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previous >>23830825
Was another beautiful day
Food for thot.
not any closer to escaping after trying to figure out how to escape for 5 years
I fell in love with the social worker/therapist again even though I'm a pathetic male in a position involving a social worker/therapist.
I don't think in my mother language at all, I only think in english now. So anglos can colonize minds as well...
Got an autism test.
Results came back today.
Sealed envelope.
Letter said:
"No autism,
just AIDS."
how come sometimes my posts just don't even be showing up tho
I'm back.
I think capitalism made the human race obsolete and now it is going to consolidate its resources
I have an idea. I want to buy a second bookshelf (another one of my current one) and put them facing each other on rails so that I can fit another bookshelf in my room. I think that would be cool, I just don't have the technical know-how; I don't even know if that would be possible, to be honest.
What makes you think that

Not only that but reverse linguistic colonization can happen too, that’s why I choose to remain a monoglot ignoramus
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The idea of getting my dick sucked sounds entirely unappealing.
Teeth. Teeth tear and chew meat. My dick is comprise of meat. You want me to put my dick smack dab in the middle of 32 gnashing, crushing, tearing teeth? Get fucked.
While that's the main reason, it's not all. I feel like you'd really have to fucking hate someone to want to put your dick in their mouth. Which makes the whole teeth thing ever worse. Plus, sucking dick tends to make people gag, and hearing people gag makes me gag. It's disgusting.
The only way getting my dick sucked could sound anything but repulsive if it was a toothless woman I hate without a gag reflex, and even then it wouldn't be 'appealing.'
Old man I know takes constant irrelevant pictures of things like for instance his meals he's having everyday so far. I'm about to send him gore everything he does this shit.
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Hungy but nothing to eat.
Old man ate rats in Nam and every day afterwards has been thankfull for a good meal, fuck you
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I feel like I've been really diving deep into the implications of the saying, "as above so below" and I feel as though I'm developing a pretty fascinating train of thought.
So I'm sure most are familiar with the saying "any science advanced enough is indistinguishable from magic," and from that I've developed a seemingly under-discussed idea that "any system sufficiently complex enough of similar function is indistinguishable from life." From my understanding currently to be defined as a living thing would mean you seek to do three things:
>maintain homeostasis
Very broad strokes obviously, but as an example we could use something like the economy or an economic system in general. It seeks to maintain a stable currency, permeate itself from its origin through commerce, and despite the presence of outside actors it seeks to dominate and replace other economic systems.
If the macroscopic reflects the microscopic, then who's to say that it doesn't echo infinitely in both directions? Perhaps reality itself functions in a similar fashion and we're yet to understand that.
I understand if this comes off as schizo rambling but has anyone else come across a similar thought process?
Study geometry
I assume you're referring to the Golden Ratio specifically?
>old man ate rats in Nam
Don't think he's that old. He's not even the brightest member of society from experience.....like below avarage iq.
Every time I see a Nietzsche thread I wonder what type of people post in them. I like the man but those threads are ugly.
tomorrow, I'll start tomorrow..
We could all be heroes but instead we’re just hoagies
Life arose beyond time and space and defined this world and its past around itself.
Invite him to a BBQ so he can post cool pictures, don't trash your elders
i used to post in them years back when i had just read nietszche for the first time, but it became clear most nietzsche posters haven't read him, and also nietzsche wasn't building some autistic framework to categorize the universe, so it's easy to find some out of context quote and pretend it represents his view on this or that. waste of time.
same here. we can start together
You're too late, I already finished it.
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>I feel like you'd really have to fucking hate someone to want to put your dick in their mouth.

That's part of the appeal of it for me in all honesty. She's abasing herself for me. I tasted my own cum once and it tasted fucking abhorrent so it's not that I don't know what they're going through when they do it.
>don't trash your elders
This is as dumb as people telling you to respect your elders just because they're your elders. I genuinely think you should kill yourself.
You are literally a retard that wants to send gore to an innocent old man
What's the difference between tragedy and melodrama? The latter is unearned and/or excessive, perhaps, or what?
They're a way for people with an interest in Nietzsche (positive or negative) to be forcefed Nietzsche quotes until they realise they might have a nicer time reading the books without anon prefacing every excerpt with
>You could read him, you know
>The latter is unearned and/or excessive
Usually this, but it depends on the context. They grew out of pre1900s melodramas, which were plays with incidental music to tell you when and how to react. Eventually they became plots where the emotional cues are telegraphed so loudly the music is unnecessary. A tragedy has a specific plot which can become a melodrama, but melodramas can be comedies too because what matters is not the plot genre, but that the plot is cloyingly emotional and sensational.
me too but i'll actually start tonight by thinking about it while i drift off to sleep.
Much appreciated
I do that too on social media what are you gonna do about it, kid?
>4chan is all one person
I'm not even the anon who you originally responded to, I just think you should kill yourself.
I agree with this anon
Np anon. I should mention some of them still include the music cues, you're probably aware of the cues themselves, like sudden string music for tension
Good for you. I don't care if you do it on social media cause youre irrelevant to me.
Finasteride laying in my drawer for 1 year because I'm so scared to take it but I can't afford to go bald now. So anxious
wow so that japanese baseball guy who was getting ripped off by his translator is the first person in baseball history to get a 50/50 season? 50 home runs 50 stolen bases. is he really that good or does he just have some new drugs they can't catch yet?
Been drinking, gambling, and whoring a lot these past few months
i wish i weren't so stingy that it sounds fun
Even if he was taking drugs, what he did requires a lot of skill, drugs alone can't do that.
have any of u dudes ever actually looked up who peter sichel was? back in the 90s there was really no way to look sth like that up, but now there is, turns out he's a fucking glowie

