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Ole Sully edition.

Previous: >>23823710
Take a long hard look in the mirror then, hoe.
I love gorgeous women
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I have no idea what to do with my life. But I need some female affection, that's for sure.
What form of affection would you like the most?
>Like my beard.
>I only look good with a beard.
>Want a Japanese wife.
>Asian women don't like beards.
What am I meant to do here in this funny little predicament?
A hug that's not a hello/goodbye would be much appreciated.
this russia vs europe vs america vs china is by far the most disgusting shit on 4chan. these people are quite literally insane. fucking posting corpses, war footage and disgusting comments all day. dehumanizing each other every single day.

no doubt man is worst than devil.
Trips of truth. Yeah, but I'd only want it if they initiated it out of nowhere, that would show that they actually want it.
I can finally admit to myself that I am attracted to women, but only aesthetically. I'm not sexually or romantically attracted to them.

my ideal relationship is having a gorgeous best friend that I spend time with and maybe also raise a child together, but otherwise be completely platonic
They aren't real people, just a mix of Eaglin air force base and IDF.
I am sorry but the male form is the peak of aesthetics.
Especially compared to the short, narrow shouldered, lumpen female form.
Not only are you gay, but you have shit taste.
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>but I'd only want it if they initiated it out of nowhere
A nice thought.
God I hate my choices so much I'm a complete retard I'm pathetic
How are Spenglerpilled Americans supposed to reconcile being Western and wishing to seek the ascendency and dominion of Western civilization and specifically American-led Western civilization with the obvious reality that American dominance in the wake of the World Wars has only caused decline?
She’s not that gorgeous
Don’t we all
I occasionally partake in political discussions but it’s honestly a lost cause regardless
The internet has been really bad for standards of decency and decorum.
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It's hard fucking work being surrounded by friends who just have no drive whatsoever.
i have a solid state drive
okay that was a horrible joke. i've been shitposting too much in /vg/
I wanna play league.
Did it really though? Seems to be functioning as intended
If the intention was declination then I guess you're right.
No you don't.
Head like a hole !
Yes, the real empire got destroyed and abandoned and replaced with an empire of finance, business, foreign policy and civil rights blobbers.
Note to self: make sure to go #2 tomorrow in the morning, as it will have been 4 days and you don't wanna go longer than that if you can help it.
> tfw 5’11”
> tfw $99K
> tfw 5 pack
In what way is it declining though?
I rarely come here anymore.
Looking at this thread I wonder why I ever did.
Low fertility rates, terrible politics, muttification, inability to deal with external and internal problems, etc etc.
where do we go from here?
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5 pack
There's a 1/1000 chance you got swapped up in the hospital. The guy who wad supposed to lead your shitty life is currently drinking champaign inside the mansion of your parents and thinking about what he's going to do with the 250 000 bucks he has to his name while you're hustling 14 hours a day barely able to survive, because your 'parents' are fuckups who never achieved anything in life.
It's a daunting thought.
Bottom ab is undefined, just kinda looks like one
What should I do if I think I’m handsome until I smile? Something about my smile and the way it shifts my eyes to droopy just looks terrible. I think my mouth is too recessed or something too.

Anyone ever get an MSE device put in? I’m too old for mewing to work.
The American chess team is 80% asian. I get why whitoids are so insecure. They are truly finished.
It’s chess, dude. Who cares? The President is white. History is white. Lmfao.
networking is more important than all of that combined.
It's literally just a thread for people who browse this board to misc chat.
>The President is white.
Not for long :^)

>History is white.
Wrong, whiteboi. It's black and amerindian.
Do what everyone else does, either get plastic surgery until you devolve into madness, coping and drugs until inevitable suicide
or just accept it. Everyone has stuff about themselves they don't like. Learning to accept what cannot be changed is part of the human experience.
>tfw 6'3''
>tfw $10k
>tfw 6 pack of beer
How do?
Meet a girl that finds your smile cute.
I think girls will put up with it but not think it’s cute
If the President becomes a Caribbean female she’ll be remembered as the President that failed the republic or forgotten completely. Only one non-white guy will remembered but he’s a guy and (allegedly) a foundational black American.
Weird features like that become cute when you're really into the person.
Alright, dude. I don't actually care. I'm Chinese. The future of this country is ours anyway (and the latinos).
not going to eat for two days
Are you Chinese Chinese or Chinese American? Are you concerned about the massive population decline predicted for 2050? Grim
This. It's also doubly boosted if you actually are handsome. "Attractive dude with weird quirks" is essentially free reign, works for friends too
Ok bro it’s 2024 what woman is getting really into someone that doesn’t have a handsome smile? They are not like you and us. You’re assuming they look at us the same way we look at them. They don’t.
> I’m Chinese
That was obvious. It’s funny you think the future of this country is yours.
Writings on the wall, Paul. You are afraid. Ample reason frankly.
need to make a drastic change in the routine of my life. I see two paths before me. the first involves getting off the internet for the next few months, focusing on reading and writing, practicing self-control and discipline, moderation. making an attempt to be present in my life and giving more time and care to interpersonal relationships. I could finish some short stories I'm writing. I would have nothing to be ashamed of. I will be healthy and clear minded, powerful and erect.
the other path is a hedonistic wheel that I'm well accustomed to. I know there is no substance there, but it's hard to resist the call.
I will reframe my metamorphosis as self harm. I'm not motivated by the illusion of improvement, but im satisfied by punishment and ascetisim. I'm going to starve myself today. ill cancel my internet subscription, throw away my computer. I'm going to meditate in front of a loaded gun for an hour everyday.
I've walked both paths before, for many miles. always retreading my steps in both directions. now, I will go further down the virtuous path than ever before. I hate myself.
I met this girl at a wedding last week and I’m already falling in love with her. She mentioned a book to me two days ago and I’ve already read the whole thing but i’m scared to tell her because it will make me look autistic. I have been sick and not doing anything else except writing and reading mostly. She said she wants to start a book club. I really might be in love again
I liked the part about the loaded gun, really made me laugh
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>im satisfied by punishment and ascetisim. I'm going to starve myself today. ill cancel my internet subscription, throw away my computer.
Trying to commit to a massive drastic change almost never works (very rare exceptions exist, of course). But lazy anons always fantasise about doing a massive drastic change because it seems somehow easier than gradually developing better habits. The fantasy is that your power of choice (that awful power of choice) will be taken away from you by the hugeness of your initial resolution. But it never works out that way.

