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/lit/ - Literature

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Stoner, The Stranger, Notes From Underground. I'm filled with a visceral disgust with the main characters in these novels. Complete scum. Bugmen. Lowest of the lowest. Don't even deserve to be called humans.
women aren't humans, so there's that
Isn't that the point?
Anons here do "literally me" for all those novels
I mean, it's not very difficult to imagine that there are a lot of self hating individuals on 4chan of all places
Id like women more if they had a penis
I'm literally the guy from The Stranger.
The guy from Notes from underground sounds more disgusting though, I just started it
one of those isn't like the other two
penis doesn't help, it's the testicles ("balls") that ascend men to achieve great things and be actual humans, testosterone is really the key to humanity and testicles are "responsible" of producing it
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Women are evil. What is the explanation behind women's total lack of empathy and imagination?
Dasha L O V E!
Whats with all the Dashas
They are helpmeets
I found The stranger funny because the guy's so extremely unbothered, a true neutral even when shtf, it became comical. Gave me a few chuckles. Enjoyable and well written, I couldn't relate to him at all.
because pussyhungry men treat them like children and don't hold them responsible for their shit

since EVERY culture has come to the conclusion of women being inferior our ancestors have probably tried treating women as non-children but it has never been successfull because they just aren't as capable as men.
Unironically, why are you gay?

While there is tremendous truth to this, women are helpmeets by nature and must be understood as such, they are made to be great in that regard and in that regard alone, as the helpmeet of man.
It is a sign of our modern times that men judge women based on their practical achievements and social media presence. We are different, and if you judge the opposite sex by the same merits as you judge your own, you will always be disappointed. Men build and women nurse. Social media is made to enrage you and make you stay and engage with the content. Feminists fall in the same trap and judge men through a female lense, seeing them as cold and uncaring. There is merit to both sides if one decides to dwell on it too long. Men rape and murder far more than women ever will. Still, being filled with resentment for each other leads nowhere. In real life men and women need each other. I believe it helps to remember that we live in an age of immaturity which manifests as weakness and passivity in men, and narcissism in women. Also, keep in mind that women have a natural need for more encouragement and personal attention, which stems from insecurity. Being upset by this is like being upset at the ocean for being wet. Learn to love. Best of wishes.

T. Autistic femanon
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That's all well and good but ywnbaw
Explain why you aren't a bugman
Tip: if you work for a wage, you're a bugman
Anything bad I ever said about a man can apply to a woman as well. I hate this gender dynamic nonsense.
Man rape and murder because they physically can, if woman could they would. I have spent a couple years in the russian armed forces and I know damn well im begging to do that. I have killed people. Human nature is universal and grim. Man need about as much attention as woman do these days, nothing pisses me off like a half assed attempt at choking or hitting me during sex when I know he's holding back and trying to look tough and alpha to me so I lick his chest and swallow his semen, it's disgusting and dishonest, if you're gonna hit me fucking want it or don't. Man are increasingly less educated and cuddled, how can a 20yo look at himself playing Fortnite and not feel fucking ashamed for doing it. Woman's insecurity manifests itself in the need to be humiliated, one I used to be very familiar with myself. It's no wonder so many books about horrid scenarios are so popular because those things make us feel dirty and special.
Tear off my nails I hate this fucking place burn it all down destroy the human race rip my skin off and make me remember presents only come for good girls in december

T. BPD femanon
>woman in the army
>mentally ill
Yeah we had a few of theese here in finland when i was conscripted aswell. If the fino-russ war ever kicks of ill pray to god that i can find you and fuck you until my hearth blows a valve (seems like a good way to die in war)
Sounds beautiful, lick, scratch and poke at my wounds too. Im in
The Stranger sucked. Absolute waste of time book.
Tits and timestamp or tranny. You know the rules.
Romance isn't dead. Brings tears to one's eyes
I've read it three times. Once mandatory in school in my native language, once in English and once in French. It was shit all three times. it's an overrated piece of garbage with a literary convenience that developed into a major plot point.
Tranny thread
Very Underground man post.
If that seems bad to you you should see how most people act.
Is there any fiction book that captures that?
Sometimes they do
I don't work I'm NEET
Can we date I read poetry
There is a lot of truth in this that supports the helpmeet philosophy. Lest women are treated with love as the helpmeets of men and honored as such being their divine function they will remain unsatisfied and so will men.

