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Rape Room Edition

Previous: >>23840996
i fucked up previous.
real previous: >>23838479
Shit thread, tbqhwy. Mine is better.
what i don't understand is how people these days are entirely incapable of separating a person from his obligation, his personality from his thoughts, his actions from his ideas.
whatever socially unacceptable actions of a person which are leaked to the public not only degrade his character but also that of his work, notions of which merely follow the whims of the current socio-political wind.
why should his treatise on a scientific discovery be any less valid in light of his pedophilic inclinations? the treatise stands on its own reasoning, and should not be considered otherwise. why can one not laud him for his discovery while simultaneously also condemn him for his immoral behavior? why are the majority of people too illiterate to conceive that a man has more than one aspect to his person? why do they see someone entirely in either black or white?
many books i've liked were written by those whose questionable behavior had later come to be revealed, and so what? so what if he is a rapist, sex offender, killer, torturer, manipulator, kidnapper, thief, gang member, drug kingpin, or sex ring mastermind? if he writes with compelling ink, he should be praised for it and there is no more to concern oneself of him.
/fit/ has to be the pussiest, sissiest board imaginable. Just the lengths these people will go to shit on MMA and any form of full contact martial arts with some cope like "Oh I have muh guns" astounds me.
Anyone who does grappling in a street sight deserves to be shot.
>talks about self-improvement for its own sake
>immediately makes an excuse to be a weakling instead of just admitting they don't care for combat/martial arts
See this is the sort of exact mentality I loathe. It's extremely neurotic.
the wsj said caroline ellison wrote an eduordian romance novella anyone know where to peep it?
/lit/ is just as bad. you get these wanna be tough guys who talk about how everyone else is an effeminate soi but they would have been roman gladiators if they werent born in le wrong millenia or whatever, so i'm like ok buddy take some mma fights? and they immediately come with some excuses because they are pussies
It's really weird. MMA isn't quite as lethal as actual sword fights, but 1v1 physical combat has been the standard before "mechanized warfare" even existed.
i just mean if you think you're some kind of badass fighter who wants to compete "mano e mano", right now is a great time to be alive since you still have trad boxing, but also mma and stuff like muay thai, etc. not to mention greco-roman wrestling and judo etc. in the olympics, but like all guys who talk tough, they are pussies who want no part of it. that's the best part of training combat sports, you can easily sus out who has heart and who is full of shit.
Got stuck walking behind this girl because we were going the same direction. She got all nervous and skittish and it made me feel creepy. Would feel a lot less creepy if she didn't have these long slender legs stuck into some sexy cowgirl boots. I couldn't look away. I hate how women make guys feel like creeps
I also have my gun, but in my area self defense is treated like first degree murder, so I also learn martial arts

Have the allegations about this cocksucker surfaced already?
Martial arts is super en vogue right now. Great time to get into it.
I am going insane
Don't sleep much anymore
Lymph nodes have been swollen for two months
Can't stop drinking alcohol
Eating a lot of speed too
Going insane
Trying to write my novel but it's no good
Losing my mind
Stomach always hurts
No job or friends
Never leave the house
Quit bathing almost entirely
Going insane
I just saw this girl dressed like a Avril Lavigne circa 2001. Too bad she's obese
>Quit bathing almost entirely
imagine the smell…
I miss the days when I was a young lass frolicking in the garden with my doggies and goats without a care about foreign affairs.
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Innocence and purity are the only worthwhile qualities a man should find atractive about a woman.
>She got all nervous and skittish and it made me feel creepy.
Yeah I know that feel.
with my mind on rape
and rape on my mind
frolicking in the garden
affairs with foreign goats
Aleikum salam.
You can please all the people sometimes or you can please some people a lot or how does it go.... Fuck it. Nobody is ever happy.
One time when I was waiting for my train this girl who was beside me kept checking me, I could feel her stare and got a bit nervous when our train arrived I didn't get in because I thought she was probably following, the last thing I saw was her looking at me meanly through the glass
Pick up the pace, give a cough to let them know you aren’t being sneaky, and give a wide berth to pass
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"Prisoner M-27664851, the Intersolar Eunomian Military Court of the Virgo Supercluster has found you guilty of treason and espionage for publishing confidential military documents detailing the layout and technical specifications of our currently deployed BM-7900 Interplanetary Barrage Cruiser on a public and unencrypted CosmoNet messageboard for the popular Polysensory Holo-tainment™ Simulation System game titled "War Thunder 27" under the alias "JickDiggler69". According to the documents provided, this incident occurred on K/23/11054 A.E. during your internship as a spacecraft repair technician while deployed at the Space Navy outpost on Neptune in which you were provided with Level Y security clearance and access to the aforementioned holo-blueprints. It also states here that the blueprints were added as an attachment to a comment which read "You don't even know how this shit works you retarded faggot, I've worked on this exact ship before and I bet you've never even seen a BM-class craft in real life. The one in the game has the wrong electrofuselage and they didn't even add the right number of onboard quark reactors, plus the in-game one uses the old Boscovich force dispersal shielding system which hasn't been used in any new models since the 5000 series, the real 7900 uses a Fourier harmonic shielding system set to [redacted] kHz. I have the official blueprints for it right here, so maybe do some actual research first before spewing retarded shit on the CosmoNet. So yeah, you're gay."(sic). This comment stayed up for 37 minutes before being taken down by site moderators with the details being forwarded to relevant authorities. In leaking this classified information, you have endangered the lives of millions of currently deployed VScU Space Defense crews across the universe by allowing potential enemies to exploit vulnerabilities in these aforementioned spacecraft.
As is typically the punishment for such cases of traitorous disclosure of military secrets, you would be sent to the sulfur mines on one of Mercury's prison camps, but I have recieved orders from the Grand Marshal of the Laniakea Sector Space Navy himself to make an example of you. Due to your brazen disregard for sensitive military confidentiality, you are to be sent into Dimension-8011, known colloquially as "The Futa Dimension", where the remarkably well endowed 16 foot tall humanoid residents will have their way with your mouth and rectal cavity for the rest of your natural lifespan."
"Oh no haha.. don't do that.. heh."
My cat said "welcome home, master!"
Need to find a new dojo
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Me three
>Trying to write my novel but it's no good
I know everyone romanticizes the self-destructive artist but the quality of your work will improve dramatically if you cut down on the drinking and drugs and get a decent night's sleep most of the time
Silly of me to think of quitting 4chan. I will delete the internet browsers all together. This might be one of my greatest conquests in a whole two years.
Mma is for psychopaths who wants any excuse to hurt other people. Still think that everyone should learn boxing and solve their problems in boxing matches
Feeling comfy. Reading Husserl. I have free day tomorrow and will visit a friend. Weekend, town fair; planning to take a foid with me and if it fails, which it will probably do, I will get drunk with other friends
What should people do if they regret their lives and can’t easily make changes (own a house, have a family, etc.)?
>referring to women as foids
Sorry, planning to take a biocunt with me.
Well, goodbye 4chan. It was a useless three years spending time with you and I learned nothing from it. Had some fun with a few posts though. The real 4chan culture seems to have died though just a few months after I joined. It just doesn't have the same energy anymore. It's like a weak, blended version of the true 4chan. There's nothing original to it anymore and the only difference left to the other sites is that you can say slurs. No debates, except silly amateurish ones, no slur fights, except bland, silly ones and all the boards seem to have devolved to a caricature of themselves. /pol/ has become a caricature of itself. No one even mentions it anymore. It has disappeared, it's hiding under the entrances of the earth. /his/ has devolved into /pol/ on steroids, /lit/ has become the same 10 threads over and over again, like c'mon, Nietzsche bait, Houllembeq bait, and the niche original copy-paste threads have died too. I sleep in the knowledge that all these are symptoms of the decay of the West. Btw, I am Gobineau poster. I am the guy who's been pasting strips from de Gobineau for years on /lit/ and I sleep tight in the knowledge that it has made me laugh like a madman every single time I did it, and even though I rarely ever got any replies, I know it has made many anons seethe. The idea was perfect. A racist who shits on most Europeans. I wanted to make everyone seethe. I look back at my work and I see my work as accomplished, fulfilled. I can pass down my work to a more committed anon who will inherit my humble legacy.
Greater conquests are waiting ahead. The Faustian spirit, yet so stifled, strangled, is not dead yet. It lives on inside me, perhaps so imperfectly, but I sleep tight in the knowledge that I am VON some of the noblest strains of Europe. It gives me a sense of security and the right to judge on the state.
Enough talk about the dumbification of humanity. Enough talk about these faithless wretches who roach around this place as much as everywhere else.
I will sleep tight in the knowledge that I am no longer one with the subhumans who live in this cave of the internet, a cave that has become a touristic attraction.
Goodbye forever, plebs.
What was I trying to say? Oh, yeah, I'm deleting my browsers all together to make a bunch of Jews seethe.
Fuck you.
[ ] While the black has generally retained enough purity to show qualities roughly similar to those of its older types, the same is not true for white. The species is nowhere to be found in its primitive value. Our most unmixed nations are only very decomposed, very little harmonious results of a series of mixtures, either black and white like, in the middle of Europe, the Spaniards, the Italians, the Provençals; yellow and white as, in the North, the English, the Germans, the Russians. So that the mestizos, products of a so-called white father, whose original essence is already so modified, can in no way rise to the ethnic value possessed by the black Chamites. In these men, the hymen had been accomplished between peoples equally and fully armed with their vigour and originality. The conflict between the two natures had been able to grow strongly in their fruits and brought to it this character of vigour, a source of excesses that are impossible today. The observation of contemporary facts provides conclusive proof that when a Provençal or an Italian gives birth to a mulatto hybrid, this offspring is infinitely less vigorous than when he was born to an English father. Indeed, the white type of the Anglo-Saxon, although far from being pure, is not at least weakened in advance by series of melaninian avalanches like in the peoples of southern Europe, and it can transmit to its mestizos a greater share of the primordial force. In the meantime, I repeat, today's most vigorous mulatto is far inferior to the Black Chamite of Assyria, who, spear in hand, made so many slave nations tremble.

