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>see people arguing about whether nietzsche was a "soft boi" individualist anarchist who just wants everybody to express themselves~ and not really a social darwinist who thinks weaklings and retards should be crushed
>decide to read for myself to see
>literally every page is social darwinism and "I hope a big war happens soon so all the retards die"
kind of pathetic that all it takes is a little bit of makeup for men to lose their shit completely
if i see someone with that much make up i just assume it's a man but i guess sometimes it's an ugly chick instead
Indeed. Just as pathetic as caking yourself in makeup in the hopes that some man will fuck you or adore you. But hey, God made this world as bad as he possibly could.
This is the result of Walter Kaufmann's attempts to "rehabilitate" Nietzsche's reputation after Bertrand Russel gave a lazy and retarded description of Nietzsche as a proto-Nazi. Kaufmann went full schizo and introduced the perspectivist reading of Nietzsche, an "interpretation" that allows you to disregard his explicit, emphatic and reiterated statements of belief.

Kaufmann was Jewish, just an observation.
It's just leftist coping
its not just that, if you look like the left you get access to places and people nobody else does. you get given things. you get novel opportunities and others defer to you and cater to you
Right is objectively looking better than left.
Modern online literary discourse is absolute shit, the best thing to do is just to read and contemplate on your own.
lol gay
Make up is the definition of a simulacra basically
A tool meant to create a manufactured image of female beauty that in fact never existed
And this new reality has been widely accepted Baudrillard was right once again
Makeup is cool if it enhances the way a woman looks, it's not cool if it's so excessive it makes her literally look like a different person alltogether.
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Blame social media and the insane beauty standards for why woman nowadays wears strong makeup daily
Indeed but social media and porn convinced people that the right image is ugly
Mishima's short story The Priest Of Shiga Temple And His Love has disturbed me for the last 5 or so years after I first read it
I just can't get it out of my mind
The idea of anyone doing anything due to their sexuality fills me with dread
I wonder if her face being red around her eyes is due to her constantly rubbing makeup removing products on that area
Men don't have that luxury. Everyone should remember that many great looking women actually look worse. Attractive women are women who are attractive without makeup. Every guy should remember that before he spergs about his looks. If you're a 5, 5 women are using makeup to look like a 7, potentially 8. So that 7 you see may not actually be a 7. A no makeup 7 still looks great, but it gets confusing because people are used to makeup 7s, not no makeup 7s.
no is not she looks like greta
you would think a broad would understand that lighting, too, is important
What does it matter? I'll just make the bitch wear makeup during sex as well.
So makeup conceals what a woman naturally looks like... so what? My eyes are still being pleased at the end of the day.
>social darwinism
Nope. He's talking to the individual reader not prescribing policies. The real world we live in is "darwinistic".
You're supposed to express your individual will, try to exert yourself over the world. Most strategies will fail and hopefully die quickly instead of contributing to a slow general decay.
>Comment "are you ok? you look sick"
>Woman gets angry and tells you that you don't know what real women look like.
>"Well how is it our fault, when you put the make up on?"
>Woman gets angry and tells you that they don't wear makeup for you
>"Well I'm fine if you don't wear makeup. Maybe if I saw your real face more often, I would be accustomed to it."
>Woman gets angry and tells you that society pressures them to wear makeup
>"Well if women stopped wearing makeup, then there wouldn't be an expectation in the first place."
>Woman gets angry and tells you that it's the patriarchy's fault
>"I believe that if you asked men, the majority of us would be ok without makeup. Can't speak for everyone though."
>Woman gets angry and tells you that it's the media's fault for setting unrealistic expectations.
>"You can stop buying into what the media sells you at any time. We all know the media lies. And besides, comparing yourself to others in that way is unhealthy."
>Woman gets angry

Nothing can save women from the perils of makeup because they don't want to be saved.
He says "women" weirdly.
Half an hour spent watching YouTube "amazing make-up transformation" videos is all it takes to cure most /r9k/ers.
Even that "no make-up" one doesn't look legit. Looks like she's put on some tinted moisturizer or BB cream and considered that "natural" because "muh anything under foundation isn't make-up." Besides, I still see hints of eyeliner, eyeshadow, possibly some blush, and possibly matte nude lipstick.
Dude Dante’s gf is so beautiful w/o makeup. This feels like a weird angle. Even in the video where she was crying, she didn’t look bad. Plus, she has those thin eyebrows that never look good.
Top left is unironically the best picture, and even the lighting is bad because she's trying her hardest to make a point.
The truth of white women is most of them don't pass without make up either.
Listen and learn trannies, make up is your gateway to femininity.
>Top left
Fent addict
>Top right
Doesn't go to parties, faps to romance novels
>Bottom left
Smokes and drinks, her boyfriend convinced her to make some terrible choices
>Bottom right
Snorts coke, will bite your dick
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>Bertrand Russel gave a lazy and retarded description of Nietzsche as a proto-Naz
If you do not see Nietzsche's work as Proto-Nazi, you do not understand it. Nietzsche himself may have hated what they would do, but his work places their ethos firmly within a promethean Nietzschean mind. In the same way that Marx did with the USSR and libtards for America.
On the other hand, if Kaufmann hadn't done this "rehabilitation," Nietzsche would be almost completely unknown to English readers. He saved Nietzsche from being obscured from the Jewish post-WWII hivemind. The more intelligent English readers will realize Kaufmann's liberal misreadings of Nietzsche on their own.

This. In fact, Nietzsche would have no problem with it either — appearance is all that exists for Nietzsche — so starting a Nietzsche thread with the OP image is just bait.

Women wore makeup in antiquity. Read Ovid for the evidence. Real men want everything around them to look beautiful. "Naturalness" is a gay Socratic psyop.
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>mfw in an alternative universe Thomas Carlyle lives long enough to immediately translates all Nietzsche in to English

Nature and beauty go together, if you are ugly, surrounded by ugliness then you yourself are immoral and offend the physical, mental and spiritual senses.
She looks best on top left, by far. I will never understand how actually beautiful/good looking women have such fucked up self-images.
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maybe you you look 'tired' and 'sick' without makeup thats just your normal look.
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Men should all wear height insoles and lie about their job to every woman they meet. until the double standard is recognized and the makeup industry is eliminated.
Good morning
>I will never understand how actually beautiful/good looking women have such fucked up self-images.
Women live in a world where boys start bombarding them with dick pics even before girls hit puberty. Men shape a woman's self-image and the average man treats a woman as a sexual object, and behaves and uses language in such a way as to convince the average woman that she herself should portray herself as an object for the attention and gratification of men.
Baudelaire said the same. The artificial triumphed.
so in your world woman are children with no agency to decide for themselves what they want
Everyone is like that, men as well. We're all clueless animals. Higher consciousness must be continuously fought and suffered for.
Well I just think if I went through what you described and disagreed with it. Then I wouldn't reinforce the behaviour by wearing more makeup
Most women aren't conscious of the process. They just receive feedback that putting makeup on gives them attention, so they do it, since attention makes them feel good. Most men aren't conscious of the processes they're subjected to either, by the way.
>Most women aren't conscious of the process
lol surely

>Most men aren't conscious of the processes they're subjected to either
name some then.

