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/lit/ - Literature

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I don't spit pickup lines, or even approach women, but everytime there's a woman working at a book store or library, I always ask them if they have any Sherlock books, and have them hold my hand and search for it. I find it quite funny. One day, I hope a lady will to.
"Where could it be?"
Perhaps, after you help me find a Sir Arthur Doyle book, you can teach me the Dewy Decimal System.
>Good heavens, you've found Mr Doyle's novels! Brilliant detective work, m'dear.
>I suppose this makes you my Watson, eh? Let's write this up. You could call it 'The Case of the Missing Bookcase'. Huaha!
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Sir Author Doyle Rules
The little girls saw real fairies because....they said so. Excellent detective work Mr Doyle.
Fun fact: many people claim the girls renounced the Cottingley Fairies, but one of them actually insisted to the end that just one of the photos was of a real fairy. So much for debunkers. The game is still afoot!

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