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frens edition :3

prev >>23808217
First for /lit/
gimme my madelines right this minute marcel you lil nigga
delete this bro i had such a vibey wwoym image picked out
I have grown closer to God. I farted.

I only ever had tomboy gfs; I never had normal gfs so I don't know.
Somebody told me, the tomboys aren't even real women. They are just inept females who cannot socialize with other females, so they let the males thirst over them, and that's basically their friend circle. That kinda rings true.
I don't know what real women even behave like.
I did, I did. Oh, baby, oh, baby.

I-I did, I did. You can, you can, you can, you can
Well, then I am god. I just started.
your friend is right there is a real difference between real women and what poet robert graves called 'auxiliary male personnel'

Now that we are on the subject, I will take the opportunity to lament about how much my socialization with the other sex was impeded.
After I finished grade school, I got sent to an all boys Catholic boarding school. I spent the most formative years of my life imprisoned with a bunch of horny teenagers. My peers were at least lucky enough to go back home to their substantial social circles, but when I went back home, I only met my relatives. My family wasn't very sociable and in any case most of my relatives were at least two generations older than me.
Then I went to Uni, and I studied STEM crap with a horrible gender ratio. I met girls there, but mostly tomboys and mostly not in an environment conductive to dating since there was a lot of drama and resentment due to the dating social dynamics of our STEM bubble.
Then I finished Uni and got my first job in a tech campus, with the same STEM gender imbalance.
My life has been a joke ever since.
But what I real women like then?
I cannot even imagine.
boys separate from girls - always detrimental.
I don't know how they others turned out, but I imagine they turned out fine.
It was only me who really suffered.
But yes, gender segregation during my teenage years was fucking bullshit. They ruined my life.
your mum must have been something like one. anyway, i can't explain it. like the cleverest kid in the class ... who hasn't studied at all
it ruined your teenage years no doubt. it's not responsible for the rest of your life.
No, my mom was very weird, lol. She was a super religious church lady type, who barely did any dating and quite butch.
I think my dad was the closest thing to a normie in my household, although he married late and was probably a 40 year old virgin.
Thing is, I did a lot of mistakes, very late in life, because never had those formative years.
But yeah, it's pointless to keep blaming the past.
i'm in too deep here. if you think you need some analysis or primal scream - or i need a cigarette myself - but, i'm not qualified for anything like that.
My girlfriend hasn't paid rent in months and I have -2 dollars in my bank account
This WWOYM got a good vibe going
No unnecessarily rude or negative or argumentative fellas in just yet
Don't worry bud. I was just venting lol.
I can manage somehow.

