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北斎 Hokusai edish

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dubs we kiss
>They're all, I think, children of rich and/or highly educated parents. Gotta be a class aspect to their rise.
Definitely, however it's still noteable that so many Brahmins/Kshatriya seemingly flee India to grift in the west when you seldom see the Chinese (and subsidiaries) do the same.

>But there are tons of Asian doctors and engineers too.
Professionals rarely get into management and politics. In my experience.
>Why would you want to insult them?
For the same reason you might wnat to insult all foreign interlopers. There are many, both general and individual. I am not American so I cannot speak as to the pajeet hatred there. But man I can understand it.
>They might very well be your president for the next few decades
That ethnic niche has already been capture by the lebanese I'm afraid.
You people need to stop being mean to me RIGHT NOW.
Same here. My dad is a good driver but he uses our driving classes solely as a means to express anger at me.
>when you seldom see the Chinese (and subsidiaries) do the same.
You're kidding, right? Have you ever worked with a FOB from mainland China? Even I avoid working with them lol.

>For the same reason you might wnat to insult all foreign interlopers.
Why are you guys like this? Don't kid yourself. Kamala, Vivek, Nikki are arguably more American than Troomp.

Alright, why are you LARPing as a Canadian whitoid? You're clearly an Indian person.

>That ethnic niche has already been capture by the lebanese I'm afraid.
Kek alright I wanna hear more. Which Lesbian is gonna be president now?
I apologize on everyones behalf
you're a cutie
have a lovely day
make my bub bubs bounce
>You're kidding, right? Have you ever worked with a FOB from mainland China?
Clearly, I have not. But I mean, you rarely hear of Red Princes climbing up the ranks in some western company. But you probably have much more experience in that than I do. Where I live we rarely get the slanty type of Asians, and even then they are usually Japanese.

>Don't kid yourself. Kamala, Vivek, Nikki are arguably more American than Troomp.
I genuinely don't understand how. Can you please explain?
Also, hating foreign interloper competing for resources and changing things to your detriment is just human nature. Not necessarily something against Indians specifically.
>Alright, why are you LARPing as a Canadian whitoid?
I'm not Canadian. And neither am I a pajeet. Knowing the names of the castes isn't deep knowledge only the wisest gurus of Bihar know. And generally, the Indians getting into politics are from those groups. Which is ironic because political careerism and merchantism isn't what I expected from the supposed warrior and priest castes.

>Kek alright I wanna hear more.
The Lebanaese happen to occupy a disproportionate amount of government positions in the country I live in. I live under LOG.
I was literally never mean to anyone ever in these threads.
Yeah, I was also coming up on a give way sign which I didn't see at first and then he started talking to my brother and I and pointing out the window which distracted me and the he proceeded to get mad at me for nearly missing the give way sign. Now, don't get me wrong, I should've paid more attention, but I'm also only on my learner's permit and he should know better.
I already said fuck you, homo.
sex with women
chunky queefy ones
I will not be part of the rat race
You cannot seriously have sex with someone that farts from their pussy i mean come on fellas
Some teach to help others, others teach to express power over others. Your dad is the latter.
I love queefs, the little embarrassed laugh, knowing what a filthy fuckpig she is
Yeah, maybe, but it's either I learn with him or I don't learn at all, I don't know anyone else on their full licence and driving instructors are so expensive.
>Where I live
Where do you live? You have an interesting, perhaps compelling, way of speaking

>hating foreign interlopers
Those three folks aren't foreign at all though. They're American, born and raised. Yeah, their background is Indian, sure, but that doesn't matter. I don't even think, not sure tho, that Indian people claim them.

Are you European? Is that why you view race in a simplistic way?

>I'm not Canadian. And neither am I a pajeet. Knowing the names of the castes isn't deep knowledge only the wisest gurus of Bihar know
Oh come on. How would a normal person know about these specific cultural things without being an Injun? Same way, I wouldn't expect a non-Chinese person to bring the Huji system.

>the country I live in. I live under LOG.
What's LOG? Got any crazy stories from your country?
bobby's boyfriend is a prostitute
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imagine being a moral nihilist and aesthetic realist
Mmm women. Soft and warm.
What music to listen to while doing my Japanese flashcards? I'm thinking Judas Priest or Sufjan Stevens. Maybe I'll listen to the Jet Set Radio soundtrack to get me hyped.
Susumu Hirasawa
I have the peels of three mandarins and a big pile of pistachio shells sitting next to me on my desk, it was all so yummy but now my front bottom teeth hurt because of the mandarins :[
What a very disparate pair of artists
nine inch nails
I guess I'm kinda like that with all the things I like. Just the other day I bought The Great Shark Hunt, A Little Life, and The Satanic Verses from the book store and when I brought them up to the counter, the guy spread them out and said something along the lines of "Huh, what a selection of books.".
I'm scared of my own mediocrity, but moreso I'm scared of how comfortable I am with my own mediocrity.
5 years ago I was a young man of 18, and today I am a -still- young pencil pusher of 23. I feel as if these last 5 years have passed me by and I have nothing to show for it.

