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froggers edition

prev >>23811294
First (?) for /lit/
you're actually the worst
How come when I knocked my wife up, people sent us gifts, but when I knocked her down, the neighbors called the cops
See >>23811797
if I knew you in person I'd take all your books away
stop posting your fugly whore and keep your disgusting fetishes for yourself you awkward freak
you'd get bounced about m8
id mash ya good if ya tried that
my only fetish is to dress up in my own clothes and be myself
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take your books away
come to apartment 2, 68 broadwick st if you want knocking out la
>driving all the way to the midlands to kick someones ass
Been awhile, let me pack up the car
oh no the retarded faggot posted her facebook filename
Dumb op can't in even link well
I reccomend walking with a weighted vest. It's a great exercise.
don't do this it makes napalm
>linking "well"
>approaching 2025 vertiginously
yeah nah get with the times gramps
double check your tesla satnav bruv that's soho, london
I'm halfway to birmingham as we speak m8
fb messenger you clever thing
Get a life loser
i'll tell my flatmate to buzz you in
havent mashed someone up cept me girlfriend in a minute
a life? never heard of them
Hi Rebbit!
top draw banter
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you have to go out of your way to become fat by actively eating more and more food. this guy's life didn't go downhill, rather he pushed a boulder up hill and then ran down to the bottom of the mountain so he could get crushed by it coming down
he follows the whole conversation and still tries to get at you with these weak jibes
no that guy is you lol
He cant control balding and he probably got depression too
he probably still slays tho because he looked good when his personality was forming so he's used to people reacting to him positively
>no that guy is you lol
I'm not the guy you replied to
I doubt someone with depression has the motivation or self confidence to post on tik tok about it, I mean I don't believe in free will either but this guy's attitude is retarded. when I turned 14 my aunt told me "it's all downhill from here" and I've always thought that was a weird as fuck thing to say and I've hated that phrase ever since
Don't ever reply to me again cancer zoomer.
>I'm not the guy you replied to
I knew you'd reply m8, you can't ever help yourself
>I doubt someone with depression has the motivation or self confidence to post on tik tok about it
>I doubt someone with depression has the motivation or self confidence to post on tik tok about it
Lol probably most people on tiktok are depressed, tiktok is just a coping mechanism for them
because I checked the rules and it's not how it works idiot
>I knew you'd reply m8, you can't ever help yourself
because depression annihilates your motivation and ability to see doing literally anything as meaningful? why would a clinically depressed dude who genuinely wants to kill himself decide to post a tik tok about it? that guy is probably totally content with being fat and bald and just thinks "lol I'm a loser" humor is funny.
no im not med
Helen of troy
>anything as meaningful?
>posting on tiktok
you have no idea how humans work, people who engage heavily with social media are the most depressed, statistics show it too
yeah people who scroll and lurk, posting is obviously different. a depressed person doesn't get any serotonin from the likes and it requires not only the effort of creating the video but also the mental strain that comes with putting yourself out there
>Get hungry.
>Don't want to eat anything that I have.
wsj had a review of scoop by evelyn waugh actually sounds p funny rather than that asspained brideshead shit i think i might cop a copy
ok retard can you tell me how ontology works next?
>evelyn waugh
Cecil Beaton was educated at Heath Mount School (where he was bullied by Evelyn Waugh) and St Cyprian's School, Eastbourne, where his artistic talent was quickly recognised. Both Cyril Connolly and Henry Longhurst report in their autobiographies being overwhelmed by the beauty of Beaton's singing at the St Cyprian's school concerts.[3][4]
yeah I can easily tell you how this works: it doesn't.
This afternoon, I noticed a big fluffy orange feral cat asleep just under the driver's seat of my land yacht car, one a local chick named Henry VIII around April. He took an unusually long time to react to my presence, and didn't react at all to the sound of my engine turning over from very nearby.
thanks professor, can I audit your forum class next year?
my knowledge is free