I am still wondering what normie women are like though.
Like where you even meet them?
Would I even want to meet them?
What do they do all day?
My housemate is moving out and I am wondering who will replace him.
Secretly hoping it will be a girl. Not because I want to creep on her, but just because I like the liveliness of living with girls.
When I live with guys, it's everyone for himself and minding his own business.
>liveliness of living with girls.
what a fool you are. You will hate women after that.
I have lived with girls before. It's not my first rodeo.
Even the worse girls have brought excitement to the place.
I remember that bitch who set my deck on fire.
I hated her, but she brought a cat and that cat was really cute.
>but she brought a cat and that cat was really cute.
you could have done that on your own.
Post it
I was reading The Iron King yesterday and it talked about The Templars, the Jews and the Lombards. All of them loaned money to the French monarchy and the French decided to burn them to the sake instead of paying their debts.
Anyway, we still have the Jews and the Templars are gone for good. Do we still have something akin to the Lombards?
that's because i'm busy rn
i had wanted kids but i just hung out with this chick and her kid yeah i'm fucking over it, when i croak my money can go to my alma mater, they can name a shitty conference room after me or something.
yeah i love those rare 20 minutes before some resentful douche shits it up arguing about some dumb shit
my dishwasher smells funky, hopefully it will pass without me doing anything. I will have to do something if it's still there tomorrow, i fully expect it to be related to the wash I just ran in it, doing it only once a week could be the problem.
Should I send a message over OKCupid to correct her impression of me? Keep in mind that it was my messages which stopped her from replying in the first place, I could just go on and make it worse. I will have a smoke and maybe do something after
im not resentful i just like picking on you nerds lol
See, but that is the difference between a male living space and a female living space. Yes I could have brought a cat, but I would never have gone to that much effort because it would never be that high a priority for me.
Women put a lot of emphasis on turning a living space into something cosy worth living in. Whereas we men mostly don't care about such nonsense, but we do notice and appreciate the female touch when we experience it.
Nah try living with a gay guy, he does the same stuff
my sister has one i don't get what the point is you have to wash the dishes before u put them in the dish washer what it is this shit
what did the kid do?
I think kids differ a lot so you can never really know,
I really like my niece, she's super cute and inquisitive without ever becoming to annoying and overbearing, and she's not spoiled
You just have to rinse them so it's much less effort
I lived with a bi dude and he had shit covered bed linen in the washing machine, every fucking week. Was by far the most disgusting person I have ever lived with.
i might've oversold it. but it was a pic an arty girl sent me yesterday & seeing it on /lit/ front page would've resolved something for me
If you have a good boiler with really hot water, you can very effortlessly clean all dishes, just as easily as rinsing them.
maybe i should fap less cuz i see a chick like that and she just looks annoying who wants to deal with that shit
The gay dude I live with decorated the house more than any of the girls I lived it, he always has some random stuff hanging on his door, he brings sweets, and he is nice to everyone. He's a nice dude but I barely ever socialise with my housemates. One girl I lived with was very much into climate change / eco stuff but she always left the lights open, she'd make noise all the time, and she'd restart the modem without asking anyone because she had network issues. Another woman I lived with kept inviting guys over and having loud sex upstairs. I prefer the gay guy and I'm Christian.
why the fuck would want that? Do you hate her or something?
is that a real person?
don't upload it on the internet without her permission
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I honestly think we would all be way better off if a global catastrophe (economic, if not natural or atomic) would send us all to the stone age.
Tabula rasa, new beginning, perfect to make new mistakes all over again and learn from them.
I hate the whole "end of history" attitude which permeates the contemporary age, as if representative democracy is the best system possible and nothing can ever top that, we're done, it's all the same from here on.
Fuck that, complacency is truly the most insidious killer: I say, let wars start, let people die in famines and economic collapses, let societies fall and rebuild and fall again. I'm tired of stagnancy and at this point I don't wish for a better future for anyone anymore, we don't deserve it
I never said the girls weren't annoying as fuck.
Quite the opposite. But they do bring some life into an otherwise dead house.
Need a bf
nothing, the kid is fine, i'm just imagining him as a teenager, like you spend 15 years of your life trying to raise somebody well and then they just end up being a pothead or a weeb or something. you've gotta be like elon and spam em out so if one fails you have like ten more as backup, but i don't have that kinda bread.
I wonder how that would work out.
That would necessitate a lot of war.
But who has appetite for war in a godless world?
Why fight and die? What is the point?
she looks alright in then right light what to do you want me to say
I'm not gay bro
yep it's non con
why would want to post some girls photo on 4chan? If she ever finds out its going to make her go crazy, women are extremely paranoid about this kind of shit.
I think you are being too dramatic. Most kids rebel a bit but return to you after a while. There's even studies convincing this. The apple does not fall far from the tree.
Are you gf material?
its obv a gay dude
I am a guy
he is free to answer the question, although in his case he need to get on HRT stat
are u in nyc area? if i'm not gonna have kids why bother being straight
i'm a rebel
I think you're a bit of an asshole, desu
No, I am South American :(
not him, but what's it like living in nyc?
is it like in the movies?
so come on up, get in while the gettin's good, if trump wins, he might close off the border but right now it's wide open
That would've been a creepy OP bro, we don't want to have a random woman as the OP without her permission
what >>23811129 said. Doing that to a girl just because you feel like it is a proof of you being an inconsiderate cunt.
idk the only thing that's weird about it is that there are people here that are very successful and very rich. like whatever your wildest dream is, some guy here is living it. most people aren't though.
Had a relationship go long distance. It ended today as they always do. If I’m truthful with myself I knew it was coming, she’d become more distant with me and I’d done the same to her. Even so, now that it’s happened I’m still sad about it.
anyone who expects me to argue is begged kindly to excuse me; my garrison is withdrawn without a shot fired and your artillery may blow the fortress to pieces at leisure
I can relate to that. I have lived in such places before. It doesn't really bother me.
I wonder what dating is like.
On the one hand, you got lots of women there.
On the other hand you have this wide spectrum from very successful to living under a bridge and I wonder whether it makes dating harder cause you feel like you need to compete with the very top.
my last relationship ended so well, she just stopped texting me first, so after like a week of that, i'm like ok fine i'm waiting till she texts me first for once, and she never did and i can still see the last text when i open imessages on my mac, july 2022. it was pretty painless.
She already has someone else
creepy is ok
Painless? I guess no love was involved.
>would've resolved something for me
well what if love was involved? what am i gonna do call her and argue about? make her meet me somewhere and cry about it? fuck it why bother
i won't tell you.
Im painting some meme images....but I feel kinda bad because I didnt invent them myself.
You made me curious faggot
i have that effect on people
Logically yeah, but it would still bother the fuck out of me.
jk i lost interest already
Stop lying that's actually you. You are a qt :3
oh shit ya i think u figured it out, also i think that's a dude, butters is that u coming out of hiding to drop your latest drag pic
Nigga how is it a real relationship if one person can just "forget" to message you? No meaningful relationship will ever be like this.

