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Smokin' bull rider edition.

Previous: >>23827040
I'd like to read these but I'm afraid that I'd forget it all after reading it since I'd never have any reason to put any of it into affect.
Thinking of the time in college where I wrote an angsty poem about cancer being rightful and just, and then later finding out my instructor lost his young son to bone cancer the previous year.
I wonder if you’ll even notice.
I had a similar situation. I remember back in high school (I would've been 13) I was being edgy and joking about leukemia and how I thought it was funny and then a female classmate of mine (who was always nice to me and who I liked (In a friend way)) leaned over and told me that her younger brother had recently gotten over leukemia and how it wasn't funny, I shut my mouth pretty quickly after that. I wish I could find that chick on social media, she was awesome. She got a boyfriend, bought a house, and was planning on having a kid after she graduated though and she announced all that in her last Instagram post before deleting all her social media. I suspect that she only deleted it all because of her controlling boyfriend. He was a few years older than her (one of those adults that dates high school chicks) and she'd complained to me once over text about her boyfriend once and how she was thinking of breaking up with him. I know his name and her full name but I can't find either of them. Oh well, I hope she's doing well.
You hurt my feelings and I’m going to say mean things about you on my blog today. You alone are the reason I will start writing fiction.
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Boomers always say that young people are addicted to their phones, which is true, but so are boomers. The only difference is what they are looking at. Instead of tik toks it's shit like the Wall Street Journal or something. My boomer dad can't stop checkng the Wall Street Journal on his phone every two minutes. He even has notifications to alert him for each new piece of fake bs globalist propaganda nonsense masquerading as "news". It's like an IV line drip feed of mind control.
My dad is a really smart guy and I don't understand why he can't see how this garbage has mentally enslaved him. I once tried, in a very polite and respectful manner, to talk to him about this but I got nowhere. These boomers, I'm telling you, you might as well try to "redpill" a brick wall. You'll get the same results.
Damn that sucks. You were a really nice guy too. Still are
Don't play with me, fucker.
Gotta stay on top of the news. Especially in todays world
You can come in anytime if you want but if you’re still there I’ll let you know when I’m ready
sounds like a perfect guide for bums.

why don't you write a new poem about that?

no one cares about you anon

I've answered your on the original thread, but I'm going to do it again here. I did it, now I will forever be in your memory as the one that questioned your dreams, that doubted you. Remember me. screenshot this. Because if you can't achieve what you're saying, I was right all along.

When it's all done, I will do my best to build that world where it's only a balance between serenity and happiness. None of that miseray bulshit.

What do I expect asking God the purpose of all of this? The truth is that he made it a possibility to experience misery, and made it easy to share it between us. I will still speak with him, because I want to see from myself. But in this human life I learned that a proper mentor allows you to surpass him. He cherishes your advancements, and praise the new found goods you bring to him.

And so my goal is to surpass God, not for arrogance, but for serenity. I don't have all of the answers, and even less the questions. But I want that place where I can enjoy seeing my fellows living a life secure of the hardest of misery. A secret place placed in nowhere, secure, where the blueprint is opensource for others to try and build their own place.

Maybe God was that, a simple guy just like me, who tried to do better and fucked up. But what did I learn here? That so many times I fell, and got back up to a better horizon inside of me. And I am now in that path, no matter how crazy it'll make me, no matter how special and visible it will make me.

Do I really hate you all of you, or do I hate what God allowed to do? I hate what God allowed to do. And even if he did what he could, I will understand and surpass him to try and get the fucked up thing allowing all of that.
In my best moments I'm grateful for the good moments, but I don't see the time I will cherish the misery that is possible in here.

I won't mourn the human race, and I won't mourn the God allowing all of this – or will I?

No place should allow the goods to overcome the bads, and I, the narcissic monkey, god's creation, have decided that. I will study your work, Creator, and I will respect what you did good, but I will do everything that I can to fix your shit, and I refuse to bow when your allowed misery makes me doubt your competence.

That said, thank you for those cute positive girls today. I take great care doing my best seeing the good things you made. But shit needs to get reworked in a lot of place so if you're not here to help, you better move out.
There's a million things I'd like to try, but I seem incapable of picking one to actually focus on. I can't tell if its because I'm afraid, don't really want it, or just plain old retarded
Maybe give yourself a rest. Do something else and let your brain chill out.
Wanna hear an even more shitty thing? His son's first name was my last name. Fuck, man. He was a great guy too. Knew I was a shit writer and took the time to help me with the basics. Hope he's doing well out there somewhere
Stop being retarded faggots all the time.
I'm sorry for being alive.
Thinking about how I used to make fun of my really not nice, passive aggressive (now dead) great aunt by imitating her shakiness when I talked with my mom, and how I shortly afterwards developed an essential tremor in both of my hands. It's been a decade since then, and I still have trouble writing and people who know me say touching my arms or hands is like touching someone who's under electricity. Never made fun of anyone's health problems ever since.
>go for kiss
>she pulls away
>next day she calls 3 times
>i only pick up once

the call i answered was just about her sperging about some suggestions for the project we're working on. is it basically over? have i been so firmly friend zoned that she feels no problem calling me over and over again to hear her retarded thoughts. there's more details to the story that make me feel even gayer but it had come to the point where if i answered the calls, i couldn't bare look in the mirror.
You’re a pussy. Letting a woman boss you around like that. Humor is subjective anyways and your conversation was none of her damn business.
I regret going to creative writing electives. Now I'm extremely self conscious of the most irrelevant of details. Once some dumb bitch in workshop complained for 15 minutes that my use of color was perpetuating asian stereotypes. The kicker? I'm asian.
NTA but that's not being a pussy that's having some basic decency. He stated that she was a friend of his and that she was in hearing range.
Stop it with the internalized racism, Chang.
I concur. The universe punishes things like this.

My brother once told my father, a person with chronic heart disease, to die in a heart attack. A year after, my brother got a stroke.
Ni hao senpai
I don't care.
God of War 2018 is such a great game it's insane
Never played it, probably never will, single player games bore me to tears and I've never been good at a multiplayer game, maybe there's a reason why I stopped playing vidya years ago.
Sorry to hear that, hope your brother's better now and that nothing bad has happened to your dad since.
lots of its called being a decent fucking human being posting
Appreciate your words pal. Good luck with your hand and writing. Hope you're keeping your chin and health up. Godspeed.
I want to make something but I have no idea what, just general urges to create but with no what, why or how
It's great. Shame I could never get into the sequel. I just couldn't get into those game mechanics again after playing Elden ring
Listening to this for the first time, I'm enjoying it.
Unbelievable how after two years of 4chan I still win every single debate. The average level of masculinity in this place is truly pathetic. They aren't proud or convinced enough to keep ground on their ideas and beliefs. Also, my view is right.
She's checking the temperature. Instead of crying just tell her that you're only interested in her romantically and her friendship is worth nothing to you or at least clear the air about the rejection if it is worth something. That or keep lying and bubble under the surface. Those are always the funniest spergbursts.
Kek bet you feel great about yourself anon
Anyone else gave up on their dreams for years but is now trying again?

