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zine edition

previous: >>23838479
My nickname in college was Boner Exploder.
Because of all the dudes‘ boners you exploded into your mouth and butthole?
why? lmao
My nickname in school was Primitive.
you sound like a cool person
I wish it was the 80s I wish we could be happy
My pain is dull and constant and I like it very much
bros i love life so much its unreal. glowing with gratitude. a moment like this is worth years of suffering, contra schopenhauer. if only you knew how beautiful life could be. somehow the sea inspires a boundless sense of freedom and an equally unyeilding desire to not only defend it but to dangle it tauntingly in the faces of those who would deny it. i look out from the final step before cliff face turns to death and glancing downwards im compelled to jump not towards death but either fly or swim like dolphins untethered by earth. fog obscures the boundary between sea and sky. sometimes driving in heavy rain the spray is intense it looks like fog all around higher up than the height of the cars around you and when its dark you can hardly see a thing but you feel so alive being always on the grip limit and swooping past another later driver as you hurtle towards life and love and everything. for the longest time the waves washed against me and threw me wherever they wanted but now i have learned to adjust my sails as the guy in that one quote from sid meiers civ once said.
What’s wrong?
Tomorrow is my birthday and I am not excited about becoming 26. I am excited for what I plan to accomplish this next year. I sort of gave up on everything these past few years, but I'm hoping this new year will push me to become the person I am meant to be. I do not resent my previous self, but I know I cannot be that person anymore. I'll find what I am looking for and hopefully will be able to share it with everyone that would care to learn. A tide is turning and it's in my favor. It's up to me to ride it successfully
tfw got a dick and two balls
I have a weird hobby of looking at house listings for houses I'll never be able to afford in countries that I'll never be able to live in. Imagining myself living in those houses and in those parts of the world makes me happy. I'm currently looking at houses in Tucson, Arizona.
tfw got no dick and zero balls
I wanna make a slasher movie, I think I've seen enough to where my one wouldn't be terrible.
The problem with nice notebooks
The problem with nice notebooks is that you ruin them when you write in them with bad words and unfinished passages and ideas that will only ever be ideas
That's kinda what notebooks are for. You're meant to write in them and not everything that you write is meant to be perfect.
Unofficial thread theme:

Unofficial thread theme:
ain't been around here lately. how have you been, anon? I have been mostly working, and working my way through a mason jar full of pyschodelic mushrooms.
I've made some friends, and have been spending time socializing, but haven't been writing at all. I have been reading. reading don Juan by Byron right now, and the book of disquiet. I'm in awe of both.
gonna try not to jerk off for a month.
what are you reading?
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>don Juan
>What are you reading?
Nothing at the moment, I'm binging a show and I'm not gonna read anything until I finish it which won't be for another month at least. After I finish it though, I plan on burning through some Goosebumps books that I picked up recently and then some other short stuff I also picked up. I've been buying so many books recently, I have so much to get to.
really nigga, goosebumps?
Yeah, man, sorry for knowing how to have fun.
getting the urge to climb a mountain.
good writing (like Don juan) is fun (for adult men).
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if you do can you send me the script i wanna read it cause i know it probably wont get made.
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im really at a loss recently i hit 26 not too long ago and am realising i have no direction in life other than interests i cant focus on to make any serious progress. i guess im going to finish my associates degree (took 6 years) so theres that. anyone else figure out what to and how to commit to anything in life?
I'm tired of inversions. Tired of ironic plot twists and "subversion of expectations". I've always been this way, even when I was a kid I remember wishing that Goliath had just killed David. I genuinely despise "underdog" sentiments, which I see everywhere.
youre like the worst guy to hang with i bet
first paragraph of a short story I'm working on-

“Hello… Hello… Hello…” Colby says. It’s 0300 hours on some kind of Thursday morning in the tunnels of the central hospital and there’s a twentysomething security guard waiting, leaning against a wall, playing with echoes. He likes how contained the tunnels are- these ones were built years ago, under the road to give better access to the blood labs. All over the walls are Colby’s favourite part of the hospital- the pneumatic tubes- he’s seen nurses using them, putting a sample in a canister, sending it down to the bowels of the building. They remind him of veins.