I can think of their worth being tied to economic output as one.
I agree and I know anon, I honestly feel very bad for women, I wish I could actually change society in a way, I know I am also just a horny pos but I would prefer it if women did not have to feel like they have to adhere to someone and just accept their own beauty and goodness, inherent in all of us, as humans.
Men have disadvantages like this too but they build culture to manage and overcome them. The difference between men and women is that women remain permanently childlike in their sense of responsibility for themselves (they always fundamentally, at an instinctive level, feel entitled to men making things better for them, and if anything goes wrong they instinctively blame men for it) and all of their innate hobbies are either "domestic," like chit-chatting about personal relationships and drama, narcissistic, like spending 90% of their time trying on clothes and makeup and taking pictures of themselves, or hedonistic, like spending all their disposable income on food and frivolous urbanite lifestyle shit.

There's a line in Beauvoir about how single fathers raise better daughters typically because they don't understand how sick women are, so they can't pass on the usual sickness that a mother passes on to her daughter. They just raise the kid as a fellow man, i.e. as a person, instinctively. (Of course this was back before it became the norm to be cool with your daughter being a whore who dresses like a prostitute before she hits puberty.) But anyway, the same thing underlies men underestimating women's shittiness as potential partners and friends. Men start from an instinctive baseline of assuming that women are "basically just people like me, right? a few differences, but she's just a person ultimately." This is incidentally the basis for feminism. Women had no ability or desire to create feminism, it's a male fantasy women participated in.

Men underestimate all three of the things I mentioned above. They think that women are people, and people capable of taking objective interest in things, so they never expect that women are fundamentally psychologically different from men and primarily interested in romance and relationships, so that they will neglect the objective aspects of situations and gunk up any workplace or educational space with nonsense gossip.

Men also don't realize that women spend ALL their disposable income in their 20s on expensive food, luxury lifestyle creature comforts, nicer places to live, travel, etc. They assume women are smart and responsible enough to travel and buy garbage within their means. They aren't: women spend ALL their money the way a child would. Again men just don't understand that women's sense of responsibility is fundamentally different. When a man pictures himself in the world, if he's even remotely normal or average, he thinks of himself as in a kind of jungle, in which if he fucks his life up his life remains fucked up. If he spends his rent money on a jet ski, he becomes "one of those people" whose life is an example for others of what not to do, and he's in for some rough stuff.
Watch arrest footage of men and women. Low-class men are belligerent and retarded, but only women literally and truly cannot even believe they are being punished for crimes they committed. They can't comprehend that level of "reality." A woman can't be "reality-checked" because reality will always be unreal to her. It's like they think the universe itself has a built-in Daddy Saves the Day function for worst case scenarios.

As a result of this weird childish worldview, women are generally (not universally but generally) borderline retarded. If you present them with a simple quandary or dilemma, the way you would present a man with "You can't both pay rent and have a jet ski," their mind doesn't react like a man and go "Hmmm, interesting, I've learned that life is sometimes about difficult choices." If you present a woman with "Wearing makeup kind of makes you a narcissistic liar whore," they will start flailing like a crack addict trying to justify his addiction for ANY excuse, ANY way in which men are indirectly responsible for their situation. A lifetime of coddling and looking at the world as a no-consequences playground means their brains literally cannot perform the operation "What if I fucked up here?" or "What if the world is an unfair place with no-win scenarios?" Just like they cannot comprehend not having money because they spent all their money, they can only think "That's not fair!!!!," they can't comprehend making a tough choice between being a makeup or no makeup kind of woman. EVERYTHING is filtered through pouty self-pitying and waiting for a man to fix it.

To let this kind of creature vote is literally insane. We must be mad, literally mad, to be permitting women to vote and confusing them and ourselves by treating them like adults. A being that spends all its money on toys and FACE PAINT and literally CRIES any time something goes wrong is not an adult nor a citizen. What's even worse is this: all the money that should be going into building family patrimonies for men is going into the hands of office ladies and permanent college student whores, and then back into the hands of big businesses selling cheap Chinese crap, with the sole effect of making women happier. Women are happier than they've ever been, they're living like prodigal daughters at the expense of men collectively. They're "travelling," they're extending their debutante years into their mid 30s at least, they're painting their faces and playing dress-up all day with no plans for the future, going into massive debt or simply spending the money that should have been saved for their family on "Ubers" and "Ubereats" every single night. So women are insanely happy, they are fattened up like sows, they are having a great time at the expensive of all the people who actually produce things and maintain infrastructure.
>name some then.
Well, in this scenario, demanding that women wear makeup. Men don't think about why they do this, they just do it because it makes their dicks feel good.
Every woman you see while walking around a city has recently "travelled" and is wearing clothing and makeup worth more than your most recent car payment. Women spend like they're spending with someone else's credit card, because they are, and they sleep on better sheets, and have nicer apartments, and feel better all the time as a result. Women spend 80%+ of the GDP, and it's not just because they do household spending in families. It's famililess whores buying 29 different hair products for their shower, or buying the $400 luggage because it "looked nice" while a man would bargain hunt for the $180 luggage, or instantly and thoughtlessly buying the $1800 Macbook instead of the one on sale because they are not even responsible or adult enough to feel an obligation to find a sale here and there, which consequently makes Macbooks more expensive for YOU in the long run because women are way more than half of consumers.

Women must be stopped. Modern western civilization is like a working class family, in which the son is expected to work and pay rent from the age of 14 while also putting himself through college when the time comes, while the daughter is treated like an upper middle class spoiled brat and given all the family's disposable income and has her three redundant college degrees paid for, and then there are three adopted brown kids for some reason and they are not expected to work either. Every time you see a woman, look at her like the Terminator in the beginning of Terminator 2 scanning bikers to steal their clothes, and raise yourself to perfect awareness of how expensive this bitch is to maintain, because YOU are maintaining her. The rent money your paper route brings in is paying for those fucking brand-name sneakers and "Brazilian Bum Bum Cream" she uses. SEE the parasite as it leeches your blood from you. SEE the plane ticket on her phone, the one you would have got for 70% of the price using some ingenious means because you are a man. SEE the bad overpriced resort she booked that you would never book because you are a man. SEE the $370 wicker chair she bought for her apartment for no reason on credit because it made her "feel" a "feeling." That was YOUR money she spent. As you walk down into the dirty, smelly subway tunnel to sit with the other slaves on your way to make some gear keep turning in some sagging invisible infrastructure, watch her step lightly inside the Uber laughing and giggling on her iPhone like a fat baby. You are her slave.
How is that an external process by the opposite sex though
Nietzsche literature is complicated because of how many schools of thought have tried to ride his coattails. You should read something like "Nietzsche on Morality" by Leiter to understand just how much academics have obscured what he wrote. Unfortunately a lot of Philosophy is like this, people trying to trick you.
>demanding that women wear makeup
also this isnt even the case, most men say they hate makeup lol
>interested in romance and relationships
I don't even think women enjoy relationships for the other person. they just enjoy the attention and how relationships make themselves feel.