>Gave up my dreams of being a manga artist. I'm not japanese. Got scrutinized by friends and family
>Gave up dream of being digital artist. AI sprung out of nowhere, became disheartened.
>Gave up dream of being indie game dev. oversaturated market, no support, too late to start too old.
>All that's left is writing. Can't write anything with substance because no one will read it. Everyone demands Genre slop.
>Genre slop is the only way forward.
>Should i tie the noose, and strung the rope, perhaps leave the world as came into it, screaming as i fall from a bridge?
>Is it over.
>or should i Begin again.

Nietzsche or Camus. WHich way anons?
>still doesn't understand
Yeah anon, you're like a super predator.
In the contrary, I feel bad for humanity. The average male can't be this pathetic, right? I consider myself pathetic so how can the general level be that more pathetic? It's pathetic.
Yes and I know this because I make meow sounds when I stretch my limbs. Meow.
Entire 4chan bullied by a furry for 2 whole years
We'll never recover.
Nigga you cute, let's smooch?
I'm a debatooooor
L'Étranger is one of my favorite books so I'll have to go with the old French joker.
You are misusing the dialectic method.
My problem is finding a dream to begin, I feel like I don't have the autistic passion for a specific thing that everyone else on the planet seems to have
> t. can't grow a beard
No one in this place is a debator, no fucking no one. Every single time I have debate with someone I win just when I thought the debate was about to take off.
Muh dialectical method
You are misusing the dialectical method
Muuuuuhhhhhh, muhhhhhh
What happened to the make my bub bubs bounce poster? Did he truly die?
The /v/ jannies deleted my 300+ post elephant thread
Thank you, much appreciated. Best of luck to you as well.
>Every single time I have debate
>Muuuuuhhhhhh, muhhhhhh
kek, classic
23 And he went up from thence unto Bethel: and as he was going up by the way, there came forth little children out of the city, and mocked him, and said unto him, Go up, thou bald head; go up, thou bald head.

24 And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the Lord. And there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them.
Debating is retarded because you cannot prove everything and your ideas are product of your subjectivity over reality not reality itself
What are your positions on some common debate topics?
He was the most intelligent and articulate poster in these threads by far.
One can only hope so. I hope that the “dubs and we kiss” poster has likewise perished.
No way you people are actually seriously replying to a chad.png post.
Whatever Rick from Rick and Morty says.
I am the seriouest I've ever been. Look at that face. >:[
Basic decency is overrated. You are gay.

Besides she could have just plugged her ears
Why didn't you plug your eyes instead of crying about it itt?
currently reading Don Juan by Byron, and I'm in awe of his talent.
>that the “dubs and we kiss” poster
I'm still here. I actually forgot about it. Gonna be sure to do next thread.
you'll grow out of this phase eventually.
I'm sorry that you feel this way.
I’m 42. That’s very unlikely. I just enjoy being an asshole, to people like you particularly. You are my problem. I hate you.
Because I don’t have emotions, emotions are for women and homosexuals

I’m not, sucks to be you.
I like to play around with my fellow debators a bit as a shit test, nothing personal kid.
I debate in an effort to extract the quintessence of what the debator is arguing about, but all of you faggots leave too early, short tempered faggots making it futile.
I think that there's a huge crisis coming into the West during the near future. An economical, political and social crisis of titanically devastating consequences.
Doesn't that scare anyone of you? Why can't you debate against this? Millions might die.
>I don’t have emotions,
>I hate you.
>I’m 42.
lmao, an unironic manchild.
you should have outgrown your snark culture phase by your late '20s, at the latest.
>Why can't you debate against this
Probably because of the nebulous nature of the subject matter. Ever fight a cloud of smoke? You always lose.
>I think that there's a huge crisis coming into the West during the near future. An economical, political and social crisis of titanically devastating consequences.
you and the rest of the doomsphere. the west is merely reaping what it sowed.
Most of gen x still hasn't outgrown it in their 50's, some people are just doomed.
Alright I sense the argumentative retards start infiltrating the thread
Catch you good lads in the next one

Wowowoeoeowowiwiwioowowow.... hold up hold up....
How is the left/ right dichotomy in politics a social construct, can someone explain this to me? Because until this point I thought it was a physical reality like gravity and light speed.
So in other words I am correct. I axcept your concession and defeat.
what compels grown american men to act like this? there is nothing that even approaches the maturity and sobriety of a man from just a few generations ago in their pseudo-masculine posturing. it's just so blatantly effeminate
i wish i could show you what your type looks like from the outside. it's like you're still trying to get the teacher or coach to notice you
Today I picked 40 kgs of apples. What have you done for the perfection and well-being of the federal government?
>what compels grown american men to act like this?
you seethe with effeminate resentment.

