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/lit/ - Literature

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I used to read 100 pages every day from 17 to 24 years old
But I'm lucky if I get to 50 pages now
Guess I just read all the books I wanted to read AND nothing else appeals to me.
Doesn't help that nu /lit/ only ever discusses genre fiction and spiclit
Take a break
>pepe image
>defeatest, low-T post
>says spiclit like it's a normal, human thing to say
You are your own problem.
That's an entire continent's worth of literature that you're avoiding because?
Stop watching porn.
>But I'm lucky if I get to 50 pages now
What books were you reading a 100 pages of though and are they the same kind of books your reading now. your reading pace is not going to be the same across subjects and genre.
I didn't explicitly ask for help but it doesn't seem like you would have been much help anyhow
I just don't find it particularly interesting.
>Everyone I don't like is [x thing]
You're part of the problem
You are insufferable
Kys limp-wristed sissy faggot.
if all you read is non-fiction you need to kill yourself
what a pretentious faggot
There are still a lot of books I want to read, but I have also gotten really tired of reading sometimes. Probably just need to take time to process everything you've read and then come back to it, like digestion. When you're ready to read again though, you should read my book.
50 pages is pretty good anon
>nu /lit/ only ever discusses genre fiction and spiclit
I don't find this to be the case at all.
recall in the Capotes Cold blood the guy on the green mile could read multiple books per day, a truly ubermench pace.
maybe the reading is an area of your life in which other negative energies are pooling
Are you aware that the seo on the phrase subliminality is insufficient to bring up your book when one searches for it? Id recommend posting here with your author name or adding a subtitle to your book.
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All you have to do is specify Books on the category tab to narrow the search.
I was agreeing with you until you appealed to the judgement of an omniscient normalfag. Fuck you

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