It is men are the ones that unconditionally love others. And they don't need to read or discuss such things because they already have it.

Can you imagine Rose sacrificing herself for Jack when the titanic was sinking? Or a woman writing a love poem to a man? Or a man becoming disgusted at his wife for losing her job?
All they're interested in is competing with other women. The male equivalent would be bragging about sexual conquests or planned conquests, if 95% of male conversation was about this, and it was talked about at the level of 13 year old boys bullshitting and trying to impress eachother. Women are permanently 13 and trying to show off that they got the attentions of Mr. Darcy on his most recent visit.
this one looks like the same person in all pictures at least, OP pic looks like a different person altogether. Makeup is meant to accentuate details, not to transform your face into something else, or at least that's what should be
damn bro was this pre typed you spit that out fast
Excellent posts
I'm not talking about external processes in particular, but unconscious processes in general. However, the externality of it is from the fact that men get hornier around younger looking women. That's their "external feedback" in this scenario. So they demand that women look prettier, act more jubilant, etc.

I don't think you need an example that makes men look like victims to female pressure. There's plenty out there.
>the externality of it is from the fact that men get hornier around younger looking women.
trust me we are very conscious of this
Actually, no. Men are barely conscious of the fact that they treat women as objects on account of their penises.
Do you think anyone wants a w*man around here, or read her "opinions"? Fuck off.
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>A being that spends all its money on toys and FACE PAINT and literally CRIES any time something goes wrong is not an adult nor a citizen.
kekd. that anon that posted that thread about writing an incel
themed book should just steal your ideas. this is way better
I'm a guy though.
Most definitely not. Either a (typically) lying woman, or a terminally fembrained worm. Just fuck off.
I'm "fembrained" because I understand human psychology and you don't? The irony of your comments is that it proves me right; you're ready to dismiss someone's perspective on the basis that they might be female. You unconsciously treat women as objects.
You're still here, stinking up the place with your rancid fembrain farts?
>Men are barely conscious of the fact that they treat women as objects
A man recognizing a womans beauty is not objectification. Unless you also think woman recognizing the status and wealth of a man is objectification?
No real normal man gives a shit about that stuff, you only see autistic virgins constantly finding ways to find a woman unattractive. If you went into the real world acting how you do on 4chan everybody would call you a faggot
>Men with their society filter on wouldn't say the same things as anonymous men on the internet
Naïve if you think the ideas here aren't what men really think
>It is men are the ones that unconditionally love others.
You are right, men love unconditionally, unless you are fat, a single mother, too prudish, over the age of 20, not attractive, somebody with a different opinion, his child, his wife after giving birth, his pregnant wife, his sick wife, his wife, etc, but hey, Stacey doesn't want to have sex with manlets, so it's basically the same
>unless you are fat, a single mother, too prudish, over the age of 20, not attractive, somebody with a different opinion, his child, his wife after giving birth, his pregnant wife, his sick wife
Sour grapes. They would take any of this if they could
You lost. You have no argument.

>A man recognizing a womans beauty is not objectification.
I agree, but that's not even remotely what I'm talking about.
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I don't think Nietzsche was in favor of the brutality of nature, I think he just wanted to be a brutally honest observer and commentator of it.

Still would.
>I agree, but that's not even remotely what I'm talking about.
I must have misunderstood you.
>Reads thread again
>Something about demanding women to wear makeup because dick get hard
Nope you just didn't make any sense
>Sour grapes. They would take any of this if they could
Yeah, because they are conformist, they would choose it because they are scared of dying alone, not because they would love that woman
Would they also sacrifice themselves in war and in natural disasters for fear of dying alone or is that conformist too
Most men didn't chose to go to the war lmao, they got drafted against their choice and a huge amount of them tried to dodge the draft, look at ritchfags and how many of their sons didn't go to war
>Blame everything that people do on everything other than those people!!!!

My man, they want it. They YEARN for it. They WANT a man to adore them. They want to get fucked just like everyone else for the last ten thousand years. I'm not going to blame beauty standards on people choosing to utilize beauty standards to get something THEY want. You guys are actually retarded.
Nietzsche did not believe in brutal social darwinism
>Most men didn't chose to go to the war lmao
The ones who really didn't want to go just didn't go. You think if women got drafted they would actually turn up and storm the front lines?

Anyways it's irrelevant and you can never convince me men aren't the ones who love unconditionally and women only love for their own benefit.

Until they start dating down en masse
>own benefit
Men erected a system of controlled reproduction enforced by an open code of violence for thousands of years
How do you know it was only men who did it, or tha a conspiracy of men even implemented it or that this supposed system of controlled reproduction is even still relevant to modern societies? Let's not KID ourselves here and create delusions in our heads to justify our desire to MURDER all the people you hate.
Men are the only ones who create anything. Even the liberation women have now.
what the fuck is "brutal" social darwinism? Are you implying he advocated for some moderate version?
>for thousands of years
so you agree it's not the case now. cool.
Just walk into some bookstore and look around. See all the romantasy (porn) taking up 67% of the space? How can you say women can't create? They managed to turn the whole artform of literature into fishy slime.
I don't think Carlyle was a fan of Nietzsche. Nietzsche was certainly not a fan of him.
>Women live in a world where boys start bombarding them with dick pics even before girls hit puberty. Men shape a woman's self-image and the average man treats a woman as a sexual object, and behaves and uses language in such a way as to convince the average woman that she herself should portray herself as an object for the attention and gratification of men.
Yeah men inherently view women as inherently pure and if women are fucked it's always due to men and never because women are inherently whores living thru the media.

Now the reality is that Women peak intellectually at age 15. It is when they discover first hand that no matter how bland or even evil they are, thousands of men will be eager to compete for them, fix their daily problems and give them an easy life free of charge.
There is no way for you to tell whether you have higher consciousness or not. You could always just be lying to yourself, like when you lie to yourself so as to make women be completely free of agency (men too, but they are still somehow to blame for women's behavior?) It's fucking retarded and a waste of time.
>Moids create beauty standards due to their anime and porn addiction
>women begin to cater to men's desires
>moids still hate women for catering to them
Is this a homosexual board?
Pathetic take. But you wont procreate, so really, your views do not even matter. Sterile hatred.
No, you're just braindead and reduce everything to the actions of men like a lazy autist who cannot conceive of multiple dynamic causes. At least you cannot explain how women's desire for men to stick their penises inside them, which is why they try to prettify themselves, is somehow the fault of men.
My man. The fact that you see women getting makeup as "catering to men's desires" as if that very action is not itself motivated by a own woman's desire for men and beauty, just makes you sound like an incel, ironically.
>The ones who really didn't want to go just didn't go
Only to be shunned for life which in turn it would bring shame to his family, struggle to have or keep a job and basically having no friends, yeah it's a choice in the same way a person "chooses" to give money to his robber after pointing a gun at him
>You think if women got drafted they would actually turn up and storm the front lines?
There were female pilots on WW2 (a job with a 50% casualty rate, mind you), female snipers in the soviet army and woman were kinda common in leftiest terrorist groups, not to mention that feminist either wanted drafts for woman too or abolish the draft entirely
>Until they start dating down en masse
Retarded beyond believe to say that men are the ones that feel genuinely love because they date down (lies, they are scare of being alone so they date "down" even though they don't love them) when women with cancer are more likely to be dropped off by their partners than men with cancer among other things
Besides the point.

