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previous >>23841020
this place always brings out the worst in me.
The way cow milk works doesn’t quite make sense, it was meant for baby cattle to help grow big and strong yet humans can drink it and get the same benefits as the cattle why would milk from a cow benefit humans so much? How is this even possible? I want to say it was some ploy by big milk and they paid scientist to say this stuff but the benefits of milk cannot be denied not just cow milk but goat milk too and others I may have missed.
4chan unironically feels good when I'm using it more rarely
>a story is only good if it's formulaic
>Ulysses isn't good cuz Molly and Harold are supposed to fuckkkkkk
>"they got married and lived happily ever after" is peak literature
What the fuck is this dude's issue?
I keep listening to some irrelevant Italo-disco song from the 80s on repeat and I don't know why
hiding from the sun for vanity, for self-preservation.

socializing on the leather booth of The Society, behind locked doors and shattered tempered windows that make a kaleidoscope of the schizophrenics shambling down the desolate street.

the soul standing like a sentinel every morning on the median by the traffic light, fat and begging. the soul begging with its presence alone. the soul of a complacent animal.

the open defeat in the face of the soul squatting in front of the grocery store. it displays a laminated newspaper to whoever comes or goes. it recognizes me now because it sees me frequently. it's eye contact is a plea. mine is indifferent but fascinated by the banal and unrelenting suffering.
Those shoes look slippery
Indeed. The problem rises when its summer and all the poasts seem to go way down in quality.
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Waste time????? As if there is any purpose to this droll, predictable, purposeless existance. Falling like leaves, is all live is and ever will be, man limited and arrogant is as far away from divinity as anything. If I could wipe away memory, thoughts, reason from my mind, like one removes chalk from a board, I would.
I'm going to be mad if pubic hair doesn't make a comeback until after I'm already dead.
Are you a female?
If you are then I'm going to perform a blood ritual that will give u three years of migraine and arthritis
I hate women
Doom scrolling apps have probably drastically reduced online social interaction across all platforms
which one
No. I'm just a man who likes bushy pubes.
Going to have to wake up in four hours and go to work. Or maybe I won't, then I'll get fired, and then forcefully conscripted into the army right afterwards. Couldn't care less either way.
Internet addiction "disorder" (IAD), also known as problematic internet use or pathological internet use, is a problematic compulsive use of the internet, particularly on social media, that impairs an individual's function over a prolonged period of time. Young people are at particular risk of developing internet addiction disorder,[1] with case studies highlighting students whose academic performance declines as they spend more time online.[2] Some experience health consequences from loss of sleep[3] as they stay up to continue scrolling, chatting, and gaming.[4]
it's 4 am and I'm at work atm
I would love to be able to work at night and dodge having to deal with people.
The past 24 hours have been spent wallowing in my own filth and encouraging my more degenerate behaviours... tomorrow i am going to be better and i mean it this time
well, that's my life, doing night shifts mostly these days
Isn't already a thing? Where I live you have 90% chances of running into a good bush. Anything else is considered a luxury.
Slav girls always get the trashiest ugliest haircuts
If I told people the shit I've been through talking to this girl for 7 months they genuinely would not believe me for how ridiculous it is.
Despite her not knowing I exist and her being completely beyond me, I've been hung up on my oneitis for years now and knowing we'll never be together makes me wanna off myself. Even my meds can't shake. I'm afraid to tell my therapist I'm still obsessed with her because we've spent dozens of dozens of sessions working on shaking her.
Homeless chick asked if I have $1 to spare and told her I carry cards only but she didn't stop there she wanted food and drink.
eh, i had a girl with tits the size of your head demand i let her come and live with me and my mother and milk me dry every night despite me trying to deter her by showing her my soiled room where i sleep on the floor surrounded by books and trash. nothing surprises me anymore.
Fucking retard mother is telling me that unless I do as she says she'll tell my brother to beat me up(he is several thousand km away from me). It's like she thinks I'm a fucking five year old or something.
>Isn't already a thing?
I don't think so.
Just kissing someone else will cure it. Use the oneitis to come off as slightly disinterested and girls will eat it up, sadly this only works if you're charming though. If you're a legit KHV I don't know what to tell you.
>my mom spends hour explaining floor plan of everyone's house involved in any story
idk if she's autistic or she's hoping i'm a cat burglar but most of them are thousands of km away too, so I think moms just can't in2 distance in any case (excepting floor space, including outbuildings)
Is it me or did basically everyone become functionally retarded or unethical in the last few years?

