I am sick of "universal love" and "compassion" and other pretenses. My heart yearns for the infliction of pain and suffering upon those whom I deem deserving. So much so that I have in my spare time concocted drafts for the institution of a system of just monomachy where challengers can duel their opponents (bullies, adulterers, frauds, scoundrels and the like) with an advantege.Books for this feel?
>>24161814>My heart yearns for the infliction of pain and suffering upon those whom I deem deservingCongratulations, you are a normal male. Nobody is happy with this overly inclusive society except for freaks (like me). The problem with too extreme an overcorrection is that part of any healthy society is a social contract that people be at least somewhat compassionate towards undesirables (me). At any time, anybody could experience misfortune and become dependent on others' kindness, and there's a subconscious recognition that a society that mistreats such people (like myself) cannot be relied on if one has the misfortune to need it themselves. This eats away at the social fabric, and goes against the grain of human nature.
>>24161844The "human nature" you describe is millions of people eternally living in piles of their own filth and ignorance until the sun burns bright enough to scorch them all to ash, e.g., India. Human mold. Its antithesis is something like victorian England, where the weak are left to die and everyone else prospers; reaching for the stars.
>>24161856fascism failed for a reason. it was so odious to the world that it was stomped out by the collective boot of humanity. pray God to forgive your sins, prideful one
>>24161843Orwell was an anarchist moron. Want to stop inflicting pain on others? Sit in a room and meditate until you die. Also I'll raise you this quote:"All languages and literatures are full of general observations on life, both as to what it is, and how to conduct oneself in it; observations which everybody knows, which everybody repeats, or hears with acquiescence, which are received as truisms, yet of which most people first truly learn the meaning, when experience, generally of a PAINFUL kind, has made it a reality to them."- J.S. Mill>>24161844What do you even mean by "undesireables"? Do you think I am concerned with non-functional autistics and retards? I'm not talking about exterminating people.
>>24161843Keep in mind, this is a guy who shot people for sport in Spain. The only thing Eric Blair cared about was the freedom to gratify his selfish desires.
>>24161844There is absolutely nothing inclusive about this society.
>>24161844Undesireablity is entirely subjective, much like "human nature". You are definitely not an "undesireable" considering that you see yourself as being coddled by the society you live in. That would make you a desireable or something. It is not becoming for people to pretend that they are this weak, oppressed class when in reality they are strong and powerful, sitting on comfortable pillows and reaping the rewards of their status from their social environment, seeking nothing else but pleasure and the avoidance of pain
>>24161856>Victorian England was basedOh my God actually read some Dickens you fucking edgelord.
>>24162002Are you implying that it wasn't anything like how he described it?