>juvenile "look what i did, am i worthy of love yet?" posturing
>juvenile "look what i did, am i worthy of love yet?" posturing
Answer the question. And it was on my day off.
that's JB Mauney, he is one tough mother fucker
Seems like you're projecting pretty hard. You don't even know what you're replying to with these precooked responses.
You people better start behaving or else...
don't be so susceptible to getting pigeonholed next time
Or what?
You don't want to know.
You know what's the real tragedy of today's world? It lacks joy chuds complain about lefties being too sensitive but they are equally as sensitive. We, the free spirits, are being engulfed by misery we cannot longer live like this
I went to the supermarket and my whole body started shaking. I'm so fucked up.
Drug addict or severe social anxiety?
Et tu, /wwoym/? I thought only my YT recommended feed would shill this bitch's crap to me.
you didn't like Ragnarok?
"the west is falling" isn't the radical position it was in 2016. even then it wasn't radical, if you're even a dilettante of european intellectual history. the culture war intelligentsia think they're such tastemakers but most of this stuff has been better and more forcefully articulated decades ago
Anxiety but it gets worse when I'm also exhausted at the same time. I don't take any drugs or alcohol.
Tasteless fool. Arrogant pretentious art hoes pretending to be awkward and confused is literature in its purest form. I can't help you.
what makes you so anxious
Can someone tell me how there won't be a crisis of titanical proportions in the next few years? Because I firmly believe in it but most people seem to deny it. Enlighten me, explain to me how everything is going to be alright because I don't. I think the world as we know it is soon going to end.
Seeing cute girls doing porn kinda makes me sad.
Why is that a reason for me to avoid getting pigeonholed by deranged idiots?
no, it isn't, it's kid stuff. it's like fyad for zoomers. i can't wait until the internet collectively outgrows irreverement meme culture personalities
What's next?
The Great Depression multiplied by 200.
There are new 20 year olds every day. We don't collectively outgrow shit and that's a good thing.
everyone thinks they're such epic acerbic debatelords but very few are working off hard-earned, individuated internal models of reality. just makes you all look like posers. i'm of the mind that using another man's models to understand reality and defend your own views on the internet is like wearing his used underwear.
Why do your posts not relate to the posts they reply to? You assume so much that you're effectively living in a completely made up fantasy.
Then after that do we get to have World War 3?
I don't know. Usually I just get dizzy and then it spirals out of control. I get anxious about the dizziness, that makes my hands shake, I get anxious about the shaky hands, then it's full body shakes and hyperventilation. I even started therapy but it's useless.
I don't know what's going to happen after that. I just know that the West will be struck by a devastating, all-encompassing crisis. There was an air of security before the virus that has been blown off completely ever since, maybe I am the only person who feels that so I want to hear what other anons think.
because your type is so prevalent it's not hard to chunk you all into a genus. you still need to check if every individual swan is white. i know they're white.
More fantasies that don't relate even slightly to the posts you're replying to.
>the West
You lost me. Only West I know is the Wild West and that's long dead.
I want a smoke though I only enjoy them at night. Growing my hair out and it doesn’t even look good. My scrotum keeps hanging out of these little shorts. Second cup of coffee wont do anything but make me shit. I don’t want to goto work but I want to go somewhere.
something is making you anxious. ask yourself why and work to remedy it. the first step is learning to not resist this feeling, since the anxiety loop is a vicious one.
Pour me something tall and strong, make it a hurricane before I go insane
>guy postures as some epic debatelord
>gets asked to elaborate some of his views
>"boilerplate culture war axiom #1"
it's not that hard.
You're deepthroating Russian propaganda whose only purpose is to saw chaos in the western discourse. Not to say that our current economy isn't on the brink of a big oopsy poopsie due to the way the debt is leveraged and the fact China has a prolapsed anus for an economy, but until something happens there is no cause for panic. Just take it a day at a time. It's much more resilient than panic crying on the internet.
Russia can’t even keep a grip on their own shithole country if you think they’re capable of producing any sort of propaganda able to influence the first world at all then youre the one eating up propaganda. China maybe. Russia? Those are white niggers.
Oh, you're functionally retarded. My bad. Yeah, bro economy crisis depression and then ww3 for sure.
>There was an air of security
In 1998. Our minds have been shaped by propaganda since childhood. All institutions have failed long ago and now operate like ponzi schemes. Everyone is getting dumber and more dishonest. All the tools humans used to build things have been subverted. The great depression or ww2 were golden ages compared to what we have right now.
>muh Russia
I hope to God that you're joking.
I know right, Republicans bit on this? Lmao even
>guy postures as some epic debatelord
Not in the posts you're replying to. Stop making up fantasies.
The economy has only been declining since corona, doofus. And who said a thing about Russia? The whole reason this war started is because Putin is betting on the political impotence of the West and for the last two years he has only become re-affirmed in his personal bias. I don't think though that this is going to lead to a WW3 anywhere soon.
The problem is in our own countries. A swamp of degeneracy and decay. Weaklings who call themselves men, girls who call themselves women. Not even the settled family life of the 80s is the norm anymore. Low fertility rates, a dead society, corporations who feel like they have the right to pull money out of your bag because you mistakenly pressed a button on a screen, no refunds. I scorn it. What even is this? Where am I? It's so confusing. It's like everything was normal and boom. You're sitting inside a crowded bus full of stinking wretches staring at their phones. Everything is dead.
Which love is stronger? Man/woman or man/man or woman/woman?
the west did it to itself. no sympathy
>it's not happening chud
>ok it's happening and that's a good thing chud
>.And who said a thing about Russia?
>The economy has only been declining since corona
Wrong. Never recovered from 2008, hallowed out manufacturing to facilitate China, Queue Eurodollar crisis number 5 or 6... who can keep count anymore. You're not operating in reality. All the cultural war shit is you deepthroating Russian cock, nom nom, suck suck. That's you.
im not brown or a resident of the west. your countries have nothing left to eat but themselves. too bad, so sad.
100x murder rates in my area compared to a decade ago are a result of extreme left "culture war" policies not Russia.
>100x murder rates i
Cite this What culture policy made murder legal? Troonies with choppas roaming the streets on a prowl for red hats? You fucking goober.
Who said anything about the cultural war shit? I think taking anything about cultural war shit seriously can give you mental illness but it's real. Been at some farm working for a few weeks. The two farmers would talk every day about how the climate protesters should get driven over with trucks and swathes of alligators let run free around the cities to 'show it to the urban libs'. What the hell? And you are saying everything is normal? But the in the high schools of the cities every teacher has to bring up his liberal leftist views to underage teens at some point. Except the few teachers who do the exact opposite and argue about how capitalism is the best system. To what parallel universe have I been teleported to? This is not normal.
>trannies and netflix executives are responsible for urban crime
>Cite this
Fuck off retard. Mass immigration.
so you think dastardly jews are just arbitrarily responsible for mass immigration, and not the incentive for mass immigration baked in the capitalist system?
What trade should a shitty neet take up
>A swamp of degeneracy and decay
> settled family life of the 80s is the norm anymore
>pull money out of your bag because you mistakenly pressed a button on a screen
W-Wh-what cultural war shit? Shut the fuck up.
>give you mental illness but it's real
So close to self awareness, it's unreal.
>100x murder rate
>muh mass migration
AHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA, neck yourself. You've been programmed out of your own free will. You literally can't make this shit up.
Why are you like this? Why can't you just fucking be honest? You know that the opposition to mass immigration has been dishonestly dismissed by deranged far left terrorists like you from the beginning.
>Why can't you just fucking be honest?
>far left terrorists like you
kek, Ivan eating good tonight. His pets do all the work for free.
I'd like to start publishing my work but don't know how. An Anon mentioned substack so I downloaded it but have no clue what to do, haven't used social media in awhile, and it seems everyone on substack is way to bland to engage with my content.
>You've been programmed
Completely braindead. Incapable of even starting a discussion about any subject.
You can't even admit to the basic facts of recent history? There was no opposition to mass immigration because hecking capitalism? What is even the lie you're attempting to present?
Substack still seems interesting outside the niches of "silicon valley charlatan" and "lifestyle blogger", but I think it'd have to be a situation where you link it to a different social media and use that. Only problem is that Twitter (the main alternative) has the algorithm nuke shit like that from what I understand
> W-Wh-what cultural war shit? Shut the fuck up
No no no no, I was making an honest criticism of the current state of the Western countries, at least the one I live in. You're the one who brought the culture war shit up, not me. And, no, I don't think gay people should be allowed to marry, I don't think profit-seeking doctors should sell hormones to kids, and I think it's weird so few people lead a normal life anymore. That doesn't have anything with culture war, it's basic common sense and any leftist would have agreed with me twenty years ago. Now both the right AND the left have become mentally diseased. I don't believe in any of both.
Why do you fags ruin every fucking thread?
It doesn't spark a curiosity how your honest criticism is part of a programming pushed by this organization?
Not inkling of critical thought between your ears? What a coincidence this must be.
Retard, you haven't cited anything. Claims without evidence can be disregarded without evidence. Screeching mass migration isn't an argument. Show me something.
>Completely braindead. Incapable of even starting a discussion about any subject.
Yes, yes you are.
>I am going to cry about it that will fix everything
Way to contribute.
This is basically every thread on the site, enjoy your slop
>Claims without evidence can be disregarded without evidence.
You can do whatever you want retard. If you want to play pretend and refuse to acknowledge the moon exists you can do that but don't pretend you're engaging honestly.
>the weekly knife fights between foreign taxi driver gangs don't have anything to do with immigration policies
Nothing as evil as you lying fuckers has ever existed.
Terrible lie!
I don't watch conservative media. I am highly literate and I have read through the annals of history only to discover that all decadent societies looked exactly like the current West. So I have every right to call the current West degenerate.
degenerate state or character.
the process of degenerating; decline.
degenerate behavior, especially behavior considered sexually deviant.
Are courses on shit like Skill Share even worth the subscription? I always assumed it was dogshit content given the low price of entry, but it's being shilled everywhere
It's probably not worth it.
>It doesn't spark a curiosity how your honest criticism is part of a programming pushed by this organization?
If this is what you consider an argument why doesn't it apply to the billions spent in programming to push things you agree with? If these $20 million are damning evidence that anyone that disagrees with you is programmed then why aren't the billions spent on pushing propaganda you agree with damning evidence that you're programmed?
>I don't watch conservative media.
> I don't think profit-seeking doctors should sell hormones to kids,
What annals of history did you dig this out of?
>I am highly literate
I've never met a moron who doesn't think this.
hurrr durrrr my reality is true and if you don't acknowledge it you're wrong, no I won't cite anything. Okay, dipshit. Good luck, keep on drooling on.
My brain is betraying me in ways I never thought possible. That place from which everything I am should be articulated is crumbling before my very eyes. I know that what I feel is a damned trap, a cruel ruse designed to condemn me to a state of perpetual inactivity. But the worst part, the most devastating thing, is that it’s working. My mind, once sharp and alert, has become lazy, chained to stillness, refusing to emerge from the lethargy that consumes it. Every thought feels like an absurd current, a river of nonsense that distracts me from what little sanity I have left. It’s as if it wants to self-destruct, to harm itself in some twisted attempt to free itself from me.

