going on but I kinda lost the energy for it somewhere around failed relationship #4.
There was a bio on tinder that a fire fighter woman was saying I'm a muscle mommy stop calling me trans.
I have a goal of meeting and talking to x women every week, but I'm failing miserably.
It's so hard to be at the right place at the right time to meet women.
I got smoked out listening to the Allman Brothers.
>fire fighter woman

I'm as liberal and progressive as they come, but that's a man's job.
Where and how do you try meet them?

Gym is a waste of time. You'd get more ROI if you spent that time in a bar.

It's not cheese (it's ricotta) and I don't get why people love it. It's very meh. In our national pastries we have cheese and ricotta versions, with the ricotta version being the cheaper variant.

Crusade against what or whom? All the most evil entities are allies of the west.
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I would sometimes come across weeb shorts on youtube, especially one piece fans, talk about how they're happy their manga is still on going while the others are finished. I realized there is a sentiment within this community that a story needs to keep on going for decades. I think it's the same for comic book fans also. And I wonder, why wouldn't you want a story to have a conclusion? Wouldn't that draw out the story to the point it becomes bad later on? Wouldn't you want to see something different from your favorite author/aritst?
Do you guys prefer the medieval period, or the early modern one?
There is no place where you can just go and meet women. That is my conclusion at least. I go about my day and I go out whenever the opportunity arises. Very rarely do new women of any kind cross paths with me.
>And I wonder, why wouldn't you want a story to have a conclusion?

Those are not the kind of stories that need a conclusion.
Early modern. Such a diverse world, and there were still mysterious places.
18th Century was the sweet spot.
What did you try?
Oh and I forgot to mention - never mix your beer with your weed unless you’re fully ready go weambo stylë.
I went down to the local sockhop recently and cut a rug with a few dames
I hope you don't refer to any of those irl as you did here. Referring to a dance as sockhop and women as dames makes you sound like an out of touch oldman, also you go those with friends or with a woman you are already in relationship with and not alone. You need to go to a place where its not unusual to see a person go alone and where there are women, and most importantly have an actual reason to do so and not just to pick up women or else you will be called off as creep.
I enjoy to read this:

What do you think?
I went alone and I wore my blue suede shoes. I refer to them irl only as "dames" or "dudettes"
>I refer to them irl only as "dames" or "dudettes"
I hope you are joking anon lol, I'm autistic and even I'm not this socially inept.
I'm serious as a heart attack, Jack. I play with a full deck and I always pull the ace. I keep the motor greased up slick, Slick. I listen to that thing purr down Santa Monica Boulevard, wind in my hair, screaming "Rock N Roll won the second world War, amigos!!" I boogie like there's no tomorrow, kemosabe.
ok nevermind anon, keep going and you might be so out of touch it might actually be funny enough to pick some girls up, if you going to be delusional then be as confident as you are now.
I do it for the love of the game, kid
godspeed you retard lol
If I was to ever make a movie, I would want JGL to play my main character, too bad I'm retarded so I'll never be able to make a movie let alone afford JGL.
Some people have a horribly trannified vision of nature.
Look, I don't like landlords as much as the next guy, but boy I'd love to be a landlord, it's a free money glitch.
I only have one friend who lives near me and we only see each other when our mutual friend who lives a couple of hours away comes down. Me and my friend who lives near me have hung out a couple of times without him but every interaction and moment feels forced. Our mutual friend only comes down about once a year. This is why I say I don't have friends despite having two, I may as well not have them. I'm 21 and the only people I see regularly are my family since I live in the same house as them, I also see my uncle about once a month but that's coming to an end soon since he's moving countries at the end of this year. I'm 21 and I don't do anything but sit inside all day. I'd kill myself but there are lots of movies that I want to watch and books that I want to read so that would be a pretty shitty thing to do.
try to meet new people through hobbies or online if you want more of a social life
Try saying you're his brother and you're there for him while giving him some space. Of course, this might not work well if he's too defensive or is one of those cunts who takes sentiment and care for granted or answers both with mockery.
Anyway, as someone whose older brother has always been and will always be a pos I value good brotherly relationships and hope everything works out well between you and your bro.
I'm yet to meet someone in my city who I like, they're all either fat 30-year-old guys who wear Rick and Morty caps and who have annoying fat girlfriends or they're annoying edgy teenagers, I'm yet to find someone who isn't one of these things. I also don't like people who are into what I'm into because I'm only a little bit into the things I like but everyone else is either too into the things I like (which I find annoying) or not into them enough (which makes for terrible conversation).
>Anon, it sounds like you're making a bunch of excuses.
I probably am, but it doesn't take away from the fact that everything that I just said is true.
have you considered meeting people through online communities?
>but they're either annoying or boring
beats being alone
having friends sounds good in theory, but somehow i made plans to meet up with an old friend today, and it sucks. i would much rather just be studying, reading, watching a movie, walking around listening to music, or just laying in bed.
>free money glitch
sort of, but it's not that easy. it is like running a business. it's great if you get good tenants, but if you get some stinkers who trash the place, or just straight up stop paying rent and can't be evicted because of some law, then it can go south. you have to look at if the return on capital for your buildings is really higher than just investing in index funds, etc. the glitch part is using a loans to buy a building and then have the tenants pay it off, since no bank is going to give you 800k to put into ETFs. the problem is when the tenants stop paying and you have to go to war with them in court for a year, can you cover the missed mortgage payments out of your other resources?
Why are zoomers so dumb?
I'm not dumb, in a perfect situation I'd only own homes in nice areas and rent to people who I know wouldn't trash the place. Owning and renting to people in impoverished is retarded, it's way too much of a risk for not much reward.
I don't want to go through life being a monolingual.
I've tried learning modern greek in the past thinking it would at least be easier than ancient, and it went horribly wrong.
Got filtered by the seemingly endless conjugations and inflections of words and the complicated tenses.
Should I go for a romance language or maybe german next?
What's your experiences with language learning?
>have you considered meeting people through online communities?
No, they're all annoying zoomers who will screech and throw fits if I do something as small as saying the word "retard".
>beats being alone
Being alone rules. I was never even complaining about being lonely, I've never been lonely, I was just saying what was on my mind, y'know, like what you're meant to do in this thread?
It was great in high school, too bad I got ripped away from all my friends in year 10 and moved to the city.
Just registered to vote, I don't care about politics so I'll just vote for whoever my mum votes for, I just don't wanna get fined.
Just told this girl who potentially likes me that if I had a girlfriend I'd wanna sleep in separate beds. You guys may think this is a fumble, I, however, think this is pretty based and funny.
in a perfect situation, i'd have a 100 million dollars and just live off the payments from t bills. that said, i can see you haven't really thought this through because owning buildings in low income areas where everyone is on section 8 etc. can be easy because the government pays their rent. they will trash the place, but who cares, don't fix anything unless there is a violation from the city. the problem is renting to the working poor and/or young people who don't care about their credit etc.
oh shit franz ferdinand dropped a new single takes me back makes me want to go to a bar in manhattan but it will never be 2003 again
>i can see you haven't really thought this through
Of course, I haven't, I'll never be able to afford a house of my own let alone multiple that I can rent out, I don't need to put a lot of thought into it.
should have studied harder in school i guess, oh well
Hello, me boys. It’s me, sitting in the drinking chair. The chair of the tiger. The world looks pale green.
I irrationally fear a hypothetical encounter with a person who just sees right through me and reads me like an open book, Even though it's very improbable.
Yeah, you're probably right.
Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance to the radio!
I think people who listen to music when they're out of the house are insufferable, especially people who complain about Zoomers, they're no better than the people they hate.
It's funny, sure, but why make your life into a joke?