Of course, that's an exaggeration, I went to a technical school, got a degree, and got a job, but that's about it. I know I should be grateful, I want to count my blessings, but I'm mad at myself, mad at the fact that this is not what I wanted, and moreso, I don't even know what I wanted. I just winged it, I went with the flow, thinking I had time, that I would figure things out, and today, my back is giving out, my arms are thin, I'm stuck in a job I despise but that pays well enough for me to live. I'm scared that nothing comes after this, and that I'll remain the same, I'm paralyzed by the thought that I'm halfway through a journey I didn't even know I had started, and I still don't know where I want to stir this ship.
>5 years ago I was a young man of 18
your life is literally over. think about retirement plan and back pain management.

kill yourself faggot
enamellets on suicide watch
I was reflecting on The Grand Tour ending, and I got thinking, "Can you have a left-wing motoring show?", and the idea seems preposterous even to me who leans a bit left.

Entertainment is after all frivolous consumption and that's as capitalist as you get. Which begs the question: Why do we actually consider Hollywood and co. to be left-leaning? In what way can they be left leaning when they are capitalists of a capitalist enterprise trying to sell you entertainment that you do not need and which overall is probably a detriment to your well being?
back to the drawing board
Draw me a lizard.
One of the strangest phenomenons in history is the irrevocable devolution of master races into slave races.
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What goes around comes around.
I feel like there's something that I need to do but I can't think of what.
wu tang clan ain't nuthin to fuck with
There is no such thing as a master race.
IF there was it would actually be a master race.
Your post proves that such a thing does not exist.
>stir this ship
you steer a ship. but i wholeheartedly agree and am also terrified by your mediocrity.
Had this dream I was back in high school. I was my age now and I kept having to explain to the other high schoolers that I was recalled to high school to fix a grade otherwise my diploma would be revoked. So I had to sit in on a bunch of high school classes and make conversation with all the teenagers..
I don't know a single person who had their life figured out at 23.
How can you ever trust that anyone actually cares about you and won’t leave?
Nothing is more terrifying than elevators. Even if they weren't inherently demonic they would still be terrifying.
Are you my grandma? Welcome back it’s been sixteen years
Aside from the first one, those books are probably revealing something about your inner character
An autistic friend of mine once said that he'd be sad if I died.
My mother came back from her vacation. I love her but I miss the solitude. Just me and my dog and my thoughts.
Okay??? I don’t see how that’s in any way relevant.
I stayed in a tall building once with a cramped old elevator. Every day my life was completely in the hands of spic engineers I never met. Nobody can be independent while relying on elevators, you're basically institutionalized. I have recurring nightmares about elevators, it's my subconscious warning me, voices of my forefathers saying "fuck elevators".
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>I-it's not like i want you inside of me or anything!
Men will literally sexualise anything...
take the stairs, fatass
How is it not? He usually shows no emotions yet he said he'd be sad if I died. He didn't have to yet he did. That way I know that at least one person cares about me.
I hate the fact that staying quiet is often better than both lying or telling the truth. No matter if you lie or not you will get punished but refusing to say anything will often result in just being ignored.
Real men say what they think and live with the consequences. Unless it's advantageous to lie, then they lie.
>my back is giving out, my arms are thin
Well first of all, start working out. You shouldn't be so frail at this age. And I guarantee, with regular exercise you will feel better.
Anyway, the rest of your feelings are normal. I've noticed that just about everyone has a little crisis at about the age of 22/23. Because that's when you're far enough away from adolescence to really acknowledge that you're not a teenager anymore and that you've entered the beginning of adulthood. Starting asking yourself meaningful questions. What exactly are you unhappy about? What would you change? What regrets often come to mind? What are you missing? What do you dream of or yearn for? Then start taking practical steps to make those things reality. If you can't think of anything at all, if you have absolutely no regrets and absolutely no daydreams or fantasies, then just start picking stuff out at random. Always be doing. That's the key. After a year od trying new things, you'll find something.
Not practical sometimes. There are no elevators in a 300km radius but they still haunt my dreams. I know they're out there, waiting for my guard to drop.
You must be 18 years or older to post on this website
I watched a great horror movie about a killer elevator
>live with the consequences
you forgot to add regret too, soo much fucking regret...
Real men don't have regrets. They live with their past mistakes. Or so I've heard.
but wiser men do, if you don't have regrets then you have not learn a thing.
I think there's a difference between admitting you've done wrong and regretting. Regretting implies suffering.
Regret is both of that hence why its most effective teacher. If you did not suffer from your mistakes then you will repeat them until you do; only then you will learn. Its also the key reason why we often don't learn from history, it takes sage's level of wisdom to learn from other people mistakes; especially people you will never meet and mistakes that you have never committed.
what is a real man
He visto cosas con las que es imposible sonar
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>not hare'd
It's hared if you're speaking in an Irish accent
I just realized, whenever we eat rabbit we throw away the ears cause it's too much of a pain to skin them. I wonder how they taste.
slice them into thin stripes and fry them, then dip them in ranch
and americans have the temerity to cuss british food
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im not american tho
explain yourself then
What the fuck are you talking about?
Cuniculture developed in Europe and is widespread in Europe, including the UK.