There’s also a security office here, in the tunnels away from the sunlight, and there’s a low wooden bench next to the door that Colby refuses to sit on. As his echoes die he trudges in a small circle, kicking the ground and walls with deliberation, trying to calculate how much money the last 20 minutes of waiting have made him. The numbers keep coming up low, so he gives up- but he’s pretty confident that this shift will mean not having to choose between groceries and petrol again. Sheryl- his night manager- should be ready to come out of the office soon, and he can get on with his only real job here: walking the route, looking at shit, and checking off the checklist every few hours. His further duties, written on the back page of the list, are to keep eyes out for “...miscreants, misplaced objects, mistakenly opened doors and windows…” as he walks. Also there’s standing orders from Central Management- all guards are to keep another set of eyes specifically peeled for general mischief and misbehaviour. In response to this Colby had asked if the company would provide him with the extra eyes or if he’d have to bring his own and Sheryl had told him to just bloody focus on keeping people safe. Colby can't remember what he’s supposed to focus on anymore- the musty weight of being awake this early in the morning pushes down on him, like a heavy coat in a too-hot room. His skin feels tight and his legs feel noodly, which is pretty grim when the route guards walk is close to 10k.
Nth, but this is just the NPC pleb response of "I bet you're fun at parties" written another way.
I'm going overseas soon and I'm not even excited. I feel like I should be jumping up and down in my seat and being giddy like a schoolgirl, and yet, I'm just feeling pretty neutral. I don't come from money, my family has always been really poor, driving an hour away to get fast food as a kid felt better than Christmas morning so needless to say, the idea of going overseas has always been a pipe dream for me, and now that I'm actually going to do this thing that has always seemed impossible and out of reach for me, I just don't feel anything.
Been archiving things all day practically today ranging from politics to video games. Feels good man
Based. Are you planning on uploading any of it to the internet or is this all for you?
God- It's true what he said about the publishing industry. Everyone wants to write a book, but no one wants to read one. -Tomas Murphy
Uploading it to the internet?
If somebody ever threatens you with suicide if you say that you're going to breakup with them, do it, break up with them, it can only go one of two ways. 1. You call their bluff, break up with them, and they don't actually do it or 2. They kill themselves and there's one less manipulative person in the world. It's a win whichever way you look at it.
I've become good friends with a pretty girl.
Same, her sister is cuter though.
All I have is my job and the gym. No friends. No family. No relationships. No social life. No real interests or hobbies. I feel little attachment to my own life and wish the innate urges to live normally among other people would cease. Nothing good has ever come of them.
I drram of wandering into the wilderness and disappearing. Climbing an unclimbed route in the Himalayas and never being seen again. Driving into northern Canada and walking into the woods to become food for the bears. Finding a nice clearing in the woods and lying down and never getting up.
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I've been thinking of getting a new phone but I also realized it's the source of my doomscrolling. Even without social media I doomscroll through youtube and twitter. 4chan isn't as addicting as it now was to me when I was a teen. Having to reprogram myself is hard.
Any kino movies that are also effay?
What’s the actual difference between reason and logic?
What stories do other animals tell each other?
I have wisdom teeth in the right side of my mouth but not in the left. What does this mean?
Mostly gossip
You're a dumbass.
This was a great read, thanks for sharing
I, too, feel inspired like that sometimes
Life is beautiful
I remember being 14 lmao
Today I startlingly realized it's creeping up on ten years I've lived in the place I live now.
Lately the noise from neighbors is particularly bad and grinding me down to despair, I cannot settle in myself and think, when theres a respite, I'm too aware it will continue later.
But anyway, as with most things it's about turning dirt into gold, it's making me more motivated to move, but I am kinda stuck here and have no prospects. So I keep circling in my mind.
So I solve this (temporarily) by taking a walk, which I'm presently about to do.
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Trying to live without your love is one long sleepless night
Let me show you, girl, that I know wrong from right
Every street you walk on, I leave tear stains on the ground
Following the girl I didn't even want around
Let me tell you now

Oh, baby, all I need is one more chance (to show you that I love you)
Won't you please let me back in your heart
Oh, darlin', I was blind to let you go (let you go, baby)
But now since I see you in his arms, uh-huh
>Even without social media
Also everyday I am thankful that I hate watching videos. I don't understand how people can sink so much time into youtube
I used to when I was a teenager but yeah, I just don't get it anymore. What boggles my mind even more is those people who say they can't eat without watching "the perfect" YouTube video on their phones. Is it really that hard to eat in silence? I don't want to sound like a gay Sopranos poster (even though I think The Sopranos is kino) But whatever happened to the strong and silent type? You motherfuckers can't just sit for 10 minutes and eat your food without blasting your brain with some bullshit?
Convinced my aunt and grandma to send me money and got two vapes plus a couple cans of zyn. Life's good.
I hope that one day you put a cold, loaded, six-shooter to your temple and pull the trigger.
Man, read Plato, Proudhon , Bakunin and Robert Owen. Anarcho-syndicalism , or Libertarianism coupled with socialism is nice.
Gayest sentence I've ever read.
Everything ever written is really just psychological warfare.
Except what you just wrote, you couldn't get in my head if you tried, pussy.
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>friend becomes a comedian™ the moment there's a girl in our presence
the funny thing is we will jump on him the moment he tries to be a funny guy if we're more than 2 people in the group
Put Pessoa away, there is a woman on her way over. A beautiful woman at my side all day long makes my ennui vestigial. Walking with her down my streets, without the familiar resentment and aversion, with calmness and peace.
But when she leaves and takes the tide with her I am left on the beach with seaweed and shells, crawling toward the receding water, baking under a merciless and indifferent white sun.
le breathless indie movie monologue

kill yourself
>but to dangle it tauntingly in the faces of those who would deny it.
thats not nice
I enjoy deferring my morning coffee shits as long as possible. It's almost noon and I'm about to trick my bowels into thinking I just woke up. This is the life men.
guy said write whats on your mind so i wrote it as i thought it what do you want from me
Downloaded myself some Anarcho-syndicalism and going to read it on the commute to the store.
I like this but it wouldn't surprise me if a heteronym wrote it
>friends the ultimate ball busters
Made plans with someone in a few weeks with no set date to venture around the bigger city as a hang out. I kind of worry if the store I've applied at will call me during that time and will have to cancel.
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he's our childhood friend so, and he's not exactly a bad person. just annoying sometimes.
Am I the only one who feels like “self inserting” ruins a story a little for instances why do you, the writer, need to literally put yourself in the story that’s kinda weird is it not possible for you to make a story without putting yourself in it? Is the only way you can relate to a struggles is if you’re right there and participating? You cannot empathize with others unless that person is you? Also why do they insert as……themselves not anything cool or something that may add but themselves but “le cool” like come on.
>mytho-noetic zine palimpsest dumped on synaptic coffee co-ops unread
Not a bad idea I might photocopy it
I've visited this place for 14 years to see what the biggest idiots on the internet are talking about.
Somehow 4chan continues to get worse and worse.
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"No, anon. You are the 4chins."
And then, anon was the biggest idiot on the internet.
All I can focus on right now is on my own anguish and despair. But it's alright. In about 12 hours, I'll have my cup of coffee and act like nothing happened. I swear to God, I need to go on a mood stabilizer.
I'm sobbing over a girl I slept with a single time in college almost 10 years ago (will soon be 30). It wasn't great sex, but we went on to basically become best friends while she dated a tall engineering student (I am 5 foot 7). I know that she was sort of in love with me while we lived together, even though she was dating someone else, but I had so much self-loathing that I could never make it happen. This isn't mere suspicion, I overheard her talking to our other roommate and she basically admitted as much, and several abortive text conversations made it very clear. I was absolutely obsessed with her but constantly convinced myself it couldn't be. I visited her a single time after college, and it was awkward, I made advances she politely rejected. On that trip I bought City of God and thought I had found solace in Christian resignation. I moved to a big city and started an internship, finally felt like life was pulling itself together. Covid hit right in the middle and I fell into an apathetic spiral for three years, constantly smoking weed, lost all sense of connection to and belief in God. She and I still casually texted throughout all of this, but she didn't even tell me she had gotten married in the meantime (different boyfriend from the college one). We saw each other at our former roommate's wedding, and I promise you nothing is worse than feeling what was once a spark of intense, human connection with a person has decayed into mere pleasantries. She is now living in the same city as me, and we occasionally text about politics but haven't seen each other since the wedding on the other side of the country. Schubert's dark Fantasia for two hands is the soundtrack to my melancholy tonight.
I would never confess this anonymously, ever
I'm asking for a recommendation, so somewhat off-topic, but it doesn't deserve its own thread.