In fact, for your own self respect, you should not consider this a real relationship. You deserve someone who will at the very very very least message you once a day lmao.
hey-ooo winner winner chicken dinner ;)
check you out
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>she literally never texts you again without a goodbye
Only on /lit/
this board is so horrible
Is the conservative/traditional aesthetic necessarily about portraying yourself as part of a superior group against a backdrop of the inferior masses?
Whether it is the enlightened God fearing Christians in contrast to the godless world, or the Aryan übermensch in contrast to the dysgenic masses, it seems like that is always the dynamic.
this. im fucking leaving you guys >:((
i've just about had it
>also i think that's a dude
Even better.
>noooo you must like the current state of the world
Yes conservatives dislike the status quo. The inferiority/superiority is just you projecting.
she didn't "forget" to message me, she chose not to message me because she didn't want to be involved with me anymore. before that we we text each other constantly. it was better than having a big argument where she tells me what a shitty dude i am or whatever.
She just got bored of you because she found someone more interesting my dude
Disliking the status quo is punk which is quite different from the conservative/traditional aesthetic.
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>/lit/ never reads
>never even reads gf goodbye
idk it was kinda abrupt i'm pretty sure i pissed her off somehow i did get coffee with this chick from work who looks just like her but how would she have known about that and if that bothered her she could have said sth cuz i was just being sociable with a coworker, idk, also it could be that i said i got screwed over by my boss at work, might have gave her the ick, don't know, don't care, t b h
i've converted lesbians but they always go back
Conservatism, or what I call bone-mark conservatism, is just (in my opinion) the most realistic view on life and society rather than an ideology/belief system in itself. Like the socialists just believe that an equal society without private property would be the best way to go. The liberals just believe that a free market is the best way to go. The ancaps just got that without a state society would be best. The nazis just believe ... a lot of crazy and deranged nonsense. But a bone-mark conservative just takes reality as it is. He takes it as a reality that living in a suburbian home with your wife in a stable environment with a stable job is the best place to raise children in. He takes it as a reality that taking a poor person as a wife is a really stupid decision that will most likely fuck up the future of your lineage. He takes it as a fact that in life, one has to fight to get a share of the cake, but that a state is necessary to provide basic order. And so on and so forth.
No post more >:)
Why are you arguing for her lmao? Have some self-respect. She's a bitch, and you should at the very least acknowledge that before moving on to a woman who genuinely enjoys your company
I don’t think so, but regardless I’m sad because I’ve lost something which at one time made me very happy.
>living in a suburban home with your wife
you realize "the suburbs" are a very modern invention? this why conservatism is kinda pointless cuz you're just doing what was new 50 years ago, in 50 years when people are merging their dna with dogs and becoming irl furries or some shit, conservatives will be drawing the line at gender transition, etc.
Also in almost all cases the conservatives are larping as some tiny minority when in fact they are part of a powerful majority.
Like being Christian in the US is not some freaking minority status. Neither is being white.
Come on.
idk idc heh
Yes if you have the understanding of the world of a 12 year old which you do
>it's a buttmad non-white
That sounds like objectivism.
Conservatism is to me, apologetics for the social values and structures of the present and recent past.