It is very funny. Highly recommend.
do you give up the booty for free too because it sounds like it m8
Just finished an episode of Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown. Really? That's who everybody loves? That's who everybody misses? It wasn't bad it was just, whatever, it was nothing.
What's up, Chicagoanon.
Anthony Bourdain does the classic dirty trick of being gentry who pretends to be a sassy everyman, he acts how people without social security wish they could act while concealing the fact that he has this support network and standing that forgives it all. He was a smack hound too.
My life would be a lot easier if I wasn't so neurotic. Just now I thought about jumping into busy traffic. If I'm 23 and the prospect of suicide becomes more and more tenable as the years roll on, I may as well get it over with now. What joy and pleasure that can be derived by having nothing to lose doesn't appeal to me. My psychological disposition won't allow me to enjoy the circus while it's still in town. I've talked to counselors, my parents, and my friends over and over gain. I can't exactly pinpoint my defect, but I know that I'm an invalid. I've known ever since I was young. Even thinking about past mistakes, I writhe with anger directed towards myself. I want to keep piling on against myself until I work up the courage to end myself.
I've seen boobs more times than I can count and they still make me say "Hell yeah", I've seen ass more times than I can count and it still makes me go "Hell yeah", however, I've seen pussy more times than I can count and not once have I ever said "Hell yeah".
Find something that sustains you and get over it already. Your suicidal ideation comes from a childish desire to be absolved of responsibility, and the helplessness of having to brave uncertainty and make your own decisions. You're 23, you'll man up and get over it.
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just stop thinking about it, you're not going to do it so why do you waste all day thinking about killing yourself? are you stupid?
> I writhe with anger directed towards myself
you should direct this anger towards the world, tell yourself that you hate people and that all people deserve to die etc then after a week it will subside. you're stuck in childhood where you still fear other people and feel shame when you perceive you wronged them, instead you should realize that you are an adult and that you shouldn't feel ashamed because there is no reason to fear people who can't do shit to you. Only way to progress is to turn your anger around, then after hating people long enough you will realize that you don't have to be afraid of them and your anger both against yourself and them will go away. Any "mistakes" you think you have made, you only made because of the circumstances other people put you in and the erroneous things that they taught you.
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I thought the OP pic was pic rel for a moment
they look similar, I can't be that stupid
you shouldn't be but you are, sort yourself out ok?
I live about 90 miles west of the North Loop, in Earlville. How did you know I lived that close.
You're right, my IQ has been dropping recently and its harder for me to play the puzzle games I like. I dunno why
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I think you know why.
I honestly don't. I think I lost too many IQ points to figure out why.
have you started using a different laundry detergent or paper towel brand recently?
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that's gotta be why then.
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I wonder if in the future, archeologists who study this time period will think we worshipped Miku as a goddess of music?
why would they be able to know about her and miss all the context associated with her
i just remember i have lifetime updates fl studio license and now there is a macos version shit i might have to install that mf and fuck around
Lots of things have been forgotten throughout history. Archaeologists and historians in the present day often have to piece together several obscure sources with questionable veracity and missing segments to figure out stuff from several hundreds, if not thousands of years ago.
what do you make
nth i just fuck around twiddling synth knobs but im thinking about making some vaporwave cuz i havent been hearing much new good shit lately like the latest cat system corp album switched to study beats shit in stead of vaporwave, so i feel like i'll have to make it myself if i wanna vibe to new vapors
the sort of preservation required to make her an identifiable figure seems an unlikely scenario in a case where an archive of the internet isnt also extant.
why not just get into 80s jazz and 90s rnb ? there's heaps of that. If you like music why not treat it like a serious hobby, it's really easier to learn and understand than people realize. You just can't be an asian kid about it and binge studying it. If you do it over long intervals youll crest the mountain pretty fast.
no cuz all those samples are used up which is probs why vaporwave is so dead, that and the fact that youtube is now tagging all the downpitched samples so it kind of takes the mystique away.
>make your own RnB
>use those to make your own vaporwave
problem solved
>no cuz all those samples are used up
you have no fucking clue, and if you learn how to write the way you *want* to, you can mix shit however you want and have total control.
ok its sunday night im going to watch a movie
watch "Monster Squad" from the 80s, you're welcome.
oh shit im from the 80s how didnt i see this prob cuz my parents had to rent artzy shit from the independent cinema video store instead of a normal one
it's phenomenal and pretty short, like 85 minutes. It's like the goonies fighting the classic universal monsters. But that's not doing it justice
im so tired i wonder if im just old or am i going to croak soon
>translucent amphibian folds aquatically ambulating
That isn’t the same vibe as the song I shared at all. No idea why you responded to me with this (and, by the way, it sucks).
I think its just the days getting shorter because summer is over so you get tired quicker because there's less sunlight.
why not both
i usually get energy when there's a nip in the air but i think i will just go to bed and play an audiobook
>I will just go to bed
Nice anon, got a girl over?
good point
I mean, going bald sucks, but this guy clearly never exercised, at all. He probably never even took a daily stroll.
Be that as it may, when it comes to difference in taste.
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Good evening. I think I have the reading comprehension of like, a precious 8th grader. I keep getting filtered by books that are supposed to be great works of art. The last book I completed was Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte and I really enjoyed it, but I only made it 200 pages before dropping Pale Fire. I didn't like the gay pedophile, nor did I find the cat and mouse game with Gradus entertaining enough to keep me engaged. I did like the poem itself, but again, I don't read enough (any) poetry to know what's considered to be good. I did have a chuckle at failure of the woman trying to seduce him. And the line about "she swung her hips in the way that wealthy Arabian girls are taught- they fly in Parisian instructors and kill them afterwards." I don't know, big picture it wasn't for me.
The whole reason why I picked up the book in the first place is because of the references in Blade Runner 2049- my favorite movie. When I found out the calibration scenes were pulled directly from Pale Fire I thought "oh that's kickass, I'm gonna read the book." Didn't like it. The canto about the suicide of his daughter, and the vision of the fountain after Shade collapsed- really good stuff. AND the fact Shade found someone with a similar experience- but didn't want to mention it to her because he found her off-putting that she was enamored with his fame- not wanting to open the door for her to have any kind of kinship with him- something about the threat of a spiritually incestuous relationship- I thought that was a nice too.
You know what, fuck it. I think I'm just gonna grind for the last hundred pages or so.