The most recent thing, the latest trick it has decided to play on me, is making me feel that with every step I take, with every insignificant movement, the inertia of my body violently pushes him against the walls of my skull. It’s a constant collision, an unending hammering. It’s irritating to the point of despair. I can barely even walk to college anymore. I’m terrified by the thought that, by the time I reach the end of the trip, I will have lost so many neurons that I’ll no longer be able to learn anything. That very idea paralyzes me, suffocates me.

And, as if that weren’t enough, my mind, that relentless traitor, gets distracted with an exasperating ease. It refuses to work, to perform its basic function, the one I demand of it as if my life depended on it. Instead, it bombards me with images of naked women, insisting that sooner or later I’ll have sex with them. It’s a constant torture, a meaningless repetition, an empty promise that never gets fulfilled. And here I am, trapped in this cycle of useless thoughts, without having done anything at all to change it. I try to increase the workload, but that only makes the problems worse to the point where I can no longer control them. My body, my brain, both have decided to stop functioning. Exhaustion crushes me, weakening my muscles as if every fiber of my being were corroded by neglect. It even makes me believe I’m lacking nutrients, that I’m on the verge of collapse, so I eat until I’m nearly in pain out of fear of dying from starvation, and I think the only way my mind agrees to stop is when the pain becomes unbearable. By then, my stomach hurts so much that I’m forced to lie down, dizzy, overwhelmed by the feeling of discomfort. And that’s when I know: my brain has won. Bastard. It got what it wanted. Now I can’t even prepare for this week’s studies. I’m more behind than ever.

Today, I woke up the same as every morning, covered in sweat and grease, with my hair stuck to my forehead, nearly in my eyes. I ran a finger through my bangs, and it felt like running it over a frying pan, still slick from recent use. I lifted my torso slowly and propped myself up on the bed with outstretched arms, to peer out the window. The day is cloudy, like every day of my existence.
> Bullshit
Why should I? I don't care about the culture war shit. It's not even politics, it's a pathetic excuse for what real politics should look like.
> What annals of history did you dig this out of
The history of Rome, the history of Greece.
> What annals of history did you dig this out of
And you're not a moron? So let me get this right, you feel superior because you watch liberal media and don't read books?
What the fuck does the history of Rome or Greece have to do with profit seeking doctors selling hormones to kids?
>Why should I?
You just happen to recite all the talking points which stemmed out of your own rigorous research. What a coincidence.
>and you're not a moron
In some fields. Not this one.
>because you watch liberal media and don't read books
We all have biases. Show me something that challenges mine.
no you don't
>hurrr durrrr my reality is true and if you don't acknowledge it you're wrong
I did not make a single controversial claim. Even the pro mass immigration policy makers say mass immigration causes violence, they just say it's worth it.
I'm reporting the situation in my area to you and your response is some horseshit about citations as if I work for you. You wouldn't do this if the subject wasn't one you're passionately brainwashed about. You would be able to explore different possibilities like a rational person.
You've reported a 100x murder rate. This would be international news. Your source is: Trust me bro. What the fuck do you expect me to do with this?
For what purpose? So you can be sucked into an app's ecosystem to the point where everything becomes team sports, like the retards in this thread? I'd rather enrich my own life
>Not this one.
>I may be wrong about everything else but not about hecking vladolf putler and orange man
>on those things I'm an expert thanks to consuming media
>This would be international news.
Why do you think so? Since when does "international news" report things that don't serve globalist interests?
It's local news and it's turning opinions against mass immigration like similar things already did in Denmark and Sweden.
Part of me wishes I got into media reviews as a kid like everyone else did, but at the same time I also don't think I could stand the climate of today's social media
100x murder rate? Do you not understand the implication of that? That's a massacre, daily massacre. No one thought to tweet it out?
> What the fuck does the history of Rome or Greece have to do with profit seeking doctors selling hormones to kids
Ok so our current society treats transgender people better than the past, oppressive ones because we have them medically castrated and make them pay for it, is that the line of reasoning you are doing? As you can see I don't even need to answer your question. All societies, at least the ones that emerged on the soil of Europe, have always been fundamentally the same, as oppressive, as tyrannical, as capitalistic, as exploitative, etc and ours is no exception from the rule.
> You just happen to recite all the talking points which stemmed out of your own rigorous research. What a coincidence
The politicals, left and right, add emotion to it. I don't, I see it as an objective, perhaps so sad, fact. And I do not doubt that all this will lead to a huge crisis, if not civil war, wich was my original question btw. So you agree on that, right? Given that you believe in the culture war shit more than I do it seems. Like I see it as a fact but you seem emotionally invested in the victory of the left.
> We all have biases. Show me something that challenges mine
Gay people can't reproduce. Trans people can't reproduce. Mixed race couples have lower fertility rates than same-race couples. Your movement will be virtually dead in one generation, beaten by the patience of the physical laws of the universe.
This is all drivel. What evidence do you have of profit seeking doctors selling hormones to kids that didn't stem from consuming conservative media.
>As you can see I don't even need to answer your question.
Yes, you do.
Awesome to hear, anon! Who are your primary influences?
From one serious knife attack every two years to 50 a year is a 100x increase. It's not treated as news. In the UK you can be jailed for talking about it.
Is this yours?
Surely, you won't get arrested for posting the name of the town, right? I seriously doubt there is a place on earth that only had a knife attack once every two years barring a 20 people village.
Today I went to the big city. Ostensibly the goal was to attend a language cafe, a place where people gather to practice speaking in different languages. But truly, I wanted to just meet at least one woman. My real goal was to talk to one woman.

It was a nice summer day, despite today being close to the end of September. I noticed the atmosphere immediately at the tram stop. There were a lot of young girls about. Once I arrived in the big city, there were so many beautiful girls around. It was such a stark contrast compared to the tech campus town I live in, which as you can imagine is mostly male, and of the few females, half are taken, and the other half are either stubbornly single (sluts) or not quite pleasant on the eye. But in the big city it is different. There were so many fair skinned girls, and even a sizable proportion of red heads.