I was thinking about how the existence of God could never be disproved, because God as a concept implies that he is all-powerful. Therefore God could've even created reality as we know it such that all logical conclusions could point to his non-existence, even though that wasn't the case. I'm sure this is a common idea, so is there any good literature or philosopher who explored it better than I did? Is there anything to contradict this way of thinking, or is there basically no point in any further discussion once the most fundamental rules are undermined? Please don't flame me if this is too basic or something, but I am not well-read in metaphysics.
I'm in too deep fellas. I gotta move on without you.
I've started seeking out and reading adverting copy like it's prose. ah, it's so pure. it tells you exactly what you need to hear. reading the words generated by a corporation fighting for it's reap life. it's transparent and pure total self interest can be watched as theatre during commercial breaks. it's not human.
you need to suck it up dude. be a man.
grandma sitting silently and alone in her beach house living room chain smoking and playing solitare on the coffee table.
I think I'll go find a pack of cards and play a game or two. I really never knew her. quiet and small, and sweet. She seemed smart, too, and tough.
for my bread & butter i work on branding stuff that i'd never deign to tell anyone about
>you must wait longer before deleting this post
must i ....
I bought garlic and onion chips from TJ Maxx with my sister and they are fucking scrumptious
I really appreciate your work. hearing the muse-song of an incorporeal corporate entity is a beautiful inhuman thing.
directors who use crying babies in their movies are fucking retarded. it's so unpleasant. use a more creative, and less aggravating way to convey the same thing. it's the worst noise.
yeah you've lost it
i worked from home today but man i'm stilled tired af finna go to bed a half hour early
I saw a vision this morning, an apparition. Woke up groggy, looked out the window, and saw a bird man standing by the window of a downstairs apartment visible from my room. He had no arms, was covered in dirty white feathers, and had a large yellow beak. Of course, when I woke up again I was well rested and thought it'd have been one of those sleepy hallucinations. But the last time I saw something like that, a horrible thing happened in my life right after, as if it was a bad omen.
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Fuck that's sad. I'm sorry Anon.

We live in a vale of tears.
Is there any evidence outside the bible that christianity is true?
>you’re here forever
Is this meme true? Can I get out? Been here for 8 years now. If a normie happened on this site, would they also be stuck here forever?
seems to be true, but why is that i wonder
no real alternative, i guess
I still want to respond.
First of all, no, suicide has not been universally stigamitzed in all cases. But even if it was it wouldn't mean anything, group consensus is irrelevant in this case.
However I must ask you, if your life is not yours to do away with, to whom does it belong to? And to further dig into it, who are you (or anyone else) to decide what is a valid reason for one to dispose of their life?
The only people without power over themselves are slaves, children, and invalids.
As for personally disagreeing with me, that's fine. We can agree to disagree if you want, but I am always open for further discussion.
>your own life isn't yours to end
why are americans like this? truly, unequivocally, why are they like this?
She lounged under huge cottonwood on a lawn in July sun, while summer snow floated by.
Here is genuinely what I did today as a 22 year old in his final year of college for a useless degree that I regret pursuing to the point of crippling myself with anxiety and despair every day: Woke up at 10AM, didn’t have classes today, don’t have a job or internship, decided to play Minecraft again after about 4 years simply so I can sink my time into something, listened to YouTube video essays about cartoons and conspiracy theories in the background, then listened to music, ate a lot of desserts while still playing Minecraft and doing the same rudimentary in-game activities, now in bed at 1AM because I have class in the morning but might skip because I hate myself. Mass media, art, the internet, all of it has had an abject negative impact on our society. It is all a cancer that attracts cowards like me.
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group consensus clearly isn't irrelevant in the case of 'imagine living under a government...'
>to whom does it belong
big question.

regarding your final word: i'm against the faustian outlook, because i believe it is impossible for a man to be great unless he acknowledges something greater than himself. it can be the Law, it can be God, it can be Art, or any other idea, but it must be greater than man.
... i can think of some valid reasons for suicide.
based. it doesn't get better
haven't all people been like this since the beginning of time? i'm not american myself.
someone - i forget who - called man a religious animal, and religious he must continue to be, because of the uncontrollable imaginative processes which take over the human mind when its crucial function is in abeyance.
Good night I don't have a /lit/ gf to be my muse while I begin a prestigious artistic career
It’s crazy how much your early career determines the ceiling for the rest of your life.
this place will go offline eventually
>If a normie happened on this site, would they also be stuck here forever?
I wonder if they would be trapped here too?
It's crazy how little career matters if you're born well or healthy enough, who cares which.
That almost in your wikipedia quote is exactly what I am talking about. The word almost implies exceptions.
>group consensus clearly isn't irrelevant in the case of 'imagine living under a government...'
Governments are rarely driven by consensus. But regardless, it's still irrelevant because what other people think isn't the focus of discussion. The focus is personal freedom.
> i'm against the faustian outlook, because i believe it is impossible for a man to be great unless he acknowledges something greater than himself.
I can't really disagree with that, but how that expresses itself in practice I assume is very different.