And rabbit is good eating. It's the most clean meat you can eat, too.
i have access to the internet
what else would you dip it in? mustard? horseradish? cafe de paris? cocktail sauce? aioli? tzatziki? salsa? guacamole?
cheers david frost i never knew that!
obviously talking about frying & dipping in ranch
>rabbit is good eating
it's a bit tough
not guacamole
Why, mushed peas of course, what else?
>it's a bit tough
Because it needs to be stewed.
Most cooking videos/recipes I see try to pan fry it or grill it or put it into the oven. None of those work well.
it‘s only tough if you let it get dry because it is so lean
you have to cook it in a rich sauce
no, definitely not
i liked the ranch because it has a bit of acidity to it and i said frying because it would make it very crispy, which seem to be the right call for something as tough and thin as rabbit ear
too bland for a dip, it‘s better as a side
You stew, and it makes an amazing gravy by itself. You could also add a bit of fatty bacon or pork belly when stewing to further enhance the fattiness.
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yeah that could definitely work but my favorite is making a sour cream sauce with lots of basil, garlic and vermouth
mustard and probably worcestershire sauce. ranch is kind of disgusting & overpowering and yanks are obsessed with it
Ranch is like eating ass, you won't get it unless you're American.
Does anyone else ITT know the pain of being a borderland ethnicity, not between two countries, but between two different civilizations?
Like for example growing on the border between Russia and China, and not knowing who you truly are, because you are neither properly Russian nor properly Chinese and your genetics are probably mixed and so is the local culture. And when you go to the heartland of either country, people mistake you for a foreigner.
I'm so fucking hungry its unreal
Just adopt the culture of the country you're in? Being Asian looking in Russia shouldn't be that unusual. Change your name if need be.
Do you stew it in the sauce? No. I'm confused.
How do you cook it?
why? it‘s just sour cream with some mayo, herbs, lemon and garlic. >>23837337
meh, i feel like it needs some acidity to cut trough the fattiness of being fried
Yes, Midwestern here. I go to New York and they call me a fairy fuck Canuck. I go to Montreal and they call me and uncultured disgusting american pig. When will I finally belong?
first you sear the meat a little bit in some lard, then you salt and pepper it well, deglaze with the vermouth, add sour cream, basil and garlic and some stock and let it simmer until the meat is tender and falls off the bone
so good with polenta
Why do NYers pretend to be tough?
Since when are city boys though?
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sorry i will stop talking about food itt now
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git er done!
I keep forgetting that NY is a state and not just NYC.
That sounds interesting. Will definitely give it a try if any of the bunnies back home survive. We don't vaxxx them so many of them die from the that Rabbit virus.
Reminds me of my spinster aunt who used to care for me, RIP.
She loved that stuff, lol. She also raised rabbits.
very nice, i hope it turns out well
it‘s my dads favorite dish and i make it for his bday every year
The lead girl in the new Alien movie has such great pits goddamn.
Don't worry you won't have any sons, because somebody so insecure about their sexuality is definitely not straight.
You're just a closeted fag in denial.
I tired of pretending that glemselens elv isn't the greatest song of all tine
i actually just meant gay as in lame & annoying
>autoplay gives me a song I really like
>look up the title
>it has "for Daniel" in it
The mere thought of someone dedicating a song to me almost makes me cry. I hope Daniel appreciated it.
well your sister sure loves em
I kinda hate that name ngl
Damn Daniel
why does this woman's voice sound so strange? Somethings off about it.
My great-grandfather was alive during George III's reign. He told me a lot of things about the aristocratic life back then.
Can somebody please explain the Faustian spirit meme to me?
I am not well read and also not well versed in /lit/ meme culture.
whole room full of money like I'm scrooge McDuck
she's latina
Where should I get started in regards to reading Mishima's works? I only care for his commentary on physical fitness.
[...] from so many battles won against the enemies of Roman majesty, who sacrificed not only his members, but so much wealth, that of his family, and sometimes his children, and sometimes even killed his sons with his own hand for a breach of the austere laws of the world. When they present this man of ancient ages, once honored with the triumphal robe, once or twice consul, quaestor, aedile, hereditary senator, and preparing, with that same hand, which never found too heavy the sword and the spear, the raves of his supper (1) pul, with that same hand, with that rectitude of judgment, that cold reason so useful to the republic, calculating the interest on its usurious loans, incidentally despising the arts and letters, and those who cultivate them, and the Greeks who love them: the old man, this venerable man, this ideal citizen, is never but a patrician, he's an old Sabin.