One last big fuck you, everyone.
ok faggot
Yeah, you were part of the problem and a contributor to the fall of /lit/
Gotta be honest with you guys I love watching romantic comedies with my gf
My parents say I have a manly smell.
I'm one of the few anons who posted quotes from books. If you didn't like what was written in them you can suck a big fat cock. If you don't like quotes from books it may be time to take off the /lit/ larp. First and foremost, fuck you, and secondly, not my problem.
What's the point of moving to a America and not living in one of the former 13 colonies? Everything outside it (except for Montana and pnw) is soulless
>dude has never been to the South
Husserl filtered my ass. Sartre, Marcel and Kierkegaard are much easier to understand even if Kierkegaard writes like a fairy.
How do I stop
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Listening to love songs and imagining that the girl is talking to me when she's singing. Yeah, now this is the life.
Think about the vibes bro. I can sell you such a vibey product bro, it even got the word vibe painted all over it. See, you wouldn't think so, but us corporate marketing guys can get pretty vibey, yo. We're on that corporate vibe, bro.
What I fear, what puts me in a tail spin, is the blank screen the morning after reaching out to numerous people. The reminder of my station, the reminder that I am still stuck here, still very much unworthy
I would relive all of the traumatic experiences of my childhood if it meant that another woman wouldn't break my mind.
Ahh, this is the life, my sister set me a nice bubble bath and used a towel on my body, talking to me in a comfy soft voice about herself and other topics, after making us two dinner - bagel dogs, which were very tasty dipped in mustard and ketchup.
I have downloaded over 500 books ,but I have only finished reading about 6 of them.
it's differently one of the worser boards for sure
you can still do those things
which one is the one you're looking most forward to read
My mom was one of the dancers here. I can screenshot to show which one is her.
is she hot
Wir sind musikarbeiter
Umm ackshually I'm a masochist and mma helps me not cut myself
big cocks will rule the world
Americans are English.
Mexican are spanish
The Spanish bred with the natives
boxing is far more dangerous than mma
All the girls in my college are either lesbians, they/thems, or just basic shitlibs. It's miserable.
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I ducking hate my younger brother. He’s a NEET bitch who’s always aggressive with me and treats me like shit. My dad is trying to reverse his mistake by having him go to my college but in turn he’s now my responsibility. The night he was meant to leave, it turned out he lied about when the registration date for classes were, insisting they were already over. He screamed at my parents telling them he doesn’t want to work and insulted almost all of my relatives, including my 7yr old brother. Now that he’s in my college my dad wants me to help him “adjust” by calling him regularly, get him food, etc. I hate that I have to help him. I hope he becomes some homeless junkie in the next few years.
What the hell are bagel dogs
Is he autistic or something
No but he's not too bright
Some kind of vile ultra-processed Amerislop, no doubt
I was raised trad cath. Sister is in an order. Whole big catholic family and community.
I'm bi (would never sleep with a man though) basically just weirdly hyper sexual and have been since I was a little boy.
I left the faith about a year ago, what triggered it was reading keirkeguard, I swear I had some kind of transcendental experience where my thoughts were 3D geometric overlapping and folding patterns. I had waking paralysis too, like sleep paralysis but I was just sitting in my chair, or once I was bending down to grab something and couldn't stand up for a while. Trying to make sense of faith in such an existential way was mind warping. At the point I was still very much a catholic but I say that reading keirkeguard triggered my leaving the faith because it have me access to a deeper way to understand faith. All in all I just think there's something really wrong with the mental framework of faith, and the attitudes that Abrahamic religious people have, they're nosy, pushing something on to you, normal people treat you like your own sovereign entity. But I'm incapable of outright denying Jesus.
I've since lost my virginity to a prostitute, who, without me knowing it beforehand, had actually went to the same highschool as me, a couple grades down. Was sad in a way, but she also just seemed sure of herself and very unphased. I came in 30 seconds and then we smoked cigarettes and talked about how shit the town we live in is and where the ideal place to live is. It's a fond memory, weird though.
Then I a multiple month long descent into some kind of paranoia, I think weed, leaving the faith with such an existential attitude, sleeping with a prostitute and working night shifts in the dead of winter was too much for me.
Now I'm dedicating my life to building a self sustainable commune with libraries and shit, eventually, for now I've planned out a pretty in-depth curriculum for myself on a whole host of practical skills. Most motivated and engaged in life I've been since I was a child.
Honestly now, after the worst two years of my life, I'm now at my best ever. Studying classical logic (as well as the trivium model HIGHLY recommend) have me the tools to actually think clearly and plan my life. That's the real self help, the og. But I'm worried, I have ambitions now, before I was content to just wander through life being vaguely kind and doing what I liked, now I have more to lose because I really want to have a powerful positive effect on the world. Worries about God cutting me down to size are coming back. I'll keep going. Hope I don't end up in hell.
thngs change, so you need to change too
nuh-uh. i'll be like that one guy from old school VICE documentary where he went to live in Alaska on his own in his 20 and forget anything the world ever cared ever since.
My PC bricked. Fuck.
I wonder how people turn out like that and stay like that. I maybe couldve become like that if I had a higher tolerance for the boring, stagnant, suffocating lifestyle that comes with being a loser NEET with no hobbies.
I descended into true autism today reading about the Toyota Production System. If only I figured out how to run my life like those nips figured out how to run a factory.
These threads are weird because one day the picture will be a beautiful painting or aesthetic image and the next day it’ll be some completely stupid lolrandom Reddit picture
no u. u r weird.
Between the ages of 18-25, I used to think it was cowardly to go with someone to the doctors. Then I realized that every single adult I knew attended important important doctors visits,. I am deserving of support. I don't have to do things alone.
Sometimes there is simply no dialogue or decision tree to the good ending with an irl character. I realize that only now when thinking of my father.
Waiting for the new /history/ general
They’re delicious stfu
I need to stop checking out social media and people's stories. Everyone seems to be living their best lives, doing cool shit and travelling and shit while I look at myself and it's just the same old boring mundane crap being stuck here at work in a remote location.
A lot of people on social media just straight up lie about how great their lives are.
you're thinking about end goals. Usually those become achievable once you do your work on the inside. You don't "need" any of those to be happy. Find your inner peace anon, it's our purpose afterall
well, it's in college so it's quite inevitable. Women (tend to) love trends and this is just the current thing. Maybe look further than college. Anyway, times are changing, this wasn't meant to last, so don't despair
if you care about your brother, you can do your work. But don't expect any change. As the quote says, you can take a horse to the water, but you can't make him drink. Whether he will "drink" or not, is not in you or your family's control, it will all depend on him, and yeah perhaps if he keeps that up, he will end up a junkie, but all you can do is your part, with no resentment.
>attitudes that Abrahamic religious people have, they're nosy, pushing something on to you, normal people treat you like your own sovereign entity
I wouldn't say its about any religion, those are just the "average" people who can't think better. Even in religions, the average person is still limited in the same way. My own version of christianity is quite "relaxed"(perhaps from a zealous perspective), but I'm no doubt a strong believer.
The period you went through served as a pathway to what you are now. If you still think in terms of religion, you could think of it as God's challenge to you (as I have been challenged myself, and many others). But this is your journey going forwards, and only you can find your truth. Good luck
very correct, they are just as miserable, if not more
>full of LESBIANS (Lebanese) and NIPpons
Thought of the day: on antinatalism. Antinatalism (being against having children) argues that it's better to not be born at all since we experience more suffering than happiness in our lives. Therefore, parents who choose to have children are selfish, because the child did not consent to being subjected to life/suffering.
My thoughts: Everything about life is selfish and having children is not more selfish than for example eating. How is eating any different? Is it not selfish to kill an animal, to kill plants...etc... to consume them in order to keep living your life?
I am strongly against antinatalism, but it seems to be unironically the next "thing", heavily propagated on reddit, just like atheism. It seems like such an immature and childish ideology, yet there are adults who resonate with it. Your thoughts?
an english poet once said you're responsible for your birth and for everything you've done in your life. you're wholly responsible. for choosing your parents, for choosing your genes, for everything. everything that has happened since. you shouldn't blame anybody (or praise anybody) for it.
I wish I could remember my dreams more often. I feel a great shame that I'm disconnected from them. I'd rather follow their forms and logic than any diagnosed ideology that dribbles out of reality. I want to think like an immortal. That would require me to displace death in my mind (without reconciling/synthesising/flat-out ignoring it). I'm not sure how to do this.
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I have come to the realization that I, as stupid as that sounds, am a bit mad at my mother for being too nice. I feel like she's made me too hopeful. Made me believe too much in a silver lining on the horizon. Told me things are going to get better, and for a while it certainly seemed that way. Only now am I beginning to see that life really isn't like that. I don't think I am going to make it, I don't think that I'm destined for greater things. I used to, but not anymore. I'd say that it's over but I don't think it ever even started.
I appreciate the thought, mom, but I don't know if you haven't made my life worse with giving me your positive outlook.
>Now I'm dedicating my life to building a self sustainable commune
Man I don't want to rain on your parade here, but this is part of your rock bottom. It was part of mine. It's just daydreaming, a curriculum won't get you what you really need to actually start something like this, which is a shit ton of money
When should my twin girls start sleeping in their own beds?

