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/lit/ - Literature

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How does Chris Fox write 5,000 words per hour? He became a multi-millionaire on Amazon by writing an insane number of books, but how is it even possible to write this quickly? The books are not even that bad. Shallow, yes, but no worse than airport novels.
He has to be writing with a stenograph. Stenographers write at like 200 wpm. My guess is that he has a rough outline, stream of consciousness types it out using a stenograph, then edits it from there.
Drug assisted discipline
It only takes about two months to develop a new habit. Once you've achieved that you'll feel like you're writing automatically.
He doesn't. No one does. It's just a ploy to get retards to buy his shitty book. That's typing at twice the speed an average person does when copying written material for one straight hour, completely uninterrupted, while also synthesizing what you are writing.
AI assistance for sure
>spend a few years writing books on how to write really fast
>release them in quick succession to make it look like you wrote really fast
>retards blindly accept it because retards
This was published before AI.
If it's just typing 5000 wph is about 83 wpm. The average /v/tard types faster than this. With proper touch typing technique and a good editor with text completion and some macros it's not too hard. The real problem is coming up with stuff to write.

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