Alas, breaking the ice is not easy. The social norm dictates, that one should not approach strangers and here in Northern Europe, this is quite strongly adhered to. And it does not help that I am a people pleaser who finds it very hard to break social norms. But I am also aware of how detrimental this whole situation is for me. After all, if I allow society to dictate how I should approach women and with whom I should be matched up, there will surely not be to my advantage. See, society is always exploitive. If you allow society to dictate terms, they will make sure to squeeze you for all you got without giving anything back.

So I am trying to fight against this indoctrination and teach myself ways to break the ice. The key is, you have to be smooth i.e. you have to make it seem unintentional. As if you just so happen to strike a conversation with everyone about everything, and she is just the next in line. And then it just so happens that you find her interesting enough to ask for her number. It's quite tricky and certainly not something one can do without practice. I am considering, rehearsing a bunch of situations so I can have some prepared openings. I don't find it particularly hard to continue a conversation once it is in motion. But the literal breaking of the silence is very hard.
I'm considering becoming one after I graduate with my engineering degree. I'm confident that I can get a full-ride to the local school provided I score highly on the LSAT, but the only thing that's holding me back is the fact that I'd have to sink another three years of schooling, which doesn't sound too bad, but I'll need to have a job going if I expect to pay down my student loans for the undergrad degree.

Anyway, as I was waiting at the tram station in the big city, there she suddenly was. Fair skinned, thin, a true blond with very fair hair, and tall for a woman, maybe an inch taller than me. And the cherry on top, a sizable rack. And her face was no the most beautiful I have seen, but that only made her seem more approachable and attainable. I was immediately interested and I let her know cause I couldn't stop staring. And she noticed for sure, because she smiled at herself, but kept her head down. But then the positive sign I got was that she stopped near me. She could have kept walking to the end of the stop, but she stopped near me and that is surely a good sign. I am not sure if she was shy, but she kept her head buried in her phone and with her earbuds on. The panic struck me again. Such a perfect opportunity, but I have no way to break the ice. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Why am I such a coward! Another opportunity wasted. When am I ever going to encounter a woman like her? In my tech campus a woman like her would be swooped up in less than a day. Fuck! I considered asking her if the next tram was going in the right direction, but that was such a cheap opener. Here I am overthinking. Then suddenly the tram comes, but it's not the one that is supposed to come, so I immediately take the chance and ask her how come it is this tram who arrived and not the one that we are all expecting. She says, she's also confused. I make another remark and she shrugs her shoulders. The conversation is over. I did not want to push my luck. A moment later I notice her put the earbud back in her ear. Maybe she did give me a chance to further the conversation, after all. Oh well. I am happy. The goal is achieved. I talked to a woman. The tram comes. We both board.

As I am on the tram I come across the most ridiculous good looking couple. Both 11/10. The man is very tall, fair skinned with a face that could pass for both a Swede or an Italian. He has the most amazing head of hair, very full and somewhat curly. I know the girls go crazy for it. And his face is masculine, but not too masculine. He looks like a boy surfer. His girl friend, is short, shorter than average around these parts. That is her only blemish. She is a redhead with fair skin of a slightly pinkish tone. Her skin is amazing, very healthy looking. Her face is angelic. She looks feminine, young and very innocent, but not to the point of looking like a literal child. I decided to not look at her. I am sure she is used to getting all the attention so that is my way of retaining a bit of pride, for surely I am a sub -10 compared to those two. At one point an old lady was trying to board, but the doors began to close and we both tried to stop them by putting our hands in the way, but she was faster. At that point I had to look at her and acknowledge her small act of bravery. And that was that.
My relationship with media is abysmal, somewhere along the line I started to crave slop content. It doesn't make me feel good, it doesn't engage me intellectually and it's made me forget how to enjoy my hobbies to the point where I only ever feel average
My stop is next and I stand by the door ready to leave. The blond girl gets up and waits behind me. I consider one last act of desperation. I could just ask her for her number out of the blue. How likely is that to work. No, stupid, that is obviously not going to work. Or I could ask her for the way to the language cafe. After all, I was truly lost. We get out and cross the street together and part ways. That was that.

I find the way to the language cafe and as I expected, I see what looked like an Afghan and an Indian entering the place. It is going to be full of these kind of people. Nothing against them. But do I really want to spend the last hours of this beautiful day locked up with a bunch of brown foreign men when all the beautiful girls are strolling outside? I decided against that, so I just keep moving and head to the city centre by foot.

Along the way I meet more and more beautiful women. Let's face it. It is clear that I am no looker, because most are avoiding my graze. Oh well. That is all known to me. But I do meet quite a few couples, where the man is surely no better than me, and the woman is someone I would consider very beautiful. So surely, although it is very challenging for me to find a woman, it is also maybe not as hard as I perceive it. Certainly harder than it is for the average man, but not quite as hard as I think it is. That gives me hope.

But breaking the ice is such a hard thing to do. All of them are strolling around or sitting on the lawns of the city parks. How am I supposed to go up to them and strike a conversation without appearing like a total creep? And it's not like I am such super handsome guy that any girl would give a chance too.

Next week, I hope to go one step further. Next week, the goal is to get rejected. That is, to strike a conversation with a girl and then push it to the point where I ask her to go on a date or ask for her number (although that is a cop out, because they will just ghost you afterwards).
What kinda slop?
Do any of you guys ever put any stock in the dreams you have? I know most dreams usually don't make you think too long about them, you just say 'well that was weird' and move on. But I'm talking about those dreams you have maybe once or twice a year where it really does fuck with your head for a considerble length of time afterwards. Has anyone here read up on the subject? (e.g. Freud, Jung, etc.) Any recommendations as to where to start for someone interested in this area?
> What evidence do you have of profit seeking doctors selling hormones to kids that didn't stem from consuming conservative media
I have seen independant videos of teens making a pledge against perverted doctors performing transgender surgery on minors. I don't care about transgenderism as much as you think I do, actually I don't care about it in the slightest. I am smart enough to understand that if in the past homosexuality was scorned it's because those laws were implemented as a consequence of the horrors that too much tolerance towards deviants can create and not because of prejudice. In any way, the current mode of 'culture' will be dead in a few decades because of it's inability to reproduce not only physically but ideally, their ideas themselves are too infertile to find ground in other people.
> Yes, you do.
Ok, transgenders don't exist. I'm fine with that, nothing would change for me because I've never met or talked to one irl.
The sound of the Gion Shōja bells echoes the impermanence of all things; the color of the sāla flowers reveals the truth that the prosperous must decline. The proud do not endure, they are like a dream on a spring night; the mighty fall at last, they are as dust before the wind.
So woman/woman?
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I think I like the idea of a woman liking me more than actually being in a relationship. Like, it feels nice, but once it becomes having to actually put in energy and time I feel suffocated. Maybe I'm just immature, or it stems from my overbearing and sometimes verbally abusive mother.
I dont get the obsession with wanting to court a woman. They are GROSS AND STINKY. Its one thing if it was a twink, but women offer nothing on the table.
It's changed over the years but it's always been slop. 3 hour video essays about essentially nothing, awful drama videos, cringe culture videos, or the more recent IS X A GOOD CAREER?! trend. It's functionally fried my brain, which is a shame because I think the kid me would hate the current me
Let's be real, you went from
> I don't care about the culture war shit
>I have seen independant videos of teens making a pledge against perverted doctors performing transgender surgery on minors.
A notion that has nothing to do with profit seeking doctors selling hormones to kids. You can't cite anything because you've dug yourself into "I don't watch conservative media" hole and you know it.
>I seriously doubt
You don't know anything about the world. You live in a propaganda bubble and pretend everyone else does too.
Where do you even go to publish things online in this day and age? Forum culture is dead, social media is primarily a visual medium these days and a website seems like it doesn't get you very far unless you're already engaged in social media
>but women offer nothing on the table
I want kids. I day dream about having kids more than I daydream about being in a relationship, although I was happy when I was in a relationship.
But if you gave me a choice between being a childless husband or a single father. I'd pick the latter.
opinions on Confederacy of Dunces?