Oh and there are no women on the internet, but im sure you know that by now anon.
BPD women always reveal tasty redpills about the root of feminine nature. Growing up with so many of them taught me a lot about life, the hard way. Me and all my best friends had BPD gfs growing up. Its the kind of thing that makes or breaks a man.
>Growing up with so many of them taught me a lot about life, the hard way.
Tell me five (5) things you learned, retard
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>Tear off my nails I hate this fucking place burn it all down destroy the human race rip my skin off and make me remember presents only come for good girls in december
The perfect can't tell if bait or not post.
Most likely won't respond because he can't.
>Tear off my nails I hate this fucking place burn it all down destroy the human race rip my skin off and make me remember presents only come for good girls in december
da perfect broad
The stranger is a bugman. Underground man is a based disgusting manchild.
I read poetry too jackass, what about you show me something I can't do!?
OP pic rel is literally a man but okay newfag
Well then just make consent a thing of the past. Its really that simple.
The cure is beatings. Modern society won't allow that anymore which is why we're in the state we're in.
Name name name name
I have just finished The stranger (in my attempt of reading more this year I chose a very short book to start), and the during whole book I had this idea that if I’d chosen to read this book in any other time of my life where I wasn't as happy or lucky as I am now, maybe I would have like it more. Instead, I feel as if I went through the unfortunate case of an autistic egotistical man-child who couldn't stop thinking about Marie's breast while waiting to be executioned.
In the end, I sort of agreed with the prosecutor.
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>Women are unconscious by nature
>Women do not express their true desires and intentions and yearnings verbally in a direct manner, but do so through implications and subtleties
>feminism is a giant shit test of the female hive mind
>women are angry at men because men do not treat them like women (children) and men constantly fail their shit-tests
>womens number one sexual fantasy statistically is rape (the implications and rippling out of this ill leave as a rabbit hole to be explored by the conscientious poster/lurker)
Your welcome anon(s)
You clicked on this thread for literature.

I clicked on it because I want to eat Dasha's asshole.

We are not the same.
Correction. The cure is to treat women, as women, and to stop failing their shit tests. Women are becoming masculine as a giant shit test against men, and when men allow this to fester and grow (as they have for over 100 years) women just get angrier and more less happy with men for not loving and honoring them properly as what they are wiiiiiman.

When women are not dominated by men and kept as the helpmeets they were designed to be by God, they get enraged and afraid and start flipping out shit testing men with "muh feminism"
I don't want to mistreat others or degrade myself for love. I'm so tired of this gay reality.
Mistreating others and degrading yourself has nothing to with love, no one has ever "done those things for love". Your confusing love with something else anon.
My last girlfriend left me for a man who hospitalized her. They're having demon sex as we speak and I'm posting on /lit/ in bed.
You just copy and pasted what the average r9k tranny says
And whom is it that is the better off? You are sir. Have you come to understand that this is not your curse, its your blessing?

Why would you lower yourself to desiring a woman who is undesirable? Please think and reassess the nature of your situation. You should be saying:
>Thank God im not with those people right now
Oh. Ok. Sorry. Ill do better next time chief.
I try to keep that in mind. Thanks. You have a kind heart.
Same to you. We are not alone, no matter what it appears. Never change fren.
Im >>24100565 and genuinely almost none of this is true and a shining example of modern males being absolutely idiotic. It was never about you guys being feminine, uncaring or weak, but just being moronic and untrustworthy. The male mind has been absolutely consumed by porn, dudebro ideology, videogames and other such disgusting trivialities to the point most guys I talk to haven't read a book since fucking Diary Of A Wimpy Kid.
Moids say shit like this thinking it to be some great insight but wanting to treat woman like kids just shows your inclination towards pedophilia, even if a subcouncious one and pedophilia is the fruit of deep cowardice, not perversion, cowardice. Talking to a man these days feels like im constantly being scammed by a low iq desperate salesman barely making a living out of the safest and most mainstream stocks he can invest in alongside selling useless garbage except instead of him wanting to sell me something and taking my money he wants to take my body (my blood and my soul) thinking he's worthy of it and im a even bigger idiot than he is. No one is shit testing you or trying to poke holes at you, you are doing this to yourself like a lowlife femcel starving herself or cutting herself for even a meager fragment of attention. Don't you see how fucking shameful and disgusting it is to show yourself naked to someone?
Rape is only attractive because of the perceived truthful nature of it, it's better for him to rape me than play around the bush and try to earn me over, because I know he wants to rape me. The act itself is absolutely horrid and perverse, but it reveals his actual being which has been apparent from the very moment that asshat opened his mouth. If you want me for my body, take it, defile me and leave me half undressed in a dumpster like you want to, just don't waste my time and don't degrade yourself in doing so. I think man are weak so this shit is needless to me. Feminism only exists because look at the modern man, sitting by his computer watching fucking vtubers. Woman make up most of university graduates and soon enough will be a majority in high level fields such as medicine, even if I will never trust a female doctor. You only express shit verbally because you fuckers are too retarded to understand subtlety, if a woman threw praise after praise your way it would be tiring too.
Not reading all that, suck my dick and make me some food
Who would bother feeding someone who's been living off doordash? Your intestines are worm cabarets by now

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