>i can think of some valid reasons for suicide.
Well of course. I never said you couldn't. My argument was more in the vein that you weren't the arbiter of validity, stamping people's rope permits.
When I read I say the words in my head and lose focus after three lines. My mind keeps saying the rest of the words on the page but I am not actually paying attention to what’s going on. How do I fix this? Reading more doesn’t help. I don’t have adhd.
yes & i worded it exactly the same so why are you taking issue with it
>My argument was more in the vein that you weren't the arbiter of validity
i might have said it in my original post; it's just my personal belief.
I may have misread you, sorry, man.
it's alright you only had two whole days to reread it
Should I learn Chinese? Type 1 for yes or 2 for no.
Do you like Chinese, are there any people you don't like
how do stray cats know not to fuck their siblings? or do they?
Ok. Enjoy your snark, buddy. Why don't you learn to capitlize while at it.
Impotent response, he totally rustled your jimmies
Should I read Edward Gibbon or Chateaubriand next? Choose for me, /lit/
The most scenic drive i've been on recently involved a lot of clouds racing by at at a mere 500 feet, while going 70 across back roads, just after dawn. Gorgeous day, and accidental it its way.
I posted a story idea a few weeks back and there was an anon who liked it and asked me to start writing a screenplay. The problem is, I can't for the life of me remember what the idea was. I think this was on /tv/ but searching the archive hasn't helped.
Rather a lot of feral cats live in my neighborhood, and I imagine by the wide differences in their appearances and behaviors, that they generally don't.
a lot of stray cat talk in these threads
How difficult is it to remember ideas? My favorite is that of automation, particularly when it comes to ridiculous extremes of it. Ever felt like one of the Gods Lucretius imagines?
What a bitter sting doth unloved love bring.
Love unrequited, advances slighted:
‘Tis cause for heartache and thence thus heartbreak.
‘Twas herald of pain that brought it again.
Hark! who doth not mourn for romance forlorn?
Juliet supplied - Romeo denied.
In melancholy, hope seems such folly.
Despite realised fear, naught was shed a tear:
One so despondent of his respondent.
Some say “such is life” - But have they a wife?

This is my true strife.
make your own happiness. Romanticizing the past won't get you anywhere, it's a coward move
The child is father of the man
why don't you focus your interests into potential work?
I relate to you. Life isn't like in movies where you go all WOOOHOOOO and shit, in reality, it's at best a moment of excitement. There's nothing wrong with you
that sounds like a hobby to me (hiking), maybe that could bring you some source of happiness? I don't know you anon, but living alone doesn't have to be a bad thing, sounds like you're lost inside your own world
logic is factual(external process), while reason doesn't necessarily have to be(internal process)
Christianity is a very misanthrophic and pessimistic belief system, if you think about it. At least, some versions. The only reason this isn't more known is that all of that is bookended with "but God loves you so much that he will save you anyway :)".
Dripping water wears through stone.
Living with your parents is bad but living "on your own" while your parents still ay for most all your stuff is even worse. I don't how those people don't feel any shame
It just takes countless years. Throughout my life I have slowly seen the leaking water of an old air conditioner slowly sarve a hole in the sidewalk, summer by summer, drop by drop.
interesting theory. I had a similar thought where I questioned, if we have free will, how can God be all knowing? Well, my own conclusion is that we only have an illusion of free will. Anyway, apparently this concept is known as "theological fatalism" or the paradox of free will. Perhaps you will find something useful based on those?
Jesus (Christ) was a historical figure, not taken from the Bible. Based on that fact alone, yes christianity is real. We can't know for sure which religion is "true", all we can do is pick for ourselves
I got so good at dream sex that today I analfucked some girl pretty nice and I saw amazing orgasm approaching but then I realized I don't have papercloth on my dick so I started moving my hand around looking for any piece of paper to put on my dick and woke up completely dry even tho orgasm which I felt first second or two was real.
I found the papercloth but then alarm clock convinced me to stop and get up, and papercloth disappeared, maybe it also was part of the dream
that's why u should never drink water
I've lived my whole life, 62 years, around and near the southern tip of Lake Michigan. The nearest I've ever gone to going overseas is on the Royal Princess in 1986, from St Juan to Acapulco. My family isn't poor, so I had a pretty good time on the ship, and on both flights. One of my sisters has been to Hawaii about two dozen times. Odd that she's never been across the Atlantic.
Is my fixation with large female breasts indicative of my lack of breastfeeding? My mother fed me baby formula. Am I seeking that which I was denied as an infant? I really really like big boobies.
I'm in a situation where there is only 1 stock left of :
>h.p Lovecraft complete collection,
>gravity Rainbow
>second half of book of the new sun
I only have money for buying only 2 books out of these and pretty sure the rest will be out of stock.
which shall I choose /lit/?
In REM mode I'm good mostly at architecture, dreamy to faintly nightmarish. Massive malls, hotels, industrial sites & buildings, residential interiors remote and wildly cluttered. Sometimes it's a lot of fun to get lost in all of that, sometimes not.
Whichever faggot has been shitting up the /wwoym/ threads with song lyrics multiple times a day should kill himxelf.
come along boys and listen to my tale i'll tell you of my troubles on the old chisholm trail
come a ki yi yippie yippie yi yippie yay come a ki yi yippie yippie yay
I don't understand how some people are so retarded. I used to work with a guy who got fired in a couple of days and one of the things that pushed him over the edge was when our boss was texting someone on her phone and he snatched it out of her hand and started typing. She took it back and (understandably) got upset with him and asked him why he did it, to which he replied "I do that with my friends all the time". How can one be so retarded? Your boss is not your friend, it is not OK to snatch her phone from her hand, in what world is that OK? I genuinely hope that guy has killed himself by now, we need less people like him in the world.
I literally do it once per thread and I even miss some threads, I mean this with every fibre of my being, I hope you kill yourself one day or you lose everyone you hold dear in a fiery accident.
Neck yourself, retarded faggot.
*Rather too often I lose my car, or at least the one I drive now. In any case I know, even while dreaming, that if I'm on foot for more than a block or two anywhere outdoors, the situation is is beyond credible, and provokes sudden waking, It's not that some of the scenery along the way isn't wonderful, whether darkly serene or ornate as, say, as one's ideal of an exclusive luxury store.
“Likes” and “upvotes” and other such engagement points have turned the internet into a pathetic and desperate place. It’s an attention economy and it’s the gayest thing possible.
[Intro: Sean Kingston]
Catch a bad chick by her toe
If she holla, if, if, if she holla, let her go