Man/Man : most of the time they are sex crazed and their relationship is one of convenience to get easy sex.

Woman/Woman : most lesbian couples are fake. It's just women who have sworn off men, so they want somebody to keep them company, and a cat won't do. So they get another man hater to be with them. It's like incels keeping each other company, but with women.
woman/child is the strongest of all
lmao, fitting bonger too afraid to speak into the telescreen unless it's screeching about "result of extreme left "culture war" policies ". They won't come for that, but will if you drop a name of a random town in UK. Hold this L, pussy.
There are many stories of women hurting their children, to be with their new man. Like either abandoning them. Or abusing and bullying them. Heck some are so crazy about their new man, that they let him rape their children.

There are also multiple stories of lesbian couples with children, which end up with the couple abusing, raping, torturing and murdering their children in the most horrendous ways.

Literally nothing in this life is a given, not even the love of a mother for her children.
I need a fucking title for some cosmic horror body horror shenanigans
Do you like any of these
One word ominous is way spookier, call it SPINE. Of man only substracts. This pleasing form is really gay. Good luck.
just use the inherit nature of space. You dont need to use something as whored out as monsters.
If you're having trouble with things like that, I like the method of looking up medical terms that are tangentially related and going from there. For example, Amygdala and Vermis being used already for things
No, I have watched 2 minutes stripes of these videos because they were recommended to me on YouTube. Somehow the algorithm thinks I am a right wing Amerifat conservative since I was 17, but that's off the point. I was bringing up anecdotal evidence, again, I think transgenders are the least of the issues of the current West but their eclat reflects well the degeneracy of the current West.
And I don't know too much about the situation in Amerimuttia, I know unusual things have happened like the raid on the capitol 4 years ago and the candidate getting shot twice in the span of a few weeks.
But in Euromuttia the gender stuff is a non issue and the young lads, without exception, don't talk about guys other than in the most outwardly expressed scorn; this trait they have inherited from their ancestors.
The culture war, at least where I live in, is a war between the left and the right, a war between the conservative, pro-nafta, pro-pesticides, pro-tradition countryside, and the liberal, gay, pro-immigrant, pro-climate, pro-social gibs, 'anti-capitalist', pro lower city loft prices anti-imperialist left.
So you have these school teachers who, fighting the culture war, will teach their children liberalism disguised as education about history, language, whatever, and then you have these right-wing insane madmen who will stand in front of the class and spend the entire lesson talking about how insane the lefties are. That's at least wat my experience was. But in no way does the gender stuff come up except in pretentiously comical references. The rest is all about practical issues, the economy, how regulating it is dumb, how windmills harm the environment, how Germany has ended up producing more CO2 for abolishing it's nuclear plants, and yada yada.
I was aware that there was a risk that she would die, but I thought I had the situation under control, and in hindsight I did, although it is fair to say that I risked her life. There's no two ways around it, no good way to tell this story to make me seem better and the more details I put in the worse I'll seem. I cheated on her in order to make her not want me, because I couldn't just straight up leave her. I'm not 100% sure why. At one point during the months I saw the other woman it struck me that when she found out, she could kill herself, but I thought if I just stayed with her the first week afterward she would be in the clear. That is what happened, but in a way I did accept the risk. I did need to leave, and I did try to do it right, but I realized that the only way was to make her not want me any more. I don't know if this makes me a killer. For the past couple of days I have felt as though it does. The thing is I recently expended quite tremendous resources trying to save a mans life. I don't know if it will amount to anything, but I did, over about a year. He was a kind of refugee and I tried to help him get to safety, at great cost to myself. I hope that these two things cancel out.
I think This Pleasing Form sounds cool. Has an ominous ring to it.
It's a mystery to me how northern Europeans procreate. Everyone is out and about, but nobody ever interacts with strangers. How do you even meet each other?
Don't tell me it's Tinder, because Tinder is only 12 years old at most and this cultural trend is much older than that.
It's rather weird, honestly. Like at a club or a bar or a festival you expect people to be open to meeting new people. But everyone is very guarded against interactions from strangers. What's even the point?
When we go party in our homeland, like half the point is to meet new people. Like it's nice to meet your friends, but you know your friends since forever and you're not going to fuck them, are you (ah maybe Northern Europeans do fuck their friends in the ass after all), so meeting new people is like half the point.
But when I was in any of those countries I never saw any of that. It felt pointless, honestly. After a while, I started rejecting the invites from the locals and only partied with the Spanish and the Italians.
same anon
at one point about 10 years ago I thought that my father had killed me, and I consider it a miracle that I survived. These three things have been spinning for me, because they all have to do with death, guilt and killing. I have felt like I am on the verge of a major emotional breakthrough, a world-shattering breakthrough: either the realization that I am a killer- or something worse- or I will remember what it was like when I thought my father had killed me, the actual memories, which are basically gone right now, will come back.
We spread by spores, the need for nutrition in the early growing stages is why we're genetically predisposed to keep our distance from others.
I ran four miles today; I've still got it. Hip flexors are a little tight, but that is to be expected after being inactive for so long.
I am going to start taking care of my body again. No one will stop me from living a wretched life of hedonism and sloth, and no one cares if I live a virtuous one of moderation and clarity. It's every man for himself. I will do it for myself, because I am a man, and not an animal.
I saw the super mario bros look alike, a short ass with a mustache, thin framed, probably bald too, and overall quite small. And he was in an argument with his girlfriend, and seemingly in the process of breaking the relationship.
The girlfriend was a very respectably looking white girl, taller than him, by maybe an inch, brunette with wavy hair and fair skin, with a feminine face and no visible blemishes. She was dressed in those expensive but unassuming looking hiking clothes.
Ah, she is just the kind of girl I fall for, and this super mario bros ass looking nigga had her as his gf? If he can have a girl like that, surely so can I.
>Like at a club or a bar or a festival you expect people to be open to meeting new people. But everyone is very guarded against interactions from strangers.