Sounds like you and those annoying edgy teenagers would get along just fine
it's actually very probable. i work with a guy who's a big pseud and thinks he has everyone believing that he's some kind of math genius, but i saw him struggle with a calc 2 problem before. also, women can generally see through "nice guy" manipulative tactics. i just assume most adults have enough life experience to tell when someone is full of shit, so i "just be myself".
>It's funny, sure, but why make your life into a joke?
Cause it's funny.
For now
>Sounds like you and those annoying edgy teenagers would get along just fine
They make me want to rip my hair out. I was just in a group of them for a week for this thing that I had to do and I wanted to scream at them and tell them to shut the fuck up every time they opened their mouths. I don't know though, maybe you're right.
I don't see why it would stop being funny.
I don't really have a good reason.
If you just stop caring then what they'll read is that you don't care
Therefore the issue isn't that you'll be seen through, the issue is......
>if he's too defensive or is one of those cunts who takes sentiment and care for granted or answers both with mockery.
Yup, that's exactly how he's been these last couple years. Taking after our dad who is an ultra pro max narcissist. Super defensive and refuses to see other perspectives, despite I always hearing him out first patiently. Anyway, hoping things ease out and we can get back to being somewhat comfortable soon.

Cheers buddy, you're a good one. It's nice to hear your perspective with this stuff. I've enjoyed this exchange with you. Godspeed.
Microwave pizza pops will be my last meal if I’m ever executed by the state.
I miss my ex way less than her cat and little niece, both that I used to help her babysit. They are such sweethearts. Being around true kindness and innocence is the only thing that heals my soul.
What do all of you do for living?
It's easier when the language you chose interests you, has media you're curious about and is useful to you. Keep in mind that useful has a broad definition: japanese is equally useful to someone who plans on travelling there and to a weeb who just wanna play untraslated jrpgs and watch anime without subs.
Going by my own experiences, I always had an above average talent for romance languages and a hard time with english. I became fluent at it by hitting my head against a wall and grinding until talent didn't matter anymore. Wanna know why? Comic books. Then movies which only had english subs. Untranslated novels. Youtube channels, a cambodian basket weaving forum and all kinds of websites.
I used to check a dictionary dozens of times per page back when I started reading books in english, usually more than once since I rarely memorized a word's meaning at first. That wasn't a problem for me despite how frustrating and time wasting it might sound, because I really wanted to read those books. Anyway, I started at thirteen and was near fluent after five years or so. Meanwhile I haven't progressed beyond intermediary french and spanish due to never seriously pursuing anything that made use of those languages.
Neetbux and human guineapig trials. Though I'm going to be quitting neetbux soon to go fulltime guineapig.
I recall old people hating those wired earbuds everyone used to have witht the same passion most people 25+ hate on zoomerisms nowadays.
Eventually you will be old and will have nothing because at every opportunity you self-sabotaged for a cheap laugh
I'm sure I'll be able to find humour in a situation like that.
Every problem I have could be fixed with a lump sum of a million dollars. I could do whatever I wanted without anybody to stop me.
I'm actually a different anon from the one who replied your posts before >>23809435
>Super defensive and refuses to see other perspectives, despite I always hearing him out first patiently.
Maybe he takes being treated well by you and your family for granted. I don't know exactly why but there's a certain kind of young male which simultaneously tries to adequate himself to a group of more confident men while lashing out at his family; maybe because he's afraid of alienating his peers but feels secure about his family just taking it and being there for him no matter what.
I would say just give him time, unless things are serious and he's being a real cunt at some point he'll mature. The way your parents act towards him is more impactful than anything you do btw. I used to stand up for my mother when my brother acted disrespectful, cussing at her and calling her all kinds of shit and she usually got angrier at me than at him. That's practically giving your kid carte blanche to be an asshole.
*ba dum tss*
Pretty much.
i dont understand the appeal of this band. listen to the generic as shit low skill riff, the mid singer, ok the drummer looks really busy back there, but ts ts ts ts ts ts ts is not blowing my mind, it's all "ok", passable, acceptable, etc. but hardly worth buying the t-shirt and putting a pic of the vinyl on your instagram
>stop liking what I don't like
Double kek
it's ok to like mainstream slop, i just don't get the appeal
it lets people like you reveal themselves is half the appeal
you already revealed yourself but posting joy division lmao
>it's ok to like mainstream slop
Good news for your hours on insta then
>posts insta band