even the most literate, intelligent and handsome people barely understand the world anon, they just understand how people work. Don't be afraid to wade in the pool and learn more about the world around you.
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the average person genuinely struggles to read anything written before ~1920s, I've even heard fairly intelligent people complain about Jane Austen being difficult to read. Needless to say when I heard you complain about having the reading comprehension of an eighth grader and then proceed you "only made it 200 pages before dropping Pale Fire" I thought your post might be bait
I'm a rotten son of a gun. I'm mean and ornery. I've got a bad attitude. I have an inclination towards solitude. contempt is etched into my face.
have another beer then you mean old drunk
Waugh is hilarious
good idea baby, now come here.
He was a gay top who beat up twinks for fun as a lad, what's not to admire?
kek he's not even a top in his hetero friendships anon
Imagine the first paragraph of your wiki mentions that another artist used to beat you up when you were a kid.
I am ashamed of the number of words I have to look up whenever reading Conrad. Whom as far as I know is pretty straightforward.
One of my favorite ghost stories in the canon is Henry James's Death Of The Lion, where one can hardly tell the difference between the protagonist and the ghost, so hallucinatory is the general scene.
yeah I used to do acid too man
I'll bet.
English has changed a non-negligible amount in the past century. The effective difficulty of reading old works is going to be higher, since some words simply aren't used anymore or are far less common. It would probably work in reverse, too, especially when you consider technical jargon (what I would give to see 19th century British authors trying to make sense of IJ or GR)
ok how much, maybe I'm just a liar.
Anon's mom has got it going on.
I've never used any hallucinogen, I've even tried cocaine a couple of times, and hated it. I'll admit I enjoyed liquor and benzos in a certain nightclub, but that's a whole other sich.
Anon is going to be mad when he reads this
>I've never used any hallucinogen
and you're bragging, this?
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lets play twister, lets play risk
ill see you in heaven if you make the list
What's up with the lyrics for imitation of life, is michael stipe a cartoon character?
m8 beating up Cecil Beaton doesn't make you a top
explain what does then, do you have to beat up a noel coward or similar?
I'm stating it as a fact, in the context of tiresome insinuation.
if you've never hallucinated you have no right to use the word, friend.
you've to not get scooped by your older gayer brother
>implying that isnt what made the crays great
I think things didn’t work out between me and my ex because she was too much of a nice and decent person. I need a girl who is more willing to be a degenerate piece of shit such as myself.
Irony assumed, unless you're insane.
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>unless youre insane
I think you mean the Krays and the older one is the straight one if you do
are you sure? I thought they were both gay but one didnt want you to know he was and the other didnt care
Indeed you are.
Reminder that Colombians put cheese in their chocolate
>How did you know I lived that close.
Don't worry about it, man.
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rather be insane than out
Remember that I put my dick in your mum.
Yeah, pretty much everyone agrees that the younger did a lot of gay stuff but he claims bi because oneitis and the older one was straight
does the UK's most famous criminals being gay damage the imperial image?
It's an innocent question.
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it sure is :^)
I find that kind of sad, if that's your standard,
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I'm fascinated by what you find sad, what else upsets you?
How do random troll cunts like you even select from images in your folders. Really.
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I open the folder up and close my eyes and pick
Good for you,
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It is, innit?
Jesus Christ, you're trying way to hard,
I'm really not I just have all these saved from years ago. Do you want me to try harder?
Is a tradwife even that desirable? Would she be any fun?
sure, youd only have to tell her to be fun and she would.
My god is lord byron
nice pinterest board, faggot
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It is. Aren't you the same anon who started driving in the '80s (84 if I'm not mistaken)? It's either you or a different Chicagoanon.
Pepe belongs in a Petri dish to get carved and thrown like a disgusting frog he is.
I often wonder desu. I'm in a Fundamentalist church and the members take it very seriously. It's one of those churches where if you're half hearted or unserious, you just can't keep on with. Most girls who grow up in it leave when they get to be older teens. The girls who stay are seriously devout and trad. But man they are very boring and lifeless. The highlight of their week is the Friday night Bible study. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy it myself, but they have this thing about them that makes them so boring. They are in fact ideal wives, but I know marrying one would be difficult for me simply because I need more spontaneity and excitement
Literally touch grass.
I was ugly crying after hearing what happened to Trump
It's not as bad as last time. This dumbass didn't even get close to Trump
I have PTSD from the previous attempt
i touch grass every day. you're just gay.
I know what you mean. I know a few girls like this and they’re really nice good people but their idea of a fun evening is watching The Crown on Netflix or volunteering at the Church,
Just saw a video where some guy was asking what to do with friends when you don't drink or party and also don't want to play board games and all of the comments were the most boring suggestions ever, holy fuck, is there really no such thing as fun anymore?
1982. My first car was a 1979 Dodge Colt, very Japanese looking, with a 90 hp Mitsubishi engine My best friend at the time usually drove a 1972 Buick Electra, that weighed about two tons more, and had about the same power to weight ratio, if proportionally more advantage in a crash. He called the Tri-State Expressway, 80-94, the Tri-Skull.
What DO people do whoever they refuse to party? I think some people are just robots honestly.
I got into a drunken brawl and was detained by the police that night
Had a stroke while typing this. I’m pondering what people do when they never party.
I don't party and what I do when I'm alone doesn't matter, this is about what people who don't party do with friends.
Hiking, camping, going downtown, going to mall, barbecues and dinners, board games, video games, go to the beach, museums, go to movies. You can have fun without alcohol. It's more difficult, granted. But possible.
The problem is that pretty much everything that is fun without alcohol is 10x more fun with alcohol. Like barbecues and board games. Cant imagine doing either sober.
>Going downtown
>Going to mall
>Barbecues and dinners
Barbecues can be fun.
>Board games
I'd rather die.
>Video games
It has to be a specific game or it's boring.
>Go to the beach
Fun for a little bit but once you've seen all of it (which doesn't take very long) it becomes boring.
>Go to movies
Watching movies with other people sucks.
I like doing most of those things. But I still find it weird when people never get a little loose on a weekend from time to time.
You're as boring as you are bored
I'm getting to the point where I have to stop drinking because lately every time I do I get into some fight or do something very embarrassing
I've been acting like a little bitch lately. I need to reread epictetus and get my shit together.
Why do you all act like idiots all the time? Why do almost only illiterates frequent a board about literature? What's the point of this dumb shit?
I never act like an idiot. I am an idiot. It’s an important distinction to make.
---- Solaria ----
Superlative Infrasturture

