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Daburro Ekkessu..
Pity reply because Double X is a really cool Gundam
>Never got a XXX Gundam
Huck 30th doesn't count.
X3 doesn't count.
kino show
i actually like the design of the basic X more
Had hopes in build shows to do it but guess even they know it's risky
both are great designs
Fuck off tourist.
Beat SD Battle Alliance the other night and I just noticed the game had no levels for Gundam X (and Turn A and Victory) while every other show got many.
feels bad bros
Victory, X, and Turn-A all share the trait of being weirdly divisive, and not in a normal "people like or hate them" way like say, Zeta where there's a violent fistfight every other week [though Turn A is ALSO that a lot of the time] but in that each one of them is doing some kind of big narrative THING that's not entirely normal for gundam and is a little unusual in one way or another but it's not usually inherently in a flashy way like a lot of more modern, and a few earlier, series did and a lot of people, going by general success at least and the tone of discussion over the years, seem to not always know how to feel about that.

It makes them kind of less well known quantities outside of select circumstances like putting them in an SRW series so I think maybe executives err on the side of minimalism with their inclusions unless there's a specific reason not to. You usually don't even get any of the rival MS in games where the Victory is playable these days, for example, just the Victory and V2 variants. Part of that is the Late UC curse, sure, but being one of Tomino's personal projects would normally ignore that.

There's also some tonal/branding issues related to core themes. Turn A's "End of Gundam" shtick and western, almost arthouse-esque mech design doesn't play well with the general aesthetics of modern gundam and is kind of antithetical to its business model. Victory has a lot of Tomino using it as therapy baked in and, despite helping sales a whole lot, still failed enough that Sunrise pulled the plug on Polca Gundam and shifted gears to try something new with G.

X meanwhile also struggled, coming in to a bad market while not actively courting the fujoshi which historically tend to be the franchise's "in case of bad ratings, break glass" option. It's also the series that called out the "understanding" trend before it even existed and argued that it was retarded, so it doesn't gel well with the modern franchise thematically.
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This guy looks like dimestore treize
The scene where Garrod scares the SRA into letting Tiffa go by doing a close shave on the colony laser with the Double X's cannons, following up and proving it can rapid fire, then getting her back and vaporizing the weapon anyway with a parting shot cemented him as one of my favorite Gundam protagonists.
I think they were trying to reference CCA Char with the slicked back hair, but with the art style and overall design he ends up pure Treize.
Same character designer
Japanese suits are genuine retards
>hey this thing isn't giving us millions per second? let's just pretend it didn't exist instead of giving it a push or more marketing since it will be stuck in our assets anyway
>Unfortunately, I'm a liar, Your Excellency.
MSF destroys it in seconds.
Garrod cries as Kira fucks Tiffa in fuck of him.
>The guy who had to be deus ex machina'd out of dying against literally just a weak newtype who was actively dying in a Jury Rigged MS
>Beating the guy who canonically broke predestination who can can pinpoint target objects from BVR with the biggest gun in the franchise not owned by a literal alien that he can spamfire

Duel, I like Kira and all, but legitimately shut the fuck up.
Projecting your fantasies onto others is seen as rather rude
Thanks for letting us know the truth about KUCKira bothers you
>Actual cope
LMAO DX is nothing compared to MSF.
And Kira is SO much better as a pilot as Garrod.
What truth? You're the one spamming /dbs/ levels of cringe because Kira makes you sethe.
>power scaling
Literally who bloody cares
He does just like he cares about how Kira cries himself to sleep every night when he hears how Lacus is getting all 3 of her holes turned out by the crew.
You do ;)
I do not understand why this shitposter hates X so much and I really don't want to.
Treize if Cronicle Asher was his dad.
Everyone hates X and the OP who spams X threads all the time.
We don't sign our posts here.

X is more beloved than SLOP (especially SLOP Destiny) and Garrod X Tiffa is the ideal Gundam relationship, unlike Lacus NTR Kira
>X is more beloved than SLOP (especially SLOP Destiny)
Hilarious cope.
>and Garrod X Tiffa is the ideal Gundam relationship
Which no one cares for.

Even SHITnn and Luna are more liked as a couple than they are.
But again, keep seething.