It's a rather toxic aspect of our culture. IRL, you first get drunk. Then you are finally ready to interact with strangers. Or you meet through friends of friends. But to meet at a club or a festival, you first have to get drunk.
I said hey
chu got cookin?
howsabout cookin
up for meeeeeeeeeeeee?
When I run my tits bunch up and down and I feel effeminate as fuck. Plus it's hard on my knees.
I prefer swimming.
I now finally understand the phenomenon of failing regimes scapegoating a foreign government for all its problems
You believe everything the fbi tells you, huh
You dont need women for that, you can just adopt a child from Africa
I like House of the Living Spine desu
Every human is a living spine.
I watched Part 1 of the Hobbit yesterday.
3 whole fucking hours, and in end effect there was barely two paragraphs of plot story there.
Lots of world building and scenery, but as far as the story goes, it's pretty flat.
That is what gets me about Tolkien. He writes such childish plots. Where's the thrill? Where's the intrigue? What should keep me captivating? It's all about the hero going on an adventure, encountering and overcoming perils and then winning. OK. A bit childish and boring, don't you think? ASOIAF is far better in this respect. Good guys don't simply win. There are barely any good guys at all, in fact.
the bait started ok
you're talking about mentally ill people, of course that would be the case.
Always the same dishonest deranged horseshit. Your mind is completely ruined.
It's not bait. It's how I honestly feel. You are free to disagree and I don't expect a rebuttal. I fully acknowledge that some people have inferior tastes.
Well in amerimuttia all we think about is smelling and fucking each other's butts. Basically what we are striving forwards to is to devolve into black Schytians. We will live like pigs, raw-dogging each other publicly on the streets, while AI intelligence protects us from outer threats. We are, after all, the undefeatable and supreme nation.
Also there's an Anglo-Jewish elite that does all the government for us so all we need to do is vote the president, shoot him, raid the capitol, complain about conservative news media because it is biased against the establishment, and produced by the same establishment. Then we post about it on social media and return to fucking each other's butts while big corpo provides everything for us.
That's why we will always be the most supreme nation and everything I commented above to defeat your arguments was 100% honest and real and I love butt-fucking my trans gf, hopefully getting pregnant in her anus soon or we need to buttfuck more. After all, gender is a social construct. The lib will totally win. I also totally won this debate and I have two braincells. Now will you shut up, I'm typing this while raw-dogging my trans girlfriend and I want to focus on the booty. Ahhhh, ahhhhh, CUMMMINFGGGG
I like this post. Reads like it was written by a true scholar of the arts.
>everyone is very guarded against interactions from strangers
There's a long handshake protocol which burgers can't grasp. Australians get it for some reason.
pretty funny. worth a read. any author who suicides is worth a read, especially one who never knew fame. and as a lit poster, you will be particularly inclined to like his style and humor.
that's too bad, I feel like a horse when I run, but I have an exceptionally nice body. part of the reason I enjoy running is the invigorating feeling of superiority I get will striding swift and erect past the feeble and old and obese.
>There's a long handshake protocol which burgers can't grasp.
Care to explain further? I find this very interesting because at the time it was very frustrating.
you must be tall, I'm short so that's why, damn you tall people get to be graceful in all athletic situations
even swimming is so much easier for taller people
Yellowstone is a great tv series
Why does 4chan not allow me to post messages on my computer anymore? Do they just filter out posts that’re made on incognito mode?
GOD i wish that were me.
Life would be much easier if we could all be elves, but some of us have to be hobbits or dwarfs, or heck even orcs or trolls.
Liberalism and islam resemble each other so much despite both claiming to be worlds apart from the other, it's strange to me how nobody seems to note their similarities despite the parallels being so numerous and self-evident.
I'm a funny guy. What race is the funniest? What am I?
I can never go back to being who I used to be. I can pick up some of the same habits and such that I used to do, but it won't be the same.
it is nice, I won't deny it. I almost get overwhelmed at times with the sensation of grace and power I feel while running. I pity people who will never experience that feeling. it is such a fundamental thing to me. what a wretched life to not know the beauty of your own body. every day being encased within sin incarnate. projecting weakness at all times.
now, one must also keep in mind the vanity of life. I know my body is a sand castle, and maintain it out of a sense of natural moral duty.
I like to listen to music with female vocals that are mostly whispering. I imagine that the singer is whispering into my ear, makes me feel less lonely.
Western women BTFO
O mundiyan ton bach ke rahi

Ni tu hunne hunne hoyi mutiyaar

Mundiyan ton bach ke rahi

Ni tu hunne hunne hoyi mutiyaar

Mundiyan ton bach ke rahi oye...
Sorry but Japanese pubes just don't do it for me.
You are mentally ill.
I get that feeling trekking through the mountains and rocky sea shores where I grew up. I feel very able and agile and am very sure footed.
I guess that's what I'm meant to do, physically speaking.
lol, true, I like a hairy bush, but Asian women have ugly pubes
... they're not pixelated irl
You're dumb
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Orcs have bigger cocks and female elves love it. Also they have a bad ass post apocalyptic aesthetic
wait, christine and the queens renamed herself "rahim redcar"? what? why tho?

My brother.

It's not about that, I just don't like the growth pattern and how straight they are. Really unfortunate that they're like the only culture where shaving never took off, yet their pubes look like they do.
The Jews now have remote controlled bombs in our consumer products and they're proud of it.
red heads have the best bushes, don't they?
Uh oh, better take the butt plug out
100%. That's why their gene is dying out, because this world is cruel and unjust.
I don't know where you live, but around these parts, redheads strongly prefer other redheads, to the point that I think being a redhead guy is an easy way to get a gf, because even though red hair does not look that good on guys, the girls want to preserve their genes so much, they will give any redheaded guy a chance, even if they look like a limp wristed nerd
>the only culture where shaving never took off
Japan's the only place where shaving your arms is not just normal but practically required.
They have a matchmaking festival for them here
yeah but redhead genes don't work like that, my sister is a redhead but i am not and neither of our parents are, but i think one great grandparent did. it's not like skin tone or baldness where it comes directly from the parents.
You're Dutch? So you know then.
I think redheads safeguard their genes much more than blonds do.
You very often see blonds with all kinds of men, but redheads stick to their own.
I think in my entire life I've seen like 3 real redheads. They're exceedingly rare here, any woman with standards like that would die alone and childless.
Team Rocket's rockin,
Talkin' trouble, walkin' trouble,
Double trouble, big trouble's gonna follow you
I believe there are different genes, and some of them do dictate that you get red hair if your parents have red hair.
But I also have an aunt who is a redhead. Only one in a family of 11 kids.
You suffer then. I went to the big city (see long post above) and I saw a significant portion of red heads.
>year 2100
>brain microchips are now the norm
>jews will explode your head off if you dare to say something about great israel
As the sun begins to set it blinds me. I close the book on oscillations, the complexity of waves one of the few beautiful things that fill my mind. My thoughts are as annoyed as my eyes, thinking about my parents desire for me to find a girl and settle down. Naturally I remember her, the girl that loved me.. Kind, sweet, nice, with curly hair, cute face and large, almost grotesque, breasts. Of course I never loved her, however I am almost convinced that she could have solved my current concerns. Alas at that point of my life I was still expecting to feel some discernible emotion to the girl I was with.

I leave my notebooks inside the house. The Russian book about cybernetics and psyche, next to which I put them, still puzzles me, as I can not find anything about it online.

