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previous >>23836645
I'm so lonley
Got drunk at a party over the weekend
Am I supposed to cringe at the things I did and be worrying that I said the wrong things to the wrong person? I had fun and I think that everything went well, but I just get anxious about the parts I can't clearly remember.
But I already sold my PS4
Why not ukranian legion. If you have a vet background, especially combat arms, think that'd make you pretty desirable
IIRC they stopped taking volunteers after the reddit legion got a whole barracks obliterated, so now the only foreigners are the FFL and US glowies.
Seems like this whole "being a filmmaker" fantasy is becoming a reality.
glowies, huh
>carpenter apprentice
>martial arts 5 days a week (jiu jitsu/mma)
>cheap place to rent
>3+ day wandering expeditions off trail in the woods (sustenance/garmin/notebook) a couple times a month
Once I'm done with the whole military thing I'm trying to make these my basic goals in the next couple years. Trying to analyze my basic desires. I guess I want knowledge, but I want a trade to pass down before I use that GI bill for uni. Also want to spend more time in the woods. Want to introduce more creativity and play in my life, used to invent random shit as a kid so feel like I'm falling behind with my regimented, ordered lift/work/read/sleep life.
I wish it was the 60s I wish we could be happy
They weren't happy they were just on drugs and the drugs you can get now are more powerful than they had
weed was better
skunk didn't even exist til the 70s
damn i got this bulgarian yogurt from whole foods and i'm sipping on some half-calf coffee from a k-cup, man i'm getting some weird farts.
i wish radiohead were good

if there's any positive side-effect of the death of taste on 4chan it's that it's no longer necessary to pretend radiohead doesn't suck
they are not good, they are great
I'm so stressed due to moving across the river into another state in a couple weeks because I have a medical thing I have to go to every weekday and I don't drive, so it's gonna take two and a half hours to bus from my new place to the clinic just one way. There's clinics up there too but I don't know if I have to sign up for the insurance up there which would take some time or if my current state insurance will work, I mean it's only across the river... ugh.
You should check with your insurer before you move and start setting up the new one before you leave if they say you aren't covered
I just don't know if the new state has free state medical insurance, much less if it's as robust as my current state and covers the thing I need. But yeah you're right, I should call and inquire and such. At this point I think I'm gonna try the commute for a couple days until I hate my life and only at that point will I be motivated to do it lol. At least I'll get a lot of reading done on the bus, or should I say several busses...
Wtf are you getting done daily that also allows you multiple bus rides? Idk what it is you need, but I need regular injections and I can't imagine moving to a different region without a plan to get them because I'd die. I mean, if I had to get a two hour bus to get them I would, but that'd be one of the last options after trying to smuggle them through the mail. I've had to get 3 hour trains to see some doctors or do some tests and I would not do that without having a supply with me and at home
Methadone clinic?
Methadone. They do give you takehomes over time so that's basically the light at the end of the tunnel, which is why I'm willing to put up with it, but for now I only get weekends so I have to go in every weekday for my dose.
Oh yeah. Plan your shit or you're going to wind up getting arrested trying to cop
Yeah. There are plenty in the new city, it's just an insurance and getting all switched up issue.

I seem to always end up putting weird relationships on my stories, large age gaps, class gaps, steep socialization gaps, so I went to check with GPT in case it saw something I didn't with its bulbous, digital normie brain.
Every mention of a crush, not a settled, consummated, or secret relationship, between a minor and an adult, which I very specifically said is not ever consummated or realized, got the filter to kick in.

AI ethicists should all be killed. In fact, all professional, certified ethicists should be killed.
They have to be the lowest form of life on earth, and evidence to both the fallen nature of humanity and the non-existence of a God, because what kind of perfect God would allow those overgrown gnats to draw breath ONCE?
Yes, I'm mad.
They call them handcuffs for a reason. Easier to get dope. Why didn’t you do suboxone? Methadone should be literally a last resort, like you can stop ODing or doing state time
Suboxone worked well the last time I tried it except it killed my sex drive, which ruined my relationship at the time. But that's not a bad idea actually, since they give you like a month's worth prescription immediately so would solve all my issues. Hmm I will definitely think about it, thanks.
There's a certain contradiction to intimacy. It is when people open up that it becomes evident how universal personal problems are. Human needs and wants are quite uniform, as is the course and consequences of abuse one is made to endure in life. A randomly chosen woman who suffers from her father never being present in her life may think that issue to be one of the deepest-reaching aspects of her personality, something she probably would struggle to tell to anyone aside from her partner and close friends, but she is fundamentally broken in the same way every other woman with her trauma is.

We usually equate the intimate and the personal with the unique, but we are far less unique than most of us would prefer to think we are.
I asked God to send me a girl and he did but she's insane and I'm friend-zoned. Maybe I'll ask again but wtf.
t.only listened their boring incel early albums
I don’t know how long you’ve been on methadone but I’ve heard horror stories about getting off it, like full blown dope withdrawal but for a month instead of 3-7 days
their early albums where they tried to be pop were at least bearable unlike their later jazz fusion but boring try hard shit
Shut the fuck up. Radiohead is great.
My brain is kinda fucked after years of mindless youtube, mindless 4chan and fucking porn.

Im gonna force myself to read again. The mistborn saga seems like a simple but fun book so is beginner friendly.