Conservatives used to be monarchists. Now they are not, but they used to be.
There's a part of me that completely emphasizes with those creepy, far retards that obsess over k-pop girl groups and idols. There's some element of earnest idealistic child-like fantasy involved with these things, and it resonates with me.
No matter how much I try to be objective, I still can't find a way to look at my life without seeing everything conspiring against me.
Your whole worldview revolves around the misplaced idea that you are so superior to everyone else.
Here you think yourself wiser. OK.
Tell me when you surpass Elon Musk in accumulated wealth.
None of you understand conservatism because you're retarded
Explain it to us, then.
You should care, young one. It's your own life after all.
>Conservatism is a cultural, social, and political philosophy and ideology that seeks to promote and preserve traditional institutions, customs, and values.[1][2][3] The central tenets of conservatism may vary in relation to the culture and civilisation in which it appears.[4] In Western culture, depending on the particular nation, conservatives seek to promote and preserve a range of institutions, such as the nuclear family, organised religion, the military, the nation-state, property rights, rule of law, aristocracy, and monarchy.[5][6] Conservatives tend to favour institutions and practices that enhance social order and historical continuity.[7]

Sounds like a good description.
No they are not a modern invention. The prototypical suburb home is the farm surrounded by a vast land of forests and farming fields. People have been living in those from the times of Adam. I admit that the suburbian home and it's small garden are much more a caricature than the real thing, but still closer to the old-fashioned than the crammed city apartment block surrounded by loud neighbours of dismally poor social backgrounds. Now that is a new thing much more than the suburbian home.
i'm always a little envious of fat fuck gamers who just let themselves go and just play video games and junk food. like just chasing the next dopamine with no care for the normie world. like you know that meme in the gaming boards like "fuck ya friday night!!!!" and it's a pic of some fat ass dude at his "gaming rig" with a bunch of junk food and soda, can't deny that could be p comfy...
Conservatism is country-specific, so American conservatism has nothing to do with British conservatism, French conservatism, or Greek conservatism. That's the first thing you don't understand because liberalism, socialsm, communism are internationalist movements. You can't just talk about conservatism generally.
>The prototypical suburb home is the farm surrounded by a vast land of forests and farming fields.

That is also a modern invention.

>People have been living in those from the times of Adam.

Really goes to show how ignorant you are.
Yes, conservatism and monarchism are very related to each other. It is THE conservative form of society. Not much a fan of it either, I love freedom too much to accept monarchy, but for the people who love law and order as much as family run society it is the most ideal way to organize a society, because it becomes led by a nuclear family.
Kek this retard thinks farming is a modern invention