The same communities that used to be filled with smart and virtuous people are now suddenly filled with imbeciles and ignoble hucksters. What the hell happened?
Proliferation of phones and internet, increasing English literacy.
Nah, people have always been retarded and unethical, even back when you had to rub the batteries to make the tape play 1/4 speed distortions at you. The problem is anon's entirely shifted the idea of community onto the internet, because that's a new kind of retarded
This weird guy sitting in the same row as me in class today opened his laptop, and it started playing some kind of anime porn thing at full volume for a few seconds while he scrambled to turn it off. Everyone in the room heard it. It was so unbelievably awkward. I fucking hate it here.
I'm the latter sadly and have never come close to a relationship as I'm scared of women and have been forever.
water's clarity disturbs me greatly.
i know thou art there, god.
>he doesn't know it's all fire
you should lean into it, bring your laptop next week and blast even more wretched and offensive anime porn even louder than he did, whilst wearing the coolest sunglasses you can find.
you may be in hell but apparently i am not.
>fire bad
incorrect you weird raw vegan/liver king fanatic
i don't speak to trannies or those who jerk off to them. i recognize your idiosyncrasies. goodbye.
Video games are to zoomers what alcohol was to boomers. A tool to escape their meaningless life
Nah—that would require polluting my brain by viewing anime porn, something which I have never done before and have no intention of ever doing.
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I got caught watching anime porn in class. FML
book tuah read on that thang
If only there was a way to pirate alcohol.
there is. just buy yeast and sugar and a big dumbass jug, and a brewer's valved bottle cap. then distill it, wham, you have illegal booze
>he’s never robbed a liquor store
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So, so you think you can tell
Heaven from Hell? Blue skies from pain?
Can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail?
A smile from a veil? Do you think you can tell?

[Verse 2]
Did they get you to trade your heroes for ghosts?
Hot ashes for trees? Hot air for a cool breeze?
Cold comfort for change? Did you exchange
A walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage?

[Instrumental Break]

How I wish, how I wish you were here
We're just two lost souls swimming in a fishbowl, year after year
Running over the same old ground, what have we found?
The same old fears, wish you were here
Weird habit I picked up:

When I stroke and pinch my nose repeatedly from the outside (I'm not talking about poking my nose), just generally carassing it, each time after a while a unique smell develops, that I've gotten kind of addicted to. I can then smell it whenever I semi-pinch my nose together, so air can flow in but is constricted. Anyone else have this? Is there a scientific explanation?
seems like you're just smelling your own mucosa? maybe massaging the sebum out of your nose? idk man. maybe you're tristram shandy risen from the grave? is it metallic, ozone, or biologically inclined, like pus or a hazelnut, or the smell of yellowed mucous? what is the closest scent to it?
missed a day, resetting the counter of reading everyday.

So far mistborn seems like a comfy fantazy book. simple but fun. not dumb, but not overly complicated.
>not Self Control
My headphone ear pad seemingly got fucked up overnight, I don't know what the fuck happened. When I went to bed it was fine and the black shit was covering it (it was a little worn down but the foam wasn't showing) and now it's completely ripped open and the foam is showing, this is so gay. I have a warranty on it so I'll probably get it replaced but still, this is so fucking gay.
Yeah now that you say it, I think it's mucosa, it smells a bit how sometimes wound plaster smells after being on for a while. Is that gross?
I want to lead a happy and prosperous life with a daughter.
>t. Humbert Humbert
I think I'd be a good girl dad, my daughter would kick ass.
Have you asked craigslist yet?
Not in that way. I am just burning with the desire to be a father, that's all.
Just found the sickest house in Hackensack for only 350k, it has a whole ass lake and everything.
I prefer Linda's version to be honest, the extended mix
Yeah, but it would seem more normal if you said that you wanted to have a loving family. When you only mention wanting to live with a daughter specifically, and say nothing of a wife or other possible children, it seems strange.
oh yeah, it's deffo gross but i mean, weird smells can be fascinating. maybe you need to explore some interesting foods or teas which might be off the beaten path to satisfy your nostrils. you may have some latent scent capacities laying underutilized. the senses don't deserve ti be ignored, and really exploring unique scents can be quite the gift. go smell some weird mushrooms and odd islay scotches and tobacco snuff. (like 6 photos LA snuff, not dental or mouth snuff, nasal snuff) look into a guy called Paul Shallbetter on youtubes.
Me too. I want her to have a tiny desk in my office (like Stoner) at which she does her homework silently, not to disrupt her daddys work. But I would help her all the time and wouldnt even be mad if she did cause disruption, she just wouldnt do it because she loves and respects me so much.
any if you retards in debt? I've never been in debt, and can't believe how financially retarded people are. why are you in debt? living beyond your means, are you stupid?
I want that too, the reason for my specifying a daughter is because I've been seeing a daughter-fu character gacha a lot recently. I've gone to sleep a few times while imagining that I'm hugging her.
Nope, can't get in debt if you've never had any money to spend.
Hm okay, I will give my nose some more to do, that sounds interesting.