[Verse 1: Sean Kingston]
She's indecisive, she can't decide
She keeps on lookin' from left to right
Girl, come a bit closer, look in my eyes
Searchin' is so wrong, I'm Mr. Right

[Pre-Chorus: Sean Kingston]
You seem like the type to love 'em and leave 'em
And disappear right after this song
So give me the night to show you, hold you
Don't leave me out here dancin' alone

[Chorus: Sean Kingston]
You can't make up your mind, mind, mind, mind, mind
Please don't waste my time, time, time, time, time
I'm not tryna rewind, 'wind, 'wind, 'wind, 'wind
I wish our hearts could come together as one
'Cause shorty is a eenie-meenie-miney-mo lover
Shorty is a eenie-meenie-miney-mo lover
Shorty is a eenie-meenie-miney-mo lover
Shorty is a eenie-meenie-miney-mo lover, oh
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IU - Love wins all (Romanized)
Genius Romanizations
[Verse 2: Justin Bieber]
Let me show you what you're missin', paradise
With me, you're winning, girl, you don't have to roll the dice
Tell me what you're really here for (Here for)
Them other guys? I can see right through ya
This guy is framing me. You know it's not me cause I didn't use the frog picture.
That's one of the reasons why I like 4chan over other social media. You can actually voice your opinion or take on something without it being downvoted to hell where nobody will read it.
The first line is pure kitsch. Who gives a rat's ass about the rest.

Cmon baby light my fire
I tell ya, I'm alright now
But last week I was in rough shape
But I don't get a break with nothin'!

[Verse 1]
I played hide and seek when I was three
(No respect, no respect)
Why, they wouldn't even look for me
(No respect, no respect)
I was an ugly kid, I never had fun
(No respect, no respect)
They took me to a dog show and I won!
(No respect, no respect)
When I was born I brought no joy
(No respect, no respect)
My old man said he wanted a boy
(No respect, no respect)
I was an ugly kid, always alone
(No respect, no respect)
Halloween, I had to trick or treat over the phone
(No respect, no respect)

Friends don't call, my phone don't ring
I don't get a break with anything!
(What's the matter, Rodney?)
Ah, death, where is thy sting?!
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It's just Rappin' Rodney, ain't wrapped too tight
No, no, Rappin' Rodney, get out of sight
It's just Rappin' Rodney, make no mistake
Poor old Rappin' Rodney, can't get a break!

[Verse 2]
I'm getting old, it's hard to face
(No respect, no respect)
When during sex I lose my place
(No respect, no respect)
Steak and sex, my favorite pair
(No respect, no respect)
I have 'em both the same way, very rare
(No respect, no respect)
I know I'm old, I could go any minute!
(No respect, no respect)
I got a kidney-shaped pool with a stone in it
(No respect, no respect)
Doctor Vinnie Boombatz, that's another one
(No respect, no respect)
I said I wanna stop aging, he gave me a gun!
(No respect, no respect)

I told him I got water on the knee
He gave me a sponge and raised his fee!
(What's the matter, Rodney?)
Ah, it ain't easy bein' me
Don't be coy, and define the term.
I just want to sleep I just fucking want to sleep I just want to turn off my brain and sleep I feel like I’m fucking losing it why can’t I sleep why can’t I sleep why can’t I even sleep????? Why I just want to sleep and the ads keep flashing and it’s driving me crazy I hate the ads that are flashing behind the keyboard I hate that fucking mixtape ad so much it hurts my eyes like eyepain I fucking hate it it makes my head feel strange I just want to sleep I just want to fucking sleep why I can’t I can’t I don’t know I can’t do this it’s too much I just want to turn off my fucking brain
That’s true, I agree with you. But I do think the attention-whoring style of posting has bled onto 4chan over the last few years. But it’s nowhere near the extent you see on other social media sites.
Still annoyingly evasive.
not sure what's got you upset here
not even slightly, just curious.
please help.
selecta means dj, you posted a bleep tune so i just assumed you'd know the culture
>Birdman travel long way to visit anon in polluted human area
>Anon gets shady about birdman's appearance
This is why bad things happen to you
Tbf not everyone engages with the community of the art they enjoy.
I seldom do, for example.
yeah you seem poorly-socialised
just kidding haha
I know the culture back to Domina, the original when it comes to the genre. I even have a CD of Maurizio's M series, in a cute little metal box.
Yeah, it is by choice. Being alone is pretty comfy.
It's just me, anon. There's this cute little lass that shows up at my house every day. I like to feed and pet her a bit. She's very sweet.
>kickin it old school itt
I'm trying to unlearn all the restrictive social norms of my autistic country, and start chatting up women wherever I see them.
>start chatting up women wherever I see them
based, bring this back
More my style.
kek, I was making a joke. The Mexican is one of the most sampled tracks, most notably when Afrika Bambaataa sampled it with Kraftwerk to solidify the elements of modern hip-hop/djing
It's like posting
one of the underlying samples in your song
How did Zuck unautismo himself? He's seems so outwardly normal now
just watched a bunch of porn and nutted, even though ive been having regular sex lately with a girl who likes me. not a big deal i guess but still feel pretty silly for doing it. Just a good reminder of how boring and unsatisfying porn really is.

Where do i go from here? Im supposed to be seeing the girl next Monday, i guess my vril will be back by then, but i just want to move on from this small mistake in a calm and realistic way.