Anyway, good luck soldier.
Reading Nietzsche feels like being forced to listen to the ranting of a hysteric woman.
Yeah. When I was young I like Nietzsche and then I realized how sort of juvenile he was and how much projection he engaged it. My favorite takedown of Nietzsche is Spengler. He basically identifies him as an incel fleeing from real life by throwing his insecurities into idealization of the Greeks, phony history, and bad non-philosophy.
Change your smile, like smile with mainly one side of your mouth, etc.
I promise you I’m not lol.

Chinese people in the West act like human calculators and house slaves. Problem is, calculators don’t have destinies and slaves by choice are destined to remain slaves. Neither am I worried about China as a political threat. China doesn’t have the mysterious something that’s needed to really matter to history anymore. It’s relegated to b-list.
No that won’t help. It’s hard to describe. It just gives me this very ugly and shallow face. I think it was ruined by wearing braces as a kid. It like pushed my teeth inward.
I’ve heard people make this comparison a lot lately
I wish I became a journalist
>I'm not motivated by the illusion of improvement, but im satisfied by punishment and ascetisim
well said. taking up asceticism because it's the only thing you haven't tried yet is probably going to guarantee its success. I'm at the same fork in the road
Same. It seems really fucking easy. Just be retarded and get paid for it.
I thought the two were complimentary, like the aforementioned Nietzsche and Schopenhauer, can’t have the Apollonian without the Dionysian, the rational man without his hysterical sentimental wife.
It's a tragic fate indeed to be dependent on people stupider than you for a living.
you are always dependent on someone dumber than you, get used to it.
Is there a term for an autodidact who reads a lot of books and then notates his insights, and then edits them into published works? Because that’s what I do.
No. Spengler says he got his method from Nietzsche but he thinks Nietzsche was wrong and actually doesn’t even think Nietzsche was a philosopher. He also notes that philosophy and intellectualism are flights from life and usually arise from insecurity, resentment, or projection.
Yep. Work from home eventually as well. And if you ever get tired of being a total parasite, you just become an academic, a lawyer, a partisan politician, or if you’re really good a writer. I want to switch careers to journalism but I have no idea how.
Who publishes them?
That’s pretty ironic considering Spengler is a self-styled “philosopher of history”
I’m still looking for a publisher but I’m probably just gonna do the legwork myself and maybe sign on a few others who might want to publish through me if our ideas mesh well.
Good luck
Presidents don't matter, soulless retard. Think tanks that work in close coordination with industry interests write the scripts for presidents.
Also, there is a Freemasonic Judaic cabal that has a lot of power.
We only received 15-20% of real news.
nothing just playing games all night long and eating and sleeping
Thanks, I’ll need it
>Also, there is a Freemasonic Judaic cabal that has a lot of power
If it bothers you so much, do something about it
Why so defensive? Are you a Freemason?
a rich whore owns me, she and her boyfriend own a fat broke fakecel like me.
My nickname in college was The Red Hurricane
I’m Scottish, so maaaaybe.
He never calls himself a philosopher at all. In fact, he says outright in the book that history is a pile of facts closer to poetry than philosophy.
It’s crazy how the Red Pill community got co-opted by sleazebags from Vegas and blacks and their values became Red Pill values. The chief Red Piller used to be this guy that played semi-pro Hockey in Canada that endorsed marriage and monogamy back in 2012.
That doesn’t mean he isn’t. You can call yourself a scientist and make wild unfounded claims that belong more into the domain of philosophy it doesn’t mean you’re a scientist it’s means you’re a philosopher.
To be fair the men’s rights community was started by blacks, like it or not. That doesn’t mean I disagree with them but it also doesn’t mean I ignore the facts of the matter.
We’re staying as far away from you as possible.
Have something more interesting on your minds please ok.
He isn’t. Read the book. He defines philosophy very clearly and it’s not what he’s doing.
Idk about men’s rights but RP was initially like a political and social thing closely related to pickup. It was all online white guys. I was talking about RP shit with hedge fund traders back in 2012. Then Rollo came in and dominated it with that book and became dominated by trashy white guys in New York, Vegas , Miami and now the Fresh n Fit crowd because of Patrice O’Neal. But it was all white college educated guys who hated PUA at first.
I tried looking up youtube lectures on Karl Barth and all I can find are theological liberals and liberation theologians talking about Marx and butt sex.
I talked to a girl after class yesterday. I've since been fantasizing about my life with her.
I refuse to believe that. I still have trust in the female gender.
I’ve had enough.
Let’s pull up this man’s search history
I am now getting ads in my phone notifications. What the fuck
>implying I haven’t already.
Look, a goose is a goose
I hate a dumpy woman.
You act as if I wasn’t there with ya. I even remember the Cleveland based Masculinists too, which were a weird offshoot. Those guys ended up weirding me out after awhile. For record im 42, so I would have been 29 when I started heavily diving into red pill, starting with Bernard Chapin who ended up deleting me over my shifting political views. But I never actually disliked the guy I agreed with him a lot it’s just apparently the fact I didn’t fellatiate 100% market fundamentalism is what caused him to stop talking to me.
What do you guys think about tattoos? Women seem to really like them on men. I’ve only ever seen one guy who had tattoos that I thought looked really good.
Wish I could say the same but my last relationship taught me how naive I was
What exactly is the red pill community? I thought red pill was the alt right shit back from 2015 to 2018
You clearly have not.
I think they're for criminals, whores and retards only.
Source: All tattooed girls I've met were massive sluts.
I'm sure women of every variety hate you.
Lol, okay
>almost every woman I know is tattooed
It predates it, it was originally the men’s movement
I want to clarify, when I say slut, I don't mean it in a puritan/incel/whatever way; I mean in it in a "has had at least one abortion and has a new "boyfriend" every month"-way.
I'm lord Byron. women love me.
That’s like every woman I know indeed, give or take the abortion. Just none of them will ever date me and I’ve had seven girlfriends in my 42 years of life.
Not even your mother loves you.
got me there :(
>Want to get a career in a craft
>Can't get a career without having making a name for yourself
>Can't make a name for yourself because people only hire based on past experience
>Can't get experience because no-one wants to hire someone without experience
What's my alternative then? Just do it anyway and shit and piss myself online until someone deigns to take me seriously?
get a real job.
The red pill was mainly about career and dating back in the dating. It was an online scene of guys who would talk to other guys about “how things really are”. It was always a little political but not overly political at the start. Over time stuff like politics gradually grew in relation to the scene. You have to understand that prior to 2016 politics wasn’t that plugged into pop culture and social life for young people. They were kind of separate. But the rp gradually became political and RP pill became a term applied especially to politics.
I mean you haven’t. He specifically says that he’s not a philosopher, isn’t doing philosophy, defines what philosophy is and what makes one a philosopher, and these are the first few chapters of both volumes.