One takes for granted massive malls, hotels, steely towers,
Holidays there's no accounting for,
Suave interiors.
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My buddy showed me The Dark Crystal from when he was a kid
Do drugs
America has no cultural output.
lolwut they're ahead in the culture war by fucking miles
I'm not an idiot, nor particularly cynical. I really like talking with retarded bitches and bastards, though I'm not always in the mood.
what race are you, your english reads funny
Polish, German, and Scottish, in that order of predominance, or arrival, which is roughly around 1920, 1850, and 1780. My name is in a book-length genealogy published by the Pepper family around 1976.
>Polish, German, and Scottish, in that order of predominance
I'm so sorry, have you ever laughed even once? Or were you born without a humor gene at all
>by the Pepper family
is your name Kevin
Holy shit are you a psycho.
broke up with my GF today. she didn't want kids and I did. nothing more to say about it. I didn't allow myself to feel any emotional attachment or sexual attraction to her so nothing is lost. only reason I wanted to date a cis woman is that I couldn't afford the $100k+ for the surrogate and full time nanny. lust and love are dysgenic in our times, I don't feel any sense of remorse or guilt. she's like the chaff that is swept away before the winds, won't have any legacy or impact
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for making a joke? Ya I'm a real nutbag.
>only reason I wanted to date a cis woman is that I couldn't afford the $100k+ for the surrogate and full time nanny
bad copy, not gonna convince anybody, back to ESL school chang.
I'm drunk and American. I learned to drive on a tractor in Minnesota. my last name in German literally translates to "pale". I guarantee I'm whiter than you
>I'm drunk and American
oh yeah? what state?
>I'm whiter than you
>things white people literally never say
post a picture of your wrist
Minnesota. I'm not going to dox myself to please you
>posting a picture of your wrist is doxxing yourself
Do you have 7 fingers on each hand or something? LOL
Nope. If you can identify me via my cousins Sean and Erin, we'll have more to talk about, but I doubt that will happen,
Let me tell you anon, I'm glad you didn't turn out to be kevin pepper. That guy needs help. I am aware of your prominent family though, as Dante Culpepper, your cousin, briefly played for the Miami Dolphins
It wasn't the first time, it probably won't be the last time but if you think you can time your watch by it...it doesn't work that way. I'm sorry. It has a mind of its own. I like to help when I can, that's all.
>I like to help when I can
you're in luck anon, I need advice right now.
Don't be silly. i'm also distantly related also to Eli Lily and the late Senate Republican majority leader Richard Lugar.
Oh ok, it's you then, nice to finally meet you, I've heard so much about you.
That Canadians are the only peoples, out of a possible three, to use "North America" as an frequent point of context and comparison in conversation -- solely in an attempt to assign value to their society by mere matter of association to these United States of America -- tells you all you need to know about how cuckoldry is deeply woven into their cultural psyche.
Lulz My dad kind of looked like Dick, but that's a whole other story,
hey, one of my relatives ran the USS enterprise aground off the west coast of the US, it happens.
fully agreed