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i'm just old enough to have seen enough record breaking superstar athletes end up getting exposed as drug users that is has to be asked
he is really just that good but also maybe roided. top 5 player ever either way
Having a personality disorder derived from childhood is so cool because it just means your prospects and ability to function are permanently limited right from the start
yeah you're completely right and the fact that it's such a common act makes me depressed
quantum mechanics kind of deals with this but at a microscopic level but it's fun to think about it on a macroscopic level as well and see how they relate
Asians win again
i am drumk ass poop and i wish i had a friend to shoot the shith wirth
Just wanna make out with a femboy, is that too much to ask?
I pressed the button that dropped the bomb
Oceans and forests gone
Forced organ harvesting may be wrong
But at least I'm not a racist
P.S. I'm a racist
you have to be a gigachad to get a femboy. a 10/10 regular girl is only attainable for top 2% of men. for a femboy you have to be top 0.1%
I really hope this isn't true.
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Was just reminiscing about when I used to browse /jp/ and at 9pm PST every evening the same thread with the same picture of a Touhou character eating a corndog in front of an interstate sign would be posted and the first 20 or so posts would be the same, in order, word-for-word, copy-and-pasted from the last, made by different anons following the routine, night after night. I think it got up to even more posts than that, I don't remember. Fun, autistic internet times.