Can you be specific?
Coming back here after so much time in /Pol/ feels pretty weird. Here nobody knows I am a pajeet. I don't have to carry a sword and sheild everytime I make a post to fight off every nigger who comes at my throat. It's just far less exciting.

Here, I am just another anon. A voice lost among many. The discussions here are still better though
I miss old nouns like “scoundrel” and “sneak-thief”
Leave. Your kind aren't wanted here. Go back to your designated shitting street.
Experience as a hobbyist is still experience.

See? There's the spirit. That's what I was missing. The kind of retarded fatherless losers who in their infinite arrogance and ego think they can speak for everyone.
>He basically identifies him as an incel
does he
does he really
how tf did Byron write don juan
I mean not in those words but he correctly says that Nietzsche’s philosophy, and indeed all philosophy, is a flight from the harsh realities of the lives of the philosophers
Poo in the loo raj
You've been playing too much skyrim
in - involuntary
cel - flight from the harsh realities of the lives of the philosophers
>college is for ~finding yourself~ and ~exploring~ and ~living life~
This meme has done more damage to the world than the invention of the atomic bomb.
I will poo in your face. Indians are here to stay.
been getting that itch to get my PC out of the closet, download skyrim, install a degenerate mod list, and live a powerfantasty with lots of slavery and sex again.
For Nietzsche the flight was partially from his failed love life
I may or may not have started a play though last week
What are some good hobbies men can do that a lot of women go to?
It's a mistake of my own doing. Old habits are tough to break. If the pen is mightier than the sword, the tongue should rate as a weapon of mass destruction.
Never played it but I’ve sunk an embarrassing amount of time into Morrowind ~20 years ago
Yes, in my basement where I can sexually violate their orifices with screwdrivers
>let me tell you what you actually do
Fuck off. This conversation is over.
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That's kinda gay even by your standards.
Show me on this doll where your uncle touched you
Yeah fr fr. College is for acquiring an education and skills for employment. Student is an occupation.
I don’t care what he says and doesn’t say. He doesn’t get to decide that.
sucking dick
I lust.
She's a bimbo,
From my gym.
She has a boyfriend,
But I don't mind,
For she's Brazilian,
With big fake tities,
And a big fat ass.
Why not?
She lusts too,
Over me.
She and him,
Me and her.
I'll take her,
She'll be mine,
Only not only mine,
As he'll have her too.
I lust.
What did you do?
You make me come
fatness is weakness incarnate
If I were to breathe
the air you do
diarrhea would spew
the brownland flu
Yo mammas got fat ass titties
can I still consider it fasting if I drink 8 beers and eat a bag of pretzels?
Then neither do you retard
I believe the papacy is wrong but the rest of Catholicism is, or rather was, right. I don’t know what to do.
What’s your BMI?
Law professor is the most /lit/ job. You’re perfectly positioned to write about basically anything.
KEKD so hard
I’m a fake nigger, More a mudslime in genetics than everything. My bent nose and bushy eyebrows give me away in a sea of beaners. I wonder if the Jews hate me. I wonder if they would ever kill me, not because I’m important, but because they created the world in which I had to learn I was inferior the hard way and then just be left here to fester. I hate white people for lying to me. I hate my family for being nothing but passive complainers…no, I don’t, I tried to prepare myself, tried to become a warrior. I know what I need to do and have actively chosen not to do it. Stopped training because I knew the body of the little voice in my mind’s eye was achievable and the mind was not. I’ll take psyop after psyop, suck vatnik or chink cock until I die. Hell, if I was born anywhere else I’d do worse. Whole bloodline of repressed half-faggots and I’m no different. The retarded woman became a tranny. Her mom died last year, last time I saw her was maybe two months prior to that and by the time that happened we were already too distant for me to feel anything. I’ve never felt anything for a nigga dying. The demons envy me somehow and I’ll never understand why. It’s only worse to attempt to. Hood nigga friends always become memories you sanitize and send off to your kids, who when they realize they’re just as garbage as you pray to meet them, pray that they can beat the goy in you to death and make you…something. Violent and smart.
The emergency Psych Ward isn’t that bad, when you have a sped kid next to you in high school you’re already used to the screaming.
I wish I was a full nigger. Then I'd have already been killed by now like all spergs deserve, my retard mother would have cried tears on the news and gotten money or peace of mind or whatever, and my father would just leave her ass and rope himself. I wish I had the guts to kill my weak sister.
I'll get locked up again in psych ward for real someday, it's only a matter of time. I'll deserve it. There's no other use for me that someone else couldn't do better. The only people that love me are letting themselves become faggots for it, or are retards that should be culled themselves. I've created a lot of noise, annoyed average people that don't deserve it, and I don't WANT to change, so just kill me. Just do it, I'm too much of a coward to do it myself.
I wish I had a gf in high school. Not to have experienced teenage love but just to know the amount of bullshit that comes with relationships early on.
Oh bimbo,
What do I do,
To reach you?
You're so hot,
Literally the most,
How I wish,
You would suck my cock.
Make your boyfriend a cuck,
I know you want me,
You know I you.
How do I approach you,
And fuck you?
Oh faggot,
How should you do it?
How should you kill yourself?
You're so nasty
Literally the most,
How I wish
You would jump off of a bridge.
Leave your family bereaved,
I know you want to,
You know you should.
How should you kill yourself
And end it all for good?
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Somehow there are people that grew up with the internet that are not used to seeing gore or otherwise violent imagery.
I’ve never seen gore.
Why not
Not even by accident?
I think there's a positive side to it; many people will never become guro fetishists.
God, "life imitating art" is perhaps the most banal phrase in existence, it genuinely makes me internally roll-my-eyes whenever I see it, as it's usually said in a manner akin to if they were quoting Hamlet.
Drinking too much. Getting high off a vape. Jerking off to porn. Playing vidya by myself at 3am. It’s all just self-soothing escapism. I’m running and hiding from my problems instead of facing them.
the thumbnail made me think it would be something off
>we're just waiting for you now
Unless you can change my DNA, I can do much more than that.
What does this have to do with DNA?
drinking clicquot paired with a strawberry uncrustable and a possible fent cart
been watching this guy on YouTube called Caleb Hammer. He does financial audits of retards. he goes through their credit card statments and degrades them the whole time.