Definitely based. I've gotten okay at approaching women at nightclubs and convivial bars, but ive never tried just introducing myself to a random chick at the park or on the beach or somewhere like that.
That boy's an alien robot, mr glowie
I got -15 post karma and +120 thread karma on Reddit and it was enough to shadowban me.
I tried 3 times to publish thread on r/IncelExit about how I am proud of approaching a girl in a bus with detailed description of what gone right and wrong and it was auto blocked every time. Changing post, adding Reddit spaces, deleting keywords - nothing helped. I PMd mod of this community twice to publish my thread which was not insulting at all and this piece of shit cunt left me on read, and I saw how active he remained.
So easy to become total "persona non Grata" on this trash portal for barely any reason
Impressive. I'm not so much of a musician, though I've decent range as a listener. During the mid 90s my friends dragged me out to Chicago's Red Dog, where i heard some pretty amazing shit, the origins of most of which are pretty mysterious to me, even now,
>proud of approaching a girl in a bus with detailed description of what gone right and wrong
proud of u anon. Reddit is an echochamber shithole. Keep it up
>i just want to move on from this small mistake in a calm and realistic way.
do just that. What's the point of gooning?
Unless you're into flings, approaching women in clubs won't get you any quality
I know too many people who are so better at it than me to think i'm good. But yeah, since the beginning mixing has involved having an insane music knowledge across all genres (and movies too) so a lot of the time the audience is also well informed because the dj might poll them if they want to get rare b side one or obscure single print two into the mix, and you have to recognise both tracks from a bar or two.
A lot of it is a reference game and you need to know what reference people will pick up on or glide over and not smash the bar
Chicago's particularly crazy when it comes to their vocal samples because there's a lot of music background there and people mixing in phone messages and all kinds of shit. This is Green Velvet using a Rev Clarence L Franklin sermon (aka Aretha's dad) for example
looking for a man in finance
hi I've noticed you around
What's the best way to deal with weaponised incompetence.

Mother keeps nagging me about reading the instructions on how to use the new dishwasher she chose to get. It's frustrating because she hasn't even attempted to read the instructions herself. Yet still going on about how she doesn't understand etc.

Am I wrong to refusing to look at the instructions unless she at least attempts to read or watch videos on it. Especially since she has a good chunk of time to at least to try to read yet spends all day on her ipad
I don't like going to work. It's not that I hate work itself though. In fact, I can easily lose myself in my work and get great things done. The issue is working with other people. I can't stand it.

There's a social game in every workplace that directly effects your experience. It's a non-issue for most people because they play that game passively, but I have autism. Even the easiest work becomes unbearable because of this game. The rules change, and you're informed of these changes through unspoken social cues and gossip and whatever the fuck else. I don't know.

I've consistently had zero mobility in all the different companies I've worked for over the years. Not for lack of effort, I've even made detailed "proof" of my value and suitability for roles I'd wanted to move into. Usually the excuses I get are something like "you're not a culture-fit for that department"

I get along with people at work. I'm not awkward or off-putting or anxious or recluse. I think there's just a subtle uncanny vibe I have that's just enough for me to be shunned from full inclusion or consideration. I remember needing to consciously restrain myself when the nice woman in my team would infantilise me. She, like everyone else, knew there's something a little off about me but she was kind and that was her way of making me feel welcome or something. It was both offensive and sweet.

It didn't matter that I regularly out performed people in the same roles as me, being slower socially neutralised any sort of recognition. I've had WFH work in the past, I'd like to secure something like that again. The alternative is coming home from work and being completely drained from trying to keep up with acting socially normal so I don't get fired for "bad communication" or something.
>but ive never tried just introducing myself to a random chick at the park or on the beach
That's the autistic way to do it. You need to be smooth and leave some plausible deniability in place. It's an art that takes practice.
I can't recommend anyone for your subservient purpose other than my two younger sisters, who are 59 and 57 respectively, and both fiduciaries in massive financial institutions, the too big to fail kind. Good luck trying to put one over on either of those cynical old bitches. Yeah I make fun of them here, but then where else would I do it?
You can read the instructions and learn how to use it for yourself but don't tell her how to. Simply tell her something along the lines of "The instructions are there, if you wanna know how to use it, read them".
It's okay I know some less taxing havens
I have autism and I play no office games.
You just need to be assertive and let people know they cannot push you around.
Might go deep into native American history, myths, legends, etc. I'm not even American, I've just always had an interest in native Americans and their history ever since I saw Brother Bear as a kid.
Which country are you from? I think I do a good job being assertive and clear about my intentions ("I'd like to work towards this role in the future", "I need this done by this date for our workflow", etc.). Maybe there's something I'm missing. Should I have corrected the patronising nice lady for example?
Both are rather more calculating and in terms of Law, and connected when it comes to it. I kind of love my bitch sisters, and their weird expertise.
OK it's complicated. This is not office politics. You are just autistic.
Different people need to be treated differently based on their personality.
Damn right. Get busy romanticizing the present or get busy dying.
I eventually told someone to shut the fuck up out of frustration because they kept asserting something that was incorrect, notwithstanding my insistence that they were wrong given my intimate familiarity with the subject matter. I told them I wouldn't keep asserting baseless things about things they knew about.

In other words, I've reminded myself how arrogant I am.
Kek you explaining that makes me concerned about my one
Very based, me too. Though, sometimes the pain spikes and I'm reminded that I'm still alive and life isn't simply my usual dreamlike malaise.
Buy the GR and BoTNS. The other two are easy to find for free on public domain library sites.
>Christianity is a very misanthrophic and pessimistic belief system
So it's aligned with reality. Thanks
It's sort of tragic for me then. It takes a lot for me to pick up on the right treatment to dole out for different people