He also hates Shinn because he is canonically 1-0 against KUCKira
>He also hates Shinn because he is canonically 1-0 against KUCKira
Nice headcanon.
CHADira is 1-0 against Shinn (Shinn cheated in a unofficial fight that didn't count)
Are you saying Fukuda wrote it wrong? kek what a child going NUH-UH over reality.
One series that is only notable for being the only Gundam entry in the franchise's entire history and one of the only anime series ever that was canceled mid-run
Two full 50 episode series, multiple OVAs, games, and movies, mobile suits and characters are almost always major features in crossover works, and Kira was the top male character in multiple fan polls for many years
I'm not the shitposter but I highly doubt anyone really hates X that much. I think it's dull and forgettable outside of a few cool mecha designs, but hardly worth hating. In fact I even have a HG Gundam X. What I do hate is the one faggot Double X spammer who feels some autistic need to ensure there's always a thread about specifically the Double X in spite of the fact it looks worse than the X. Watch as that very faggot posts either his shit schizophrenic chart trying to prove that X is secretly more influential than the Beatles or cries and accuses everyone who isn't him of being a tranny in response to this post.
Also, I'm just sick of people pretending that X is some forgotten gem. It totally forgets its post-apocalyptic setting mere episodes into its run and turns into a generic Gundam show. The reason why no-one remembers it is because there's nothing worth remembering outside of the cool designs, which are the only things that anyone still references.

>One series that is only notable for being the only Gundam entry in the franchise's entire history and one of the only anime series ever that was canceled mid-run
Neither of these are true, the original series was cut down as well and there are probably hundreds of anime that have been cancelled mid-run as well, including other mecha anime. Ideon is another example.
Don't care I like both. Here's a (You)
X-anon was missing his quota so here's another thread.
X haters and X falseflaggers are the lowest of the low
As if Treize isnt a dimestore character himself.
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i can't believe ekkseru invented lesbianese
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>left my thread for 2 days thinking it's archived
>"hey, 30+ replies yay!"
>it's freedom fag and other shitposters trolling it
it's so tiresome
why can't we have a peaceful DX thread?
>people still reply to drool
this tranny literally can post "i'm a troll baiting idiots" and you retards will still reply to him
I don't always pilot a mobile suit.
But when I do, I prefer Dos Equis.
Char Aznable if he wasn't obsessed with Amuro, didn't have a Lalah, wasn't out for revenge against the Zabis, wasn't thrust into a position of leadership, and never hid his identity.
Really the only way he's a char is him having piloted the bootleg Zeong
>Char Aznable if he wasn't obsessed with Amuro

The basic concept seems to be the Collony's Newtype Ace ending up in a position like Zeta Amuro's (Mobile Suit instructor who is actually more like a prisoner) while Janmil became the Quatro (sunglasses man running around in a resistance group with an agenda).

Still, he -was- thinking about Janmil still years later. One of the first scenes he gets is a flashback to the 7th Space War. He also did have political connections of some kind.

He doesn't receive much elaboration since he's only in the last few episodes. But he was tied to Nicholas' group that ends up persecuted and killed by Seidel who believed their beliefs were incompatible with his own image of a Newtype, and then by the epilogue is the leader of the SRA.
stop spamming these garbage low effort threads and you won't attract garbage low effort posts you stupid faggot
Treize didn't get cancelled...
Such a shame because Lancelot had potential to be an interesting character. Just like Paula.
His mech is also cool
>has a vagina
This why DX makes trannies seethe
>It's also the series that called out the "understanding" trend before it even existed and argued that it was retarded
The first 3 Gundam shows did it first.
heck, even Wing did it with Relana
The whole "Gundam says all you need is understanding and nothing else" is a meme spread by people who don't actually watch Gundam. I think the only show that unironically does it is Gundam AGE and it's roundly mocked for it. Villains that use "understanding" for evil ends have been a thing since the original series.
Just off the top of my head
>00 is the king shit of "Muh Understanding", it's Aeolia's whole ideology along with a thinly veiled version of Contolism
>Unicorn is pretty interested in getting hyper defensive of it and actively rejects any kind of practical, realistic solution, that's literally the entire final conflict between Banagher and FF, the former is regurgitating the whole schpeel and fighting against the later who is repeatedly saying it's pointless.
>Zeta is pretty coked up on it with the entire thing with Paptimus being that nobody actually understands him they just think they do. But while it's "a" theme it's not "the" theme like it is for 00 and most of AGE.
>ZZ hits it a couple of times with various characters trying and failing to understand eachother from a psychological perspective, and failing to understand themselves, is a repeated part of numerous character arcs. Haman, Glemmy, Mashmyre, etc.
>Fucking Wing, because if a plot about constant miscommunications and inability to understand eachother with the two central characters building a bizarre rapport based on their deep personal understanding of eachother didn't tip you off I think "Just Communication" might help a bit.

It's definitely overstated but this newfag meme about "Understanding is tourists" is bullshit as well.

