What's your excuse?
>>24161575>self help sloppa
Self Help isn't worth writing You need to be a whole character and do ted talks and everything, on top of somehow standing out in a market that has been oversaturated since the 70s.
>>24161575i have no problem learning 'anything', i can wrap my head around a say statistics problem in 2-3 days and operate on it. If i leave it for a week( and it's a pain to keep it in ones head) the thing blanks out to the point i have a physical pain even thinking about it. Whenever it happens , i visualise turning a tesseract in my head , it takes time and is so tiresome. Yeah i can learn stuff alright but in my case it comes with some kind of personality split.
>>24161575i'm weak
>>24161575Sadly, I was born slow.
>>24161575Don't insult my intelligence with this self-help garbage. From the bottom of my heart I wish you would kill yourself and for your corpse to be paraded across the streets with a dunce cap.
>>24161575Interesting book. Thanks for the recommendation OP.
>>24161575I am in no particular rush and never had issues with learning. >>24162199You did not learn it if you "forget" it in a week, you just learned to go through some motions without learning and understanding the underlying concepts, which is why you forget it so quickly.
>>24161575I already learned how when I was a little kid.
>>24161575I'm trying to become more ignorant and useless.Does anyone know more efficient and expedient ways to forget things you already know?
>>24163260Seek actual help