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>Worst Gundam selling poorly

Get woke go broke.
Just shared with /pol/.
This. The original Aerial HG only sold well because people didn't know it was a gay anime yet
UCbros.. it's over
>marked down decade old kits, several of which have revive versions, are the same as marked down recently released kits from an anime that was broadcasting last year
The Cope from Uranus
Meanwhile in my shithole country this kit is out of stock everywhere and marked up by 300%
schwarzette deserved a better series
And a better pilot
Yes, because in all cases it’s people diving to find results from one store
holy shit brose they're putting kits that came out two years ago on sale... holy fuvk its over.....
This but Pharact.
The Calibarn was boring as hell compared to the Ariel, I'm not surprised.
Nah Lauda is hilarious. Him getting the best design in the show was probably the funniest part of the ending
I will take one of those schwarzettes, please.
And aerial is boring as shit compared to the lfrith.
Lfrith was boring as crap compared to the Lfrith Pre-Production Model
The pre-production model is identical to the lfrith but with a different color scheme, no weapons and no horns. Are you thinking of the lfrith variants? If so, I agree, the prototypes are much cooler, maybe with the exception of the one with the claw.
That Zudah and GM Quel would sell out instantly here in the US.
The pre-production model backpack and gun looks much better than the pink Lfrith. And it has a better color scheme.
Why they reprinted old Hyaku Shiki kit?
I wish that the people in 2002 America had taken photos of whole shelves of Mandala Gundams.
THIS is called overstocking. Supply overwhelms demand because people like the kits too much that additional sale is given, but they overestimated the people who want them.
Doesn't that one come with the mega particle launcher?
Because bling

Nope, the one that comes with the Mega Bazooka Launcher shows the MBL on the boxart.
Not surprising. G-witch attracts the worst kind of audience that will only consoom for the sake of representation. They don't care about the hobby, they just wanted to have the "gay girl's Gundam" sitting on their desk. And when the series is over, they moved on to latch to other series looking for another representation.
Stores thought that the huge initial sales = everyone liked the series. Especially during the covid hobby-at-home boom. They overestimated the interest of the series and stocked way too much.

But I would honestly buy it if I found one thats 50% off. I don't like the series, but some of the kits are genuinely cool. And they might be good for kitbash and experimenting.
What's it like being this mentally ill?
While seed freedom sold well spite shitty color separation, aside from Immoral justice.
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Seed freedom is anti woke movie which criticizes wokism with destiny plan. So Seed freedom kits sold well aside from Immoral Justice. En taro Patrick Zala!! Na adan Zaft!! Nicol, en taro durandal kryor!!(Zaft dialect- for Patrick Zala!! We stand as ZAFT!! Nicol!! In the name of Durandal, we fight!!)
That’s the funny thing that people never understand, this sort of thing usually means demand was high enough that they had to continue production beyond the original projections to meet up, resulting in a large leftover stock once demand eventually slows. Most stuff that’s just unpopular never gets produced in that big of a quantity unless it was a big gamble
>umm actually they are on sale because it sold well okay???
>I’ve never taken an economics class and don’t understand the way supply and demand works
As the first anon in that post I can tell you it's hell: You're very bored frequently, you want to go against your own feelings and instincts knowing you're hurting yourself, you feel the passage of time infinitely slower than everyone else, you take up hobbies purely because death takes too long to harvest your soul off this prison called life with flesh as the meat shackles, disappointment is the only consistency, you can't make friends because finding anyone not turned off by basic ideas like plot and characters not matteting in stories is somehow triggering, you see everyone mindkessly bow down to popular opinions, and at some point you eventually stop finding enjoyment in anything and flirt with the idea that having a nane is overrated. That and some failed suicide attempts leave you disconnected. I am so glad those failed, Seed Freedom made it worth living for and I'm hoping Aquarion: Myth of Emotion will be similar.
Oh no! Why not selling? If SEED, it selling a million time!
Was like this even before the end of the show, I remember Nips posting Hobby Store shelves showing Gunpla on sale or unsold or people receiving Miorine Figure-Rise in their surprises bags for the end of the year.
That explain why most of the character merch and the Gunpla releases, the ones related to the spin-off manga, are P-Bandai only
Have you tried ANY meds? Because this sounds like something that's easily fixed chemically.
50%? I would buy it if I was there.
Good riddance to G-Bitch pushing woke ESG DEI garbage
>this sounds like something that's easily fixed chemically
Cyanide, for example.
I mean they just keep putting the Aerial in everything. Do people even care about Caliburn?
It's not as exciting as your hoping, overstocking like OPs image wasn't as common. A store would only buy one or two boxes so there would only be a proportional number of leftover Matadors or Mandors.
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No? Even in the new bamco candy (イタジャガ), where you can collect illustrations "taken from famous scenes" they put that scene in the Opening (that scene doesn't exist in canon) instead of Caliburn along with the other Mecha in the show
I wonder why.
I mean I think the bit shield is way cooler than broom rifle, but that can't be the reason, right?
It’s just a thing that happens. Barbatos and Exia get the same treatment.
Barabatos was the dude the whole show.
Exia showed up again for the finale.
Aerial turned heel. Kind of a different scenario.
That was Aerial Rebuild
I mean all three of those Gundams show up in different forms and variations in promotional material. They still represent the spirit of the main Gundam.
Caliburn is just treated like some unfortunate necessity with how it's only comes up in promotional material and crossovers very rarely.
That doesn’t seem accurate it all, it gets featured a fair bit. If any of them gets screwed in marketing it’s the Aerial Rebuild
Most final bosses don't get the same level of promotion as main suits/upgrades. There's exceptions but they usually don't get the same level of exposure.
That's what I don't get. The Calibarn's broom-rifle should be the draw and completes the Witch visual.