Fuck if you wanna get into it, the entire plot of the original MSG is instigated by and at several key points, hinges upon, the inability of people to understand eachother's true motivations and ways of thinking. The Zabis largely hate eachother due to their differing views, Char takes it as a given that he was told the truth and never seeks to look deeper, nobody actually knows Char's true nature, Amuro finds himself increasingly isolated and detached from those around him and struggling to understand the guys on the other end of his gun, etc. It's not a hyperdominant theme, but "a deeper genuine understanding of others would have saved us" is 100% present.
NTA but you mean the character the narrative treats as being entirely in the right, it's everyone else that's in the wrong?

Because the closest Wing ever gets to Relena being treated as wrong is when she occasionally gets fucked over but it largely treats that as a "Not HER fault" thing.

In Endless Waltz, sure, she budges a tiny bit on the pacifism retardation but that lasts literally all of 10 minutes and ends with Heero deciding he's never going to kill anyone ever again because he drank the koolaid finally.
>as being entirely in the right, it's everyone else that's in the wrong?
Heero considered her logic faulty for the majority of the show.
this stuff became the central logic for Kira and later Banana in Unicorn
Yeah but Heero's entire arc is about learning he's wrong. It shouldn't be, Relena is retarded, but that's what the narrative goes with.
nah Heero's entire arc is learning to love and giving Relena's passes for love
The issue isn't whether understanding in general is a theme (obviously it is), but the idea that X is somehow an exception to the rule (and even some kind of counter) like that other anon says. Thematically I don't think X is really any different from any other Gundam show. I would say if anything 00 is way less congruent with the original series compared to X if only because 00 pretty much goes full transhumanism by the end with how it handles Innovators, versus Newtypes being only a small part of the solution to humanity's problems in just about any UC entry and X as well.
The main and most important difference between X and other shows is that the show wasn't centered around super powers to save the world.
All UC protags relied on Newtype powers, Heero was engineered to be a super soldier, Kira was a Coordinator, Setsuna was an Innovator, Flit was an X-Rounder, etc... to carry their messages about world peace and understanding, while Garrod achieved it with his skill only
>Heero was engineered to be a super soldier
No he wasn't. Heero was just trained. He wasn't modified in any way.
>while Garrod achieved it with his skill
And Tiffa the Newtype's help.
>Flit was an X-Rounder
Asemu wasn't. And Loran isn't a Newtype.
Aside from what others have pointed out, what you're talking about something that's completely a surface-level issue if you want to discuss the themes of the shows, because it's all fictional anyway and the writer has full control over what's happening so Garrod wins because he's the main character (Not to mention you're flattening a wide range of character motivations just because they happen to have some made up powers- Flit basically never used his X-Rounder powers to do anything except blow up Vagan). Getting past all that, Gundam X's conclusion isn't any different from the majority of Gundam, which is usually "Newtypes/[insert ubermensch here] aren't going to save the world".
>>Zeta is pretty coked up on it with the entire thing with Paptimus being that nobody actually understands him they just think they do.
Scirocco used his understanding powers for evil. Kamille understood him and realized he was a fucking monster that needed to die for the good of the world. Kamille had a connection with Four but circumstances still led to her death. Yazan outright denied a Newtype awakening.

Newtype understanding doesn't magically fix shit in Zeta, you can understand a person and still have issues with them.
I could be misremembered, but I thought the doctors gave him drugs to make him stronger. haven't watched Wing since 2007
D.O.M.E himself said that every "future" that Tiffa foresaw got debunked by Garrod though
yeah, but the other characters relied too much on their powers to achieve their goals
Kamille almost reached Sarah's heart with his power and his power gave him the "harem attack" at the end
Judau's newtypes kinda made Haman's softer and he used his power to project himself into a huge projection hologram that spoke to everyone about peace and understanding.
Ussu's used his power to speak with the dead and make Katejina's blind
>he used his power to project himself into a huge projection hologram that spoke to everyone about peace and understanding.
What are you talking about? Did you even watch ZZ? Judau projected himself out of rage after his sister got shot. He didn't speak about peace and understanding.
He had a psychic connection with that Aztec guy.
>Kamille almost reached Sarah's heart
Keyword: "almost". Sarah ended up dying for Scirocco still.