Americans will say yeah, we're the greatest people on earth, we don't give a fuck what you think

Mexicans will say yeah, our country sucks but our people and culture are based

Canadians will say yeah, our country is the best in North America.

Americans and Mexicans will never say they're the best in North America. They clearly have more self-respect. It's sad how parochial and dependent the Canadian national mindset is.
Canada as a nation will cease to exist within the next few decades. what they think matters little in the grand scheme of things
My dad designed the food packaging for the Gemini missions. Not very good, as a result, but I still appreciate the effort.
hey at least he didnt kill gus grissom like hundreds of nasa engineers managed to
too soon dude, jeez have some respect for the dead
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One time when watching a documentary about Wright, my dad mentioned that he turned down a job offer for an executive place in the Johnson Wax building, because he didn't want to work in Racine.
Why do you think we will cease to exist?
drowned out by third world immigration. read Camp of the Saints
It was just announced that we are to heavily cap the inflow of foreign workers. Your projection of us getting overrun by immigration shouldn't hold true any longer.
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Why don't you and your shill crew learn passable english instead of this overly formal ESL shit?
damage is already done. no chance of a Canadian future without American intervention. cuck nation reaping what it sows
Reminds me a lot of china with its 0 child policy
So what, who cares? Why are you the way you are? How mentally ill are you?
Here is a decent, ordinary fellow Englishman, who in broad daylight in my own town says to me, his Member of Parliament, that the country will not be worth living in for his children. I simply do not have the right to shrug my shoulders and think about something else. What he is saying, thousands and hundreds of thousands are saying and thinking—not throughout Great Britain, perhaps, but in the areas that are already undergoing the total transformation to which there is no parallel in a thousand years of English history. Those whom the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad. We must be mad, literally mad, as a nation to be permitting the annual inflow of some 50,000 dependents, who are for the most part the material of the future growth of the immigrant descended population. It is like watching a nation busily engaged in heaping up its own funeral pyre. So insane are we that we actually permit unmarried persons to immigrate for the purpose of founding a family with spouses and fiancées whom they have never seen.[
Enoch Powell, 1968
Great, the whitoids are here to moan about muh white culture in /lit/ again, another thread ruined
Augustus made every effort to govern with reason and honor the masses entrusted to him. He failed. It was not his fault that it fell on these populations themselves.
If the government made its religion a worthless theological mule, a completely meaningless word, I absolve it. He had been forced to do so by the need to remain impartial among a thousand beliefs. If, by abolishing local laws in his courts of appeal, he replaced them with an eclectic jurisprudence whose three bases were servility, atheism, and approximate fairness, it was because he had felt dominated by the same need for nothingness. If he had, finally, subjected his administrative procedures to a complicated, re-released, ill-balanced balance between softness and violence, it was because, in the intelligence of the subject masses, he had found no help to support a more noble regime. Nowhere was there now any trace of any understanding of serious duties. The governed were not committed to anything with the rulers: should we therefore accuse the leader, the head of the empire, of the impotence of the body (1) its defects, its vices, (1) Every nation has the government it deserves.
quiet diversity hire
>camp of the saints
>enoch powell
You fellas need some sex stat
To whom are you referring?
NTA but rude
you get owned and your mind jumps to dei hires kek, poor cuck
sex is dysgenic in modern times. it's actually a vice and makes you less likely to reproduce