They don't look like the same person. It's deceptive.
Nah, it's only like 1% of males that create anything, the other 99% will latch to the achievements of the other just larp as le epic alpha male
Again with the infantilization of women. They have agency to make their own decisions
>they are scare of being alone
Men genuinely don't care about how much woman earns. I know that's a hard concept to visualize as a woman.
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Carlyle died, or was beyond his ability to translate when Nietzsche was writing. Carlyle would likely have enjoyed much of Nietzsches work but loathed him as a person. Nietzsche himself loathed Carlyle and his celebration of the heroic.

But again, there is much overlap between the two.
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"The other 99%" are busy being the plumbers and electricians and trash collectors and doing every other thing that makes your life comfortable, which is also a creation if you think about it
>Women's biggest sin is wanting our affection
Yeah this is a homosexual board
It's also not a literature board if your reading comprehension is any indicator
/lit/ is the pseudobisexual transsexual board actually.
I already have 2 kids. 3 if you count the girl, but as Nietzsche said, if you ask a chinaman how many kids he has he’ll only count the sons.
>man says anything woman doesn't like
>woman: incel incel incel you can't get laid incel, you won't get laid by saying that incel

You realize this threat only means something in relation to the women men WANT to fuck, which is late teens and early 20s women? If you're not in that group, you are doing unpaid labor for Big Pussy while not even being one of its beneficiaries anymore. Post-wall women (25+) who call men incels are the jannies of the female gender, literally continuing to defend the pussy hegemony of young in-demand women while no longer young and in-demand.

If you're a man of course it's infinitely more pathetic.
>She posts, sitting next to her fat balding husband, which she hasn't had sex with in over 4 years
Bigotry against balds is never okay, please fix your attitude.
This. Any time a woman insults bald men around me I put her in a headlock and give her a painful noogie.
its okay I have the pass as a norwood 2
I've known women who are 100% more intelligent and mature than you, so you can shove your retarded shit up your ass.
had same exact thoughts, i'm surprised how people don't talk about how nietzsche in his essence is pretty much a darwinist or atleast very much leaned towards it
>There is no way for you to tell whether you have higher consciousness or not.
Trust me, I can tell
Nietzsches philosophy is about how the meaninglessness of life causes people to respond. I'm too tired to type out a big thing. But his philosophy was about how people with good intentions and competence should feel confident enough to generate their own values; because uncaring psychopaths do and always have done this
Walking away from his books and concluding "wow Nietzsche thought the weak should be crushed!!" is a juvenile reading
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reminder it's called makeup because it makes up for their ugliness.
Seems to me he still thought some problems can only be solved by natural selection, there's no way to change your physiology, which is the root cause of severe cases.
I wouldn't say that he celebrated that conclusion though.
>If you do not see Nietzsche's work as Proto-Nazi, you do not understand it
It's a bit like calling Rousseau a proto-Marxist. Huge oversimplification and a cheap way of dismissing his work, but also fundamentally very accurate
Get over yourself, moron.
He definitely acknowledged that selection is an ever present and inescapable component of life, and invited us to explore what motivates our beliefs more than we typically do, even considering more immutable things like physiology. But I still read his works, even then, as arguing that a person with weak physiology may be primed for a neurotic outlook; but that awareness and agency rule all, the person is not fated to have any particular outlook. That was the point, through awareness, people can choose what they think matters and can justify it themselves
I don't trust you. What you say is exactly something a narcissist would say.
I didn't call it a sin. You however seem to be denying that women actually have that desire at all in your effort to render them people without any agency or responsibility.
proto anything is retarded and faulty reasoning.
No. National-Socialism rose in popularity with Nietzsche's works, they were not popular during his lifetime, nor did they make him anything near a living. It was only after his death that they became influential, most importantly with the the German Far-Right.

>his philosophy was about how people with good intentions and competence should feel confident enough to generate their own values.
How does that quote negate that idea
Nietzsche became quite the sensation around the turn of the century (while he was still alive even, but "mad"), with various intellectuals, artists, young men. His works were translated into English (including by the aestheticist poet John Gray), Havelock Ellis wrote about him in The Yellow Book, Harry Kessler was involved in setting up the Nietzsche Archiv, he influenced writers from Gide to D'Annunzio to Klages to dadaists — various politically ambiguous or non-grata figures, but not simply the German political far-right solely or mainly.
>Nietzsches philosophy is about how the meaninglessness of life causes people to respond. I'm too tired to type out a big thing. But his philosophy was about how people with good intentions and competence should feel confident enough to generate their own values; because uncaring psychopaths do and always have done this
Good intentions my ass, Nietzsche is the atheist who will always do atheist things : deluding himself he offered a solution to the atheist problem. His solution is cretinous since he is an atheist, it is the only thing atheists know how to do to feel good about themselves : it's just changing the word ''hedonism" into ''vitalism''
I don't care, hedonism is based.
nah, I am not going to read this shitty thread
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what would Friedrich Nietzsche do?
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It does not, it justifies the National-Socialist movement. Thus reaffirming my position that Nietzsche's work is, more than any other system, best represented in Nazism and those rare few who led it.

>but not simply the German political far-right solely or mainly.
I said most importantly because WW2 and the decisions made during and immediately after it are still relevant now.
Nietzsche has impacted everything from Zionism to video games. It influenced the most feared/dangerous/controversial regime in all of history.
he's the anti christ idk what you expect
try not to get bullied
And 100 years ago, everyone “knew” that the world was flat. >:D
why do so many people die on this hill for no reason? And post about it online?
I seriously question anyone who says they read any of nietzche and said they could tell you "what he meant", his whole point was to obfuscate.
In Twilight of the Idols Nietzsche characterized nationalism as a symptom of decadence and one of the herd religions in the same vein as Christianity and socialism, which he compares to disease. He also praised the old Testament, Judaism, and characterized anti-Semites as jealous of Jewish accomplishment. So the issue with characterizing Nietzsche as proto-Nazi is not that he isn't a Nazi, but that he clearly views nationalism, populism and anti-Semitism as aligned against aristocratic ideals. They're part of Europe's decline.