>try to talk shit about social media
ok dude
and you came running https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttKplXpze74
>insta band
>Joy Division
Zoomers really think the 80s were invented for them. Thanks for the laugh kid, is Stephen King tiktok now?
>posts some shitty remix
i guess it's yikes hour
Agape! Agape!
they sell joy division t-shirts at the mall ok, you're not fooling anyone into believing you're aren't basic as shit
Anon you're the one spending time doing what you hate here
>the mall
hey it's your band not mine
Shaun was the greatest poet since Yeats
Americans really are that dumb
I don't think any of the anons posting Joy Division have mall culture to fall back on like you. Maybe if you tell them about the food court they'll see what you see in it.
>listens to mall band
>calls others "mall culture"
sorry dude i had to go to sears to look at air conditioners i guess that makes me "mall culture" unlike you who actually listen to mall bands
Im going for that goth lite vibe (only dressing in black)
I guess you could tell the UK anons about Sears and air conditioners too if you're really into spreading the mall idea. Personally, I think they're more likely to understand Dawn of the Dead references, but if you want to go with explaining Sears to them, have at it.
Wait is the kid annoyed they play joy division in shopping centres?
He's upset someone might think he bought music tshirts from a shopping centre.
>buying the t-shirt
>insta band
>the mall
I don't know how but zoomers manage to become simultaneously dumber and more self-assured with each passing year.
your post made me think about how an old artist I knew once told me that people who deal with visual arts tend to prefer black because they are very aware of the impact color has and it tends to overwhelm them.
Fuck me, glad i'm not a teenager anymore, the amount of retarded shit you think people care about when you're 14 is ridiculous
if you don't care what people think why are you posting joy division then tho?
>people who deal with visual arts tend to prefer black because they are very aware of the impact color has and it tends to overwhelm them.
interesting. never thought about that.
have people always been like this
"i'm so attuned to color and aesthetics due to being an artist that i shall dress like a teenager" mmmm i'm thinking probably not
Yeah. I think that's why he's concerned about Instagram curation too. Something like the Hacienda won't happen for kids today which makes me kind of sad because the sort of young abandon you could have back then doesn't exist for zoomers/alphas and their entire youth culture is online hellholes.
He mentioned it after pointing out that about 80% of the students on a class of his with 40 people or so were wearing black, including himself. Said it's the kind of thing most artists start doing without even noticing.
>I'm not a pedophile, I'm a Lauraphile.
Is this a good line to say to this girl I like?
Is there anything like gay marriage but without the gay part? I find it easier to talk to dudes and wouldn't mind spending the rest of my life with one, but I wouldn't want to have sex with them and I'm not attracted to men.
Today the world will end
I am so sick of hearing about bodybuilding and looksmaxxing and hair transplants and all of that. I am sick of essays about the power of moving iron and manifesting Becoming in the world as your muscles fibers tear or whatever. Oh, I just can't stand it. There really isn't anything insightful to it at all. Somebody should write about the power of obesity and ugliness instead. How you can ruin the day of the world's most influential people just by appearing in their line of sight. That's power.
I went to an American mall once. The bathroom had faeces smeared on the wall with a clear handprint in the shit. It was a very large mall, probably sold joy division t-shirts.
i think we may have a bad apple
there is definitely something to be said about ugliness but it's hard because there's a great rift between ugly and good looking people. it will be the last segregation to end.
two classes of people that know nothing about how the other lives.
the stalls and water are fucked up even in the clean ones
I sat next to a girl on the train and she kept biting her nails and I had this huge argue to kick her in the leg and tell her to stop it.
Thank fuck I didn't.
This so much. I thought maybe they had junkie problems with the first one, but it's all their bathrooms.
>I spot a girl
>I spot 3 guys thirsting over her
I hate this stupid tech campus existence.
yeah the US bathroom privacy thing is a manufactured political problem because they could just stop building bathrooms the way gay sex clubs do
And when you finally work up to courage to talk to her you find out that she had a boyfriend (or maybe that is the excuse she uses to ward off all the guys).
Tossed an unfinished manuscript of about 60 pages into the fire.
tbf to them they do have a lot of opiate problems so they might build them that way b/c of overdoses but the water level is fucking bizarre
And if you, by some miracle manage to start dating her, you have to deal with the fact that she is going to be fending off guys wanting to date her, every day of her life as long as she works at the campus.
You're fucked, or you're fucked, or you're thinking about her being fucked by someone else.