Conservatism is just reaction to progress. That description applies globally.
some ranch house in levittown is not a farm holy shit
Dude you are so dumb. My great-grand father lived like people used to live in the Middle Ages just to put things into perspective and he had one of those things.
You are low iq stop replying reddit-spacing faggot
>Conservatism is just reaction to progress
Are you pulling my leg?
Farming is not a recent invention, but the family owned farm as you envision it, most certainly is.
Have you ever heard of that little period of time called Feudal Europe? There were no family owned farms back then. The modern farms as you envision it only become a thing after the Napoleonic wars were serfdom was eliminated in most of Europe and some of the land fell in the hands of the common people.
Your great grandfather did not live in the fucking middle ages and if he did he'd be a serf.
there are some really stupid people on 4chan and they're usually the biggest ideological cranks on either left or right
>no argument
the way you're writing and the arguments you're using show that you're not worth the try. Don't cast your pearls before swine and all that.
Family owner farms is literally how the agricultural revolution began 12,000 years ago
You literally made the most basic historical errors and now you are crying like a little bitch about it.
Fuck off, retard.
Your whole ideology is a lie.
Your entirely identity is a lie.
A complete fantasy.
Faggot, I only called you a nigger, I'm not in the argument
Welp the dumb argumentative fellas have joined this thread
At least the vibes were good at the start
>asiatic mode production was a bunch of family farms
uhh well that's an interesting take...
He lived in the fucking middle ages because in the middle ages metal was rare. Now he and his children would all eat from the same bowl, sometimes with their hands or with a spoon if it was a soup so I'm not exaggerating when I say he literally lived the Middle Ages. Couldn't write, couldn't read. Got himself hands on a farm by literally settling into a forest and cutting down the trees to make himself a farm there (in Europe).
It was still his private property and it was him and his wife alone who had to put up with the work on the farm. This is the way all (up until a very small percentage) of Europeans have lived since times immemorial, sometimes owing fees to a feudal lord, sometimes not. As you can see the prototype of the suburbian home is thousands of years old. The shack in the forest IS the prototypical suburbian home.
Kek tranny has a breakdown
ya im peacing out too, it was real while it lasted
I don't know what the fuck was happening 12,000 years ago and it is not relevant.
But I know for sure that the family owned farm with land all around it as you envision it is a very modern, and almost exclusively American invention.
>enters delirious mode
Take care buddy, catch at the first 20 mins of the next thread
wow eating slop out of a wooden bowl with my hands seems so epically trad why did anyone give up such a wholesome lifestyle
America is a modern country retard, you are a fucking retard for expecting american conservatives to go back before the 19th century
maybe if that girl was the OP picture
>Got himself hands on a farm by literally settling into a forest and cutting down the trees to make himself a farm there (in Europe).
In the actual middle ages he would be hanged for felling a single tree without permission.
they should have made a rotation speed for when cocaine takes over the music industry every now and then
I mean besides that my great-grand father was a coloss of a man. Knew how to make wheels, a cart, man horses and oxens, assist in child-birth, cut down a forest, hand-wrestle against a wolve, and all other kind of Faustian shit I can only look up to.
>t. learned history from discovery channel and youtube shorts
>Like where you even meet them?
they're everywhere. go out of your apartment, there's girls in the elevator, they're in cafeterias, subways, everywhere
>What do they do all day?
i think they chill
Yeah I know, private property is oppressive but as late as the 1930s anyone with the right skills could randomly settle uninhabitated governmental land without an issue.
For all intents and purposes 1930s counts as very modern.
That's just 2 long generations away. My grandfather was a child back then.
well for what it's worth the image is dogshit
One of the biggest myths in all of politics is that voters care about polices and economics, they don’t, due to a combination of not understanding them,belief it does not affect them, and just apathy towards the subjects voters, despite what they say, do not care about policy and economics which is why most politicians don’t even try to talk about them it’s not engaging it doesn’t get votes despite the potential importance.
that must make you my dads age
I'm only 30. My dad is almost 80. My grandfather was born in 1896.
>Faustian shit
lol Faust just reads
the real reason voters don't care about policies is because they know the candidate's policies always get watered down or blocked and rarely look much like what was said on the campaign trail, after a while you stop giving a shit about them, when i was a teenager i would pour over candidates policy positions, but after enough election cycles, you realize they're not going to happen the way they are proposed, so who cares. you just have to vote for the person who mostly aligns with your values and hope they pass something you mostly agree with
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oops sorry wrong img i meant to post
>his dad had him at 50
>old dad age increase risk of autism
checks out
99% of politicians are beholden to some lobbyist group or another. Quite easy to sort them out once you find out who funds them.
same year as robert graves
Lol, I actually got the test done, for real. They told me I was hyper emotionally perceptive which is the opposite of autism.
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don't you mean... robert gays
it makes sense, since having children young is more natural and your parents are more likely to follow natural instinct (making a healthier child i guess)
britons are mega gay
Who reads Faust? It's 1500 pages long and apparently wasn't even finished.
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It's extremely bad too. Like unbelievably bad. I couldn't believe it considering people try to rank Goethe with Shakespeare, Dante, Virgil, and Homer. It's an absolute travesty.
Why did Adam have his child when he was like 70 years old? Seems like it's natural to have your first child around 30-35 if you're a man.
my grandfather legit had a more adventurous life than him, but he never had time nor the inclination to write it all down
but he was a merchant who traveled the world by sail and steam at the turn of the century, survived multiple close encounters dealing in tea and gold with shady individuals, smuggled shit all over the world, survived two world wars, married a girl (she was still a teenager) who was like 1 foot taller than him, had 12 children, amassed a lot of land, and probably lots more that was lost to time
We invented the printing press. Stay mad and butthurt.
then why are we sexually active in our teen years? obviously in nature we reproduced at a younger age
>then why are we sexually active in our teen years?
are we?
and here's his heir
Yes, it's best you stick to engineering.
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>joined the military looking to shoot guns and blow shit up
>fast forward 6 years
>my life revolves around microsoft office
>most pressing event happening right now is making sure the powerpoint slides for sexual harassment training are ready
when you live 930 years, 70 must seem young. probably didn't want to commit to a child until he was good and ready.
Very modern but my ancestors lived in a place that political disasters didn't reach too much. According to some sources they were pagans up until the 18th but I wasn't able to verify that.
"You seem sad," she said softly, her fingers brushing through my hair.