found the image, miss those guys.
Tenshi eating a corn dog!
Got done watching a movie about a serial killer and it brought up times as a youth I use to torture our cats and dogs off and on. My mother only said "that's the making of a serial killer to do that" and I quit doing it then regardless of the feelings I've had.
If any of you think I'm not serious about this life, I just made a Tinder account just to see if I can find any, I'm down bad.
I want more alcohol
/bant/ had a lot of threads like that and I miss them and the people who posted them. There was a comfort in opening the board and seeing the same autistic touhou threads every day.
God has a sense of humor. Last semester my final article was due and I got diarrhea. I have a major paper due this week and I now have a fever.
My account got detected for suspicious activity immediately and now they're asking me to provide a selfie video for verification. Even when I select the option to opt out of the video, it still asks me to set up my camera.
i hated them
comfort in repetition is for brainlets
There was a time before Picasso was Picasso.
I just hope things turn out alright
Boomers have been listening to the same 40 songs for the last 50 years everyday and if questioned could not sing most of the songs
imagine not craving new experiences
he was always picasso
he just had to hone his skills to the point of being able to give form to what is inside
These days I just vape weed in my dad’s basement. Get so motherfucking high. One of these days I’ll get rich and buy my own big house. I’ll have a designated room for my weed smoke. I’ll stink the shit out of that place.
>carving his height into my door frame so I can lean against it
Any other California natives here?
I've been tryna get at least 20 episode of anime in per day but I keep getting distracted by how horny I am and I miss a solid hour every day because I need to jerk off so bad. I also probably have ADHD and every time an episode ends instead of going straight to the next one, I fuck around on my computer or phone for like 10 minutes.
Yeah I'm gay too.
Put the episodes in an autoplay playlist and pick shows you can jerk off to so you don't have to stop. Keep trying anon, I believe in you
Thanks for the efficiency tips, brother.
Is this from somewhere or did you come up with this? I like it a lot.
i actually did that before i posted it
Should I get rid of Avast from my computer? I've heard bad things about it but it seems to do its job.
I'm going to Japan for three weeks in December and January and I don't even have a little bit of an itinerary yet, I'm planning on just fucking around and exploring.
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I unironically need to enforce my autistic vision onto the world even if it means millions may die and millions more may live in suffering. In fact I need to enforce my autistic vision onto the world precisely because it will lead to millions dying and millions more suffering.
what is your autistic vision?
I keep waking up 2-3 times a night every night, despite being told I'm relatively healthy otherwise
You don't even know what I'm up to these days. The freaky and wacky shit that I get up to would blow your fuckin' dick off.
give me three examples
King Kong (1933) is such a soulless film compared to Godzilla (1954) or Mothra vs. Godzilla (1964). Americans were and still are uncharming Judaized bastards. The film conveys a sense of callousness towards nature; literally invading & killing ancient prehistoric creatures and abducting a majestic beast and taking him to a circus exhibition. Unlike Tohei's films, there isn't even a hint of social criticism of the commodification or plunder of nature. Rather, it's just largely centered on a kind of negrified romance plot. It has an air of nihilism, greed, and gynocentrism, not even conveying the death of Kong in a genuine tragic light.
Even when America was homogenous, it was always a shithole in spirit. In comparison, Japan has a rich culture worthy to preserve; America does not. Americans can eat shit -- most of their cinema is complete garbage, especially in modern times.
Also, American colloquial language has always been disgusting, including this imageboard's garbage slang.
>A bunch of chicks like me on Tinder.
>None of them actually show up when I'm swiping.
I realized that I was doing stereotyped behavior, like when you don't want to actually do the thing you're doing so you just fill in something that will do. I wasn't actually caring for my father, I was basically going there so I could feel better about myself. So I thought "ok, I gotta be a good muslim and take care of my father properly". But the issue is that he nearly killed me 10 or so years ago. I was going to him because it says in the Qur'an to, now I was going to try to involve feelings. We never talked about what happened. I thought about what it would mean to talk. For the first time I imagined what it would be like to tell him that I had thought that he had killed me. So feelings were mobilized. I'm just writing now in the hopes that they will roll back a little bit, but it don't seem like it. Why is my life so mental. At least I have a good friend who has been keeping my spirits up a bit today. It's not too late for me yet. I have a good plan. It can still work out.
He completely lost his mind. I don't remember much of what he said. It went on for weeks. I know he threatened to throw me out repeatedly. It was basically over some bullshit, for which I had apologized either way. He lost his mind. If I had been thrown out I would have died. I almost died either way, I laid one night begging God for a way forward and I believe an angel told me I did not have permission to die. Had that not happened I would probably have killed myself.
He destroyed everything, there has not been a day since then that I have not carried the consequences of it all. I was supposed to be recovering from psychosis, but he robbed me of the chance to do that and I still have not recovered. Now, there are a lot of things that have happened in my life that wouldn't have happened any other way that were good, but it is true that I believe he fucked me up enough that it still affects every single day of my life, even though I didn't die. I only started visiting him again because it says in the Qur'an to be good to your parents. But we have not talked about anything. At one point I literally asked my mother to kill him, so that I wouldn't have to. There were only two options- either I kill him first and then myself, or I leave a letter where I explain that it's his fault I'm dead. But then the angels talked, and so here I am. A few days ago was the first time I actually imagined talking to him. But it won't be possible. I'm not sure if I should be visiting him, I don't know if I can afford to stir all of this up.
I do not know how to carry on with the fact that I did ask my mother to kill my father.
how about you drop the good boy larp already
*bro hug*
God is one, the only thing that can not be forgiven is associating partners with Him. There is hope.
ok good luck with your cuck behavior
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leftists are gay
Like it. Very romantic.
playing god of war and this game blew my socks off
Thank you for listening.
were there hamburgers on your socks?
Can someone help me with grammar?
I want to say that something might have been made by "X" or "Y" in equal possibility.
I know I have to use "as likely as" but I am quite not able to fit it in past participle sentence.
Those are tricks Tinder uses to get you to pay.
None of those likes are real. Don't let them cheat you out of your money.
I've deleted all of my dating apps and social media shit about 2 months and I've never felt better
post the sentence
[it] This thing might have been made as much likely by X as by Y. [/it]
Again, my I am unable to form sentence which seems correct. I mean, since I am inept I can't decided if I am doing it right or not.
So this what Borebroke mountain based on?
Why keep using 4chan of all things
A common conjunction is “either”, as well. “It was either team alpha or team beta.” You could try “the object was probably made by either X or Y”. Really nailing down on “or” is the key here, either/or hard carries conjunctions and is much easier to read. However, your original sentence could be like “this thing likely was made by either X or Y”, and if you’re going for certainty, try “this thing was certainly made by either X or Y”.
I’m sorry
But you are not inserting 50/50 likelihood. Does "or" represent equal likelihood?
"as likely as" sure seems like.
cause it's not a dating app
> Does "or" represent equal likelihood?
It denotes it, because you’re only offering up two variables, X and Y. It’s not like you’re hinting at a Z. Its a question of style and prose, at the end of the day, because you’re right that “as likely as” also does the job, it’s just not my preference because as a reader, it’s clunky.
I wrote this: "This video might have been made as much likely as by Pewdiepie as by LinusTechTips"
As I said, I can't decide for myself it is right or wrong but it sure does seem at least 90% correct to me. What do you think?
Remove the double as after Pewdiepie. I am the same guy.
It’s pretty clumsy to read. I would say “this video was either made by Pewdiepie or Linustechtips” because since those are your two variables, they are all the audience things about. You could also say “this video might have been made by either X or Y”
>Soon after, Herodotus reports that Pisistratus, who had been previously married and had two grown sons, did not want to have any children with his new wife, the daughter of Megacles, and would not have intercourse with her in the traditional manner. Apparently, Pisistratus was unwilling to compromise the political futures of his sons, Hipparchus and Hippias
What did wikipedia mean by traditional manner? According to The Rise of Athens, Pisistratus fucked up the ass. Literally, quote "so to avert the risks of pregnancy, he avoided ordinary sexual intercourse with his new wife and penetrated her up the anus".
This is why I love history and hate a lot of modern lore. It isn't even about the sex, it's about the stupid politicking/cultures that go on here. Meanwhile, modern lore is funny enough, very dry: little sense of epic scale, no moments of humanity and no tragedy either. It's just "faction A has been fighting B for millions of years" type of crap
This is exactly what I mean when I say I love history: you get the oddest stories like this.
Dude, Indians are fucking everywhere. What the fuck, man. I’m not voting for this orange buffoon if he wants to give these people even MORE visas. What the fuck is wrong with these people?
make my bub bubs bounce
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Don't you guys have bigger problems with Mexicans and East Africans? And Haitians eating the cats and dogs?
I concur. Kick the Indians out. Bring in the Chinese and Africans. The future belongs to us Chinks and our underling Nigs.
kek when did troomp become pro immigration? plus at least they become doctors and scientists. stopping the blacks and venezuelans gotta be the plan. my hometown didn't even speak english anymore.
Just farted. Smelled pretty good tbqf
all I wanted was a pepsi
whatd you get?
break the resistance
force them into submission
bend them to your will
make my bub bubs bounce
Dude, blacks are fucking everywhere. What the fuck, man. I’m not voting for this orange buffoon if he wants to give these people even MORE reparations. What the fuck is wrong with these people?
Dude, Mexicans are fucking everywhere. What the fuck, man. I’m not voting for this orange buffoon if he wants to give these people even MORE jobs. What the fuck is wrong with these people?
Dude, bub bubs are fucking everywhere. What the fuck, man. I’m not voting for this orange buffoon if he wants to bounce these bub bubs even MORE. What the fuck is wrong with these people?
Dude, these dubs are fucking everywhere. What the fuck, man. I’m not voting for this orange buffoon if he wants to give these dubs even MORE kisses. What the fuck is wrong with these people?
Counterpoint: it feels amazing
Have sex retard.
pretty sure sucking dick is a s&m thing for masochism and wanting to be subservient / pleasing the other person, you shouldn't have oral with a person you can't trust and you can suppress the gag reflex if you know how
I agree with this
I can only cum during a blowjob when the chick is enthusiastic and eager to pleasure me
If she's quiet or low energy then it's impossible
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the chick?
anon so straight his reading comprehension went negative
Technically, by virtue of getting autistic about the logistics of it. I take the wacky ideas of my friends more seriously than they do.