That's why I want to move to a big city. I want to be able to date young normal girls who aren't part of some stupid tech campus.
i'd love to move somewhere bizarre. how many people move from north east england to grand rapids, michigan.
what's bizarre about either of those places?
What do you mean with bizarre?
You guys remember that New Yorker short story 'Cat Person' that went viral a few years ago? I went to the UofM at the exact same period this short story was set but I just now found out that I partied and had drunk conversation with Kat Roupenian (the author), Alexis Nowicki (the girl who real life Roupenian stole for the story), and the creepy male guy at the center of both the story and real life incident. In fact, I am about 80% that one of women I hooked up with (I was working at the student paper) actually hooked up with this creepy male guy (because she mentioned without any specific details about how she once made out with a guy that once dated then paper copy editor [Alexis])

This is kinda spooky ngl. It's weird thinking that in the immediate background of my life at the time the real life happenings of the most viral short story of all time was going on. It's just strange to have my life (perhaps the periphery of it) be so connected to this very public thing.
like jarring
the connection. it's like a non sequitur.
imagine a girl asking about your accent & why are you here in fucking grand rapids
If girls kissed him, he cannot be THAT creepy.
What the fuck does DFW mean by "Irony"?
Man that school really doesn't want students with good self appraisal
>I just now found out that I partied and had drunk conversation with Kat Roupenian (the author), Alexis Nowicki (the girl who real life Roupenian stole for the story), and the creepy male guy at the center of both the story and real life incident
I meant to add + on 3 separate occasions. Kat at an MFA reading event, Alexis at a paper party, and the creepy dude (still only 80% sure) at a co-op party.

Bizarre world.

Meh. I literally moved between cities and the average height of people jumped 30cm, lol.
I don't think moving between two cities in north western US is that big of a deal.
Subjective. I find Eastern Europe bizarre.
When women talk about the creepy guy or the incel or whatever, they only mention the guys who are at the edge of normality, because those are the only guys who are actually visible to them.
The hardcore incels are never actually talking or interacting with women.
no. what? you missed something there.
i mean if you moved from flyover state city central to hartlepool, county durham, UK, people would be flabbergasted meeting you.
I'm just saying, I don't think that was that big of a cultural difference compared to what I experienced.
But I did not mean to turn it into a competition.
I think Hartlepool would be the bigger shock
Yeah guess so. In the story, the central dude is portrayed as a weird incel-y guy, which is why I defaulted to "creepy male guy". However, in a follow up article, Alexis mentions how the dude was actually nice, which could very well be the case, I never knew him personally.

I kinda kinda kinda wanna reach out to that girl I hooked up with to confirm this but I haven't spoken to her in 7ish years.
Eastern Europe is very bizarre.
I can never understand their personalities.
Polish people in the UK are the worst. They bitch and moan people are racist against them. Then they be super racist against the Ukrainians and Croats in the UK.
what you saying
it would be ridiclous!
I mostly interact with the middle class EE and they are weird in their own ways.
They are in many ways more westernized and urban than I am, for examples in matters of absorbing pop culture.
But then they talk about how they don't really accept western philosophies like liberalism. But they are never clear what they really mean.
actually true. one or two have banter but they're generally nasty people
It's a vast garden of suburbs crammed with American looking houses put in a chaotic arrangement.
every honest post I make gets bare (you)s
It's like with girls. Being genuine is not enough.
You have to also be interesting.
everyone is interesting. being in love with someone is just a recognition of a real truth. you're right though.
Every time I see a pretty girl who is dressed in a normal, feminine but not slutty manner, I fall in love.
Too bad, most girls are either dressed in provocative ways, which turns me off, or they are wearing Muslim garb, which is a huge turn off as well.
You live your life as if were an essay, i live mine as if were a sonnet
I have a particularly nasty experience with Polish folks in the UK. I ordered from deliveroo late one night, and I saw from my window my dude, fucking Andrzej, literally open my bag and eat fucking my chips and a pickled veg (ordered shawarma). When I told him I saw the thing, he acted as if he didn't speak fucking English.