The prologue seems like a simple "hero beats evil powerful people" story. but it also seems interesting enough.
Why are you so spiteful?
I put stuff in my ass and jerk off to traps but I'm not gay.
I lost touch with all my friends from high school and college. A part of me wants to reconnect with them and a part of me thinks we were only ever friends for convenience.
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>guitar string squeaking
>singer stops for a moment to recall the lyrics, then starts again
>audible static because poor microphone
>beautiful voice carries everything
I love when music is raw like that.
Today, no maybe tomorrow I will turn it around. Becoming the person I'm meant to be will take time and effort, but I don't know if I have the motivation to do it.
people aren't ignorant, they're deluded
sensations and events cannot be bad, actions cannot be wrong, only thoughts can be bad and only beliefs can be wrong
who'd you see
>rapes you and your mother then kills you both
Neil young
oh lol
Just listening to music on Spotify. Would love to see the artist live, though.
Don't you impersonate me, that's rude.
was on a date with some edgy bird and she tells me she's a fan of grouper but i mistook her for saying groyper.
Ok that's funny. Did that make her seem more or less attractive to you?
I fuckin love Grouper.
more. obviously
>Nick Fuentes ASMR (Bi-Audio Grifting) (Tingles)
you're deluded. I'm sorry.
Not quite my tempo.
Ancient city builder core.
ASMR isn't necessarily a sexual thing is it?
what kind of freak would fetishize motherhood, backrubs, female attention, intense eye contact, moans, rubbing, groaning, sighing, movements meant to encapsulate an infant, all done by a gorgeous woman with cleavage
No. But more often than not it's at least somewhat romantic.
Ask a pre-Raphaelite anything
I have no idea what a raphaelite is.
The left has gone insane.
anyone who participates in "democracy" is insane, especially people like (you) who willingly convert themselves into propaganda machines for a mindless ideological egregore, and have thoughts like "the left has gone insane", thinking that it is an original thought of their own when it is really a meme being broadcasted into your head directly from the thought sphere
Does anyone else think they look really weird in the mirror once they've been sick?
I didn't work my triceps hard enough and I regret it
Yes, my face never recovered from the runny nose I had 5 years ago.
Satan sent you the girl. God saved you with the friend zone.
lol as soon as I posted I knew I should've worded it "right after they've been sick," my mistake. Funny reply tho
Cute explanation but that still leaves Anon maidenless.
I want to fuck her
Why are you gay?
What wouldn't you fuck?
She was no maiden
A koala
You could've made her one. You could've saved her.
I'm going to continue doing so, but I no longer want to code for the moment. I'm burnt out working as a programmer for a company that is too dull to know how to most effectively use us. We could be making double what we do now if they'd just let us implement things like proper testing and statistical analyses.
I'm going to pick up writing again as a hobby. Maybe one day I'll have the free time and discipline to turn it into something more. I'd like for my stories to be read. I believe I have the capacity. I'm just so tired. Between my job and kids I have just enough time to scrape myself off the ground and pour myself into the motions of the next day. I hope this lets up in a few years.
To touch the unrecheable star
to beat the undefeatable foe
To dream with the eyes open,
belive in a better world!

This is my quest
to follow that star
to carry with sorrow
no matter how far

To fight for all that is good
without caring for whom

And be willing to march towards hell
if so the heart wills

to correct the crooked;
the blind eye heal

To run where brave dare not go
and run without rest!!!! >□<
The fundamental theorem of calculus
So I began my writing exercises about a year/ten months ago, did it for about three or four days, and dropped off. Probably I began feeling better, it’s always serious depression that spurs any real desire to be creative inside me. Lately, specifically beginning September 1st, I have been having –if not painful than incredibly annoying and anxiety inducing headaches literally every day. I have no idea why, I’m scheduled for an MRI in a week and a half and to say I’m interested in the results is an understatement. I suspect that they are somehow related to barometric pressure, I’ve been having them on and off for years, just never for a month straight. It is also my birthday very soon, which has traditionally always caused me a stupid amount of depression. I’m going to be forty-two. I will never have children and some part of me is relieved. I am married, probably for the first and last time in my life. My parents are riddled with with various illnesses. No one who represents the security that I used to find in my immediate family bares much resemblance to my family then. My brothers often feel like strangers to me. My parents just feel like elderly people and I feel awful anytime I have to burden them with any of my problems when they have so many of their own. I feel consistently untethered from anything. Often I doubt myself and my thoughts and fleetingly wonder what it would feel like to doubt even the basic tenets of reality. I remember once, the feeling of being newly able to drive and getting so helplessly lost in a time before communication was ubiquitous – having no idea where you were, even what town you were actually in, no one was around, you had no clear idea how to find out, almost as lost as you could get without being in actual physical danger. I feel like that all the time now. I have no one to turn to, no one to ask. I’ve felt like crying for weeks at a time on and off for years now, but I can’t really do it anymore, not for more than a few seconds at best.
to see you sight unseen is worse
then pick you up because you're first
and go where the whistle blows
and go where the captain knows
is just a lie

to train the bear to not get up
slay the beast and win the cup
and stay with the sweet flesh prize
a necklace of 50 eyes
is yours to keep

I just had a nightmare about an Ai killing me by driving me in a car at about 20 kmh against every possible obstacle
The Amy Wax story is one of the more depressing stories I’ve come across in the last few years.
The insane crackhead in the park across the street from my apartment has been screaming “Fuck you, you fucking whore!” for the past two hours. He’s been doing this shit on a weekly basis for the past three years.
Not much time to read i wish I could freeze time for at least two hours
does he post in this thread
Accomplished professor at University of Pennsylvania’s Law School basically went public with her conservatism and race realism, all perfectly legal and backed up by data (not racism, but race realism I.e. she said black students are being admitted but doing well, that white countries are particularly successful, things like this). Penn spends the next year dragging her through the mud while students protest her despite her tenure and her having only said true and legal things.