Always just had a queen mattress on the floor that they slept on. Think they should be seperated? If I tried now would they feel uncomfortable not sleeping next to each other?
I think he is talking more about the culture. Boxing still feels like a sport, a culture of athletics that attracts a lot of different people, whereas MMA is more like an outlet for Slavs and Hispanics that would otherwise be committing crimes against humanity.
boxing doesn't have a great track record as far as criminal records among their athletes goes
I am very fond of the stray cat the visits my house every day.
Canadians are pathetic. Niggas brownnosing the brits, americans, and chinese like dirty little sluts. they deserve zero respect.
where is the girl that will be the chaotic agent who will wring my life into utter omnishambles?
>you don't need one. trust me bro, i've had first-hand experience.
no, you don't know true boredom and ennui, faggot, and not even the cute, purple, and fuckable frenchie in Inside Out neither.
It's a round trip. My flight to paranoia was really to hell while my flight back took me to pronoia with a connecting flight to a place that no longer exists. Don't ever tell people you have pronoia. They will edge you until you are exhausted.
Canada is just suburb of Michigan. Fake country.
That's me in my animal form
Agreed. Michigan at least has character. Detroit with based ghettos and unmitigated crime. Ann Arbor with based top 20 uni and cute JAPs. Flint with based water in the lead. Farmington Hills with based rich WASP girls. Traverse city with based gay cherry festival. The UP with based sweet treats. Michigan is top tier. Canada is just gay beyond reason.
Well, I am very fond of you. I hope you live forever.
>Think they should be seperated?
no, only if they or one of them cant sleep or does not want to share a bed anymore
>If I tried now would they feel uncomfortable not sleeping next to each other?
very likely
Is there a point where a guy with no experience becomes a lost cause? I avoided women all throughout my life out of fear because I repulsed them and was sexually abused by my dad for years. At this point, I feel like damaged goods and can't imagine any woman being willing to put up with my insecurities and complete lack of experience
Hmmm sounds eerily similar to my life
The way i see it, if a woman loves you and you love her it doesnt matter if youre lebron or lebum
You overcome the obstacles and cherish the blessings
Not that i have found someone like that....
I have a friend going through a marriage crisis so I assure you it’s not all sunshine and roses. Sure I haven’t dated in eight years but it sure beats having a disloyal wife. To think you could just beat the shit out of your wife for any transgressions just a little over a half century ago and everyone just turned a blind eye is mind boggling now you say hi to the wrong woman in a public place and you get arrested.
Granola bars are just candy bars in disguise
You fucking faggot I made one the last time you cried about it. Just make your own already
oh no keto
>he's mad at his mom for loving him and giving him hope
>wishes his mom made him a cynical ass hole from childhood
It does sound stupid
"Candy" bars are just chocolate-bars
Grain-ola bars are sweetened grain bars
Canada isn't even a real country. I was looking into their form of government and how it developed. It's a fucking mess. A federated, parliamentary, constitutional monarchy? It was cool to learn that as a commonwealth state that Canada is an independent monarchy though. King Charles is the King of Canada. Funny.
*hatian blocks your path*
I'm not keto. It's just ridiculous seeing this little granola bars have half your daily sugar intake packed into them
Candy is more broadly encompassing than merely chocolate. A candy bar need not be essentially chocolate. Although it's very telling that I can hardly find a granola bar without chocolate in it anymore.
Imagine still having a monarch and that too some gay nigga like Charles
Get a grip canucks
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Learning that there is no such thing as unconditional love or friendship has been one of the worst decisions in my life.
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canada has a monarch - who knew?
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commercialization of the world by possibly the most insidious anti human country the world had ever beckoned, thankfully its final chapter is coming to a close but don't expect any miracles in the coming decades.
because i don't want a culture engineered by perverts. it's retards like you who think a person's "pedophilic inclinations" can't somehow cast a shadow on how he or she perceives the world
>bemoans the fall of the west while posting pedoerotic imagery
you're parodies of yourself
Supposing you go to the Amazon, and you live in a village of headhunters. Now, if you’re an anthropologist, you can become very fond of those headhunters, but you’re not gonna argue about head-hunting with them.
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sorry the image went over your head, I should also add there is no collective "west" not since the end of the second world war
>you shouldn't blame anybody (or praise anybody) for it
i agree with this, but I can't say I understand being resposible for my parents or genes (also ofc being responsible for what one does in their life)
wow u can get a ten pack of saw films on itunes for $20 are they that bad?
you sound young and I think your mom is right. You have your life ahead of you, so drop this mentality
criminals and perverts don't have a monopoly on truth, so i wouldn't be too generous in my praise of them.
social media tends to skew our perspective on women. Good selfless women exist, but you can't find them just anywhere. In any case, everything gets easier when you make peace with yourself, the rest just comes naturally
Calliope, to whom poems are directly addressed, does not care. She is no snob about class, or dialect, or a poet's occupational obsessions. True poems have been written by oyster-dredgers and gangsters and cricketers.
well, it is confusing, but if you realise that there's no such thing as time - as now the advanced scientists admit - you can be responsible for knowing beforehand what was going to happen and directing it.
his conclusion was you do it on the day of your death, because that's the only time you're complete. so the whole of your life makes a complete sealed off capsule as it were.
this sounds like buddhist reincarnation stuff.... How could you direct if your parents were relatives and you'd come out inbred... what would you have to do in your "previous life" to get a terrible fate?
tibetan buddhists believe you are reborn through your prenatal attraction to one of your parents. in that sense it's autonomic, like a dream. you can take responsibility but y
ever think about how weird it is that all skeletons are basically the same, just differently proportioned
we all meet with a terrible fate in the end. but nobody can possibly succeed in being you so well as yourself, and gradually you in that favourable position of being in your position can find out far better than anyone else what being you entails.