Hitler's political rhetoric revolves around the German Volk, the farmer, the worker, the "people". It appeals to the injustice of their humiliation and economic subjugation. The purported greatness of "the people" is the big giveaway that it is not a Nietzschean political project.
Social Darwinism accepts struggle as a powerful utility for the improvement of society, a sort of necessary evil for the sake of social growth and evolution.

Neech appreciated struggle for struggle's sake and couldn't care less if society collapsed in this sort of struggle, or whether it could produce a "better society".

You got filtered.
>But his philosophy was about how people with good intentions and competence should feel confident enough to generate their own values; because uncaring psychopaths do and always have done this
uncaring psychopaths are typically people who think they are people with "good intentions" and competence.
Then at least have the decency to admit that the only thing that actually motivates you is pleasure and that you worship Yahweh not explicitly but implicitly by pretending that his creation is the best thing ever because it allows you to eat the fishy vagina of your obese girlfriend and enjoy tons of other pointless pleasurable endeavors at the cost of someone else.
It doesn't because social darwinism cannot even tell you with any coherence what the fuck even "social growth" and evolution
even is*
Nietzsche, much like everyone during his time, doesn't actually know what decadence is and he thinks that the retarded characters in the Illiad were somehow not decadent when Achilles throws a fucking temper tantrum because he doesn't get to rape some woman. Really fucking retarded stock he idolized. MAkes me feel genuine pleasure at the amount of immense suffering, physical and mental, he must have gone through in his twilight years. Fucking cretin worth less than the dirt underneath my boot.
>>see people arguing about whether nietzsche was a "soft boi" individualist anarchist who just wants everybody to express themselves~ and not really a social darwinist who thinks weaklings and retards should be crushed
It's a tad of both I guess.
Being an anarchist and supporting "social darwinism" (I don't think it is the correct term but it's functional enough) are not mutually exclusive.
I think the bigger issue here is that your perspective of what anarchism means has been tainted by westoid pseudo-communist pansies who think mistake assembly democracy and centralized communal welfare with "anarchism", when it is the exact opposite of what Nietzsche wanted.
Nietzsche called out that the social-democratic State would lead to the devolution of humanity into ever more wretched pathetic weaklings and that the solution to that was to take power away from the State.
Nietzsche has fuckall to do with Nazism, tard.
Nietzsche was appalled by nationalism and by socialism, it's just insane to think he would have supported national-socialism. Hitler's rethoric is just another iteration of democratic slave-morality.
>Nietzsche called out that the social-democratic State would lead to the devolution of humanity into ever more wretched pathetic weaklings and that the solution to that was to take power away from the State.
Nietzsche is the usual atheist midi-wit who loves to view himself in a self aggrandizing story of leading willy nilly the atheist masses governed by the atheist dogma of ''there is no truth but atheism is true and atheism is totally not just debased hedonism, it's vitalism!!!!111 OKAYYYY''
>umm anon how dare you enjoy life, you are irredeemably evil and must suffer because some woman 6000 years ago ate an apple
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Based clearsighted psycho
Decadence is relative you complete fucking buffoon. How are you people so unbelievably fucking stupid?
Wait, what? I consciously disregarded all the written comments at first so I could look at it without bias, and my instant judgment is the top left is the prettiest picture of her. And it actually turns out to be her without makeup. My first judgment was that that could’ve been her with light makeup and top right with no makeup at all, but it’s the reverse.

I think people are insane.
Good reads. Makes sense in my humble opinion.
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DING DING WE HAVE A WINNER. Legit trying to agrue in favor of women yet making them seem like aimless children. Fitting anon doesn't respond to you.
>Again with the infantilization of women. They have agency to make their own decisions
Women aren't agents.
Women aren't human beings.
Women are sub-humans.
We should liquidate all women.
We should liquidate all women by putting them in depressurisation vessels and reducing the pressure until the solids turn into liquids.
The image is fake. Either those are two different faces, or one of them has been digitally altered. Look at the shape of the cheeks, look at the distance from the nose to the tip of the chin. Makeup doesn't suck your cheeks in and shorten your face.
>The image is fake.
Duh, read Baudrillard. Also women aren't real.
lol makeuplet
On the one hand, this seems like an unhinged rambling of an intelligent yet deeply disturbed man, blinded by prejudices he developed from bad personal experiences. On the other hand, a lot of it rings true in a profoundly insightful way.

My ex lives in a house she and her husband paid for (down payment). She is extraordinarily frugal now, but has always been frugal. SHE is the deal-hunter, while I would spend more for the convenience of not having to jump through hoops to pinch a few pennies. She grew up taking care of several siblings while I was an only child of a single mother with very few responsibilities, so she was constantly focused on taking care of household odds and ends while I worked. However, she always complained about money, even when we had enough, and she was incapable of reasoning beyond a certain point - like a hard cap. She joined a police academy and would act defiantly towards her superiors and then complain that they were engaging in sexist discrimination against her. She was relentlessly hypocritical and demanding, and trying to talk through one entire issue logically was like trying to keep a fire lit in a rainstorm. She would behave like a horrible bitch and then expect immediate forgiveness if she cracked a joke or wore a smile. She would gossip about how creepy or "pervy" a teacher was with nothing to go on when questioned, and she was insanely jealous if I even looked at other women. I mean constantly vigilant and watching my eyes to see where they went.