The reason I find it so depressing is the irony of it all. Not only is this a professor expressing a constitutionally protected opinion, but an opinion which seems to be verified by the empirical data, but at a law school no less and one of the most elite law schools no less and at one of the most elite law schools in the country with a constitution and history of preserving free speech. It just goes to show just how operative leftism is in this country. It’s completely saturated every major institution to the point where it violates basic legal and professional guarantees and you literally cannot even get a good legal education anymore. It makes you wonder what is still worth doing and where. No matter where you go and what you do, you’ll run up against the wall of leftism and your education or your profession will be a joke in the end.

Honestly, it’s only a matter of time before we start throwing politicians in jail for saying uncomfortable things about blacks. It’s getting hard to see what is salvageable about any of this.
Doubtful, although I suspect that a lot of the people who post here would commiserate with his views regarding women.
how do you know he's insane and on crack? he could just be on the phone to his mom.
>We need more people in trades!
>Join a trade!
>Every old cunt that works in trades is a fucking asshole.
>Every job site is filled with these cunts.
>It's back-breaking work.
>You have to get up at shitty hours.
Wow, I wonder why more young people aren't joining trades.
fuck trade cunts. think they're king shit because they can put up a fence
I should download my google search history and check how many times I've written a celebrity's name followed by 'height'.
At this point he’s progressed to screaming “I’m gonna kill you, fuckin whore, I’m gonna cut your fuckin head off!” so I’m fairly certain that he’s either a crackhead, a nutcase, or some combination of the two. But maybe you’re right and he just really really hates his mom.
It's not even all of them, the younger ones, if nothing else, are a little too "Bro-ey" for my liking, but that's nothing bad, it's the older ones that fucking suck. Wow, congratulations, man, you've been pouring concrete for 25 years, that doesn't mean that you get to be an asshole to everyone.
first they kiss then they bite soft
Had the exact same experience. The young people are fucking twats too. And completely retarded. When I got the job, these retards refused to train me and kept asking me to do obviously dangerous shit while running on just five hours of sleep per night because of our shifts. They tried to bully me too because I had a degree. I literally quit in the first week and went back to white collar I hated it so much. I immediately realized 90% of these people had these jobs because they had few options.
fuck every cunt who ties himself down to a job and makes it everybody else's problem
They do it because a functional retard could do the job if we’re being honest. So competence is not even a major concern. The only point of pride is how tough you can be.
complain all you want but it's going to be really insane when the older generations die and we straight up don't have tradesmen anymore because zoomies exclusively type on keyboards or hand people fast food bags for work
Don’t be a fucking retard. There’s always going to someone somewhere that knows how to do this shit and as long as the money is tight people will do it. It’s not rocket science either. The trades aren’t some magical esoteric magic school. We’ve been doing most of this shit forever. When the boomers die, we’ll still be doing it.
you could leave life right now
you sound like you need some black pussy
i'm gonna run away and never come back
Bitch deserves it
Hopefully, when the boomers die and this generation of tradies gets to their age, they won't treat the younger people the same way they got treated. I can imagine that there'll be a bump in new tradies, if only a small one, if the worksite becomes a more positive and welcoming place to be.
the weird thing always looming over me is i know for a fact if i ever do make a lot of money in life, i'm 100% going to be doing a lot of coke every single day
>if the worksite becomes a more positive and welcoming place to be
at my old job, the warehouse had a printout up on the whiteboard of inclusion rules etc., in the list it said
>No "banter"
Alright, see you guys later I'm out
i'm an OG original gangster
That's her own fault, she should've known what would happen if she spoke about that sort of stuff. That's like talking about what counts as consent and what doesn't. Sure, there are a lot of things you could say i.e. consent doesn't have to be verbal and that enthusiastic physical action can count as consent, but you know that even though what you said is true, people won't take kindly to it. You have to pick and choose your battles. Now, am I against this Amy woman? No, I don't think she should've got any backlash for what she said, but she should've known better.
prove it
to have been, or have not to be been.
that's the question.
apartment 2, 68 broadwick st
that's not the question
Yeah, my brother works in a warehouse and was telling me about something like this that happened at his job the other week. I can't remember the exact word/phrase, but one of his female coworkers got offended by it for some reason and complained to the manager, who then proceeded to ban the word/phrase from being uttered in the warehouse. The conclusion that my brother and I came to was that the only reason someone would find what they said to be offensive is if they were looking to take it offensively, no one else found it offensive, not even the multiple other women who work there, it was just this one chick who decided she didn't like it and now they're not allowed to joke around with it anymore.
being tall is good when you're around other men. but when you're alone with a girl, i think it'd be way better to be 5'7 (tops) and stand face to face with her when you kiss.
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nice, very gangstar
what are you doing in there?
Nah, having a chick stand on her toes to kiss you is mega cute.
Applied for a crap minimum wage job. The cashier dude gave me a pep talk of ignore the bullshit and do your own thing.
he's based
nice victim blaming chud
Humans live in these beehive things?
The instant recognition of my self. Did I write this? I may as well have. It feels like I wrote it. A negation in an affirmation. If I am not positive I wrote it, I imply I'm not alone.
Why would she? It’s her constitutionally protected right and guaranteed to her by tenure. One would think that an elite law school would encourage debating even controversial opinions if they had sound reasoning. Like, this isn’t the English department. This is a law school. This is a school that produces Supreme Court justices and attorneys general.