I shrugged. "Does it even matter?"

"It matters to me."

With a sigh, I pushed her hand away. "You’re not real. Why should you care?"

Her face remained emotionless, just watching me in silence, as if searching for something, before leaving.

The next night, I fell asleep hoping to see her again. I had to apologize.

But she never returned.
when did you start playing with yourself?
the very simple truth about my world: I don't matter at all, to anyone or anything.

why do I live? I don't know. I know nothing
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>make incredibly gay weird posts on 4chan for 20 years
>suddenly realize all the people reading my posts aren't abstract entities called "4chan users" it's literally just actual real guys
>i've just been sharing my deepest darkest most fucked up secrets, fantasies, and general retarded thoughts with random guys who work at stores and shit
what the fuck man i'm panicking
I am the only one of my cousins who is continuing his legacy.
I have already lived in three different countries. First to get a PhD. Will be starting a business soon.
Now I need to find a teenager who is willing to marry a 30 year old. Also she needs to be 195cm and willing to marry my short ass. I don't know how he pulled it off but she really loved him.
Well he must have been doing something right if he lived so long.
if your grandfather followed a more natural lifestyle you might've inherited taller genetics
>pagans up until the 18th
Interesting. I know that a lot of folk medicine/folk magick practices persisted until today pretty much. But not full blown paganism.
That how it is for men. You start not mattering.
But then you become someone, a husband, a father, a community leader, and you start mattering.
Well that's a bit exaggerated but the folks did stuff like putting the food remains on Christmas out on the window so the angels may have some too. This was in the 1950s.
That's the great thing about it. You don't have to worry about social niceties or differences, and people posting here can be completely honest without fear of consequence or retaliation.
Dude my hyper religious Catholic mother did that shit too.
Are you American? In Europe these little hold overs from per-Christian times are quite common.
yet so few people are honest (and the ones who are you wish would shut up)
Honestly I find it sad that these rites have died out. And no I'm European. Who knows how many beliefs have been lost over the eras.
So apparently they shot (and missed) at him again. What the fuck. This is turning into a farce. How can the SS be so incompetent?
>But then you become someone, a husband, a father, a community leader, and you start mattering.
I will never be any one of these brother
right in your ear
Dude, thank your lucky stars that you didn't have to swallow a mysterious mixture of crap concocted by the local witch.
When I was 8, I had a fever, not even a big deal, and my mother went to this local woman, who I can only describe as the local witch (she sold home made cheese and potions) and both this horrible mixture of shit in a used soda bottle and shoved it down my throat.