They say something stupid (for example, taking over the gambia with a T34) and I start to genuinely ponder how this could be done. What the problems would be, etc.
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De Anima is a server based on literature-philosophy-theology. It's a new server but we hope that it will grow in time.
Welcome https://discord.gg/3DHWxPcs
Thanks for the invite, but I don't plan on cutting off my penis anytime soon.
I came back haunted
How would you kill all the wizards in Hogwarts as a "muggle" with command of the military?
You got an abortion?
Intel is always the most important factor. Using leverage from the muggle world trick some of the students into spying for me without knowing I'm military, perhaps set up some kind of subversive club that undermines the power of the established wizards. Set up AA around the school to target owls.
I can't see shit because their castle is covered by an illusion but I guess I'd try to gas them.
Mostly because I assume the british government would not be keen on having an atomic bomb detonate on a random scottish castle for seemingly no reason. You'd have to do this at night, hopefully incapacitating a considerable amount of professors early via bombings.
Now, of course an action of this claiber would have massive second order consequences, but whatever. I said the logistics of such an operation, not the repercussions.
They have wards against all this. Their weakness is the easily manipulatable kids.
Me and who?
Nigegr how the fuck am I going to get ahold of technologically illiterate schoolchildren cloistered in a scottish castle.
Also, I'm the military, not intelligence. Take that to MI6.
I was reading a thread about generative AI being good at music generation and how discouraged everyone was. Which doesn't really make sense when you think about it. There are infinite number of meaningfully distinct pieces of music you can make especially with synthesizers and computers, everyone has their own unique taste and if you make music, that music can't exist without you. Consider a scenario: I show you a generative AI program and press a button, then I tell you it generated a song but you can't listen to it, you can only listen to it after you make a new song starting from today. After a few days you make a new song, and decide to listen to what the AI had generated and it turns out it's the exact same song as the one you made. In this case the AI predicted exactly what you were going to do, so what you just did is meaningless because it was going to exist without you anyway. This would be very discouraging. But this is not what's happening, this can only happen if you upload your brain into a computer. This applies to all art.
A portion of them are from the muggle world like Potter and Hermione. In this scenario you clearly have intel about the place existing. Intel and military strategy are inseparable.
But how would I contact them?
You'd probably have to get the parents involved and if one of them sings then we get fucked.
If a student drinks truth serum we get fucked.
Depends on how you got the intel. The most likely way is one of the parents reported it in the first place. You then place their kid under observation when he's outside of Hogwarts and gather a list of people he contacts who are likely also involved. The trick is to not let the kids know they're working for you. If we know about the conflict between the racist wizards and the mutts we can send a guy pretending to represent an anti-racist faction or something, exploit any conflict within the wizards. We have an excuse why the anti-racist club must hide their activities from the other wizards and operate outside the school where we monitor and influence them.
I wish it was the 60s I wish we could be happy
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i learned fighting games because to me it looked like random punches and button presses
but now im bored and want to learn reading comprehension and appreciation of literature.
to me these are hard skills of abstraction i wish to obtain
The life I want requires so much less money than I'm forced to make
I would love nothing more than to live simply, just leisurely walk around, work at a small cafe or something. Don't need much, don't want a car, or nice clothes, or best and latest technology. Don't need to travel. And yet it seems almost more likely and realistic that my life is being led to a place in which I can have the means to travel, and be in a position to buy those things, and it seems impossible for me to live the simple life I actually want.
It's almost like living in America is too expensive to live cheaply, in a way, I don't know if that makes sense. But I'm paying for a car, buying gas, buying clothes for my job, all for a job that's only purpose it feels like is to help me pay for a car and buy gas and clothes.
I would give up so much money for more free time, yet it seems impossible for me to do that
I wish it was the 60s because that was a time when you didn’t exist yet and therefore the world was a far better place
The only admirable Americans are the ones who emulate the British accent on purpose to sound intelligent, articulate and like they're not from the pleb.
None of it ever meant anything to you.
The entire day working on a single task of electrotechnics, the very second one in the book and still no results. Some stupid fractional number, maths without a calculator is something else.
International space station
Join your hands across our nations
The time has come to return to earth
But we must pack our things first

Do you remember the day we left for earth?
We thought it was for good

It's been two years since then, I think
At the time we thought we should

But I miss the blues, I'll miss the greens
I liked humans more than machines

Our families are so far away
As we float around in space

But even though we miss our friends
The love we share will never end

Don't cry, we'll be back soon
From up so high
Beyond the moon
This might not be it, but life in Eastern Europe gives me the most accurate emulation of what I expected life in Western Europe to be like. Almost like in the novels of Goethe.
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Thinking about the time I sarcastically said to a good friend of mine something along the lines of "Yeah, not everyone can have a chad voice like mine." and he replied with something like "Hell no, you don't." and laughed.
He had a terrible childhood which resulted in him being barely socialized (when I first met him he wouldn't even use "please" and "thank you"), so I'm usually willing to overlook his rude antics and don't take his insensitive comments (of which there are many) to heart, but that one got me. I'm really insecure about my voice, and every now and then I recall that conversation and think "Seems like other people think my voice sucks too." and it really stings. People have said far, far worse things to me, but this one genuinely hurt.
Pussy pussy nigga oh yeah nigga pussy yum yum leaky creaky so sneaky when I roll through your lane baby momma so voluptuous I want to touch her presumptuous
so romantic <3
I came to dislike religious people but I dislike atheists even more

Not sure how to explain this
What do you mean?
I was born on the outskirts of Europe, and when I moved into core Europe (Germany, France, Netherlands, Austria, Sweden) it was exactly what I expected it to be.
yellowstone is a great series
I dislike outspoken rude atheists, but I am an atheist myself.
Hatred of people with no personal philosophy sounds like
>Want to write about media and concepts that I like and enjoy
>It's probably the least appealing thing on the planet as you either become part of the slop content or get drowned by it
>It's also just really hard to get written opinions out unless you want to be a part of some corpo bullshit
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Someone post a video on /pol/ of a young woman who got diagnosed with brain cancer, and she probably has 10 years left to live (with seizures and general decline).

For some reason it got to me. I've been depressed for over a decade and while i never tried to take my own life, every day i felt that it would've been better i hadn't existed. And here's a young woman who had fully embraced life, only to have it snatched away from her with a dreadful disease.

I wish it would drive me to fight harder, but i just cant feel anything positive anymore.
I wish I was born with a single-minded purpose like many of the revered men of history. I wish I was a man of action. I wish I didn't whine and complain and pity myself as much as I do. My quality of life would be improved considerably if I didn't waste so much time.
I saw a girl at the beach this morning
She was pretty in a tomboyish way
She set her shirt and pants on the dock
and seeing me she looked away
and then looked back-
a glancing look - that met my hungry gaze-
the girl
pacing through the sand to
a point
In front
of me
the girl shyly glancing again
And then
Bending at the hips
bikini pulling taught
strong thighs flexing
She waded into the surf
And then I left
Another productive day of doing nothing. Now I have to go to my father's to lug books around because my sister insists on having a child in his house.