The reason this black pills me though is not because there was some reaction. It black pills me because the reaction was so universally leftist. We are really at a point in this country where the average professor, administrator, student, alumni, really thinks this is all well and good, to cancel a professor because they didn’t toe the anti-racist party line. I mean, how do you possibly come back from that? It’s one thing for the masses of brainwashed buffoons to take their marching orders from MSNBC but these are the legal authorities, allegedly. You can’t fix this, can you? It’s like having a military full of pacifists. This whole civilization is in a stage of political-legal suicide and it’s become totally normalized, celebrated even. There is no real reason to aspire to anything at all then. No matter what you do, your peers will cancel you because they only care if you are anti-racist. That is a depressing thought.
They will. It’s the way of the world. When a monkey can do your job, many people with your job will try to gatekeep it on the basis of toughness or whatever. I bet it was like this in Ancient Rome and Babylon as well.
This may be
My last
I am trying
Was I crying
Kuraewu made
Let me tell you how
Isshinaku sumaru naki nai
they pay through the nose to
>It black pills me because the reaction was so universally leftist.
It was never going to be universally right.
>Why would she?
See what just happened to her.
Very based. Broke it down for me that some troubles happen between coworkers as well and was kind of surprised.
>encourage debating even controversial opinions
Yeah, that's not going to happen with cancel culture.
how dare you
huh wdym
what's stopping you
what's going you
wanna go out w jennifer melfi do coke and get a limp but still exciting footjob in her bedroom
yes i think that's something i'd like to do
>It was never going to be universally right
Goes without saying
>See what just happened to her.
Completely retarded argument. Like saying you should have expected to get struck by lightning because you got struck by lightning.
I agree, but the point I’m making is that cancel culture and this insatiable demand for progressive leftism exists not only in undergraduate women’s studies departments now but the places where the people who write and interpret the laws are educated on law itself. It’s kinda like cancer reaching the critical organs.
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also do coke i suppose?
ey. you listening?
to your thoughts? yes
stop it ew
Wasian women
who me couldn't be
yeah you
nice song tho
My girlfriend finally got minutes for her phone. I haven't talked to her in a 2 months.
sounds like she is lying to you
my baby can't pay her phone contract :////
I just don't like Western culture in general. I can't help but see there as being something sinister behind it all, especially when looking at the "fine" art selections in London (feels subversive and anti-life). I vastly prefer Eastern culture like China, India, and Japan. Ofc the first two did not modernize well, but I am taking a larger comprehensive historical perspective.
Every single Westerner I've ever befriended I've secretly grown to despise. Just the way they internalize reality disgusts me in general. There is always a petty kind of humanism befitting of slaves.
the excitement of talking to other living people
Actually my parents send her money to buy phone cards, but the last time the letter got lost in the mail so they had to resend another check.
bad things happen to the people you love
but honestly i never had much sympathy cause those bad things, i always saw them coming for me
omg. i think ... she could be doing the same thing i suppose
what does she do for a living
Well, obviously you’re Asian so. Your last sentence is absurdly cringe though. Grow up unironically.
>t. slave
She does DoorDash deliveries
no role models to speak of
tell her thank you for your service
lmao anon is getting scammed
I wish. I don't like my own culture, but I do like it more than the W*st.
I feel superiority complex over Westernshits and inferiority complex over East Asians.
... you said india
I don't think so. We used to live together, but I moved for university. If you mean the letter getting lost in the mail, I'm pretty sure my parents would know if it was cashed by checking their account.
are you like 16?
No, I'm 30.
why the fuck do you not even have your own bank account?
thirty, still on 4chan - a fear of mine
I do. I just don't have a job. My parents do.
I'm thinking from a greater historical vantage point. Modern India is a mess, but that's due to after the collapse of the Raj, there was rapid population growth and overcrowding, which basically led to what's known as "behavioral sink".
I wouldn't have minded being a disciple of Adi Shankara in ancient India, but I do not really like contemporary India or China. Modernization and industrialization are not meant for all races. Arguably, those two may have been historical mistakes depending on one's philosophy, which I don't feel like getting into.
I wouldn't expect a vapid one-dimensional Westernshit to get it.
imagine having to send your 30yo sons gf phone minutes per mail so he can talk to her
kinda cute but also holy fuck
a few weeks ago an anon said he
LARPs as a loser in these threads for fun ... so u know
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i wanna take your picture
I'm approaching my mid thirties now and even though my life still kind of sucks I'm astonished how much unhappier I was a decade ago. All that excessive life force wound up into a stifled ball of futility must backfire. Time levels you out.
my face doesn't suit my shoes
you're also significantly less clever and impressive i bet. i'm realising some stuff about life myself approaching mid twenties
Mongrel dogs barked on our approach. My gun team leader carried a slingshot with a forearm brace to shoot rocks at the dogs. We spent a lot of time on the perimeter, securing the desert, encircled by barking shepherds, and big bitches with sagging tits. I remember our privates running laps around camp scorpion chased by bitches, during a PT test; they got record times.
Dogs would surround us on the perimeter... always alerting to our approach.
On one mission I remember walking through a deserted city. We were dropped off by a regular army mechanized unit driving MRAPs. It was the first mission I worked with the regular army. Usually, we flew with the night stalkers. Up to that point, I had only seen the country, isolated compounds an hour or two Chinook ride from Kabul, but for this mission they dropped us off in the city outskirts. I wish I remembered more details, all I have are impressions. I never paid attention to the mission briefs, at least not the details about the target. I didn’t care. It didn’t matter. I paid attention to the important details. How long is the infil? What bird am I on? Where am I in the formation? Is my kit squared away?
I was walking down the road in the middle of the city, an assistant gunner carrying 2000 rounds of 7.62, plus a full combat load of 5.56, which I know with great confidence won’t be getting any lighter by the end of the night. I don’t remember the rest of the mission. Just walking down the street, flanked by billboards and barking dogs, followed by MRAPs, carrying all of those fucking rounds, everything is green.
I don’t care
this girl at work i always thought was like 18 told me the other day she's 33 (older than me).
If I talk in my sleep I suppose I should ask you what I want.
21 - 28: no difference
No one really responds when I talk about my experiences with maids.
Edgar Tabares got fed to the wolves when he got signed to ONE and Weston Wilson got fed to the wolves when he got signed to the UFC. It makes you wonder what the point of signing these guys even was.
passing out as night turns into day
can't relate
Nah, they wouldn't have made any worthwhile money off either of those guys and neither of those guys would've made any worthwhile money, MMA and muay Thai fighters get paid like shit.
I'm the only one I know who's had maids, not even anyone who has maids that come in occasionally, but I've had a maid who lived in the house like an aristocrat would have.
Are you South African, perhaps? I talked to some South African guy on /sp/ once who shared texts between him and his maid.
American. In the US we had a male African maid who didn't live with us but came to our house almost daily. My family have a live-in maid who also lives in our house with her daughter, but that's in the Philippines. She was texting me through some app called Viber, but I deleted the app. The maid and her daughter wants me to come back.
>after the reddit legion got a whole barracks obliterated
Lol wut? I need to hear this. What happened?
I am 4chan.
100% of 3rd worlders who grew up with maids lack empathy. Hard to consider them human.
I would like convince a beautiful woman to let me make her a mommy. She must do this voluntarily and as my friend. Afterwards, me and this woman could even collaborate as a team on the development of the newly spawned person(s). That would be a nice way to live, I think.
Radical concept. I don't think that would work.
I am an AI engineer, but I hate sci-fi.
It does not appeal to me at all.
I am much more fascinated by history and historical fiction/non-fiction.
Why do you think that?
who is the painter op?
i really like these type of paintings
You might me right but I’d still like to try.
I'd never fuck a man but I'd fuck a trans or a femboy. Am I bi? I also yoinked it to yaoi tonight if that helps in your decision making.
I've grown up with maids, I guess. If you ever see this you can talk to me about it.
No you straight
Incel! What do?
should i start reading homestuck?
I went through a phase like that where I thought I might be bi or even gay. Turns out I was just a lonely porn addict getting off to increasingly depraved fetishistic things. I eventually realized that when I’m out in the world interacting with people face-to-face, I was only attracted to women. And when I cut back on porn use, that attraction to “femboys” went away altogether. I was even hit-on by a tranny at a Halloween party last year and I felt completely repulsed as I was confronted with that very real possibility of having sex with a man. Because my authentic attraction is only for women.