when you die, they say your whole life flashes before your eyes - and this is why.
well real dreams have a familiar precision... which many people confuse with the idleness of daydreaming.
i'm not a buddhist myself though & don't think there's any reincarnation or afterlife.
it's simply inconceivable that "you" won't wake up out of oblivion again like you already had to have to make this post. enjoy the ride
well we've you've got to face it. you'll have to face it.
I wish I studied philosophy or history in undergraduate and then went to law school.
it would be nice to get reincarnated but one part of me believes that this is it. There's nothing after death, I'm actually religious but the rational part of me believes that me (this personality that is typing right now) is just a series of synapses in the brain, I'm only here because of my brain activity. Death stops the brain, forever. It's hard to believe that this thing would be able to continue without the (live) brain
i don't believe in reincarnation - i think death is nothing.
we have to face facts. even the eastern philosophers.
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what do you make of these facts?
I have become master of bread. The bread demons who once laughed at me now stand at attention waiting for commands.
I want to fap but I'm at work
it means nothing to me
epic, this was a fruitful discussion
you asked
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I know that I must sound stupid and ungrateful, maybe even edgy. But I'm not, I love my mother very much, and I think overall she managed to make me a much better person than I would've ended up being with different parents. I wasn't one of those kids that people call a little angel, wasn't one of those kids born with a good heart, far from it. I'd go as far as to say that I was born with a genuinely bad personality. But she taught me love and acceptance and empathy, and I'm very grateful for that. She's a much better person than I am and probably always will be.
"Mad" was also too strong of a word. Maybe I'm more mad at myself for not distancing myself from her positive philosophy. I've been having all these thoughts because of a recent development, where something I've worked years towards, poured thousands of hours of effort into, that was supposed to change my future, secure me a livelihood, ended up not even remotely being what I expected. Needless to say that it subverted my expectations in a negative way. The past 10 years I've struggled with severe health issues, so this one thing was all I had, it kept me going, and ultimately it failed. I failed.
You're right, it's stupid to blame my mother for this. Everything I did, I did out of my own volition. I never planned on telling my mother any of this, and now I'm doubly glad that I didn't, I'd feel awful.
I have been putting Ovid off because all the quotes I've read from him make him sound like an out of touch guy who thinks himself to be funnier than he really is. "Let others praise ancient times; I am glad I was born in these" - I'm sure the people trying to survive the civil war were thinking the same as you, bourgeois fuck.
interesting. Is there more context? Where is this taken from? This sounds like placebo to me, where the brain registers something without a "real" cause. It also depends on how the experiment was conducted. Sometimes our eyes see things slower than they actually happened (delay of processing visuals in the brain), so we always live a couple of milliseconds in the past (our consciousness is delayed compared to our subconscious/unconscious). I don't think this is the explantation though
a negative outlook won't help you in any way. Perhaps what you're referring to is that a positive outlook makes you have positive expectations as well, while a negative one would give you bad expectations. But then the problem is how you handle expectations, not about the outlook itself. Life is unpredictable, that's the only certainty. But don't give up anon, we will make it
>so we always live a couple of milliseconds in the past
Thank you, I appreciate it. You too.
that is all i have been able to find on this phenomenon. i'm not sure why you're assuming a placebo, you can perform this experiment yourself
hm no, I don't mean it's a placebo, but it sounds like the same kind of phenomenon, where we feel something when it shouldn't be there (in this case, not there yet)
i think you're misunderstanding. an irritant at the tiptoe felt by someone six feet or taller should be felt at a delay, but it isn't. you can try this yourself. heim and some others believe this is evidence that consciousness isn't reducible to the brain processes
I'm more concrete than that. I don't have money but I do have connections, will be staying at some communes next fall. And I know where to recruit people, it's kinda niche to my country so I won't say what it is. But yeah I do need money.
I believe u, but at the same time the delay is max 1 second(assuming 2 meters), so unless I did a brain activity scan, I couldn't tell. But interesting theory
I don't believe they're facts.
I can not. I would have to press a button to log the sensation which adds so much delay that the effect I'm trying to measure is lost in noise. If I don't log it I could be deceiving myself about the timeline.
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Some time during the fair
>*gallop, gallop, gallop*
>My fair maiden - dost thou knoweth this chud hath accosted thy good name in privie?
>Have at thee scoundrel! No one shall demean a beautiful queen such as her; not whilst I ride with such furious, noble intent upon my steed in this hereplace.
>I remember when I first set mine eyes upon her Hinge profile... 28 years of age, still in her prime and jolie. Her personality boastful and proud, like that of a lion. She had "slain" many a men in her time, so they say, a noble feat indeed... one I certainly admire most of all.
>Mayhaps she will notice my good christian intent if I joust thee, jester
>and it is so that I will not let you say one further word of devilish mischief. Step away.
This seems like a really weird thing to say. Electron drift is not the charge, which is moving significantly slower in a conductor relative to the rate the energy moves through the system. In a bioelectric system, the signal should have moments where the signal is within a chemical carrier. This could be slower, I suppose, but the charge could be front-running in similar way. I would have to wonder if they are listening to the right signal.
I have accidentally grabbed hot things, but my hand never pulls itself away before the burn. But if I know I am bout to touch something hot, it is very easy to hold it quickly without being burnt. If there is a forerunner it isn't necessarily coordinated. The body have been known to shut down pain channels during traumatic experiences. At the same time, people experience NDE angels and other such apparitions.
So my question I guess is this, if this is true, how is mastery gained over this second sight, or apparently this superhuman reaction time?
Ok that's pretty funny.
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The short form content is spinal tapping me. Coalesced the will power to jail my phone and program my computer to forcibly shut down at 10pm. Just need to focus on the things I need to do instead of avoiding them. That, and return to my reading schedule, which I've neglected heavily. And sleep adequately.
ehh, still better than referring to them as ''females'' because that implies that it does not have to be human, and knowing some of you freaks I wouldn't be surprised if you fucked your cat, dog, horse or whatever else you sick fucks might be into.
if you've got something to say to me say it now before i get drunk
normally I would think of NDE visions as something similar to dreams, but why do most people see similar things? Could it really be a coincidence? What you're asking sounds like achieving a 3rd eye, or honestly something literally superhuman, can't help u there cause I don't really believe in supernaturals
uninstall that poison. NOW. And then pick a book
the best antidote to any addiction is outgrowing it.
what short term content are we talking about?
games? nothing wrong with that
Conscious presence within the body leads to hallucinations during NDE. Dream-like NDE have a whole bunch of other things associated with them.
Either way, the premise is the neuroscientists thinks there is a quick passenger in the mind. This forerunner responds to things faster than it should be able to, so he supposes. How do I commune with it and take its powers for myself?
you are it.
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Insta reels, Yt shorts... anything of the sort I'll gravitate to when anxious if it's accessible. It's full blown cope and addiction. I have put my phone in literal mini jail that locks it away for hours, which has helped a lot today, thank God. Vidya has also been a problem, though in recent time I've had in in much better check.