I understand that Aerial is more popular because Eri IS Aerial. But Calibarn IS Sulleta's true MS.
MSF/SF Type II begs to differ.
Fuck Bandai i'm buying bootlegs
You sure are obsessed with your fictional character.
Aerial is popular because the design, most people dgaf about Eri or the trashy story. Caliburn in comparison doesn't look that good.
Barbatos got bigger with a bigger blunt weapon.
Exia, the sword guy, got replaced with a suit with that had a ginormo sword.
Aerial has a identifiable gimmick that Bandai even designed a new type of model stand for, and it's upgrade lost it for... A rifle. With uh... A booster on it.
Fujos don’t buy kits. Bandai should know better.
>box stores selling gunpla.
Just seems like a waste of space to me.
>Pigs don't buy kits. Bandai Should know better.
No Darilbalde in the picture kek
Shelf space for demanded/incoming products is more valuable than old stock, even at 50% you are at least breaking even.
Guelchads keep winning.
They don’t even buy it because they know it’s not going to sell lul
Lauda was one of the few fun characters, glad he got away with literally everything
They are pretty compatible with each other, it's just the feet connections that will be a challenge unless it's a Gundam <-> Gundam custom
Calibarn makes me think of L-Gaim MkII for whatever reason
>almost kills everyone
>gets a cute cripple gf
Absolutely based
NTA but Darilbalde HG release was back in 2022, everyone bought it when it was released.
Petra Rebuild deserved better than fucking Lauda.
Not because he almost killed people, but because he was a petty bitch for the entire show.
If you mean cripple gf, Petra
lol didn't he ditched her or something?
No surprise mentally ill freaks latched on the two dykes even if the writing was shit, but this is the bottom of the barrel.
No. he's happily living with her as she tests her new gund legs (he's probably unemployed, guel sends him money every month)
From what people said it the drama cd, he's still into his brother but sometimes mentions her.
They're still making drama cds?
>mentally ill freaks
No zoomer, people were openly homophobic in the 00s and earlier, even back then people didn't have such psychotic disdain towards lesbians on TV shows.