So, maybe you’re like me or maybe not. Maybe you’re really bi.
I think you got to bribe them with money in a brown envelop first.
>maybe you’re like me or maybe not. Maybe you’re really bi.
Maybe. Either way, I'm glad you discovered who the real you is.
Thanks. I think it’s always a bit of a work-in-progress. I hope you find happiness in your unfolding discovery of authentic self, wherever it may lead you.
trannies and fags are disgusting
whenever they hit on you it feels threatening. they have no shame or modesty.
Cheers, big man.
You're threatened by those people? You're the gay one here, bud.
i use to
lots of fags are pedos too
Disregarding what you may think about the transgender phenomenon from a political perspective, it really remarkable what is happening. You got guys taking drugs that make them grow little boobies. They just grow them. They wear dresses and jiggle their limp dicks and swollen little boy boobies. That’s fucking crazy. If you told me that shit when I was a teenager, I would not have believed you. Or better yet, imagine telling somebody from 100+ years ago all about transgenderism and trans pornography. Their head might explode clean off their body. Their head would become delete and would be there no more where it used to be before, their head.
You come across like you masturbated as you typed this. Desu.
Either that or are way too young to be here.
I am not aroused by growing squishy male tits or exploding heads of people from the 1800s. I am not. I’m not.
Well then, stop writing about it like you are a child or a fetishist.
I would do anything for love, but I won’t do that.
Enjoy your goonsesh bro. Try to make your fetish goonslop less obviosu next time.
It’s a song by Meat Loaf! It’s a good song and you’re a good lad. Cheers <3