the only people who's genes will survive this century are religious freaks and asexuals with an instrumental view of sexuality

>If our society seems more nihilistic than that of previous eras, perhaps this is simply a sign of our maturity as a sentient species. As our collective consciousness expands beyond a crucial point, we are at last ready to accept life's fundamental truth: that life's only purpose is life itself
The only source of joy for me at this moment in time is drinking whiskey and playing Cyberpunk.
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I can't help but jerk off in the morning. I just wake up and I'm so damn HORNY, just trusting into the bed....
case in point
I fucking hate linkedin. A recruiter rescinded an a job offer last week and today I go on linkedin and see the same fucker make a post about how "hiring is tough"
i hate these corpo cunts with every fiber of my being
If chicks that plastique do it for you, about all I can recommend is to spend less time in front of screens.
When is it research and when is it cyberstalking?
Survival is not always eugenic. Dysgenic means you do pass on your genes, but they are antithetical to life; or have such an effect on those that do pass on theirs.
Cucks are dysgenic towards their bulls, for example. They may not get children of their own, but they will corrupt those of others.
>I'm just going to let a weakling loser raise my children!
I'm a virgin who isn't planning on having sex though...
I usually jerk off to 2D, I just post Belle because she's just the face of coomer culture.
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what do you think of pic related? pretty funny right?
Explain what was going through your head when you made that post with that pic replaying to my post. I really wish to know.
Maybe I should watch every episode of the Pokemon anime.
Every which way but in my anus.
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Light struck from the lemon tree
What if I'd never seen
Hysterical light from Eugene?

Lemon yogurt
Remember I pulled at your shirt
I dropped the ashtray on the floor
I just wanted to be near you

Emerald Park, wonders never cease
The man who taught me to swim
He couldn't quite say my first name
Like a father, he led Community water upon my head
And he called me "Subaru"