Tangentially, this summer I walked over a field of grass barefoot. After the first few steps I wanted to put my shoes back on as it was stinging, but my gf encouraged me to keep them off. After a while it felt almost heavenly, because my touch nerves in the feet are completely underutilized from always being in socks and shoes.
stoner's daughter was a slut and his relationship with her died at puberty because he let his bitch of a wife dominate his life like a spineless coward.
I know, I wont make that mistake. Also my future wife (current gf) will be a great mother.
Well, unfortunately for you, I >>23848483, Am a tranny
ah yeah, they call that grounding, or so i hear. if you want to hear something extra odd, i feel as though i smell with my feet at times. (like a lobster)
but yeah, sounds like your sensorium is due a date with some oddities and delights, don't get too drunk on it, you might become some wild hedonist like the dude from Au Rebours. poor turtle.
Being slightly disinterested won't make a girl more interested in you. It's attractiveness and similarity that matters. There is reciprocity effect too but that isn't as strong.
If you are on this website then you are introverted. If you are introverted, then why haven't you analyzed your own thinking and created mental devices to stop it? I got addicted to a girl recently, but in the grips of extremely painful, chest-hurting oneitis I induced the fallacies and patterns I was thinking in terms of and created a mental object summarizing them. I managed to free myself from it through this mnemonic technique, and get back to doing focused work. The point is, you can think your way out of it.
They are still around, and in around the same quantities too. If you are old, you should be self-aware enough to realize that you have rose-tinted glasses for the good ol' days, hence the constant pessimism about the upcoming generation that is always there no matter the time. Some of my peers at uni are selfless to even a fault I'd say, though their strength of character is made admirable by that fault. Some are extremely quick thinkers, so much so that you'll be left confused how they got to the answer in the time they did.
Can say this about any activity.
>He could tell with such limited data
Lads, how does one acquire such a savant-like ability?
I'll mention the novel Perfume, the story of a murderer. Amazing book.
i think you have to let the trans meme live rent free in your head and eventually it just flows out and you realize everyone's a tranny and start reading irony blind postmodernists. i've seen it before and i think gore vidal's behind it
Is that all you get for your money?
>I got addicted to a girl recently, but in the grips of extremely painful, chest-hurting oneitis I induced the fallacies and patterns I was thinking in terms of and created a mental object summarizing them. I managed to free myself from it through this mnemonic technique, and get back to doing focused work. The point is, you can think your way out of it.
Why do you see love as some sort of affliction that you need to cure yourself of?
nothing special, the fags just all sound the same.
You don't even know what house I was looking at, Jim.
>sounds like your sensorium is due a date with some oddities and delights
sounds comfy! any more suggestions?