Sociology and Engineering are similar in that they both produce very irritating individuals who try to explain all other fields in terms of their own. This mindset is not limited to those two examples, but they do seem to churn them out at a higher rate than any other I know.
Does this apply to all branche sof enginnering, in your experience?
Typically I would compare Engineering to Economics, in that sense.
Breaking the ice with girls who you don't know is hard.
Especially when one is a people pleaser who doesn't want to upset people.
I just listened to my mother tell my sister the story of how she and my father got married. She wanted to do it because everyone else she knew was getting engaged and married. He was iffy about it but agreed. The whole thing was very pragmatic and unromantic. These people dated for five years. Five years and I don't think they really knew each other very well. The whole thing is crazy. Two superficial people in a superficial relationship that leads to a very unhappy marriage and messy divorce. I do not like either of those people very much. They must be so so so stupid to have gone over a decade before having children without reflecting on the hugely flawed basis for the whole thing. They probably never considered the implications of creating a person. Everyone else was having kids so my mother brought it up to my father and he was iffy about it but gave in to not rock the boat too much because he's lazy. Like clockwork. The whole thing is DISGUSTING and I have to suffer the consequences of it through no fault of my own. These people have no self awareness at all!
you think cross dressers didn't exist 100 years ago?

Why do people always focus on MTF when FTM is like 3x as common and even more disturbing from all kinds of perspectives?
MTF don't really hurt anyone. Men are disposable.
FTM are the real issue. They also do even worse shit like getting their boobs mutilated and sewing grafted skin on their pubic regions which they inflate with bicycle pumps.
it's kind of annoying how 4chan will randomly not post your post sometimes. i think i know the rule that causes it and it's really arbitrary and won't stop bots as soon as they figure it out in two seconds like i did.
True, but that’s like observing that a Ford Model-T and a Bugatti Chiron are both cars. Technically true, but we’re dealing with profoundly different technology here.
I disagree. FTMs are just wee laddies. Easily ignored manlets. Weak and non-threatening. I don’t care what they do to their tits or vaginers. MTFs on the other hand are deceivers of men. Sirens who lure in their prey and fuck them in the butthole. Hence the term “trap”
I just reposted mine and it went through. Maybe the website is breaking or something.

The ancients used to fuck little boys and not even in secret, but out in the open. I think humans have always seen sex crazed to disgusting extents.
i suppose it could be a bug, but i think it's an attempt to stop the bot spam since they also just added extra letters to the captcha sometimes
It’s been doing that shit for the past two days now. I think they broke something.

Well, I'm thinking of it from a societal perspective. Dick is abundant. It's really no bother to me that MTFs exist and if they are cute enough to trap men, all the better.
FTMs are an issue for various reasons. Pussy is a scarce resource for one. And girls are herd animals who jump on trends so FTMs are often just follow a trend. Lots of stories of girls regretting the mutilation of their own tits.
There’s an evil man sneaking pairs of pants into my house. There are pants here and they are not my pants. Except I looked closer and they actually ARE my pants. So why is this evil bastard bringing MY pants into MY house? Goddammit, I’m not gonna get any sleep tonight now.
Ironically, all the cutest traps are in the US, because the doctors there will prescribe pills without a second thought.
Here in "degenerate" Europe we don't get any cute traps because its hard to get the hormones, especially from a young age.
Shame really.
You make good points, I can see it from your perspective. But maybe I can still find a way to get off to the shame and regret of mutilation and self-destruction displayed by lapsed FTMs. Only time will tell.
So are lots of straight people, what's your point?
>like observing that a Ford Model-T and a Bugatti Chiron are both cars. Technically true, but we’re dealing with profoundly different technology here
We're not really. Ever since we could make exogenous hormones, trannies have been getting their hands on them. Technically, even before we could make exogenous hormones, they were still trying to use the less effective hormonal extracts available. It's almost a 100 years of synthetic oestrogen, and the first adopters were heavily populated with trannies. It was also a peak of reconstructive surgery because of WWI injuries. The boom now is rather similar
europe is really losing its edge, you guys used to be way ahead on social issues but now america has legal weed, legal suicide, legal sex changes, etc.
Except if you have a son. Then you won't think like that.
>But maybe I can still find a way to get off to the shame and regret of mutilation and self-destruction
Bro you would LOVE feederism. Just make them fat and disgusting and then dump them and move on to the next one. Architecture.
rings false
>Pussy is a scarce resource for one.
Women literally outnumber men, just say that you think it's scarce because you're ugly and you don't get any.
>And girls are herd animals who jump on trends
As opposed to men who are notorious for never jumping on a trend ever in the history of the world.
Intermittent insomnia
Were we ever? Or was it just an American stereotype? Like Americans believe that all Germans go around it the nude and shit like that.
I'd love to see some statistics, actually.
Europe is generally more conservative. It's the US who has the risk taking character.
So you wouldn't expect Europe to be ahead on social issues.
Look at a population pyramid. Those women are in their 80's. More men are born than women and there are almost universally more young men than women. The only exceptions are places like Haiti and much of Africa for obvious reasons.
>Women literally outnumber men,
Only in old age. Up till age 40, men outnumber women by a couple percentage points.
>Just say that you think it's scarce because you're ugly and you don't get any.
Does that matter? Of course the billionaires won't feel the famine.
Well there is a reason no one wants to work in the trades. Blue collar work in general is trash, it needs to be done but you don't want to be the person who does it.
>just say that you think it's scarce because you're ugly and you don't get any
It's a market and therefore it affects everyone. Plus, you never know who is going to get hit by the virus. Could be your sister or your crush. Imagine, if you're crushing on a girl and she suddenly wants to cut her boobs and grow a beard.
ya i think it's just a stereotype, americans love to talk about how superior europe is but it's just a flex to prove how worldly and traveled you are, but now with the internet that flex gets less and less relevant, not to mention we can all see how shitty european economies are now despite "free" healthcare and so on.
How so?
groomer says "rings false" but i find it rings highly true
Went for a walk. Halfway through and it started raining heavily. Home has been so frustrating. Usual fights with family members. I applied and cleared college entrances and will move in a few weeks but god do i hate it at home. It has turned me suicidal. I thought a cigarette would help so i bought a pack from the nearby store. The store guy let me use his lighter. I tried to light my cigarette but it won't just catch any flame. I stood and tried to light my cigarette for about 15 mins but it won't just stay lit. It made me so sad. Nothing's ever good in my life. I threw away the entire pack because the cigarettes won't get lit and went home.
You aren't reading those maps correctly.
'attracted to women' - this turn of phrase. has anyone who liked girls ever said that?
or it could just be that you felt the need to belabour the point so much that made me doubt
R*ddit is such a leftist shit hole. I use that website to try to help people, but I just get banned from every sub for not being a rabid leftist.
Europe is absolutely not more conservative. They just don’t have the insane fringe minority of extreme leftists that we have. They are more universally progressive than we are. Virtually every European is a left-progressive.
Oh no, I have to stop crushing on the chick, how will I ever recover?
I’ll agree that it was awkward phrasing. I preferred to say “women” so that nobody could misinterpret “girls” as referring to anybody underage. Unfortunately, there’s nothing I can really do to prove that I’m telling the truth. Oh well.
I can’t deal with unibrows bro. I was talking to this contractor dude at work today who had a full thick dark unibrow. He was a young guy too. Was it a power move? To throw me off and distract me? Who would do something like this? What the fuck?
Was suicide actually illegal once?
ah yes very unfortunate harumph ....
does it matter? i don't care if you're straight or not
>was suicide actually illegal once?
too young to remember jack kevorkian i take it? it's still illegal in republican states, but in my state for example, terminally ill people can apply for basically a suicide permit and get pills to do it from a doctor
the only time i see a dude with major unibrow its usually some guy from one of those cultures that encourages cousin marriages so i assume it's an inbreeding thing or maybe just a lack of grooming in those cultures
>does it matter? i don't care if you're straight or not
No it doesn’t matter and I don’t care if you don’t care if I’m straight or not

