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/lit/ - Literature

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File: Carl-Sandburg.jpg (324 KB, 1196x1600)
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>dude poverty and war are bad but also people have fun dancing and drinking outdoors with their family sometimes so it's not all bad
File: W-B-Yeats-Brief-Biography.jpg (277 KB, 1899x1293)
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>being old sucks ass
There are probably 5 anons here who would even know who he is
>libertad!! Mannahatta!! My body!!
File: Frost-.jpg (263 KB, 1581x1960)
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>touch grass
you forgot to mention ww1
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Painting pretty pictures with prose is purest pleasure, but please, don't call it insipid or purple, dear.
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>My entire personality is disapproving of the cultural cynicism that quickly came and went in the 1990s.
Hardly dismissive
wasn't it consumerism?
his name is on the filename tho
Oy vey, my prostate.
i want to be raped by a rich psycho
He's one of the most famous and acclaimed American poets
No. Idealizing anhedonia and dismissing sincerity as naive.
I’m so gay I have to kill myself

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