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/lit/ - Literature

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What should i expect?
Judging by the translator, I’m guessing an anthology of excepts from Greek thinkers on the divinity of mathematics
Just found a comment on amazon claiming that there are a few serious mistranslations. Should i bail and get a refund? I havnt really found any literature in the topic that didnt seem lile bullshit.

Oh i should haved added in my original post i came across this recomendation looking for info on the topic of sacred geometry.
easy to correct those errors by yourself if that amazon comment has already pointed and called them out, no? translations usually contain some mistranslations, it's business as usual really, that's why people still learn ancient greek and shit to read the originals straight from the "source"
>with a foreword by Keith Critchlow
I knew this man. Trust me, read this.
nta but that sounds neat
>not the asshole but that sounds neat
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