it's really fascinating seeing how stupid people are.
It’s funny because of all the terrible vices, fatness is probably the easiest to acquire for a modern American. One not even need be that weak.
Trying to calm myself down doesn't work because it reminds me that I need to be calmed down. Doing things that are bad and harmful calms me down because it reinforces the idea that I'm in a position to behave in such a way.
I love how they can't hide their weakness. fat people have a unique psychology because they need to cope with the fact that their weakness is on display at all times.
hes not stupid but seems like a piece of shit. another "finance" content creator selling basic info for hundreds of dollars who also takes advantage of retards that inexplicably agree to appear on his incredibly negative channel. any random police bodycam video exhibits human stupidity in a much more entertaining way
Pay no attention to the man behind the penis
My friend from high school just texted me and it said “I’m feeling zippy-dippy-doo off that zaza.” Why he actin’ out on me?
zip a dee do da zip a your gay
It was another beautiful day, every day I watch the sun rise and set then I look at the vast night sky and the disc of our own galaxy and marvel at it all
LOL that got me
I have pursued every variation of life and now I have nowhere left to go, nothing left to do, no desire to compel me, not enough strength to take me life. Actions for the sake of actions I perform without end, but unlike Sisyphus I grow tired, my body feels deprived of any desire for movement, my motions begins to cease and I feel less about all things.
Why go forward, it just keeps getting worse and worse until I am too tired to fight. The world is ending, all action has become zero, what was it all for?
Just remembered luelinks
Zachary was walking along the the road. It was a beautiful morning, of sunshine and after-rain rainbow. Birds were chirping, dogs were barking, and horses neigh. He had his path. His objective. It was his, and no one more. No one could do, what he was set for. Ever since a little boy, he knew his journey would come. His father had trained him since childbirth. Since birth he knew. Oh he did. He felt it cursing through his veins. The very fabric of space and time vibrated it. Everyone on the village knew it. It had to be him. No one else could partake in this task. His girlfriend, Therezza, didn't understand. "Whats the purpose" - she used to ask. But he knew. He knew and he didn't need to say it, for it was written in the stars. The day had come. It was then and now, that the nigger would die.
I've heard so many people say they wish they could go back in time to undo their past mistakes, but they never realize they can use that cheat code, not on themselves, but on their children. If you believe yourself someone who, under the right circumstances could have become a great man, it is in your power to raise one.
I thought I would feel better if I did it but I just feel even worse now.
Yeah I have no doubt you would. You fuckers will poo anywhere except the toilet.
I don't want to undo shit, and I'm probably infertile now. Even this solace has been taken from me, and I don't trust the partnership of a woman to raise a child.
There's literally no such thing as teenage love. You're just horny, desperate, and don't know any better
everything will be alright tonight
>I have pursued every variation of life and now I have nowhere left to go
read hamlet if you haven't, no better portrayal of the man of inaction. nietzsche goes over it briefly in BoT as well, his best work in my opinion. i find schopenhauer a comfort against this mindset also, if youre not familiar hes the opposite of nietzsche. his ethics in current year would be either to become an artist, a monk, or a NEET, which is the more contemporary form of monasticism. his diaries are particularly hilarious as he is possibly the most sexist reactionary there is in the western canon
>not enough strength to take me life
but just enough strength to join me and sit facing downhill propping up the boulder, as i sip cheap wine and browse aimlessly on my laptop, every now and then looking up at the vast remnants of history
dont neck it man, i suppose money is an issue, but its better than to have been a slave in some province or in a war torn country.
theres no reasoning to suicide as we have already suffered so. it was cioran who said suicide is always too late. in BoT, nietzsche also goes over this, quoting from Aristotle Silenus the companion of Dionysus as saying:
>What is best of all is utterly beyond your reach: not to be born, not to be, to be nothing
This N. got from Schopenhauer and which also inspired Evelyn Waugh who I would also recommend, even the TV series Brideshead Revisited is very well done. Enjoy some good literature/art/media in your free time, its all that's left in this post-history. No need to do something as serious as killing yourself in this wholly unserious time
How do you know?
I already said I can't kill myself, and I loved Hamlet and shall probably re-read it. Problem is I can't even bring myself to read anymore, let alone wake up in the morning. I smell printer paper in a liminal room and the scent won't fucking go away. Hamlet had a desire for action, a love for art; Now even those luxuries have left me, motionless.
Iggy told me
Well if that's how bad things are your best way is to join a monastery of some sort and become a ruling bishop.
>his diaries are particularly hilarious as he is possibly the most sexist reactionary there is in the western canon
I really don't think you read him, and i'm being charitable to think so
Almost every religious organization has been infiltrated by satanists and subjectivists. Even now the most remote orthodox church's fly rainbow flags and tell everyone to get vaccinated.
That's exactly why you should strive to become a ruling bishop. Execute those bastards, whipe them out of the churches.
Zachary said:
- oy! Hey you! Yeah, you there, right there! Stop and listen. Well, go on then, mate!
The black men opened his eyes far and wide.
- You talking to me? - continued Zachary.
- Yo, what? - Asked the black in dismay.
- You talkin' to me?
- No sir, I am not talking with you - clarified the nigger.
- Then who the hell else are you talking... you talking to me? Well I'm the only one here.
Zachary was getting nervous. He grabbed his gun and pointed at the nigger.
i get bouts of depression as well, when art doesnt motivate me i force myself to go on trail runs. nature is just as much of a solace and endorphins are just as good as opiates
just excerpts i mean, from a contemporary perspective. i appreciated the style more than the substance of world as will as im kind of retarded and havent read his more technical works, but i come back to his diaries occasionally. i find that i enjoy diaries more than many writer's big works bc youre right im a dilettante really. no need to be charitable on here lol
I can't even get into a monastery without having personally castrated X number of infants with a copy of Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. The point is that there is no way to function without compromising some basic value of mine, no way to live without being a hypocrite.