This, my friend, is the Faustian spirit brought to full completion.
That is almost diametrically opposite to some posts I read on here where the Faustian hero is portrayed as the man who is able to eschew all moral and social norms to get ahead.
it's americans projecting their own nihilistic hedonism onto the european spirit that spawned them. i've noticed americans are constitutionally incapable of thinking outside the hedonism-nihilism coordinate
Faust was a sexless incel so he sold his soul for a crumb of pussy.
that makes sense, Americans worship the hustler, who gets ahead through ingenuity and trickery

that explains a lot, because I was just going to post that this Faustian spirit sounds, not very European.
Is the Faustian spirit tied to Faust as a character?
Or is it something separate?
There's two senses of the word. The original sense is one in which man makes a deal with the Devil for knowledge, expecting to be able to cheat the Devil in the end, and losing his very soul as a result. When those with education speak of a Faustian spirit, this is what they mean. Both Americans and Europeans have elements of the Faustian spirit in their cultures.
Retards read the phrase "Faustian spirit" in the context of /pol/ brainrot and Hyperborea tiktoks and decided it meant some vague redpilled and based coolguy shit and now they use the phrase constantly.
ugly girts hate me, nice looking girls always like me. can anyone explain this
I don't understand love and women. Every single time I try go get with a girl, she ends up being one of these quasi-Nazi types who takes all my measurements, checks my bank account, social connections, family history and health records, and then decides I'm not good enough. And these aren't even the kind of girls that you'd think would be that ambitious. They are plain Janes who can be described as "perfectly average" and "not ugly".
But then I look around me, and I see men who are in the same league as me, and they have girls on their arms who love them for who they are. And some of these girls are even hot, unlike the plain Janes that I go for.

I just don't get it.
Ugly girls hate you because you implicitly reject them by not giving them attention.
Good looking girls, assume you're too below their league to make a move on them, so they friend zone you immediately, and are glad they can have a male friend.
because you aren't good enough. accept that you are unlovable, and let the pain take you from there.
ugly people are miserable cunts because they are ugly duh
never had that. maybe don't try for plain janes.
do you like these girls you're throwing a pass to or just rate them 'perfectly average/not ugly'
Rat trap just snapped in the other room
Taking bets on if it actually caught something and if it's still alive
i suspected this
Not entirely accurate. Our ideology is based around the practical and being a sleazebag isn’t always congruent to community, oftentimes it can be the exact opposite as it involves the violation of rights that end up truncating the rights of perpetrator. Faustian man is not practical but rather innovative and seeks subversion rather usefulness.
My dream from last night:
I'm part of a submarine crew operating in the South China Sea. The sub is being hunted by PLAN vessels and depth charges have been dropped. We go almost to crush depth and turn off all nonessential systems in order to hide, but something is wrong. The sub is filling with water. We are forced to surface, where a Chinese aircraft carrier docks with us. We walk onto the flight deck and are greeted by a procession of a couple PLAN personnel and several hundred cosplayers in miniskirts and cat ears. One Chinese sailor approaches, asking for a translator, and finding one, begins to amiably chat about which cosplayer is cuter.
The scene changes. I'm walking through an abandoned building. It's dark. There are no windows and I don't see any sunlight coming in. I'm in a hallway with a set of stairs going down at the end. Off the hallway I see offices and rooms all jumbled with old furniture and junk. A large office printer is standing in the hall, and in the tray are dozens of old books. I follow the hall and take the stairs down and down and down, winding through more dusty hallways and long-abandoned rooms without ever encountering a window or exit. I descend dozens of floors and the sheer height of the building I must be in begins to terrify me. At length I reach a passageway necessitating crawling through an old crawl space and following several maintenance shafts whose ladders perilously rattle as I climb down. The passageway is short and consists of a stairway behind me, leading back the way I came, a door in front of me, and a short hallway to another door to the left. The door in front of me doesn't open no matter how hard I try. The door to the left is covered in warning stickers and placards. To my shock, it opens, and another person enters the building. He brushes past me with an "excuse me" and I go through the door, behind which are a set of coat hooks on the wall and another door with more warning stickers. A thin shaft of sunlight is visible through the gaps in the doorframe. I grasp the handle and turn--
My parents admitted that they thought I was going to romance/marry my childhood friend. I fucked up. For some reason I always saw her as like a sister, never once did I think of her even potentially romantically. Looking back there were obvious points where she tried to make the move multiple times while sitting on my lap, under the bed covers, I stopped her from trying to give me a BJ, she kissed my penis under the covers but I got out of bed before it went further, and blocked all this from my memory and continued to be only her friend. We don't talk anymore, this was over a decade ago. I'm still a virgin and probably missed my only chance with a very cute girl for the rest of my life.
I genuinely like them.
I think the common denominator is, they were all hard STEM types.
I think I maybe should avoid those types in the future.
waiting for an update
The story of Faust is that Faust spent his entire live being a nerd, and then when he meets the Devil, Faust requests that he shows him how to party, thinking that he'll somehow be able to get out of it. He doesn't. In essence, Faustian spirit means sacrificing things for short term gains and then suffering from the long term consequences.
Like how Western companies outsourced everything to China in the '90s because it was cheap, and now China is the biggest trading partner of every EU country and the US is desperately banning certain Chinese companies from selling their products in the West, knowing that they can't compete on even grounds anymore. That's the essence of Faustian spirit. Faust is a cautionary tale.
>Faustian man is not practical but rather innovative and seeks subversion rather usefulness