I'm just thankful I have friends I understand well enough to mesh with and be autistic around without consequences. There's a distance people here keep in workplaces that makes that unachievable with colleagues
I have no interest in ever reading Shakespeare.
Don't worry about women generally. True psycho bitches are 99/1 rare compared to men, if a lot more fun in cinema and such.
Hamlet's pretty good. He's literally me in some ones, especially his neuroticism and indecision.
Wanting to buy old books from different countries is so tiresome, having to do so much research and reading into what translation is best is really offputting, I just wanna read the damn book.
But do they like the jazz/dj fusion of the late 90s? That's the real question
I kind of identify with Lucio, though I'm seldom as well dressed. In any case I share his contempt for authority of the arbitrary kind.
I keep checking the app to see if she's messaged me back, I need to get a grip, she's not gonna message me back tonight and even if she does, it'll be a quick one before she goes to sleep. Ever since she moved into this new share house she's been so much more distant.
On the whole they have dreadful and nondescript taste in music, but not so low as Jazz Fusion.
Idk I think they'll side with Marlena Shaw over your shitty taste every time like reasonable people
I sometimes wonder what bitches like you make of Haydn symphonies or baroque oratorios.
>The model for Led Zepplin's cockrock beats
You might be signalling some shit you don't want, but at least you didn't say Mahler
>Haydn wouldn't like jazz fusion
Why create the piano trio then?
I'm cold, wet, and tired.
Just block her and get it over with.
I've jerked off so much recently that it kinda hurts to get a boner right now.
i read the sorrows of young werther. bad idea.
I’m pretty sure my basement is not the same building as my upstairs. Of my house the basement can’t be underneath the rest of my house. They can’t be the same building the layout doesn’t make sense. I use the stairs to travel between these two places, but I’m certain they’re in different places entirely. They can’t be the same building it doesn’t line up at all.
Did you buy yellow trousers?
ive been wearing the same 3 pairs of shorts and various plain t-shirts for years. even in winter.
So tired....
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Do you guys ever stand up too quickly after lying down, and it feels like you got hit by a flashbang grenade?
I think it has something to do with blood pressure. You should get up more slowly.
Yes absolutely. I used to get it worse when I was a kid/teenager. I even passed out a few times. I was pretty underweight as a kid, which I think was part of the problem. Since then I’ve gained some weight and I rarely get that sensation.
yeah i get it way worse when i'm cutting for some reason
Might be a blood circulation thing. When I was underweight, I also often had cold feet. I would wear thick socks and slippers at home. But now my feet don’t get cold so often. But also maybe the cause is something else - I don’t know shit about medical science.
Yeah but i've a medical condition. It's a blood pressure thing usually but what's causing the drop in pressure can be anything from purely the mechanics of having to pump blood harder to reach your head compared to laying down to weird electrolyte imbalances to dehydration to nervous system defects. Usually it's just the mechanics of pumping uphill effectively, which is why if someone has an injury and is bleeding, raising the wound above the level of their heart helps slow the bleeding through gravity.
no, I usually try my best to stand up slowly after lying down, shit's unhealthy af
Just cock her and get it over with.
I found the relationship of the rich and middle class more interesting than the relationship between the rich and poor because poor people want to take away the money of the wealthy and hand it to themselves and justifying it as a noble act money they deserved to be handed because they demand it on the other side you have the middle class who have no interest in taking the Rich’s wealth but does tire of their superiority complex and lording over those less wealthy than themselves the middle class want to see the rich get humiliated am talking get hit in the face with a pie or something equivalent something they believe will make these people come off their high.
This is the most middle class grasper thing i've ever heard, honestly
>write long post
>doesn't get posted
It's so tiresome
there are more similarities between upper class & working class than there are between upper & middle.
Website's fucked.
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Mine was Booger because of my last name
Never ask a racist the race of their waifu
Suffer the pain of doing the needful or suffer the pain of the regretful.
Let's be real, we're all gay niggas
speak for yourself
i give permission to this anon to speak for me. i hate >>23847021 this anon. i hope he gets lost in the woods.
these guys suck each other's cocks
i have NEVER seen that other guy in my LIFE
based gloryhole patron
very witty...
>doing the same thing but expecting a different outcome is madness.
too bad we all live in a space-time continuum where time is consistently a variable, faggot Einstein.
The 2024 election is a massive conspiracy to produce the most uninspiring candidates of all time.
>get butthurt over someone else's opinion
>others get butthurt over my opinion of someone else's opinion
>slew of ad hominem attacks
shut it, retard
you first, faggot.
t. ntabtw
who wouldn't want to choose between for an indian jamaican cat lady married to a jew and a certified schizo :^)

Jk idel what's going on, not even American
got your feelings hurt libtard * laughing emoji*
Any British people in this thread?
I don't respect your kind. Also your food sucks dog dick.

Nothing personal tho, anon. You pretty cute.
you've got me on the ropes here, i don't know your nationality
>nigga just tried to neg a random anon on a mongolian basket weaving forum
sasuga anonymous-sama
ozzie :^)
anyone bemoaning the state of british cuisine can cheer themselves up by looking at the australian cuisine wikipedia

>In 2003, it was recognised as a South Australian Heritage Icon.
my sides
The worst people I have ever seen in my 32 years of existence were the British sexpats in Bali. I thought Americans in Cancun were bad but holy shit are the brits. Once saw a police officer (probably security tho) sucker punch a dude for groping and pissing on a random woman. Knocked the nigga right out.
My name is America and I'm from the United States.
My name is London and I live in the Tipton hotel.
I miss her, but at least I know she's in a good place with someone new and better than I ever was.
I have no shortage of opportunities with women since her, and followed some through, but I fired my bullet with that woman and there's no more room left in me for anyone else. I've tried and done nothing but disappoint myself and the women who have fallen for me.
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i smell really bad.

i was seething with energy yesterday, horny energy, and when i woke up i watched a bunch of porn instead of going to the muay thai class that i planned to go to. pretty clumsy choice. Just need to have a shower and do some reading i suppose, get back into the vibe

Is anyone else here fully nocturnal? like, sleeping through the whole daylight hours on many days. its comfy but it makes it hard to do daytime things...

im aussie and i never eat shit like this. im all about the healthy foods, lots of vegies and tofo

i was hanging out with this indonesian woman in melbourne a while ago. she was complaining that bali is full of foreigners, not even seeing the irony that she lives in melbourne, basically an asian city in Australia. I asked her on a date and she said she had a bf. I am a bit racist but i would have sex with many members of other races.

