Post em. Extra points if it's an actual small mech and not power armor.
Popping Earther hovertanks in style since TN 1915
>>22841621Didn't we just have this thread? anyways, I really like the Gun Hazard Wanzers. To me they have a somewhat cuter aesthetic compared to the Wanzers in the rest of the series.>>22841770Peak norf engineering right here. Love me Kodiak.
>>22841855Goddamn right its peak norf engineering, they might be absolute killjoys at time but they know how to make an assault gear that fucks.
>>22841621Pretty much Hexa Gear's Bulkarm. They are around 4 to 5 meters tall, not much bigger than a truck.
>>22842257Are they done with Obsolete? They got some cool extra armor and concepts on the official site. The Soviet Bloc design is the best IMO
>>22841621Is anything under 10 meters "small?" Is an AV-98 Ingram small?
>>22842257There's necessary mystery, then there's "Fucking aliens showed up and gave us mechs for literal dirt cheap and that's the end of that". Obsolete had great aesthetics and action but man, what a terrible excuse of a plot.
>>22844311Depends on what we consider average. I feel like a Mobile Suit which hovers from 15m to 25m is average.
>>22844311Ingram is like a middleground. While it has a really modest height, around 9 meters tall, in animation, it still looks pretty huge compares to any human. In my opinion, small mech should be Scopedog leveled of short. It is around 4 meters tall and the cockpit can barely contain a single pilot.
>>22844364The APU from the Matrix films is actually even smaller than that. It's the smallest possible size for a mech that isn't just power armor. Kinda stupid that the Wachoskis would call it an "Armored" Personnel Unit when there's practically zero armor anywhere, it's like a dunebuggy with arms and legs instead of wheels!
>>22844372The APUs in the Machine War were properly armored, and could fly
>>22844516Then why the fuck do they suck so hard in Revolutions?
>>22844534A hollywood executive cries every time you can't see a characters face.
>>22841621Gumloq is still the smallest seated mech. They even built a full sized mock-up.
>>22841770Love Heavy Gear designs.Lately I've been digging Caprice spider boys
>>22844577Ironman had a good workaround for this by having hud povs inside the helmet. Then the later movies got really stupid about faces once they started using nanotech, which caused the CG floating head nonsense.
>>22845248Now this reminds me of how those old Starship troopers movies always show the characters's stupid faces when they are supposed to be wearing exosuit according to the original book. And when the Japs decided to make the troopers look more accurate in their cgi animated movies, the moviefags pissed and shit their pants. Hollywood is just a giant pile of narcissism and unfiltered arrogance. They can never make cool shits.
>>22845248I firmly believe ironman wouldn't have been made if they hadn't come up with the facecam solution. And even then, yeah, every superhero wound up with a nanomachine helmet that instantly fades away when they need to emote. They look like shit, too. Prop helmets are cool.
>>22845587>And even then, yeah, every superhero wound up with a nanomachine helmet that instantly fades away when they need to emote>They look like shit, tooTo this day, I still think the nanosuit should taken a page out of Sentai/Kamen Rider/Ultraman's playbook and given Tony a Henshin transformation. Endgame coulda been so much cooler than the memberberry slop it ended up being. But Disney isn't known for brimming with creativity, now do they?
>>22845587You can argue all day that the face cam and nano suit BS is pure Hollywood nonsense and a crutch but we both know that execs want it because John Q. Normie wants it. John Q.Normie doesn’t watch Iron Man for the plot or the characters and doesn’t want to have to think or imagine shit before he retires to the bar after the movie to watch identical looking athletes put on face covering helmets and ram into each other to move a piece of inflated rubber.>>22845614They don’t have to be. Their fans will come either way and those fans will blackmail the rest of us through peer pressure to conform to their opinions.
Ruby was pretty brutal when she got her hands on a suit of power armor. A chain reaction of knightmare explosions because she ripped out the engine core of a vincent and caused an avalanche with it.
I like small mechs and prefer them over really giant mechs.Only time i like giant mechs are when the giant mechs are designed or have details showing the massive scale of the mechs, like having an escape ladder or walkways or structures as frame of reference that this mech is fucking huge.
>>22848898They scratch different itches for me. I like small mechs because they feel humble and go well with the mass production and militaristic feel, plus most of them rock wheels which are cool. I like big mechs because I want to stomp shit.
>>22848898Giant mechs that actually feel enormous are a rare thing to get right.
I've deviced a foolproof "is this power armor or small mech" test.1. Shut down all power and unlock all joints.2. Assume the pilot is infinitely strong.3. Tell the pilot to move. If it meaningfully moves, even partially, then it's power armor, otherwise it's a mech.Therefore, something like XCOM's MEC trooper is, indeed, a mech and not a power armor.
>>22851549What differs a small mech and an exosuit is that exosuit has the design built around the bodyshape, something like Governor from Hexagear usually wear. Small mech still function based on cockpit or seat mechanic, you sit inside then drive the thing.
>>22849015Super Robots give off the sense of scale much better. The problem with Gundam is that alot of times the writers forgot that they are supposed to be around 10 to 15 meters tall at minimum. Seeing them doing guerrilla warfare and shit like this makes me feel like they are just human sized drones.
>>22853214>Super Robots give off the sense of scale much betterThat's a question of who's doing the mecha work and how, though
>>22854384Yeah, I wouldn't say it's too closely tied to how far it leans to super or real. Orguss 02 and GR: Giant Robo manage to make things feel huge extremely well (especially the former). FMP does a decent job with its Behemoth, sometimes. Daitarn can be good about it or not feel large at all depending on the scene.
>>22853214>The problem with Gundam is that alot of times the writers forgot that they are supposed to be around 10 to 15 meters tall at minimumThis depends on the units we're talking about. Basic-bitch Feddy MSes and Zeeloogs aren't that big, roughly the size of a 2-3 story house, but Zakus and Gundams are significantly larger than their peers, kind of like the difference between a Space Marine and their chapter's Primarch.
>>22853214The thunderbolt acguy actually is much shorter than most though.
>>22854601I love how BT-sized this mfer is, cute!
>>22854597Shorter or not, they are still fucking huge regardless. Here is an Acguy kneeling. It still towers every human in the frame.
Tachikoma: the abdomen is the cockpit.
>>22848898>>22849009I think the aesthetic advantage of smaller is that they can interact more meaningfully with other vehicles, infantry, etc. A 2 meter tank for instance is going to be beneath the notice of a 20 meter robot and like an annoying fly at most, but it could be a legit threat to a 4 meter AT or a 6 meter Aura Battler. If your robot is smaller you can throw a lot more diverse cast of situations and enemies at it and - if it's a war oriented series or show - make it take part in a combined army in a way that looks really cool.Granted this "strength" is also a double edged sword: if you want your robots to feel like living GODS that are just utterly beyond everything else, then making them big enough that any other vehicle, person, or non-kaiju life form is beneath notice makes sense. I think a large part of the appeal of truly giant mecha is also the natural sense of "destruction" and havok they bring, as cool as Scopedogs are you don't get the sheer fun of them being able to punch over buildings and large structures single-handed.For me personally I kinda like a halfway point. Something like Dunbine, Escaflowne, or Patlabor where they're somewhere between 6 and 9 meters. It hits a nice sweet spot where they still feel godlike and above everything else, but still small enough to meaningfully interact with people scale stuff.
>>22859903Why not have both? Have big robots, small robots, and powerful artillery vehicles like a coilgun truck or something, that can lay a smackdown on them both if need be.