Reminds me of Jews finding ways to cheat the laws in their holy books.
i c i c. but what about the attractive girls who go to bed with me
do you know a lot about girls? because the sort of conversation is nothing like what my male friends would say
Got nothing, the war continues
Dude, can you imagine the pain you inflicted on that poor girl.
WTF dude. Was she ugly? Fat?
fair play. a lot of women, it seems to me, aren't real women. but auxiliary male personnel.
These types truth be told are confusing.
They do very little woman stuff.
They do lots of sport and work a lot and hang out with guys all the time.
You see them wearing female clothing and sometimes they as far as painting their nails.
But that's about it.
and what would a real female act like?
the way i got over my autistic fear of women is by accidently seeing a 'king of the streets' fight vid on my twitter timeline where a guy get knocked down and hit twice in the jaw, and he holds his face and his eyes go wide, sort of like if you'd shit yourself, but the issue is in his face. something has gone wrong with his face (permanently i bet) and he knows it. his skull is broke or something. and i realised there are things to be scared of in the world, and it isn't girls.
I literally don't know. Since I left primary school, I have only every interacted with these girls that studied something like math, physics or CS. I don't know what normie girls are like.
The closest I have felt to interacting with real femininity is this one girl who liked baking.
like an adult and not a girl.
She'd gimme a hug.
>The original sense is one in which man makes a deal with the Devil for knowledge, expecting to be able to cheat the Devil in the end, and losing his very soul as a result.
That's the anglo/jewish victim complex. In the actual European folklore the devil is a retard and all you need to trick him is a Bible.
I'm thinking about the fact that there is an album, that came out some time age that could be my favorite album of all time and bring me lots of joy but I'll never even hear about it.
OP here. The old Sabin is a man who does a lot of immoral things, like shown in the text, and he is very power-hungry too. He goes to war, he fights, he kills people, he kills his own sons. The difference between the Jew thoughever, and the Aryan, if I may use that term, is that the latter does all those gruesome things because he finds it to be his moral duty to do them. He doesn't want to be in power because he is selfish, he wants to be in power and oppress the plebs because he considers it a necessary evil for the sake and glory of his own society. He is power-hungry and gruesome out of completely selfless reasons.
No she was always cute and fit, but maybe it's because of my autism she just registered as a bro to me like any friend, I even slept in her room a few times. She was a ballet dancer. Our parents were friends before we were born, she's 1 year older than me so we grew up with each other until ~19 when she went to college and got a job as a waitress, we talked only a few times since then, last time she was telling me how she makes a lot in tips and planned to go to Japan.
I think it's a different kind of fear. It's not even a fear of getting rejected. It's a fear of stepping outside the boundaries of what is socially acceptable and, in doing so, upsetting a girl.
>people in data-driven fields are obsessed with data and use it to make even personal decisions
Wow man real shocker there
very scary... but NOTHING after you see this video. the guys eyes are so wide, looking right at the camera, holding his jaw loosely ...
So you're saying STEMfags are incapable of falling in love?
Might as well hit her up again. Worst case the status quo doesn't change.