Maybe next weekend I'll take that bus trip to the sticks I've been meaning to take. A part of me thinks its divine forces schemeing against me. But I know that it's just me being a lazy, disorganized fuck who cannot get off his ass.
do you wish it was the 60s tho?
For the record, this sister is a surgeon and has more than enough money to afford her own fucking home.
Admittedly, my father lives next to her mother so I get why she would choose this.
I still don't get why it was necessary to section off a third of the fucking house for her, though,
Including the FUCKING LIBRARY. Or well, the spare room where we dump all the garbage, and where all the books are kept.
>because my sister insists on having a child in his house
SOVL. I wish I could be an uncle.
I engendered a reaction diffuse with morose upon my mother's nighted ponders til morn.
I'm not religious but I really like that Donne-esque mixing of the sexual with the sublime. It just makes sense that sexuality could either be the most debased and loathsome thing in existence, or one of the most sacred and ecstatic things possible, the fountainhead of joy, beauty, life, and the most intimate intimacy possible between man and woman. Perhaps its nature as such is so exactly because Eros loathes all that is lukewarm.
How much time does she have left? If I was in her shoes at 50/60, I would make peace. If now I would be piss
My broke back

11 years, give or take.
She's 27 now, so she'll be 38
Imagine seeing a young seedling blossom, only to grow withered and brown. And there's not much you can do, except water and frown.
That's the average uncle experience for most of us. Except for me, since I'm not letting my kids anywhere near their useless uncles/aunts
It’s so hard to get up every morning with depression. All these years and it never gets easier.
I have technically been an uncle since before I was born. It's not a very new experience to me. I'm more pissed at the displeasingly high amount of pregnancy related eventualities I have been involved in through the last half decade. None of which involved me fathering a child.
It's worse because the father is out of the picture most likely.
I once raised this issue to my father in a comical discussion which involved him admitting all my points but still defending the good judgement of my sister.

I'm lucky my mother is past menopause.
I may start treating these threads as Portnoy's complaint but absurdist.
He is gentil that doth gentil dedis
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>"why does someone like you have to live so far away"?

When we live in the world of ghosts
Where names slip, legend to myth
Our hearts will smile when one will say to another
"There were these lovers, names I can't recall"
"I love you like they did,"
and that's not all,

I'm still utterly infatuated, but I need to practice restraint. I think I need to have a better life before we try again, if we try again.
There’s no guarantee that you’ll even get the opportunity to try again.
My church's teachings about the trinity concern me. It's quasi modalist and I don't really know what to do.
She'll probably outlive me
God is American, only an American would kick its kids out of home
I want to take a nice late night walk with my dog. I leave my house, and make my way towards the local park. And what do I see there? 3 dark creatures sitting in complete darkness in the park, chatting about in their DISGUSTING dark tongue, most likely talking either about committing violence or their drug dealing operations. I want these people OUT and I want their despicable desert speech and desert ideology banned and any who practice it heavily punished. Can't wait until it gets below zero again and all these pests crawl back into their holes, scared of the White Man's temperature.
Go to bed Thom York
Someone log into my Facebook and reply to my dozens of unread messages pls, thanks
What are you, 60?
It's a good way to keep in touch with friends whom I don't have their numbers, and I don't use any other social media.
Very apropos that you posted this and I came into this thread
About 6 years ago I met a girl online when I was trying to learn German (she English, she's Korean) Her username was something from a movie I liked and she was cute so I just thought what the hell
We talked for 6 months, I went to Korea to meet her, it was perfect. I came back and we tried making it work, but we were both young, dumb, still in school with no idea what we wanted to do, the distance was scary, etc. I got scared and basically ended it, horribly hurting her and myself
We'd keep in touch still every once in awhile, but then went radio silent. I dated a few people, long relationship with one, hated her eventually. I could really just never forget the other girl. I finished school, started a career.
Earlier this year I was horribly depressed with my life, I traced it all back to saying goodbye to that girl. I had her old email address which was the only way I could contact her, sent her an email basically catching her up with my life
She responded a week later, saying how she's thought about me every day. She's living in Europe now. Then she sent me another email a few days later saying she'll be in America for a vacation and she wants to see me
I immediately booked a flight (this was in May), went to meet her, and when I saw her again it was truly like life was breathed back into me, I have never ever felt something as powerful as seeing her again. She had involved me so much in her life despite the fact that she believed we'd never see each other again, so many little things she made and kept around to always remind her of me.
We reconnected, began talking again, and I just got back from spending 3 weeks with her in Europe. I was truly truly happy and fulfilled.

Now we're starting the plan for the rest of our lives, we want her to move here and live here since I have a career. But truthfully, I would live anywhere and do anything just to be with her. The visa process seems confusing and difficult, and it'll take a long time, but there is nothing else in this world I would want to work as hard for