I do that, then I get home and stare at the ceiling for several hours.
No, you have to appear and join with an army of faithful believers in your cause, then change the legislation by the sheer power of majority vote.
got two mason jars full of pyschodelic mushrooms sitting on the counter. I don't want to take any right now, or anytime soon. I've had enough, but I am also a little bored, so I might take some anyway. mushrooms aren't fun like beer and weed are fun.
Thats the problem man, I have no peers, no one that I can count on to fight alongside. Everybody I know is depressed and addicted to something, and nobody cares, nobody sees the end, my remaining family and friends are all plugged into amazon products and corporate slop. I've travelled to work with the hippies, but they were just as insufferable and blind to their own deceit. It just keeps getting worse and worse, and despite how much I've fought I've had no impact whatsoever. I'm alone, and though I derive power from this fact, there is simply nowhere else to go.
>I get home and stare at the ceiling for several hours
i do the same thing lol. i get back and do bodyweight mobility exercises then lay on the mat in corpse pose and stare at the popcorn ceiling of my shitty apartment listening to pasteboard and slint because i have nothing else but "good taste"
thugging it out with you brother
you sound like a faggot. why don't you write a poem, faggot?
lmfao, a notebook full of confessional poetry is indeed a sublimation of homosexuality
That's true, alone, even the greatest man is nothing. Know that I feel exactly the same way as you do. Hell, the only reason my life currently has any sort of purpose is probably because of a piece of land my grandfather bought half a decade ago. It creates a duty perhaps so small, it gives me a reason to exist for as long as it is my responsibility to tend a part of it. Without it, I'd probably feel more miserable than I am. Maybe, it'd be liberating not to have any sort of duties. I'd probably travel around Europe as an impoverished social and write literature while doing cheap labour, but the world to do those things is gone. It disappeared the second capitalism fully took over. Now there's all these bastards everywhere in power doing everything in their hands to destroy the hegemony of the West, our culture, nothing would fill their hearts more than masses of degenerates who love nothing, feel nothing and watch with a mournful indulgence the bored suicide of Apicius. I remember when I was still in High School, used to go on adventures during the long noon breaks around school doing fuckever, but everyone of us knew that we hate the left and the stupid teachers who promote their vain ideals. Ever since I was a teen it became clear to me that I oppose the establishment with every inch of my bone, and that everything that gives me an inch of freedom from money, capital enterprises, banks and the national institutions is not only good, but something that I must strive for with every ounce of energy at disposition. Luckily the chunk of land of my family provides me with a great deal of necessities that thus make me less reliant on money. I can only hope that one day my strong hand will contribute to their destitution.
>remote orthodox church's fly rainbow flags
Then they’re not really orthodox, ipso facto…
Working out has done alright for me, but this past week I just don't feel it in my limbs, all my motivation is gone.

Dear Diary, today some faggot called me a faggot, so I did literally nothing about it and defied all the laws of survival to sit still and immovable in defiance of God.

I'm glad you have that man, hold onto it for as long as you can. It's not any one economic system though, they use those economic system terms to mask the real underlying problems.
I'd like to go out into the woods one day like forest-anon and build a cabin, I have the skills but I don't have a way to get reliable food, with inflation and such there is simply no way to get enough money for this, and the land is all legally secured to prevent such an act. ForestAnon barely gets away with it. The hunting is limited. idk, it just doesn't seem possible.
I spent all last year writing my book, but the publishing industry is fucked, so I gave up on it.
theres a cool story about this death metal band Sleep guitarist Justin Marler who disappeared from the scene in Nor Cal and ended up at an Orthodox monastery in Alaska for some years. Before he was sent there he was releasing punk-Orthodox zines called Death to the World. he wrote a cool book Youth of the Apocalypse as well, interesting guy
What is your book about?
Would he be able to pull the trigger? Even him doubted himself. Even though Zachary had been trained all his life for this, he was now faced with the ugly black men right in front of him. To make matters worse, this nigger was muslim. Not only he'd to eradicate the negro's, but also save the world from impending terrorist treat. Ever since ISIS infiltrated the highest ranks of the EU, they were spreading like cancer on an estrogen rich body. Only the US stands, but even them are cursed by them brownies. Someone had to stop this. Someone had to. And he had hoped to be him. But now with his gun pointed at the nigger, he couldn't pull the trigger. What was stopping him?
>Not only he'd to