BTW, if you want to read about all this stuff, there are many books on the subject. It's not all lost to history.
a better question ia why do these shooters suck so bad?
where i'm from, you're born mattering
Do you honestly think it would solve anything?
It would make things much worse.
He is on his way out. His magic is fading.
we cannot all be tarqs or gulf arab princes
Ok? My parents were antivaxxers and anti-medicine. Every time I got ill or something I had to suffer through it. Not really the best experience either.
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One of you anon reccomended this book a few weeks ago. I was drunk upon reading the reccomendarion and purchased it. It just arrived today. I kind of regret it now
Because the kind of person who decides to shoot politicians as a lone actor in 2024 is generally a fucking retard with severe internet brainrot. Same for school shooters and the like. These people have solvable personal problems (in most cases) but decide that committing mass violence is the best solution, or believe doing so will finally make them well liked, or that their actions will lead to a mass beta uprising or whatever. Because their internal symbolic-relational view of the world is heavily informed by the simulacrum of social media, their actions make sense in their heads, even though all of them have access to information about previous cases like theirs and the end results.
Source: my ass
You're lucky. I think about all the flu shots I got as a child and I despair knowing that literal poison and heavy metals were injected directly into my bloodstream for literally mo reason at all.
no i don't want him to get shot i'm just astounded by their bad aim
Guarantee this guy, like the last, was known to the fbi. The fbi was definitely in chat rooms with the last guy, encouraging him to act, like they've done with many mass shooters in the past. They don't care. Simple as.
You mean you got vaccinated against the flu?
3 6 5 party girl
>in nature
Wtf does this even mean? We haven't been in nature for several millenia.
That begs the question
right, but obviously we're healthier living more naturally. and our primal instinct still sneaks through into modern life (young couples, etc.)
I got a flu shot every year from the ages of like 5 to 17. At 17 I realized that vaccines are fake and gay and stopped getting them
Well I mean vaccinating against the flu is just straight up retarded. Less you're like 70 and really afraid to die to a common cold.
Can there be conservatism without change of some sort?
only good track on the whole album
>obviously we're healthier living more naturally
You mean naked, rolling around in dirt, living in a cave?
a very disney idea of pre-history
Yes, I know it's retarded and thats why I'm so pissed. Most flu shots only have a 10 percent effectiveness rate anyway. I remember telling a doctor that every time I get a flu shot that I feel sick for a week, as if I had a flu. He told that's not possible and it's not true. Stupid bastard.
Tell me what life was like before the agricultural revolution senpai
I fucking hate doctors and their stupid business model centered around making money out of people being afraid of illness and death.
we can observe contemporary hunter-gatherers. people living in primitive conditions have lower cardiovascular diseases, they're taller, broader, more developed faces.
The Japanese title for To Kill a Mockingbird is The Tale of Arabama
I'm deeply ashamed of the fact that my father is essentially a nobody. He has no skills, no hobbies to speak, and is generally a nuisance. This has affected me more than I ever realized. Between my friends who have father figures and those who don't, the former are doing better in every single facet of life that I can think of. I have a plan for my life, but I feel so alone.
whatsup girly what flavour vape you like?
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meet me in the unisex bathroom bb
They're also niggers
cradle of humanity is where? not austria.
Central Asia
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are you suree you were dating this chick?
Seeing things
humans are tropical animals
Speak for yourself, jungle monkey
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the weaker tribes that fled to europe did manage to survive (that is, survive, not thrive) and humans have steadily got unhealthier. the human brain has shrunk over time.
Africans really thrive on all the food Europeans send them
how do you have no shame in your dying country. you make less money in real terms than 15 years ago while we make 50% more. We're not going to let you in here when you come banging on the door.
primitive tribes didn't know autism, ebola or aids until medical evangelists gave them vaccines
whoops meant for >>23811405
Go run free with the fauna anon
hell yeah where the fuck you at?
i actually can't i'm northern european i'm busy being vitamin d deficient living in the city
The natural state of human stopped mattering once humans learned farming after that they could lived in any soil and weather
This. We're not /b/, /gif/ degenerates here.
mate the UKs been in decline for 80 years. we lead the world in decline. americas only just embarking on that. they're children in the matter of decline. we've been doing it longer than anyone else. we rose earlier than any other country (with the exception of holland perhaps), we had our revolution a century before the french and the americans. we were further along, and we're further along in decline.
What with all the Africans leaving their primitive paradise to go suffer in civilization, there should be more than enough room open for you to out in a loincloth, grab a spear, and forage through the Savanah. I believe in you, Noble Savage.
Escape the decline and migrate to the amazon where you can enjoy the freedom of a hunter gatherer to ritualized cannibalism and boy fucking.
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we've lost recipes. in my part of the world children aren't taught to hunt and fish by their fathers. i do what i can.
>Noble Savage
a dentist in the last century noticed savages always had excellent teeth, and civilised populations possess wretched, decaying teeth.
How bad are your teeth?
our brains have been shrinking since 20000 years ago, around the time we started introducing more plant foods to our diet.
A hummingbird apparently didn't see me as I watered a huge butterfly bush just outside my front door. It hovered about 10 inches in front of my face, as If I weren't there.
That must be why the hunter gatherers of Africa have such high IQs
ah yes, maybe the jakubians were right.
a bigger brain doesn't mean higher IQ, it means better perception, being able to see further, etc.
oliver cromwell isn't why REAL wages haven't gone up in a decade plus... I don't want to argue I'm just curious how you guys rationalize it. I remember thinking the UK was cool as a kid. I went to London last year... absolutely miserable
Anon is some Brit with awful teeth, so he wishes he was black.
Conservative thought is flawed for the fact that it can only be partial in the set of values it chooses to preserve. Most conservatives for example refer to values and worldviews that are closer in time to their generation to the point that either them or their older relatives have witnessed their transformation due to inevitable cultural and generational shifts, and can trace tge difference from what they are nostalgic for and what is new and modern. Were they to trace back to ancient - or even archaic - traditions, they would be surprised to find sets of values and customs diametrically opposite to the ones they cherish and defend so much. For example, the concept of homosexuality in classic antiquity or the matriarchal religions before the indoeuropean expansion.
didn't i kind of already answer your query?
i was actually talking about america last night with someone - i quite like the idea of american pawn shops being big culture defining tv show of the era. a country that certainly isn't under any illusions about where it is right now.
Why is wanting to safeguard your values against change not a valid position to take? Also, most conservatives would concede that change isn't per se bad and societal values can evolve over time in a positive direction, provided people are sane about it and continue to respect traditional sources of moral authority.
---- Solaria ----