>Judau's newtypes kinda made Haman's softer
Haman chose to kill herself over getting redeemed in the end.
>D.O.M.E himself said that every "future" that Tiffa foresaw got debunked by Garrod though
Garrod would've died at the beginning of the show and in his fight against Abel if it wasn't for Tiffa.
>I could be misremembered, but I thought the doctors gave him drugs to make him stronger. haven't watched Wing since 2007
He only worked with one scientist and wasn't modified. He was just trained really hard. Same reason Trowa can leap and flip dozens of feet into the air.
>Did you even watch ZZ?

go to minute 17:00
Although i was mistaken about the hologram thing, my memory failed me.
I haven't watched ZZ for a long time as well but I remember Judau could be seen as a big figure in space. maybe another episode
>Keyword: "almost". Sarah ended up dying for Scirocco still.
and Scirocco was a very strong Newtype user who could fry Kamille's head.
>Haman chose to kill herself over getting redeemed in the end.
Haman quikly fell in love with Judau's over his Newtype power
and Garrod fought and won against Cyber Newtypes, Category Fs AND Correl without her help, which were all far more dangerous than any grunt or Abel.
SEEDiot has been driven insane by the fact of Lacus cucking Kira I'm afraid.
we need more trad conservatives waifus like Tiffa
SEED won.
Kira and Lacus won.

X lost and flopped.
Garrod and Tiffa lost and was forgotten.
Garrod and Tiffa are married and expecting a baby in the sequel manga.

Kira and Lacus didn't fuck for 2 shows and had to go through NTR phase in a movie
Turn A ran the full length and still felt like it needed another 20 episodes, the second half of the show when they left earth felt so rushed compared to the first half
>Garrod and Tiffa are married and expecting a baby in the sequel manga.
Which isn't canon so who cares?

>Kira and Lacus didn't fuck for 2 shows
Proof? It's entirely possible they did.
>and had to go through NTR phase in a movie
Freedom is fanfiction anyways. Nothing in the film matters.
>Which isn't canon so who cares?
Written by the show's director and it's released as a direct sequel, idiot.
>Proof? It's entirely possible they did.
Their relationship in the movie already was terrible since Lacus loved the other guy so easily. Kira also admitted being a cuck who didn't know how to fill a role for Lacus and make her happy
Nice cope, but Fukuda made it as a sequel
Kill yourself
I win again.
>and Garrod fought and won against Cyber Newtypes, Category Fs AND Correl without her help
And he wouldn't even be alive to do any of that if Tiffa hadn't bailed him out a few times.
>since Lacus loved the other guy so easily
Confirmed you didn't watch it.
>Amuro is bad because Ryu saved his life against Ramba
Lacus left Kira and remembered him when she was on that fag's bed
>>Amuro is bad because Ryu saved his life against Ramba
Never said that, you're the one shitting on every other Gundam show because the MCs relied on psychic powers at one point or another. Also, Amuro is a much better character than Garrod ever was, even in 0079 alone.

And when it comes to normal human MCs, Garrod isn't even the first nor the best, that's Domon motherfucking Kasshu.
Where? I said that's the main difference between X and other shows.
I didn't say having super powers is bad or that I hate it.
Dude could kick buildings off with his feet without a Gundam. Also he's a very powerful martial artist. Hardly a comparison when G Gundam is a super robot show
>Dude could kick buildings off with his feet without a Gundam. Also he's a very powerful martial artist.
Yeah, he mogs Garrod so hard it's not even funny.
>dude power level is more important than your personal favorites lmao
Go back to >>>/int/ where you belong, Mexicans.
I'm speaking to a literal child, or the tranny drool
>power level
One of the reasons why you love the DX, don't pretend you haven't gotten caught up in powerlevel discussions defending its power before, it's in the archives.
The poster your quoted isn't me (OP)
And the reason why I love DX is because of its design and folded panels forming wings, not because of the Satellite Cannons.
Fot power wank, I prefer Deep Striker from Sentinel
Why did you powerlevelfag about it before then?
To shill it, of course, but that was like 1 or 2 years ago.
You're genuinely mentally ill.
>and was forgotten.

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I see your Daburro Ekkessu, and I raise you Majinga Ekkessu
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now the holy trinity is complete
Anybody else like this guy?
He's a bridge bunny. Never does anything bad, but has no standout moments besides the meme that current subs ruin.
Yeah Doc is cool, he's Jamil's buddy and helps him deal with PTSD
I'm currently watching Wings of Rean by Tomino, and there's a character called Garou Ran which I think is a homage for Garrod Rad. There's also a character named Uraku who is an army pilot I guess a homage for Kou Uraki.
Pretty cool of Tomino
The Garou Ran are a race of fleet footed mercenaries from Dunbine you idiot.
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Finally, 100%'d SD Battle Alliance.
V2 took lots of time to appear but now I can have my top 3 Gundam together
>the 3 UC followup protags
X really should be retconned into a UC show set after Victory Gundam since it's canonically the last calendar to use Newtypes and it died with it, so G or Wing would take place after it no problem
SEED had Newtypes too, for what that's worth, it just had no idea what they were because Rau killed almost all of them.