I think I have the flu for the first time in years. Should I go buy a beer to sip on while I lay in bed listening to music? Would that help?
Big booty white women love McDonald's
Small booty white women love Chick-Fil-A
It's an existential piece about psychiatry and human identity, and how we assign ourselves to certain generalities/archetypes of human behavior in order to inform ourselves of who we our, yet the constructs of labels and language always seem to fall short of our true meaning, yet without language and the like we'd be unable to communicate the most basic things to one another. The story is told through the perspective of psyche ward patients who already have an idiosyncratic and objectively false use of language, yet who are trying desperately to communicate something to the reader that cannot be otherwise expressed. The story begins and ends with a con-man pretending to be a psychiatrist, and a woman who kills herself by jumping off the top of the building. I've spent 3 years now writing it, trying to finish a rewrite but I just have zero motivation to do so.
Sounds amazing. You should bring it to a publisher.
Well that's the thing man, it's written by psychotic characters, and defies just about every rule in literature. Nobody would put the effort into such a read, they'd dismiss it after the first 2 chapters. I have also seen zero publishers that aren't about publishing LGBT black voice statistical guarantee books. Even if it got published nobody would read it because people dont read books anymore outside of 4chan (Hyperbole).
Sometimes I feel on fleek but other times I feel swagged out
Being it to a publisher. You know he believes faggots should have the same rights. You knows he's a brainrotten lib. You know he's weaker than you and that you can make him publish your book just by being demanding.
If you're reading this thread, go read the manga Angel Densetsu. You can find it on mangadex or mangasee.
No, fuck you
I read that one years ago. Should I read it again?
I give it a re-read every couple years. It's one of my favorite manga of all time.
my life is pitiful
How would one go about publishing under a pseudonym in the modern age?
what is it about. I'm pretty bored. never read a Manga.
Penned another article. That’s two in one month, a milestone, I think.
As I recall, it's about the misadventures of a painfully scary looking high school boy who is actually a truly nice and good person underneath it. I don't remember much about it tbdesu other than that - I read it more than a decade ago IIRC.
Using Substack, like I do.
Well I sort of imagine the attempt of publishing a book as walking into a large building, knocking at some door upstairs where there's a guy sat pressing his elbows against a huge office chair faced against the door, staring at you.
I'd show up in my best clothes with some cologne, perhaps bring a small gift of some sort, no big deal, expensive chocolate or just flowers, the sketch of my book at hands, give him the gift and the book with a modest and charismatic smile in my face as I sit down on a stool, say hello and stuff, and then well I guess just start talking about the book and how awesome it is and stuff. At the end of my monologue I'd just shut quiet and wait for him to say something. Then I'd respond to his trickery smartly and wickedly. In the end I'd say in a preemptive tone that the book needs to be published because it is the greatest book ever written. Then I'd starte into his serious, calculating face, stand up, say a polite goodbye and leave.
I would do things differently if I could.
you could leave life right now
this is having autism: the manga
god isnt dead.
But ill get that bastard someday.
tomorrow, I'll start tomorrow.
Do 0.000001% of it now.
What would you do differently?
Love that album. Best friend and I would spend many a high night singing along to it.
what is your sex life like?
when is the last time you had sex (if ever)?
how old are you? how many sexual partners?
if you have a girlfriend or wife, how often are you having sex?
how often do you masturbate?
Watching the Transformers one movie. It's not bad.
Data mining
The action scenes are boring and there is no story. I like the idea of humans and alien robot cars being friends which carries the movie for around 10 seconds.
>If conservatives become convinced they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will abandon democracy.


I get it though, with the seductiveness of liberalism and progressivism and the rise of atheism and immigrants and spiraling cities that all vote on the left, it's easy to feel helpless that the numbers and the future, if left unchecked, is not on your side. Still a great insightful quote though.
>its with your mom
>last night, with your mom
>old enough to fuck your mom and only your mom
>I fuck your mom everyday
>your mom does it for me as a form of foreplay
I wrote an article recently that talked about similar stuff
I'll give it a read, link?
The story is rather simple I've noticed. I've kind of liked the humor a bit in it.
I started watching her last month. Watching her feels natural, and good, and it isn’t illegal. I have a view of her building across the street, looking down from my 13th floor window to her 9th. She doesn’t drive. She wears thongs. She leaves her building at least three times a day, as regular as a clock, leashed to a dog.
At first, I just started to follow her on grocery runs. I only work four days a week, so on my off days I can spend a lot of time at the window with my binos observing her.
People live such routine lives, at least all of the people I’ve watched, working my way up to the 9th floor. I’ve followed over twenty people now, but she is my favorite. Soon, I’ll make my introduction. I always introduce myself. Once you know the routine of someone’s life, it becomes easy to insert yourself into it. Everyone has models of how life should play out, we’ve all seen the same programing. All I need to do is play my expected part, and people play along, because it feels ‘right.’
And don’t assume that this is merely an infatuation, she is special to me. I’ve been writing again. I sit at my table by the window and wait, and watch, and write. And when she goes for a walk, so do I. I ordered binos with a high-power zoom, just for her. Life is about the little details, and I want to see them. Little details like how she doesn’t lock the door when she walks the dog.
>rise of atheism
I've noticed majority of atheists I've met online are brainlets. It's no wonder atheism is on the rise.
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People who bite and chew and sniff their fingernails really stress me out.
im a cuck
34, 2
my wife doesnt let me fuck
when my wife lets me out of my cage
Just out of curiosity has any guys here ever wondered what their moms vagina feels like?
Thank you. A few days ago I lamented the fact I've been struggling to get through some of the classics in the /lit/ top 100. I received some thoughtful encouragement /here/ and I genuinely appreciated it. I finished Pale Fire last night and while it's certainly not my favorite novel I'm glad to have stuck it through to the end.
I was never a bookworm growing up and only read what was assigned in school. I was an athlete- that's what I did. Went to school, did my homework, went to practice, played video games, went to bed. Same deal for university. I only started to get a intellectually curious in my early 20's, and as I've gotten older I had to form a new conception of myself. I can't be an athlete anymore, and I'm too old to be grinding video games, so I started to read.
I had no idea where to start so I just said fuck it I'm going for the Top 100 list. Got filtered by Ulysses, then tried Gravity's Rainbow and walked away thinking Jesus Christ I'm retarded. I remembered in like 6th or 7th grade I'd asked my dad for a book "that would make me feel something" and he gave me The Road by McCarthy. Loved it. Didn't know they made books like that. So I started again with more McCarthy- No Country for Old Men because I liked the movie. Then Blood Meridian. Then heard that Faulkner was a major influence of McCarthy- so if I like HIM, I'll probably like Faulkner. Got through The Sound and The Fury. Then picked up Pale Fire bc of the references to it in Blade Runner. Now, I'm reading Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep. Christ going from Nabokov's prose to PKD is enough to give you whiplash. I'm absolutely a novice- or under-read or whatever you want to call it, but I feel like I'm starting to get a handle of what good writing looks like. I'm thrilled at the aspect of having a hobby I can enjoy for the next 40 years. Thanks fellas.
I’m not one of the anons that was here encouraging you, but I think it’s really cool that you’re getting enjoyment out of this. It’s good stuff!
they should have just let me die when I was 13
I'm attracted to my sister. What now?
The degenerates that you named you think are going to inherit the future are barely reproducing.
We're playing the long game, bud.
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My geriatric parents live with me (as in, it's my house). Birthday arrives and they got me nothing, even kicked me off the living room tv to watch YouTube shorts. Cut to now, dad says we're all going on a 3 hour drive out of town to meet my sister and go to a museum. Told him I wasn't interest as per aforementioned shitty birthday. Not sure how to feel about all this, I know "live and let live" but at the same time I'm not going out of my way for the weekend to entertain a fat bowling ball who couldn't live without his goddamn TikTok reuploads on his son's birthday.
How come Edo Japan is a more popular setting than Classical or Feudal, even Heian which has their most classic literature?
Forgot to add he wants to go on this excursion because it's his birthday now.
I just went on /an/ for the first time and it's the most infuriating board by far.
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i'm planning a hiking trip with my friend's gf.
before we go any further, no, i'm not attracted to her and i don't have any ulterior motives, you horny faggots.
apparently, my friend is busy and couldn't come even though it's a national holiday (?)
the thing is it's not really about visiting the notable or beautiful landmark or a sense of accomplishment or fulfillment at the hiking effort or creating a travel vlog content for me. instead, it's a
>/tgr/ - touching grass: three days of walking and panting edish
and hopefully i'll go back to being mentally sane enough to withstand a week or two without going out or socializing with anyone once again.
I mean, I wouldn't mind kissing her, but I don't think that should be my first course of action.
Pay him back in kind, you've got every right to. Put tell him exactly why you're angry.
I know but it still feels wrong. I don't want my family thinking I'm a vain asshole who'd rather sit at home instead of celebrate his dads birthday.
Just tell them to fuck off and if they don't let up tell them "I think dad might be gay"
Tell them you've seen dad kissing men at the mall before
what sound
Sorry, but I'm just going to stop showering.
Hygiene and its consequences has been a disaster for the human race.
Based nurglemaxxer. Cleanliness is blasphemy!
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I am one epiphany away from greatness.
About to read the Gay Science. Is it actually a happy book? Feeling a bit down today.
I simply do unto others what they have done unto me.
Ahh life! It’s so bizarre!
I need to figure out a way to infiltrate my parents feeds with cute kitten videos. They're both now chronically online, consuming the most demented political and religious war slop. I can tell it's affecting the energy whenever I speak to them. They need cute wholesome energy back in their lives.
My mother also hangs out in weird Telegram groups now. It's weird because I was always the weirdo /b/tard in the family and now my parents have gone deeper down the rabbit hole than I ever did.
Boomers are retarded as fuck. And the whole thing was so predictable. They ignored world events throughout pax Americana, most of their lives, and only a few years ago as shit became inarguably bad, they started to trying to "find the truth" online.
But if you talk to most of them, their basic "conspiracy" idea is that either Muslims, communists, a muslim-communist alliance, or the Chinese are behind everything unraveling. I get aggravated every time I hear it because it's like, lol you dumb fuck your government was always a fraud meant to serve a tiny elite and the "Muslims!!!" Shit was shit they fed to you to get you to support their strategic wars. So the same people who fucked you your entire lives are feeding you the same narrative they did 20 years ago and you're still believing it. Boomers are a worthless generation of well trained accomplices
Damn. Have you tried doing anything about?

