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Pg. 452 of V.

A Jewish guy picks up two young people on the steps of a masonic temple to take them to a party, because that's his hobby for some reason, and that party had an escapee from a place called DEVILS ISLAND.

Iago Saperstein = Supplanter of Sapphire stones

Iago = derived from Jacob

According to the Talmud, or at least the AI summary I got, the tablets containing the ten commandments were made of or bejeweled with sapphires, and symbolize divinity, or heaven.

Maynard Basilisk = Brave Little King

This Pynchon fellow is a bit spooky...

There's probably more going on here than I can pick up... what do you think about all this?
Sorry the photo isn't vertical, it wasnt like that in the preview on my end. What I get for phone posting.
>reddit spacing
Pynchon is redpilled, brother. This is well-known.
Not reddit spacing, but still very moronically formatted.
What don’t YOU know?
Is it well known just HOW redpilled he is?
>According to the Talmud, or at least the AI summary I got, the tablets containing the ten commandments were made of or bejeweled with sapphires, and symbolize divinity, or heaven.
How exactly did you phrase your question to the AI? The Talmud is essentially a bunch of jews arguing with each other over the course of centuries a la 4chan
I don't know man, this reads like it was influenced by The Master and Margarita.
Bleeding Edge has a subplot of Israeli and Mossad involvement in 9/11 or at least what seems like their heavy surveilling and presence in the U.S. at the time. Based on stories like this:


It seems, besides the infamous five dancing Israelis arrested on 9/11 for filming it and seeming to be celebrating.

Inherent Vice is a funny one too. One of the central characters whom the plot revolves around (although we don’t see him directly very much or get much direct dialogue from him) is a Jewish real-estate developer Mickey Wolfmann — heavyhanded name, I know — who employs Aryan Brotherhood gang members as bodyguards and for security, funnily enough. Wonder if Pynch was making a reference to conspiracy theories, and sometimes really likely historical conspiracies, of what seems like ADL or Mossad involvement and infiltration of neo-Nazi gangs, or hoaxed hate crimes. If you browse /pol/ enough, or even seen some of their memes from heavy osmosis here, I’m sure you’ve seen the photo of the caricatured Jew spraying a swastika on a synagogue at night kek.

But anyway, you’d also be disappointed if you thought this meant Pynchon was a neo-Nazi, or wanted him to be for some reason. His works are very left-leaning and anarchist-sympathetic, clearly he doesn’t support the Third Reich, and he has typically socially progressive views on the treatment of minorities, the poor, the proletariat in the West generally or America specifically. You can be Jew-aware without being consumed by hate. Sure, rich powerful Jewry exists, they can be corrupt and in on conspiracies. Pynchon’s obviously aware of that. But also clearly of an Anglo-Saxon/WASP-based elite in the West.
>photo of the caricatured Jew
Cartoon*** technically, sorry. Or I guess it’s a photo of a cartoon, even more technically.
Not neo-Nazi as much as possibly in touch enough with the intelligence community to have a grasp of their operations. Not Mossad infiltration of gangs as much as the well documented blackmailing operations alluded to in chapter fourteen.

[Spoiler] V. As she is introduced, procures for herself an underage actress who she takes to her room to view from multiple angles through mirrors (cameras?) to satisfy a "fetish". Good enough reason to only be known by mononym? iirc [/spoiler]

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