I really want to move away from both for good at this point. The ubiquity of the former and the fact that close friends do the latter socially on weekday nights makes it very hard. I want to make more time for learning, reading, and finding opportunities to progress my place in life.
I know right those filthy monarcucks unlike based liberalism with the same families getting electing over and over or based communism with one politburo deciding the workers fate
How much of a persnickety bitch do you have to be to hate Ovid? That's like hating Shakespeare. Ovid is simply a good writer with a good sense of humor, if you view his writings through a philosophical/political lens like that you're the bourgeoise faggot.
what's wrong with games tho?
Reintroduced my reading schedule with some light weight stuff, i.e. No Country for Old Men and Pride and Prejudice. When those are done, I have other tall orders I've been meaning to get to, mainly War & Peace, Brothers K., Moby Dick. I need to knock out the odyssey and illiad eventually as my high school's reading program was hot garbage and they never gave us the proper classics to read through. My goal is ultimately to get to Milton's Paradise Lost with all the literary references readily accounted for.

I also poke at philosophy here and there. I've decided reading the source material is too time consuming and have deferred to secondary sources and lectures that account for the key ideas more concisely and accessibly. I've selected lectures on Aristotle, Kant, Hegel, and Heidegger that I nip at now and then.

Writing this out is strengthening my resolve to keep the brain rot under lock, and the key tossed far away.
i don't like deleuze but his lectures on kant and descartes are excellent
They're repetitive, but moreso, they are energy-draining. Of course, when you're having fun, this isn't noticeable; but in truth, locking in for even just an hour of competitive games is exhausting. When I finish playing video games, I'm wired and have trouble sleeping. I wake up and have just enough energy for work, but by the time I get back I only have energy and motivation for video games again. This is in lieu of the other things I want to do. I find my attention span and energy too shortened and drained respectively to attend to them. It's not healthy and I'm not someone that can reasonably sustain it - that is the conclusion I've come to. If it's something you can handle and balance out with your other obligations and hobbies, good for you. But I'm finding I can't play video games responsibly, especially when short form content digs the hole deeper (it's also energy consuming).
i was forced to uninstall twitter (maybe less damaging than youtube shorts or tik tok shit, but still addicting as hell), so I decided I'll fill those 2h/day with reading instead. Not sure how much you are into those books that you listed, but if it's something that really speaks to you, reading it won't be a chore. I was made to uninstall my shit, now you do it
I argued with my father whether the death penalty should be implemented in correctional facilities. He made a lot of good points, and I made some good points as well. He thinks the death penalty should not be implemented. I think it should be implemented. The death penalty was a good topic for argumentation because it is one of the only ones that I could disagree on with my father.
He said that people can change, and that the prisons are there to change them. I made an argument that the death penalty should be implemented because it will get rid of those that could not be corrected in correctional facilities. I said that there are some people that are wasting tax dollars on false hope. He replied that it is not the death penalty that should be implemented but a change is needed in the way we “correct” prisoners. I told him that that will never happen; we must look at what we can do. Implementing the death penalty would be much easier than changing the whole system. Yes, but implementing the death penalty is a sign that we have given up on hope. We must fight to change the system into something better. We should not settle for anything less he said. I said to him that that is false hope; there is nothing better. Prisoners are wasting resources that could be spent on the greater good. Prisoners will not change because people in general do not change.
We were both nervous during the exchange. We do not normally argue on certain topics like this and we did not know what to expect. It was a bit uncomfortable at first but towards the end it was more relaxed. None of us got frustrated or angry; it was quite civil and respectable. My father was a better arguer than myself, as he has had more experience with arguing. We were both open to each other and we both learned things about the topic and each other. I was not informed on the issue at all, but I still had this opinion on the issue anyways. My father knew very little also, but he believed in the “a little knowledge is a dangerous thing” saying, so he was a little nervous in that regard. A value I hold is fairness. Letting the prisoners rot in prison with no change and as an expense to taxpayers is not fair to me. The only winner is the owners of the prisons that make millions off all of our expense. I think his best claim was the change to the prison system instead of implementing the death penalty. After sleeping on it, I agree with that position now. My best claim was probably that the prisoners are wasting resources just rotting in prison. I am not sure what he took from my argument, but I think he took something from it.
The argument with my father on whether the death penalty should be implemented was a bit unnerving at first but toward the end we become more comfortable. We both learned some things about the topic and each other during this argument. I am glad we got to do this; it was a nice bonding experience. I feel more experienced after having the argument.
I'll have to check it out, thanks
i had the exact same argument in youtube comments when i was 16. that's not meant to be a putdown just a true story. i remember because it went on for days.
i came in on your dad's side.
I agree that there should be a death penalty. A life in prison sentence is indeed just a waste of funds. People can change, that's for sure, but when you do a crime in cold blood, hard to say. How can you differentiate between someone who robbed a store and shot someone, versus someone who killed a rapist or pedophile? People resort to #2 because justice is not served by the prison system, criminals don't feel any responsibility, they just serve their time in their cell with water, food and a bed, with no consequences really. I believe in stronger consequences for criminals. Sadly it's hard to distinguish between who should get the death sentence and who shouldn't. The system is corrupt eitherway
That was what I wrote in high school for some assignment. I just found the doc.
Twitter is solid fun compared to instagram et. al., but I've seen and heard people draining just as much time in it. The content is certainly better, assuming you're following the right people. I never made an account because I didn't want to submit my phone number. I'd just follow a set of bookmarked accounts without being logged into until Elon ruined it.

I've made sure to tailor my reading list exclusively to books I'm interested in reading, so yes shouldn't be a chore, I just need to refactor my time and where I spend my energy. I browse here to branch out and build interest in new books.

I like Youtube for long form content which makes me hesitant to delete it. My girlfriend shares content with me on instagram, so I keep it around. Might have to bite the bullet and delete them at least for now and make use of my computer to isolate the utility I want from both.
the death penalty is more expensive than life in prison: lengthier legal process, longer trials and appeals, more pre-trial motions
epic, you totally tricked him bro
What do you mean?
50 years of maintaining a human and having a space occupied vs some (lenghty) procedures
I will never quit youtube, youtube is my most used social media, but it's indispensible (sadly). I wish I could disable the shorts forever tho. Anyway, here's a youtuber I can't get enough of, all of the videos are incredibly insightful - Alex Hexagon
I do still think in terms of religion, but trying to explain it is a little embarrassing because it's exactly the kind of wishy washy stuff that a real dogmatic could point at as a perfect example of modern mumbo jumbo which means nothing. I think it does though.