It sucks because I can tell it actively affects my family. They're always on the edge when I speak with them, despite their lives being calm and comfortable. Dad often watches videos of the war crimes in Gaza on shorts, and mom has started watching the most gruesome fucking true crime stories. It clearly fucks them both up. Yet the algo keeps feeding them this horrific shit. I hope the inventors of tiktok suffer eternally in hell.
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I do not believe in the existence of fate or destiny. Yet, I have to confess, it always impressed my how often "great figures of history" seem immun against threats.

I'm well aware that this could be easily explained by survivalship bias. The dead ones just doesn't have the opportunity to come to a position which would be considered "great". The psychological effect is clear.

Could it be, Trump as the fate of the United Staes?
I wouldn't do it.
Sounds like a potentially nasty situation.
I'd rather go alone.
Or at least bring some other people along.

What if she throws herself at you, and you reject her, and then she goes back to her bf and accuses you of trying to hit on her or rape her?

Girls are fucking nasty like that.
It's a sunny day, and all I want is to go out and talk to girls.
But I don't know how to do it without appearing like a creep oozing of desperation and begging for pussy.
Nobody approaches strangers around these parts.
I thought the key might be to put myself in a situation where it is natural to meet girls. But what possible situation would that be, where an early 30s computer nerd ends up having to interact with 20-30 year old girls?
Also, if such a place existed it would be swarmed by desperate guys like me.

