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/lit/ - Literature

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You HAVE read the longest poem in the English language, at 129,807 lines, haven't you?
no, why would I, I'm busy sexxmaxxing
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>not on Project Gutenberg
>not on libgen
Where can it be had?
Vol. 1: $41.53 plus shipping
Vol. 2: $67.43 plus shipping
Vol. 3: $27.95 plus shipping
Vol. 4: $27.95 plus shipping
Vol. 5: $83.00 plus shipping
Vol. 6: $38.75 plus shipping

pay up piggy
No, but give us an excerpt
volume 1
>starting a series you can't finish
Fooled me once, Gurm
kek, first two stanzas sound like an aeneid rip off
Surely it must be possible to pirate somewhere? Especially since it's old enough to be in the public domain.
It's on archive.org. Did you try using google?
Oh. D'oh.

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