And now I want to be near you

Little bitta Sufjan posting for ya.
I spent about three months without a home internet connection and I was never happier. It was pure heaven... Read more, wrote more...
Virgin cope off the charts lol
Owned how?
>I didn't allow myself to feel any emotional attachment or sexual attraction to her so nothing is lost.
that's the only way to go. last time i felt bad (or good) about anything "romantic" was college. i approach everything with true autismic detachment now. i think your pic is wrong though cuz south asians would all be in the top group because they actually have the highest incomes in the united states due to high rates of professional degree completion and business formation. they definitely wouldn't be mixing with poor whites.
pretty embarrassing to admit, but I think I gave myself adhd. Cant even read books without dropping them in the tenth page now.
pretty sure you're either born with it or you get something different with overlapping symptoms that you can get in later age, i'm 90% sure you can't get adhd no matter how much you gaslight yourself or get external stimuli
might be something else doing the symptoms, diagnosis for stuff like adhd should be done by a professional self diagnosing isn't accurate because so many symptoms overlap and you need to have x amount of them etc etc
i'm not a professional so take it with a grain of salt
>Tony Tulathimutte
holy shit that dude that wrote "the feminist" in n+1 years ago that i only read cuz someone on /lit/ set us up the link is now getting a dick massage from the nyt. they're calling him "a very online young writer" or something which sounds terrible, but that "the feminist" story was good af but i couldn't remember what it was called or who wrote it. the nyt piece (which i can only read the first page of in brave's "reader mode" because it's paywalled) says that zoomoids couldn't distinguish the voice of the character from the author. what is it with kids these days who think the people in stories are like biographical projects of the author? do you really think timotheè chalemet IS bob dylan? no probably not, so why with authors. anyways can he truly be very online if he doesn't read /lit/ tho?
I was gonna complain and then I remembered that no one cares. Oh well, what can you do?
complain anyways no one cares but maybe someone can relate
Just do it. At the very least, I'll read it
My internet has been so shitty these past two days, I wonder what's going on.
I’ve been on three dates with this girl and it all gone really well! She is beautiful and frankly out of my league, but I’ve held it together so far and we’ve had a great time. Now, she hasn’t yet discovered that I’m a mentally insane retard lunatic with terminal 4chan-brain. Guess we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.
you define yourself, if you have been able to manage your symptoms thus far enough for 3 dates and 0 suspicions you most likely will be able to keep managing the symptoms
i don't think she cares that you're "retard lunatic" if you are able to go on 3 dates
>terminal 4chan-brain
your brain shits out what you feed it, if it bothers you go to more tame boards or a different website until it starts shitting out better thoughts
Get off this site and never come back anon. For the love of God do not tell her you were on this site. Do not fumble this bitch. Have many children. Godspeed.
Thank you, anons. I think I am quite good at hiding power level. I’ll try my best to pull it off!
No problems. Name your first child after me.
Will do, brother
I came back from vacation and I already want to cry. Tears are literally filling my eyes.
It's now that time of night where if I put on another episode of my show, I'll fall asleep. Just gonna fuck around until bedtime now.
Just did my daily Japanese flashcards while listening to RHCP, think I might play some Tetris while listening to Metallica or some random metal playlist now.
Is there anything that looks more hot than a small, almost dwarfish woman with black hair and a huge chubby ass?
Most likely yes
Why do German women stare at me? I'm not handsome or ugly enough to attract these sorts of looks. Either way, it doesn't matter, German women repulse. The first time I ever met a German woman, she mentioned loved scat play.
Yes they are the hottest? To me they are the hottest. Unfortunately I am a tall guy so wifing one is no option to prevent miscegination.
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Would you like to have a meme painted on canvas?
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same I literally get woken up by how horny I get sometimes

What's funny is, it's them not having kids.
Like, what do you want me to do about it, bitch?

I don't like very small women. I see them as dysgenic and sickly.
Why the fuck do so many of you in these threads talk about women like you’re ordering from a fucking take-out menu?
>the face of coomer culture.
It's not porn if it doesn't look like the real thing does ordinarily.

Why do women get triggered when men talk about their preferences in women, even though they do it all the time, themselves?
I don't get Belle. She's so boring and generic.
And she's not even a natural beauty.
She's one of those mid girls with lots of plastic and makeup and shit.
Why do women invade male social spaces only to start crying that they are offended by everything?
>and frankly out of my league
Stop saying that. She is obviously not because you are dating.
It's like a humble brag on your part and its annoying.

I like girls of average height, with pale smooth slightly rosy skin. I like girls with long full light coloured hair and thick eyebrows (I like hairy girls).
Bros my fucking car is having troubles. I'm too poor to buy a new one. Fuck me it's over
Get on the bus with us.