Fuck, it honestly feels like girls put the utmost effort to avoid ever being in them same social spheres as guys like me. Like it's some kind of conspiracy or something.
He hadn't considered that there might be people on the internet pretending to be tall.
Did you know that dreadlocks are composed of up to 80% fecal matter. Science.
The trick to not be seen as begging for pussy is to make yourself useful so they have a reason to interact with you.
Volunteering is a good way to do this.
It is after date. It went weird its probably over, but also weirdly better than i thought it would. What i decided on is coffee and then billiard. It was 90minutes from start of meeting until biliard reservation and i did not even noticed how time flied by, and i thought talking with her for 30 or 60 minutes would be too awkward and she would decide to cut it short.
But not. She continued to talk and talk to me, despite me being sperg, i also was pretty vulnerable not trying to hide that i am sperg but also trying to use it for my own benefit - so talking through it anyway, about any nonsense that is on my mind, talking about my own spergness once as kind of meta commentary. She seemed to enjoy the conversation, maybe as sort of conversation with court jester, who makes her laugh at his own expense. Then biliard - we played for entire hour we had fun. Then we sat down to finish drinks. Talked and talked about common interest i talked a bit about some dance figure and showed her my hands, thought she would touch it if she was interested so i could show her figure, she did not grabbed those hands - i could have figured at that moment that it was over. Through subtle questions, proding there and there she probably discovered all my "hidden truth" - that i am loser without money, own house and without life experience. Anyway it really took subtle suggestion to continue date - she still wanted to visit 3rd local, pretty far away. Consider that i did not had rented apartment at that city and she lived with parents or something.
We got lost and we were on pretty empty street i felt desire to break "touch barrier" - which is what i read in Models (polarize women quickly so you know where you stand and dont waste more time). I just tried put hand on her shoulder, nothing more and she put it off with short and cold "No". This made me sour too and my humour was bad through rest of the date. "Its totally over" - i thought, she is so disgusted by me she does not want to be touched in any way. Third local was full and then she decided to call the cab, bit more talking until it arrived i said i thought we had connection, she said there is connection based on understanding, but she does not know me yet. Fine. It is over most likely, but i am dumbfounded why she spend 4 hours of the day with man she does not like. She looked like enjoyed herself, but we are at age, when women especially would do anything to not make someone feel bad, and make things sour and "dangerous" for her. So maybe her spending 4 hours with a sperg was some kind of "deer in the flashlights" reaction - scared and unable to reject quickly and respectfully.
Ive lost my drive to write completely and I dont know why, Ive spent so much time the last two years on three main projects but about a month ago my will to do anything at all to further them is just gone. Ive had writers block many times but those times Id just do some planning or look through what Id already written to fix mistakes and make improvements but not anymore.
I still want my stories to come to life and exist in the world separately of me and with a definite form but for the past month I havent had a shred of motivation.
Anyone experienced and/or gotten through something similar?
This is also what i done few weeks ago. I never approached strangers before, but this random girl sat beside me on almost empty bus and i treated this as plausible denialiability - "why you sat down here if you dont like me, there are so many empty places". I started with some question when is she going, what she listens to (she took off her earphones to talk with me). I asked for number , she rejected telling she has a boyfriend. Then there was still 30minutes left towards her destination so i continued conversation anyway - about total mundane topics like work and vacations. No smiling, could not be even considered flirting. DESU she was not even in my type, i just felt personal desire to test myself in that scenario, to see what the hell would happen. Whats interesting she did not changed the seat, she did not rejected me outright ("do we know each other?", or something), she continued talking and at the end she said it was nice talking with me. I did not met her anymore in this bus apart of one time - at least i thought it was her, she sat down in the very first seat in the bus with someone, maybe her BF. I hope she did not changed the bus line because she feared meeting me again. Anyway thats another example of how girls are weird, they would never tell stranger man anything to make him feel bad, probably because of some subconscious fear.
maybe you just don't want it enough.
try writing different stuff, might help with a block. that's why most authors do short stories too.
>but she does not know me yet. Fine. It is over most likely, but i am dumbfounded why she spend 4 hours of the day with man she does not like
She doesn't know if she likes you yet. Most people are able to disguise flaws for a short period of time and it's rare someone tells their most controversial attitudes on the first date when they are trying to make the best impression. She spent 4 hours trying to work out some more information about you. If you want someone who makes snap decisions on little information and let's men feel her up within four hours of knowing them, she's not the one for you, but it's unlikely you want that.
>Anyway thats another example of how girls are weird, they would never tell stranger man anything to make him feel bad, probably because of some subconscious fear.
This is true to some extent but unless the girl was on that bus every time you got it and then suddenly stopped taking it, it's unlikely she changed any of her habits. The unusual event would be her sitting next to you, not her not sitting next you, and things regress to the mean.
>see qt
>Hey would you let me buy you a drink?
So long as you're not somewhere deeply religious with a ban on drinking and fraternising with the opposite sex
>She doesn't know if she likes you yet. Most people are able to disguise flaws for a short period of time and it's rare someone tells their most controversial attitudes on the first date when they are trying to make the best impression. She spent 4 hours trying to work out some more information about you. If you want someone who makes snap decisions on little information and let's men feel her up within four hours of knowing them, she's not the one for you, but it's unlikely you want that.

Dont you think she would be at least less cold in the rejection of touch if she felt any kind attraction to me but "decided" to remain ambigous and "not easy"? And do you think it was mistake to put the arm over her should and reason for end of relationship that still had potential? Like could this be culprit in end of relationship and there would be still potential if i did not touched her at all first date, or did it in subtler way, or at better time like at the end of meet? Do you think me trying to touch her was not relationship-ending stuff but me getting sour over it instead of keeping smile - was?
Anyway what you are saying is still concerning for me, because i believe i am person that would only lose respect during longer acquaintance, while still able to "wing it" somehow in shorter perspective. Maybe thats why i was in a rush to act
You gave it a try and it didn't work out because she apparently only wanted you as a friend. Sometimes you think you'll click with a person and then you spend more time with them and find out that you really don't. It happens. And at least she didn't try to friendzone you. You should be proud of yourself for having had the courage to go out with her .
If she rejects you, it won't be because of that sole action. She's being unambiguous because she doesn't want your arm over her. It could be she'll never want that from anyone, or she doesn't want it from you, or she doesn't want it yet, or a variety of things. I mean, if she did some shit which made you want to have a meltdown, you'll probably give an unambiguous no. You're assuming her reason is something to do with you alone, and ignoring she probably has her own independent relationship with physical touch informed by decades she didn't know you, which isn't going to slot neatly into a three date progression towards sex like a mythical average would have you believe. If you want her to put up with you not being able to eat or touch something because of the texture or listing off all iterations of your favourite thing, you might have to give her some grace on whether she wants to support the weight of your arm
Smart post. Sometimes we read too much into other people's actions.
I decided I want to be a writer. I’d like to put short stories up on my blog. I have a decent job and have no interest in monetizing it or getting published. But I’d like to become a great hobbyist writer.
everyone would. you are not different. You are not special. just one more "I would like to".
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I have no idea why I downloaded this.
Idk either bro that's a pretty basic skill set
New: >>23830825
New: >>23830825
New: >>23830825
I’m gonna pump out some sophomore in high school tier fiction slop on my blog today just to spite u. What’s your name you’ll be my main character
Different anon, but I'm Dylan and I was a shy emo boy in high school. Make me a character bro plz
wow thank you anon, I did it, now I will forever be in your memory as the one that questioned your dreams. Remember me. screenshot this. Because if you can't achieve what you're saying, I was right all along.

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