>The more clearly developed the natural heterosexual inclinations of a juvenile are, the more open he will be to revolutionary ideas; the stronger the homosexual tendency within him and also the more repressed his awareness of sexuality in general, the more easily he will be drawn towards the right. Sexual inhibitions, fear of sexuality and the guilt feelings which go with it, are always factors which push the young towards the political right, or, at least, inhibit their revolutionary thinking.Was Wilhelm Reich right here?
Yes, be Catholic
Revolutionary and 'the right' is a false dichotomy.
>>24162139Not if you‘re a retarded jew seeking cheap gotchas
>>24162139Reactionaries are, by definition, revolutionaries from the right.
How does this square with homosexuality becoming the central dogma of leftism.
>>24161888Is this why young men, overwhelming incels, are being drawn to the right whereas young women are still on the left? It seemed likely to me for a moment until I realised that all those young men are absolutely drowning in pornography, so I'm not sure how repressed their sexuality really is.
>>24162289Leftists love to point out that the right is full of closeted homosexuals. However, leftism is full of homosexuals as well, some of which are closeted but some of which are not.I think there's something to be said here about just a general recognition of the fact that faggotry is bad. This is an objective truth and you can either acknowledge it or not, whether you yourself happen to have homosexual inclinations or not.So there's fags all around, but on the right you get fags who realize faggotry is bad and so they suppress or channel their impulses elsewhere, while on the left you get fags who ignore that faggotry is bad, or disagree with it, and so collapse into degeneracy.
>>24162289Reich lived at a time when the left had a different definition than today; and he eventually rejected the left, calling it the red fascism and, in its essence, just as repressed as the right fascism. However, Reich's view of repression and sexual liberation is not what everyone thinks it means. For Reich, a true sexually liberated man or woman is someone who engages in a monogamous relationship and who has intimate penetrative loving sex with one partner of the opposite sex, which ends in a very distinct form of orgasm, and who creates a family and supports the family out of love and not duty and who avoids porn of every kind because it disgusts him on a visceral level and who doesn't lust after other partners because the current one keeps him happy and fulfilled and satisfied. Promiscuity, asceticism, pornography consumption, fetishes of different kinds, sadism and masochism in the larger sense (up to war and riots) are manifestation of sexual repression or sexual dysfunction. Reich considered homosexuality a neurosis but advocated humane treatment for homos. If Reich were alive today, he would view both the right and the left as profoundly abhorrent and sick.If you want to try Reich, download Reich home therapy and try the breathing exercises. The essence of Reichian body work is to restore the ability of the body to fully relax and to let go of control. Your orgasms will show you how close to your goal you are, because there's a very noticeable change of quality in the manifestation of the orgasm if the body and breathing work is done right.
>>24162363If that is his view, calling it "sexually liberated" is an unfortunate choice of term, given its usual denotation and nigh-universal connotation.
>>24161888>Don't want to pay for someone else to have liposuction>Hurr durr, you must be gayGive me a fucking break
>>24162309>This is an objective truthNo it isn't. The only argument you can make for faggotry being objectively bad is that it doesn't lead to reproduction. But thanks to modern medicine it's now possible for uncloseted homos to have biological offspring.
>>24162652>The only argument you can make for faggotry being objectively bad is that it doesn't lead to reproductionThere are tons of other arguments besides that. Disease, the correlative association with CSA, the unsanitary nature of sodomy, the widespread prohibition among various cultures and religions, etc. And that's only the most practical considerations.
>>24162289It doesn’t he’s a retard
>>24162702>DiseaseStraight people pass around stds too>the correlative association with CSAIdk wtf this means>the unsanitary nature of sodomySex is gross in general. Totally subjective opinion>the widespread prohibition among various cultures and religionsAnd other cultures and religions tolerate it. Argument from tradition is retarded.