I know the movie from school, and I have noticed that the book must be a contemporary best-seller, as every single book flea market/thrift store has at least one copy. Is it really worth the read?
Today was not a good day. Hopefully tomorrow is better.
shou puerh, (it's a funky weird tea nobody in their right mind likes)
fish sauce, (red boat only)
caran d'ache swiss wood pencils (the brown one smells incredible. like maple syrup and chocolate. while you're at it try a few fancy pencils for the tactile experience. highly recommended)
try some clay sculpting, just go to a local studio and see if there's a class you can try the wheel in.
fishing (all the reeks, all of them)
buy some jojoba oil,
get some nag champa,
go to a rodeo (you probably need some horse piss in your life)
oh, and get a koosh ball (get the mondo kind, the normal version is simply too small)

if you're into that sort of thing, get some cebil seeds and make some yopo.
half of those words I've never heard before in my life. Made a screencap and will hopefully get around to some of these. Thanks anon!
weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning
heh, no problemo. weird and interesting niche experiences is my *thing*
Any more (non-smell related) suggestions?
what happened
I fucked the dog and he tried to bite my balls
hum, not sure, cashmere garments can be quite nice for touch, for the ol eyes, i can suggest a number of artists, like nicola samori, odd nerdrum, mikhail vrubel, william kentridge, frantisek kupka, phil hale, james jean, for appetizers, for tastes, it might be fun to look through Einstein's Beets by Theroux, just to get some ideas of odd flavors and things, (oh, do try a lapsang souchong, and some kefalotyri cheese!)
obviously exercise, yogas, jumpropes, cardio into failure,
idk, not much is coming to mind immediately. maybe grow some odd herbs like fish mint or wild arugula? dye making, tanning, using a leafblower until your fingers and hands tingle, you could try to become a frisson junky like those ASMR foos, try high quality sound equipment with gold cables, massage, tummo breathing techniques, there's so much stuff to be done, man
polytonal singing, handrubbing charas, oil pastel frottage, aquarelle, rubbing your face on your gf's butt while she's wearing courduroys
How is it possible that Charles I, Charles II, and Charles III are all cunts?
Never known a Charles who I've liked.
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i like women so much that had i been born a girl, i still would like women.
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Every single fucking time I start making traction on writing a story or reading a book, my wife and/or child become hellbent on interrupting me. I can sit around and dick on my phone for fucking hours at a time and they will leave me be. But the moment I try to become intellectually involved in anything that doesn’t involve them, they both start nagging for my attention. I actually have projects and books I care about but this brief period of hyperfocus I have is getting absolutely fucked and soon I’ll have yet another folder graveyard of failed drafts and pile of unfinished books. Fucking hell I just want to publish one story.
How about you don't dick around for hours on end then. Don't blame them when you're the one wasting time
become a shortform poet and scribble down your fury.
alternatively, leave the house, saying you're running some errands, like a common adulterer might, and rent a quick and dirty motel or find a cheap airbnb shed to rest yourself and get some work done. or rent some office space, and say you're working a new job as an intern or a volunteer. or, pour all your hopes and dreams down the gutter and selflessly martyr yourself in service of those you love and keep. you have many options, depending on how creative you can be. just don't take it out on them, women tend to sense a vulnerable state of being and cannibalize it. it's nothing personal, you're at your most poignant in those selfsame moments of your focus, that focus is what draws them to you. my suggestion is to give them a portion, and reserve a portion of it for yourself through crafty means, if only to save yourself from a grudge against your own family. anyway, be careful what you wish for, they may be gone in a blink, and all you'll want is for them to come and bother you again, but your halls will be empty, noiseless, fathomless remains of a life you thought you were not fond of.
kill them
Thank you. After expressing my frustrations here, I have set my alarm earlier. I’m not getting any sleep anyways, so might as well make the most of it before work.
I love them both, and I’d never take it out on them.
catastrophic disclosure of aliens NOW

