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>Balzac lived with his mom most of his adult life
>Lovecraft lived with his mom and aunt most of his adult life
>Borges lived with his mom most of his adult life
>John Kennedy Toole lived with his mom much of his adult life
>Frederick Exley lived with his mom much of his adult life
>Kafka lived with his mom most of his adult life
>Robert E. Howard lived with his mom most of his adult life
>Emily Dickinson lived with her most of her adult life
>Fernando Pessoa lived with his mom and aunts most of his adult life
>Flannery O'Connor lived with her mom most of her adult life
>Bruno Schulz lived with his mother most of his adult life
>Clark Ashton Smith lived with his mother most of his adult life
>Emily Bronte lived with her mother most of her adult life

Anyone sensing a pattern here?
Overbearing mothers utterly ruin people regardless of gender
My mom is rather cold and callous and I live with my dad.
Confederacy of dunces is one of the most depressing books I've ever read and I found zero humor in it. It blows my mind how the first thing out of everyone's mouth is how they roared with laughter. Not only is the content of the book depressing but the dialogue around it will convince you that the average person is an utter sociopath

Dunces is very well written but not for any of the reasons people say
The book is interesting to me. Somehow, it is funny, while also being pretty bleak at times. I especially remember that one chapter where Ignacius' mother talked about how hard living with him is to her friends. Something about that felt a bit too real. And oddly enough, it did not feel too jarring, just another aspect of the book's world.
I have a retarded ability to perceive humor so the book was just nonstop suffering for me with no levity.
Christ almighty every character in the book was grim. I felt for Jones and Mr.Levy. but everyone was just so pitiable. I seriously wanted to reach into the book and find some way to save all these characters. Some of those later Ignatius and his mom chapters made me want to cry. Not even the ending with myrna was happy
Yes. Family used to matter. Then WW2 happened and the Greatest Generation birthed Boomers, who decided to destroy the family unit.
So too Alfred Schuler, Roland Barthes, Pasolini
>two gays and a Nazi


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