>>24162795>Straight people pass around stds tooNot even close to the same rate as gays>Idk wtf this meansIt's and acronym meaning child sexual abuse. I'm sure r*ddit will tell you this is not true, but anybody who explores the issue honestly and open mindedly will find that it sadly is.>Sex is gross in general.Yeah well it doesn't normally involve penetrating the orifice where shit comes out of.>Argument from tradition is retarded.Disagree but I won't try to convince you here.
>>24161888I think he's just trying to justify his own ulterior motivations
>>24161888Not necessarily. National Socialism was a revolutionary movement and a solid amount of SA men were homosexuals. I don't think it's that easy. You have people on both the left and the right who let women dominate them, dominate women, let men dominate them, dominate men. I don't think left and right necessarily represent two modes of character (or soul, brain halfs or whatever), but rather two modes of gaining power, as I doubt something as superficial as parliamentarianism could have a binding effect on the human spirit. I think every tribe (which political parties movements in some aspects are) needs three sexual identities to function: the heterosexual breeder (subservient to women, but enlarges the tribe), the homosexual erotic (responsible for inter-male trust, raising boys, production of art and religion) and the asexual functionalist (abstains from sex, born to lead the tribe and sacrifice himself for others).
>>24162162>by definitionTo what does one react politically? Innovation. This is why conservatives are reactionary, as opposed to revolutionary.There's a place for conservatism when innovation is either a farce or a fraud, however, which sometimes occurs
>>24162795Terrible attempt, maybe suck fewer dicks and read more books
Nearly everyone in this thread misinterpreted the quote and also failed to acknowledge how different his idea of what revolutionary thought was and even then its just an out of context quote from an out-of-limelight author about how people who disagree with him are gay.Fucking stupid thread.
>>24162363Reich entire body of work is discredited as pseudoscience, don't bother. You will get the same results if you unironically believe in humoral theory and try bloodletting to balance your humors.
>>24163203What did you expect? Nobody's actually read Reich.
>>24163354I was gonna get his book on Orgone theory but he seems too much like a smug self-serving prick.>>24162986I've never felt that women were ever actually oppressed since men had to serve them before we left the cave. Men have never truly been free.
>>24161888>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OrgoneWas Reich ever right about anything?
>>24162451Well, what is liberation? Freedom to do as you want (and what you want is something you generally don't have any control over and is something deeply conditioned in an often toxic way), or freedom to be what you truly are deep inside and what you are meant to do? Two very different kinds of liberation.
>>24162702>webmThe guy who made this doesn't have the self-awareness to realise he's mentally disabled.
>>24162702>CSA What the fuck is that? Confederate States of America?
>>24162795>t. teenager currently being groomed on discordI know you won't but i'd feel remiss not to say you should block xem now. How do I know? been there done that
>>24161888>the more repressed his awareness of sexuality in generalgood thing btwblacks hit puberty earlier for a reason, and reich's (who was a noble savage utopian marxist) whole energetic project is anti-civilisational bodywork>The ancient Gauls’ looked upon it as a very horrid thing for a man to have society with a woman before he was twenty years of age, and strictly recommended to the men who designed themselves for war the keeping their virginity till well grown in years
>>24162986>homosexual erotic (responsible for inter-male trust, raising boys, production of art and religion)faggot who doesn't understand anything detected
>>24162795>Straight people pass around stds tooOnly the ones that act like homosexuals (aka the promiscuous)
>>24162289(That's American leftism)Reich speaks here about the repressed unconscious homosexuality of the ultra masculine guy like the army guy from American beauty. The flamboyant open ones are the not-repressed American leftists
>>24163992I don't go on discord. The only faggots I talk to online are the fags on this shithole board