Eventually, I just stopped giving a shit about her game. I would come home from work and get on my PC and write or chat with friends and when she would bitch that it was my turn to take care of the kids while she watched Netflix I would tell her to go fuck herself and put my headphones on. Just got done with a grueling 10-12 hour shift at my physical job and she got to sit at home and watch Netflix WHILE taking care of the kids. Speaking of the kids, I effortlessly command far more respect from both of them and she attributes that to her stress or that she has to be hard on them (for some reason) while I let them chill. They chill at my place because they don't even start mouthing off or breaking rules and they always do what I tell them without a tantrum. Over at her house, they're so hard for her to manage that she has to call me while I'm at work to tell my daughter to settle down. She takes zero responsibility for nearly anything, but if I get really assertive she suddenly acts very respectfully and may even apologize for being rude. So I don't know what the fuck to think. I was with her for 11 fucking years.
fake latina btw
>ITT: skill issues
Imagine not being worthy of a good womans attention
you worship them like some deity or what?
Nietzsche was full of it, I'm sure.
What the fuck does this even mean? Decadence is whatever tickles your anger bone? Remember, Nietzsches entire belief system is grounded in his anatomy. Whatever gives him gas is bad, whatever tickles his funny bone and makes him go hehehehohohohahahah is good
Nietzsche was both a soiboy and a proto-fascist. Actually kind of goes for any German """philosopher""".
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Have any of you considered that the inconsistencies in Nietzsche's though comes from him being a volatile schizo-affective retard with literal brain degenerative disease in his later years?
A true Nietzschean never applies Nietzsche's biological determinism to Nietzsche himself.
>What the fuck does this even mean?
Is English not your first language, motherfucker?
In his unpublished notes, he says that he "aims at the morality of rank" and not at the "morality of the individual." In his late works, he propagates breeding, eugenics, and even gives some explicit advice, for example, to breed Jews with Prussians. In various works, he proposes the annihilation of ill-constituted people. It is true that he was not a social Darwinist or a proto-Nazi because those movements would have been too "tame" for Nietzsche. Nazis are fundamentally oriented toward the well-being of the masses, just like social Darwinists. Nietzsche, on the other hand, was a proponent of a certain social class of higher men. Nietzsche's category of those people (and, as he says in one place, peoples too) who are deemed not "worthy of life"—in his words, parasites and degenerates—is more vague, less bureaucratic, and defined than those of the Nazis. If you believe Nietzsche was an esoteric moralist who appeals only to the individual and articulates only a critique without any policies at a societal level, I recommend Martin Ruehl's short paper "Nietzsche's New Order." If you are more interested and have time, I suggest Bruce Detwiler's book Nietzsche and the Politics of Aristocratic Radicalism.
While Leiter's books are good when it comes to Nietzsche's views on morality and science, his interpretation of Nietzsche as "anti-political" follows in the steps of Kaufmann's misinterpretation and thus has limited use.
IIt is very useful to keep in mind these truths, especially today, when female inclination to parasitism, egoism, and narcissism is encouraged at a societal level. I would still like to add a few remarks: women are egotistical by nature because they risk more. They have to carry and deliver a human being into this world, and it is in nature's best interest to compensate for this precariousness with selfishness and egoism. Also, their shallowness is just an escape from their hypersensitivity to negative emotions, which are also useful when rearing children. You write as if you were hurt by a woman, and I can understand that because I have been hurt too. But it is necessary to keep a balanced view so as not to fall headlong into the abyss of ressentiment. There is also a class aspect to your image: what you describe is mostly middle-upper-class or upper-class women, who have the audacity and means to demand more. Most working-class women, especially those from broken families that I know, are very frugal, future-oriented, and are overall smart and well-balanced human beings.
He says in Twilight of the Idols that he also speaks about a "return to nature." Keep in mind that his notion of nature is sadistic, barbaric, and overall amoral, and not the Darwinian nature of incremental adaptation.
No. It's like one of four. whereas it's your only one. Is thinking foreign to you? What the fuck does it mean for decadence to be "relative"? As in, decadence cannot exist without the concept of non-decadence/excellence? If so, then sure, I agree. But something tells me that you just want to say "decadence no real" with words bigger than your brain. Go back to your goon sesh you retarded animal.
none of what you says actually helps to rehabilitate humanity (or women, which is the only thing half the people in this thread are talking about) in any way. You are saying that if women just have a little bit more money and stabilty in their lives then they will act like children "by nature". And even after saying stuff like that you still, for no reason, say that one should not "fall headlong into the abyss of ressentiment" as if that is supposed to mean anything. Nobody with even half a brain cares. Your version of humanity is heading straight for the dopamine chair and nowhere else.
>his philosophy was about how people with good
Stopped reading right there. No summary of Nietzsche should include the word “good.” Beyond Good and Evil is literally about how good and evil are meaningless terminologies.
This, although not because of any good reason but simply because Nietzsche is like a linguistic purist who uses words like "beneficial" as a substitute for "good" and pretends that philosophers have not argued with each other for centuries about what even is "good". Unknowingly, he falls into the exact kind of dogmatism he accuses others of doing because he was a retarded philologist who apparently never even heard of the skeptics.
>anon thought he should get in the mud and fight pigs to evolve past them
A.i will soon be able to remove women’s makeup in real-time
This will lead to a massive economic crisis because of men refusing to buy shit for women which will lead to less circulation of currency.
>What the fuck does it mean for decadence to be "relative"?
It means you don't know decadence better than he did, therefore the moral superiority oozing from your gay posts is unwarranted.
>Philosophy induced nervous breakdown
It was literally Syphilis you fucking retard.
>top left
>still obviously wearing some makeup
being a no makeup proponent is a sure fire way to demonstrate you've never actually seen a woman without makeup before (you have to live with one and see them get ready for bed to accomplish this).
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Skincare and makeup routines are two different things.
...no shit? what does that have to do with what a person looks like without anything in their face?
Your unlettered post implies skincare and makeup are the same. Skincare routines are done before bed. Makeup removal is a part of this routine.
What fucking moral superiority are you yapping about?
>It means you don't know decadence better than he did
What the actual fuck are you talking about? Do you ever seriously think through your retarded sentences in your head or are you just being driven by the Will to try and one-up me on an imageboard? Rhetorical question.
Give an actual proof you gullible retard.
>Your unlettered post implies skincare and makeup are the same.
NTA but you are a massive retard as evidenced by the fact that you are a retarded natfag. Let me explain the joke for you since it's clear your reading comprehension is non-existent.
The poster you were replying to said that people who are no-makeup proponents have never actually seen a woman without makeup before. In order to actually do that, you would have to live with one and see them get ready for bed to accomplish this because that is the point where they remove their makeup.
Now, try rubbing those two neurons together and show the class where exactly the poster said that makeup and skincare are the same thing. Think very carefully and prove to us that the Jews haven't zapped your brain yet.
Now have fun screaming into the barrel before you blow your brains out.
Is everyone in that picture supposed to look like they are overdosed on fluoride?
Does matter, i would still love "her"
I saw a coworker once with the black eyeshadow "wings" going to the inside of her temple. I asked her if she sneezed when putting it on, she was visibly upset lmao
>Nietzsche, much like everyone during his time, doesn't actually know what decadence is
Did you, or did you not, write this? A statement that conveys a moral superiority and confesses the belief that decadence is not relative.
>A statement that conveys a moral superiority and confesses the belief that decadence is not relative.
What part of my statement conveys "moral superiority" in your cancerous eyes? I clearly said that Nietzsche does not actually have any idea about what decadence even is. I clearly say that it is simply whatever gives him gas and there is no meaning or reason behind his use of the term, nor yours. You still haven't told me what decadence even is. You just keep repeating "well, it's relative" as if that isn't blatantly begging the question. Relative to fucking what? It just seems obvious to me that you don't actually have any idea as to what it even means and are just saying that it doesn't exist with more words. And you retards then think that you or anyone remotely like you can "create" "new" values.
All the women I've lived with looked more attractive without makeup. Makeup is usually very ugly.
This woman literally got an abortion why does she wear a cross.
>>see people arguing about whether nietzsche was a "soft boi" individualist anarchist who just wants everybody to express themselves~ and not really a social darwinist who thinks weaklings and retards should be crushed
It's more complicated than that. He is a Eugenecist but not in the ethno-nationalist sense associated with Nazi Germany. His views on miscegenation are significantly more nuanced.
>You still haven't told me what decadence even is.
It's the entropic waste of a system. This is how Nietzsche understands it as well. That's why he says that decadence is inherent in every system, just like entropy. It is unavoidable, inevitable. It is also relative, since every system has its own value structure which dictates its hierarchy and thus dictates where entropy will concentrate first.
It's about how they're bad metrics for judging human psychological motivations and the actions humans take. It's not an argument for the equivalence of all intentions in terms of their benefit for those who hold them and what they do to others. The philosophy is deep as the ocean, such analyses are puddles
His overarching view was those those who can't overcome their resentments and their shame at their own weaknesses, grow to hate life itself and encourage others to do so. He was saying, out of contempt, it'd be better, for them, if they just died off.
Not his proudest moment, but far from the eugenicist darwinism you're describing.
>Is this a homosexual board?
Always was
whores love to wear the cross, they get off even harder once they are fucked in their monthly orgy knowing they are ''bad girls''
He was not talking about a hypothetical, he actually propagates the idea that we should get rid of certain people, he does so in Antichrist, in Twilight of Idols, in Ecce Homo, in his unpublished notes and other texts. And why would not he? It makes sense in the context of his theory.
He never, at any point, talks about getting rid of whole groups of people
Did Pynchon enter chat?
Yes he did. Will to power means amoral, brutal growth, and growth can not take place without getting rid of that which retards it.