I was so enraged. I walked to that lebanese place the next morning to complain to the big fucking Indian dude about the order. Dude apologized and gave me a free chips curry and coke right then and there. Honestly that was based beyond belief. Fuck you Andrzej, you stupid polish cunt. Thank you based indian guy for the free food and drink.
good club songs feel like theyre sharing wisdom

anyway https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPUk7AQuoLM
I wish I were interested in something that I could dedicate all my time mastering. Alas, theres no such thing.
Forgot to mention. He ate my food with his fucking biking gloves or whatever still on. Nasty little heathen.
they're like a very particular type. arrogant but also have no pride.
hard to think of something nice about them honestly. as if we started a world war because they were invaded...
not a very good idea to get guys who are barely subsisting on the lower wages to deliver your food, they are the most likely to take a cheeky bite

stupid business model
insomnia is obviously a club classic but his spoken word bit for the first few minutes still makes me cringe a bit. but yeah
Why have Australian zoomer men collectively decided that an ugly mullet and a pedostache is the right direction to take modern male aesthetics in their country? Do you legitimately not see how fucking disgusting it looks? Surely no women over there are attracted to such a beta style? Or are the women equally as pathetic?
I love it, but i'm a triphophead so https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KhYcoioForU
I think I am keeping my father alive by remaining a manchild.
I think, as soon as I get a girl pregnant and show him the kid, he's going to peace out.
I heard of this phenomenon that parents who have kids later in life tend to live much longer.
Not sure if that's a good thing.
If you were a teen during the Hacienda's heyday you're way too old to be posting here
no but it's a fun hairstyle. and when you're young it's now or never sort of.
what's funny is i see 18 year olds do it at the office and the boomers fucking love it for some reason.
>ugly mullet and a pedostache is the right direction to take modern male aesthetics in their country

