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>Enkidu has continuous sex with some kind of holy prostitute for a whole week, which costs him the ability to speak to animals.
How do you interpret this?
Women are a civilizing force, for better and for worse.
>How do you interpret this?
He performed lots of cunnilingus.
Animals are virgin 4chan incels and Enkidu couldn't relate to them anymore after he had sex.
it's kino
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It seems a bit like a Prometheus story to me, but instead of fire or its just some fire pussy.
women are ontologically evil, there is no other ways to interpret that if you want to be honest and not pussyfoot (pun intended) around feminism
>The animals running away from Enkidu when he approached his old watering hole
Why am I sad
Women extinguish your inner flame.
He lost his virginity which means his innocence. He broke his hymen. Just like virgins were reputed to be able to calm unicorns who would kill others. The animals were attracted to his childlike purity
Enkidu had plenty of flame after that.
The only people who say that are coping virgins who can't find a woman to sate their flame and immolate themselves or hedonists who've killed their flame entirely.
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hope she sees this bro, good luck
you sound gay as fuck
Does Sanskrit translate "sacred prostitute" as "independent woman"? Maybe losing animalistic capabilities was trading for growth of the ego which he learned from her.
A man cannot learn anything from a woman. That is literally impossible.

But "strong independent woman" actually means "prostitute", yes.
you ever jerk off to the idea of being called mommy's good boy?
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what translation of the epic of gilgamesh should i read, frens?
Abstain from porn and masturbation for several months, you won't get the ability to speak to animals, but you'll understand.
You never had a wild crazy friend who turned into a boring prude after getting into a long term relationship?
You think?
dafuq? is that some new tiktok trend?
If by wild and crazy you mean a degenerate lowlifer instead of pure childlike happiness and optimism you have zero understanding of this myth.
Was thinking less "degenerate lowlife" and more "vivacious and fun and full of life and not concerned with stuffy bourgeois propriety" but it sounds kind of gay to describe a dude in those terms.
It's called syphilis
not fooling anyone
It's a primordial tale known instinctively to the male soul. Just two bros, wild and free in the woods. Maybe one is a bit hairy, who doesn't want a squanch bro? The bridge between animals and men, representing our ancestral, pre-civilized past. Nothing corrupts him, nothing tempts him to betray the wilderness for the degenrate city...until he learns you can buy sex. Like one of those primatology experiments where they introduce currency to chimps, and almost immediately they invent prostitution. His weakness is leveraged to trick him into giving up the freedom and provision of the Earth, for streets, buildings, jobs, money, alcohol and whores. Gilgamesh was just trying to get his bro laid, but in doing so, infected and contaminated his natural, pure masculine essence, corrupting him into compromising his freedom, falling prey to an exploitative social contract. Soon enough he's working for a wage and being taxed. The beast in him, the glorious wild brute, has gone. Now there is only man, but of a faded, conformed, diminished kind. So it goes with this parable of how the benefits of lawful participation in society motivated our forefathers long ago to come out of the wilderness, into the city, transforming and compromising themselves for the safety & comfort of women and lesser men.

Incidentally Rama also had a wild monkey man bro in Hanuman. Seemingly they were in high demand in the ancient world. Dudes just want to pal around with a monke
I have never watched tiktok but you act like everyone knows your new trends.
She must have a powerful [STAND]
The story overall seems to be the legend of losing the wild nomadic lifestyle and adapting to cities and civilization and interestingly it’s not really siding one way or the other to what’s best.
Consequently in this part of the tale I think the ‘lesson’ is the cost of partaking in hedonistic city life, costing the wild man his natural talents with animals (the wild).
We don’t have any Great Tale from the injuns but their storytelling started to include similar tales. Civilization had many boons but also a cost. Staying too long near civilization (though there’s an added layer of a different /kind/ of people here, white vs red man etc) would convert you and make you lose the old ways.

At the same time many of the “old ways” were themselves imports. Horses were reintroduced to the Americas. The tomahawks of steel were trade goods. Pipes, pots, new textiles. Even the “trad” injun wasn’t going back to monke and stone tools.
That's bullshit.
Introduce a cunt into a male space, and the majority of males will revert to Detroit niggers to get even a desiccated crumble of the cunt's vaginal mucus. Introduce a woman into a male office environment, and office politics develops instead of work. Every place that has men and women working together loses grips on higher functioning and its aim and become a drama fueled Chernobyl exclusion zone fueled by sexual tension.
I remember from high school and university how the moment a women entered male company all camaraderie ceased and men began to bant and tear each other down, like a crabs in a bucket, to prove their alpha male worth to that cursed carcinogenic cunt.
There's nothing civilizing about women. They are a caustic slime that destroys everything.
If anything, male homosexuality is the civilizing force. A disproportionate amount of remarkable men in the field of science of arts have been homosexual. It seems that the whole endeavor of civilization was a homosexual effort.
And the Enkidu story doesn't seem to point to the dangers of civilization, but the dangers of sexual contact with women, that sexual activity with women drains men of their powers and makes them cucks and simps.
It's more than a coincidence that the two most occurring mythic patterns are the universal flood and the destructive influence of women, with humanity losing the state of primordial bliss, immortality, unity, community with gods because of woman's arrogance and stupidity.
Is this loss?
Not women, but sex. Sex is a civilizing force. Men who do not engage with society, learn its rules, and decide to play by those rules, do not have sex. Similarly, a woman can use sex to teach a man about all of these things, if she is experienced enough (and a royal prostitute like Enkidu had sex with would be).
You‘re otherwise describing environments in which it is tacitly assumed that men are getting their women/sex elsewhere.
It's an affirmation of the Mesopotamian practice of temple prostitution. It's saying, "Look, see how the temple prostitutes tame the beast in man."

It's worth noting the foil between Enkidu's encounter with the temple prostitute and Gilgamesh's own sexual activity at that point in the story. Gilgamesh has decided that since he's the king he gets to just gonna fuck other men's wives, and the people of Uruk are crying out to the gods for justice. In response, the gods make Enkidu, who lives as an animal until he has this experience with the temple prostitute.

After the temple prostitute teaches Enkidu about good sexuality (by Akkadian standards), he then learns about Gilgamesh's bad sexuality and is so enraged that he immediately goes to Uruk to fight Gilgamesh. Enkidu loses the fight, but Gilgamesh is still humbled by the experience and stops abusing his people.

Basically it's the Akkadians affirming temple prostitution as a good form of sexuality.
his pussy diet fucked up his gut flora and pussy biome changed him into a faggot
>his pussy diet enhanced his gut flora and pussy biome changed him into a good lad
is this what roasties really think?
all of them

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