I do still consider God and id have to admit I got my sense of him from a catholic understanding, but I think there's more beyond that. I do think Jesus rose from the dead and I do think the main Christian churches had his essential teachings, alongside a lot which was manmade, "The gates of hell shall not prevail" and I don't think they have, but I don't see why that has to mean that they can't teach wrong things, just that the core message of sacrificial love for everyone remains intact.
I don't believe in moral dogmatism, each situation is unique, there are times I would steal, I'd readily steal from a big corporation or the government, they mistreat us and It's an act of fighting back to take from them. It's not the same as stealing Farmer Joe's potatoes.
Or with sex, I think that sexual morality (outside of acts which are violent or abusive) are basically arbitrary rules to make a community run smoothly. Like there's nothing actually wrong with sex, the rules are just about managing everyone and their needs on the community level, keeping everyone happy. I actually take a que from St.Augustine now, who advocated for the legality of prostitution as it kept the impure together and the pure together. Without having a seedy sexual world the impure have to get married, but they may not be capable of that kind of relationship and what will happen is they will damage the fabric of the "righteous", their communities and families. But if you have people like whores and mercenaries and itinerants even, things like actors and the circus traditionally, people who don't settle down in one place or community, they end up kind of sticking to themselves as a class. I think there's truth to this. It's an underworld.
>Using conservative rough projections, the Commission estimates the annual costs of the present system ($137 million per year), the present system after implementation of the reforms … ($232.7 million per year) … and a system which imposes a maximum penalty of lifetime incarceration instead of the death penalty ($11.5 million).
California Commission on the Fair Administration of Justice
HOLY SHIT. I was watching Off the Air - Death short and just realized what i did back in this friday. It was a night i was walking back from a date, and uber driver said to me to go to the other side of the road. I was soo deep in my thought i walked into zebra crossing just when it was red. I was so lucky that guy who was driving then was another uber driver - these people must gave great reflexes i suppose. He sounded the horn, screamed and stopped and i walked back into sidewalk absentmindedly. Then i have thought nothing about. Just now i realized this.
What are the odds?
I am walking straight into the traffic in big city, during friday bustling traffic, and guy has quick reflexes and nothing happens to me. It may be very arrogant to think that we are "under lucky star" - a God loves me and have some other plan to me, but it is such a comforting thought. Like a sign that i should do something with my life.
Returning back i texted girl asking if she came back safely and she said yes and returned question. I have not replied to her since then, thinking its useless to write such mundane messages and i am man anyway, but thinking about this - its not such a 100% obvious thing that i would return safely and i should text her something.
Even now, after this realization i also realize that knowing it, still i can make the same mistake again in future and my death will be random, pathetic.
when was the last time you've read a book?
reading anything at the moment?
your family is designed by god to annoy you
dreading christmas at home
there isn't a culture on earth that talks more about their mommy and daddy issues than americans
I would also argue abortion is moral, because parents who don't want their children will just neglect and mistreat them. I'm actually for freedom for everyone. I don't think it's christian to impose your will on someone. I think religion is about yourself, perhaps a form of self help even. I despise religious people who are very public with their beliefs, because I see it as a personal and intimate thing
while having the most lenient parents in the world.....hmmmmm
I love my family
by what metric are you judging that? there isn't a culture on earth that talks more than americans
me: i'm uk
there's no such thing as a "personal" and "intimate" spirituality in a world that slaughters 150 billion land animals a year to feed its addiction to slop. it's either hermitage or minecraft. you're fooling no one
Sometimes innocent peoples are sentences you know. Like Tomasz Komenda guy here who was sentenced 25 years for murder and rape despite his innocence (just because he was retard and police found someone who fit the profile - they beat him too afaik). Rape with a sharp metalic tool. He was inprisoned for 18 years, some detective and some attorneys saved him
>incessant mommy and daddy issues
>talks the most
these two things are correlated.
correlation = .... etc
i never implied having the psychoanalytic equivalent of an ingrown toenail is the cause of never shutting the fuck up. or maybe i did, shit
I'm not sure if you meant too make it seem like you were me >>23844511
But just just to be clear this is a reply from another anon.
I don't think abortion is good but also think it's basically a women's domain. Traditionally that's how it worked. Men had nothing to do with birthing or midwifery. There's evidence that there were birth control and abortion practises in the high medieval ages that go almost unrecorded, because women didn't write much. But when they did, st.hildegaurd for example, in her medical writings she lists medicines as abortificants.
I think it used to be that the women handled all that, and if they come out of the bedroom holding a healthy child presenting him to the community, hurah.
yes. anyone who can understand how the real world works should have some idea of the infallibility of humans. so the death penalty should (must) always be more costly.
How many animals die to lions? Some animals kill just for pleasure(not eating the prey after they killed it). Somehow humans are the only self hating species, because muh morals(self imposed moralfagging). Slop or not, the animal is still consumed
A couple weeks when I put a massive dent into no country for old men by mccarthy. Haven't touched it since but will do so today.
anyone else here been following the burgeoning 4 beers 2 cigarettes speedrun videos on youtube
planets are gravity wells of sex and death. only the void is pure
the earth is flat you idiot
I’m at a point in my life where I only have 1 or 2 major regrets, and I feel good about that but at the same time it’s the sort of regret that makes it harder for me to know exactly what I should do now. A part of me feels like I need to lean into that regret again, so I can see if I REALLY regret it or if I’m just bitter or something.
Only the Chinese planets, bbw planets are curvy
weed the kinda drug that make you feel bad about doing it ya know
time to quit. it's hell on the protestant psyche
what drug doesn't have this effect (the next day)?
my superego is monstrously cruel
I think my addiction to traps and trap porn is a result of me being so lonely and feeling so emasculated that I can’t even get off to the idea of dominating a woman because it’s so distant to me, instead I fantasize of dominating a failed boy who is more willing to play the submissive feminine role.
you will never reclaim your masculine spark masturbating to a corruption of female desire. seek help, i mean this with all good gusto
i have a similar thing but never went particularly gay -- you know girls can objectify you also? you know women can easily shift into the predatory position
I'm catholic not protestant, but all the same. A rampant cruel despot of a superego is often the cause of neuroses in people. I often make life hell for myself mentally with my self-flagellation.
you just have a depraved id and project your frustration onto the superego. despotic superegos don't happen in a vacuum
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ah yes, blame the id. Poor little retard Id, he just wanted a chunk of cheese
i'm not saying the solution is gaslighting yourself into believing you don't have the desires that you do, but it isn't sliding eggplants up your ass either. good luck
thank you
kek, you're welcome.
I think my main problem is I'm not ambitious enough, as a personality. If I have a roof over my head, a steady income stream, food, and entertainment at home, then I'm kinda just okay with that. This kind of attitude doesn't jive well in corporate America, where on paper everyone should always be out looking to climb up the ladder, to take up more responsibilities and to keep jumping through more hoops for promotions.

