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I honestly don't know.
Icke is the normie filter sina qua non. If you weren't highly curious when coming across his theories for the first time then I know you're just modern cubicle meat taking all your lines from the CIA.

Unfortunately, his manic phobia of concentrated power and concerted interests results in a political philosophy of doing literally nothing, which is unhelpful.
He was a normie until he just stopped calling them reptiles and started calling them Jews.
Picrel covers similar subjects to Icke, but is actually researched and heavily footnoted. You may enjoy it more.
This is a heavily Semitic and zionist work.
Huh? What's Semitic and Zionist about revealing Earth is somewhere between a farm and a prison, run for the benefit of extraterrestrials? Have you even read it? Or are you just seething idiotically?
Probably decided that because it refers to the legend of “Eden” in the title at all. But if he read even a bit of the work, or even about it (some summary or article), he’d see that it’s a heavy deconstruction of that same story and by implication of the Jewish religion and other religions inspired from its lore, suggesting that the “god” Jehovah/YHWH of ancient Hebrew lore is likely something closer to an account of an extraterrestrial overlord manipulating early humanity.
>David Icke
Schizo fiction.
Erm, no, you can just read what it says about Israel and Jews in the book.
Exactly, but my guess is he's too much of a mindless seething asshole to read the book. It's safe to say he's fallen into the Dunning-Kruger trap, and is too stupid to know how stupid he is.
You haven't read it either.
Looks like Mossad has caught on
Your mindless racism isn't the flex you think it is.
>If you weren't highly curious when coming across his theories for the first time
Idk about that assessment. It's one thing believing in corrupt individuals or even entire cabals but if your first exposure to conspiracy theories is shape shifting lizard people.I wouldn't fault someone for scuffing at him.

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