Don't give up anon, I did once and I'm the luckiest person that I got a second chance, but not everyone is.
You don't have your friend's numbers?
Thanks anon, I fell asleep by accident and missed your list of anthropology books
Why was I stupid enough to fall for it? It was never anything more than a game to you.
Some, but not all. I've made tons of friends over my life.
Immeasurably large vast gardens of suburban family houses with little gardens and flowers, thrown together in a chaotic order, every house looking like none other, but each and everyone harmoniously combining with the other one, lots of green, lots of trees, lots of flowers. Middle aged housewives bringing logs of wood into the house to heat in the old fashioned way. Ahh, to get invited to someone's home and enjoy home made white people food. People smoking inside. To know that everything in a circumference of 500 kilometers looks the same as in this place. Everything quiet, everything sleeping, people walking on the street minding their own business. And there's no brown people.
Picking up my baddie wearing my retro argentina shirt, chinos and sambas
I have no idea what any of this means.
I was hoping to watch Casino by Martin Scorcese today but that's not going to happen. A three hour run time is pretty unreasonable when you have two little ones but I was still hoping for it. I'm the only one awake in my house, the entire rest of the biomass is asleep. Both kids, both dogs, my pregnant wife, asleep. I'll just leave the nature documentary running in the background. I have to work at 5am tomorrow, but the week after I've taken off. Perhaps I'll watch Casino then.
>>23835100 (checked)
On the upside, nothing in life is guaranteed. Doesn't mean it's not worth a try.
Thanks for sharing your experience anon. It gives me hope. If you guys found love that's beating out the span of the entire globe and years of silence, I'm certain it's possible over the distance of this country. We still talk daily as friends, shit we still flirt and I can tell we're both holding our tongues sometimes because we know that a little spark is going to reignite a whole ammo depot's worth of passion that we don't have the means to fulfill which is what led to our current situation in the first place. I don't think I'd take anything back though, for our every rough moment we end up bouncing back twice as strong. Still though I've learned that I need to be responsible with our feelings especially in the context of LDR. I won't pine, hold on to this hope, or make any strong moves for the time being. I'm going to make a life and I'd be elated if our paths cross in a permanent way.

Glad you guys are making it.
Were you the anon who posted about being infatuated with this girl a few months back? Sorry to hear things didn't work out for you.
The thing is as likely to have been made by A or B.

The likelihood is present, the manufacture past
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I like Tolkien, and I just bought these two books.
I'm a bit happy that my birthday voucher still worked, even when it had expired. :)
I NEED a girlfriend
I know that real life is not like movies or books, but to my lonely mind, an obsessive love interest sounds heavenly.
I have been a selfish being all my life, in practice, though not in principle.
Nah I actually think this might be my first time posting about us
I never understood what as above so below meant. Three occult books in and I gave up. If you can explain to me I'll be thankful.
thinking about suing the state
The seamen life calls to me, I feel it deep inside me.
I wish I joined the National Guard
As you are to me.
>Americans were and still are uncharming Judaized bastards.
You never leave your yurt in the middle of your irrelevant third world shithole
I don't understand people who waifu real life actresses. Like, that's a real woman who, in theory, could be your girlfriend or wife under drastically different circumstances. But she's not. Isn't waifuing someone like that just self-imposed parasocial cuckoldry?
> Isn't waifuing someone like that just self-imposed parasocial cuckoldry?
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Confined streets, barely enough room for two cars to pass through at the same time. All you can do is hold your breath and put blind trust in to the other drivers ability to thread the needle. The city is encapsulated in a haze of smog that hinders your breathing, always struggling to get a full breath. Rarely can you find a spot in this city to just be, but I have found some, something I've always been good at doing. For that I am grateful.
Good thing I avoided going down that road, then.
The misery only stops when I'm exercising, which I can only do so much.
Pain follows love and is it's punishment

Its interesting how experiences change your perspective. I posted on this board for years without any problems. But then I spent a few months on /Pol/ and realised what you think of Indians. The fact that if I doned my flag here it would completely change the reactions to what I say makes me feel that all interactions here are inauthentic now. And I hate you for it.

I hope all of you die the most painful agonizing deaths and then burn in hell for eternity.
Seems heartfelt so I'll respond. I personally hate /pol/ and it obviously has corrupted you as your hate is painfully apparent. Nothing good comes from generalizations, and you have fallen to the same lows as the ones you hate with this post.
Saars do not reedeem the hate! Bloody benchod bastard do not rape the abyss or the abyss will rape you next week!
>you have fallen to the same lows as the ones you hate with this post.
I did realise this while typing the post. But I have to let it out. This thing has warped how I see my interactions here.
Bro you've been posting this shit for days now.
I made another related post a few days ago. Maybe it just pops in mind up everytime I switch to /lit/
The earls of yesterday are fettered by the irons of new prowess. Upon the heights I must rule as a wolf among the vermin of the forest. The communique becometh, the worldstone...
I prescribe less 4chan, zero amounts of /pol/, and more reading and writing. God speed curry nigga
I don't understand people who waifu real women in general. How the fuck can you mentally waifu someone when you just know that even the women who come off as sexually virtuous sucked dudes off in their past, had dudes come on their faces like some sleazy porn, or had their anuses stretched beyond belief in college by dozens of guys before you ever knew them? But yeah, it's especially dumb when people waifu actresses because actresses having to suck and fuck an endless conga line of ugly bastards to stay in the business is an open secret.
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>I don't understand people who waifu real women in general.
Men will do anything when they're lonely enough.
I'm imagining someone reading your post in an Indian accent and it's so fucking funny.
I really wish I had done things differently in my life. I would’ve went to that good college in New York that I got into, and I would’ve studied something that led directly to a job or at least something interesting (I studied something that was neither), and I would’ve joined the army as an officer when I graduated so I kick start my career on easy mode and go right into supervisory positions when I finished.
There's no guarantee that any of those things would've worked out the way you think. Life's unpredictable.
I should have been born a pair of ragged claws,
Scuttling across the floors of silent seas.

I feel you, anon, I feel you... :/
hmm, without checking, that doesn't sound right actually, I think 'born' and 'the' shouldn't be there, so it's 10 syllables each line. I hope I'm right.
The correct quote is
“I should have been a pair of ragged claws
Scuttling across the floors of silent seas”
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>When I effortpost my personal life on 4chan but I only get one reply, which means I'm not the protagonist today so I feel need to go to /lit/'s Write What's On Your Mind to talk about this experience
Ah damn, thanks. Of course that sounds best too!
I don't like it when people are passionate about things. I don't care if you like a movie so much that you can talk about it for an hour, just tell me that you like it and shut the fuck up, if you do anything other than that, you're annoying.
Tomorrow either it will be absolutely, utterly over for me or I will have the greatest day of my life.
Not what I was saying
Do you guys believe in the afterlife?
No reason to.
finally got past cuckflare after 3d with VPNfaggotry.
I ate a bunch of concord grapes and took a shit and my shit stank like grape juice.
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she refused to let me seat a full-size keyboard on the arch of her back and use her left cheek as mousepad...
it's so over...
I wish they'd perform this in North Sentinel Island.
I have been posting my own writings in here and trying to respond to a few others. It would be nice if these threads weren't everyone writing to themselves
I'm the opposite. I've listened to people talking about shit I'd never have been interested enough to know about if they hadn't passionately explained it. Spergers giving me a guided tour of their rabbit hole is often fascinating.
I love women
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>Americans were and still are uncharming Judaized bastards.
Ironic then how you picked one of the least jewish movies from America to prove your point, as it was neither acted by, directed, written, produced, or had cinematography done by a jew.

