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ASOIAF wiki: https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Main_Page
Blog: https://georgerrmartin.com/notablog/
Old blog: https://grrm.livejournal.com/
So Spake Martin (interviews): https://westeros.org/citadel/ssm/
Book search: https://asearchoficeandfire.com/
SSM search: https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=006888510641072775866:vm4n1jrzsdy
General search: http://searcherr.work/
TWOW samples: https://archive.org/details/411440566-the-winds-of-winter-released-chapters
Last thread: >>23834858
First for Daenerys is still the rightful heir.
kys targfag all targs get the hammer
Swarthy deer faggot fears the pale, white Valyeian chad
bloodraven is NOT the three eyed crow
Dead series. Make a Stormlight Archive general, nigger.
He could be a vessel for the three eyed crow and not have realized it
a what general? what the hell is stormlight archive lmao
Nimble Dick is the rightful heir
think about it
anon I...... he's..... I'm so sorry anon....
You will never see eldritch pirate Viking invasion of Oldtown
thank fuck, that sounds mega gay
>sloplight archive
Tell, who getting a new book this year? I don't thinks is A song of shit and farts.
Targshits pissed away their right to rule by killing off their most prominent vassals unjustly.
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>/tv/ is having a more intelligent ASOIAF discussion than /lit/
>the same 20 posts over and over (but it’s okay because “it’s ritual posting guyze!!”) and homos lusting over show Aemond or Luce
>/got/ in such dire straights they're trying to recruit people from /grrm/
Embarrassing, just let it die. Don't come here though. We enjoy rivetting discussions about jewish naming conventions and I'd hate to them disrupted by posts about which boys anus is most impregnatable.
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>/tv/ discussing the thematic and philosophical consequences of prophecy in ASOIAF
>/lit/: ASOIAF? More like A song of shit and farts!
literally stopped reading at page 30 of book 4. nobody told me how fucking bad it was, i thought dance of dragons was the worst one, but if thats true, im not going to bother trudging through the dogshit that is feast for crows. is there at least a single good chapter in it?
The prologue and first two chapters in AFFC are a slog because Grrm decided to introduce a bunch of new characters and plotlines out of nowhere. The Ironborn story starts out boring but gets more interesting while the Dorne story is pretty much just boring the whole way through.
Once you get to Cersei's and Jaime's chapters it gets better
no. the three eyed crow is something else. he's part of its plans but unaware of its existence.
it is probably not benevolent, either.
That's what I meant
It's a different entity but it's possessing Brynden without him realizing
I think the 3EC represents the Ice god beyond the wall who is opposed to the Fire/Shadow god of Asshai
Bittersteel simps will believe ANYTHING rather than admit Bloodraven won.
quality > quantity
Victarion and Jamie chapters are good

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