Funnily enough it also had 8 who's just outright supposed to be the RX-78-2's learning computer after a stupidly long period of time and a fuckload of G references. It's always funny to me how the Tomino fanboys in every production get so excited to try and slot their work into the Dark History.
These stuffs got mentioned in an interview but no Seed show or manga showed any evidence of it
Rau, Mu, and Kira all have fuckign newtype flashes in response to eachother.

And Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Astray had 8 being visibly pulled out of the OG Core Fighter in the fucking manga.

Fucking secondaries.
I like how in Cross Rays they actually gave the X characters "versus Newtype" lines when facing Kira, Rau, Neo or Rey.
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Don't forget Shinn
G has flashes
Seed is a clusterfuck of reused ideas without any basis.
It reuses Zeon's suits even though Zeon doesn't exist in its timeline. It just does it
Kira didn't have Newtype Flash until he got the Strike Freedom.
Rau killed whom?
Early in the war, OMNI developed the Moebius Zero to try and counter the GiNN and the advantage of Coordinators. Problem was Naturals who could pilot it with its remote weapons were rare as fuck.

So they gathered up literally everything they could find who could, put them in an MZ, and sent them off to fight. Even then, being able to kill 5 GiNNs in the thing without dying made Mu a fucking Legend. Those individuals? They were Newtypes, basically the entire adult or near adult population of them to exist at the time, it's just OMNI never realized what was going on, just that these people could naturally track and operate at high speeds multiple machines in a 3D space somehow because what a lot of people forget is that Newtypes "psychic" powers originally are supposed to be based in human spacial reasoning since it's weirdly connected to our ability to empathize with others.

During the battle of Endymion, the entire MZ corps and an OMNI fleet was thrown against Rau Le Creuset in a GiNN HMT and some other ZAFT forces. Rau killed almost fucking all of them and the ones he DIDN'T manage to kill got wiped the fuck out by the CYCLOPS system deployed as a boobytrap by OMNI. Only three adult newtypes are known to us to have survived, Rau, Mu, and Morgan Chevalier.

So yeah, while OMNI teamkilled a decent amount of them, the joke is Newtypes in CE don't exist because Rau killed them all.
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That's one of the dumbest background lore dumps ever. "Every non-MC Newtype in Seed just happened to end up piloting Mobius Zeros at the Battle of Endymion and died fighting Rau."
New to CE?
They didn't "just happen" to be there, they were deployed there. They were all in one squadron because the Alliance needed pilots to operate the Moebius Zero and it was a difficult machine to use (where you have to control 4 independently flying gun turrets in addition to piloting your own craft) so naturally they ended up collecting all the newtypes together (without realizing newtype powers are a thing) because they showed the best aptitude for controlling remote weapons.

If these fucks were all random civilians who had no business being near a battlefield when they died there, then it's fucking stupid, but they were literally there because they performed the best in testing and then were sent to fight there, so what's fucking dumb about that? You might as well complain that all the ZAFT redcoat teenagers happened to become Gundam pilots, and it's because they were top of their class with honors when they were picked for the infiltration mission to steal them or were straight up assigned to them, you dingus.
Cute. Who the boy beside Garrod top-left though?
what the rose gundam ?
MC kid from Eureka Seven
Wing not only has Quattre being a Newtype, but the Sandrock also has an A.L.I.C.E. system.
Super Robot
>A.L.I.C.E. system
Huh? Source?
Oh i heard it has similar to GX. Gotta watch it someday
You see the "ALICE MKII" during the Sandrock's boot up sequence, Ep21 has the clearest shot of it IIRC, and it can inexplicably move on its own a couple of times.
Dark History artifacts fucking hell >>22845369
Pretty much. Technically, Tomino wasn't even aware AU's existed until like 2010, and Bamco has like 3 assorted statements/policies on the Dark History buried throughout old ass interviews and shit that essentially collectively amount to "The series you "saw" weren't part of the Dark History unless outright stated, but AU versions of the AUs were." but Wing has this kinda hilarious thing where because of Quatre specifically it's locked in hard canon. People who hate Wing for being shit love this because it means everyone involved died for nothing, people who like it love it because muh deep lore.
>canceled Mid-run
it was canceled around the exact time 0079 was cancelled back in the day.
The only reason SEED got that massive traction was the fact there was a 6 years rest time after GX until Turn A and 8 from GX to SEED.
its easy to say why GX got cancelled, it was literally at the end of a long rope of yearly releases, but your labels are as bad as the acts of war the SEED writters did in Destiny.
>its easy to say why GX got cancelled, it was literally at the end of a long rope of yearly releases
nta but Gundam's ratings were rising from Victory to G to Wing. X was the outlier.
Retroactively, we know that Wing was actually due to the results of the Fujoshi bump that Gundam historically will often fall back on. G stabilized things and attracted a new audience after UC fatigue hit peak with Victory [which actually got shitcanned for not driving sales enough, to this day, it and Zeta are the only series that Tomino has disavowed, though Victory has the distinction of being the only one where he's openly asked people if they can figure out what went wrong with it], but Wing's demographics skewed harder and harder towards horny women lusting after the Gundam boys from pretty early on. Kids and more general fans did stick around to some degree for model kits, but there's a reason why Katoki was able to set the whole Ver. Ka. precedent to begin with and why Wing historically is neglected by Bamco. It's because that audience immediately fucking evaporated the moment a bunch of angsty teenage boys were no longer getting into fights with eachother or soap opera antics. X was more or less punished for that.
No, that's a ton of cope. Wing's audience skews female but it still sales a lot of merchandise. There's a reason it basically runs the GFFMC line these days and almost always gets featured in new merchandise lines. Behind Seed and 00, it's the most supported AU. X got punished because people didn't like it. If fujo wanted to attach themselves to X, they would have. Wing wasn't this paradise for fujo. The main relationship of the show is Heero and Relena and it's all over the show. Heero and Duo barely interact despite fujo loving the couple. X failing has nothing to do with fujo. The first episode had good tv ratings but they steadily dropped from that point because people didn't like what they saw. Stop blaming everything for X failing but X.
>this shit again
Most people liked X. You can see most Gundam fans praise it and call it "underrated". The Gundam facebook group, plebbit, and even Youtubers. X wasn't canceled for being "bad", it was canceled for 3 reasons
1- Toys being similar to Wing's
2- Evangelion
3- MC doesn't have a male friend/rival to attract fujos
>b-b-ut fujos are meme
no, look at past Gundam protags
Amuro x Char
Kamille x Quattro
Alfred x Bernard
Kou x Layzner
Usso x Odelo
Domon x Master/Kyoji (Also George being fruity)
The Wing boys