>The film conveys a sense of callousness towards nature; literally invading & killing ancient prehistoric creatures and abducting a majestic beast and taking him to a circus exhibition.
It's literally the opposite, and it's meant as an allegory for how mankind invades nature, and how mankind's hubris is the result of its undoing.

>Unlike Tohei's films, there isn't even a hint of social criticism of the commodification or plunder of nature.
No, it's just a cheap re-tread of The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms.

>Rather, it's just largely centered on a kind of negrified romance plot. It has an air of nihilism, greed, and gynocentrism, not even conveying the death of Kong in a genuine tragic light.
Except it isn't. Merian C Cooper loved gorillas and had a fascination with them ever since childhood. There is no connection with "negrified romance". That's all you, cuck.

>Even when America was homogenous, it was always a shithole in spirit. In comparison, Japan has a rich culture worthy to preserve; America does not.
Ah yes, preserving that good old man-boy rape!

Such a classic of Japanese culture!

>Americans can eat shit -- most of their cinema is complete garbage, especially in modern times.
Blah blah blah, you're a retarded faggot. The only two directors worth their salt from Japan are Ozu and Kurosawa. That's it.

>Also, American colloquial language has always been disgusting, including this imageboard's garbage slang.
Go back to whatever ESL shit-hovel you hail from, Pajeet, and continue raging angrily against America indefinitely. I will be here to laugh at you for all of it, until you inevitably hang yourself in that cheap rickety tin shed you live in and call a house.
3 auctioneers
5 bakers
3 banks
3 blacksmiths
1 bookseller
6 boot-makers and shoemakers
1 butter seller
2 cabinet-makers
4 carpenters and joiners
3 coopers
4 dressmakers
2 druggists
5 fire-insurance offices
3 gardeners and seedsmen
4 grocers and tea-dealers
1 hairdresser
1 hotel
7 inns
1 iron merchant
2 ironmongers
3 lawyers
5 linen and woollen drapers
2 maltsters
1 marble mason
3 millers of corn
3 plumbers and glaziers
1 post office
3 saddle-makers
6 schoolmasters
8 shopkeepers
1 spirits-dealer
3 stonemasons
2 straw-hat makers
3 surgeons
3 surveyors
5 tailors
1 tallow chandler
1 tobacconist
2 watch- and clock-makers
2 wheelwrights and 1 wine merchant.
My own society is alien to me. I don't need to learn a historical one to expand my imagination.
I can't stand anime anymore. Trying to re-watch Naruto shippuden ane bleach crushed my soul
>start talking with some dating app hoe
>she's dtf and acting slutty
>asks about my insta
>I tell her I don't have one
>she thinks I'm a fake and blocks me
I've lost count of how many times this shit has happened. It doesn't matter if I have a verified profile, if I send her an audio or offer to send a pic or a video doing some gesture or holding some object so she can see that I'm real. No, the only thing that matters is having an insta despite how easy it is to creat a fake one. I know I'm getting what I deserve for going after vapid hoes but for fucks sake, why the hell would anyone send their social media profile —that thing full of friends, family members, people from your workplace and all kinds of personal information— to a complete fucking stranger they're just meeting for sex? That's fucking demented. I even straight up downloaded an app for sexual encounters and even there these hoes still wanna do the whole social media song and dance. Bitch, do you think it's a good ideal for some guy who did bdsm with you or some other bullshit to know where you work at?
People really live like this? Hookup culture is so disgusting.
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Stop playing with 19 year old tinder whores and STD ridden queers on coomer apps and start dating a well balanced girl. Or maybe someone as degenerate as you actually shouldn't, faggot. What are you even doing with your life? Detox from yourself from porn and further seeking traumatizing sexual encounters and you might find a shred of hope for your soul.
You watched 2 long shonen with a notorious amount of filler and production issues. You didn't actually watch the filler episodes, did you? Also Thousand Year Blood War is actually decent, I didn't even watch all of Bleach myself, just watch a recap on YT.
>date women
>they're insane, selfish, narcissistic and drive me miserable
>hookup with women
>they're all vapid, dumb and treat me like shit
What am I supposed to do? Should I go for a tradlarper and pretend she hasn't sucked and fucked more than Chuck himself? Fuck.
>You didn't actually watch the filler episodes, did you?

Of course not. The canon episodes in shippuden are painful enough as it is
Become a serial killer
As above so below basically means that the microscopic mirrors the macroscopic. The systems that govern something small like a person are not dissimilar to the ones that something much larger like a nation would use to maintain itself.
I'd suggest giving Carl Jung's work a try, he distills the occult stuff into teachings that are much more digestible.
haha I will fuck life right in the pussy
Buddy, are you saying the free market is a living organism? Also, >>23832795 is correct Aristotle has been on this shit.
I'm in the process of selling my possessions before I fly to France and join the FFL
Yeah I just had that unit in intro to theatre watching at community college too
What do you think it is about it that you don't like?
Gonna buy an Aztec death whistle and scare the shit out of people with it.
You need to start being nice to me RIGHT now.
Fuck you, homo.
My waifu passed away. Sad day.
This is good bear, I like him even if he has an ereader
Anime as a whole or Naruto is particular?