>>24163225Type Reich home therapy, download the pdf, do the breathing exercise. At least.Or you can find Hyatt's Secrets of Western Tantra and do the exercises he proposes.Or Israel Regardie's Book Of Relaxation and New Wings of Dedalus.Success in practice is determined by personality changes, by the ability to express the whole range of emotions in a very dynamic visceral way, and by a fundamental change in how you experience orgasm, which changes from freezing to involuntary rhythmic movements that involve the whole body. The change is very real, and those who know, know. It's very easy to ridicule Reich as recommending sex and orgasm therapy without having a direct experience of what a healthy orgasm, as defined by Reich, entails. And Reich focused on the healthy orgasm because its involuntary rhythmic motility was the starkest sign that a person could relax and surrender fully, that a person didn't have chronic muscular blocks whose effects were mirrored both in the somatic and the psychic (mental/emotional) spheres. Usually there goes a restoration of proper emotional expression along with the orgasm reflex: the person can express anger when needed, can expressed sadness when needed, can express happiness when needed, all in powerful somatic ways: the whole of a person achieves quality of proper and satisfying emotional discharge. It was Reich idea that psyche and body are connected, that there isn't a mental/emotional disturbance without a concomitant somatic disturbance, usually chronic muscular tension. Hence, Reichian therapy involves body work and psychoterapy both.Furthermore, all body therapies and even jeet imported body yogas (Osho dynamic meditation) own everything to Reich. Reich's methods are far more spread in the culture than you think, and so are his ideas about sexuality, but the latter it's something that therapists keep close at heart and reveal to trusted people because it's unscientific to talk about it.
>>24162652Bullshit. Homosexuality is a mental illness, it comes loaded with a ton of harmful symptoms and clusters with other personality disorders. You can regularly tie it to certain parental environments and you can cure it with proper therapy.
>>24162289Dialectics. Now heterosexual women are the footsoldiers of capitalism.
>>24161888That’s a lot of words, couldn’t he just say>people I disagree with are fagsMuch more concise.
>>24165868You can't cure it, you can just repress it and sometimes make cognitive associations that lead to autonomic reactions to heterosexual stimuli, but that's still not attraction anymoreso than getting a boner while doing a presentation is "attraction" to the damn PowerPoint. I hate pseuds so fucking much.Moreover, none of you retards know what a "mental illness" even is; if any of you were actually psychologists or psychiatrists you probably wouldn't even be using the term because then you'd know that the boundaries between normal human behavior and an aberrant psychopathology are paper thin outside of the most obvious cases of psychosis. You're all the kind of people to say that aphasia is a "mental illness" or that autism is a "mental illness", absolute windowlicking tier.
>>24162363>Reich lived at a time when the left had a different definition than today; No it didn't, it was extremely sectarian but Reich was a Marxist and embraced the idea of the dictatorship of the proletariat.>and he eventually rejected the left, calling it the red fascism and, in its essence, just as repressed as the right fascism.It's more of a story of European socialist immigrant coming to America and embracing entrepreneurial American "libertarianism". Reich became a commercial grifter selling fake cancer cures for profit which got him into legal trouble with the FDA after an exposee of him was published in the New Republic which he blamed on Stalinist agents trying to have him killed (a la Trotsky). He dropped social revolution for the commercial possibility of social transformation e.g. all the yoga studios/alex jones brain pills/etc you see today>>24162451>calling it "sexually liberated" is an unfortunate choice of termYou are thinking of "polymorphic perversion". "Liberation" in general is a loaded term like "freedom" or any other vague open concept.>>24165089Reich grounded his theories in a form of materialism unlike yoga woo woo or whatever, it's just batshit insane and based on false concepts that ended up trying to explain and build devices to defend earth against extraterrestrial warfare
>>24163945>>24162795Closet fags.
>>24165959autism is a disability
>>24166965Why did all the Freudomarxists ended up selling out? Was it their Jewishness?