Garrod was solely for Tiffa
>b-bu-but it's not t-t-true
Even Tomino himself admitted that Gundam got a boost from fujos going crazy over Amuro x Char when 0079 wasn't doing well initially
Most Gundam fans don't care about X.
>Most people liked X. You can see most Gundam fans praise it and call it "underrated". The Gundam facebook group, plebbit, and even Youtubers.
That's not most Gundam fans. That's a slice of the western fanbase. Not a majority of western fans or Gundam fans around the world.
>1- Toys being similar to Wing's
Why would having similar merchandise to a popular show make you fail?
>2- Evangelion
Eva aired during Wing, not X. Wing would be negatively effected by Eva, not X.
>3- MC doesn't have a male friend/rival to attract fujos
Carris. A pretty boy who is Garrod's rival. If fans wanted to ship Garrod with Carris they would have but they didn't because they didn't care about X.

>Even Tomino himself admitted that Gundam got a boost from fujos going crazy over Amuro x Char when 0079 wasn't doing well initially
Which has nothing to do with the conversation. Amuro and Char barely interact in MSG. Char takes the entire middle part of the show off. Char has more yaoi energy with Garma.
>Uso and Odelo
Uso spends 99% of Victory lusting after Katejina and Shakti. He even lusts after the Shrike Team. He and Odelo have no fanbase. Same for Domon and Master or Kyoji. There are no fanbases for those couples. You're trying to stretch shit to make X look like it's unique in having a hetero lead couple when nearly every Gundam series has that.
>That's not most Gundam fans. That's a slice of the western fanbase. Not a majority of western fans or Gundam fans around the world.
Nobody says X is overrated or terrible, be it in Japan or west.
>Why would having similar merchandise to a popular show make you fail?
check ZZ toys sales. it's vastly low compared to Zeta.
>Eva aired during Wing, not X. Wing would be negatively effected by Eva, not X.
Eva changed the genre. Japan wanted more whiny pussy fags like Shinji, not hot-blooded protags.
Kira's massive popularity is proof of this (also pused for Kira x Athrun to keep the fujos in check)
>Which has nothing to do with the conversation
brainlet much? fujos are big percent of Gundam fanbase.
Why do you think Wing was a massive hit in Japan?
Why do you think that faggot in Eva became popular despite appearing in few episodes? even reused as his boyfriend in rebuild movies?