Rather courtly in pleasantly florid backyards
I'm just as at home in land yacht
Kind of rides, situations,

Sublime silliness, a kind of luxury quite beyond halls of mirrors.
why does this keep happening? Two and a half centuries of the second amendment and you niggas can't aim for shit
Is this reddit?
Can't even afford to be an alcoholic in my country, a 24-pack of beer is like $56.
It's frustrating seeing young adults in their first serious relationships where its just so obvious from the outside that things are not going to work out.

No, Bella, you cute bf Paul is not supposed to hit you and you don't have to force yourself to be okay with it. Sorry, Lemarr, your girl LeShawnda doesn't want kids and she won't change her mind in a few years. Rosaline, no, you will not be physically attracted to your lesbian partner Sheena, no matter how much you try to delude yourself.

Part of all of it is really just seeing things for the way they are, and then acting on it.
Australia. It's odd that alcohol is so expensive over here too cause we have such a large drinking culture.
Do you have a mullet and ratstache?
Nah, not gay enough for that.
nta but its a painful realization... when your anxious about the future and the people you see every day have nothing going on, you feel consigned to being like that. or alternatively you feel you'll be able to do better for yourself, but then feel totally alienated from your family, because why couldn't they do these basic things?

it's a lot easier to withhold judgement when it's not a family member desu.
oh yeah isn't cocaine ridiculously expensive there as well (yet i'm sure i've heard aussies talk about going to the pokies off an 8 ball)
What are you gay enough for?
I would give anything to go back to 2021 and make different choices.
Not sure, never done it, I'm sure it's not that expensive though considering how much we do it. A quick google search will show you how much we as a country love drugs though.
For me, it's 2015.
Why don't you come here and find out?
SHUT THE FUCK UP ??????????????????????????????????
This dropped 9 years ago. It came at the end of what I can I only describe as a 'prolonged stinker' for me. I'll always associate it with the sense of something lifting. Still sounds so evocative.
I sometimes think of 2015 as my 1977. I was 19. I met a lot of people that year, went to The Passage a lot. It was the last time I really felt that crossover between internet, car stereos and clubs. This, Trap Queen, Where Are U Now, House Every Weekend...
you okay?
*slips tongue down your throat"
it's giving that anon who posted the 'he hates me ???????' larp stuff
It's some loser lefty with no real firearms experience.
Learn to express thoughts coherently in English you fucking imbecile zoomer.
it's perfectly idiomatic
See >>23811797 you fucking retard
meet me irl MATE you'll get folded
just get to it already, stop being cocktease
My stomach hurts and I dont feel look going out
be brave
I feel the opposite. My father was a pretty amazingly accomplished little dude, if not absolutely top-notch in terms of subjects rechreche as neurochemisty, botany, or what one means by "period instruments" when it comes to orchestras.
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how do we stop the zoomerphobia
is he single?
TZD (total zoomer death) can't hate something that doesn't exist.
Silly question. Of course he's long dead, if fondly remembered.
Nah, it’s not the same anon.
so yes?
who isn’t
Yes, as a single father. One of his (and my) favorite idle threats of his if we wanted a housekeeper. He could have easily afforded it, but would have hated going that route as much as we would have.
Another wwoym thread done and dusted. To be forgotten. To be washed away. Like tears in the rain.
Away from books, away from art, the day erased, the lesson done
he sounds like a nice guy, did he like model trains? I like model trains anon.
Shall you and I ponder the themes we lovest best?
I remember years worth of wwoym posts
He and I liked a lot of things in common, perfect lawns, corporate intrigue, and pretty much anything having to do with aviation, from the Montgolfier Brothers to the SR71. We had a lot of long and pleasant conversations about architecture and industrial design.
Societies in decay do the things our current society is doing. If anything we should become more conservative to literally prevent our society from dying

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