Why do I spend so much time reading this junk? Makes for good casual reading while listening to music, but man so much wasted time and it often makes me sad seeing the state of mind of some of these people.
I’m so tired of everything. Sometimes I feel like I’m getting better but then I just go right back into a downward spiral
Is it bad that I wish my friend would text me more?
To add to this, they've been kind of distant since moving into their new share house, it's been about 4 days of maybe two replies a day.
she doesn't care about you bro, just quit simping and move on
Perfectly natural. And sharehouse? That a house with roommates? They're probably just getting their social fill at the moment from their new situation, been there.
it's hard to read a book and text a bitch at the same time, am I right fellas?
Just don't reply instantly, read a page or two first.
i would prefer having a clandestinely wet spot instead of a pitched tent when lying on a lounger reading an erotic fanfic at the swimming pool or beach.
And I'll eat myself to the point of discomfort
Or at least
I'll eat myself to the point of diarrhea
>hey guys, i'm a tranny, look at me, trannying around, aren't i precious? teehee
fuck you faggot i ain't no tranny.
i've just been reading too much yuri it's getting to me.
>wishing you were a woman
i hate to burst your bubble, but you're obviously a tranny. you read erotica, you sit at a beach, and you wish you had a female's genitalia. you're a tranny.
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>return to society
>act normal, get a (shit) job
>get a girlfriend, fuck her
>never once speak the truth or show my real face
>none of this matures into a single instance of real happiness
>have no idea why I'm doing any of this
>have no idea what else I could be doing
>debating disappearing and becoming a neet
>either potential future fills me with cold dread
is there all there is
not if i don't cut my dick off nigger.
best you can call me are either trap, transvestite, femboy, or twink.
And to think I was gonna defend your initial post because I found it funny.
For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.

you serve the lie and these are the dregs you drink.
the only thing that has ever made me happy is doing stuff for other people.
Some of the most viscerally raw stuff I've ever heard was told to me by an Argie on discord.
Not raw in brutality, or sorrow, or anything like that.
Just raw in the emotional sense.
A what?
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please do anyway.
i have no plans to cut it off and start liking men yet.
t. >>23848790
An Argentinian.
like shootin fish in a barrel
I hate others, they are animals that talk with human voices.
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never will be me
give up the hate, it has corrupted your mind such that you cannot even relate to your fellow man. your alienation is not permanent. you can step away from your mania, you can step away from all of that. where is your heart?

if the way you've lived your life thus far has made you miserable, why do you think that doubling down will do you any good? it's time to try another way.
Despite all my reading I'm still just an automaton ruled by my glands.
You need to read more Nietzsche
you need to read more Swift
Feel I could be doing more with my life. I don't want to be where I'm at with these rules.
If each dollar you have makes you more than it costs to borrow it you should borrow as much as you can.
you need to watch The Eras Tour
You need to read Selfish Gene from a "neoplatonist" Christian perspective.
how does one deal with anally retentive persons?
so far IMO the best strategy is not getting involved with them at all.
It's beyond comprehension how one person can fuck you up just by ignoring. You just tickle her by every means possible but the fact that youre way below her in pecking order makes it a kafkaesque nightmare, i don't know how else to call it.
captcha: SADP
I'm writing a fictional constitution for a fantasy society. The book is just the constitution, like the Magna Carta.
They've probably told you what to do and all you need to do is just reach out and do it
When I was learning Japanese a few years ago, my mum brought me a newspaper at work (we worked together) and it was all in Vietnamese, she thought it might be Japanese
(she doesn't know a lot about foreign languages) and thought it would be useful in helping me learn, I still smile when I think about that, I know she was only trying to be helpful.
Shadow of the Cock and Balls Torturer
Not even Sade or bataille would have came up with something as disgusting as what gisele pelicot husband did
not even once
He is King of the Cucks
I swear I keep hearing someone knock on my door but it's just the wind banging something around, it gets me every time.
I'm so tired. All my problems are probably just a result of lack of sleep, why can't I find restful sleep?
Anon, pubic hair is back. Not 100%, but a good number, and not just on stinky hippy girls.
I've never shaved my pubic hair. I've also never had sex, so maybe that's why. I assume I'll lose my virginity to a Japanese chick though so I guess I'll never have a reason to shave it. NTA.
My advice. If it's multiple days you haven't slept, be careful. If so; If I where you I would call in sick to work if you can. Even just tell them you haven't slept for an abnormal amount of time. Past 2 days you can start getting out of it. It feels very strange and can be scary. In times like that that I have been through, I often am lying in bed, and on the verge of sleep, and I feel fear of how sudden it will be if I let myself dose off. And when you wake up, you remember nothing of the slip into sleep. You just woke up with a very clear head. And you realized you had that day off. So you lay your head back down and fall effortlessly back. Without a worry or care. And come what may, sleep is good. For any man, whatever his state or circumstance, will not be made worse by it. For a nightmare can not hurt you so much. And a dream where you are feeling stuck in slow motion is a relief upon waking. And if all else fails, hold hope that another hard day of no sleep will give you another chance. And be careful. Even if important things are coming up, it does no good to let it stress or control your rest. And the cool air as the white noise hisses and crackles. A pale green moonlight through the curtain. And you realize you are dreaming. As you look down at your torso you wake up in your elementary school and you can't remember where the classroom is, and it's an important test.
People on 4chan and other such places often say that there ought to be more gatekeeping in certain hobbies, communities, cultures, etc. And I agree in principle. Many “things” would be more enjoyable if there were a greater emphasis on preserving the integrity of that given “thing.” The problem is that there is often no practical means of gatekeeping. You usually can’t stop people from picking up a hobby or using a website. If something is good, word will eventually get out, and people will just join of their own accord and being along their own groups. There’s nothing that can really be done to limit or prevent this. What could be done to prevent certain groups from playing a video game or using a website? Of course, there are private clubs and whatnot. But for anything broader than that, true gatekeeping is nearly impossible. The golden age of any good “thing” is inevitably fated to end.
how many times do you have to have sex before the sight of a bra strap stops being exciting? i want to have sex one less times than that.
it's impossible, men are wired to deify women. That's because even men are born female, and they acquire a male body later on, but they keep their feminine spirit. The biggest dream a male can have is to lead the life of a woman: the male dreams of having hundreds of women desperately orbiting him and wanting to serve him free of charge. However, the male still dreams of giving an orgasm to every single female.