I go to meet my cousin, one of the few people whose opinion is quite often interesting. He is picking grape with his grandfather, when I get to their house. I notice the illegal moonshine boiler is standing dangerously exposed for prying eyes. He asks me to help him, to get some crates filled with grape into their garage, where they are making wine. The entrance to the garage is filled with old cardboard boxes, pieces of wood and metal scraps, all needed for different projects I am assured. In a small iron skillet that is used to feed the chickens I notice a dirty copy of a book written by Marx and Engels. A collection of their works, says the cover, which is naturally bright red.
No, it's in Ireland. It's kind of pointless because almost everyone carries the redhead gene generally here, whether they express it or not. I think the festival is to bring in foreign blood because it attracts tourist redheads.
>You suffer
Yes. Every day. For multiple reasons.
ya my sister isn't the freckly type, family's from eastern europe, but i used to live in massachussetts and irish descended redheads are lighter and often covered in freckles, so ya it probably depends, but i've also seen haredi dudes in nyc that look exactly like a ginger irishman.
What exactly am I supposed to do once I get a job and start making a six figure salary? All I do is come home, make food, play vidya, goon, and then sleep. I live no differently than when I was broke.
Buy war bonds for Israel.
There is a similiar festival in the Netherlands.
I wouldn't be surprised if our tourist board stole the idea from them
Yeah like that but with quieter instrumentals so the focus is solely on the voice.
could it think, the heart would stop beating.
If you could sell me on the idea I might just do that for the hell of it.
p sure that singer is hope sandoval from mazzy star

When you think about it, it's the closest thing to a white pride festival, lol.
but what about "redbone" chicks tho
I honestly can't think of a single positive thing to say about Israel's doings, but here's a link if you want to do it for the funnies.
Depends how you feel about it really, if you're content then whatever, but if not then you're in a good enough spot that you can pretty much try most things when you get home
what's that?
fat girls who dye their hair red?
You know you've got to train this shit right? You can't expect to read a book and level up like it's fuckin fallout
I think your one was founded by a blond(e) too. The eugenics aspect is why a lot of people don't like our one, especially because the physical problems of being a redhead (or just inbred) are more palpably real here. Like, do you like red hair enough you want your kid to wake up during anesthesia?
Now that we're talking about hair colour, both my mother and father have black hair but I have hay blonde hair. How come? For more context my father has green eyes and might have had blonde hair as a kid. My mother has brown eyes but her mother has blue eyes. Most of the people in her family have black hair but some have very blonde hair.
Govern, use your money to help people
I don't know why I have a thing for redheads. It's the one attraction I have, that I have had all my life, since I was a tiny child. Actually it's not the red hair itself. It's the skin tone. I really love that kind of porcelain white skin. I think it must be something genetic, because I am slightly anemic so I think my body is trying to compensate by introducing some genes to fix that issue for my children.
Your dad is the mailman
That's not possible, I have the same nose as his mother and niece.
When I was 1st grade I used to chase the red haired girl around the playground and try to kiss her. I used to be such a chad
They've got a nice sound but I need it even quieter. Quiet enough to fall asleep to.
Hair color doesn't lie.
Can black hair be blonde?
time to do a 23andMe, high likelihood that you were adopted, or maybe mistakenly switched at birth
I spent the majority of my cooking classes in middle school chasing my female classmates around the kitchen and slapping their asses with kitchen towels. Good times.
it's funny when i was a kid there were only two guys who had romantic relationships, this other guy was with the most desirable chick, and i was with this less desirable but still cute girl and at recess we would hide in a doorway and all the kids would come around and watch us kiss, lmao. i used to this i was second rate, but looking back on it, no one else in the grade was getting anything ha, so not bad.
haha BASED, at the time I was jealous that the tomboy didn't want to give me any attention, she was black haired though
Why does blonde hair turn blonder in summer rather than browner?
Paler skin can be an indication of anaemia so I doubt it's your genes trying to survive. Generally pale skin was considered attractive everywhere (eg pale enough you can see veins is considered a "bright complexion" in most early novels). It's attractive because it means that she's never been outside.
so are you still a Chad now?
what's your body count?
african americans with a yellow complexion and freckles, sometimes slightly red hair, if a man usually nicked named "red", but usually refers to women, for example look at young angela davis
Sun bleaching. Same reason the side of your couch facing a window will be paler than the side not exposed to direct sunlight within a few years
we are two abysses -- a well staring at the sky
not much. i look ok but i have schizoid personality disorder from too much lsd so can't really connect with people anymore. sometimes chicks give me their number but i never text them.
> have schizoid personality disorder from too much lsd
Now that's just unfortunate. Wishing you the best, friend.
But skin turns browner under the sun. Where's the logic?
That's not a thing that happens.
luckily we live in the age of the goon sesh so i still get to bust plenty of high intensity nuts. the funniest thing is i was a year ahead in school, so i was younger than all those kids too lmao.
Yes it does. My hair turns blonde in summer and brown in winter.
oh well, I remember I used to be a hit with the ladies in year 3 because of my hair back then, I was totally unaware of the reason for my popularity, and puberty ruined everything
and now I'm a -1 virgin (had sex once in my whole life).
And like you I cannot connect to people, but in my case its because I was raised by Catholic retards living in the past.
I like ghosts. Why do I like ghosts?
Skin is alive and actively pumping melanin into skin colour as a response to sunlight. Your hair isn't getting more melanin once it's out of the follicle. You could bleach hair that has been chopped off the same way you could that still attached, but you have to interrupt melanin production/give someone skin damage to do the same thing with skin. If you chop off someone's skin, it'll start getting sun bleaching if exposed to sunlight.
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>snow bunnies post here
Best board, do not listen to spider propaganda
And what function does Eumelanin serve?
oh ya ideology will def screw you over, i grew up in a hyper lib area that was like decades ahead of current democrats, so i got all that feminist shit to make you feel guilty for wanting to fuck a hot chick, etc. that def didn't help. a shrink could prob purge the leftist shit from my mind, but i think the post-lsd stuff can't be removed cuz it's not ideology it's just a dent in my personality.
Ok? It is a commonly known fact that kids raised in the shades of the city have darker hair than the ones raised in the countryside.
Pain tolerance, but the rest is mostly downsides like burning to a crisp or being a fetish
that makes no fucking sense otherwise sunny climate like the equator would be full of blondes instead of the blondes being in like the top edge of northern europe
Shit I confused eumelanin with pheomelanin. Disregard
That's not true, it's bullshit and I DON'T believe it.
What about mild acne past the teenage years
Well that's exactly what I'm talking about, it makes no sense but it is a commonly known fact. Remember a classmate of mine, returned from summer break with leg hairs so bleached they became almost invisible.
Had something similar occur the same summer, my hair became super blonde.
I just had a genius idea for my new dissident right e-intellectual persona gimmick:
Habermasian discourse theory... but racist
Whether your hair turns lighter or darker after sun exposure is determined by race.
I wish it was the 60s I wish we could be happy
When is it actually "too late"
We as in (You) and someone else or we as in the people in this thread?
>cold war wars
>race riots
I'm not sure dawg
We as in he’s posting Radiohead lyrics for the thousandth time
Whats Radioheads best song?
I'm considering destroying my computers. I have a hammer sitting on my desk.
how many computers do you have
I push away people, especially women, who show genuine interest and sympathy for me because I look down upon such feelings despite the fact that I deeply crave to be understood and sympathized with. This realization doesn't make interacting with people any easier.
because you are a bitch
Anything with krautrock base
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If you jerk off to NTR, but not for the NTR, but because the chick/position is hot, then are you still a cuck?
Like, you've successfully filtered out the NTR aspect of it in your mind to where it isn't NTR.
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What is his best novel?
Let Down. There’s no other answer.
the one where he sucks on a lemon
I hate the way I look so much man.
Had to read some excerpts from Rawls for my class. Such a disgusting mind and disgusting philosophy. It's built entirely around love of weakness

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