Dude, literally call her up and ask to meet.
You fucked up, because she is very likely not a virgin anymore.
But if she's single she might still give you a chance.
Not necessarily, but if you really buy into that way of thinking it might become an obstacle to falling in love
born slippy
Shitty song despite the beautiful chord progression
This is ragebait.
rib-achingly horrific pitchfork tier evaluation of a UK club classic
Lol, how mentally fucked do you have to be to rage at that?
>Argh, this Anon had a girl attempt to suck his cock and he refused; yet I, try as I might, can obtain no maidens at all! How can this be?!
I can guarantee you that at least two people ITT thought like this while reading the post in question.
I'm a 35 year old virgin, and I hope the anon reconnects and seals the deal.
Crabs-bucket mentality is for losers.
Pitchfork likes Underworld. Brits are too blinded by nostalgia to see Born Slippy for what it is: some nice synth pads with some asshole yelling over them the whole time and a bunch of unrelated sections that are mostly just drums
Also, c'mon, you expect me to believe that someone would block out the memory of almost getting a BJ? I hope for goodness's sake that you're samefagging and don't actually believe this bs story.
as if you looked up what p4k rated underworld ...
an english novelist 400 or so years ago said something about critics that 'acted as a a judge would, who should adhere to the lifeless letter of law, and reject the spirit.'
I choose to believe some things on the internet because they evoke the kind of emotions I am seeking at that particular moment.
The veracity of the posts is of no interest to me.
Based delusion enjoyer.
I thought money laundering through modern art was a conspiracy theory that would be considered just another crazy one by most people. However, it seems that it is widely known, even by the art community, that this actually happens and they even use it to not pay taxes in USA.
>as if you looked up what p4k rated underworld
I did, it took like two seconds.
just funny that THAT'S what you got from my reply
Chinese restaurants in Europe are all owned by the Chinese mafia, female beauty standards are decided by gay men, Jews own Hollywood. There's a bunch of "conspiracy theories" that are really just open secrets. The term "conspiracy theory" itself was invented by the CIA in an attempt to cover up MK Ultra by the way.
Really wish you brown continentals would stop mixing us up with Jews.
Pretty much
You always side with them and accept their narratives as authoritative. You did a world war with them against Europe.
I have decided to live simply because I do not want to imagine where my shit will end up after I die. Also because of spite.
Ok so this happened a long time ago. She was sleeping over, which was common. I remember when it happened I felt her cold wet lips on my penis, but it felt weird; can kinda remember the weird feeling it caused me to this day, but its hard to describe, not a pleasurable feeling but just a weird one; hard to describe what exactly it was, sorry; so what happened after was I immediately got out of bed and ignored what happened. She never brought it up, and I never brought it up. It didn't change my view of her as a friend or potentially romantic partner. My experience was that it was just a weird feeling she caused me.
How old were you at the time?
And also you need to update us when you ask her to meet up again.
I was about to tell you to go back to the fan fiction general, and post your erotica somewhere else, but this board doesn't have one.
I was ~11-12
Shit man, that's a normal reaction then. Bitch went in heat too early, lol.
How the fuck don't we have a fanfic general?
I honestly don't know.
thats just the writing general innit?
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Another way of looking at it would be to say that I did what I needed to do, and I predicted a risk, and I calculated for it. The only question then is if I needed to do it, but I can't imagine I didn't. What I would need to know is why I needed to do it. But it seems rich to call me a killer. There were no good options. I tried.
Fanfiction is very different from writing.

The challenge in fanfiction is to adopt the characters and scenery as your own and to make it read like the OG.