"Nietzsche remarks in a late fragment, between the “healthy and the degenerate parts” of a society; the latter must be “excised” or the whole will “perish” (WP734). His mission, he says in Ecce Homo, is to “assassinate” two millennia of Christian “anti-nature and human disfiguration” and to launch a new “party of life” that will realize the “greatest of all tasks”,namely, the “higher breeding” (Höherzüchtung) of humanity, including the “merciless extermination” (schonungslose Vernichtung) of everything “degenerating and parasitic” (EH Birth of Tragedy4). Nietzsche’s vision of a revitalized European civilization entails extreme forms of oppression, exploitation, violence and destruction. There can be no cultural excellence as long as modern man holds on to “conceptual hallucinations” such as “the dignity of man” and fails to see the necessity of large-scale slavery (CV3) and the “most terrible wars” (HA 477). The great majority of men, he writes, are a mere “misfortune” to “higher men” and have “no right to existence”. The “ill constituted” in particular should be deprived of that right (WP872). There are entire nations, he adds, that are ill-constituted. (Es giebt auch mißrathene Völker.)".

Even this quote leaves out the remarks of Antichrist, where he talks about how weak and ill constituted shall perish, and Genealogy of Morals, where he says that the majority could be sacrificed for the betterment of a higher few people.
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>Give an actual proof
Im not debating this with you, i am telling you.
These posts will be inscribed in great stone tablets in the Museum of 21st Century History for all to read and know.
These are all stereotypes that don't uniformly apply, and where they do apply, they're a product of the more general entitlement of first world society.
>Being an anarchist and supporting "social darwinism" (I don't think it is the correct term but it's functional enough) are not mutually exclusive.
This is true, and its odd people think anarchists can't be racist or homophobic. Its an anything goes philosophy.
No it doesn't mean any of that and that's not supported by the texts, but it does support your He-Man weirdo delusion about who you are internally.
Every part you quoted from Ecce Homo is about IDEAS, and their impact.
>healthy and degenerate parts/latter will perish
Christianity makes people weak minded, bitter and weak willed; over time this will collapse society; we must get rid of it
>assassinate two millennia of anti nature
Same concept
>higher breeding/merciless extermination/degenerating and parasitic
Nietzsches basic proposition is that values drive cultures and cultures shape people; a culture with weak values "breeds" weak people; western Christian culture does this; it should be exterminated
>weak men/higher men
Modernity puts the instincts of what Nietzsche considered weaker men ahead of more capable men's instincts, and he was saying if anything, this should be inverted

Everything you quoted makes sense from the perspective of an holistic analysis of his philosophy, wherein he believes that modern culture is making people weaker because of the values it espouses. Ironically, the reason you read it as a straightforward call to genocide or eugenics is because you embody the weak bitterness of men who hate all life that Nietzsche despised and was warning about; knew that the resentful were capable of far more horrible atrocities than those who didn't feel this way, just begging to be released. World wars 1 and 2 confirmed he was right about this, as well as your posts.
>The weak and the botched shall perish: first principle of our charity. And one should help them to it. What is more harmful than any vice —Practical sympathy for the botched and the weak - Christianity. . . ."

Either you are being ironic, or you are just clouded by christian sympathy.
None of the quotes you've been posting portray what you claim they do, and they all affirm what I said. This one included.
You actually think he is talking about ideas in the Antichrist quote? And about feeling sympathy for them?
Yeah, I do. Since that's what he's talking about in the Antichrist
Stick to mein kampf
Well, you are kind of wrong.
>Das Mitleiden kreuzt im Ganzen Grossen das Gesetz der Entwicklung, welches das Gesetz der Selection ist. Es erhält, was zum Untergange reif ist, es wehrt sich zu Gunsten der Enterbten und Verurtheilten des Lebens, es giebt durch die Fülle des Missrathnen aller Art, das es im Leben festhält , dem Leben selbst einen düsteren und fragwürdigen Aspekt.
Okay. Once again doesn't demonstrate a desire for genocide or any of the shit you're talking about. You keep quoting passages that don't prove what you're talking about
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Light/ no-makeup makeup is best imho
The passage I quoted only intends to show that the sympathy Nietzsche criticizes is oriented toward certain kind of life, not toward ideas. Which implies that we should get rid of such sympathy. Which implies doing bad things to people. Which is what he says in second aphorism of Antichrist.

I did not talk about "genocide", I said he was for getting rid of certain people, which implies eugenics. Here is the WP quote in full:

>"Also a commandment of the love of man.— There are cases in which a child would be a crime: in the case of chronic invalids and neurasthenics of the third degree. What should one do in such cases?— One might at least try encouraging them to chastity, perhaps with the aid of Parsifal music: Parsifal himself, this typical idiot, had only too many reasons not to propagate himself. The trouble is that a certain inability to “control” oneself (— not to react to stimuli, even to very slight sexual stimuli) is one of the most regular consequences of general exhaustion. One would be mistaken, for example, to think of a Leopardi as chaste. The priest, the moralist play a hopeless game in such cases; it would make more sense to go to a pharmacy. After all, society has a duty here: few more pressing and fundamental demands can be made upon it. Society, as the great trustee of life, is responsible to life itself for every miscarried life—it also has to pay for such lives: consequently it ought to prevent them. In numerous cases, society ought to prevent procreation: to this end, it may hold in readiness, without regard to descent, rank, or spirit, the most rigorous means of constraint, deprivation of freedom, in certain circumstances castration.— The Biblical prohibition “thou shalt not kill!” is a piece of naivete compared with the seriousness of the prohibition of life to decadents: “thou shalt not procreate!”— Life itself recognizes no solidarity, no “equal rights,” between the healthy and the degenerate parts of an organism: one must excise the latter— or the whole will perish.— Sympathy for decadents, equal rights for the ill-constituted—that would be the profoundest immorality, that would be antinature itself as morality!"