Fuck, whenever I check pixiv for Gundam art there are always tons of yaoi shit
>Char has more yaoi energy with Garma.
That's a good point
>Eva changed the genre
How to spot someone who watches video essays.
Eva changed nothing because it did nothing remotely unique, all it did was copy other works. You should actually watch mecha anime before posting here, faggot.
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yaoi franchise
>Nobody says X is overrated or terrible, be it in Japan or west.
That's not something you can prove.
>check ZZ toys sales. it's vastly low compared to Zeta.
Because people didn't like the show. So the merchandise suffered.
>Eva changed the genre. Japan wanted more whiny pussy fags like Shinji, not hot-blooded protags.
Eva didn't change shit and had nothing to do with X. X started with decent ratings and they dropped. If Eva caused X to fail, X would have started weak from the beginning because of Eva instead of people being disinterested in the show.
>brainlet much? fujos are big percent of Gundam fanbase.
Not really. We have the poll that shows the top 10 shows and their male/female breakdown and only Wing, Seed and 00 have large female fanbases.Fujo aren't buying Gunpla. They're buying character merchandise. Gundam survives off of Gunpla, not stickers, keychains and towels.
>Why do you think that faggot in Eva became popular despite appearing in few episodes? even reused as his boyfriend in rebuild movies?
The movies that had all the guys end up with girls? The franchise where the big fan debate was Shinji x Rei vs Shinji x Asuka with Kaoru fans being a distant 4th to even Misato?
>Fuck, whenever I check pixiv for Gundam art there are always tons of yaoi shit
Bullshit. Gundam males barely have art on Pixiv. Seed characters just got a massive boost because of the movie and ai but most of that is straight art. Yaoi fanart existing doesn't mean it's the majority of art. It's a fringe minority of fanart and doesn't translate to gunpla sales. Kira and Amuro have about a third of their fanart as yaoi on Pixiv. It's not the majority. I don't know where you got the idea about Domon, Uso or Bernie from.
>check ZZ toys sales. it's vastly low compared to Zeta.
ZZ is an unpopular show, just like X.
>Japan wanted more whiny pussy fags like Shinji
Garrod looks even more like a girl than Shinji.
I know it's a rip off of Devilman and Ideon, but retards don't care
they saw two lolibaits, a gaybait, a sexy hag and called it the best anime ever
there were several anime trying to copy it like Rah Xephon, Fafner, Gaogaigar, Aquarion, etc..
seething non-watcher

> there was a 6 years rest time after GX until Turn A and 8 from GX to SEED.

There was 2.5 years between X's final episode in December 1996 and Turn A's first episode in April 1999, and another 2.5 years roughly between Turn A's final episode in April 2000 and SEED's first episode in October 2002. There's a touch under 6 years between X's final episode and SEED's first episode, though I've no idea why you think X's final episode air date has any bearing on SEED's success honestly. I can see why Turn A's may have, as the previous show, but not X.

That aside, the common attribution of "it was preceded by several yearly shows in a row" is pretty much horseshit, since lots of other franchises across a variety of mediums and target demographics have had yearly shows for far longer periods.


> UC fatigue hit peak with Victory [which actually got shitcanned for not driving sales enough]

Victory wasn't cancelled. Tomino didn't direct the planned next series, Polka Gundam, but even that wasn't cancelled and he simply didn't want to work anymore after years of several projects a year and took a sabbatical, recommending Imagawa as his replacement and to do a different show that'd suit his sensibilities more.

> Wing historically is neglected by Bamco

No, it isn't. It gets more attention than a lot of other shows.
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Yeah sure, you totally weren't going for a full 49 episodes like G and Wing before.
Victory had a normal Gundam run of 51 episodes, X was cancelled and only got 39 (even less than 0079 lmao).
Victory is by Tomino and Banrise wanted to respect him since he created the whole thing.
Also 0079 was going to have 39 eps just like X but the team convinced Sunrise to get 5 extra episodes to end the show properly
>Gundam was not popular when it first aired, and in fact came close to being cancelled. The series was originally set to run for 52 episodes but was cut down to 39 by the show's sponsors, which included Clover (the original toymakers for the series). However, the staff was able to negotiate a one-month extension to end the series with 43 episodes

also both Ideon and Layzner got canceled and every respectable mecha fan know they are great shows. "hurr durr X canceled = bad" is reddit tranny behaviour
Thanks for confirming X was an unpopular show (and it still is).