I'm a virginiod, and I fear when I eventually find a girl to marry, if ever, she will be one of those prudes who only wants to do it once in her life.
Cuckoldry was apparently super common in the middle ages.
Because most mistresses of nobility were themselves married women.
>dumb niggas can't get pussy, can't get work
>this is the doing of the..... le NEGROES
moaning whitoids must either get a grip or just off themselves
Come back when you can tell us something that doesn't just interest women and faggots.
Did you get offended because your favourite medieval feudal Europe LARP got ruined?
I get get pussy either. Kinda lame to blame me for their issues.
Some nigger stole my catalytic converter. People who do that should have their hands cut off. I'm sick of this lawless society. Right in front of my house in the middle of the night. My step mom's converter got stolen a year ago too. This is such bullshit.
Trying to think of a good way to kill myself. Is heroin + alcohol + sleeping pills over a body of water a good method?
Also why is the metaphysics harder the more times one reads it
Volunteer in the Ukraine.
Are you the same anon having issues with his car?
That really sucks.
Guy with ginger gfs have won at life.
Yeah that's me. Fuck my life man.
Do you live in a place with strict emissions? If not, look into how to do a CAT delete as a quick and cheap fix.
I started reading again after some 12 years and it ruined my concentration. I cannot concentrate on work now.
Humanoid robots will make no whites obsolete. Elon should focus on that
pls answer need to know if this is a viable market
Anyone know if free state-provided insurance works for out-of-state things? Like, say, if I have Oregon Health Plan but wanted to go to a clinic in Vancouver, WA.
I don't care about the women of medievality. I care about the conquests that were done, the wars fought, the people killed.
Most of it was done to impress women.
Making the muse of the past leave the dubious and oblique paths to drive her tank in a wide and straight lane, explored in advance and dotted with known stations, is nothing to detract from the majesty of her attitude, and it adds much to the authority of her advice. Certainly she will no longer come, by childish groans, to accuse Darius of having caused the loss of Asia, nor Perseus the humiliation of Greece; but we will neither see her salute foolishly in other catastrophes, the effect of the genius of the Greeks, nor the oratory omnipotence of the Girondins. Unaccustomed to these miseries, it will proclaim that the irreconcilable causes of such events, hovering high above the participation of men, do not interest the polemics of the parties. It will say what set of invincible motives gave rise to them, without anyone having any blame for them or praise to ask for. It will distinguish what science can only state from what justice must seize.

From her magnificent throne will fall final judgments and salutary lessons for good consciences. Either one loves, or one condemns such an evolution of a nationality, its judgments, by reducing the part that man can take in moving a few dates, irritating or softening inevitable injuries, will make the free will of each person responsible for the value of all acts. For the villain no more of these vain excuses, these fictitious necessities which are now claimed to ennoble crimes too real. No more forgiveness for atrocities; so-called services will not exonerate them. History will tear off all the masks provided by sophistic theories; it will arm itself, to wither the guilty ones, with the anathemas of religion. The rebel will be in court only an impatient and harmful ambiguous: Timothy, a murderer; Robespierre, a filthy villain.
Well, the only reason Harald unified Norway under his throne was to get pussy, you are correct. But the love adventure his future wife had during the time Harald was out with his men fighting do not bother me much because I'm not a faggot.
Well, boys it looks like the remote work dream is coming to an end soon. Employer says they’re not going to lay me off or reduce my salary but they want to change my job and have me come in-person. Oh well. At least the new job is pretty easy.
I live in California man. My whole life revolves around commuting.
Try etsy
Tell them no and start looking for a new job
Why would I do that? I make like $400/hr currently because I do basically nothing. I’d have to start working again but I’m not going to find a comfier job. This is the ultimate writer’s job honestly. I just wish the location was better. It’s out in the boonies.
---- Solaria ----
High Summer Limit

Climate control this fine is doubtless rare
Even on the scale of

Galaxy strings, universal sprawl.
When you think nerds cannot get nerdy you get shit like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4TQeElIot-4
I want to break hands and curbstomp all marketing shills and anyone who creates bots who also shill bullshit like this.
Does looking through my browser history make me a historian?
Ahh, that I would ever sit inside the kitchen lighting up a nice little fire to warm the house sitting on a stool next to it in an otherwise pitch dark home. Ahh, what the normies are missing.
Niggas just can't handle the raw experience of atheistic materialism.
You can't handle the experience of me raw dogging your ass
Nobody can. It’s the single most retarded existence for humans ever conceived.
It's literally the most reasonable one after Orthodox Christianity.
What level of internet induced delusion is this?
>Orthodox Christianity is the most sensible worldview
>but atheist materialism is a close second
What's your worldview?
I hate niggers and distrust jews. That's about it. Never been led astray
Lost 13 pounds and seems I'm stuck at 174 now for awhile so I'm going to get into body weight workouts.
Lift weighs homo
Holy mother of based
What about Greeks?
It's not based to be racist. Grow up.
They invented gayness
That's the anti-intellectual worldview aka no answer to what created the world, what's the purpose of humanity, why live, etc. It's basically atheistic materialism lol.
You don't have a worldview. You have a series of non actionable propositions you switch on and off to play with like a puzzle.
Ok so you don't dispute it's atheism materialism but you get angry about it because you're a child.
How's Mary?
Actually, I hate niggers on a spiritual level

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