When writing from scratch, creativity is more in focus.
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Isn't it weird how some people's whole job is literally just looking good?
And then you also have a class of people where looking good is an integral part of their job even though it is not on the list of requirements. CEOs are a prime example. They have to look the part.
Then you have the bugmen like me who are put in the back office far away from the customers and clients, less we scare them away.
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I look like pic related. When I flipped burgers as a teenager I had a couple girls come in giggling and asking for my snapchat, which I later found out was because they had been dared to "chat up the ugly guy who works at <burger place>."
classic self-esteem diminisher.
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Fuck work fuck work fuck work fuck work
Should I ask him if I can read the book he wrote?
Back during the early superstonk days on plebbit somebody wrote a whole research paper about how this works. That’s when I got into art and art collection.
I think it's sad that most people view art in money terms these days. Either they see it as an elaborate money laundering scheme or they laugh at artists for not choosing a more profitable profession.
what art do you collect? what is your favorite piece?
>these days
Always. 99% of what we consider to be classical art were commissions.
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It gets hard to get out of bed in the morning after waking up from the lucid dream harem pocket dimension.
Truth. It's why I much prefer nightmares over nice dreams. Nightmares make you glad to be awake.
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this is how it always starts
A lot of my nightmares are sexual in nature.
Do you feel good or bad afterwards?
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>buy book
>have to return it because of damage but dont re-order right away
>2 months later book is not available anywhere
fuck this shit
Depends if the cops come.
Before or after you wake up?
What happens in them?
i don't care i love it
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I have dreams I'm having sex with jailbait, then cops arrest me.
I don't know if I'd call that a nightmare. You're still having sex. I get maybe two wet dreams a year, if even.
I've been thinking about World War II as a macroscopic unfolding of the problems illuminated by Dostoevsky and Nietzsche. There truly is a horrifying problem currently staring humanity in the face, and we have not yet responded; our first attempts at a response (communism and the nazi's approach to uplifting humanity by cleansing the parts that make it weak) instantly failed in a horrifying spectacle of human horror.
thinking on it, i cannot see how the problems that led us to WWII have been solved; they have been ignored and postponed—when we confront the beast within again, it will be unimaginably stronger—technology isn't slowing down.
i am terrified for the future of this species. i don't know how there can be a solution to our ailments that doesn't involve modifying human nature to comply with some very unnatractive truths about the nature of suffering and its place in society. we literally cannot survive the problem of evil.
at work i'm p autistic and don't talk to anyone. i smoke so they know i'm not a total dweeb i guess. but when i do get caught with them alone and it's too awkward not to talk they always ask the same Qs: 'do you party? do you do coke?'
five different people this week, i do like coke yeah but what is it they're seeing in me. do i look like a shagger
weigh in pls
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The subject line of this email that I just received is so ironic.
let the evil that humanity has created consume it. it is only right
There's no future of this species. Human nature hasn't changed on bit in its entire existence. Society changes, morals change, yes, but the human species has never changed and will never change.
That's funny.
Try gardening.
are you in highschool?
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I'm going to work tomorrow as a forklift operator. I already worked in that position and it was lots of fun as long as I didn't have to interact with other people. I could just put on headphones and drive around the warehouse with my forklift. Though now I'll be working on a different type of forklift, so kinda scared I won't be as competent. But I'm looking up for it, cause I'm already learning new language and I have a plan for going abroad and making lots and lots of money, then come back to my country, buy an apartment and sit on unemployment, living modest life alone, reading tons of books, playing games, watching movies, socializing with people outdoors, writing a diary, lifting weights... It's a wagie job, but as long as I have something to look for in the distance I feel some purpose. A reward is awaiting me, but I have to work for it, and it's good that I have to work for it, cause then the reward will feel deserved.
Nah, I’m in university.
had a dream last night that all my things i'm hoping for irl happened & i was the same
how does a person like that even get accepted to a university. You have to write a statement to be admitted and if I bet any statement written by someone like would be rejected by some automatic mechanism.
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I almost never have actual nightmares. Being awake is more nightmarish than any dream, especially around other people. "Real" people are uncanny and unbearably ugly and obnoxious. I've had more enlightening conversation with a random 2D girl I had summoned just for pazuri between her titanic tits than I ever had with waking acquaintances. I hope to one day be like the right half of pic related in waking life as well.
All I want is a normal woman, not too old, not older than 27, not too young, no younger than 20, pale skinned because that's what I find attractive, college educated, wants kids, not a snob, but well put together, who isn't a smoker and ideally has no tattoos because I like pale skin, not green skin, who knows how to cook decent enough to please me, who isn't too materialistic and consumeristic, who likes to be outdoors and enjoys the fresh air.
Is that too much to ask?
You don't have to go anywhere or do anything.
I can make myself have nightmares just by using an extra blanket to make me a little overheated. I've noticed it's physiological discomfort that causes nightmares.
Burgers will vote for the insane cat eating lady because the cool orange guy who dodges bullets is too cool for them. They're intimidated by cool guys.
can you faggots shut the fuck up about women for two seconds
As if it matters.
Deep states writes their policies where it matters.
If I could advise my younger self I would tell myself to get a job either on a farm or ranch or in home construction and do any of those until I was at least 21, through college if possible. Having that experience and being able to get licensed would have been so enormously beneficial to me.
But women are the only thing I cannot figure out. It naturally preoccupies my mind.
How do they work? How do they think? Why cannot I crack the puzzle?
If I could meet my younger self I'd make him wear a maid dress and fuck him in the ass.
shut the fuck up
If you spend enough time around them trying to get laid eventually it becomes second nature. You don’t even really understand how or why they think what they think or do what they do, but you can predict it anyway. I’ve always been good with women and I’m not even very handsome. If I was handsome, man, forget it.
i love sopranos
Not my fault they're so cute.
that's my issue, the gods played a nasty joke on me and I basically spent my whole life without any means of interacting with girls
let's say i am vaguely handsome in the right light but 2x more autistic than you. now what
I kinda want to write a book about a man and a woman being led to kill people. the guy would be a mousey, cowardly motherfucker and the woman your young, charming cashier next-door.