On top of that there's the re-enforcement loop done by women. women are addicted to sex and male devotion. You have to understand that for tens of thousands of years women have selected men to glorify them, no matter what women do. At this point men view women inherently pure and cute. So for instance when a woman ''cheats'', her official BF will try to beat up and kill the unofficial BF, but will at worst reprimand very lightly the woman.
In reality Women are only kids with boobs and vagenes. Women peak intellectually at age 15. It is when they discover first hand that no matter how bland or even evil they are, thousands of men will be eager to compete for them, fix their daily problems and give them an easy life free of charge.
So you have a choice to make. You can become a disposable servant of women, or you can become something else. The major problem with something else is that's it's uncharted territory, just because very few men go this way. And they still have the atavistic surge to provide for women, give free pussy pass , free money, free sex, fix their daily problems ....
Are you not white?
I disappointed my family and my boss. The feeling of disapointment is hard when it's about your loved one, a feeling that you would like to remove, the people keep telling it'll be alright but I know I disappointed them for those seconds, for those seconds I became the worst an I want to feel the worst for a few minutes later. even Hours. Disappoitment will always follow, but it'll disappear like you never noticed.
I had a dream where I was the overlord of a late night talk show studio band. And I was addicted to drugs.
One of you will suck my cock eventually.
fuck that guy who recommended i get a marine biologist gf.
never again.
My gamertag is tattooed on a streamer's leg, I'm being serious.
my face is tattooed on sal vulcano's leg
massive QCI drop.
There are quite literally two races of white Americans, it's very apparent if you live in DC or NYC, as these cities get lots of tourists to contrast with the locals. The East Coast elite are beautiful and fit, and the Americans are degenerate and slovenly. You cannot make it on the Coast if you belong to the American race, obviously there are some who don't fit the mould but if you've ever lived in either of these cities you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. I'd like to see a study on it, I imagine there's pretty little intermarriage between the two. The Coastals are pretty willing to intermarry with foreigners, who are generally the best their nation has to offer and add a healthy diversity to the gene pool. I'm guessing based on physiognomy the gene pool of Middle America is in a pretty sorry state.
Don't try to apprehend me
I'll black and blue your family,
don't try to apprehend me
I'll black and blue your family
I never found sex exciting.
I want to have a drink but I'm 7 months sober
see that's the worst we got is uh jemima's witnesses
more men have died in the names of the false deities "Logic" and "Freedom" than from any bomb or war.
I’m drinking that liquor again, it’s my comfort.
aunt jemima is everyone's childhood god
>sal vulcano
Adelaide, South Australia :|
Yo, whassup, Jaden?
I've never once consumed a product with Aunt Jemima's face on it, stop lying.
I’ll eat Aunt Jemima’s pussy if you promise it tastes sweet like like maple syrup pancakes.
The sins of a son shall be double those of his father. One plants, another reaps.
I'm more of a Glass Houses kind of guy but that song's not bad.
Glad a new /history/ general is up
I'm so happy that there's no god or inherent meaning to life. Which makes life infinitely more meaningful, the fact that there was no intelligent design and all this just happened itself as a result of a huge sequence of events that came together as one makes me so happy and privileged to be able to experience this existence.
I travel around for work and, unfortunately, have fallen seriously ill in many cities. To be exact, in 8 places: Madison, WI; Dayton, OH; Wroclaw, Poland; Melbourne, Australia; Manchester, England; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Cochin, India; and Doha, Qatar.