What happens if a dog doesn't want to learn more tricks, because it's satisfied with the tricks it already knows and the amount of food it's already given?

If the carrot doesn't work, then out comes the stick. This is where I'm at. My performance has become sloppy, I am behind now instead of being ahead, I am stagnant at the same role because... why should I bother complicating my life further with all the hassle that comes with a managerial role? The spark has long been gone, it is hard to believe, but at one point I truly was excited going to work.

Now the work has changed, my team has changed, everything changes. I need to change with it. Maybe I really do need to be doing something else, somewhere else, because I got too comfortable here falsely thinking this was stable work. Ah, it is good to be humbled.

It will be hard to say goodbye, I still believe I work for a good company run by good people. But if the work doesn't excite me anymore, I just slow everyone else down. It wasn't working out. The problem with passion is that passion can change: Again I need to change with it, not against it.
ambition in men is a feminine trait. hope this helps
Women today are girlbosses who date shitty men so they can inflate their ego and let their breakups fuel their careerist desires. So it’s unlikely women today would take that role, they’re too insincere.
only girls who don't like you act like this in my experience
act like how?
like they don't want to sleep w you (or, maybe more integrally, you don't want to sleep with them - which i think is what really bothers girls)
Nah, on a fundamental level it is a matter of an instrinsic kind of perspective. The vast majority, if not all, of the kind of people that work in corporate America are of course, normies who have wives and kids and consequently, endless expenses that require increasing income.

I am a single loner content with my lifestyle. What can they really offer me with more money on its own? I am not a greedy person, it means little to me. I am a fish out of water, who just happens to be good at acting an office normie until my shift ends. In a way, this was inevitable I suppose, I just need to actually do something about it now.
Oh man the melancholy is already here with this transition of the seasons
right, and your difference from these people is rearing its ugly head. i wasn't calling you feminine, i was calling them feminine. on a long enough timeline the masculine layabout will always make them seethe
good. at the start of spring the coomposting was ridiculous. i like wwoym for the glimpse it offers into the inner lives of people like me, not faggot early zoomers who still post 'i love women so much bros'
i LOVE autumn, perfect weather, quiet, faggots can no longer indulge in their gay summer activities. its perfect
If you could track what I was staying the point was that Canada as an independent state is its own independent kingdom. The Kingdom of Canada is a completely separate entity from the Untied Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Unconditional love in friendship is expressed through Christ.
it's part of the commonwealth (heard of it?)
>inner lives of people like me,
kek, touche
Don't reply to schizo threads and posters
sorry the soviet kool-aid has rotted your brain out
ur lame
Yeah I said that in my original post you fucking dumbass.
Don't reply to women and normies.
>I was looking into their form of government and how it developed. It's a fucking mess. A federated, parliamentary, constitutional monarchy? It was cool to learn that as a commonwealth state that Canada is an independent monarchy though. King Charles is the King of Canada. Funny.
oh yeah excuse me
those r the only ones i still enjoy talking to
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It's a bit difficult to explain, but I fully believe that Christianity "ensouls" a people, a race, and a culture when it spreads among them and this tends to affect that people, race, and culture for the better. In particular it affects the art they produce, and I think this is why the West, Europe and the Americas, produces art, including literature, that's just so much different and so much better than any other culture.