It's a worldwide phenomenon. There's so much you can do with male hair. The trends have to be recycled. I want to grow a mustache and maybe a mullet too. Too bald for the broccoli hair so I should probably jump onto this trend.
>if you were an adult when 4chan started you're too old
You're here forever kid
>the boomers fucking love it
Because it's fun. It's a style that doesn't take itself too seriously. Like you wear it half-ironically.
It's like a fuck you in the face of the pretentious people who want to show off their good genes.
I’m really conflicted about whether I should stay in my job or give it up.
that's why zoomers like it (unequivocally, that is the reason). i think boomers just sincerely enjoy it and think it's cool.
good genes still make or break.
Why do you want to quit your job? What would your plans be afterwards?
your sense of smell is the most potent, most powerful memory. if you smell something that you last smelt when you were 2, it would hit you like a truck. it's ridiculous. the most overlooked sense by far.
ok marcel
get fired
... proust?
Are there any good fiction featuring a dwarf (or short male) protagonist?
Sick of reading about the same boring male archetypes.
no marceau
nigga where are my madelines
women and men are SO close but they don't get it. they're not part of it and don't get it. but we get on so well. but they're missing key information. isn't it awful.
you're not my auntie
fuck this
>women and men are SO close
How? Women are an alien species as far as I am concerned.
i am, now give me my madeleines before i make my boy frankie break your knees and make you an invalid like your auntie
I'm always baffled by people who seriously say that they've grown closer to god. What does that even mean? You grew closer about a fictional entity entirely made up in your head? This surely has to be some sort of mental illness.
This one isn't at bump limit
they are. but when we talk we're like the same animal from different planets. that's my read anyway.
Women are proportional to men. If in a society women are very fearsome and hysteric, the same applies to men, but in undet different contexts and conditions. For example in Saudi Arabia the women always go out of the house in a hijab. This may translate in men being extremely faggoty about covering themselves up when with other men, for example in the dressing room. Or in our society where women don't want to do a lot of work around the house or clean up might translate into men having very messy rooms, simply out of a lack of sense for order and tidiness around the house. If in a society women dress up slutty, it's men have a bad sense of fashion. And so on and so forth.
ehh this is a very unromantic / incel outlook on it
No it's not incelish gibberish it is the most non-incelish lookout on women. If people are what they eat, men are their women.
if you say so. it rings false to me.
do me a favour and speak from experience (do you have a lot of experience with saudi arabian girls?)
It was supposed to be an example the answer is no I never talked to an Arabian girl, except once. To piss off burgers, her skin was as white as that of an angel and she carried an air of haughty arrogance around herself. But no time to go off a tangent.
Now this view on sex is the most non-incellish one, because criticizing women in the way incels do becomes impossible to me from this point of view. I can't say absolutely defeating shit about women because that would only speak against me. If women are pathetic and retarded in a society so are it's men. If in a society women care a lot about the order and tidiness around the house then so do it's men. And so on and so forth. It is the most true and the most provable stance on gender that exists.
There's no fundamental difference between men and women - they are for the most parts alike. If in a society women are fat then so are it's men. If in a society women are fit than so are it's men. If you want proof for this theory there's an infinite number of proofs for it. Disprove me, you can't.
Not him, but the way I'd put it is, "how much do you abhor a grind?". For me that happens to be a whole lot since I don't happen to be an idiot, so acting in that way has usually yielded happy results, even in the very long-term or strategic sense. I hate even the phrase "back on track." For whom? I like a lot of quiet and privacy, especially with a nice and sweeping view, but God spare me from regimentation.
Fuck off, gains goblin.
yes is it
tell me more about that first girl.
it's true in couples take after one another (for better or worse). women do strike me as decidedly different though, the scientists tell us they use more of their brain than us... they sync up with the moon, there's something witchy about them.
Well nothing particular she had something slightly Asian about her appearance. Perhaps a distant descendant of the Turkic or Kossack invaders from the steppe who raided the Middle East during the onset of the Middle Ages, but that's just pure speculation. And she didn't wear any sort of hijab for that matter but she was also a teen so who knows.
I don't believe in any of that nonsense. Like when we look into the animal kingdom we don't see gender first but the species. Lions are lions and behave alike, there's just slight differences between the genders and one has to have experience with those animals to tell the gender looking at their behaviour alone, well maybe not with lions because of their dimorphism but with cats and dogs for example, or rats.
The only significant difference is the male, generally speaking, is more active, aware, attentive of the environment, while the females are much less so or only with themselves. Basically women are our inferiors but that just puts us men into a position of a lot of responsibility. Like I always had this sort of instinct, to be and loon like an example of strength and morality when I'm in public at least, but I only now realized that this is a very male instinct. Our inferiors would only look down on us if we didn't put off the best version of ourselves when they might see us and to worsen things it would demoralize them a lot. Like there is only men there to embody the best possible example of what a human being is capable of, and if that version of a human is very pathetic, than our inferiors obviously would think very lowly of their superiors.
oh wow sorry i asked...
re your final word: there's something key in understanding the old idea of the sun being masculine; man & the moon; woman. their planetary powers are: sun for illumination; moon for enchantment.
Yeah I mean I don't deny that there's a universal feminine and masculine principle I just don't think the feminine principle is the dominant principle almost anywhere on the planet. Perhaps I'm wrong, I once went on that errand and hypothesized that if this is true, animals are, abstractively considered, the living beings dominated by the male, the plants dominated by the female, but then I realized that those huge, accomplished, hundreds of years old trees that stand surrounded by nothing but smaller plants have something very masculine about themselves. The male principle is thus universally dominant and not just in the animal kingdom. It is naturally predatory, the feminine naturally submissive. It seeks submission more than anything else, but it only accepts submission to someone it can accept as a superior. And, it only submits to what will do no harm to it. The only reason probably why Eva ate the fruit, was feminine virtue and not vice; she ate the fruit, because the snake approached her, and she felt it would do her no harm, the snake was good, and thus she did what is only natural for women, to serve whom she believes is good.
Nine Inch Nails
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medieval. the reformation was a mistake
Yeah well I find all further debate about this stupid. Men and women are the same species, there's no fundamental difference between them. It's comparing apples with apples. Only a specialist would find their differences to be the most profound quintessence of the universe.
isn't the one subject (and one subject only) of all real poetry? the most venerated poem in western history, the iliad, starts off 'sing to me, o goddess'
Yes, but as aforementioned even the devil has to compromise with the female in order to further his goals. Without gaining it's service, it's submission, the dominant male principle is not only dysfunctional, it has failed it's very goal itself.
feminine is a nasty latin word with all the horrible latin connotations. you should say womanliness, that's a good anglo-saxon word.
all poetry of value is matriarchal in origin.
water to water, ark again to ark,
from woman back to woman

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