>>24166965>No... proletariat.Until he get kicked out of the party. He was skeptical of the Soviet Union; and eventually grew disillusioned with the Left, too. He agreed with Lenin and Marx because he thought their works supported his insights. He thought proletariat of the masses meant a healthy society composed of healthy self-regulating people. Read Mass Psychology of Fascism.>It's... todayMildred Edie Brady, it seems, was implicitly arguing for more, not less, censorship. She identified Reich’s The Function of the Orgasm as the most likely popular text of this group of writers and linked its central thesis—that, in her words now, “all physical and spiritual ills, from cancer to fascism, stem from ‘orgastic’ (sic) impotence,” that is, from a person’s inability to achieve full orgasm—to political anarchism, the destruction of the family, and, one gathers, the potential fall of civilization itself. Brady, in other words, saw Reich, Miller, and the latter’s bohemian followers as a real threat, and she was out to help contain their infectious influence on American society.She was partly successful. One year later, Brady published a second essay in the New Republic called “The Strange Case of Wilhelm Reich.”48 Walt Anderson summarizes the essay and its influence this way: “it denounced [Reich’s] subversive sexual and political ideas and demanded that somebody do something about him. Somebody did. ... officials of the Food and Drug Administration began an investigation of Reich and the orgone accumulator—an investigation that led ultimately to that tormented man’s death in a federal prison.”49 William Everson also points to Brady’s earlier essay as the beginning of a kind of McCarthyism directed at his band of writers that would culminate ten years later, in 1957, in the obscenity trials of Ginsberg’s famous 1956 poem, “Howl.” Significantly, it was at this point that the image of the Beatnik was definitively born.50 Jeffrey Kripal. Esalen: Religion of No Religion. An academic, well researched work.Reich was doing his own thing in the Northwest. I've read his books about cancer, and he usually offered his therapy as a last resort and in conjunction with other medicinal aid, too. The patent wasn't isolated from medical aid and wasn't required to abandon the advice of regular doctors. >Reich... warfareRead my previous post. Carefully. I didn't touch Reich's extreme materialism or orgone at all. I said that, before denouncing Reich as pseudoscience, you should try his methods for yourself, and that his methods are far more widespread than you think, with even smart jeets repackaging them for new age consumption.I've personally tried Reichian body and breathwork and felt its effects, so I think that part isn't pseudoscience. It works. That's why I offered books, because best knowledge is direct experience. You don't have to believe in orgone to do some breathwork and tension-release exercises.
>>24167217>He was skeptical of the Soviet Union; and eventually grew disillusioned with the Left, tooNot initially is the point, he started as a social revolutionary trying to integrate psychoanalysis and dialectical materialism in a particular way. That's like saying many Trotskyists grew skeptical of the Soviet Union and became neoconservatives. He couldn't influence European political parties like he wanted and drifted into something else and rationalized it from there maybe. Like I said his late life in America is a shifted towards grifterism. He didn't have faith in political revolution so started selling alternative medicine for a living and got into ufology... he was just to far off from the art bell/alex jones era to actually prosper. Reich coming into conflict with the federal government trying to regulate his work just cemented him amongst a certain type of individual e.g. a Milton Cooper style ending.And all those forms of breathing exercises are a synthetic hodgepodge benefitting from placebo effect.
>>24161888Considering most right wing chuds nowadays are anime tittty coom degenerates no I don't think he's right.
>>24162986>and a solid amount of SA men were homosexualsThere wasn't an abnormally large amount of homosexuals in the SA merely because Rohm was one.
>>24161888yepall fascists are fags white homosexuality is the problem with the world feminists, fascists, they're all the same. illiterate, degenerate, moronic pieces of inbred white trash white supremacist subhuman fucking shit
>>24161888>The more clearly developed the natural heterosexual inclinations of a juvenile are, the more open he will be to revolutionary ideas;Literally me. I have been a communist since I could think and since I could remember I was attracted to girls and was certain of my sexuality. I never thought the two could be connected.>>24162289*liberalism. Liberalism is right-wing.
every male is disgusted with sex after the ejaculation, that's the post nut clarity.Men live 99% in lust and 1% of the time with this post-nut clarity. Imagine it were the opposite: 99% of the time men would not even look at roasties and their mind would be pure, only 1% of the time they would be filled with lust.The world would be completely different.