The most unkind people, by far, were the Australians, followed by the English and Polish. My appendix burst in Melbourne and those horrible, horrible people let me writhe in pain for fucking hours. One nurse even cruelly told me I had to sort out the international coverage with my provider back home stateside before they could give me pain medication. On the other hand, I once had a horrendous eye infection in both eyes in KL, and the nurses took such immense care of me. I honestly felt like crying because they helped me when I was truly helpless, panicking over the thought I might go blind. Genuine kindness. I could feel it. The kindness that comes from a genuine human place of care and not from medical training or professional courtesy.

I wish I knew the names of my nurses from Malaysia, but I have sadly forgotten their names. I remember a few still from other places: Nurse Ivonne from Doha, Nurse Suja from Cochin, and Nurse Haylin from Madison. Thank you so much for caring about my life.
I can understand not wanting third world and brown immigrants in your country, they're low IQ and violent and will rape your women or whatever, fine enough, but why not welcome in Chinese and Russian migrants? Imagine a sparsely populated country like Norway bringing in three million Russian and Chinese immigrants, their GDP will skyrocket overnight and the social impact will be zero. Or imagine Germany with 20 million Chinese people added to the population, they will become a super power overnight.
Why is your health so poor? Do you just have a shitty immune system?
You must have never lived around Russians
I have often tried to connect the dots, but all these occasions were for pretty disparate things. Appendicitis in Australia. Eye infection in Malaysia. Unimaginably horrific diarrhea in Poland. High fever in India. Heat stroke in Doha. Pneumonia in Ohio.

Just dealt a bad hand for a long time, I suppose.
>can understand not wanting third world and brown immigrants in your country
>why not welcome in Chinese and Russian migrants
kek my sides
great idea, vladimir zhang lee
Most Russians are okay, certainly much better the med swarthoids who are allowed to move freely within the EU.
don't talk about your wife's bf like that
Germany is pretty densely populated.
>there was no intelligent design and all this just happened itself
Determinist fags of both the theist and atheist kind kind of troll me because it doesn't really have scientific support and I come from a set of cultural beliefs that think material reality is both false and a mistake. We are the
>Please wait, technical difficulties
test card screen of the real illimitless nothing that got confused for a bit
I don't know if this is true but I choose to believe it because I love bush and I hate the pornojew for stigmatizing it.
Ever since getting a smarphone my 70 year old grandma has been doing nothing but watching youtube/tiktoks about the russian/ukraine war. This has been going on for two years now.
I wish I had the courage to abandon my friends. I don’t know who I am to them, and I don’t think they see me as anything more than a cardboard cutout. But I don’t have anyone else in my life. I’m too meek and hopeless to find other people that would tolerate me.
>turned on by ankle pic
it really is over for me
60% of the posts on the r/gradadmissions sub are from fucking Indians
I could kill someone and feel nothing.
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Just finished picrel. Cute novella about an earth anthropologist studying a lost colony planet that forgot how to use their technology 1000 years ago.