It is reactionary sub-human trashes like you who are the mentally ill. Retards like you are collectively radicalising yourselves so hard that you are completely incompatible with Western values. You are too retarded to realise you will have to live the rest of your life in a society filled to the brim with people you hate to death.
it's cheap and easy as fuck for any anime studio to put out drama CDs
The Calibarn inherits the funnels from the Aerial Rebuild, they come with the kit.
They aren't a big part of its presentation, though.
>"Western values"
The West is a bungee cord mess of hypocrites that occasionally jumps into madness, it's partially responsible for generating those mentally ill people to begin with.
Poster you just replied to isn't mentally ill. He's just stupid. Those sorts are really weirdly gullible.
last audio drama cd was a bonus for the festival event. afaik like the anon said he mention her because he has a scene where lauda talks with nika, mentioning that petra said she's a good mechanic or something like that.
the NEET thing is because Nips joked about that, no official material mention that.
all the sources says he decided to help petra with her rehabilitation.
the seiyuu didn't mention any relationships in the script they read, this is what lauda's va said in one of the last magazine interview.
I didn't know Russians shitposted on /m/
>Not Seed Destiny
>Or Wing
>Or G-Reco
>Or Turn-A

Listen I get not liking Witch but it's not even in the bottom half of dogshit this franchise has produced.
Get woke go br-ACK!
>The film Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom and TV series Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury were noted to make the Gundam franchise reach record sales of 145.7 billion yen (about US$934.78 million) in the 2024 fiscal year.
Retard got BTFO
They were so based for this.
Destiny, Wing and Turn A are all great.
Kill yourself.
Would Tomino agree on DEI? Fukuda won't for being a bigot who would be marked as inappropriate netouyo scum in Bandai/sunrise. Fukui would agree on DEI for NT having space Karen named Zoltan.
It's simple.
G-witch attracts parent dependent 16-20 year old who doesn't know what a runner is and think you are talking about sports.
Meanwhile SEED attracts 30 year old men who watch the original TV show in his teens and now has enough disposable income to have an entire gunpla workshop in his basement.
The original aerial sold well to the 30 year old men because of this >>22827755. I also stop watching after season 1 ended.
This is just like 1979 again. Wrong toys for wrong target audience. They might sell well if they are an actual toys.
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Just it is go woke go broke considering G-woke has ugly girls while seed freedom kits sold well spite shitty color separation, for seed freedom is anti woke story. En taro Lacus.(Zaft dialect- for Lacus!!)
I get Wing and Turn A, but you're just being a contrarian for its own sake for SEED Destiny, it was a mess.
Cagalli's VA didn't want to return for SEED Freedom because of how badly they butchered her character.
Very organic posts
why is this post still up?
What's wrong with her arms?
Zaft people's racial trait. En taro Patrick. Korshala Nicol. (Zaft dialect: for Patrick!! Until we meet with Nicol!!)
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>Troons LITERALLY samefagging this obviously and derailing the thread
>Troons LITERALLY unable to parse the fact they're a laughing stock to all anons
>Troons LITERALLY thinking they're accepted on based websites like 4chan


Yet again, samefagging troons are trying to dominate a thread in this board with their utterly kekworthy agenda.

Face it. Your pitiful attempts at shilling, poisoning the well, Ad Hominem, and most egregious of all , running interference for LITERAL BLOODY COMMIES who want LITERAL COMMUNISM for traditionally "auth-right" cultures in the west.

TOP SODDING KEK, I say. Your efforts are met daily with nothing but scorn from the based anons here. In every single thread you troons attempt to move in on, you're debated into submission by our most well informed anons and and memed on by the most crafty keklords. We kek in the face of you and your Jew backers.