As a whole anime is juvenile. Makes sense considering the age group it appeals to. Shippuden in particular is a slog
Kek I'm too old for that but back in the day I failed to get into uni for theatre on academics
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Oh, you're one of those people.
At least watch LotGH or GITS or Vampire Hunter D if you're going to try making sweeping criticisms of anime as a whole. You watched the equivalent of Marvel goyslop and decided all films were trash based on it.
the fuck is the ffl
lmao why?
can you not handle not so nice?
so weak
how can a waifu pass away?
He means french foreign legion and if he's from a western country, he's fucked because they stopped accepting western recruits a few years back because they bail when it comes time for placement
so silly
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>You watched the equivalent of Marvel goyslop
Hey, I enjoy that goyslop, thank you very much.
I love freedom. God bless America.
Get a load of this manchild having fun
I bet he doesn't even have crushing depression like a real adult
real shit

I have watched plenty of anime and liked them. That doesn't take away from the medium as whole being juvenile. Btw never heard of GITD, which one is that?
Ghost in the Shell.
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Boy, do I have something to tell you.
Oh. That one I do know
2 hilarious crime families
1 baker
35 auto mechanics
1 bookseller
1 seamstress
2 tailors
9 telcom technicians
2 high-voltage electricians
3 heavy industry executives
2 lawyers
1 biotech lab assistant
4 highly paid hairdressers
1 cruse ship
2 hotels
4 politicians
2 journalists
1 neurosurgeon
3 excellent rheumatologists
1 dreadfully mediocre general practitioner
1 airline captain
4 high-ranking female retail managers
And this mellow chick who liked Catalina, and guys half her age.
*and that's just a start.
1 advertising executive
2 hustlers
5 radio personalities
And that's still not to mention anyone I'm at all nearly related to.
If trump wins the next election I believe that the fringe right has worked itself into such a frenzy that anything he actually does will under-deliver on their expectations. Which will then send them into a spiral of Festingerian denial and reconfirmation until the cope cannot me maintained an instant longer. Either that or they just completely invert the personality cult and start treating him as the anti-christ. Which is unlikely.
trump isnt going to win, 2 more months and we will all be free of his spectacle. The gop will most likely be recaptured by the neocons who will use trumps losses as an excuse to move towards the center and also to embrace diversity. expect lots more nikki haleys and marco rubios.

As for the fringe right, i have no idea what happens to pol, maybe they might grow up and stop whining about jews every second.
It vaguely reminds me of Qtards, in that regard. I wonder if they will end up the same way.
Q people are still around, by the way. Going to their board on 8kun is basically going back to /pol/ in 2020 sans the spam and people who disliked Zion Don and his MIGApedes (and subsequent shitflinging).
Even the memes are the same. May have to do with them being generally older people.
4 more years followed immediately by 8 years of vivek
even in jest, and irony, being a trump dead ender is pathetic at this point. I am no fan of kamala but that man has accomplished nothing in his first term and has done nothing but lose since then. Also even if you are actually a pol tard cant believe you would give zion don the time of day
Why do you think so?
I think it's a toss up.

>As for the fringe right, i have no idea what happens to pol,
I'm not talking about /pol/. I'm actually suprised there hasn't been more election shitflinging there. None of the bait threads on the top three catalogue columns are election themed. But to be fair it's European hours right now.
I was talking to another fringe sphere of the right. They are weird.
They'd hang themselves if Vivek became Trump's heir. They absolutely despise Indians, sometimes to an unreasonable degree, I get why though.
In just want U.S elections to end so all my american E-friends stop being shrieking hysterics and go back to normal.
>toss up

he is literally losing and has been losing since biden dropped out, the democrats are energized by the idea of voting for the first woman president.
But how is he losing? I am not from the U.S and I limit how much U.S politics I consume to avoid becoming like those people who act like they are Americans but live in Europe. I am a bit out of the loop.
>Kamala, Vivek, Nikki
huh how have second-generation injuns fared so well in politics? why aren't there that many asian people despite us yellow asians outnumbering the brown asians? last i remember was that chinese meme candidate
Just had a horrible interview. I was talking through a project experience and this dumb nigga starts to hound me for decisions i was never in the position to make. told the retard politely that while i didn't make the decision i agreed it could have been done better and then suggested a few ways in which it could've been improved. stupid fuck kept hounding me about on shit that is totally irrelevant to my ability to perform in a potential new role. some fuckers just want you to fail. they make up their mind and then just want to fuck with you
Trump will lose. It was revealed to me in a dream.
its over for trump the chump
god kept him alive these past few attempts just so he would lose once and for all
Honestly, I don't know. but it have to do with them being more pre-disposed to management and politicking, along with a tendency for agressive nepotism. See how Pajeets have wormed themselves into Big tech, for example.
Hell, even the wife of Trump's VP is Indian.
Chinks are just differently disposed. They start their laundromats and stuff, but they rarely seem to go farther than that. In the U.S at least.

P.S: "Injun" specifically refers to red natives. Subcontinental Indians are usually referred to as streetshitter or Pajeets, or subcons if you don't want to outright insult them.
>"Injun" specifically refers to red natives.
I know. I'm playing around.

>They start their laundromats and stuff, but they rarely seem to go farther than that. In the U.S at least.
I've often thought that too. Indians start their corner shops/7/11s and curry places too though. Thing is I don't think any of the prominent ones, in the US anyway, came from humble backgrounds. They're all, I think, children of rich and/or highly educated parents. Gotta be a class aspect to their rise.

But there are tons of Asian doctors and engineers too. Wonder why they don't make their way up the political ladder as well. Surely they have the necessary money and wherewithal.

>if you don't want to outright insult them.
Why would you want to insult them? They might very well be your president for the next few decades :^)
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>Getting in driving practice with my dad.
>He tells me to start slowing down.
>I start slowing down.
>He gets mad at me and says "When I tell you to stop, I want you to hit the brakes."
>MFW he told me to start slowing down, not stop.
I was talking to my brother about it and he said that he only did driving practice with our dad twice because of how he was.

Some people are just awful at teaching.
Had this dream I was back in high school. I was my age now and I kept having to explain to the other high schoolers that I was recalled to high school to fix a grade otherwise my diploma would be revoked. So I had to sit in on a bunch of high school classes and make conversation with all the teenagers.
Not literally but there are analogous structures. And I've been looking into the sacred geometry since that post yes.

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