It's also notable that Japan and Korea, with their small but distinct Christian populations, are the only East Asian countries that really produce good art, too.
I agree. It brings a people to a new depth. I wonder how long can it last without having some kind of cultural connection to practising Christians though, obv for a while. Or is the change permanent, it might be.
>it ENSOULS a race bro, ravaging a continent and washing your ass once a season ENSOULS a race bro
so sick of you trad faggots posting this drivel on here
>Innocence and purity
Their need for peak serotonin levels at all times makes this an impossibility outside of niche religious communities
sometimes there's a tiredness that sleep doesn't fix
sexual passion is the kernel of the will to live
ok coomer
Let everyone in love come and see. I want to break Venus' ribs with clubs and cripple the goddess' loins. If she can strike through my soft chest, then why can't I smash her head with a club?
schopenhauer said it
what is the object of love, from the lowest to the highest forms of being, if not the perpetuation of the species
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What does it say about me that almost every piece of music I like is in a minor key? All my favorite pieces of classical music are written in minor keys, and I think this extends to the other types of music I like, as well.
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I feel the same, but about music in 6/8
You’re me, almost
Rent. Free.
fetishized melancholy, jungs death drive, or you just like the sound idk
There is no collective east, just fiefdoms looking to get conquered
then what of love of God, which is love for its own sake independent of species perpetuation?
there is a brief and informative bit in the rubaiyat that claims that a man in the arms of a woman is as close to god as he is ever likely to be this side of the grave.
Eros vs agape

>Passionate, desire-driven love seeking personal fulfillment or union.

>Selfless, unconditional love focused on the well-being of others.
love always starts off with primal sex, then gets refined and refined, not vice versa. it's ultimately dependent on the body
>A romantic connection is sometimes triggered through sex
more accurate

I already defined the two types of love
Why do American right-wingers hate Harris so much? She's practically a right-winger herself.

What policy do you specifically disagree on?
the experience of love, however glorified by the rhetoric of romance, is rooted in the sexual instinct
You clearly never suffered from the madonna-whore complex
Are you saying parents want to fuck their kids and their own parents?
oedipus neither killed his father nor lay with his mother - since laius was, in fact, oedipus's royal predecessor, not his progenitor, and jocasta was the theban representative of the pre-hellenic mother-goddess, not his progenitrix.

Madonna-whore complex is when you cannot sexualize the girls you love and you can only sexualize the girls you would never consider romantically.
People who grow up in puritan households will often have such issues because sex is dirty and to sexualize somebody is seen as somehow harmful to the person so you obviously don't do it to the girl you love.
right yeah.
had they been born into some unmissionized african tribe, so many boys wouldn't've suffered from the tormenting sexual inhibitions of a protestant childhood. soul-shaking magical initiation rites at puberty would take care of that: one great mistake of the christian church has been a failure to combine the ceremony of first communion with a dramatic religious disclosure of sexual mysteries.
What drives men to become nurses? And why are they always, as a rule, so shitty at it? That is one of life's great mysteries.
Poor lifestyle health choices catch up sooner rather than later, and later as well, if sooner doesn't get you. If you don't watch out you might end up with a male nurse tending to you, and then you're done for.
lmao, my dad is an NP and he’s genuinely good at his job—his patients love him. Whenever I go back to my hometown to visit my parents, if I go anywhere with my dad we’ll inevitably cross paths with former or current patients of his, and they’re always stoked to see him and want to talk. For example, when I was visiting my parents over the summer I was out for a walk with my dad, and we ran into one of his patients who enthusiastically came over to greet us and proclaimed that my dad was “the man who saved (his) life!” He went into the field because he wanted to help people, basically.

It does seem to be true that a disproportionate number of male nurses are gay—just anecdotally, probably half of the male nurses I’ve known have been gay. I think this is because nursing attracts two subgroups of people: people who genuinely want to help others, and catty mean-girl types who love drama, and a certain subset of flamboyant gay men seem to fit in well with the latter group. Years ago I had a gay coworker who was in nursing school, and he was absolutely cooked. One time I was at a bowling alley with him and a bunch of our other coworkers, and he was like “hey, look at what this guy I’m talking to just sent me!” and he passed me his phone. I took it because I assumed it would just be a funny meme or something, but when I looked at the screen it was a giant close-up dick pic. I was around 18 at the time and had never in my life seen a dick before, and I remember being absolutely horrified.
This means you're gay. A straight white man wouldn't have used brackets there.
>This means you're gay.
I’m not gay…I was just trying to ensure that my quotation was grammatically correct in relation to the rest of the sentence. Was I wrong to use the brackets? If so, I’ll take the L.

>A straight white man wouldn't have used brackets there.
I’m a woman.
>Was I wrong
Good rules are discovered not prescribed. I only mentioned it because I think it's interesting that I perceived that as feminine for some reason.
Ain't shit new under the sun.
Tiny cocks will rule the world
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God, I love female voices.
I still dream about you from time to time
What kind of dreams?
I meet him in my gym's locker room. He's wearing a black leather BDSM getup. At first I insult him, then I challenge him to a duel-- the winner gets do dominate the loser. We fight, I win; then I wake up.
that's gay, anon
why r u gae?
I prefer the term "muscle wrestling".
How old were you when you realized that you were gay?
Trying to court a nurse right now. Most stressful experience of my life.
I hope it works out for you.
Thank you. I hope so too
I'm the same but for major keys I do like truly triumphant powerful music, like Ode to Joy. I like victorious songs but not happy ones.
and she wants to talk to you but you don't know what to say and you don’t know what to do and she
Just say what’s in your heart.
The religion you subscribe to "ensouls" people by making them more palatable to your tastes and culture, what a coincidence! The chinese, too, would believe you "ensouled" if you became a taoist.
The supreme arrogance of the common imbecile knows no bounds.
>West, Europe and the Americas, produces art, including literature, that's just so much different and so much better than any other culture.
There is more sublime beauty in a single passage of Nezhualcoyotl than in a thousand years of mawkish tripe about heckin' Jewbus lawd own da cross. Western art is good despite having that sickly rabbi's corpse imposed upon it, not because.
If there is a crime the Europeans have to answer to, it's infecting the rest of the earth with that languid carpenter.

>It's also notable that Japan and Korea, with their small but distinct Christian populations, are the only East Asian countries that really produce good art, too.
Unlike China, Vietnam, and the wholly catholic Philipines, whose consumer slop does not seem to tickle your fancy for some inscrutable reason.

Sorry for the outburst, but if you are going to say something that ridiculous I might as well respond in kind.
>There is more sublime beauty in a single passage of Nezhualcoyotl
Nice. Westerners are so full of themselves.
>There is more sublime beauty in a single passage of Nezhualcoyotl than in a thousand years
This is a real person. Reddit commies really are this pathetic.
>Everybody rapes Raymond.
You don't even know who he is. How could you even judge such a thing?
You believe the holy jew in the sky made your poetry good. You are retarded.
>and she wants to talk to you
Lost me right there.
good morning I hate women

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