To any based anons reading this, keep holding the line. Every day I burst into treats and barely hold onto my sides skyrocketing into orbit watching my fellow anons BTFO troons. Hold the bloody line lads, we will make it through these dark and troubled times.
>seed freedom kits sold well spite shitty color separation
Average Seed Freedom kits without stickers have more color separation than your best G Witch kit. Mighty Strike Freedom has an entirely color separated katana made from parts, meanwhile G Witch's retail weapons are all ugly grey blobs.
See Duel blitz(Backpack), Gelgoog menace(striker pack), Gyan(helmet), L-buster(cheek)'s color separation issue. They could have been separated if it was Bandai when bionicle was alive.
According to Namuwiki, Duel blitz and Lightning buster has shitty color separation for being lazy.
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The only sticker i bother to put on it the mono eye. The rest are parts.
>Lightning buster has shitty color separation for being lazy.
Based time traveler reviewing a product that isn't even out yet.
Eh honestly Gelgoog backpack is quite sticker heavy but overall it doesn't seem like a monochromatic blob. The white and pink parts are actual parts. 3 years ago, these spots would be stickers.
Even if it is from specimen on exhibition?
Duel blitz lacking color separation for backpack is dishonor to Nicol. En arudin Nicol...
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I wouldn't care less about 2 orange spots on the back. Seed freedom's HG is what happen when the designer gave in billions of colors separation even though it is too excessive for a low budgeted model line.
Exhibition prototypes are usually fully painted or primed in gray. You can never tell the actual color separation until you actually see what the retail looks like. And honestly, Seed Freedom stuff is a big step up compares to their horrible Revive line ( Revive Freedom is literally 50% stickers ).
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All of these is not as offensive as Aerial's red stripes on its shoulders being stickers. A representative aspect of the design being almost non existent.
Was HGUC revive's color separation not so good? Zeta's wing isn't separated unlike old Zeta HG.
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Revive stuff is a mixed bag to be honest. Their sticker while not as busy as Seed Freedom, they are just so important to make the model presentable. Such as Zeta's backpack, without stickers, it is just a black blob with no actual details going on.
That's why they made the P-Bandai Zeta where the backpack is an actual piece and not stickers.
They also made Gundambase Hyaku Shiki with actual electroplating instead of turd colored. Revive is less like an improvement and more like a scam at some point.
Yeah. Is gaikotsu's rating not that accurate?
Revive is fine, but Mega bazooka hyaku shiki is poop color.
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do you guys not paint?
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Electroplating is kind of a hit and miss since even though it looks good at a glance, you can hardly see any details of the kit due to it being so shiny.
Besides it would drive the price way up just like the HG Delta, and they probably wanted to keep the price low for such a major suit.
Calibarn was one of the best selling kits of 2023 of at least two lists that I know about I'm sure it's doing fine
Painting is annoying and expensive, but if I ever get a HGUC Hyaku-Shiki I'm painting it for sure. The piss-yellow doesn't look good, and it's cheat enough that I could buy the paints and equipment on top of it and it'd be around the price of a MG Delta Plus
>Reddit spacing
>/pol/kek-tier post
Reddit is that way kiddo >>>/r/eddit
Why is your post still up?
they improved the Revive Zeta with the P-Bandai version at least
dumbfuck couldn't even do his cult cope right
>troon telling an oldfag of 10 years to go back
>10 years
>not even pre-captcha era
Kys newfag
>10 years
Like I said newfag >>>/r/eddit is that way
that picture looks old though. and Toytown usually does these sales as a promotional thing, and not for clearance.
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>AU Gundam series has cool designs that isn't a Gundam
>They just collect dust
Nobody is buying anything in this economy.
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I know it is a hit and miss, but both Akatsuki and Hyaku Shiki's identity, the main selling point is that they are shiny golden. Even Mighty Strike Freedom's gloss injection have extra ingredients to make the gold parts shinier than usual ( as an exchange, these parts are stiff as fuck ). If not for its age, Revive Hyaku Shiki would be a trash tier in modern age because its entire body looks like this. Even when you repainted it into metallic golden, the sculpting is too subpar.
i honestly don't know why plated gunpla are way more expensive compared to non-plated ones. Tamiya usually produces plated special versions of their Mini 4WD kits, but their price aren't that much different from the original variants. meanwhile a "Titanium Finish" of a gunpla is 2x more expensive than the original.
Two more weeks
The revive only looks bad out of box because of the piss-yellow injection gold, but I don't think the sculpt on it is bad or anything.
If you look for painted builds of it, it can look amazing in matte like red or in Titans colours, even without extra plates or panel lines.
hahaha funny meme so fresh so original
I started airbrushing using one of those marker setups. The only problem is the markers are used up too fast.
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Oh no look there's other kits too. Guess that series sucks balls too

Fuck off, cunt.
Holy Cope.
are you really comparing the 4wd which has barely any runners (1 to 2) and small ratio of parts to runner (like 5 parts)? disingenuous question bro.
But it does
Dinosaurs suck dick
>Painting is annoying and expensive
It really actually isn't, it all depends on what kind of paint you use but a single pot of acrylic paint lasts forever and you can do fine with cheap brushes. Even a starting airbrush setup is really cheap, the entire setup with airbrush, compressor, and paints, can be cheaper than a single Perfect Grade kit.

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