>Also 0079 was going to have 39 eps just like X but the team convinced Sunrise to get 5 extra episodes to end the show properly
Speaks a lot about the X staff's incompetence.
There's nothing to ruin in a garbage thread made by a mentally ill person.
yet you left your G-Bitch troll thread to hang out here because you know it's the more fun one, drool
You aren't beating the mentally ill allegations with such a display of paranoid schizophrenia, X anon. You're almost as mentally ill as Duel himself.
we haven't forgotten yet the time when G-Bitch was still fresh and new, how you shitters picked on X for a while with your shitposting.
Now NTR Freedom fags are doing the same
Oh, and what's so fun about a thread that can be summed up as a mentally ill fag propping up a mediocre show in the most pathetic way possible by talking shit and lying about better/more popular shows?
This thread was for a single mech, but your autistic tranny ass couldn't shut up about "muh cancelation" like an unhinged brainless dog even though the thread isn't about the show.

kill yourself, troll
We get it, you're extremely jealous that SEED is way, way more successful and has way more staying power than the footnote that is X.
>This thread was for a single mech
No, this thread is for you to display your autistic obsession over a forgettable mediocre show that nobody talks about (outside of your obnoxious ritual threads) as well as its ugliest mecha.
joke's on you, I like Seed too
i can enjoy more than 1 thing, unlike NTR cucks like you
you aren't even trying, drool
You claim to like SEED but I only ever see you being butthurt about it and talking of shit of it in a pathetic attempt to make X look better.
>/m/ is 1 person
here's your problem
i actually defend Seed (but not Destiny and NTR Freedom), and I'm the guy who shilsl Rau Le Crauzet saying he's the best Char clone
>you aren't even trying, drool
You aren't even trying with your copes, X schizo.
I wasn't talking about /m/, I'm talking about the mentally ill anon (You) who makes ritual X threads every month and almost always ends up posting about how SEED is some gay/pussy/cuck shit compared to his "very straight" (even though Garrod and Tiffa look like a pair of lesbians) mediocre show.
It's just you, nobody here cares about X but you.
>xer can ignore thread
>xer can hide thread
>xer decides to seethe, cry, dilate and shitpost the thread
>xer then claims that I'm the mentally ill
Your trash spam thread takes up space in the catalog and you keep bumping it whenever it's about to die to keep this cancer to the board going for months.
you said it yourself that it's a monthly thread so it's not a spam
also you bump it yourself with your autism about cancellation

thanks for keeping it alive though
>you said it yourself that it's a monthly thread so it's not a spam
This is not a general, this is a fucking ritual spam template thread that's always made by the same autist.

>also you bump it yourself
No, I'm saging the fuck out of your garbage thread.
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>Speaks a lot about the X staff's incompetence.
More like exhaustion. This was the fourth straight year of weekly Gundam and they were also working on 08th MS and Endless Waltz. Feels like there might've been a brain drain going on, similar to what happened to F91 when Stardust Memory started production.
Separate studio teams would be working on that, you wouldn't use the same team for everything. Studio 1 worked on X and Wing, studio 2 worked on F91, studio 3 worked on 08th MS Team and 0083.


Dunno about exhaustion, it doesn't seem to have had an effect on Endless Waltz since it's still considered well drawn for the time. While it's not like the writing staff are sitting on their asses or anything, most of the harder work would be on the animators working on meeting weekly deadlines, not quite the writers who can start working earlier to give themselves thinking time. As far as most anime productions seem to go, the writers are figuring out the general concept about a year before airing, the story outline a few months before airing, and then writing specific episode scripts and scenes throughout production until the final episode. Meanwhile, animators can't start work until episode scripts and storyboarding are done since they need to be told what to draw, after all. If animators have enough time (and energy and inspiration) they could produce some really well-animated scenes, but if they aren't then they'll be forced to repurpose cels to save time which leads to reusing stock animation or worse, clipshows.
Daimos had a similar fate to X but nobody calls it a canceled show.
That's why X's staff argued against the term cancelation in an interview.
Both shows had an actual ending that ended the story, unlike Ideon and Layzner that stopped airing without any conclusion and those are officially considered canceled shows.
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It Appears My Existence Has Led to Some Controversy
The "low ratings" thing is apparently bull and it had pretty good ones and solid toy sales even near the end.
The broadcasters were simply convinced that Battle Fever J would do even better and wanted to push it out as fast as possible.
Wouldn't this cause problems with Daimos' sponsors?
same company, Popy
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If you want to invoke Layzner so badly, maybe take a nap next to an oil heater.
Double cancelled.
Doubles checked
Pokemon sent hundreds of children into hospital because of 1 episode and it continued airing fine.
Layzner's staff probably thought it's not worth ending the show, to be fair the 2nd half was pretty bad
Pokemon was a major media property, not seasonal mecha shit that gets cycled out for the next product line when the year is over.
glad you agree with me that one show was profitable enough to continue despite a disaster, while the other wasn't
>muh profitable

If I wanted a dimwit talking about fiduciary matters they don't understand I'd visit /pw/
thanks for the bump, loser
>Pokemon sent hundreds of children into hospital
That's a lie btw.
Read about the Porygon episode. It's a famous incident
We don't sign our posts here.
>there was a time when Pokemon was just known as "that weird show that gave kids seizures"

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