It's like If that Arthur C Clarke quote was a book
>Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic
ok frenchie
my baby sister is dead, leaving me an only child. my parents decided to take a week vacation before her body is even in the ground. said the coroner "can keep her on ice" until they get back

In all honesty, I would honor kill them if I could get away with it
>my parents decided to take a week vacation before her body is even in the ground
Are you American
That's horrible.
When participants learned that a person had positive personality characteristics (e.g., smart, funny, kind), that person was seen as more physically attractive.[294] Conversely, a person with negative personality characteristics (e.g., materialistic, rude, untrustworthy) was seen as less physically attractive. This was true for both females and males. A person may be perceived as being more attractive if they are seen as part of a group of friends, rather than alone.
That's terrible, my sincere condolences. What happened? Sudden infant death syndrome?
she just turned 26. coroner hasn't done toxicology yet, but it appears that MDMA she took at a rave was cut with fentanyl, causing an accidental OD via hypoxia
Oh, I thought baby sister meant literal baby, my bad. Doesn't make it any less awful though. I don't think I can say anything that would help you, but I'm really sorry for your loss.
Obviously? The country with the most people would have tons of grad admissions?

Don't bother applying, anon. You're too retarded
Aw fuck man, that's horrible. What's wrong with them, jesus christ?

I think some boomers are a special kind of retard. My mum's dad passed away in January, and my dad forced her to go on vacation within a week. I never asked why but I suspect he was jealous that my mother's attention would be all on her family and dead father. Genuine sociapathic shit.
It's Friday again. I've been having some talks with know-it-all dude and apparently his 19 year old girlfriend (he's 45) just dumped him and ended up breaking his heart so I'm trying to cheer him up.
I'm not one of those weird puritans who'd call him a pedophile, but usually there's something very wrong with girls that go for guys that much older than them.
Thats absolutely horrible, whoever invented fent and put it on the streets should go to hell
My condolences anon, feel free to vent if you feel like it cause i dont understand how something like that even comes about
I think it's so funny how like 1/5th of all American commercials are for Prep.
A drug that makes it so gay people can't get aids as fast.
Just awesome and hilarious
I genuinely believe that if you gave me 3 months, I could plan and get away with a murder.
Just be a homeless druggy nigger they get away with murder all the time
I bet you 5 bucks that you can't.
Tell us
Who, how, when, where, why
god sees all.
I don't know, I haven't planned anything yet, I'm just confident that I could given enough time.
And he doesn't do anything about it
4chan is so dogshit but there's just no other place to go
This world is dogshit.
4chan is the last mainstream(ish) place you can drop your normie society filter and just say some bullshit
I keep twitch(mostly female) streamers on my second monitor because i'm lonely
Being lonely is a choice. I don't say that to sound edgy or whatever, but it is.
Be real for a sec fellas, we're all lil gay niggas
Things would be real different if every thought about the fact that jesus was a jew...
Do you mean that I could go get a friend at any time, or that I could choose not to be lonely whilst being alone?
You could go get a friend at any time.
I am but that's only because my brain is extremely messed up. I have the suspicion that I got molested as a kid and just don't remember it because I was so young and I've been repressing the memory really hard.
>drop your normie filter
Bro got it right.
Depeche mode
I should have been a better friend
deliberately demagnetizing the souls around me
contemplating an ocean of regret
i regret every choice

now a new soul is pulling toward me
the light of this soul illuminates all the others I've left in my wake.
I don't like sleeping because of how much time it wastes and because I was up with sore shoulders and sometimes a sore lower back, but I also like sleeping because of how it feels.
Have any of you tried fent and not died? What does it feel like?
nah I just stick with beer and weed and mushrooms and cocaine if the opportunity is there
I'm kinda tall but >>23850283 yeah p gay https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1xrNaTO1bI
the girl who has explicitly fren zoned me last week wants to hang out Saturday. do i avoid her out of spite and look for some party to take my mind off her or do i succumb to the invite with full knowledge that she's probably gonna bang Chad tonight and I'm her clown for Saturday?
your own
If she said no to a relationship, and you're not looking to be friends, do not go.
What is even the argument to going?
Cut her off, I wouldn't want to be friends with a woman anyway.
She needs food and a shoulder to complain on after chad has his fun with her. You're emitting dangerous levels of beta energy if she perceives you is that.
Don't hang around with a girl you don't trust, lil nigga.
People are annoying shitheads that will finish destroying everything good in a few years but socializing is a necessary evil and the human animal is interesting to observe.
I hear dudes talk about their girlfriends shit testing them and how they can't ever show weakness around them or they'll get dumped in favor of some dude off tinder and it all sounds exhausting. I'd rather just be alone than have a relationship like that.

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