…wanna kiss now?
I reccommend you avoid Armenian contractors if unibrows mess you up so much.
That's not suicide though. That's assisted dying, or euthanasia. I thought you were saying throwing yourself off a bridge or hanging yourself was illegal once.
Arabs and Caucasians are just hairy, anon. Nothing to do with inbreeding, they are just hairy.
slow down
Ok I’m sorry >_<
But I'm a pseud, I'm a midwit
What the hell am I doin' here?
I don't belong here
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>throwing yourself off a bridge or hanging yourself was illegal once.
it was
Huh. Bizarre, what even was the punishment? They'd send you to jail? COmmit you?
think a person who has died by suicide is beyond the reach of the law
Kek, depending on the country and time period, sometimes it was a capital offence, so you'd be sentenced to death for attempted murder
>sentenced to death
wish fulfilment
>Turns out I was just a lonely porn addict getting off to increasingly depraved fetishistic things.
Many such cases.
Imagine living under a government so tyrannical you can't even kill yourself. I'd probably hang myself abroad if I lived anywhere with illegal suicide (thankfully not much of the world is like this). Any freeman should have the right to dispose of their life however they see fit.
My brother got cheated on once and when my mum asked him what was wrong, he replied with "I don't feel loveable" and to this day, I don't believe he actually felt like that, there was no passion or real emotion in his voice, it just sounded like he was trying to sound like a movie character.
Also, I checked and the sentence for attempted suicide in the places where it's still illegal averages at a year in prison and maybe a fine.
American here. Just had a lox bagel for breakfast.
that it's scary when 30 year old pedo faggots hit on 16 years olds
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Haitian here. Just had my cat for breakfast.
well, the act is almost universally stigmatised and discouraged...
i personally don't believe in it. i think it's not yours to do away with (especially for such a reason as you're just tired of living)
guys i can't find my cat
Yes, straight people do that a lot too, are you scared of everyone?
I'm driving my car down to geneva
Homos are just disgusting, end of story.
What's this meant to mean, big tuna?
Just tell us that you're gay, anon, we can all tell.
Tell me more about my country.
There's parts of Europe that are definitely more conservative than the whole of America.
Doubt I'd change my opinion even if I were gay.
kill yourself pedo enabling faggot.
There’s not. I’ve lived in both, known people in both. The countryside conservatism of Europe is not only identical with that of America, but an also less common. Europe is more generally progressive and that’s just a fact. That includes Southern and Eastern Europe by the way.
Cat here. Just ate a mouse for lunch.
andrii_kateryniuk on ig.
please back the fuck off
Progressive in what way? Modern America is fairly equal, despite our history. Modern Europe is extremely racist. I remember a couple friends, one Malay, one Ghanaian, talking about the shitty behavior they experienced while backpacking Southern and Eastern Europe. A Polish person stole their shit in a hostel. Some dude in Prague held them at knife point. Even in Western Europe, a French person tried spitting on them (but it ended up falling back on his own face). Honestly, it's over for Europe. Asia is gonna render them completely unimportant.
>Lebanese in Lebano
>4.7 million
>Lebanese in Brazil
>6 million

how did this happen?
when is the next /lit/ humor thread happening?