lmao, that amount of jerking is ver silly. Gotta learn to live with that seething sexual energy, without needing to deplete it.

i think its better to just arbitrarily pick a translation, if comparing them is becoming a barrier to your reading. Not too hard to just check the first paragraph o a few different trnaslations and see which one you like best
Old man is really dumb. I wish he would think once in a while but even now he needs my help with basic things.
You're good dawg, late bloomers rise up
He asks me retarded questions that take common sense responses. I wonder how this dude ever was in the firefighters place without everyone being annoyed at him or feeling sorry for how retarded the dude is.
your typing is very faggoty.
Happy birthday anon. Do right by yourself. Be brave. Godspeed.
I dropped out of college twice. Took me 5 years to complete my associates. I'm set to graduate with my BA at 26 years old. It's fine to be a late bloomer. Just pick a path and stick with it. Always be doing something productive and with long term goals. Go somewhere os better than going nowhere.
The government has fucked me over so many times in so many different ways that I have a ptsd like reaction to anything they do or say. I don't watch news or follow election shit, I just get fucked in the ass by the most useless retards that ever lived.
There's this really pretentious and obnoxious guy in my philosophy classes. He thinks he's the smartest guy in the room when in fact he's actually the dumbest. He's a philosophy major but absolutely hates philosophy. He argues with the professors and makes it exceedingly obvious that he has no idea what he's talking about. He told me that he thinks being the loudest guy in the room is asserting dominance and being an alpha. He hardly shows up to class, never takes notes, never does the reading, and half asses every assignment he does. He talks shit about literally everyone. He told me he thinks he's better than everyone else. I made the mistake of befriending him because he wears a cross and talks about Jesus. It turns out he's an atheist and will very quickly say that belief in God is stupid. I'm stuck working on a big project with him and I already know he's just not going to do any of the work.
If only homosexual females were to reproduce with a goal, sublimating the opposite sex to theirs, the two sexes will finally desire the same thing and themselves. The price of sex will plummet to zero; rendering money and mammon powerless to prevent the birth of humans not tied to it.
Thus, a slave species would be freed. Another factory left behind them, in ruin.
>describing every atheist online
It's real?!
Yet another example of male socio-sexual conflict resulting in misery for all. Man as a failed concept will die in cringe.
Zack and Cody smashed that
Coming from a futa-thread, I am now obligated by higher intellect to argue that faggoty is solely a reference to a pice of wood, and any allegations to it having alternate meanings or connotations is a falsehood by people who simply don't understand how language and definitions work.
>that’s life
Must be one the cucked sentences one can say, what’s the point of living if you don’t get what you want from life? Absolutely sickening
Buildings covering the ground like grass. A blanket of clouds. The skyscraper connects to the sky.
Christ. That Indonesian woman didn't have a bf. She just didn't want to date a tofu-munching, futa-waching lil nigga like you.
She's just unable to handle her penis envy. She can desire to own all of human sexuality as she wants to, but the male genitals will always exist to mirror her power.
Nobody can beat the dick. Not the dick.
When will Christianity reach down under? Praying for you, anon.
i see what you mean
And the skylight is like skin for a drum I'll never mend
I think I am going to start plapping my ex again. It has been a few years.
Head like a hole
Black as your soul
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>You better lie down the angels are watching'
>She closed her eyes and said with the talking
>You can hurt me do whatever you like'
>So he said 'shut your mouth girl the angels are listening'
>She crossed herself now the moments are missing
>You can hurt me do whatever you like'

I get the appeal but I'd rather the girls hurt me.
Small-made. Her bright, sun-colored hair was tied behind her neck with a blue ribbon. I saw by the glow how pinky-soft her skin was, how young and pretty.

And don't you think she's a pretty little pink,
And don't you think she's clever,
And don't you think that she and I
Could make a match forever?
she's 4 you sicko
Male socio-sexual conflict; statusseeking behavior, the act of undermining everybody with loudness and other such monkey games.

Man is a failed concept, needing compensation mechanisms of such magnitude... but his egoic tower falls. Before the birth of the Overman; a man owning his own senses, desires and emotions.

We have to compete for pussy somehow.
There is just no way around that. If it's not this, it will be real violence and war, or something along those lines.
Pussy is scarce and in high demand. The rest follows from that.

What do you propose? That we just give up and die?
I'm thinking about voting the far right party next election.

This is why we should mandate a 2 girls / 1 boy policy. It would fix most of our social issues and peace would finally reign on earth.
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WAIT WAIT WAIT. Are you telling me, Russia actually launched a nuke, that for what we know could have been actual strike that would lead to nuclear war and not just a test as they say, fucking blew up before leaving the silo and nobody gives a fuck? I barely see anyone talking about this shit, everybody have forgotten it despite being like what? less than a week? Not even a fucking meme about it?
/v/ seething over new Zelda games is a wonderful thing.
No, I'm telling you you're a subhuman brainwashed retard.
I liked BOTW, TOTK looks cool
Confirming that you're a brainwashed and deranged retard.
then explain to me then, how am I retarded and deranged?
this girl i know will drop little playful words or phrases in our text convos and it melts me. i feel like i'm generally such a morbid, serious person that when i see a woman exhibit any whimsical, childish behavior it brings me an indescribable joy.
fuck you!
>you're telling me
Nobody told you this, you made up a fantasy and present it as reality. Why don't you make up the same fantasies when you hear about American nuke tests? Because you're completely deranged and so stupid you don't even know how to be honest with yourself.
Too little too late
Developing a crush on a lesbiam girl
>bro if people just never competed everything would be utopian
feel the same way sometimes, but also im sometimes repulsed by it.
I'm replaying BOTW again after my first playthrough of TOTK.
the goodbye doesn't have to be unpleasant
In the next 9 months I want to get published and make new friends that are girls
Old dude is dumber than I thought. Atleast with know-it-all theres some form of effort into the conversations.
Good luck. It seems like a pussy magnet to be a writer.
It’s inherently upsetting

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