It seems he does talk about getting rid of certain groups of people. In this context, previous passages imply the same. I am not a nazi or anything related to them, just FYI.
In WP 862 he talks about the need for "The annihilation of the decaying races <...> The annihilation of mediocrity and its acceptance. (The onesided, individuals peoples; to strive for fullness of nature through the pairing of opposites: race mixture to this end)"
Will To Power is a fake book written by Elizabeth and her friends. It's not reliable
It is written by Nietzsche, the aphorisms are collected by Elizabeth. She actually removed some parts that talk about annihilation of races and peoples. Anyway, that is enough to prove that Nietzsche was for certain kind of eugenics. Not that are identical to the nazist, but brutal nonetheless.
meant to say that those aphorism were written by Nietzsche, not the whole book*. To try to paint Nietzsche as some kind of esoteric moralist is naive and dishonest.
>She actually removed some parts that talk about annihilation of races and peoples.
>"Observers have rightly noted the tendency of its two publishers to soften the harshest parts. This applies particularly to the harsh statements about ‘religion, church and Reich’, but also to statements hostile to women.20 We can better understand the spirit in which Elisabeth worked by looking at one particular small passage. At §872 we read: ‘The rights a human being takes for himself are proportional to the duties he imposes on himself, to the tasks he feels up to. The great majority have no right to exist, but are a misfortune for superior human beings.’ In the corresponding passage in the Posthumous Fragments ,theaphorism continues with an emphatic declaration: ‘I do not even give the deformed the right [to exist– DL]. There are deformed peoples too’ (XI, 102). In seeking to adhere as far as possible to her brother’s theses, to which she wanted to raise a sort of monument, poor Elisabeth must have found embarrassing and excessive the idea that a whole people could or should be denied the right to exist" D. Losurdo, Nietzsche, The Aristocratic Rebel 715

Also, this passage is interesting:
>Reading her biography does not in any way confirm the legend of Elisabeth as a forger in the service of the Third Reich, whose advent could not at the time (ten years before the outbreak of the First WorldWar) have been predicted even by an extraordinarily gifted prophet. Nor is it confirmed by a reading of The Will to Power. This is the work on the basis of which a pro-Nazi interpreter in 1936 accused Nietzsche of being pro-Semitic. He particularly had in mind the sections dedicated to Heine, Offenbach, Mendelssohn, Rahel Varnhagen and Jewish art and culture as a whole.17 The denunciation even ended up including Elisabeth herself, accused of sympathetically confirming her brother’s philo Semitism:"
Nietzsche also instructed women to not have sex with depressive blackpiller types in Human, All Too Human:

>For the improvement of the world. — If we prevented the discontented, atrabilious and sullen from propagating themselves we could magically transform the earth into a garden of happiness. — This proposition belongs in a practical philosophy for the female sex.

"propagating themselves" obviously means reproduce. Nietzsche was not at all afraid to say that some people should die for the betterment of the species.
kind of pathetic that all it takes is a little bit of being natural for women to lose their shit completely

why do you insist on ruining your skin with chemicals? I've never used makeup and my skin is smooth and fair at ~30. You wipe yours off and you're left with a mutilated pepperoni pizza, you're blocking your pores, any natural occurrences that happen in the skin are disrupted and all sorts of shit will fester under the layers of makeup.

it's like people using botox, going to liposuction or plastic surgery, you don't want to work hard for good looks, you take shortcuts and end up looking like a hideous goblin with +20 years onto your actual age.
Botox is for women what steroids is for men. Both sexes have their narcissists who want to take shortcuts usually for their own gratification and no one else's.
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can someone explain this to me because i've never understood it
>neet-she says christianity is a weak slave morality and the pagans were strong master morality systems
>something something ressentiment
>christianity wins the culture war over the pagans
>this is a bad thing because christianity is slave morality and paganism was master morality
In social darwinist terms, this doesn't make any sense. Christianity triumphed over paganism no matter how you spin it, otherwise the world would be giving praise to Jupiter instead of Jesus right now. How is it, then, that a system that encourages "weakness" won over a system that encouraged "strength"? What good is that strength if it wasn't able to win? Also,
I hate this word (look ma i'm ressentimenting!) It's used as a catch-all "you hate me so you're jealous" thought-terminating cliche. I don't envy-hate you, I think you're dumb and I'm calling you out for it.
>inb4 someone calls me out for not understanding neet-she
I don't think he understood himself either. If anything I'd say he held quite a bit of ressentiment towards the world during his irrelevant tenure in life, only gaining popularity after the Nazi party co-opted his philosophy for their master-race thinking. Coincidentally, that "master morality system" was also beat.
Christians beat the pagans like David beat Goliath. Goliath was still larger and stronger, and therefore the greater warrior, even if he lost. David beat him through the use of cunning rather than strength.
There's this weird tend in philosophy, especially Anglo philosophy to try and make everyone an atheist liberal with soft socialist sympathies. They unironically say that Plato and Machiavelli were just kidding. The only person who has suffered from the misinformation more than Nietzsche is Aristotle who academics for whatever reason have headcanoned into being the Richard Dawkins of antiquity.
Nazis grew out the same stem as Marxism, socialism for the German Volk. Political chickensoup for losers of the Great War, he would say.
That botch in your webm is coated in makeup.
>Die Gattungen wachsen nicht in der Vollkommenheit: die Schwachen werden immer wieder über die Starken Herr, - das macht, sie sind die grosse Zahl, sie sind auch klüger…
Goliath should've worn a helmet if he wanted to win. What a dumbass.
Pure gibberish. No wonder everyone says "you don't understand Nietzsche." No one knows what language he's speaking!
>thought-terminating cliche
Thought terminating cliche ipse.
The first interpretation is just cope that liberal humanist redditors tell themselves so they can still like Nietzche.
>Thought terminating cliche ipse.
thought terminating cliche ipse ipse DOUGH
>captcha: WH40HRT
Lol @ wh40k fans
Pagans were nice and allowed Christians to exist under their rulership only to find that the same grace would not be granted to them as fortunes turned.
That would be because monotheism is inherently intolerant. It's in the name, "mono." Monotheism and democracy are antithetical to one another.
Looks more like a phone app filter.
I don't care how many posts any leftists or rightists makes I will not read someone who has Niche for a last name.
why do whores love the cross.
Same reason pedos do
>captcha: WH40HRT
>Lol @ wh40k fans
>She actually removed some parts that talk about annihilation of races and peoples.
Source: 4chan
Women are married to the government so the vast majority of them in well off countries can always rely on it to part their husbands money of the man is unwilling. The amount of safety checks these adult children need just to function is endless and comically maintained by a collection of naive men.
I give the source a few posts later

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