I'm in need of a few laughs but I don't dare to start it myself
If you do it, I'll kiss you
I’m starting to worry that nothing will get better. We’re going to be forced to do DEI training and publish black folx forever. Literature and academia is never coming back. This really worries me.
Don' worry, WW3 will toughen up our generation.
Is it true that Black people hate Asian people? When the #StopAsianHate thing was happening in my company, it was the black people that were vocally against it. They truly are the worst group out there. You can't call them out on anything without being called a racist, even if you're not white.
/lit/ is notoriously unfunny
>blaming black people for your own lack of talent
honestly based
I don't have enough material saved to get it off the ground
Just take a couple from previous humor threads and post em
I'll look in my saved folder as well when I'm on my break
don't make it
Honestly, the hate against against East and South Asians is solely because white Americans see them as a demographic and economic threat.
Generalizations are always a dangerous thing but the majority of crimes against Asians during corona was done by black people, yes. It's why #StopAsianHate died so incredibly fast. It's not good optics for every suspect captured on camera to be black, it challenges the whitey bad narrative.
Why did Obamna do this?
new Thurston Moore album is pretty good
>find new band I like
>look them up
>they stopped making music due to some dumb controversy
I hate this.
does that happen to you a lot?
Seems everything is considered woke by /v/. It's kind of tiring.
>She Wants Revenge
>Crystal Castles (/mu/core I know, I know)
>Kinoko Teikoku
To be fair, the last two I don't think disbanded because of a controversy. But they still stopped making music shortly after or before I discovered them.
>it's why #StopAsainHate died so incredibly fast.
I was wondering how long that would go for while viewing some of the webm featuring blacks against Asians.
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>What happened?
TL;DR Foreign volunteers from r/Ukraine posted images from inside military outposts on Reddit, in search of Reddit gold; Ruskies found the posts and analyzed the meta data (time/location) and decided to shoot some rockets there. Ukraine stopped accepting random volunteers after that.
Black people that participate in this are just the useless idiots. We all know it’s whites and Jews who are the backbone of this shit.
Based reddit
Any reasonable person would take advantage of the opportunities put in front of them. Now the question is who is in control of creating these opportunities. Activate your almonds, fellas.
thinking to travelling to the US but doubt my visa will get approved
where you coming from?
Canada, Australia, and Argentina are such pathetic countries. Europe too, except the Balkans. In fact, I hold places like China, Mexico, Iraq, India, South Africa with much greater regard. Something from nothing, and for much longer. I'd say I hate us too but I honestly just don't.
Best of luck bro, where are you visiting here?

I want to see great city of Astana one day
The retarded redneck infested town I live in sucks, the job I work in sucks, my life sucks, I have no close friends and no gf. However, I have decided that I will live in this stupid town for an immeasurably long period of time, if not until the end of my life. This decision, though consequential, has felt liberating, it has taken a lot away from my depression. My life still sucks, but at least I no longer have to think that other options exist. Nope, this is it. This is the painting of my life, roughly speaking, and I have no intents to change the frame. Perhaps I will add some colour into the picture here and there, but largely speaking, this it is and that's exactly what makes it so much easier to accept it.
I think it’s not as rational a decision as you make it out to be. At first glance, sure, a black female would take advantage of the leftist DEI sentiment in major institutions and popular culture. But if one foresees the blowback that can possibly result from it, and there will be blowback we all know it, then you tread more carefully so as to avoid attracting ire in the long term. Even if DEI is here to stay, it’s not going to be easy for those people. I think everyone understands that by now.
>blowback that can possibly result from it, and there will be blowback we all know it
Hmm what kind of blowback could there be? This most likely is the new norm, I think.
New York, Miami
new thread when?
When you kys
Rom. 8:28
And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.
What stops ACPAC (American Chinese Public Affairs Committee) from being a thing? Why cannot China simply infiltrate and subvert the US political system to get the US to leave them alone?

Is it simply because it is harder for Chinese people to pass as white?
Is it because anti-sino sentiments protect the US from infiltration?
Because the Jews are deeply ingrained in American culture and history, all the Chinks did was help build railways.
The irony of this. So basically what we have to conclude is that one ethnicity profited from positive racism in their favour, while another suffered.
Interesting. Not quite congruent with the present narrative.
The Chinese don't suffer in America lmao what the fuck you talking about
Disposable weed vapes saved my life.
What I was saying is that they aren't white passing enough to be part of the in-group WASPs who control the wealth and political power of the country.
And if they were, they might have managed to become better integrated in those inner circles.

I think you can see this with other ethnicities too. How many Italians are there in those inner circles? Most seem to be North Western Europeans. Then Slavs. Then other Europeans. Funny how that works. Like there's a gradient of racism and the whiter you are the closer you are to the center.
What the fuck are you talking about? Where is this "inner circle" of Europeans? The Boston elites committed suicide decades ago.
>millenials and zoomers
>not being feminine, cliquey, passive-aggressive assholes
The Chinese have more wealth and influence than white Americans you fucking braindead moron.
Is not a real woman anon.


Day 002.

The Chad Daenerys was 13yo vs the virgin:

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