How do you start such a story? What would be their motive? How will they keep on killing? What do they get from it? And how do you trust a stranger with your life's most crazy secret?
And what exactly do *you* bring to the table?
natural born killers?
what do I need to bring to the table to be allowed to have that kind of girl?
that's my question
>How do you start such a story?
first blood
>What would be their motive?
power and revenge
>How will they keep on killing?
>What do they get from it?
>And how do you trust a stranger with your life's most crazy secret?
i wanna take up your time
bow down before the one you serve
with what?
but he is asleep
with what
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damn you got me good
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I was amused at a skit about a guy who loses his hairline in his late 20s. But then, I realised I'm 27 and surprisingly my hairline is still intact. I guess I could count myself lucky both sides of my parents don't have men balding.
what skit?
I wish I was this fucking cool.
women aren't really serial killers, especially not adult serial killers. I wonder if that is doable, or at least doable to make her feel real.

as my dad always said - a man that has nothing to lose is the most dangerous animal
>women aren't really serial killers
No, but they sure are serial killer enablers.
46°59'50.4"N 80°06'54.4"W
...not really true, look at Israel v. Palestine for a counterexample.
Both sides got things to lose though.
The smart fish knows the lure is the ocean.
It signals consensus. The consensus is that cool guys are bad and insane ladies are good.
My point is, Israel got more to lose than Palestine, but Israel is the instigator of most violence. Lots of Israelis are dreaming of taking the whole of greater Israel.

For another counter example: literally any European empire. They were the richest nations and yet they sought even more wealth and instigated wars to acquire it.

Sounds to me that the most dangerous animal is the wealthiest and most powerful one.
is that where you threw her in the water?
I meant 46°59'50.3"N 80°06'54.4"W. That's where you'll find it.
>Israel got more to lose than Palestine
Who? What?
>lil' bro think he's Gol D. Roger
Obabika Bay?
at this point ...
The Palestinians are getting ethnically cleansed. I don't think you can lose more than your entire people.
Yes. You'll need scuba gear.
Can't sleep again. Gonna read something I guess.
who did you kill this time?
Do you English?
That's literally what I meant. The Israelis got more to lose because the Palestinians got fucking nothing. They are at rock bottom already.
yeah, er, i was coming in on their favour.
But that means they still got something to lose. They're not wiped out just yet. They still own land, they still have homes.
I need to exorcise my own neurosis, but I have no creative outlet to do so.
What exactly did you leave there?
Not for long. West Bank is becoming a hot conflict zone.
I wouldn't be surprised if Israel rounds them up and shoves them all out in the desert.
360.9 pounds in gold
I'm sure there's plenty which you can't figure out
Maybe but things aren't that bad just yet.
why tho
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I'm just kidding. I just found those coordinates on some album cover
I got a decent career going and I'm happy with my life, otherwise. I take care of my family and all else is good.
My lack of success with women is really the only thing that makes me weird.
take solace in the fact that issues like this are usually outside of your control
mhm but why did THEY put it there huuuh
be naughty if you are
If you saw that phrase on /lit/ recently, it's just some anon who doesn't know who Faust is and likes the sound of the word. Forced meme basically
tbf all he got from born slippy was underworld is overrated so pretty even mileage
i'm crying rn
gope you feel better soon
Why? :(
gope you geel good
just being a weirdo
The song sucks, blow me Nigel
making plans for ...
NOW he weighs in
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Guys, I need help, I did something retarded and now I hate to explain myself why I did that!
I booked an appointment worth 150$ when I was just told I just need to send an email with details without spending anymore money, now I have to explain why I just wasted 150$, how do I explain to them I'm a retard and just forgot about the email? fuck
lel not even limey, it's a banger
>how do I explain to them I'm a retard
By email
next time i see her i'll kiss that girl at work who said she likes me
wtf am I suppose to say during the appointment though?
same thing when you were mitigating for one of your other f ups.. without going on too long. no whiff of doth protest too much
“crackernigger” is crazy…
It's not murder it's late term abortion

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